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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  May 17, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> i'm ama daetz. thanks for joining us tonight this whole week. right now on "ji >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- live cast of "all in the family" and "the jeffersons," celeste barber, bladesports champion dan keffeler, and music from slipknot. and now, stay there -- jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. thanks for the memories. that's very nice. and i needed that today, i tell you something. i'm glad we're together here on what was a bittersweet day as we mourn the passing and celebrate the life of a beloved entertainer. you probably heard this news today, but we learned today we
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lost an edinternational icon, t cherished internet sensation known as grumpy cat, dead at 7 years old. her real name was tartar sauce, which might explain why she was grumpy all the time. but the truth is, almost all cats are grumpy. she was the first cat with the courage to be honest about that, and to own her grumpiness. good-bye, grumpy cat, you will be missed. do you think tim conway and doris day are happy that three got they got an a little less coverage than grumpy cat? today is national bike to work day and national get hit by a car while biking to work day. this is something everybody should do, a great way to have fun, exercise and save the planet while also being gross at work all day. yesterday in congress, it was take the mueller report to work
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day. house democrats staged a marathon reading of the mueller report, which i tell you, nothing gets people pumped up like the 14-hour reading of a detailed government document. members of the house took turns reading excerpts of the report. most of it was pretty dry, but the highlight came from mary scanlon. >> when sessions told the president that a special counsel had been appointed, the president slumped back in his chair and said, and i quote, oh, my god, this is terrible, this is the end of my presidency, i'm [ bleep ]. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i liked it. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: i would pay an extra $2 a month for c-span after dark. president trump, he must have woke up on the wrong side of the tanning bed this morning, because yesterday he complained that conservative voices are being silenced on twitter.
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today he showed us why. at he said my campaign for president was conclusively spied on. treason means long jail sentences, and this was treason! okay. captain adderall, first of all, this idea that, you weren't spied on, the fbi, our fbi did surveillance because they were concerned because so many of your campaign associates had ties to russia. so they got a warrant, did what the fbi does, surveillance, and secondly, the surveillance happened during your campaign. even you didn't think were you going to be president. he loves to say that there's a plot to prevent him from becoming president, which who would have bothered plotting that. it would be like plotting to make sure papa johns didn't take home the world's best pizza cup.
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it's not something that was on anyone's mind. we may have to put padding on the walls of the oval office, but he was able to calm down enough to speak to the national association of realtors today where he took time to attack our former california governor jerry brown and remind those real estate agents that only he can prevent forest fires. >> clean up your forest, you won't have fires. he blames it on global i say try cleaning the floor of the forest a little bit. so you don't have four feet of leaves and broken trees that have sat there for 25 years. try cleaning the floor of the forest. >> jimmy: just clean the, you know what? mop the bottom of the ocean, too, while you're at it. it's -- [cheers and applause] all kinds of crap down there. his plan to stop forest fires is
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a roomba. a day after the president released his financial statements he posted his first golf score of the year. this is an official post from the usga website where trump claims he shot a 68, which there's no way that happened. i hear the golfers scoffing. to put that in perspective, final round of the masters, tiger woods shot a 70 and won. trump claims he shot 68. there is no aspect of his life he will not lie about. this is like if i claimed i bowled a 302. it just didn't happen, okay? this is really good. this came from a baseball game in bridgewater township, new jersey where a play by play guy gave us one of the best moments in sports broadcasting history. >> skeeters on the other time, aside from the patriots and ducks with double digit wins, 1-1, towards the broadcast booth and i make the catch on the foul
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ball! i am very proud of myself. i hope somebody got video of that! boy, am i impressive. what a play by me. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's play by play by play. well done. there's another new controversy over who might be batman. it's rumored that robert pattinson from the "twilight" movies might be the next batman. he was a vampire, now he's a bat. and of course, as soon as word got out about it, people went nuts. comic book fans haven't been this angry since every other time they announced who's playing batman. there are, there are multiple petitions to try to convince warner bros. to drop robert pattinson. they say he cannot be batman. there's a petition on the government website, about this. listen, this is not what is. don't use the same platform the mother of a sick kid uses to
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pressure the fda into approving experimental medicine to complain about batman. i know what goes on. but you know who wouldn't give a crap about who they cast as the new batman? batman. on the list of important things we need to be upset about, this is not on the list of important things. the only fake billionaire you should be worrying about is orange man, the one in the white house. [cheers and applause] thanks, everybody, right, guillermo? >> that's right, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you. robert pattinson will be fine if he's batman. if you don't like him, good news, 70% of his face will be covered by a mask. and calm down about "game of thrones." the big series finale, on hbo, everyone's trying to guess who will end up on the iron throne. to me there's only been one
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reasonable answer. this is my theory, but i believe john snow's wolf will be on the iron throne. [ applause ] you ever try to kick a dog off a couch? it's almost impossible. "game of thrones" is such a big show, even my 4-year-old daughter knows about it. she asked my wife about the dragons and wanted to see them. we had to tell her it's too scary. in the west coast it comes on at 6:00 p.m. my kids don't go to sleep until 7:00 and 8:00. so we're going to have to wait on sunday. i don't want to wait. i want to watch it at the same time as everyone else. fortunately, someone, i don't know who it was, but fortunately, someone was able to come up with this. >> behind on "game of thrones" because you watch nothing but "paw patrol"? >> entertainment is torture now. >> it doesn't have to be. with sanitize. just slip the goggles onto your child's head and watch "game of thrones" together.
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>> wow! >> the king isn't so scary, when he's king arthur. and don't worry, the red wedding won't give your kids nightmares when stark is peppa pig. that's entertainment for the whole family. no clothing? no problem. sanitize has got you covered. binge with your little ones the safe way. sanitize. >> ha, ha, curious george has a belly ache. >> thank you, sanitize. >> sanitize, the clean wray to watch tv. >> jimmy: that's a side effect. everyone's fired up about this show. and there are a lot of opinions out there, some well thought out and some not so well thought out. this week we went on the street to find the not. we asked people to share their reaction to the "game of thrones" finale that hasn't happened yet. so, again, finale's sunday.
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it hasn't been seen by anyone, but did that stop people on the street from pretending to weigh in on it? let's find out in tonight's "game of thrones" edition of "lie witness news." >> "game of thrones," series finale last weekend, epic or let down? >> epic. >> yeah? >> yeah. >> you liked it. >> yes. >> what did you think with area found the statue of liberty buried in the sand at the end. >> my thoughts were that it was a representation of like the whole seriousness of the future and like how we all crumbled, i guess, that's how i put it as. >> were you surprised when the throne started talking? >> oh, the talking throne tripped me out. it was crazy. >> do you remember what it said? >> ooh, no, i was like that's eerie for a chair to talk, you know, throne, the chair. it's talking? oh, my gosh. you know, i got roasted by my homies. >> how do you file about r. kelly's performance as the
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dragon? >> i thought it went well. i mean, there's a lot worse choices that could have been made for it, let's put it that way. >> when he told john, i believe you can fly before he got on the dragon, did you think that was tacky? >> yes, very. >> who are you rooting four, searcy or melania? >> melania. >> why? >> she's better than searcy, searcy's scary. >> raunchy. that's how i would describe it. >> did you think was sexy at all? >> it made me uncomfortable. it made me uncomfortable. but maybe a little sexy. >> when all the castrated characters had their penises grow back, were you shocked? >> oh, yeah, i was. i was definitely shocked but at the same time i was like, that's a good thing. >> yeah, you need those. >> exactly. >> were you surprised when jamie lannister died when the horse kind of fell on him? >> yeah, i was surprised, totally. >> can you describe that scene?
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>> it was, yeah, i don't know, but yeah, yeah. i think i kind of, that, but i walked out a little bit. >> you walked out? >> yeah. >> what happened? >> or right before it. >> right before it? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> where did you go? >> oh, just grabbed something and my brother came screaming and i cam running back. >> why was your brother screaming? >> because he died. >> cool. were you shocked when the throne started talking? >> that didn't happen. >> it didn't? >> is it like a trick video? this interview where you ask questions that didn't happen? and you try to see if people say yes? >> no. [ applause ] >> jimmy: they're on to us. all right, one more thing before we forge ahead. it is the end of the week. it means it's time to bleep and blur the big tv moments whether they need it or not. it's time for this week in unnecessary censorship. >> you went to these different
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party the. you and your wife. >> we [ bleep ] your wife, we all [ bleep ] your wife. >> let the journey begin. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> that's, that's some nice [ bleep ] for him to hold as we go toward the draft. >> the pred is tsident is the ue [ bleep ]. >> we had that debate before, and i said i don't [ bleep ] every day. >> i wish wide'd stop doubling down on that. >> oh, because you have those wipes. >> it could help you smell better. >> what's that? >> i think it's an airplane. >> no. it's a condor. the biggest [ bleep ] bird in the world. >> i'll solve. >> okay. >> [ bleep ]ing in the grand canyon? >> yeah, that's it. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: we've got a big show
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tonight. music from slipknot. celeste barber is here. and when we come back, we will check-in live at sony studios with some of the studded stars of wednesday night's live version of "all in the family" and "the jeffersons." when we return. we'll be right back. ♪ [cheers and applause] abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by jim beam. while america celebrated the fall of prohibition, jim beam didn't raise a single glass. he wanted his first drink to be of his own bourbon. he didn't have much money. but he did have a few friends. people who were raised the right way. over 120 days, they rebuilt the distillery. and while their names might not be on our bottle... it's because of them, we can raise this bourbon today. jim beam. raised right.
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there's thousands of ingredients out there. the freshest stuff this planet can grow. not buzzword fresh. but, actually fresh-fresh. fresh. at panera, we hand-pick berries at peak-season. use creamy avocado. cage-free eggs. and a dressing fit for a goddess. oh and every ingredient is 100% clean. come taste what a salad should be. and for your next event big or small, try panera catering. panera. food as it should be. (sheila) (neil) oh it's so good to see you. (neil) are you just hanging out with the mom's of other famous people? (oracene) what's up neil? (neil) hi venus and serena's mom. snoop dogg's mom. dwayne jonhson's mom. odell's mom. am i in trouble? (sheila) no honey there's nothing wrong. (oracene) although he does look thin. (sharon) he does look thin. (neil) and youk you? a)hoy, have you been (sharon) hgetting enough sleep? (beverly) something is off. (sharon) it's the hair. (neil) what's wrong with my hair? (gideon) it's definitely the hair.
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(neil) what? where did you - there's nothing wrong with my hair. touch shows how we really feel. but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz... the first and only treatment of its kind offering people with moderate to severe psoriasis a chance at 100% clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of people quickly saw a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. ready for a chance at 100% clear skin? ask your doctor about taltz. we'd love some help with laundry. spray and scrub anything with a stain. wash the really dirty clothes separately. new tide pods with upgraded 4-in-1 technology unleash a foolproof clean in one step.
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aww, you did the laundry! it's got to be tide.
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♪ >> jimmy: tonight, a very funny woman. she is from australia. she wrote a book called "challenge accepted" celeste barber is here. [ cheers and applause ] then, a man who knows his way around a blade. he is the reigning four-time bladesports national-champion. he is here to do things like is
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dan is going to destroy all our furniture. and later, their forthcoming album is called "we are not your kind." slipknot from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. next week we have new shows with jon hamm, jason sudeikis, lena waithe, naomi scott, ben platt, elizabeth banks, mavis staples, ben harper, jakob dylan, jade castrinos, john and ella bleu travolta, lala milan, music from chika and will smith. [ cheers and applause ] ryan seacrest was supposed to be here tonight. but he's sick. seacrest is literally out. because he has too [ bleep ] many shows. i told him to slow down and now who suffers?
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we do! that's right. we, america suffers because of that. so anyway, ryan's got his "american idol" special, finale on. but it's okay. because on wednesday night here on abc, i am moving to primetime for one night only with the legendary norman lear for a special live presentation of two of the great sitcoms in television history, "all in the family" and "the jeffersons." we have a star-studded cast. playing all the roles. and they're raersing rig are re now at sony studios. this is something we put together really quickly, but let's check in with them. anthony anderson, wanda sykes, how's it requesting, guys? >> great.
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>> we said we were going to pretend like the speaker was broken. >> what door are you standing in front of right now? >> we're actually on the set of "this is us." we are stand-ins for the cast of "this is us." that's where we're at. >> oh, look at that. it's the guy from "this is us." >> hold on. >> jimmy: it's your cookie neighbor, woody harrelson. >> i was focussed on the character there, jimmy. >> jimmy: woody is playing archie bunker, alongside marissa sew may. you're not going to wear that hat when you play archie, are you? >> no, sir. >> jimmy: marissa tomei is playing edith, bunker, wanda, you are playing louise jefferson alongside jamie foxx who is playing george jefferson, i have this all right? >> so far you do.
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>> jimmy: how's it going so far? does everybody know their lines? >> ah. >> no, we just kind of wing it a little bit, jimmy. >> they're just words on a page. >> yeah, we're trying to cut it down. >> jim burrow said feel impro advi improvise. >> jimmy: wanda you told me when i asked you to do this you started to cry, is that true? >> i really did. yes. yes. because i was so shocked that you didn't ask queen latifah first. [ laughter ] or did you? >> jimmy: she's very busy ruling over her subjects. now we had a little cast party, a dinner party at my house last night, and ellie, you were unable to make it to the cast party. >> it is my nightmare that this subject would come up. i was unable to make it.
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i am so sorry. >> jimmy: tell them why. >> it's because i'm pregnant, and i felt sick. [cheers and applause] but seriously, i've been blaming the pregnancy on so many things, and this is one of them. i i'm so sorry i wasn't there. >> jimmy: oh, i'm so sorry, we'll have to let you go. we can't have that. >> bye, ellie. >> jimmy: please don't write about this on twitter. i was just kidding. last night was one of the most, i think funniest nights of my life, and largely because anthony, i mean, largely because we all got very drunk, but also because anthony, you were just, i mean, it was really a tour deforce. you are playing uncle henry or just henry, henry jefferson, brother of george jefferson, do you remember watching "the jeffersons" as a kid? and what did that show mean to you? >> of course i remember watching
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"the jeffersons" as a kid. because of norman lear, "black-ish" is able to be on the air. and our show was created in the vein of these shows. so we owe a debt of gratitude to norm. >> jimmy: i think that is true. more than any other show, "black-ish" captures the spirit of norman lear. wanda, you left all of your clothes at my house. wanda left the house naked. >> your audience laughs, jimmy, but it's the truth, because i had to take wanda home. >> jimmy: anthony was nice. anthony's wife took wanda home, which was very, very nice. and joe vaughn was a little bit late. >> they took me to the wrong house, though, jimmy. >> jimmy: what's that? >> they took me to the wrong house. >> jimmy: a house is a house, wanda.
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a house is a house. you were a little bit late to the party. tell everyone why you were late. >> oh, man. because i, this is my first time coming to your home, jimmy, and i rode my motorcycle and i didn't realize there were so many hills. i got stuck behind somebody's escalade. so i was holding my bike behind the escalade. >> jimmy: somebody had to pick him up and abandon his bicycle at the bottom of the hill. it was a rough night for a lot of people. >> i texted you privately, but once again i will say i think it is wrong for you to invite the entire cast to your house and exclude me. i don't understand why that happened. >> but you showed up anyway. >> i was there. >> jimmy: woody, woody, are you at all nervous about playing one of the, i mean, maybe the greatest sitcom role of all time
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in american television, archie bunker, does this shake you in any way? >> well, i wasn't thinking of it that way, but now i'm quite nervous. to be honest, jimmy. why did you say that to me? >> jimmy: i'm sorry. i'm not very good in this role. thank you all for doing this. >> also it's going to be a live thing, so there's that. there's a lot of nerves, yeah. there's some nerves. >> he's not that nervous, jimmy, woody and i test drove a $3.6 million ferrari today on the lot. that's how nervous woody >> jimmy: well, thank you all for doing this and congratulations, ellie on the little one inside you. we'll see you next week. watch "all in the family" and "the jeffersons" live with an all-star cast wednesday night at 8:00 here on abc. we'll be right back with celeste barber. [ cheers and applause ]
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12:04 am
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let's roll! now that's simple, easy, awesome. get started with xfinity internet for $29.99 a month for 12 months, plus ask how to get 250 back when you switch to xfinity mobile. click, call or visit a store today. it's no ordinary day at denny's it's crepe day. a family tradition we started about twenty-two minutes ago. and from the looks of it, this tradition is going to last awhile. denny's has new crepes! see you at denny's. >> jimmy: our next guest is an australian comedian who found fame on instagram she has a new podcast called "celeste and her best" please welcome celeste
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barber. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? >> jimmy: great. >> it's nice to be here. >> jimmy: you started, you're a comedian. >> yes. >> jimmy: and you posted some stuff on instagram that was so funny, how many followers do you have? >> 5.7 million followers. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: and just kind of out of nowhere. you built it all on your own. >> yeah, it kind of was weird. i've been acting forever in australia, but no one really cared about that. but the second you post kind of semi-naked alongside kim kardashian in a dirt pile, all of a sudden i'm running for president, everyone's excited. >> jimmy: are you running for
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president now from australia? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. >> jimmy: i wanted to make that clear. for those who are not following you, i want to show what you do on the site. >> that's me. >> jimmy: when somebody famous posts a provocative photo you will duplicate it exactly. >> yes. >> jimmy: this is kim kardashian? >> yes. that's beyonce. that's not beyonce. yes. that's chloe know, in a panic room. i did that as >> ooh. yay! >> jimmy: this is a model. >> yeah, that was. i was, i was genuinely terrified on that one. >> jimmy: it looks dangerous. beautiful pool, though.
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and finally. >> there's obviously. >> jimmy: and people love it. not only do people love it. the celebrities themselves enjoy it. >> yes. they're good sports about the whole thing. people like message me, they slide right in and say hey, do a photo of me. and i'm like, i don't have enough followers, mate, sorry. >> jimmy: do you take requests? you do not take requests from these celebrities? >> sometimes, depending on the celebrity. >> jimmy: you've been invited to like these big fashion shows and this kind of thing. >> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: as a result. tom fords, w, was he a follower yours >> yeah, i'm just as shocked as you. i got an e-mail from his people saying, you know, tom ford loves you and would like to collaborate. and you know that sound an e-mail makes when it comes into your in box, that sound hasn't
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finished. i'm just sitting straight back and he flew me out for new york fashion week, obviously. >> jimmy: wow. he flew you out and everything? >> you saw the photos. >> yeah, so i was there. we did all this content together. it was awesome. i got to sit front row, shut up forever. it was amazing. >> jimmy: it was. >> no one knew who i was, so i represented, don't worry. i got there, and i was sitting next to russell westbrook and cardi b. i know, so i sat down and russell's like, hey, who are you? and i was like dits owe, wto, w hell are you? and he was like do you want a drink? now we're married. and then i turn to cardi b, hey, i hear you've just had a baby, that's awesome. you look great. and she went all dllll or whatever that sound is she makes. >> jimmy: that means she likes you when she makes that noise. >> tom ford night.
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i have to give it back. and i was like russell, i think cardi's having a stroke. no, that's her thing. >> jimmy: that's the noise she makes. that was the extent of your conversation with cardi though? >> yeah, and then i was terrified and ran away. then there was an after party which i was totally at. and somebody came up to me and was like, celeste would like you to come to a vip party and all the toms were in there. all the jimmys and everything. so i turned to my friend, and it's that moment where you're like, ah, my mate can't come with me. and when you are young, you are like, when i'm rich and famous, we'll do everything together, we will, we will, we will. but then that moment happened and i was like, ah, and i turned to my friends and went
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i'd like to hang out with forrest gump, bye! >> jimmy: were they upset with you? >> no, they got it. then i got into this little party again and russell was there and i was like, hello! and he was like no. >> jimmy: the parties get smaller and smaller, then you're left in a room by yourself. >> crying in the clothes that you still have to get back. i get to keep the clothes, just so you know. >> jimmy: this is your book. i would imagine write being a book is a tremendous undertaking. >> yeah, don't do it. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, don't. sometimes i think about it. >> it's kind of like having a baby. >> jimmy: in what way. >> i could do that. i could totally do that. i can do that, i can write a book. i'm going to do it. ah, i'm doing it, and it sucks. it's all, i hate this, i hate it. and then you're like, i'm going to die here! >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and then you do it, and you're like, oh, and then a few
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months later you're like, i could probably do that again. and your husband says no way! >> jimmy: yeah, your husband, you put him in some of the photos sometimes. >> yes, yes. >> jimmy: what does he do for a living? >> well, i've retired him. >> jimmy: you've retired him? >> he's hot for a living. he just is a very attractive man. >> jimmy: oh, i see. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: all right. that's good work if you can get into it, yeah. >> yeah, that's his job. he's a chippendale, no, he's not. >> jimmy: congratulations on all your success. what is the podcast? >> celeste and her best. >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> it's with my best friend thomas, my gay, one handed friend thomas. the first one was cindy crawford. >> jimmy: yeah, i've heard of her. >> she's new, she's doing really good things. tiffany haddish was on as well. >> jimmy: wow. that's pretty good.
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and there's the book. it's like having a baby. it's called "challenge accepted." we'll be back to chop things up with knives. there's nothing more important than the education of a young mind. let's go. let's go. let's go. except maybe being first in line to the grand opening of the world's largest rollercoaster. [ cheering ] the volkswagen atlas. more room means more fun. i'm on the pill. i'm on the pill. i'm on the pill, too.
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but it's not birth control. it's truvada for prep®, a once-daily prescription medicine for adults that, when taken every day along with using safer sex practices, can help lower my chances of getting hiv through sex. i use condoms. but i talked to my doctor about doing more. he said that because i had a higher chance of getting hiv through sex, truvada for prep could be an option for me. she also told me that truvada alone may not keep me from getting hiv. and it does not prevent other stis or pregnancy. you must be hiv-negative to take truvada for prep. so you need to get tested for hiv immediately before, and at least every 3 months, while taking truvada. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. they may do more tests to confirm you are still hiv negative. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems, kidney failure, and bone problems, which may lead to fractures. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney, bone, or liver problems,
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including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking truvada without talking to your doctor. common side effects include stomach pain, headache, and weight loss. ask your doctor about your risk of getting hiv and if truvada for prep may be right for you. i wanted to do more. that's why i'm on that pill. truvada for prep. eligible patients may pay as little as a zero dollar co-pay. find out more at (water -♪spitting sound) our thickest, toughest wipe... tackles any mess. starting a business means i have to be well rested, every night of the month. always overnight pads have up to a 2x larger back for up to 10 hours of protection. it catches leaks, so you can catch zzzzs. because my morning starts, before morning starts. always.
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it runs on doritos. want to tr[dog barks]me machine? okay. yes! [humming, thumping] this is the greatest moment of my life! get out of my yard! [birds chirping] jimmy? you're so old. [crunch!] another wireless ad. great. so many of them are full of this complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. look. sprint's going to do things differently. and let you decide for yourself. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and see the savings. if you don't love it, get your money back. see? simple. now sprint's unlimited plan comes with one of the newest phones included for just $35 a month. so switch now. for people with hearing loss, visit ((cat 2) fwhoa- so many choices! (cat 1) look- extra gravy!
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♪ if you're going to be in the l.a. area and want to see the show, call 866-jimmy tix tix tix to jimmy kimmel with numbers. so, i started with the stats regarding my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. like how humira has been prescribed to over 300,000 patients. and how many patients saw clear or almost clear skin in just 4 months - the kind of clearance that can last. humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. numbers are great. and seeing clearer skin is pretty awesome, too. that's what i call a body of proof. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had
12:21 am
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12:23 am
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♪ >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. still to come, music slipknot every year, dozens of knife enthusiasts from around the country gather at the bladesports nationals in texas to see who is the best at cutting stuff up. this year, our next guest won the title a record-tying fourth time. please welcome master bladesman dan keffeler! dan? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] dan is the champion, four times. would you consider yourself to be the michael jordan or lebron james of cutting things? >> sure, sure, of course. >> jimmy: when do you become a
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master, when you win the competition? >> when you win a couple of competitions. >> jimmy: andl you'll be going for five next time? >> going for five. >> jimmy: they set up an obstacle course? >> a cutting course. >> jimmy: you go around and have to cut things, not only cut through them but in a very precise way. >> correct. >> jimmy: what do you do for a living by the way, is this it? >> no, i make high-end custom swords and knives and i'm a chiropractor. >> jimmy: a chiropractor. [cheers and applause] >> they go together so well. >> jimmy: where's your knife? can i see -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: is it called a knife? >> a competition chopper. >> they're five-inch handles. this particular knife is my personal design that i work with a good friend of mine named
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nathan caruters. >> jimmy: he's the best. >> yeah, he is. >> jimmy: do you have to check that? >> you have to check it. >> jimmy: even a master bladesman. >> they don't let me take it on the plane. >> jimmy: there's no respect for your sport is what if it >> jo >> none. >> jimmy: there are two magic eight balls. you are going to chop them as they roll, then go to this three-put it sub cut it in ten identify slices. the coconut and pineapple, then the "us" weekly cover. you will split that directly down the middle and go to the ikea table. you will chop that. the moaning geese, you will kill those, one of those dancing tube men that's going to pop up. he's doomed. and then we've taken six bottles of tequila from guillermo's
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dressing room and you are going to chop those in one swoop. are you ready? >> i am ready. >> jimmy: let's put 90 seconds on the clock. shall i put on these goggles? >> yeah. step back a little bit. >> jimmy: 90 seconds. tell me when you're ready and i will sound the hourn. >> i am ready. >> wow! >> jimmy: oh, there's blue stuff in there. that sand switch is now not edible. don't lose the thumb. they're perfect. i get if you put those on a scale they would weigh. >> two, three, four. that's wow! w! >> jimmy: all right. and now the coconut. coconut is gone. and the pineapple is gone. this is a piece of cake.
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the "us" weekly cover. dan making his way to the ikea table which is in a great deal of trouble. good-bye, ikea. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: now say good-bye, geese. >> jimmy: oh! and one of those floating guys. oh, he is more trouble than we anticipated. oh, a little bit of trouble with the guy. and here we are at the teq teqea bottles, oh, no, what's going on. >> can i trim this for you? it's a little too long. >> jimmy: oh, you do tailoring, too, how nice. beautifully done. and six bottles of tequila, don't worry, he's got plenty moore in his dressing room. and they are
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wow. that was so good tequila. let's take a look at that in slower motion here, a little bit of trouble. maybe glass next time, you know? you did it. congratulations, that is a new show record. we've never done that ever before, so. dan keffeler! we'll be right back with slipknot. ♪ ♪ it cuts like a knife ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. man, that's a cool looking hot tub. we should check on the baby. he's so sweet. maybe too sweet?
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank our guests, apologies to damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is their album it's called "we are not your kind." here with the song "unsainted" slipknot! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ oh i'll never kill myself to save my soul i was gone but how was i to know ♪ ♪ i didn't come this far to sink so low i'm finally holding on to letting go ♪ ♪ i'm just weathering a rough patch ♪ another villain with an itch to scratch ♪
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♪ denial is the darkest when you live in a hole why does the hell make you feel so cold ♪ ♪ make a move and you pay for it pick a lord and you pray to it ♪ ♪ you're so demanding when you want the truth but your stories don't read for me ♪ ♪ oh i'll never kill myself to save my soul i was gone but how was i to know ♪ ♪ i didn't come this far to sink so low i'm finally holding on to letting go ♪ ♪ indecision overload keep a buckle on the devil and your eyes on the road ♪ ♪ reaching out for the hand of god but did you think you'd shake your own ♪ ♪ this killing field is all grown over the mother -- wants it wild go sew your oats ♪ ♪ in alphabetical order the anti-antagonist is back in style myopic ♪ ♪ cannot see straight dystopic one sin too late you got to lie ♪ ♪ if you want to believe
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but your bibles don't work on me ♪ ♪ oh i'll never kill myself to save my soul i was gone but how was i to know ♪ ♪ i didn't come this far to sink so low i'm finally holding on to letting go ♪ ♪ did you think you could win and fill me in ♪ ♪ did you think you could do it again i'm not your sin ♪ ♪ i was all that you wanted and more but you didn't want me i was more ♪
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♪ than you thought i could be so i'm setting you free i'm setting you free ♪ ♪ you've killed the saint in me how dare you martyr me ♪ ♪ you've killed the saint in me ♪ ♪ oh i'll never kill myself to save my soul i was gone but how was i to know ♪ ♪ i didn't come this far to sink so low i'm finally holding on to letting go ♪ ♪ you've killed the saint in me how dare you martyr me ♪ ♪ you've killed the saint in me how dare you martyr me ♪
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[cheers and applause] this is "nightline." tonight, mothers love, one woman's quest to try to prove her son's innocence by any means necessary. >> you were going to woo him. >> yeah, i knew i needed to use whatever i could. >> her son convicted of a murder, going undercover to secretly record a juror. her son now speaking out in jail. >> plus, an overturned conviction but still sitting behind bars. >> one of the worst things about this is people thinking i'm a murder. >> his mother's vow to win his freedom for good. "nightline" will be right back.


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