tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 23, 2019 11:35pm-12:36am PDT
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we appreciate your time. i'm >> dicky: from hollywood - it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- jason sudeikis. ben platt. and now, finally, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome. i'm the host. thank you for coming. thank you for watching. i tell you, i'm glad to be back. i was not here last night. last night i co-hosted with great norman lear. i don't normally have fun, you know that about me, right, guillermo? >> yes, jimmy.
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>> jimmy: guillermo has all the fun for me. but it was fun. everyone was nervous. the show was live. even though an oscar winner is scary, if you haven't seen it, we will have an encore performance, which means rerun here on saturday night. so the cast, aside from those i mentioned includes wanda sikes, kerry washington, jack k. harry. shawn hayes. will ferrell. we had two surprises, jennifer hudson singing the theme from "the jeffersons." and the great marla gibbs reprising her role as florence, the she rides a motorcycle to rehearsele.
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jamie foxx was in this george jefferson bald cap thing. it was hot during rehearsal. he was sweating so much, it looked like he was aqua man. looked like he needed a dry cleaner. a lot of people were crying during the show, which no one really expected would happen. one of the members of our cast, in fact, as the "all in the family" theme song started, tears started rolling down his face. he was moved and started crying. i don't want to mention his name because i don't want to embarrass him, but it rhymes with phil werrell. and i want to thank norman lear and this crew, they did such an incredible job building it. if you missed it, you can see it in its entirety, saturday night here on abc. and i want to thank lena waithe who did a great job filling in for me last night.
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[cheers and applause] you know, we want to make our guest host feel comfortable. so we set up a surprise for lena. what we had was a button. what was the button called? >> the berry button. >> jimmy: the berry button. okay. so in case something berry important came up she would push the berry button, and when she did push the berry came out, a berry named halle came out and did this. >> jimmy: i think i'm good. >> i think you need something else. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: why don't i have a berry button? the one night i'm out, you have a berry button here? >> i'll put one for next week. >> jimmy: yeah, thank yru administration, everyone's going to get fired. president trump is traveling this weekend. he's making a state visit to japan. i don't like it when he leaves the country. it makes me nervous. it's being at your wedding and
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watching your drunken uncle hit on your friends. during the trip, he will spend time with prime minister shinzo abe. and he will be the first foreign leader to meet the new emperor of japan, naruhito. they will see the pokemon movie together. donald and melania are invited to sit ring side at the national sumo wrestling finals. he's already said, i'm not sitting on the floor like everyone else, but he's bringing for the winner what he is calling the trump cop to present to the winner. they released a photo of the trump cup. as you can see, it's [ applause ] it's beautiful. the only trophy in sports that comes with a side of mashed potatoes. remember that time president bush puked on the japanese prime minister? that's about to become the
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second most embarrassing thing a president has ever done in japan. trump's on the warpath. he is lashing out once again at his former secretary of state. the "washington post" reported that rex tillerson was testifying in front of the house foreign affairs committee, and he said putin, vladimir putin got the better of trump because he outprepared him for his meeting in 2017. the way to outprepare donald trump is by preparing anything at all. it's one minute of reading. [cheers and applause] trump did not like this. he wrote rex tillerson, a man who is dumb as a rock. that's his quote, by the way. and totally ill-prepared and ill-equipped to be secretary of state made up a story. he got fired. that i was outprepared by vladimir putin in a meeting in hamburg. i don't think putin would agree. look how the u.s. is doing. he doesn't have a sense of anything, does he know that he hired rex tillerson? and does he know we, we have a
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record of his tweets. they don't just disappear like snapchat or something. does he not remember writing congratulations to rex tillerson on being sworn in as our new secretary of state? he will be a stash. now. [cheers and applause] the guy, the star is as dumb as a rock. he's dumb as a rock star is what he is now. trump's also mad at nancy pelosi right now. they had a meeting yesterday to discuss infrastructure spending, but trump stormed out after three minutes. he marched outside. he told reporters i won't work with democrats until they end their investigations of me.y pe president of having a temper tantrum in the meeting which resulted in yet another tweet. nancy pelosi said president trump had a temper tantrum, this is not true. i was purposely very polite and calm, much as i was minutes later with the press in the rose garden. can be easily proven.
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it's all such a lie. well, just for the record, he denies having a temper tantrum by having a temper tantrum. and then -- [ applause ] because that wasn't enough he gets something in his head, this event where he's going to announce subsidies to a bunch of farmers and ranchers. so these farmers and ranchers are in the room expecting to hear about subsidies, and instead they hear this. >> she said i walked into the room right next to her yesterday and walked in and started screaming and yelling. just the opposite. just the opposite. i walked out. i was so calm. you all saw me minutes later. rein,aidve news conference. so ixtre now.t, they say he was yelling. he was screaming. kellyanne, what was my temperament yesterday? >> very calm. >> what was my attitude? was i screaming? >> no. were you very calm, and were you very direct. >> he said he was stomping and
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he was this and that. larry, you were there. what was my attitude yesterday at the meeting? >> mercy's right. were you i ha you were very calm. >> what was my tone yesterday. >> very calm. i've seen both. and this was definitely not. >> i've been very consistent. i'm an extremely stable genius, okay. [ applause ] >> jimmy: he's an extremely stable genius. why can't people understand that. he's not a maniac. ask his ten terrified underlings. [cheers and applause] then nancy pelosi this morning decided to give him a little poke at his stable genius at her weekly press conference. >> again, i pray for the president of the united states. i wish his family or his administration or his staff would have an intervention.
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>> jimmy: this is now like, this is exactly what would have happened if we had a president charlie sheen. this is it. this must be getting under his thin orange skin because trump even released his spokes monsters today to address this outrageous insinuation that he is anything other than rational, reasoned and calm as the caribbean sea. >> the president said let's work on infrastructure. then he left very calmly. >> calmly. came into the room. i want to do infrastructure. i wantne.have t maken whether or not you want to work with us. >> beware the huckabeast. only dr. pimple popper can save us from it. [ applause ] this is a small, but i think delightful, detail. after he left the meeting
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yesterday he went out in the rose garden, holding hand-writing notes. if you look closely, he wrote dems have no it's amazing what comes out of your head when you live on adderall and fried chicken. donald trump jr. is writing a book. he says the book will cover opi. including his father's accomplishments in the white house. lies from the liberal media and tips for greasing your hair with a mixture of varnish and lard. djtj has not yet announced the title but i have a few ideas if he's interested. for instance, "are you there, dad, it's me the dumb one." or maybe he could call it "mopey dick", or perhaps instructional,
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"how to glue on a fake beard." his brother eric is writing a children's book called "eric shot an elphalant." i want to wish happy birthday to william barr. his kids baked him a cake, a really beautiful cake. they redacted the sentiment, but we get the idea. i thought this was nice. a special treat for bill barr's birthday, the president mixed a raw egg into his food and let him sleep at the foot of his bed. here's some excited news for the shut-ins in our audience. ford has been experimenting with self-driving delivery cars. during that experiment, they found home shoppers are frustrated by having to walk out to the curb to get their packages. so they designed a robot called digit that brings the packages from the car, well, look at the video here, and you can see the
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car. this is one of the self-driving vehicles, and this is the robot that would get out of the vehicle and walk up the stairs to your house and then blow the door off and deliver your shampoo or whatever. it's also the trailer for -- [cheers and applause] -- a new terminator movie. you know, memorial day is always a big weekend at the box office. and "aladdin", the big live action remake of "aladdin", starring will smith, is expected to be number one. whenever a big movie is released, we ask our critic, yehya to review it for us. here is yehya talking about the movie "aladdin." >> action! hi, it's me, yehya. i talk about summer movie. the summer movie, the new one by me, aladdin. aladdin talk about this boy and the boy jamba from the building,
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the building. and he got the princess, and he tell her you trust me? and she say i will. i trust you. he got, what this called, the lamp? and it come like small, smoke, big smoke. and it come who, willie smith. willie smith is in the, in the tv show, fresh fred of bel-air. and do a lot of good movie like the one called men in black and the one jump from the floor, from the air, and like the movie boxers. and he's in that movie, all bad guy in that movie, suicide squad. i love shaquille, he's very nice guy. lebron james, i don't like him. he make a lot of good movie, cartoon movie like lady she sleep a lot, she sleep long time, the american indian
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princess, called bukaponcha, and the boy who never grow up like danny devito. and the one like a long time, like the bear like no underwear, only shirt. >> you can clap now. >> go see the movie. this magic movie. i go see the movie. i see you there! >> wish! >> that's it. ♪ >> jimmy: very, very well done. all right. we've got a fun show for you tonight. jason sudeikis is here. and ben platt is here to chat and sing. we'll be right back with them, so stick around. ♪ abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by cliff bar. money... like a good, clean planet. that's better then a broken dirty one. th good,ap, non sgntd people.
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and good nutritious food. all preferable to the not so good alternatives. so, if you agree with this rogue radical thinking, give us a try. we're called clif bar. and our logo looks like this. ♪ another wireless ad. great. so many of them are full of this complicated, tricky language about their network and offers and blah blah blah. look. sprint's going to do things differently. and let you decide for yourself. they're offering a new 100% total satisfaction guarantee. try it out and see the savings. if you don't love it, get your money back. see? simple. now sprint's unlimited plan comes with one of the newest phones included for just $35 a month. so switch now. for people with hearing loss, visit a $ (vo) chili's 3 for $10 juesents celebrating because nana went blonde,
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and your 18-year-old went full gray. ♪ ♪ yeah, baby, yeah nexgard chew comes the confidence you're doing what's right to protect your dog from fleas and ticks for a full month. and it's the only chew fda approved to prevent infections that cause lyme disease. nexgard. what one little chew can do. nexgard. hey google, play g-ma's playlist. ♪ google home mini by google nest. with peak season berries, uniqcreamy avocado. and a dressing fit for a goddess. come taste what a salad should be.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight, here to chat and sing something for us from the mercedes-benz stage, his debut album is called "sing to me instead." ben platt is here. you can see ben live tomorrow night right across at the dolby theater and at radio city music hall on september 29th. next week, we will be joined by a number of luminaries including zach galifianakis, taron egerton, speaker of the house nancy pelosi, senator amy klobuchar. we will have music from alessia cara and the specials. and we have two shows in prime-time next week along with games one and two of the nba finals with jennifer aniston, adam sandler, ll cool j and an all new nba edition of mean tweets. [cheers and applause] our first guest is an
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snl alumnus and star of feature films who plays an uber-driving high school principal in the exceptionally funny movie "booksmart." it opens in theaters tomorrow. please welcome jason sudeikis. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? >> hello. oh! >> jimmy: by the way, i love bugs bunny, and people have forgotten about him. >> disney's just accumulating. you know, you work for the mouse. >> jimmy: it's every single, snoopy came back and everything, where is bugs? he's nowhere to be found? >> he took a wrong turn at albuquerque. >> jimmy: classic. >> set me up, baby, you're the best, jimmy. >> jimmy: you know what i love about bugs bunny? he's a complete [ bleep ].
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>> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: him and ernie from sesame street are like -- >> total terds. and yet absolutely my favorite guy, bugs bunny. >> jimmy: this movie that your fiance directed is fantastic. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'm sure you realize that. >> thank heavens it is. your wife's in the business. if you don't like each other's stuff, it makes it awkward. >> jimmy: absolutely. >> but it's so great. i can't say i'm proud of her, because i didn't make her, you know. >> jimmy: you can be proud of her. >> it feels awkward to say that, but i'm not surprised at all. because she kicks ass at everything she does. she has a tremendous crew, producers, and the cast is, is, yeah. incredible. >> jimmy: it's great. we're going to see a little of that later and talk about that, too. she's your fiance, how long have you guys been engaged now.
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i was totally confused by this. >> right. that's a great question. i believe since 2012. >> jimmy: since 2012. >> simpler times. >> jimmy: that was quite some time ago. >> it was. >> jimmy: that was like a whole other world ago, really. >> it was. yeah. >> jimmy: are you waiting for a new administration? [ applause ] >> yeah, yeah. there's just bigger fish to fry these days, you know? you know, we're waiting to be legal in every state. >> jimmy: that's nice. some people chose gay marriage, you guys are waiting for marijuana legalization. you were involved in a charity, there's a great and fun charity event called the big slick. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: kansas city, your hometown. >> kansas city, yeah. >> jimmy: this is, who's involved in this? paul rudd, robert riggle, >> dave keckner. the five of us all happen to be
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from, you know, the kansa you know, anat one poin paul an thinking about doing this charity, would you guys want to do it? absolutely. and a couple years later we added eric and dave, but yeah, we've been doing it, it's our tenth year. we've raised several -- >> jimmy: why is that called the big slick? >> that's a good question. originally there was an element, because paul and rob are big poker players, and i'm not a poker player at all. and it's a poker term. i think it's like an ace king. >> jimmy: okay. i didn't know that either. >> it's an ace king flop do hickey, you know, when the burner comes out and you have to d do the pony and the horse and sum it all up and it coagulates in the pot and you big slick it. >> jimmy: is it a poker tournament? >> no. it was. it was for like the first three
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years. we all stayed at a casino in kansas city, a riverboat. and i think it falls under the category of as biggie small said, more money, more problems. as we started to make more money for the hospital it became a bad look that there was honest-to-goodness gambling going on to get there. >> jimmy: the hospital didn't want your gambling money? >> or the gaming commission. i was like, hey, i'm all good with that. that's fine. we would literally have this tournament where people could say how much of the pot, if they won the whole thing, between 100% and 0% how much would they give back to the charity. all the guests, we're all 100%, but there are people literally paying, and you know the type, because you're from vegas. gamblers, gamblers don't care about sick kids at all. not at all. >> jimmy: no. >> a cat would get a world poker bid and zero. you're like, okay. interesting, all right. >> jimmy: wonderful to have you. >> and that man is our president
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now. [ applause ] >> no, no, no. no. >> jimmy: paul rudd and you went to the same high school, but not at the same time. >> not at the same time, despite him looking two years younger than me currently. yeah, mission west high school in overland park, kansas. >> jimmy: did you know of him? >> i did, i can't remember the exact timeline. i think "clueless" had come out. we had this great teacher named sally shipley which is like a john keating from "dead poets society" was a great motivator. she'd show a video, it's supposed to be like a proper new cast. and she'd pop in this video cassette. you mow, wikipedia. anyway, we, and she popped it in and showed this guy running around the school doing all this kind of like, letterman type funny, you know, man on the street kind of bits, and i was like oh, you can do that?
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she's like, can you do stuff like this. and the guy she was showing was paul. and it all in a sixth sense moment, oh, that's paul, ah. >> jimmy: and now he's "ant man." how can people go to this thing? >> you can go to the website, which i don't have memorized. if you type in big slick kansas city. i'm blanking on it now. >> jimmy: hey, congrats on the website. we'll take a break and find out what the website is, and we'll show you something from the new movie "book smart". jason sudeikis is here, we'll be right back. and then you shake it all about♪ ♪you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.♪ ♪that's what it's all about. elin, ♪you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.♪ you put your whole self out,♪ ♪you put your whole self in, and you shake it all about.♪ ♪you do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around.♪ ♪that's what it's all about.
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♪that's what it's all about.♪ ♪that's what it's all about.♪ it runs on doritos. want to tr[dog barks]me machine? okay. yes! [humming, thumping] this is the greatest moment of my life! get out of my yard! [birds chirping] jimmy? you're so old. [crunch!] ♪ ♪ wherever you are... whatever you're craving... and whenever you're craving it... doordash has the restaurants you want. delivered to your door. wherever your door happens to be. download doordash. the most restaurants across america. first order, $0 delivery fee. ♪
12:04 am
man, that's a cool looking hot tub. we should check on the baby. he's so sweet. maybe too sweet? internet's down. go! your home is only as smart as your internet. get reliable at&t fiber and get speeds up to 300 megabits per second and directv. bundle for 75 dollars a month for 12 months. limited availability. may not be in your area. more for your thing. that's our thing. call 1-800-call-att.
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i've slain your dreaded dragon. for saving the kingdom what doth thou desire? my lord? hey good knight. where are you going? ♪ ♪ climbing up on solsbury hill ♪ grab your things, salutations. coffee that is a cup above is always worth the quest. nespresso. tis all i desire. did thou bring enough for the whole kingdom? george: nespresso, what else?
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you know that nick only ran for vp because they plan the dances. that position is basically a popularity contest. he's useless. >> ladies, it's the last day. we did it. we got you through high school. can't we just graduate, head off to college, celebrate their wonderful achievement and focus on the rest of the day. >> i'm sorry, we will persist. >> jimmy: that is "book smart", starring jason sudeikis, directed by jason's long-time fiance since the70 >> when the bushes weren't jus presidents. >> jimmy: that's a% rating o
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>>. >> jimmy: which means one jerk. >> one son of a gun. >> jimmy: of everyone who said this is fantastic, one person, i don't know if it was a man. do you know who it is? >> hell, yeah, i know who it is. that's my gal's movie. you can't write. his name's [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: yeah, not just a nickname. >> he's got 99 tomorrowatoes. and that's one of them. what do you do? [ applause ] >> jimmy: do you have to audition? >> a noble profession, criticizing our -- >> jimmy: do audition y audition for olivia? 99% of those people use their machine to say how great the movie is. >> it really is. >> jimmy: it gives us insight into your brain. >> i turn into a mama bear when someone messes with my woman. yeah, it's something else.
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yeah, well-deserved. >> jimmy: did you ever think, you play a principal. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: who drives uber as well, did you ever think about being a teacher or education in any way? >> if i didn't have to go to school for it, yeah. i'm an older brother, i was a point guard. i like trying to bump people into the right direction, but no, i wasn't very good at school. i barely graduated high school. >> jimmy: that true? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. i failed english. reading and writing. that's what i do for a living. i failed in first semester and second semester in senior year. ly i had to go to summer school and night school. they had a thing where we'll let you walk and give you the binder, but there will be no diploma in it, just so my parents didn't have to be like where's your son? >> jimmy: you did one of these. >> it wasn't a surprise.
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i knew. >> jimmy: did they give you a look when they handed it to you like, hmm. >> they might as well have, yeah. the thing is, i didn't only get to do that part, there was a dance team at the school, they did a spring extravaganza and asked me to host it. and it's like, i was like sure. and in doing so, while they're changing outfits or stuff, i would tell jokes holding a microphone, wearing a tie and jeans like i was cool. and i told, i told a joke that the principal brought me in the next day and was like, what do you think you're doing? i have, i'm this close to not letting you walk at graduation. >> jimmy: oh, really? wow. like breaking your legs? >> no, no, no, no. no, no. >> jimmy: this is a hard core teacher. >> you went to high school in vegas. i get it. >> jimmy: different thing. >> different time. but we, yeah. i told this joke, and it's a
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simple joke. you know, i made a joke, because it was all set at a tv thing, and you have a remote control, and i'd click to each different dance, oh, should i watch the golf channel? mm, it reminds me of this golf pro teaching this woman how to work on her stroke. and, and he's giving her a little lesson and she goes off to play. he goes back in the pro shop. about 20 minutes later she comes hobbling in and he says what's wrong, what's wrong. and he she says i got stung by a bee? and i go where? and he, between hole number one and hole number two. and he goes, the problem is your stance is too wide. my dad nknew the punch line, because i probably got it from one of his playb magazines,
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and he goes, jace, i can't believe you did that, i almost yelled out "don't do it "! >> jimmy: are your kids funny? >> yeah, they are. >> jimmy: you brought a video of the kids. does it need to be set up in any way? do you want to drink while do you it? >> yeah, what do you do? so being out here on sunday mornings, the last month, we've been watching snl while the kids are watching breakfast. >> jimmy: you tape it and watch it in the morning. >> yeah, and usually all that stuff goes over the kids' heads. the political stuff, the raunchy stuff. they had a joke on weekend update where they were talking about arthur, they're not showing it in places because -- >> jimmy: gay marriage. >> gay marriage, exactly. and the thing is they found it odd because peppa pig looks like
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a full-on penis. two things my kids know very well is peppa pig and penis. because one's 5 and one has one and the other is 2 and half and wants one. and they repeat it. that's first video. >> peppa pig is a full-on penis. >> peppa pig is a penis. peppa pig is a penis. >> peppa pig has a penis in her bagina. >> jimmy: the sneeze is so cute. that word makes me sneeze sometimes. >> peppa pig has a bagina.
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>> jimmy: the whole family is me term., hey'relely goi t >> jimmy: "book smart" opens tomorrow. thank you. we'll be right back with ben platt. actually know n't think many people the level of science that's filled into that bottle. back in time, it took carlsberg several years to produce a new beer. but using microsoft artificial intelligence, we will be able to detect new flavors in a split second and develop better beers faster. with ai, we redefine what's possible. so cheers! alright, let's get going! and you want to make sure to aim it. i'm aiming it. ohhhhhhh! i ordered it for everyone.
12:14 am
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what is that? uh mine, why? it's just that it's... lavender. yes it is, it's for men but i like the smell of it laughs ♪ ♪ a clean classroom is the beginning. what comes next is everything. bonnie made a friend in class. clorox kills 99.9% of germs. meet forky... awwwww! see toy story 4. in theaters june 21st rated g a crowd-pleasing variety chilof five amazing entrées, served with a starter and drink for just $10. lunch with your best friend and her kid, who is awkwardly staring at your kid. ♪ ♪ yeah, baby, yeah
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ahhh... can we keep him? what do you see in your cheetos? than the education there'sof a young mind.portant let's go. let's go. let's go. except maybe being first in line to the grand opening of the world's largest rollercoaster. [ cheering ] the volkswagen atlas. more room means more fun. now we look good, right? be! ld navy, always! oh, gingham and dots! what's good here? nothing, i just come for the outfits. hurry in for fifty percent off all tees, tanks, shorts and swim. now, at old navy.
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(cheers, applause) we hide hotel names. so you can score 4 star hotels at 2 star prices. (cheers, applause) ♪h-o-t-w-i-r-e♪ (chicken cackles) (woman) ♪h-o(man)i-r-e have you smeno.d this litter? (woman) nobody has! it's unscented! (vo) tidy cats free & clean unscented. powerful odor control with activated charcoal. free of dyes. free of fragrances. unscented odor control like that? try tidy cats free & clean. tlet's go mets! go time daddy! [ giggling ] ohhhh man. took my hat off. [ "to love somebody" by bee gees playing ] that's crazy! [ crowd cheering ] [ screaming ] let's go mets!
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♪ >> jimmy: our next guest is a multi-talented young man who at 25, is just an 'o' shy of the coveted e-got. his debut album is called "sing to me instead." please welcome ben platt. [cheers and applause] ♪ i like that suit. it's very stylish. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: as i mentioned, you got an emmy, a grammy and a tony. >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: tell everyone how old you are so everyone can hate you officially. >> i am 25 years old. >> jimmy: 25 years old. >> last i checked. >> jimmy: and you've had it for like two years. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: so what's the plan for the o? do you have, have you targeted
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it? >> i'm trying not to rush to it. because then i feel like once it happens everyone's like see you later, game over. >> jimmy: no, no, no. it puts you in a special stratosphere, like you and rita moreno. >> i know, similarly with relationships, if you look for it too much, it never comes. i'm just trying to let it come to me. >> jimmy: so you will not be trying to get an oscar on tinder. >> maybe j swipe. >> jimmy: j swipe? >> that's the jewish one. >> jimmy: why does it sound like you have a cold, j-swipe. you get a lot of famous people coming to the shows, right? >> indeed. >> jimmy: do you notice that they're there? >> always, always. i spent a lot of the time looking out at the crowd. there's no way i'm not going to spot people, especially when it's someone like beyonce, when
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you can see the outline of the hair. >> jimmy: then does beyonce come back stage to meet you? >> she did. i kind of consider my life before beyonce and after beyonce. >> jimmy: i think we all do, really. >> jimmy: is she the most famous person to see you? >> yes, i had hlaur way. >> jimmy: she came out of the forest. >> yes, mid hike. we felt like we had to apologize on behalf of human kind. >> jimmy: oh, you did. >> but she couldn't have been lovelier. >> jimmy: she was in decent spirits. >> the show was kind of a downer. everyone's a little messy at the end. >> jimmy: can you imagine what it's like to be her and have everyone coming up to her all the time, oh. all right, it's been two years already. so this is your album. >> yes, it is. >> jimmy: it is your first solo album. there are you lounging on the
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floor. what does "sing to me instead" mean? are you expecting something else? >> it's a couple things. for me, emotions and experiences are best processed through singing and music. i think it's like a little bit of a shady reason for it. i find that a lot of pop music is filmed with production and electronics and lots of other things besides singing and song writing. i thought instead of all that noise, let me just sing to you. >> jimmy: you don't do any of that stuff. you're up there on stage. is it different for you being alone and singing these songs that are your songs, compared to being on a stage with a group of people doing songs that are popular and known? >> very. it's a, there's no safety net really, and there's no kind of wall between the crowd and i. it's a lot more participatory. i get to be in my own skin which is really nice. usually it's encouraging participation, people knowing
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the words, which is really awesome. >> jimmy: your fans already know the words. that's weird, isn't it? >> it's bizarre. it's like, i'm here to sing for you, so let me sing for a second. >> jimmy: you called it "sing to me instead." it's your fault. >> i want to hear your voice. i can point the crowd. take a breather. >> jimmy: i didn't realize that was singers being lazy. i didn't know that. wow. how about that. and do you feel, do you try to make love to the audience when you're on stage? >> appropriately and with consent, yes. i try to. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: coming from acting. >> sure. >> jimmy: do you file lieel lik you're acting when you're on stage? >>os challenging part of this transition, what skills can i use to heighten the music to make it yoemsopposed t.
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but it's a fun line to ride and the crowd's been really -- >> jimmy: when you say skills and tools, what do you mean? dancing? or juggling? >> i have one dance move i use over and over again that seems to go over well that i totally stole from nick lieberman, my best friend in school. he taught me the dance when we were young. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> so i use his one thing. >> jimmy: oh, so you went to the lieberman school of dance. >> oh, yes. are you an alumni as well? >> jimmy: what is his one dance move that he taught you, can you demonstrate it? [ applause ] >> it's sort of a mashed potato. a modified mashed potato. and nikki's spaghetti. it's moving side to side at the same time, so it's a little bit of this.
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[cheers and applause] it goes well. that's all you got to do. >> jimmy: especially for young people who want to learn to dance like nick lieberman. what song are you going to like nick >> it's one of the ones here. >> jimmy: when we come back, ben is going to sing to us instead. we'll be right back. >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel concert series is presented by mercedes benz, the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes- benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank jason sudeikis. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. nightline is next but first, this is his album "sing to me instead." here with the song "grow as we go," ben platt! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ you say there's so much you don't know
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you need to go♪ be alone 'cause you think you won't find it tied♪ ♪ to someone else who said it's true that the growing♪ ♪ only happens on your own they don't know me and you♪ ♪ i don't think you have to leave if to change♪ ♪ is what you need you can change right next to me when you're high♪ ♪ i'll take the lows you can ebb and i can flow♪ ♪ and we'll take it slow and grow as we go ooh♪
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♪ grow as we go ooh you won't be the only one♪ ♪ i am unfinished i've got so much left to learn i don't know how♪ ♪ this river runs but i'd like the company through every♪ ♪ twist and turn who said it's true that the growing♪ ♪ only happens on your own they don't know me and you♪ ♪ you don't ever is what you need♪ ♪ you can change right next to me when you're high i'll take♪ ♪ the lows
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you can ebb and i can flow and we'll take♪ ♪ it slow and grow as we go ooh and grow as we go♪ ♪ ooh grow as we go ooh grow as we go♪ ♪ ooh i don't know who we'll become ahh ah ah♪ ♪ i can't promise it's not written in the i lieve♪ it's done oo we're gonna see that it was♪ ♪ better that we grew up together tell me you don't wanna♪ ♪ leave 'cause if change is what you need
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this is "nightline." tonight, this is farrah fawcett. videos revealing her brave battle with cancer. >> i will not go gentle into that goodnight. >> the day she shaved off her signature locks. why her friends say she kept the camera rolling. >> we just started filming everything, and it was just the two of us. >> remembering an all-american icon. her rise to fame from '70s it girl to angel. and the secrets behind that iconic poster. >> it's sexy because that's my figure. >> this special edition of "nightline," this is farrah fawcett
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