tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 28, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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>> that's our report. thanks for joining us. >> good night. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- taron egerton, senator amy klobuchar, and music from the specials. and now, suddenly, jimmy kimmel! ♪ >> jimmy: welcome, thank you. hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the most of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. sit, please. i appreciate that. we are back to work after we had an extra day off of work for memorial day. this is a big travel weekend, and you can really see why when you travel. there's no better way to kick off summer than by listening to
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your kids fighting over an ipad in the back seat in a car that smells like gogurt. the president is back from japan. a few years back when he was not president, he tweeted, does president obama ever discuss the sneak attack on pearl harbor while he's in japan? thousands of american lives lost. needless to say, trump opted not to bring it up either while he was there. instead, he went to see obese men fight in diapers. the president and first lady went to a sumo wrestling event at the invitation of the japanese prime minister. as you can see in the background, they had the time of their lives. they really ate it up. trump loved, he loved the sumo so much he's planning to make chris christie and bill barr roll around in the oval office in underpants back home.
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at the end of the match, trump entered the dohyo where he presented the winner with this understated, elegant trophy. he calls this the united states president's cup. this is a trophy he came up with, and he pointed out, he paid for himself. then the trumps had dinner with prime minister abe and his wife at an robatiaki restaurant, they cook the meat over a little fire in front of your table. >> i just want to thank you. that was an incredible evening at sumo, sumo wrestling, a very anshens sport. so it was really great. thank you very much for being here. >> jimmy: it's a dangerous move for someone who uses that much hair spray. abe took trump to play golf. they had cheeseburgers together. it was like a divorced dad spending the weekend with his teenaged son. meanwhile, kim jong un did his best to spoil the visit by
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testing ballistic missiles earlier this month over the sea of japan. and the north koreans are also lashing out add joe biden. they called him a fool of low iq. and of course our president was offended by -- oh, no, he ate it up like a bucket of extra crispy chicken. he tweeted, north korea fired up some small weapons which disturbed some of my people and others, but not me. i have confidence he will keep his promise to me, and also smiled when he called joe biden low iq. the signal is he knows how to spell biden, and you don't. so then -- [cheers and applause] keep in mind he's in japan. everyone went nuts over the fact that he would side with a murderous dictator over a former
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american vice president. he defended himself, saying i was sticking up for sleepy joe biden while on foreign soil. kim jong un called him a low iq idiot and many other things while i called him a low iq individual. who could be upset with that? it's completely insane. meanwhile, we have more shenanigans when it comes to climate change. the white house wants to limit studies even global warming beyond 20 years. so they would only be allowed to make projections up to 2040 and not beyond. basically, trump's the executive at the beginning of every jurassic park movie. i think his attitude is i'm not going to be here in 21 years,
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that's don jr. and eric's problem. it's all of our problems, it's our children's problem. and if the world becomes a hellish nightmare 20 years from now, i won't ever be able to realize my dream of becoming a semi-retired product endorser like this. >> the following messages is advertising targeted at old people. >> jimmy: at my age, taking a path can be a dangerous game. the slipping, sliding. who needs it. why risk your very fragile body getting in the tub when the tub can come to you. bathtub pants. pants that are a bathtub. made with 100% rubber. the same material used to make yoga balls. sound too good to be true? just listen to these satisfied bathers. >> i can take a bubble bath and
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golf at the same time. thanks to my bathtub pants, i can take a bath and play with my grandkids at the same time. >> yuck! >> i wear bathtub pants, because there's no safer bath than the one in your pants. >> call 1- 800-pants bath to order now. order now. >> jim my: we have a special show for you tonight. literally, we have music tonight from the specials. taron egerton. he plays elton john. and from the state of minnesota, one of the many people running for president, senator amy klobuchar. there are a lot of democrats in the race right now. and we'll hear more about them
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over the coming year, so we've come up with a song to help you remember their names. can you give me some music please? ♪ booker sanders warren delaney or klobuchar biden ♪ [cheers and applause] now that you know the words, sing along with me. here we go ♪ booker sanders warren harris nas am bennett ensly. hickenlooper gabbard castro gillibrand de blasio swalwell moulton gravel ♪ [cheers and applause] probably should have rehearsed that, but you know. this is the kind of fighter the democrats could really use in this race. it's a feisty meteorologist who
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works at our local abc affiliate in dayton, ohio. last night there was a very serious tornado warning in dayton, ohio. i think the tornado's like ten miles tall. naturally, they broke in live to warn their viewers. unfortunately, they broke in during the bachelorette, which resulted in some angry feedback from fans of hannah b, who tornado or not, did not want her interrupted. >> we have viewers complaining already. just go back to the show. no, we're not going back to the show, folks, this is a dangerous situation. think about this if this was your neighborhood. i'm sick and tired of people complaining about this. our job here is to keep people safe. that is what we're going to do. some of you complain this is all about my ego. stop, just stop right now. it's not. i'm done with you people, i
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really am. this is pathetic. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: he's there for the right reason. the weatherman becomes the storm! there's another thing we have to worry about. the world health organization has added a new disease to their long list of them called gaming disorder. it's an addiction to video games. according to the w.h.o., it's marked by a pattern of persistent repeated gaming behavior. and continuation or escalation of gaming despite the occurrence of negative consequences. that's gaming disorder, a-k-a gdvd. in my day, playing video games for 20 hours straight wasn't a disorder. it was called college.
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it was what separated the pac boys from the pac men. now i think we might have to start knock lating children against fortnight. when i was a kid you learn in school how to tell time. they'd have the thing with all the clocks and you had to write in the time. now we all have phones and we look at it and know. and it made me wonder if young people even know how to read an old-time clock anymore. you know, the round things with the hands? so anyway, we went out on the street and asked people to tell us what time it is, using an analog clock, and it's time to find out how they did in tonight's edition of "can you d" >> can you do it! >> i got a question for you. >> sure. >> can you look at this and tell me what time it is? >> oh, no. no.
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i can't. >> it is four, like >> it's two -- i want to say, no, not 45. >> chris, let me ask you this. where do you go to college? >> uc arlington. >> you want to say anything to your teachers in college? >> no. because they will be disappointed that i have not read a clock like this since elementary school. >> oh, man, it is 8:10? 8:17. no? >> a.m. or >> last we checked, he's still out there. we have a good show, music from the specials. sena senator amy klobuchar. and we'll be back
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. abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by jimmy john's. abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by jimmy john's. . that's why we only deliver within 5 minutes of our stores and not... and not farther. ...he's new. if you're in the zone or in the store, you can get a freaky fresh® sandwich. jimmy john's because sandwich. ♪
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do you (low battery sound.) want a charge? yeah (battery charging.) ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ what you think of me now? thank you so much. (battery charging.) ♪ how ya like that? ♪ what you think of me now? ♪ how ya like that? ♪ what you think of me now? nexgard chew comes power, confidence, reassurance you're doing what's right to protect your dog from fleas and ticks for a full month. this one little nexgard chew is the #1 vet recommended protection. and it's the only chew fda approved to prevent infections that cause lyme disease. plus, it's safe for puppies. there's a lot of power in this one little nexgard chew.
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight, she is a senator from minnesota, and she's running for president too. senator amy klobuchar is here. then their latest album is called "encore." the specials from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. you can see the specials live saturday night at the novo theater. and tomorrow is the specials day here in los angeles. by order of the city council. they have a day. [cheers and applause] it's a special day.
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dickey, do the mighty, mighty boss tones have a day? >> dicky: in boston they do. just in boston. >> jimmy: just in boston. >> dicky: downtown boston, on one street. >> jimmy: later this week, have new shows with zach galifianakis, speaker of the house nancy pelosi, music from alessia cara. and on thursday night we are in primetime for game 1 of the nba finals with jennifer aniston and adam sandler and an all-nba edition of "mean tweets." that's thursday at 8/7 central and after the game on the west coast, here on abc. not since a young daniel radcliffe in "harry potter" has a british actor had such a big pair of eyeglasses as to fill as our first guest does. starting friday, you can see and hear him as the great elton john in "rocketman." please say hello to taron egerton. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> jimmy: how are you? >> thank you. >> jimmy: were you bald last time you were here. >> last time i was bald, now i'm not. that was just after we'd finished filming "rocketman." and we dyed it orange, thinned my hairline out and it grew back. >> jimmy: were you ever worried it might not grow back? >> every single day. >> jimmy: i worry about that sometimes. if i shave my head, maybe it won't come back and that would be it. >> the anxiety is massive. >> jimmy: i thought you were terrific in the movie. >> thank you, thank you. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: i was wondering after president trump called kim jong un rocket man. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did anybody say hey, do we need to rethink the title? >> no. it crossed my mind.
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>> jimmy: it did? >> the only other thing i thought it could have been was "i'm still standing." >> jimmy: yeah, or "tiny dancer." >> any of the above. >> jimmy: you were running over alternate titles, but nobody else was. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you know there was another movie called "rocket man"? >> really? >> jimmy: this is a real movie from 1997, starring harlan williams. >> that's exactly how i look in rocket man. >> jimmy: in this one, i did not see this film, but it would seem that he died in space. >> yeah. >> jimmy: not quite the fun of the movie that you made. >> no. >> jimmy: there you go. you saw the premiere with elton john. >> i did, yeah. >> jimmy: what was that like? >> we had this incredible experience. we premiered the movie at cannes. and i'd never been to cannes. >> jimmy: none of us have. >> good. we've got something in common already. this is going to go very well.
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but apparently, i've been led to believe they can be a little cold if they don't approve. and i've even heard rumors that they can boo. >> jimmy: yeah, they do boo sometimes. >> so i was understandably quite nervous going in, and i found out, i wasn't sitting next to elton. and then the lovely people from the marketing department said well, he's going to sit between his friend of 50 years and his husband, and i was like, all right, all right. >> jimmy: you're him. you're even closer to him than them. >> so i sat here, elton john, david furnish. and we watch the whole movie, this kind of angle, you know, to try and ascertain if they approved. >> jimmy: had he not seen anything before? >> he'd seen bits, rushes, daily, and the trailer, several million times. >> jimmy: not the whole movie. >> not the whole movie. it was the first time i'd seep
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it with all the finished effects and everything. and to see them watch the scene in which they meet in 1968 or whatever and be grabbing each other. >> jimmy: bernie? >> bernie and elton. and at the end of the movie, elton, about 50 minutes before the end, elton absolutely broke down. he was blubbering. so the lights come up. and i'm very moved because elton is moved. but elton, because he's an old pro has managed to get himself looking immaculate again, whereas i'm just melting with all these cameras on me. but it was amazing. i was visualizing scenarios in which we'd get booed. and we received a four-minute standing ovation. >> jimmy: yeah, that's good. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: and the reviews have been great, too. do you look at that storts of thing? >> i try to avoid reviews, but elton sends me them every day. >> jimmy: he does? >> he's sort of vetting my
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reviews. i'm sure there are bad ones he's not sending. >> jimmy: he e-mails you? >> he e-mails me and with the same title every time. "and another one". >> jimmy: is there a word from one of his songs? >> no. >> jimmy: is it anything fun? >> no, it's quite pedestrian. like i'm treading in dangerous. >> jimmy: people wiped nd up geg into his bank account and you're in trouble. it's an auto biography or a biography of elton. of course because it is, there are a lot sex and drugs. >> there's a bit of that, yeah. there's a bit of that. >> jimmy: is that cool with like your family? is there anyone in your family that's -- >> yeah, actually, my uncle. >> jimmy: it's always an uncle. >> isn't it always an uncle of weddings and things? he's an older welsh gentleman,
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quite traditional. in no way prejudiced but quite traditional. can i swear? >> jimmy: we'd love it if you did. >> very silent during mine and richard madden's love scene, apart from [ bleep ] really loudly. which i rather enjoyed. . >> jimmy: your other relatives reported this to you? >> yeah, they did, my aunt did. she texted me immediately. >> jimmy: one question the movie does not answer, what the hell h does "benny and the jets" mean? do you have any idea? >> i have no idea, and i never asked bernie. we take the songs and use them to tell the story. "benny and the jets" is all about excess and darkness and sort of anger and frustration. >> jimmy: when we come back we're going to see a clip from the movie. when you see it, taron is
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actually singing. we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by applebee's new loaded fajitas. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ applebee's new loaded fajitas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. applebee's new loaded fajitas. this network saved my life. my car was swept away in a flash flood. after about five hours, a lot of phone calls, they sent a helicopter, picked me up to safety. (vo) the network more people rely on, gives you more. like big savings on our best phones when you switch. that's verizon. ♪ i want it all ♪ ♪ 'cause there's nothing like this feeling, baby ♪ now that i've found you ♪ ♪ now that i've found you ♪
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george: nespresso, what else? have fast internet a littland now the besthat you mobile network too? yeah and get them together and save hundreds on your wireless bill. wow, that's great. oh, and this looks great. are these words for sale? no. go, go, go, go. now you can get fast, reliable internet and save hundreds on your wireless bill. that's simple, easy, awesome. taxi! should i have stopped her? get started with a limited time offer on xfinity internet for $19.99 a month for 12 months, plus ask how to get two-hundred-fifty back when you switch to xfinity mobile.
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♪ ♪ and i think it's going to be a long long time ♪ ♪ touchdown brings me around to find ♪ ♪ i'm not the man you think i am at home ♪ ♪ oh, no, no, no, no ♪ i'm a rocket man ♪ rocket ♪ ♪ and i think it's going to be a long long time ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: that is taron egerton in "rocket man". i remember that so well when elton john sang at dodger stadium. i don't know that anybody had done that before. nice hit by the way. >> me hitting the baseball. i said to the director, let's just do it because i'm going to make a fool of myself.
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i hit that thing every time. >> jimmy: really? >> every time. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: had you ever played baseball before? >> never played baseball before. and i tried to do it again afterwards, and i missed it every time. i must have just been channeling the big man. >> jimmy: you're thinking the singing is what i have to nail and somebody gives you a baseball. >> somebody gives me a baseball bat. >> jimmy: how about the singing? you did all your own singing. >> i did. >> jimmy: you did a great job with that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: what is the hardest elton john song to sing? >> i don't know. elton said at the start of the process, you're ballad singer, you can hold the tune. the faster songs will be the challenge. i was dreadful at it. one of the last things we recorded, about four or five months into the process was "pinball wizard", and i e-mailed
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him a rough mix after a few drinks to see what he thought. and i just wrote back you've got it now. and that was very lovely. >> jimmy: when you say you were dreadful, did others agree you were dreadful? >> no, but you know everyone's being nice and you can tell. >> jimmy: can you tell when they're being nice. elton included? >> he's very supportive. he's not always nice, but he's very supportive. he's the best. >> jimmy: have you become like, you think you will have a life-long friendship with elton john now? >> oh, it sounds so weird to say, i love him. and he, you know, he wrote me a very beautiful note on the day of the cannes premiere. and he said we're cut from the same cloth, and i hope i'm here for many years to come to be your touchstone. >> jimmy: that's very sweet. do you, have you been to his house? >> i have.
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>> jimmy: you have. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: what's his house like? >> it's big. >> jimmy: more than three bedrooms? >> i think so, yes. >> jimmy: i imagined it, yeah. >> the guest room i stayed in is known as the cat room. and it's full of ornamental cats. >> jimmy: ornamental. >> which for some people is very nice. for some people it wouldn't be what you would want. it smells fantastic. >> jimmy: it does not smell like cats? >> it does not smell like cats. that's the puty of tbeauty of t ornamental ones. >> jimmy: is there a huge piano? >> there's a huge piano but you can't play it because it's covered in things like ornamental cats. >> jimmy: what? >> i think he plays so much on the road that when he's home he wants to be dad. and do the family thing. >> jimmy: do you think he's taken that much of a shine to you that he's put you in the will, given you a few ornamental
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cats or something like that. >> i might get a doormat or something like that. >> jimmy: i would hope so. great job in the movie. it's called "rocket man." it opens in theaters friday. we'll be right back with senator klobuchar. oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (announcer) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? and you may lose weight. in the same one-year study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. oh! up to 12 pounds? a two-year study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. oh! no increased risk? ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. do not share needles or pens. don't reuse needles. do not take ozempic® if you have a personal or family history
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>> jimmy: thanks for coming all the way out here. >> thank you. >> jimmy: why are you running for president? i mean, there are so many people running for president. is it one of those things where you look at donald trump and you go, i could certainly do that? did he inspire you in a way? >> of course he did. first of all, it's good to sit down with someone who's not running for president. >> jimmy: give me some time. >> oh, i see. >> jimmy: no, that will never happen. >> first of all, what makes me different, one, i'm a woman. there's not that many of us. >> jimmy: i was going to mention that. >> and i say may the best woman win. secondly, i am from the midwest. and, as you know in 2016 we had some trouble winning the midwest, and i have won all these rural counties. every congressional district that's red in my district over and over again. i am someone who gets things done. and last time i checked the american people actually care about that. and finally, i am the only candidate of all of them that
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announced my candidacy in a gigantic snow globe and had eight inches of snow on my head. >> jimmy: you did do that. >> showing that i have the grit to beat this guy. >> jimmy: or just a bad travel agent. so you, it was your birthday this weekend, happy birthday. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you spent it at a rally. >> with my husband. it was very romantic. thousands of people from iowa and some cows. that was it. it was very good. >> jimmy: did you have a party of any kind while you were in iowa? >> i did. i had a big birthday cake many times and he gave me a really cool gift for driving around iowa, auto bingo. >> jimmy: bingo you play in the car? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how many people can play? >> four. >> jimmy: so you're guaranteed to win a lot. >> of course, that was my point. >> jimmy: now you told a story at one of these rallies this weekend that i found so interesting about the late senator john mccain.
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you and, correct me if i have any of the details wrong, but it was you, senator sanders, at trump's inauguration and he began reciting the names of dictators during trump's speech, is that correct? >> he was mentioning part of the speech and mentioning dictator speeches. >> jimmy: was he doing it to make you guys laugh? >> no. >> jimmy: he was not. >> he was doing it because of his concern about what this meant with this president. >> jimmy: was hitler in there? >> no. >> jimmy: well, trump's got to be flattered about that. what about stalin. >> no, he was not. i think the point of the story was that john mccain was a student of history. and so he knew what was coming. he knew these cries for isolationism, what that meant if we don't stand with our allies, what that meant for america's standing in the world. and that's what he was doing. he said things similar to this
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publicly as well. >> jimmy: why don't, and i know there are a couple who do, but why don't many of his republican colleagues agree with that sentiment? are they scared because trump is so popular to stand up to him? >> i think they do get scared. i think they're scared of getting a primary against someone who is more right wing, more extreme, and it's just another reason why i want to become the president. i think we need someone that's going to be able to work with them, to stand up to this, to find common ground where we can, to get things done. responding to climate change. the guy's moved us backwards. bringing down the cost of prescription drugs. washington has done nothing. and he made so many promises so the people of this country when he ran for election, and he hasn't come through. >> jimmy: some of the promises that he made we hope he doesn't come through on. [ applause ] >> jimmy: i think we should maybe not push that one. you were a prosecuting attorney
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in minnesota and decided to run for, in, for political office pause yo because your daughter had health issues. >> right. i actually hadn't held any office before. and when she was born, similar to the story of your son, we thought everything was fine, and an all of a sudden a few hours later the nurse comes running in and says she can't swallow, she can't swallow. we got up. we had all this little baby, x ray after x ray after x ray. they thought she had a tumor. she was in intensive care. and it took about a year and a half before she started eating on her own without being fed through a tube. and that really taught me a few things, as it did you, one, to make sure everyone got that kind of health care like we got. two, understand what people with kids with disabilities go through, even though that didn't turn out what was wrong with her, but it's made me a lifetime advocate for that. and back then i was kicked out of the hospital in 24 hours even
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though i'd been up all night. we didn't know if she was going to survive. that was the rule back then. then i went to the legislature, never holding office, worked with people and got one of the first laws in the nation passed, guaranteed moms of a new baby 48 hour hospital stay. the insurance lobbyists were trying to delay it so it would take effect later. >> jimmy: oh. >> and they didn't want to tell anyone. so i brought six pregnant friends to the conference committee. they outnumbered them two to one. and when the legislate you ares said when should this take effect? they all raised their hand and said now. that's exactly what happened. >> jimmy: now it's become a federal. >> yeah. now it's a federal law. >> jimmy: you put an initiative forward to support people who have mental health issues and to
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fight addiction, substance addiction. and it's inspired, in a way, by your father. >> yeah. >> jimmy: who was a local personality in your town. >> yes, my dad had a number of dwis, struggled with alcoholism. when he got to his third, right before i was going to get married he had to face jail or treatment. and he picked treatment. and in his words he was pursued by grace. and i truly believe everyone in america, whether they are dealing with mental health or addiction to opioids or alcohol or meth, they have that same right. and i can't tell you how many people come up to me and say i don't know where to go for help. there aren't enough beds in my state for my son who has a mental health problem. we are, my kids in the court system now, and they just need a drug court so they can help them. so i just believe we should be able to do this in this great country. >> jimmy: of course. >> all we hear is talk. there's actually a way to pay
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for it. part of it is holding those responsible who got people addicted in the first place. that's pharmaceutical companies. we can get this done. >> jimmy: will this mental health assistance be available to our commander in chief as well? do you think the president is crazy? >> i think that the president is not doing his job for this country. i think that he is inconsistent. he's governing by chaos. he is someone that divides people every single morning. he sends out a tweet, that, to me, as a leader, you bring people together. sure, they have different views than you do. but your job is to bring them together. instead, he likes to create these wedges to keep his base happy, going after immigrants, going after people of color, going after john mccain, going after, you know, sending out a doctored video of nancy pelosi. these are not things that are good, strong leader does. >> jimmy: so yeah, he's crazy.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: all right, so i want to offer you a little bit of constructive criticism. >> oh, yeah, please. no one's watching. so just tell me. yeah. >> jimmy: there are a lot of people in this race. and you have to set yourself apart. i know your slogan is amy for america. and i mean, it's fine for student council. but for presidency, you have to have something really good, all right? >> you got something for me? >> jimmy: we'll see what you think. >> okay. >> jimmy: so this one, a play on your last name. klo with the flow. >> okay. that is almost as good as my elementary school campaign, which was all the way with amy k. >> jimmy: even that's better than amy for america. it does have a sexual connotation, yes. here's a red hat. when they go klo, we go >> those are really helpful. >> jimmy: here we go.
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it's >> these are so great. we don't have quite as much much as some of the other candidates, and you've really provided me with millions of dollars of consultant help right here. >> jimmy: here you go. senator klobuchar, everybody. we'll be right back with the specials. ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. man, that's a cool looking hot tub.
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and all that glitters isn't gold ♪ ♪ ♪ you're all so drunk on money and power inside your ivory tower ♪ ♪ teaching us not to be smart making laws that serve to protect you ♪ ♪ but we will never forget that you tore our families apart ♪ ♪ there are no rocks at rockaway beach and all that glitters isn't gold ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." tonight, darkness to light. once on top of the world, former nba star lamar odom revealing for the first time a life from triumphs and tragedies. >> what was your drug of choice? >> the vices rampant during his high-profile marriage to khloe kardashian. sending him on a path of self-destruction that nearly cost him everything. plus, starting a new chapter. the near-death experience shattering his family. >> thought it was going to be my last moments with him. i couldn't believe it. >> shocking lamar to hit the restart button. the battle t s
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