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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  July 26, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PDT

1:42 am
>> mom's got tunes but no fans. >> are you still singing lady? >> why there will not be an encore. >> round and round -- >> no. >> we're riding along with this guy on what looks like a scooter perhaps but right in front of us there is a heist going on. >> look further up ahead at this big truck and on top there's two thieves trying to get into it by cutting through the tarp. >> oh my goodness. i was not paying attention. >> this is like a modern stagecoach robbery. >> their strategy is to then throw the product on the side of the road where they're going to pick it up. that driver ends up pulling over. they knew they had been caught and as the truck comes to a stop they're already working their way off the truck. they jump up and start running
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toward this other guy on the motorcycle but we also did a glimpse of the guy getting out of the truck to assess the damage. >> are you telling me that their escape was was -- >> yeah. a chase from a police vehicle. they are eventually able to pull the vehicle over with two people inside of it and they ended up arresting both of them. now the reason they're being arrested is because earlier they had actually broken into a home. they terrorized a family by putting a knife to their ten month old baby. >> who does that? that's horrible. >> what they wanted was the code to get into a safe they found in the family home which they got. they took the safe with them and got into it and split the money among them but the amazing police work lead them to these two people. they ended up getting arrested
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and one of them, a 21-year-old man ended up jailed now for ten years. the other guy, a 24-year-old will also be spending ten years in jail because of that incident. >> the spotlight is on this in brazil. lots of them. as she walks down the aisle. >> the perfect dress, perfect make up, perfect hair. everything is awesome. all of the wedding guests have their phones out. >> what is that you said about everything being >> they started off with no light. is that what she needed the lights from the cell phones to walk down the aisle? >> i thought that was just part of the whole thing there? >> no, reports are about 5:00 p.m. they discovered three
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blocks in the city center had gone completely black. >> a black out during your wedding. >> the wedding was supposed to start at 6:00. they delayed it 30 minutes. after awhile they said let's do it. they had all of their wedding guests take out their phone to light the pathway. >> i would call this a win. >> devine intervention. >> they have been together for a few years now. she was away at school and flew in to meet them. they have a long distance relationship. >> he just couldn't wait. >> she tells us he planned to propose to her on the upcoming trip to canada but he couldn't hold it. he just jumped down to one knee. i love you she will be flying away but not without this
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>> are you crazy? >> crazy in love for you baby. >> >> we have seen these videos, we talk about these videos, but there's one question that i'm not sure that we have ever truly answered. we're in >> how fast are these guys going? that's what he wanted to know so he put his gopro camera and gives him his feet on the bottom left. >> way faster than i thought. >> what you're seeing on the bottom left hand corner is tin kilometers per hour. in one part of the video you'll notice this pilot popped out at
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115 kilometers per hour which is 73 miles per hour which is pretty quick. now skydiving looks equally as cool slow. >> that's a cool shot right off the get-go. >> once he finds some equilibrium here and the camera levels out, you'll notice as he goes by on youtube he's just in a state of almost >> he looks like an astronaut. >> you see it in this serene moment. >> if you're a teranchula your greatest nemesis is this. >> it's a black wasp? >> he is dragging it. >> it just paralyzed it and then
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made it. >> that's incredible. >> i've heard about it but never seen it in action like this and somebody caught it in their garage or something? >> apparently, it ain't aliens it needs to worry about. >> i know, it's bad >> he is dragging it to a private place. >> so those are good wasps to have around then, if you're not a fan of turanchulas. >> they're fine. it's the wasp i'd worry about. >> oh my gosh. >> this traveling dude is on an epic journey. >> but when he went away, he decided to shave his hair. >> how his fresh cut is inspiring a new perspective.
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>> oh, i like that. >> plus, someone is at the door. >> he walks up and rings the doorbell. >> but what happens when he decides to dash off? >> oh! listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99.9% of germs. try listerine® and for on-the-go, try listerine® ready! tabs™ (roosevelt)smoking just messed thaup your lungs. i never thought that at only 45 it would give me a heart attack. my tip is; do your heart a favor, and quit now. (announcer) you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. think... think...
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how do i not invite kyle to my birthday? chew on it twizzlers
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it obviously doesn't know you. closed captioning provided by -- icyhot. icy to dull, hot to relax. rise from pain. icyhot. to study in the big island of college in spain and then he was bit by the travel bug. service in the peace core is two years but when he went away he decided to shave his hair. now he said he had never grown his air long but shaved his head and wanted to see what it would be like to grow his hair out in the two years he was serving in
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madagascar. he's a completely different person. >> i like that shot. that was well done. >> look, this is the most humble i've ever seen in my life. i got this beautiful head of hair in all of these beautiful places. >> yeah, that's a pretty fantastic experience for him to have. >> the cool part about him, he can pull it off either way. completely shaved, long hair, it doesn't matter. it looks good on him no matter what. >> this is at the end of the long hair journey. >> that is impressive. maybe the key is really just to leave your hair alone. >> whoa. >> great eyebrows and eyelashes. >> got to go on an amazing trip for two years, be happy and have great hair. >> he has since cut his hair and extended his stay by another year and -- >> he's smart. way to go.
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>> every day i'll have video of the progress. >> hey, guys, i'm going to shave my head >> time is up. i'm doing it. >> oh, no. >> i'll tell you, i think i learned today that true cowboys have been doing it wrong for years. going out rustling cattle, nonsense. this is derrick that sat down in a wide open field and playeded meant to be by b.b. rexa. >> i didn't know that cowboys were so into music. look off in the distance. they love it. >> at first they come trotting up to the concert and a cow from the back 100 comes following up to see what's going on. the music brings him in and all he has to do was just sit in
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your chair and practice your trombone skills. she's not the only one that figured this out. we'll head over to ireland. now at first -- >> all it takes is just one to say that's nice. >> that's adam. he's 28 years old. his wife wendy is snickering behind the camera and what makes this especially funny is adam's brother christian was visiting from los angeles and they thought let's see if this works again because they have done it before. >> sometimes no matter what you do you just can't catch a break. it's just not your day. that's the case for these two. >> really? >> this guy walks right up and rings the doorbell and leaves the package, poor guy.
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>> down the stairs. right into the push. he's like, you know what -- >> that bush broke his fall. >> you're right. and now -- >> all right. >> oh, no, poor guy. >> he enjoys hisenjoys hisenjoys water. >> that's a puddle and he is doing it wrong. >> well, then he then he then he again okay? >> yeah, of course. >> oh. >> we presume he's okay, right? >> he's fine. >> you be the judge. >> oh, come on, man. >> come on, is right. so he's pushing at this and and
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you don't want it to push back. >> oh. >> gotcha. >> he still had to get away. >> that was so bad but in his defense, it should have fallen the other way. >> >> people from states have the best desert. find out the swede herb treat that topped the list, next. >> ice cream potato. >> and it's a man's meaningful beach day. >> one last time. >> see the heartwarming way he catches the wave. >> there's no joy like this. this is not just the flu. it's meningitis b... and you're not there to help. while meningitis b is uncommon... once symptoms appear, they can progress quickly and can be fatal...
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sometimes within 24 hours. before you send your teen to college... make sure you help protect them. talk to your teen's doctor... about meningitis b vaccination. -keith used to be great to road-trip with. but since he bought his house... are you going 45? -uh, yes. 55 is a suggestion.'s kind of like driving with his dad. -what a sign, huh? terry, can you take a selfie of me? -take a selfie of you? -yeah. can you make it look like i'm holding it? -he did show us how to bundle home and auto at and save a bunch of money. -oh, a plaque. "he later navigated northward, leaving... progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents. but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. but we can protect your home and auto don't eat them for the 100 percent whole grain oats. don't eat them because the oats can help lower cholesterol. eat them for her. ♪
1:59 am
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2:00 am
when you boo an intruder... you act fast. so do we. raid is the fastest ant & roach killer on the market. the fastest!? (spray) raid! get raid and get tough on roaches fast. sc johnson promotional considerations provided by. ♪ >> we all live under this umbrella call america. sh our 50 different states. >> although honestly in some states it just depends. >> let's start with alabama.
2:01 am
>> pecan or peach cobbler. >> peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream. >> let's hear more. >> definitely cheese. >> cheesecake, right? >> you can get it smoked, you can get it fried, you can get it anyway you want it. >> if you say cream cheese i'll accept it. i'm sure this will spark a lot of different controversies. >> the best desert i've ever had in nevada is in the stratosphere hotel they have a tiny stratosphere made out of chocolate. >> is it amazing because it's cool or is it amazing because it tastes good and when did you have it. >> mississippi is known for its mud pie. >> that's a reason to go to mississippi. >> here's an odd similarity that came out. >> the best food in arkansas. >> homemade banana pudding. >> banana pudding for breakfast, lunch, dinner and desert.
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>> you better creamade outside of vermont. >> ice cream. >> ice cream. >> 102 degrees right now. >> it's like a coconut pudding. it's a little thicker and creamier than regular pudding and it's amazing. >> she is right. >> ice cream potato. ice cream shaped like a potato and rolled in cocoa. >> idaho took the ice cream and ran with the whole potato theme. >> my mom's pumpkin pie. >> my mom's carrot cake. >> his momma made a good carat cake. >> a snickers bar that's been jacked up. >> a girl from massachusetts
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doesn't even say boston cream pie. argue about it at home. decide what your favorite dessert is and listen to everybody's own >> life is all about the big moments. >> in this case, this group of beach goers are helping experience the beach the waves one last time. his family knew that this could perhaps be the last time that he could go out to the beach and that's because he has been diagnosed with alzheimer's, dementia and he has a couple of other medical issues that he is dealing with so after talking with these guys his wife was able to make it happen. the guys got together and they finally found the perfect way for h-- perfect wave for him an on his way he goes. >> that's so sweet on so many levels.
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like his wife got this for him. these are all just >> they were more than thrilled to help him out. they cheer him on as everybody in the beach does as well. >> yeah, this video has gone viral and when you understand that this may be one of the last times that he gets to enjoy this, you understand that there's more to it than just a day out at the beach. for vernon this is a huge life moment. >> she is checking up on her musical mom but -- >> maybe it was the wrong song yet again. >> why this tiny to the is not impressed,
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>> it's cool. >> you don't need a baby talk translateto ly trying to tell her momma.
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>> head and shoulders knees and toes. >> that's a universal no. not today. >> maybe it's the song though. >> maybe if she sings a different song, she's going to love it. >> not that one either. >> the wheels on the bus go round and round. round and round -- >> no. >> di di di di di >> i can't sing? >> no. >> you're going to get daddy? >> bye. >> the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout -- >> no. >> down came the rain -- >> no. >> she is so matter of fact --
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no. >> where's the remote? >> mom continues singing the song. the little lady is just screaming from down the hall. are you really going to make me come out there? >> i want to see her come around the corner and be like shut up! >> thanks for having fun with us today. we appreciate it. right this we'll make you laugh even more and give you videos to share. we'll see you next time on a brand new rtm. >> our returning contestant, tom zulewski, has $30,000, and is just one question away from a guaranteed $50,000, and five away from $1 million. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire". [dramatic music] ♪ let's go! ♪ let's go.
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hey, everybody, welcome to the show. you guys ready to play today? [cheers and applause] i'm not even gonna ask you. >> [laughs] >> i know you're ready to play today. >> absolutely, man. >> tom, our returning contestant, walking in here with 30 large in his pocket already, and a very interesting part of the game you're walking back into. $50,000 is up next, and it's that threshold that you want to get to and then you got a free look at $100,000, and then who knows? >> yes. >> you're a sports guy, sleeping on the lead. >> yes. >> coming back in, how-- how's it feel? >> it feels absolutely amazing. i mean, here i was with an absolute blind guess on that $30k question, and it--and it came, one in four chance, have faith in it, and just had faith in this whole thing beyond it. >> any pressure? >> none. >> all right. >> none. >> i like that. good. be loose. >> yes. >> let's do this. all right, no more lifelines. this next one, take us up to that threshold. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪
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good luck, my friend. >> thank you. >> $50,000. when jesse owens won the 200 meters at the 1936 olympics, the silver medalist was the brother of who? >> hm. jesse owens, 200 meters, 1936 olympics. hitler wasn't very happy. at least that's what my understanding of the story. um, he... won a bunch of-- he won a bunch of-- won, i think, three medals, total in that-- in those games. uh, the number two guy... that-- >> when i saw this question, i thought, "this might be in your wheelhouse." you are a sports reporter. >> yes, yes, sir. um, but in the-- remembering the name of who it was that was number two is the interesting part, the challenging part here.
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jackie robinson had a-- jackie robinson was big on the sprints at ucla, so that-- that is something that-- that could be a possibility. joe louis--heh. punching every--punching out everybody all the time, uh, you don't--the brothers might-- the brothers might not have been into the-- in-into the running. red grange or bob cousy, i can kind of safely eliminate. i just--purely on instinct here, and that's obviously what we're doing here at this point. do i risk-- surrender the $25k as--on a shot? >> yeah, so here's where you are, with no lifelines. $30,000 is yours to walk away with, should you choose. >> right. >> risking $25,000, but you know the upside. >> yes, sir. [breathes heavily] oh, boy. jackie robinson. do i take the-- take the shot and-- because jackie robinson was big on track
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when he r--in addition, at ucla, in addition to all his other endeavors. i remember that part of the history, and jackie robinson had his--didn't-- fin-- didn't finally get his break until the '40s. '47--'47, i believe. 19--may--april 15, 1947. oh, boy. this is h--eh. do i go for it? trust the gut. >> that's the $25,000 question. >> that's always been the rule here. risk versus reward. >> yep. >> jackie robinson, "a," final. [suspenseful music] ♪ >> tom, i'm gonna put you out of your misery. you just won $50,000! yes!es! yes! [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ oh, you!


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