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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  August 2, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PDT

1:42 am
up mega views. >> she answers though call says -- >> she's go to owe him for his poem. >> it's monsoon season in the united states and throughout various parts of the world and with that comes this. we're in indpeau and you note asfew loose rocks have start tootd fall. when you see that, you've got to run, run real fast. >> here we go. >> the big one rolling. comes smashing nothing to that truck and knocks it it down. we have a different angle. >> what blows me away is how close they're still standing. that could come down on top of you. >> i'm sure they're expecting it to come down.
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this is one big land slide and that's why they had cautions against people using the road. but when you get an alert to stay away -- >> guess what? stay away. >> now eevr it russia it's argood thing this man didn't stay away. also pay attention to the porsche. oh, someone didn't set the brakes. >> you can do it, you can do it, superman. >> oh, no. >> they're calling this man for this very thing. goes running and stops the truck. you mentioned the brake. he had to use it using hands and feet. about that porsche, look how close. it's like an inch.
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>> we discovered superheroes in the world. attention shoppers, we have a special announcement. >> we have a special visitor in the store today and he's not a customer. it's the son of somebody who works there. who's been gone ften ms on decanployment. >> that is maggie, her son nathan, and her coworkers helped make this surprise possible. >> is it a surprise? >> just a little bit. she clears that bin right there. >> maybe that's where he's getting the skills from in the military. this is a surprise. may bell going to see family but while she's doing this she's going to her husband's home rillage.
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this is a seven to eight-hour road trip but she has not told her mother in law. so that does that mean rits arsurprise or a surprise? >> it wasn't wantedant a surprise. fro she's like don't tell her just make her come outside. and she goes back in the house. so may bell follows nericide. she's like turn off the camera. i don't want to be seen. >> see they're still trying to get her on camera. you did see a peek of of a smile there. i can see it all in but you eventually do see a very big smile.
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>> most people would kill -- they're still with the vacation. ♪ when you combine a sun rider with a motocross legend and throw the it buck bt hind it, you get some pretty wild stuff like this. >> get crazy, get wild, have fun. >> especially if you got motorcycles like that, doork it. >> shooting down hill and showing off how beautiful it is. >> and the think is let's not rule out the water mp. >> oh, i knew exactly where that was going. he's on a bike.
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>> and using the back wheel as your moevt and lee switches it it there. we also get some of the slick moves from him as well. and it's all just in time for sun down with an absolutely stunning bathing. >> virginia has a huge inspiration for me and her work is re focussed on re tearing art. the best part of her story is she worked for years selling insurance policy. she was miserable, very unhappy. one a day we decided got to change things up. started learning the art of art restoration. there's so much science that gomize to protecting the integrity and givinging it it new life.
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and when she finally had one, the skills and two, the can clients, she quit and hasn't looked back since. in order to be able to rule out the it art restoration and once you fix the canvas from behind the come back and now there's still to match covers and to can do it is incredible. and doing a conservation project here. do something she loves and gets to travel. >> and we eget to see that in this video. he said he wanted to do it. it's a look at the cutest thing you've ever seen. see the adorably fluffy animal sure to steal your heart. and >> get over here and look at him.
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>> and a serious chat. why he's not playing any games. >> i guess i'm having a kid. we all know that feet come in all shapes and sizes. that's why skechers created the ultimate custom fit with stretch knit. it's the perfect shoe. only from skechersers. ♪ ♪ ♪ all right here we go again ♪ give a little bit oh give a little bit of your love to ♪ if your dish washer doesn't get dishes dish wash jet small amount. and it's been a long time
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sinceand a jumped off his dancing shoes. he uses pall
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closed captioning provided by . i would get muscle cramps several time as week for keck aides. >> get theraworks today in stores everywhere. sports nite has consumed, absolutely consumed most of your children. >> a kid wants to -- fortnite. >> and that's why they're like okay, kids. >> what game are you playing? turn on fortnite and play it now. >> yep, that's got to go. because that kid won $4 million
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playing fortnite. play fort nite and don't start playing until you win. doyou know any 16-year-olds with $4 million? >> he won $3 million at the fortnite world cup. >> you better believe i have my kid playing thisame. >> put on the fortnite. i don't care about books and amsterdam, boy. get fort cnite now. twidal your thumbs. what about school? we off that. fortnite, boy. $3 million, play. do your umthebes like this and get ready. think this is a game. we need $3 million now. you're 12 and you ain't won a
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dollar playing fortnite. load it up. >> but he's kidding not kidding, right? >> no, seriously you're going to play that game. >> load it up. >> and take it easy. just chilling on a swing. >> i don't believe you. >> no, needs more. >> see. >> he's going to combine jets and a bike and a gas bubble on the bike as with well. they just take it outside and move it on a huge crane and give it a go. because his pants are on fire. that's pretty dangerous.
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he just runs into the fire. >> we need some protection from the fire. >> you think? >> it's part of the evolution off a new product. you got to make mistakes first and then fix it. >> he constructs the heat shield a kill switch in the eevent there's another fire. and then he tries out liquid gas. maybe that will work better. >> i think he's just as problematic and he's trying to set fire to me again. >> so keeps trying to burn colin alive. he replases the kill switch so let's see if can survive round three. >> see how red it's getting. it's superer hot.
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>> it's still alive and he's not done. he can probably make it better. >> listen, i think we should just go -- >> stay tuned. i'll try to bring you that video as with well he makes it through alive. >> now i want you to visualize the cutest thing you've ever seen. >> you can always go with a cute little puppy. >> okay. open your eyes. is that a real thing? >> that was my first thought. it is so cute. >> why is it so fluffy? >> they're bread -- hethey're english and angora rabbit and
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you have to shave their hair couple time as year. and she gets requests for them from eight different countries. >> how much are we talking if you want to on one of these fluffy rabbits? >> they ship it, right? it'salls ready so stuffed. this one is so well known because his ears are so big. she says she loves all of them dearly and they mean a lot to her but she makes sure they get a regular brushing. >> they have conditioner as well. maybe they were born with it. >> bringing the floaties for a day on the water. why lake life always a blast. >> this looks like so much fun. >> plus a creepy creature is caught crawling around.
1:58 am
see who steps in to save the day next. >> we have our own "toy story" happening in the office. ♪ why it's not just hurting you. if you can't makeup your find
1:59 am
the quit for yourself, do it for those that love you. >> for free help call 1-800-quit now. gly) ♪ when the food you love doesn't love you back, stay smooth and fight heightburn fast with tums smoothies. in one week a lot will happen in your life. wrinkles just won't. neutragin works so fast, making wrinkles look so last week. rapid wrinkle repair, pair with new retinal oil with three times the wrinkle-fighting power. one, two, one, two -- ♪
2:00 am
one, two, one, two, three, four. give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that kitkat bar ♪ yes, it's the it first word of any discover. allegra helps you say yes and turn any half hearted yes oo an all-in yes. >> get what you love for less at olive garden. choose from over 50 delicious combinations from 3:00 to 5:00 monday through thursday. only at olive garden. >> promotional consid raugzs provided by. zoolilly. you never know what you'll find. download the app today. collect cute characters. download bestfiends today.
2:01 am
best friends without the "r." bestfiends. if you're not doing summer like this, are you really doing summer at all? because they put these cool floaties out there and unicorns and flamingos to be exact. this went down during wake fest 2019 in nashville, tennessee. it look likes there's different disciplines represented in the video. got guy in the back and these people from inwake. it's only a matter of time. >> i love this one as this guy tries bothing the flamingo -- >> these guys are pulling it off. there's a bit more wins.
2:02 am
>> you go from the two and you end up with three on one. >> and leo's going to survive and kaegs. >> what's that woman's secret? no. there was so much fath on thot board. zach with would have been alive. do you know what your pet spider does when you're not in the offices? >> no. i thought my spider had moved. >> oh, it movered around the office but mealio got it. and the conference room. >> and they know i don't like them so nick covered my entire truck in speeders web. >> he's big on curtis. >> that is exciting.
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it this is on the instuitgram channel. it is totally wrestling. was that a pile diver? so just by your misses? >> no, but i understand what you have going on. >> we have our own big story thing going on. >> big bro's dealing with the
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when i have an asthma attack... i feel scared. sometimes my parents have to take me to the hospital. i feel like a fish with no water. you know how to react to their asthma attacks. here's how to prevent them. call... visit... or call your doctor. because... >> at the park.
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betrayal really hurts when it comes from the people you love most. johnny was betrayed by his sister. and so he's using poetry slam to get her back. >> not like a sisterer but more like a sister, fake sister. she needs some listerene to rinse out the bad breath and by bad breath i mean the stench of death on our relationship. >> it's serious, y'all. it turns out he facetimed his sisterer. >> brother sister, sister brother came from the same mother but who would know. she answers no call and says see y'all later.
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skate on away from me she says but she doesn't even says. she just is a pez. dispenser dispensing lies. >> while doing the robot as well. >> turns out they speak every single day. in this cosshe didn't take his call so he created this poem for her. i don't think he's an actual slam poet. and i think we got her good. >> she's going to owe him for his poem. >> see, i was waiting for his very thing. >> maybe we can make it our new thing. >> and i'm going to take this upside your head and you're going to have to go to bed. >> only one she should be seeing sg the one closest to her she's
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pushing away and by away i meanm hey. >> i love at the very end he cracks himself up. but we loved him for it. this was a total internet one. or don't. >> right. thanks for watching "right this >> our returning contestant, tod macofsky, has already won $10,000 and he has no intention of stopping there, so stick around, because this could get really exciting. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ hey, everybody. welcome to "millionaire." [cheers and applause]
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i think everybody's ready for a big show today, and it's up to you, my friend, to give them that show. returning contestant tod macofsky, from hollywood, california, got halfway to $1 million yesterday before we had to stop. >> halfway already? wow. >> that's halfway. that's right. seven down, seven to go. i don't know if you know. look there. you're ready-- ready to make that plunge all the way to $1 million. seven more questions, and you still have one more lifeline yet to be used if you need it. your "plus one" is up there. how do you feel, getting back into it? >> feel really, really good. >> i mean, we're starting the day with the $20,000 question. >> that's daunting, but it's exciting. >> it's a good way to start a day. >> yeah, absolutely. >> let's get back. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ all right, here we go. $20,000. from 1975 to 1982, susan stafford held a high-profile tv job that has been filled for the last 36 years by what icon?
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>> ooh. wow. huh. um... '75 to '82, susan stafford held a high-profile tv job that has been filled for the last 36 years by what icon? um... all right, i don't--i don't think it's susan lucci, 'cause i think that-- i don't think anybody was that part before susan lucci. uh, lesley stahl... i mean, i--i-- watched "60 minutes" back then, and i don't remember susan stafford on that show. vanna white--i think she was the original. oh, man, wouldn't that be terrible if she wasn't? i mean, if-- and i wouldn't know who susan stafford was. um, mary hart... oh, man. um, and i don't know that my plus one knows this, but i have a feeling that i should i should call my plus one up here. >> if you don't know, no reason
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to leave it on the board. >> yeah. i'd say final, yeah. >> okay. all right, jacob, come on up. your nephew. >> yeah. >> how you doing, bud? >> i'm good. uh... >> oh, man. >> all right, so jacob, you're younger than us. this may not be in your wheelhouse, but-- but you're here. >> that's right. >> so what--what-- what are your thoughts? >> um, let's see. i had seen a lot of "60 minutes" over the past year. i actually took a course in high school where we had to watch a lot of that. >> do you remember the-- do you remember susan stafford being on "60 minutes"? i don't remember her on "60 minutes." >> uh, and you said that was from '75 to '82? >> '75 to '82. >> okay. i have a feeling that it could be, um-- i don't think susan lucci. >> i don't think so, either. >> um... most, uh... >> now i'm thinking it might be vanna white. >> vanna white sounds like the most, um-- like, the most logical guess. same with mary hart. it's really tough, but, um... >> all right, so if i go for it, i could be risking $5,000,
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'cause i'm at $10,000 now. >> yeah, so from 1975 to 1982, susan stafford held a high-profile tv job that has been filled for the last 36 years by what icon? lesley stahl, susan lucci, vanna white, mary hart? and yes, you're at $10,000. >> okay. >> that's yours to walk away with, should you choose. no more lifelines. risk-reward-wise, you're risking half your money. chance to double it. >> i think it might be worth it to--to go for it. >> um... >> [laughs] >> my gut is telling me vanna white. that seems like the st logical answer to me. >> that's my gut, too. i know she's been doing it for a really, really long time. >> uh, you want to go for it? >> i'm gonna go for it. >> all right. >> i'm gonna say-- i'm gonna say c, vanna white, final.


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