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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  August 9, 2019 1:42am-2:12am PDT

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or if it sends a shiver up your spine. >> see, i don't like this one. >> this hope for paws rescue is a two for one because not only do we have a rescue but we learn that they have jokes. they were called in by folks that run a ferel cat colony nearby and across the street you can see what they're looking for. >> here are the babies. >> five little gray kittens and they are adorable. it's the one that goes in first. there they are. we need to block off any avenue of escape before they try to put the cage, that was an easy
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rescue though. >> that was the sewer. >> not so clean and that's what gives him the idea that he's going to behave like somebody that we know. >> >> even though they haven't had it they're like wait a minute, these people sound nice. they put the kittens back down and they're in the crate waiting for mom to come back. they do this for an hour and so they take them in to get fostered and their names, ready for this? >> did they see the lion king? >> that might have something to do with it. but they're all adorable and
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waiting to go to a home. >> if you're a frequent air traveller it's your worst nightmare. the captain comes over the radio and says there's a problem in the cockpit we have to go back. this is footage from the inside of south african airlines flight 209. it just took off from ghana but it's just down to 180 and it's coming back down to land. you can hear sounds like the flight attendant saying keep your heads >> you can see waiting in the airport and he brought it down. >> serious situations with the fire in the cockpit. >> it's not really what was going on. they had an issue while they were in ghana. it stops in ghana to off load, on load and take fuel on board.
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there was a three hour delay because a door was damaged by a catering truck. but it was in working order and they said okay time for that plane to leave. once it does, it completes the unrelated issue happened in the cockpit. apparently they made an announcement passengers some of which assumed there was a fight in the cockpit and then of course it started to panic a little bit and that's what you're seeing there. >> well, better here than over the atlantic. >> exactly. >> in a way scary and dangerous. the world is a big place. there's so many opportunities for adventure. >> down in baja, california mexico you can jump into the water, actually if you're free divers like these people are and experience something like this. >> you got the whale sharks
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coming through and it's spectacular. >> yeah. these gentle giants, the whale sharks come through the sea of cortes where they can be viewed right up close. the deal put together by a group of free diving friends. crews down there to explore the ship wreck. and check out these scooters. they're going to need the scooters to keep up with these guys. they're curious and they moved quickly and they do get a little nippy. check this out. it comes cruising on by. more stuff like it's special. >> it
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>> let me tell you. >> come again. momma likes them. >> waffle fries. >> waffle fries. >> baked potato. >> okay, well, baked potato. >> waffle fries. >> let's head over to madison and this is all about her and her daddy.
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don't tell her what you ain't got to listen to boys, straight up. daddy is the exception. he don't have to listen to him either. shoulder shrug, side eye. that's good. >> that truck is backing up. the turn that's just too close to call. and a bucket list adventure, why it's one lifechanging journey coming up. school... she's going to school with a lunch she helped pack herself. because she's becoming an independent child. yoplait, for fueling independence.
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for big little wins. yof your daily routine.lf so why treat your mouth any differently? listerine® completes the job by preventing plaque, early gum disease, and killing up to 99.9% of germs. try listerine® and for on-the-go, try listerine® ready! tabs™ want to brain better? say hello to neuriva, a new brain supplement with clinically proven ingredients that fuel five indicators of brain performance: focus, accuracy, memory, learning, and concentration. neuriva. am i too old to start askateboarding? chew on it twizzlers
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>> i think it's going to meet that brick wall or the car. >> come on back. >> it looks like a little >> probably has no idea he has bp doing it too. >> that's the thinking until this video continues and we get another angle of the driver pulling over, getting out, checking the car and the back of the truck and checking all off right here on camera. the owner of that car, he had done it. >> what did these guys do?
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drove off? played dumb? >> they wanted him to take care of the damages that wrack up to $200. the owner of the car also makes it very clear, he doesn't want the driver of the truck to fired. >> what is there to investigate? it seems to be pretty clear on this video. >> pretty clear here in russia as well. one kid and goes off to get the other when suddenly, the car had a mind of its own. the car now runs into another and runs into another. the car also hits the front porch of that condominium building and reports are that she got out without putting the car in park. >> she's had a lot going
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>> what we're going to do? >> did you leave him tied up and locked in a closet? >> one of his challenges. >> let's be honest. he had a terrible idea. >> i'm going to get a tattoo. >> but then he has a slightly better idea but a terrible idea. >> obviously not on the face. i'm going to ask snoop dogg what tattoo i should get. >> that sounds ridiculous until the next part of the video. >> i like the idea about getting the tattoo but you ain't putting it on your face. and what you need to do is put a tattoo on your arm or something of somebody that means something to you. >> he's giving genuine advice. anything other than on your
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face. >> this is really possible. >> he does get a tattoo. >> oh, gosh. there it is. >> it looks like a cat. >> tattoo. >> yes and anger apparently. >> a pretty awesome youtube channel. these guys are a couple and they have been together sharing many experiences. in this case, british columbia and along with them is another youtuber who is visiting from finland because it's going to be such an epic trip, they needed a third person to help them film the entire experience. as they're liking along, they're working their way through and eventually right about here they get to that absolutely going
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locati location. >> isn't it gorgeous? you're going to like this next part. suddenly a very icy top of the mountain. it's looking quite nice and they decided to elope and that's why they're bringing their friend along. it's all the way to the top of the mountain and instead of hosting a wedding with all the bells and whistles they decided to have an adventure and get married right there at the very top of the mountain. they have an officiant and witness. >> i kind of wish more people would get on board and stop spending your life savings, your parents life savings for some big to do. there's more beauty around them than any kind of string of lights will ever bring. it's spectacular.
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>> he's going to take his gt to the next level. >> my goodness, how are these people? >> see how his ride is really living the high life, next. plus there's a special surprise. >> the haeartwarming way they si sing. ♪ they may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one ♪ the best lunch option is more options from all time classics to brand new favorites there are over 100 ways to enjoy lunch at olive garden starting at $7.99 the choice is yours, only at olive garden. this is jamie. you're going to be seeing a lot more of him now.
1:58 am
-i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped. -that's fair. with apples mand cinnamon notes.. and ignite your mood. true fragrance. crafted only by glade. s.c. johnson. (nathan) secondhand smoke caused measthma attacks, infections and lung damage. and i never smoked. (announcer) you can quit. call 1-800-quit-now for help getting free medication. (crunching) i'm an ice cruncher. so i was excited about colgate total.
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it has sensitivity relief, so i don't have to give up doing what i love. aren't we lucky. colgate total. do more for your whole mouth. do you love reese's pieces? well have we got a deal for you. we're making reese's with pieces. sorta like a buy one get one free inside the thing you just got. not sorry. reese's.
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promotional consideration provided by. it obviously doesn't know you. icyhot. icy to dull, hot to relax. rise from pain. icyhot. moving to miami right after i become extraordinarily wealthy. >> i'm there in miami. we join 150, tim as he is known in real life. he has a very popular youtube channel all about it. he's checking out the porsche design power in miami. if you're a car owner and if you buy the penthouse at the top of this building, this is how you come and go at your apartment.
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it drives down the driveway and around the and it's up to the iron man penthouse. up 56 floors above miami. >> my goodness, who are these people? >> rich people. here's what it looks like from inside. it automatically went underneath your car. >> there's space for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 cars. >> keep going. there's space for 11 cars in this 20,000 square foot penthouse. it's four floors and i know what you're asking next. >> can you get it in a hurry?
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no, because it's not going to be there. >> i don't know the price of this penthouse, but he does say this is the highest point in florida that you can take a car. >> well, here's the part where we laugh. >> absolutely unreal. >> footage from baggage claim in toronto with this weird dude right here. and he's mugging at the camera, he's getting really close to this dude that's standing next to him. right up behind him. now eventually, it's right there and turns around. >> oh. >> so then he's like, bro, as in actually his brother who he hasn't seen for something like 20 years. >> wow. >> he recognized this. >> that is how the video ends. now over to ireland.
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that is just so sweet. >> it's the first time i've seen her since i got my tattoos done so the one i got for him -- >> there's a good reason for that. >> he has dementia so he can't remember things lately but for some reason whenever you say the word imagine he immediately knows it. >> he walks in and shows him his tattoo. ♪ imagine there's no heaven >> he starts singing. ♪ it's easy if you try. no hell below us, above us only sky ♪ >> aw. >> yeah. so they sing john lennon's imagine and as wonderful as it is, the goosebumps that you get
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you can tell for the people in the room that it's also pretty special. ♪ you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one ♪ >> that's the power of music, right? >> it's that sound you can just sense. >> asmr.
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about your fast food, sometimes you want to combine them and delish knows how to do just that. >> asmr. it's just a fun little tickle when you hear certain they need a really good microphone or things like that but according to apple all you need are things like these and what they have actually done on
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the youtube channel is release a series of videos. >> do you want to try this? >> first sounds. >> okay.okay >> okay. that's nails on a chalk board. >> i like this. this is cool. >> i don't think i have that kind of response. i wish i did because it's more socially acceptable. >> walking along a beach, you'll see countless monoliths rising up -- >> see, i don't like this one. >> explore their bases rooted deep. >> okay. skip that one. we have some more. >> walking through.
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>> okay. okay. >> oh, >> go to apple's youtube channel and see if you like one or two or all of them at the same time. >> that's all for now. we'll see you next time on >> our returning contestant today, mara apostol, from miami, florida, has won $20,000 and still has two of her lifelines left. will that be enough to get her all the way to that million dollar question? we're about to find out on "who wants to be a millionaire"! [dramatic music] ♪ [cheers and applause] very excited! weomto "miioire"! [cheers and applause]omst..
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>> i got the spring in my step because i think we got a good shot to make a million bucks here today. >> let's do it! >> you're just six questions away. $20,000 in your bank, and you were pretty wise yesterday. you saved those lifelines, so you still have two of them up there on the board--the "50/50" and the "plus one." two away from that $50,000 threshold already. should we get going? >> i-i want to, i really do. let's do it. >> let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ $30,000 is where we start the day--that's not bad. here's the question. in which of the following feature films is the title character's last name rockatansky? >> "rudy." i've never seen that. don't see. don't remember her last name.
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uh, truman's last name? i rewatched this recently, but i don't remember... that movie holds up, by the way. i highly recommend rewatching it. >> good movie? >> um, and i... yeah, i do not know this. >> all right, well, got those two lifelines. >> yeah, so i'm going to use my "plus one," on this one. that's my final answer. >> your husband is here to help. >> yes. >> come on down, idris. how you doing? >> okay. >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> hey! >> hey. >> all right. can you help us out here? >> i think i can. >> [gasps, laughs] >> perfect. that's great news. >> yeah. i'm pretty sure somebody has asked me this trivia question before. yeah, some of my friends and i, we trade trivia questions around and, uh, my one friend pete in toronto, he asked me this one. he asked me who has the lastnamd
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of >> yeah. >> there's almost zero pain. [both laugh] >> i'm pretty darn sure that it's the mel gibson movie "mad max." truman had a short name like truman, you know, like two syllable. i don't remember. like a kinda generic name. i think the characters in "juno" didn't have long last names like that. "rudy" i've never seen. >> we should see that. >> yeah, um... >> see, tangents run in the family. >> anyway, doesn't matter. it's "mad max." it's one of the "mad max" movies. >> okay, you know what? i trust idris implicitly, especially in matters of trivia. so i will go with him--d, "mad max," final answer. >> that's a great plus one right there. you nailed it! >> ha ha ha ha ha ha! >> got it, idris. well done. llon [cheerd se] >> oh, my goodness.
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>> $30,000. big step. $50,000 is next. next threshold you can get to guarantees you 50 grand, a free shot at $100,000. and you still have one lifeline. here it is, your $50,000 question. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ native to chile and argentina, the pudu is the world's smallest species of what, tending to be only about 12 inches tall at the shoulder in adulthood? [suspenseful music] ♪ >> native to chile and argentina... tending to be only about 12 inches tall at the shoulder in adulthood. it's tiny. ♪ i associate bears not with that part of the world. ♪
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i know there


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