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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  August 13, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- henry winkler. from "grand hotel," roselyn sanchez. the 14th annual belly flop competition, guillermo live in dildo. and music from daniel caesar. and now, what's up jimmy kimmel. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: very nice. thank you. welcome. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. please, sit, relax, we have no time to waste with applause. we may need to stand on morning. we have so much going on. welcome to hollywood, our home that happens to be a newly-named sister city to a small city in newfoundland called dildo. that's right, and in case you don't know, i have decided to
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run for mayor of dildo. they don't have a mayor. they don't seem to want a mayor because they're not having an election for mayor. but local polls show me leading 52-48. bad news is i am leading no one by 4%. i dispatched an advance team. they went 4,000 miles and led by close and most-trusted adviser guillermo, we will hear from him in dildo moments from now. this is the time of year when we offer people walking past our studio the floppertunity to take their clothes off. we have a pool in the back of our theater. memories are just waiting to be made. this is the 14th summer, 14
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yearsi years ago, a mysterious voice told me, if you build it, they will flop. and we did. let's go to cousin sal, sal, by the way, i want to mention, [cheers and applause] has his own show on fox sports 1 called "lock it in", a sports gambling show. >> they'll probably cancel it. >> jimmy: your gambling problem paid off in a big way. have you found someone on the street we can bet on? >> i have. let's bet on some bellies. >> jimmy: very good. what is your name? >> eric. >> jimmy: eric, where you from? >> minneapolis. >> jimmy: what do you do? >> human resources. >> jimmy: they complain about other people and things they've done? >> i help them find the door sometimes, too. >> jimmy: it's time to cut loose. i know you have a stressful job.
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have you belly flopped before? >> yes, but not on tv. >> jimmy: what did you have for lunch today? >> a chicken sandwich. >> jimmy: okay, great, maybe we'll get to see that, too. come on, we'll get you going, and dressed or undressed. let's see who else we have out there. if it's just eric, it won't be much of a competition. hello. hi, what's your name? >> courtney. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> houston, texas. >> jimmy: what do you do for work? >> i'm manager at a tanning salon. >> jimmy: you seem very fair skinned. >> i'm a very good before and after of spray tans. >> jimmy: that's got to be a weird job, huh? >> it is. you see a lot of interesting people. >> jimmy: i bet you see a lot of interesting parts of a lot of interesting people, too. all right, come on through and we'll get you up on the board, we'll get eric and courtney. oh, there's eric. hi, eric. how are you?
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[cheers and applause] speaking of flops, our president is, according to the "washington post," president trump has now made more than 12,000 false or misleading claims since he took office two and a half years ago, 12,000. if trump's nose grew every time he told a lie he could use it as a zip line straight to vladimir putin. if you were to read all the lies he's told aloud, it would take 33 hours to get through them all. trump has now told more whoppers than he's eaten, and that's a lot. on friday, president trump left washington for a ten-day vacation which he insists is not a vacation, so make that 12,001, because this is how he spent the day yesterday, not on vacation, golfing with john daly, wearing an american flag for pants. john daly tweeted, i'm proud to be an american, especially with this man leading our country,
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thanks for a great day, #potus #dad. what kind of bet did those two make? and look at this photo. really zoom in there. they look like co-owners of a water park that got shut down. for giving kids pink eye or something. oh. very good. hi, everyone. yes, go on through. go on through. [cheers and applause] all right, all right. we have preowned bathing suits for you to wear, don't worry about lice. after a couple rocky days, joe biden picked up a big endorsement. >> a big democrat is throwing their hat behind joe biden. dick sweat endorsed the current primary front runner. >> jimmy: do you really hate the
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name richard that much? we've got to get dick sweat up to dildo. that's -- [cheers and applause] my mayoral campaign is getting a lot of attention from the media in canada. there have been a lot of stories on the subject, including this from the cbc. >> you can see the sign just behind me. jimmy loves dildo, kimmel for mayor. these signs are peppered all over dildo. as far as this goes for jimmy for mayor, i've covered a few political campaigns, and i haven't seen one so one-sided before. so i think he has a pretty good shot. >> jimmy: well, thank you, adam. appreciate that. and this is from ntv. this is about the impact my campaign has had on the local economy. >> it's peak tourism season in dildo, and the weather isn't the only reason. jimmy kimmel's run for mayor has the town talking. >> it's crazy. people have never seen so big a
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crowd in me life. >> friends from st. john's recommended we come here. >>ive abe i've been everywhere u can poke a stick, but i haven't been to dildo. >> jimmy: all right, i think i've found my first lady. so i haven't been elected, i'm already taking dildo to the top. my team has been working very hard, posting signs all over town. you can see they've got signs on bridges there, signs, basically, we're turning what was once a pristine village into a poster-covered mess. most of the signs are being stolen, which is fine. stealing will be allowed under my administration in dildo. let's go live now to one of the most popular spots in town, the dildo boathouse inn where guillermo has gathered many of my supporters. >> woo! >> jimmy: the cream of the crop. guillermo, how's everything? >> everything's great, jimmy!
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>> jimmy: i guess the most important is, have you found any weed yet? [ laughter ] i'll take that as a yes. >> over here. >> it's all good, jimmy. >> jimmy: did he have some for you. >> indeed i did. >> jimmy: that's nug, my best friend in dildo, andrew, karen, john, dean, and the gentleman dressed as elvis is dennis, the owner of the boathouse. are there other elvises in dildo, dennis? >> not that i know of. >> jimmy: what about denniss, are there other dennises there? >> probably a few. >> jimmy: lloyd pretty, who is known as captain dildo, the town mascot, hi, lloyd, how are you? [cheers and applause] not only do you sometimes dress, why aren't you dressed as captain dildo right now, lloyd?
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>> it's a little too hot for that, jimmy. >> jimmy: you do have the captain dildo statue. this is the official statue, not the one that was stolen recently, is it not? >> no, it's not. >> jimmy: let's get a closer look at captain dildo. i have a feeling this is something kids are going to really love. can we make that a little less terrifying when i become mayor? [ laughter ] guillermo, what did you do today? what was your day like? >> jimmy, we've been campaign for you. >> jimmy: you've been campaigning, not complaining? >> dildo's all yours, jimmy. >> jimmy: you think so? >> yes, 100%. >> jimmy: the reaction been positive? >> yes, of course. >> jimmy: that's great news. i'm ready to unveil my first campaign ad. are you ready to see it? let's roll it. here we go. >> way up in newfoundland, which turns out is in canada, there's a special place, a little gem of a city that needs a leader.
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that place is dildo. and that leader is me. my history with dildo goes back weeks. >> i didn't know, like, who was like jimmy kimmel, and i will to go on google and make some search because i don't watch tv. >> even though we haven't met, i know dildo people. like the city you love, i am flexible but firm. and as mayor, i will fight for you, not with you. i will bring back dildo pride, and i'll protect your scenic shores with a sweeping new environmental plan. dildo needs a captain. i would love to steer this ship. jimmy kimmel, mayor of dildo. paid for by my best friend nug. >> so there you have it. >> jimmy: all right, what do you think? [cheers and applause] all right, well, thanks, guys. keep up the good work. i want you to know, i will not
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disappoint you. when i am elected mayor i will bend over backwards for dildo. we've got bellies to flop here in hollywood. it's time for our 14th annual summer pedestrian belly flop competition. let's meet our judges. she is a actor, comedian, host of the reality baking competition, "nailed it" on netflix, nicole byer. hello. >> hello! this is a real treat. i can't wait. >> jimmy: what, in your opinion, makes a great belly flop? >> usually i like a big fatty who just takes a big leap and makes a very big splash. >> jimmy: i love it, nicole, i like the way you think. next up, a three-time olympic gold medallist, a true american hero, mr. sean white! hello, sean! how are you, sean? >> thanks for having me.
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>> jimmy: are you prepared to give the winner one of your gold medals? >> yes. >> jimmy: wow. look at that, shaun. >> anything for a good flop. >> jimmy: she is a musicia cosmetics entrepreneur and winner of rupaul's drag race, trixie. hello, trixie! >> hello. >> jimmy: the makeup is spectacular. are you at all worried about being in the splash zone? >> this isn't my first time getting wet on this show, jimmy, i would think you would know that. >> jimmy: is that waterproof or are we in danger of streaking? >> in my line of business we always do waterproof, yes. >> jimmy: thank you, trixie, our first flopper is ready to go, and that is eric. how are you feelin', eric? >> i'm feeling good, jimmy. >> jimmy: moments ago hundred clothes on, and now you don't. >> i have something on. >> jimmy: three, two, one, belly
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flop! [cheers and applause] there you go. i like eric's file. >> okay. >> jimmy: let's take a look at the slow motion instant replay. eric went for the mummy-type approach. he just kind of fell into the water. let's go to the judges now for their scores. >> nicole's drowning. >> oh, no. you oh, wow. >> my contacts, i don't know if it's in or out. >> jimmy: nicole, you look like you got hit by a tsunami. >> i feel like i got hit by a tsunami. eric, you're not my friend! i mean, i, wow. >> jimmy: give him a ten. shaun white. you are moist as well. what do you think, shaun? >> i went ten. >> jimmy: a ten. >> shaun white. we're on our way to a possible
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perfect score. trixie, what do you think? >> although you splashed a drag queen in the face, which is homophobic, you get a 9. >> jimmy: trixie, what do you say? you got a 29. that's almost impossible to beat. >> that's a good score. >> by the way, he's bleeding. >> jimmy: how did you wiped up bleeding? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: let's get him in an ambulance and go to our next flopper. this is how we should decide the democratic nominee for president, by the way. yes, all right, courtney, how are you? >> i'm good, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you very much. courtney, you don't have much of a belly to flop with, do you? >> i don't, i'm so sorry. >> jimmy: should the judges take that into account, your obvious handicap? >> hopefully i'll get brownie points for not having a little cushion. >> jimmy: are you ready to do
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this? >> yes. >> jimmy: three, two, one, belly flop! all right, let's look at that in slow motion again before we get our scores. courtney in slow motion, she didn't quite get flat over the water, which is really want you want, nicole, what do you say? >> it was nice, it was very, very pretty, but it wasn't a big splash. >> jimmy: very generous, nicole. shaun. >> i thought it was great. she had the distance, the intensity, but i went with a nine. >> jimmy: a nine shaun gives. finally, trixie? >> very thin, very blond and beautiful, reminds me of somebody i know. experiment with the pregnancy. so seven. >> jimmy: courtney, the judges have spoken, and i believe you got a 24.
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>> i'll take it. >> jimmy: you really have no choice but to take it. >> take this, too. >> jimmy: we'll have more flopping as the show continues. thank you very much, courtney, tonight on the show, we have a great show. que have music from daniel caesar. roselyn sanchez is here. and we'll be right back with henry winkler. so stick around. ♪ abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by medicare from blue cross and blue shield companies. and put back together. this is also hal's heart. and this is hal's relief, knowing he's covered. this is hal's heart. and it's beating better than ever. this is what medicare from blue cross blue shield does for hal. and with easy access to quality healthcare, imagine what we can do for you. this is the benefit of blue.
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♪ >> jimmy: all that flopping is happening outside tonight. from the show "grand hotel", which can be seen monday nights
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on abc, rosalynn sanchez is here. then, his album is called "case study oh-one." daniel caesar from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow, jim gaffigan will be here. dave salmoni is bringing wild animals. we'll have music from snoop dogg. and on thursday gerard butler, david alan grier and the avett brothers. so please join us for all of that. if any of our belly floppers have any trouble in the pool tonight, they can rest assured that our next guest can put on a leather chak leather jacket and water skis and rescue them. please welcome the one and only henry ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? you look good. >> jim, you do, too. i dressed up for you. >> jimmy: you look great, you
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look nice. i was thinking about you a lot today. you know i'm a little obsessed with you, right? i had the lunch box with fonz e y on it, and people talk about the jump the shark. and i remember being really nervous when you did jump the shark. >> i did all the water-skiing except the jump. >> jimmy: you can see very clearly which parts are you and which parts are not you. >> yes. i had the better legs. >> jimmy: this is you by the way. >> this is me. >> jimmy: it's pretty good, i have to say. and look how happy you are at the end. yeah! that's right. [cheers and applause] >> so honestly, if you watch that smile, half the smile is henry go beiing oh, my god, i m it, and the other half is fonz going, aye, i made it.
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my father, a very short, german jew, he said to me, tell the marshaatouid? >> no, dad. no, tell him, and you go to the white house, take cake. >> jimmy: did you, well, obviously, you told garry that you water ski. >> finally, after a year or two, i said to garry, my father wants you to know that i water ski, and there it was. >> jimmy: did you take cake to the white house? >> i did. because they didn't have any. >> jimmy: you've got to listen to your dad. in the jacket, i would think fonzy would not wear the leather jacket under the life jacket. >> it was hard to look at that yellow tire around my stomach and still be cool. i had to, really. >> jimmy: and yet you did, somehow. >> i had to, i had to overcome
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that yellow piece of rubber. >> jimmy: and you did overcome it. you certainly did. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i don't think, i wonder if young people understand, well, first of all, what a huge star you were, because everyone was watching "happy days." everyone in the country was watching. >> at that time, there were only three networks, so 58% of the audience was watching "happy days". >> jimmy: 58%, almost everybody was watching "happy days." and this is a magazine almost entirely devoted to you. i spent a good hour looking at this magazine today, it's at home with fonzie. you're taking out the garbage. this may be the first, stars are just like us, moment in a way. >> i haven't seen that in so long. >> there you are. is this really like your kitchen? >> yes, i rented an apartment with a wet bar. >> jimmy: uh-huh, cool.
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>> and in the refrigerator, i had a tuna fish sandwich, ambrose yeah salad and two boxes after almondine wine for for because i don't drink. >> jimmy: it says you're passionate about ceramics. >> okay, so this was a lie. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> it was. this is my very first photo shoot with abc. and they said, you've got to do something. you've got to be active, and so they put me in front of a wheel. >> jimmy: this is -- >> i have never touched clay in my life. but didn't i look good? >> jimmy: you look really good, very artistic. [cheers and applause] i have one more thing. now this is when you know you've made it. henry winkler's favorite
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recipes. pot roast, potato pancakes and chocolate mousse. >> i actually have never made them, but they are my favorite. stacy, my wife, makes an unbelievable pot roast. i love potato pancakes with applesauce and sour cream and chocolate mousse. i was, at one time, my favorite dessert. >> jimmy: i feel like my whole child hoos w childhood was a lie. >> no, i ate that, i just didn't make it. >> jimmy: i accept that as a poor substitute, but now, you have really reached, in my opinion, the pinnacle. golden globe, all that stuff, but you were on the cover of costco "connection" magazine. that is an honor i once received. i wouldn't say i received the honor so much as i hounded them until they put me on the cover of costco "connection" magazine. >> i think you deserve to be.
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>> jimmy: i was on the cover. >> at lnce a year. >> jimmy: i want to be like oprah where i was on every single one. >> this is truly unbelievable. >> jimmy: you write these books. >> there are 28, and they are in costco. and lynn oliver and i have tried so hard since 2003 to get into costco, because i go to costco. >> jimmy: are you a costco guy? >> are you kidding me? i leave with a toilet roll thaw can that you can't carry there are so many. i went there to get goggles for my grandchildren. i have five, you about you must buy 96. >> jimmy: you have to have more grandchildren. it's not costco's responsibility. you got to have more kids in the family. >> i'm talking to my kids. >> jimmy: please do. we're going to take a break, if
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you haven't seen "barry", you are bea about to see it. henry winkler is here, we'll be right back. ♪ >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by turo, visit today. ♪ don't stop, i can't feel the heat ♪ ♪ yet don't let it catch you whoa! ♪ i can't feel the heat
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got to use the worst thing you've ever done in your life. >> yeah, no, that was the worst thing i ever done in my life. >> christ, because you killed somebody and got away it, okay, so i want you to dig deep, i want you to get in there, i want you to paddle that canoe there, soldier. >> and barry? thank you. >> for what? >> for telling me your story. i'm very touched that i was able to gain your trust. i am so late for my escape room. >> jimmy: that is henry winkler in "barry", with the great bill hader. i love that show. when you won emmy last year, it was like the best moment of the emmy show. [cheers and applause] it was so exciting. >> it was so exciting. you know, people say well, you've been nominated before. i never thought about what i
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didn't win. i only thought about "i won". and now the show has 17 nominations. >> jimmy: crazy, yeah. that's a lot of nominations. [cheers and applause] of all these thins thgs that yo done in this career, you've had this great career. what's the thing that strikes you as i can't believe that happened. >> you mean at any time? >> jimmy: yeah, at any time. yeah. >> i was on the set of "happy days." >> jimmy: okay. >> and there is a table, you know, a standing table on wheels. the script supervisor uses it to follow the lines and make sure everybody knows, and there are two telephones. one is an outside line, and one is to the studio. we could call garry marshall or the writers and say i've got a problem, they would come down. so the phone rings, and they say, henry, there's a phone call for you. and i walk the over to the
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phone, and the man said, hi, my name is sergeant joe brown, that's not actually his name. sergeant joe brown, and he was a state trooper, from illinois. and he said i'm sorry to bother you. i said that's okay, sir, what is it? he said i have a 17-year-old kid on a ledge, and he is threatening to jump off, and he will only talk to you. and i don't know where i got the nerve to take the phone and start talking to this kid. i said, okay, what is your name? john. john. okay. how old are you, john? 17. you're 17. you're on the ledge, why do you want to jump, john? i want to be an actor. so you're 17. you haven't made it yet. let me ask you a question. do you collect records? do you have a record collection? because at that time they were vinyl. >> jimmy: sure. >> i said do you have a record collection? he said yes. i said before you jump, john, will you just will them to me?
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okay. good, good. do me a favor. if you get off the ledge, let's talk about acting. okay? all right. hand the phone, yeah, okay. all right, you're inside now? okay. i was 27 when i got the fonz, john. i think you've got ten good years to keep trying, how about that? will you do that? can i get back to rehearsing? thank you. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you saved his life. >> i never heard about him. >> jimmy: was that john travolta? >> no, but he told me i had great muscles. >> jimmy: oh, all right. >> but honestly, i have not thought about that story in a while. i don't know where i got the nerve to talk to him, and i just thought, i'm going to maybe take him in an another direction. and i never got the records. >> jimmy: wow, you should get a trophy for that.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: hey, i know you love fishing. >> i do. >> jimmy: you love the water. would you be interested in belly flopping? [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: it's very easy. we have a wet suit and everything if you want to wear them. we have a wet suit. >> you're talking about tonight? >> jimmy: yes, yes. it's a big competition. >> are you talking about in my suit? >> jimmy: we'll put new a wet suit. no, you don't have to wear your suit, something that you won't ruin. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: all right, henry winkler's going in the pool. "barry" is available now on hbo. we'll be right back with roselyn sanchez. ♪ wireless is full of "awards". number one in overall network performance. highest in wireless network quality performance. highest in wireless network quality performance in the north central region. it's hard to know what to think. that's why sprint's doing things differently and offering a new one hundred percent total satisfaction guarantee.
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snorkel in your mouth. but to increase the level of difficulty we decided to add an obstacle to the pool on the way to the belly flop. do you think you can jump over this shark? >> that will be the third time i've ever done that, jim. >> jimmy: all right, that will be enough times. what was the second time? >> on "arrested development", i jumped over the shark on the dock. >> jimmy: well, this one, there's nothing to worry about, i think it's a lemon shark, are you ready, henry? >> i am, sir. >> jimmy: let's see what you've got, three, two, one, ready, judges, here comes henry! with the ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: and there he goes. he jumped the shark for sure. let's go to the judges to see e
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their scores. is that a 11? congratulations, you've set a new world record. an unprecedented 31! >> i am, i'm so proud, and i have done it for all short people in the world. >> jimmy: well, congratulations, henry winkler. we'll be right back with rosalynn sanchez! ♪ this is something big. this is something bigger. [ "movin on up" by primal scream ] that is big. not as big as that. sure that's big. that's bigger. big. bigger. big. bigger. big.
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this is jamie.
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you're going to be seeing a lot more of him now. -i'm not calling him "dad." -oh, n-no. -look, [sighs] i get it. some new guy comes in helping your mom bundle and save with progressive, but hey, we're all in this together. right, champ? -i'm getting more nuggets. -how about some carrots? you don't want to ruin your dinner. -you're not my dad! -that's fair. overstepped.
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to the show. our next guest and her husband both have prime-time shows on abc right now. because ours truly is the network of love. her show is called "grand hotel," watch it mondays at 10 pm. please welcome roselyn sanchez. [cheers and ♪ you look fantastic. >> thanks you.
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>> jimmy: i love this outfit you have on. >> i went all shiny for you. >> jimmy: thank you for being all shiny for me. you are originally from puerto rico >> yes. >> jimmy: do you go back there snofrn. >> yeah, my whole family's over there. >> jimmy: happy days, did you see that show? >> no, sorry. i know it's huge, but no. >> jimmy: what american shows did you watch growing up? >> i remember when we got a cable tv, at least where i used to live, it was a huge thing. there was a line, they would go to the street and they would hold the line, and they would break the concrete under the pavement. >> jimmy: right. >> i was obsessed with "different strokes". that's the one i remember watching all the time. >> jimmy: did you speak english at that time? >> very little, very little. >> jimmy: so one of the first sentences you heard perhaps in english is "what you talkin' about willis"? >> correct. >> jimmy: did gary coleman
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inspire you to be an actor? >> no. but i loved him, i loved him. who inspired me to be an actor? i don't know. >> jimmy: did you wake up, look in the mirror and go, this face needs to be shared with others? >> that's awful. no, you know what? i think my mom lives her life through me. she's like a frustrated performer. i love you, mom. i'm sorry. so she, yeah, i was dancing ballet, playing piano, and she will send me to castings without me knowing. >> jimmy: oh, you didn't know? >> not really. >> jimmy: what did you think was happening? >> she wanted me to be a star. >> jimmy: she wanted you to be a star. >> she was wonderful and i ended up liking being a performer, and i was almost 22 when i decided to move to the states and pursue my career. >> jimmy: in new york, in times square in fact, this is a billboard for your show, "grand right there. >> it is my back.
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>> jimmy: i don't think you can tell how huge, this is an enormous billboard in times square. >> yes. >> jimmy: do your friends recognize your back? >> they do. you see a little bit of my nose. >> jimmy: just a little bit. do they insert this or do you have the abc logo tattooed on your -- >> that was an insert. >> jimmy: that's an insert. that's got to be exciting and a little bit strange. >> it was, but i wanted to promote the show, and guys, it's such an amazing thing. it's such a dream, you know, to be able to do this, we're so privileged if we have a show that works. it's hard, it's hard. so to go to times square, even though it's my back, but to go to times square and see that, it was huge. >> jimmy: it's a big deal. it started as a tell correct? >> right, eva longoria got the rights, and it's based in miami.
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>> jimmy: i mentioned your husband is on the show "the rookie" on abc. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's kind of fun that you are on the same network. >> it's awesome. >> jimmy: you have worked together on a project? >> we did a movie for hallmark called "taste of summer." we've been together for 14 years, and it was the first time we decided to act. >> jimmy: did you think you had on-screen chemistry? >> yes. >> jimmy: if you had no on-screen chemistry and you left it all off screen. >> that would have sucked. i think i did read one comment of a viewer saying i didn't think you had chemistry, and then i found out they were a couple. we've been marry add loied a lon and have two kids. i almost wrote something. >> jimmy: once you go down that rabbit hole you never come out of it. >> everybody else was wonderful. >> jimmy: you have two kids?
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>> i have two kids. >> jimmy: did the kids see it and see mom and dad to thgether? >> my baby's 1 1/2. i posted a video. and he's all over the place. we're in the living room celebrating, mom and dad,'s going crazy, the cutest thing ever. so we put him to bed. my daughter loved it. she was mesmerized. but she's a narrater. she talks through the whole thing. she's so cute. she loved it. but the end, of course, it's a hallmark movie, at the ending, we kiss, but it's. >> jimmy: not your usual. >> it's a very simple, nice kiss. >> jimmy: and that was disgusting? >> she was mortified. >> jimmy: good thing you didn't
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do a showtime movie together. that could have been problematic. it's been very good to see you. >> jimmy: roselyn sanchez. "grand hotel" airs mondays at 10pm on abc. and we'll return with music fro. [cheers an ♪ >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by the 2020 g class, mercedes benz, the boaest or nothing.
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the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank henry winkler and roselyn sanchez, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but, first this is his album, "case study oh-one." here with the song "cyanide," daniel caesar. [cheers and applause] ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
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♪ i love dominantly you make me weak make me thirsty for release♪ ♪ wan' come compliment me then become my enemy cop a flight to paris low key♪ ♪ it's you, baby girl i'm tryna to breed please, baby try to understand me♪ ♪ i'm not a monster i'm just a man with needs i take flights when i learn it's time to go♪ ♪ tryna take time back crossing timing zones gone press your lips 'pon me♪ ♪ got me feelin' empathy wan fi' alter the mind chemically 'cause we suffer endlessly♪ ♪ could be kamikaze only time will tell even though i'm godly might end up in hell♪ ♪ sweet melody wine up yuh body 'pon mi yuh lovin' baby girl you know mi need it♪
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♪ need it let me fight for it mi achieve it 'chieve it♪ ♪ sweet melody wine up yuh body 'pon mi yuh lovin' baby girl you know mi need it♪ ♪ need it let me fight for it mi achieve it 'chieve it♪ ♪ feel my love drip over your skin rich dark chocolate sweet melanin♪ ♪ forevermore you gon' be my kin whatever jah has binded let no man enter in♪ ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ you give me your love it's unrequited the thought of you gets me excited♪ ♪ i guess i'll come to your crib uninvited a few of your favorite vices♪ ♪ girl i know you like it girl, you came through like lightning ♪ you're like lightning danny, be good
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that's unlikely, likely but jah be comin' down♪ ♪ yeah he turned my life around yeah sweet melody♪ ♪ wine up yuh body 'pon mi yuh lovin', baby girl you know mi need it need it♪ ♪ let me fight for it mi achieve it 'chieve it sweet melody♪ ♪ wine up yuh body 'pon mi yuh lovin' baby girl you know mi need it need it♪ ♪ let me fight for it mi achieve it 'chieve it feel my love drip over your skin♪ ♪ rich dark chocolate sweet melanin forevermore you gon' be my kin♪ ♪ whatever jah has binded let no man enter in♪ ♪ ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh
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this is "nightline." tonight, inside the world of incels. and their online community for the lonely and unloved, now being accused by some as a haven of hate. >> there is a risk of violence from this community. >> with digital threats turning into real-world violence. >> we lost our only daughter. >> plus, forever family. the couple redefining what it means to raise a full house. adopting nine foster kids all at once for a family of 15. >> how long were you called mom and dad mom and dad? >> the second we closed. >> that's not true. >> that's like the second


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