tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 26, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- viola davis, from "mr. robot," christian slater, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from gary clark jr. and now, great news, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: thank you. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. and for gathering here. on another crazy day today, as another episode of the real white house wives of orange president today, as i'll tell you something. the news started early this morning and has not let up. what an onslaught, trying to keep up with all this, i felt like the fattest kid on the
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dodge ball court all day today. last night i compared the president's behavior to the sopranos. but today it seems more like six feet under, because somebody finally pulled the fire alarm in hell. we now know that what, what did the whistler blow and when did he blow it? the much-anticipated complaint against the president has been unearthed. if this isn't it, nothing will be. it grabs trump by the mcnuggets and doesn't ask for permission. this is what the whistle-blower sent to the attorney general. in the course of my duties, i have received information from multiple u.s. government officials that the president of the united states is using the power of his office to solicit help from a foreign country in the 2020 election, among other things, to investigate one of the president's main presidential rivals.
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the president's personal lawyer, rudy giuliani, is a central figure. attorney general barr appears to be involved as well. that's not a whistle. that's an air horn, a wheelbarrow full of trombones. and not only did trump try to get dirt on biden. the whistle-blower said white house officials were so disturbed by the call they moved all records of it to a top secret server. they did that thing where you hide your porn in a folder labeled deductible receipts. that is the conspiracy. you can hear hillary screaming all the way from the woods of chappaqua. [cheers and applause] she must be eating this up. initially, they tried to hide the records no the white house air developments, but melania was already hiding in them. another suggestion in the report was that this is not the only time that they've buried records. of course it's not the only
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time. he probably does this stuff every day. he'll probably do it again tomorrow. it's like when you get a speeding ticket. that doesn't happen the only time you speed. right now he's probably on the phone with belgium, trying to get the secret to their waffles or something. and the best part is, he released the transcript. he basically screwed himself. this is the closest donald trump has ever come to having sex with someone his own age. these republicans in- [cheers and applause] in congress are so afraid of him, they're so fearful, most of them read the transcript, and they're like, there's nothing fishy about this call at all. this morning, joseph mcguire, trump's acting director of national intelligence appeared before the house intelligence committee to talk about the complaint and how it was handled. lawmakers want to know why he didn't hand the complaint over to congress right away, which is standard procedure for a whistle-blower. he waited five weeks to turn it
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in. he wouldn't say whether or not he and the president discussed the complaint, but he did admit to consulting with white house lawyers when he got it, which makes sense. the first step for any credbling investigation is to hand the evidence to the person who is being investigated. that way, they can tell you what to do with it, and, as usual we were reminded today that one of the biggest tools trump has at his disposal is representative devin nunes. >> the current hysteria has something else in common with the russia hoax. back then they accused the president of colluding with russians when the democrats themselves were colluding with russians and preparing the steele dossier. today they accused the president of asking the ukrainians t there ar numerous examples of many dids doi democrats doing ey the same thing. >> jimmy: this is their strategy. whatever you say we did, we say
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you did right back. pretty soon, he'll be accusing democrats of having sex with stormy daniels. but go on, go on, devin. i'm curious to know what kind of examples we're talking about here. >> democrats on this committee negotiated with people they thought were ukrainians to obtain nude pictures of trump. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and that was the moment i realized i wouldn't be eating breakfast today. [ applause ] you know, the idea that, the idea that someone wants to see donald trump nude, that might be the wildest conspiracy theory ever. even qanon was like, no, that is [ bleep ], that is not, this is interesting, too. i noticed something during mcguire's testimony. this could be a game changer. check this out. through his testimony, look at what kind of water he was drinking, poland springwater, which is a curious choice when
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you consider no witness has ever been given poland springwater before, not jim comey, who was given tap water, lewandowski got dasani. ben affleck got deer park. could to be that poland shares a border with -- ukraine. that's it. now this is watergate right here. bottled watergate. [cheers and applause] and the fake news won't report it! and, with this ukraine drama unfolding with a president facing impeachment for only the third time in american history, with every news channel laser focussed on this developing story, though is is what they wp to on fox and friends. >> i was amazed with the way we're coming up with the
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different ways of flavoring syrup. you thought a lot of sugar and sap and putting a funnel in a tree was enough. >> jimmy: sounds to me like someone's gunning for a pulitzer, and shame on the fake news media for not giving national pancake day the news it deserves. morale was low, cloudy with a chance of tweet balls. trump was forced to retweet geraldo today. he spent much of the afternoon complaining about the complaint, again calling it a witch hunt, and he also came up with a title for his auto biography today. it will be called the greatest scam in the history of american politics. trump claims he only watched a little bit of the testimony this morning. yeah, just like he only eats a little bit of cake. he did not tweet as much as he usually does today. but he did get out in front of reporters for a tantrum on the
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tarmac. >> they don't want to talk about anything, because her to' fixated on this, and nancy pelosi has been hijacked by the radical left, and everybody knows it, thank you. >> jimmy: and now, if you'll excuse me, i'm off to make love to a fillet o fish. he lashed out toe whistle-blower and the pushed back on the whistle-blower and made clear he wants to know who it was who ratted him out. >> that's close to a spy. you know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart, for spies and treason? we used to hand the le it a lit differently than we do now. >> jimmy: hilarious. the president wants to kill someone on his staff. we still don't know the identity of this whistle-blower.
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that will be revealed next week on "the masked singer." we did learn from the "new york times" that he is a man and he's with the cia, so when trump says it was a spy, he's right. it was one of our spies. he really is spinning out. with the ng increasingly most famous combover would be better with a coverup. but he's also threatened today that if he gets pooimpeached, t stock market will crash. chicken sand witches will sell out. cell phones will freeze-up when you're trying to send a text. we're going without him. meanwhile, the vice poodle, mike pence is quietly and politely biding his time, they sent him out to suckle the teets of lou dobbs. >> the ironic thing is the only time it did happen that we know about is when former vice
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president joe biden threatened over a billion dollars in aid to ukraine in exchange for a specific act. in this characteristic the president's been completely vindicated. >> jimmy: the call is coming from inside the white house. mike pence is mixed up in this, too. according to the complaint, trump ordered mike pence to skip ukrainian president zelinsky's inauguration and sent rick perry instead. the reason he did it is because he wanted to see if zelinsky would play ball before he sent mike pence over there. you know. if you play ball with mike pence, he will always fetch it. it ruins the game. so he sent rick perry, who you know was the second person eliminated on "dancing with the stars" and the whistle-blower wrote multiple officials told me that a meeting between the president and president zelinsky
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would depend on whether zelinsky agreed to play ball on the issues. those clued joe biden. the only guy going down for this? rudy giuliani. when the dust is cleared, r eye will rudey will be under the bus, maybe the ak se "access hollywood" bus. he claims the state department sent him to the ukraine. they say they didn't. having rudy giuliani be your middleman, it's like asking bill cosby to chaperone your date. it's a problem. but rudy says when all is said and done, he will be the hero of this story. he will be, he'll be like those heroes you met out on the street today, begging for tips. meanwhile, the impeachment process marches on. a majority of the house, at least 223 lawmakers now, are on board with the impeachment
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inquiry, but nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house is in no mood to celebrate. >> every day the sadness grows, because the disregard for our constitution that the president has becomes more clear. >> well, she'll be chugging coors light from a beer bottle. all signs are pointing to impeachment and people are noticing from washington, d.c. all the way to washington state. >> in is the call for impeaching president trump the sign was showing during the morning commute. the sign was back to normal by 11:00 in the morning. but we showed the picture to rich gordon. >> oh, i approve. that's fun. >> jimmy: make that man the governor. i have to say it has been a stressful week, but it is thursday night. we're almost at the weekend. that means it's time to bleep
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and blur the big tv moments whether they need it or not. it is time for this week in unnecessary censorship. >> i knew when i decided to run, this president would [ bleep ] me and anyone else he thought would be a threat. >> and i think you heard adam [ bleep ]. >> insiders saying you [ bleep ]ed this up, your response. >> this response was totally the unexpected and not a position i sought, but, again, it was another opportunity to [ bleep ] my [ bleep ]. >> terribly grateful for this, [ bleep ] you, hulu. >> i'm such a mom. i haven't [ bleep ]ed in a month. i was like oh, man, i got to [ bleep ]. >> jimmy had to run that by me. if he's going to [ bleep ] my toleep ] he' g first. >> i think would be remiss if i didn't ask, what was the final straw on antonio brown?
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>> [ bleep ] you, coach. >> can't wait to show it to the judge. >> it's like we're watching a [ bleep ], shaking and shaking and shaking and shaking. >> donnie? >> floppy [ bleep ]. >> yeah. we don't have time to explain to our audience at home what that was. >> jimmy: all right, we've got a good show for you tonight. music from gary clark jr. christian slater is here. and we'll be right back with viola davis. abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by the all-new, 2020 lincoln aviator. performance comes in lots of flavors. there's the amped-up, over-tuned, feeding-frenzy-of sheet-metal-kind.
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is that...? quesadillas? gordon ramsay? handing out samples? seems like just an ok use of your culinary talents, dude. yeah it is smart guy. almost like having a brand new iphone but not pairing it with at&t. that's true... gordon ramsay. oi, fingers, it's not a buffet! use the cocktail stick. use a cocktail stick. get the most from your amazing new iphone 11 pro on at&t, america's fastest network for iphones. more for your thing. that's our thing. but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back... neutrogena® and for body... hydro boost body gel cream.
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welcome back to the show. tonight, from "mr. robot," christian slater is here. then, his album is called "this land." gary clark jr. from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. you can see gary live sunday night at the hollywood bowl. next week, we have new shows with jonathan van ness, joaquin phoenix, gwyneth paltrow, magic johnson, bob iger, lucy boynton, elizabeth olsen and chef evan funke. with music from jon pardi, lunay, lukas nelson and promise of the real and anderson paak with smokey robinson. so please join us for that, oh, and another important programming note. the week of october 21st, we are loading our whole show into a container and bringing it to brooklyn, new york for five shows at the brooklyn academy of music. if you'd like to join us live and in person, you can get tickets at and before we go, guillermo will be driving a welcome wagon
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across the country, spreading joy and tequila along the way. this is his vehicle, the guillermo-bile. guillermo will be in this bad visiting dallas, chicago, pittsburgh and philadelphia. if you are there, come see him. especially if you look like him at each stop on the tour. we are looking for locals in those cities who look like guillermo. so if that is you, post a picture on twitter, facebook, or instagram with the hashtag, "i am guillermo." then look for a message from us. guillermo, are you excited to live on a bus for a week again? >> i thought we weren't going to do this again. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. all right. our first guest's talent for acting has earned her
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an oscar, emmy and two tonys too. earlier tonight, she embarked upon the final season of "how to get away with murder," watch it thursday nights on abc. please welcome viola davis. [ applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? you always look good. you look very good. >> oh, thank you, thank you. you look very good, too, yourself. >> jimmy: you don't have to say that. >> but you actually do. >> jimmy: thank you, i appreciate it. >> take it. >> jimmy: you know where you looked really great is at the emmies. and i will tell you something. [cheers and applause] my wife and i were sitting in the crowd, and you walked out on stage, and hundred sneakers on, and my wife is like, yes! she wore sneakers.
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>> myus hndba calls me "frank." you know why he calls me frank? >> jimmy: no. >> he said v, when you get in those old damn heels you walk like frankenstein. and here's the thing. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> i knew i had to present, so i thought i was going to hobble on stage to the podium and just announce the supporting actor, but then i found outly i had t walk through the presentation. i said oh, hell no. i would only do it if i could wear sneakers. >> jimmy: who would stop you from wearing sneakers? >> nobody, because i was ready to fight. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: did you wear the sneakers on the red carpet or no? >> i did not wear the
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on the red carpet, because i didn't want to offend stuart weitzman. >> jimmy: that a real person? >> he does make some good shoes. yes, he's oo rea real person. >> jimmy: you just don't want to wear them. sorry, stuart. you're good at pretty much everything. right? is there anything you're terrible at? what are you not good at? >> okay. i'm not a great driver. >> jimmy: okay, okay. do you drive a lot? >> i drive a whole lot. i live in california. >> jimmy: right, right. >> i failed my driving test three times. i succeeded my fourth time, and i hugged the driving instructor and kissed him. and i cried. >> jimmy: really? >> and i say snot-dripping
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crying. how do you kiss -- i was, no,no, was 30, 31, 32 years old. >> jimmy: oh, it took that long? >> no, i had it at 21, but i lived in new york. then i came to california, i took two tests in california, i took one test in new york, no, rhode island, and then i took a test in staten island. i said i'm going to staten island. >> jimmy: are they looser there? more lax? >> and when i was done he said you passed, and i grabbed home, and i kissed him on the side of his lip, jimmy. >> jimmy: maybe if you'd done that at the beginning of the test, the first time, you probably would have gotten your driver's license. wow. i heard you are playing a former first lady, michelle obama in
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some kind of a project. >> yes, i am, jimmy. [ applause [ applause ] >> jimmy: you know michelle obama. >> i've met michelle obama. >> jimmy: does she know you're playing sner. >> i have no idea, and i'm terrified. i'm sbleetly terrified. i don't care what else i do in my life. if i mess this up, it will be the defining moment in my life. you've raised a great kid, but you messed up michelle obama. >> jimmy: she did not pick up a call in first and say do you mind if i play you? >> no, but i'm waiting for my publicist to call and say hold the line, it's michelle obama to cuss your ass out. >> jimmy: have you read the script? are you sure -- >> it's going to be a great script, i promise. listen, i don't want to make my people mad. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and you're also
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working with denzel washington again. the last time you guys worked together it resulted in tonys and oscars and all that kind of stuff. what are you guys doing together? >> mahrainy's black bottom. >> jimmy: is that's a play? >> it's a play. chadwick boseman is in it. some great actors. and i had to wear fat suit. >> jimmy: oh, you did. is that fun to wear a fat suit . >> i loved it. >> jimmy: you loved it. when you say a fat suit, like how fat are we talking about sne here? >> well, when i told -- can i cuss a little bit? >> jimmy: absolutely. >> i told them i wanted really, really big [ bleep ]. but i wanted to look like the women i grew up with. i'm just being honest, like my aunt joyce, who i thought was very beautiful, but [ bleep ], [ bleep ], they hung down.
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[ applause ] you know. she had, she had those, she had those big old [ bleep ] that hung down to her waist. and look at me, i was explaining it like i was oh, my god, so excited. i want that [ bleep ] to hang on. hang down to the waist. and then i want a big ass! >> jimmy: and they gave you those things? >> yeah. i mean. [ applause ] >> jimmy: intothat's pretty goo. that's a selling point right there. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: viola davis is here. we'll be back with viola after this. >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by visible. unlimited phone service for $40 all-in. switch today at i was searching for jobs on linkedin.
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that you think i believe you. >> jimmy: well, that is very rude, very, very rude. that's "how to get away with murder." i don't know what was going on there, but you're always up to no good in some way in this show. >> let me tell you something about that scene. she was in my house. and she called me the b-word. i had to really, that's really suspending in disbelief, right? >> jimmy: she was smart enough to be on the way out when it happened. so this show, do you know, did you always know how this show would end? or is it one of those things where you kind of figured it out? >> let me tell you something. i don't know anything about the show. nothing. i can't keep track of the murders on the show. we've killed so many people, i'm just glad my hands are clean, but pete, right now, you can
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tell, he's like, don't tell viola anything. >> jimmy: he is intentionally keeping you -- >> yeah, so you have to talk to him. >> jimmy: interesting. i feel like you do know, but their is a good excuse to say you don't know what's going on. >> but would you want to know? >> jimmy: i like the torture aspect of asking people. i'll do the same thing to christian slater. >> he's not going to reveal anything. >> jimmy: it's worth a try. i feel like one day, on the 1 thousandth time i ask somebody, they'll just say it. and all the producers in the greenroom will go, ah! and we'll laugh like the person's joking. >> no one's going to laugh. but i will tell you this, it's going to be one hell ofne hell f it's like, i've gotten a chance to play someone who has no boundaries. and usually i'm in an apron, you
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know? i'm in an apron or i'm holdin' a baby, you know? they're still trying to get me to hold a baby every once in a while, and i'm like, i'm not holdin' a baby, but it's been a ride of a lifetime. >> jimmy: how old is your daughter now? >> she's 9. >> jimmy: i heard she had an acting job. >> "angry birds 2." >> jimmy: that was quite a reaction. a lot of people with iphones here. >> and on the way to taping, she would always say, mommy, i got to warm up my voice, because i got to be prepared in case they ask me to do different voices, mommy, ah, ah, ah. >> jimmy: do you go with her and sit in through the recording sessions? >> i sat through the entire recording session. i never want to do that again. >> jimmy: yeah, right. did you feel like you wanted to coach her? >> yes. >> jimmy: did you resist coaching her? >> yes. >> jimmy: that's a good thing to
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do. >> and she was drinking a lot of water, saying "give me a minute." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's something else. >> i think it's over now. i think she's done with it. >> jimmy: that was it? >> that was it. she pulls it out of the hat every once in a while when she wants to impress somebody on the playground. you know, i played -- >> jimmy: this is l.a., you have to keep up with that sort of thing. >> yeah, exactly. >> jimmy: it's the last season, is it really the last season? or like "modern family"? >> no, this is the last season. if they come back, they're going to have to ask whoopi goldberg or something. >> jimmy: viola davis! watch "how to get away with murder," thursday nights at 10 here on abc. we'll be right back with christian slater. ¡diego!
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"mr. robot." its fourth and final season premieres october 6th on usa. please welcome christian slater. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: how are you doin'? >> i'm good. >> jimmy: congratulations on your baby, a little baby mr. robot. >> thanks, yeah. she was born on august 16th. my birthday's the 18th, so. >> jimmy: and that was a big birthday for you. >> that was a biggie. >> jimmy: so, did you have a thing? >> well, no, not really. my wife was in the middle of labor and all those things, so, but i did get to bring my baby home on my birthday. >> jimmy: that's a good gift. >> that's nice. >> jimmy: that's a very good gift. you know you'll never have
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another birthday again, that's it. >> my wife's birthday is the 14th, the older daughter's is the 15th. >> jimmy: there's a very particular rutting season in your family it seems. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we'll have to count that back and see when it is. i guess would be somewhere in november. maybe it's an election that gets you guys going. >> ah, very good point, yeah. yeah. yeah. those are hot nights. >> jimmy: now i was just asking viola about the finale of her show. >> right. >> jimmy: did you go into the show knowing how it would end or how many seasons it would go? >> i mean, sam always did say it would be four or five seasons. he said that he always knew what the ending was going to be from the beginning. he didn't share that until, i mean, every season we have done the show he calls, fills us in on what our character arc will be for that particular season.
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for this last season he called after the scripts were done and written and spelled it out, and it's extraordinary i think. it's very exciting, very interesting. there's going to be a lot of hard things to cope with and deal with. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah. it's a great -- >> jimmy: it's an original show, like no show ever, and on top of that. [cheers and applause] you got rami malek. whom i know you guys are really close. you got to see him blossom from this kid nobody knew to this big superstar, really. >> it's great. i mean, he is, his performance, of course, in "bohemian rhapsody" was amazing. i loved the guy. we saw things the same way and got along great. yeah, to have been a part of this journey and seen, you know. >> jimmy: he's a very nice kid. >> great. i love him. >> jimmy: did you have someone like that? because were you acting from very young. you've been in so many things
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with so many people. do you have an older actor who kind of -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: took you under his wing? >> to a certain degree. i worked with sean connery, when i was 15, 16. >> jimmy: that's a good one. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so how old was sean connery, that would have been, 35 years ago. >> yeah, somewhere around there. it was this movie called "the name of the rose." and we both playing 13th century medieval monks walking around trying to solve some murder mystery, so that was crazy. but yeah, no, he was great. just somebody to really look up to and admire. i was 15, and to be working with james bond at that age was. >> jimmy: yeah. that's got to be nuts >> yeah, it was nuts. jimmy: did you spend a lot of personal time together? >> yeah, we went out to dinner. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> i mean, look, i was 16. so there was an age gap, but i did always feel very supported
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by him. and that he was wonderful to work with. and i had to do a love scene in that particular movie, and i was very, very scared. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> i was really nervous, and he pulled me aside and said, just remember to breathe, boy. so, we got through it. it was good advice. >> jimmy: you always remember to breathe. >> good advice. >> jimmy: is there anything that you will take as a memento from the set of "mr. robot"? is there an item? >> well, i did get, i got the jacket. >> jimmy: okay, the one yo i geaotys the hat, because the hat was originally mine anyway. i came in there. >> jimmy: so you were allowed to keep your hat. >> i was allowed to keep my hat. they gave it back after four seasons. >> jimmy: so you wore this hat. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: to like the set? >> i wore it to the first wardrobe fitting. >> jimmy: t fti and they wlike, thi is
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good? >> it had my sweat in it, it was dirty, all that stuff in it, it had a good, natural, raw quality to to. it was the greatest gig for many reasons, but one in particular is the fact that, you know, everybody else would have to go into makeup, get ready. i would show up, i was bearded and, you know, all i needed was some dirt, a hat and you know i was this guy's imaginary friend. so i could get away, i was in there for two minutes every day, it was heaven. >> jimmy: were there backup hats? >> sure, sure. >> jimmy: would you bring the hat sono hat home? or would the hat go in a little safe? >> they would retrieve the hat. they would take the hat from me. i was not allowed to leave the set with the hat. >> jimmy: even though it was your hat and you had all legal right. could you have taken that hat and run. >> i could have, i could have. >> jimmy: whenever you wanted to. >> whenever i wanted to. >> jimmy: and these bastards
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took that hat aloway from you. >> the whole fourth season, i go all in, it's all about the hat. [ applause ] i'm in so much trouble now. >> jimmy: do you feel like can you have an object, something physical, whether it be a piece of clothing or cigarette other whatever, and you kind of build the character around that? have you done that? >> well, usually it starts, really, with the underpants. i mean. you start. >> jimmy: does it? >> you research the character, and you find out what kind of underpants he'd wear, and you do the whole shopping. >> jimmy: i know i'm probably being dumb, but are you being se serious? do you change the underpants? maybe there might be no underpants. >> some roles. >> jimmy: some might have the white ones. some may have the ones that go halfway down the leg. >> that's right. there's all kinds of different
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panties out there. >> jimmy: "mr. robot", what type of underpants are we talking about here? and will those go home with you? or will they go to the smithsonian? [ applause ] >> it really comes down, i guess, to elliott's, you know, because i am his imaginary friend, so whatever he imagined. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> is whatly i had to, there i the possibility of commando. >> jimmy: it's great to see you. the show "mr. robot", the last season, airs oct 10:00 pm on usa network. and we'll return with music from gary clark jr. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert ripresented by the dwunts gle, mercedes best, the best or nothing.
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they took $12.8 billion from big tobacco. juul marketed mango, mint, and menthol flavors, addicting kids to nicotine. five million kids now using e-cigarettes. the fda said juul ignored the law with misleading health claims. now juul is pushing prop c, to overturn san francisco's e-cigarette protections. say no to juul, no to big tobacco, no to prop c.
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cadillac," gary clark jr! ♪ ♪ you say i owe you nothing if i could i'd give you the world ♪ ♪ you made something from nothing ♪ ♪ and i thank god for such a beautiful girl he brought in this world ♪ ♪ i remember when i left home in that pearl cadillac ♪ ♪ i was searching for some kind of way to pay you back ♪ ♪ for your love your love your love your love your love your love ♪velo
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well i won't let you down i'ma make you proud ♪ ♪ you say money ain't everything you could have made it on your own ♪ ♪ now i understand your sacrifice late nights fussing and fighting at home ♪ ♪ i'm sorry for the things i did wrong i remember when i left home in that pearl cadillac ♪ ♪ i was searching for some kind of way to pay you back ♪ ♪ for your love your love your love your love your love your love ♪ ♪ your love your love your love
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[cheers and applause] this is "nightline". >> reporter: tonight, whistleblower blow back. >> i think the whistle blower did the right thing. >> reporter: but the president calls him something close to a spy! the impeachment storm swirling. new accusations of a possible cover up and the clash of party lines. >> president of the united states has betrayed his oath of office. >> and the ball of leakers are ginning up a fake story. plus, more moore. >> shocking. >> like so risqué. >> reporter: d'mee's sizzling cover photo changing everything and her high-profile marriage bruce willis and ashton kutcher, now, the actress baring it all.
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