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tv   World News Now  ABC  October 2, 2019 2:41am-3:59am PDT

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you are looking at what the hong kong police chief calls one of the city's most violent and chaotic days. a police officer shot a protester in the chest at point-blank range during a protest. it was the first use of live ammunition in the four months of protests. the 18-year-old student is now in stable condition. overnight, protesters staged a sit-in at his school. and also overseas, prince harry and duchess meghan are wrapping up their tour of africa. >> it comes as the royal couple
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announced they filed a major lawsuiagainst one of britain's most prominent tabloids. abc's maggie rulli is traveling with the royal couple in south africa. >> reporter: prince harry lashing out at the british tabloids. as he and his wife meghan wrap up their african tour. issuing a blistering statement about how the tabloid press treats her, writing their behavior destroys people and destroys lives. put simply, it is bullying, which scares and silences people. harry announced a lawsuit against associated newspapers and their publication "the mail" on sunday accusing them of unlawfully publishing a private letter sent by meghan to her father. >> for harry to launch this statement in the middle of a royal tour is an unprecedented moment for a member of the royal family. >> reporter: harry, who's invoked memories of his mother, princess diana, on this trip with a tour in a minefield, als. chased by paparazzi. saying, my deepest fear is history repeating itself. i lost my mother, and now i
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watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces. "the mail" on sunday says it stands by its story and it will defend itself vigorously. maggie rulli, abc news, johannesburg, south africa. >> our thanks to maggie there. the search for answers is under way in taiwan after the collapse of a bridge. >> taiwan's military has deployed a floating platform to help with efforts to recover victims. at least four bodies have been pulled from the water. they're believed to be fishing boat workers. two people are still missing. the bridge came down right on top of several boats. ten people were hospitalized because of their injuries. in italy, construction is now under way to replace a bridge in the northern city of genoa. it's expected to open to cars and trucks by next april. the previous bridge collapsed a year ago during a heavy rainstorm, killing more than 40 people. 600 residents in nearby apartments also had to be evacuated. the company that operated the
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bridge is under investigation. coming up, flash flood danger. >> the quick tips that you need to know if you're trapped in a car that could end up saving surfaces? t then they get released back into the air so you smell them later ew. right? that's why febreze created new small spaces. press firmly and watch it get to work... unlike the leading cone, small spaces continuously eliminates odors in the air and on surfaces-so they don't come back for 45 days. now that's one flushin' fresh bathroom. breathe happy febreze... la la la la la.
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. . . . . ♪ ♪ welcome back. we know millions of americans across the country have been facing extreme weather along with the threat of flash flooding. >> too often people find themselves trapped inside their vehicles by raging floodwaters. on "gma" our matt gutman staged a flood simulation with important safety tips that could save your life. >> reporter: we have taken major safety precautions here at adventure sports center international. we have a team of rescuers standing by from rescue 3 international. you may be able to tell that we've chained the front of a car to this concrete, and i'm wearing a life preserver as well underneath this shirt. you can tell at this point we've
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got three pumps going, that the water's going pretty swiftly. 6 inches of water can knock a person off their feet. a foot of water will sweep your r aw.toet in it rht now. you don't want to do this at home. a lot of people get into this situation, they don't have to. we're going to show you the worst that can happen in this video that you're about to see and also some basic safety tips, and you're going to be able to see exactly what is happening in this car, the water roiling up in this live box in the corner of your screen. an average of 94 people in the u.s. die every year in floodwaters. nearly half of those deaths occur in vehicles likely trying to cross submerged roads. that's not a river down there, that was once part of a highway. it can even happen in stagnant water. experts say a flooded road may look passable on the surface, but because of unseen dips, it could be deeper than expected.
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>> when water's covering the road, you really can't tell the depth of the water until it's too late. >> reporter: two weeks ago a man died after attempting to drive through this flooded texas parkway. water there a deceiving eight feet deep. >> some streets may look like they're passable and they're not. >> reporter: it takes 6 inches of swift-moving water to knock a person off their feet, and cars, that water could be sucked into the tailpipe, causing the engine to stall out. at 12 inches that swift water will carry away most vehicles. >> i don't think people realize the power of the water. no vehicle is flood-proof. once the water gets halfway up the tires of a car, an suv, or a fire truck, it's prone to float and be swept away. >> reporter: one of the most important things to remember? >> if you're approaching a flooded roadway, remember, it's not worth it. turn around, don't drown. >> reporter: you heard that turn around, don't drown. too often people realize that they're getting inside a submerged road. they don't see how deep the water is. the key is getting out quickly.
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one then you don't want to do, do not call 911. do not get on your phone. what you do want to do is do that later. first thing, take your seat belt off. next thing, roll down the window. a car battery should live for about, i don't know, a minute or two during that situation. if you do need to break it and your window's not going down, use a headrest, smash it. always hit the corner of your window. next, seat belt. roll down the window. use anything you can to climb up to get on top of this roof. you can use the steering wheel, the visor, the seat belt. i'm going to put my feet on the seat, climb out onto this roof. all right. if yilhave your phone,nt to ride now is the time to call 911. it's a lot easier for rescuers to see you atop this beat-up blue car than it is to see you in the water. okay, this car is going to be careening down this river. it's probably going to smash up at some point against a tree or an obstacle.
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there may be a point at which you feel you need to get off. you don't want to be in it or on top of it when it smashes against something. so what we're going to do is what's called defensive swimming. at some point i'm going to jump in the water and try to swim to a calmer-looking part of the water or an eddy. that's where i'm going to try to get on shore, get out of this water. so defensive swimming. you're like a bug on their back. keep your feet in the air. use your legs as bumpers. basically fending off any obstacles in your way. when you do see that shallow spot, that part where you think you want to get out of water. >> big thanks to matt gutman and thanks to his entire team showing those important safety tips. obviously could be nerve-racking i'm sure for a person in that situation, but hopefully they can take something away from that if you're never that dangerous situation. >> so many people have found themselves in that situation unexpectedly. now you've got something to help. big thanks to matt for that. coming up, could aliens be
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spying on planet earth? >> probably. around down dirt, d? so now, i use heavy duty swiffer sweeper and dusters. for hard-to-reach places, duster makes it easy to clean. it captures dust in one swipe.a and sweeper heavy duty cloths lock away twice as much dirt and dust. it gets stuff deep in the grooves other tools can miss. y'know what? my place... is a lot cleaner now. stop cleaning. start swiffering. about the colonial penn program. here to tell you if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54.
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alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now.
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♪ time for "weird science." on this wednesday we have some science that is pretty weird. apparently there are some objects around earth. >> like asteroids or something? >> researchers, scientists say are perfect for aliens to be on to spy on earth. >> whatever it takes. >> asteroids, also known as co-orbital objects, apparently could be an attractive location for extra-terrestrial intelligence. >> what would they see from way up there? >> they'd see our beautiful planet or see the craziness happening. they're like, what's going on? >> they're not impressed, guys. >> what's going on in washington again? the aliens are like, i think we'll stay on this rock. >> we're good. >> yeah, there you have it, they're spying on us. >> very weird science. how about the science on how long it takes a man to know, a
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typical man, to know he's found the one? >> a typical man. >> typical. so the average american man knows after seven months of dating if his partner is quote-unquote the one. it was a survey of 2,000 engaged and married american men. all the men we're showing you here look the same. but hopefully not all the men in the survey were. it revealed that 49% of the men who popped the question received little hints from their partner encouraging the proposal, like watching movies or tv shows about weddings and stuff. >> so they knew after seven months. but then they took like five more years to propose. >> that could very well be the case. >> yeah. that's pretty cool. hey, also cool in "weird science" on this wednesday, we now know that living closer to the water is good for your mental health.
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i don't think we really needed that. but i will say -- let me tell you about the study first. the study analyzed 26,000 english people and found those that live less than a mile away from the ocean were 22% less likely to report issues such as depression, anxiety, compared to those who live about 30 miles. and i was going to say, ask the people who live on this rock if it's better to live close to the water. the rent's too high, there are rats, pizza rats, subway rats. all types of craziness in this city. >> rats they work with. kidding. >> who's laughing back there? >> i completely agree with that. that's why you've got to find your beach. wherever you live, find your beach, even if it means -- >> you said beach. >> i found mine. stop it. and a performer breaks a guinness world record, flaming hula hoops, five of them.
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this morning on "world news now," a former police officer convicted of murdering her neighbor. >> it was an emotional moment in court. the victim's mother threw her hands in the air when the judge announced the jury found amber guyger guilty. she testified she thought it was her apartment. now the big question, how long will she spend behind bars? also this morning the unusual twist in the impeachment inquiry. the state department inspector general has requested an urgent briefing today. what this could mean for president trump. other headlines out of the white house, madness caused by a mouse. it fell out of the ceiling. we'll show you where it landed, leading to a scramble among reporters. and get ready for your morning motivation. we're hearing from the viral went fm itter fame to center stage on "jimmy kimmel live." it's wednesday, october 2nd.
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♪ i'm not welcoming you back. she's like pausing. are we going to do this? no. you're going to leave me for a day or two every single week and you want me to welcome -- no slow claps for her. no, jack, no. >> i was ready to get going. it is my line first. i had to think, wait, wait, what day is it? i guess it's because i had those last few days off and it was glorious. >> you know what day it is. >> it took me a second. it's wednesday. hump day! >> not every week, i'm not going to be welcoming you back. >> uh-huh. get used to it. >> she's back. >> anyway, so glad to be back with k-mo. we begin with that verdict being watched across the country, the former dallas police officer found guilty of murder and now awaiting her
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sentence. >> amber guyger was booked into the dallas county jail after the penalty phase of her murder trial wrapped up for the day. it resumes this morning. >> she sat in the courtroom alone just moments after being convicted of murdering her neighbor botham jean. abc's marcus moore has been following the case from the start and joins us now from dallas. >> reporter: it took the jury less than five hours to reach a decision. >> we the jury unanimously find the defendant, amber guyger, guilty of murder. >> reporter: a burst of emotion following the swift guilty verdict. botham jean's mother throwing her hands in the air. for her, a moment of victory in the face of a deep loss. amber guyger, a former dallas police officer, holding a tissue. her head dipping slightly. one officer appearing to console her afterwards. outside the courtroom cheers and applause. >> this is a huge victory. not only for the family of botham jean, but as his mother alison told me a moment ago, this is a victory for black people in america. >> reporter: the diverse jury made up of men and women of different ethnicities had three choices. murder, meaning amber guyger, who testified she thought it was her apartment, in fact intended to kill botham jean seconds
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after she walked through his door. manslaughter, that she acted recklessly when she pulled the trigger. or acquittal. prosecutors says jean was sitting on the couch eating ice cream and watching tv when guyger walked in. >> hey, hey, hey. i yelled at him, let me see your hands, let me see your hands. >> reporter: a key moment where guyger wept at times may have hinged on whether she gave verbal commands to jean that night. >> why do you think he heard you say that? >> i can't tell you why. >> it's because you didn't say. >> reporter: the jury unmoved by a late curveball from the judge, an instruction allowing them to consider the castle doctrine, the defense pushing throughout the trial that because guyger thought she was in her own home, she was allowed to defend it. the sentencing phase already under way. jean's mother describing the impact since she lost her son a year ago. >> cannot sleep. i cannot eat. it's just been the most terrible time for me.
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>> reporter: and guyger faces five to 99 years in prison. the punishment phase of this trial could go on for several more days. marcus moore, abc news, dallas. >> our thanks to marcus moore there. now to a new twist in the impeachment showdown. the state department's independent watchdog poised to give an urgent briefing today on capitol hill. >> sources say the state department's inspector general requested the highly unusual meeting with congressional staff about documents related to ukraine, but details are unclear. it comes amid resistance from secretary of state mike pompeo delaying lawmakers' access to impeachment witnesses as he faces allegations of trying to protect the president and himself. >> but kurt volcker, who resigned last week as special envoy to ukraine, still plans to testify tomorrow. and president trump's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, has now hired a lawyer of his own. abc's mona kosar abdi has the latest from washington.
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>> reporter: while on official business in italy, secretary of state mike pompeo was unable to leave behind the impeachment investigation brewing in washington. pompeo ignoring questions from reporters. >> mr. secretary, do you have any comment on reports you're on the july 25th call with president zelensky? >> reporter: at the same time his office firing off a stern letter to house democrats accusing the house foreign affairs committee of attempting to quote intimidate, bully, and treat improperly state department officials who have been scheduled for depositions. stating the five officials scheduled to testy will not appear on the scheduled dates. new details further draw pompeo into the impeachment investigation against president trump. abc news has learned pompeo was listening in on that july 25th phone call in which trump asks the ukrainian president for a political favor. pompeo evading a direct question on the matter one week ago. >> what do you know about those conversations? >> so you just gave me a report about a -- whistle-blower --
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none of which i've seen -- >> reporter: days later congressional investigators subpoena pompeo for documents amid questions about the state department's role. then on monday house democrats subpoena the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, who was mentioned more than 30 times in the whistle-blower complaint related to the call. meanwhile ukraine's president claims he never met with giuliani. >> i've never met rudy giuliani, never. and never had any phone calls with him. >> reporter: in response to pompeo's letter, three committee chairmen leading the investigation stated that pompeo's connection with the ukraine call makes him a possible fact witness, further warning him that any effort to intimidate witnesses or prevent them from speaking with congress is illegal. janai, kenneth? >> our thanks to mona. stunning new details about president trump's desperate efforts to block central american families from entering the country. >> when the president threatened to shut down the entire southern border in march, he reportedly suggested to aides that soldiers so shoot migrants in the legs to slow them down. officials reportedly told "the new york times" the president wanted a border wall fortified
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with a trench with snakes or alligators. north korea has fired a ballistic missile shortly after announcing wanting to restart talks with the u.s. nuclear talks with the u.s. a submarine-launched missile may have been involved but it's not clear where it was fired from. south korea says the maximum altitude was 565 miles, making it the highest missile test in two years. and japan believes at least one missile landed in japanese waters. negotiations between the u.s. and north korea are set to resume this weekend. harvard university is welcoming a federal judge's ruling against claims the school discriminates against asian-american applicants. a lawsuit claimed harvard holds those applicants to higher standards than students of other races. the judge is upholding the school's admission process calling harvard's process not perfect but constitutional. the group behind the lawsuit plans to appeal the ruling. the case could ultimately be decided by the supreme court. the chief negotiator for striking auto workers says the union and general motors remain far apart.
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he said gm made whate comprehensive proposal monday night but it quote came up short. and said the uaw made a strike. january after pleading guilty to insider trading. the republican from western new york state initially denied leaking confidential information about a drug company to his son and others. but in court he pleaded guilty, telling a judge he's embarrassed by his actions. collins faces up to four years in prison. a special election will be held to fill his house seat. facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is worried about the 2020 presidential election. in a leaked audio recording he blasts his critics, including senator elizabeth warren, who has said she would break up big tech companies like facebook if elected. he said he's prepared to sue the government if it tries to break up his company. so a mouse created commotion in the white house. >> the rodent dropped out of a ceiling in the press area. it fell right into the lap of nbc news correspondent pierre alexander before racing through the briefing room.
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it set off what appears to have been an unsuccessful chase. the mouse has not been caught. it's not a rat, a mouse in the house. >> everybody at home, get your jokes out now about the mouse in the press area, rodents in the press area. we have both worked in that press area. it gets -- so here's really what's not a secret is that the place is a dump. >> nasty. there are mouse traps on the floor in there. >> it's an honor to work there, it's historic, blah blah blah. but it's also not what you expect at all. >> no. >> so i guess if you think about it, like the people who are in the press, folks who are in there 24/7, they leave foot behind -- oh hey now. >> whoa, whoa.
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you guys. that's foul. and those are rats. >> those are big guys right there. ew yorci rats. that is disgusting. >> i'm itchy now. >> very uncomfortable, all right. coming up, why a couple was just arrested on their wedding night. plus the home demolished by accident, deepening the mystery, the home was owned by a state representative who's now digging for answers. later, why this young drummer is now taking the internet by storm. and by drummer i meant percussionist. you're watching "world news now." a georgia woman's trip to
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sstop struggling to clean tough messes with sprays. try clean freak! it has three times the cleaning power of the leading spray to dissolve kitchen grease on contact.
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and it's great for bathrooms! just keep pumping the power nozzle to release a continuous burst of mist and make quick work of big jobs. it even works on stainless steel. it cuts through 100% of dirt, grease and grime. available with easy-to-swap refills. to get three times the cleaning power, try clean freak from mr. clean. a georgia woman's trip to the gas station ended with on kick in the head. a deer went leaping past linda tenant as she filled up recently in brunswick. one of the hooves caught her in the head. but hey, she's okay this morning. she's even giggling about this. she thought she was being robbed but it was a deer that was
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jumping high, high over her. i was going to not laugh at that, but then you started. >> that was good video. an arizona couple spent at least part of their wedding night in jail. >> prescott police say they were attacked after responding to a complaint about a disorderly woman in a wedding dress. they say when the first off is there arrived the groom got into a scuffle with him, then his new wife and others joined in. as you can see there, she was still wearing her wedding dress. >> took that something blue a little bit too literally. >> i guess you're light. the alleged kidnapping was caught on video by a front door camera in los angeles. >> that camera shows what police say is a woman banging on a neighbor's porch begging for help as her estranged boyfriend drags her away by her hair. >> reporter: the man in this video is behind bars. the terrifying attack captured on a neighbor's doorbell camera. police say the woman was running
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from her estranged boyfriend. she's kicking and screaming as the man grabs her hair, violently drags her away, and threatens to kill her. >> shut up or i'll kill you. >> reporter: it happened in arcadia, california. police got the video and moved in, rescuing the woman and arresting 27-year-old robert michael mendes, who police say was holding the woman against her will in his home. the video was turned over to police by the homeowner in this case. the company ring has video-sharing relationships with more than 400 police departments across the country. what they call the new neighborhood watch. mendes was booked on charges including attempted murder, kidnapping, and false imprisonment. the woman was so badly hurt, she had to be taken to the hospital. kayna whitworth, abc news, los angeles.
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a demolition mystery playing out in detroit. >> a home owned by a michigan state representative, her name is sherry danyogo, was torn down but no one knows who did it. reports say there are no city records of the demolition, and detroit housing officials insist they didn't order it. danyogo says she planned to give the home to a needy family and she wants answers. >> how can any company, whether the city's contractors or any private entity, demolish a home without, one, the permission of the property owners, and two, without following all the environmental protocols? >> it's a shock to me. it is a surprise to me. and hopefully we will soon get some answers. >> a home next door was properly torn down in july, but that company faced suspension for mistakenly demolishing a home last year. attorneys say it was not involved in this case. that's a head scratcher. with halloween just a few
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weeks away, a home listing in michigan's capital is going viral thanks to a scary addition. >> realtor james pyola added a horror movie look to the four-bedroom home. shots include him dressed like the killer from "scream." he said the homeowners are friends and told him to have fun with the listing. uh-uh, no. >> too much. >> going a little bit too far. coming up next half hour, the woman who climbed into a lion's den. even dancing a little bit there. she's caught on camera taunting that lion. how it all ended. but first the young man whose talent and sheer passion is turning him into the latest viral superstar. it is one of the most famous
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it is one of the most famous drum riffs in modern music history, "take five" by the dave drew beck quartet. >> this morning we're meeting a young percussionist who's managed to hop onto his own rising star. >> don't think i didn't notice
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you switched drummer and percussionist there, you have a history here. all right, y'all. dallon johnston's rhythm and passion for what he does drummed up enough excitement online that just a few hours ago he was a guest on "jimmy kimmel live." he may be on the sidelines. ♪ but there's no doubt dallon johnston is the star of this show. >> i love all of it. i love performing. i just love the wonderful music and the look and the meaning behind the music. >> reporter: and the internet loveda >> i never thought it would be like me who would have a viral video. >> reporter: tweets of support coming in double time. this kid is a national treasure. we must protect him at all costs. this kid is my spirit animal. passion personified. we should all enjoy what we do that much. dallon marching to the beat of
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his own drum all the way to hollywood. >> are you aware of the fact that you're the only good thing in america right now? >> i think your show is pretty good. >> reporter: the gilbert, arizona, native appearing on "jimmy kimmel live" right now. his newfound fame has been a long time coming. >> whenever i'd perform or play music, people would always notice me. and i would feel so good about it. and i enjoyed it. >> reporter: an affinity for the spotlight not surprising. but get this, dallon only recently took up drumming. >> i am actually a trombone player. but in marching band i did percussion because it was something that fit me more. because of the performance aspect. >> reporter: proof that practice makes perfect, but passion makes a star. >> i always give everything. and that's what i try to do every time. to like give other people joy that i have. >> yeah, despite his obvious star quality and megawatt musicianship, dallon plans on studying engineering in college because he says he's just as passionate about that too. >> i love that he said the percussion fit him better
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because of the performance aspect. >> and he's right, obviously, he's a star. because of the performance aspect. >> and he's right, obviously, he's a star. and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. does scrubbing grease feel like a workout? scrub less with dawn ultra it's superior grease-cleaning formula gets to work faster, making easy work of tough messes. dawn is a go-to grease-cleaner throughout the kitchen, too. keep a bottle in the laundry room to pre-treat greasy stains. and keep dawn in the garage to lift grease off car rims. it's even gentle enough to clean wildlife affected by oil. dawn's grease cleaning power takes care of tough grease
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wherever it shows up. scrub less, save more...with dawn
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time for "the mix." second day of october and this is the month for libras and scorpios, their birthday months. in fact, for my own mama moton, it's her birthday in a couple of weeks. >> same with my mama and one of my sisters and my husband. >> and it turns out october babies, they're the best, according to a new study. >> at least my husband is. >> so apparently an article is written stating why babies born in october are the best. i said it was a study. it's an article. it's not really research or scientific. >> it's an opinion, someone opined. >> they have two birthstones. they have good astrological signs. the same month as halloween. and they could be president. six presidents born in october. john adams. rutherford b. hayes.
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chester arthur. teddy roosevelt. >> make sure to go to the neighborhoods with the big houses to get the good candy bars. >> definitely, don't give me an apple. jimmy carter born in october, celebrated his 95th yesterday. >> no candy corn. >> jimmy carter, he gives the good candy bars down in georgia. >> people are going to be dressing up and hopefully you don't dress up like a sexy ronald mcdonald. >> what? >> doesn't that sound like one of those things that are opposite? oxymoron. take a look at this. >> no, do we have to? >> yeah. >> no, we can't unsee -- oh! what? >> you guys, it's not all zoomed in. we have to cover it up, he's in a speedo and there are french fries coming up. you can see the top of the french fries. we should cover that up more. they made that one look human. >> this is disturbing.
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>> those pecs are shaped like -- let's go to the next one. >> you know what this. >> what? >> i did not know mcdonald's was known for curly fries. >> huh, what? oh, what? i can't ask you like -- do i have the dirty mind or do you? >> hey, how about this? this pug is being used for a voice-over. >> listen to this. >> for halo. yep. so this pug has been hard at work there at 343 industry studio where voice actors and audio experts are recording words and sound effects for halo infinite. he sounds like he could be a little monster. that's what they're going to use him for. >> there's a little boy impressed by these bears. oh look, the big bears. oh, they're playing. he thinks it's so cute. they're going to play with each other. >> that pug, that's how you
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when i have an asthma attack... i feel like a fish with no water. learn how to prevent your child's next asthma attack. because even one attack is one too many.
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this morning on "world news now," the former officer accused of the wrong apartment killing of an innocent man has been convicted. she's facing up to 99 years in prison. what's expected in today's sentencing phase. also the countdown is on until new travel requirements go into effect nationwide. find out what you need on your i.d. to make sure you don't end up grounded. new this half hour, what was she thinking? >> a woman is seen inside a lion exhibit at a popular zoo taunting the animal just feet away. now police want your help to find her. plus the restaurant gaining popularity among pregnant women. they're flocking there for a burger they think will induce labor. what's in it and where is this place? we have all the answers on this wednesday, october 2nd.
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>> i'm not even pregnant, obviously, and i'm like, can i get that burger? >> all you have to do is see the picture, that burger looks good. >> that's a good-looking burger. most women are doing yoga but i understand why you would eat that. >> good wednesday morning. we'll tell you all about that burger, we'll let kenneth see more pictures of it later this half hour. we begin with that stunning guilty verdict in the murder trial of former dallas cop, amber guyger. >> guyger is expected back in court today as the sentencing part of her trial resumes. she was found guilty of murdering her neighbor, botham jean. >> the relief on the faces of jean's family was obvious in court. you see his mom with her hands in the air there right after the judge read the jury's verdict. abc's trevor ault has the details.
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>> reporter: amber guyger, once an officer of the dallas police department, is now a convicted murderer. the jury deliberating for six hours, even considering a lesser charge of manslaughter, before reaching that stunning decision. >> we the jury unanimously find the defendant, amber guyger, guilty of murder. >> reporter: the announcement met with gasps inside the dallas courtroom. guyger appearing to wipe tears from her face. throughout the trial she had insisted she walked into the apartment of 27-year-old botham jean by mistake, thinking it was her home, believing he was an intruder, opening fire. >> i thought it was my apartment. >> reporter: guyger's defense attorneys argued she had been confused and feared for her life. >> i yelled at him, let me see your hands, let me see your hands. >> reporter: monday invoked the castle doctrine which allows people to use deadly force, defending themselves in their own homes. but guyger wasn't in her own home, and botham jean, who at the time of the shooting was watching television and eating ice cream, is now dead. with the sentencing phase already under way, his mother describing the impact of losing her son. >> cannot sleep.
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i cannot eat. it's just been the most terrible time for me. >> reporter: the family of botham jean is testifying in the sentencing phase of this case. amber guyger is facing five to 99 years in prison. kenneth, janai? >> thank you, trevor. now to the latest on the impeachment inquiry. house democrats are now trying to bypass secretary of state mike pompeo in their quest for information stemming from president trump's phone call to ukraine. >> a group of house democratic chairmen wrote a letter suggesting pompeo is trying to cover up illicit activity by the president. since pompeo listened in on the ukraine call, they addressed the letter to his deputy, saying pompeo appears to have an obvious conflict of interest. meanwhile the state department's inspector general heads to capitol hill after requesting an urgent briefing on ukraine. >> as democrats step up the
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impeachment investigation, the president's personal lawyer has hired a lawyer. here's abc's jonathan karl. >> reporter: secretary of state mike pompeo traveling in italy dodged questions about whether he was on the call that triggered an impeachment inquiry. >> mr. secretary, do you have any comment on reports you're on the july 25th call with president zelensky? >> reporter: in that call, president trump asked president zelensky of ukraine to quote do us a favor and investigate a debunked conspiracy theory about democrats. he asked zelensky to investigate joe biden and his son hunter. at the time the u.s. was withholding nearly $400 million in military aid to ukraine. the call was the focus of the whistle-blower complaint alleging abuse of power by the president. in an interview with abc news secretary pompeo was evasive when asked about the call. >> what do you know about those conversations? >> so you just gave me a report about a whistle-blower -- none of which i've seen -- >> reporter: four days later when the whistle-blower complaint was made public, pompeo suggested he was still in the dark.
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>> i haven't had a chance to actually read the whistle-blower complaint yet. >> reporter: but abc news has confirmed pompeo was in fact listening in on the president's call with ukraine. that call was only part of the whistle-blower's complaint. he also alleges the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani, was engaging in talks with ukrainian officials and that state department officials were trying to quote contain the damage to national security. house democrats have demanded to question five current and former state department officials this week. but pompeo rebuffed the request, at least for now, calling it an attempt to intimidate, bully, and treat improperly the distinguished professionals of the department of state. democrats say that amounts to obstruction, calling on the secretary of state to immediately cease intimidating department witnesses in order to protect himself and the president. >> to the best of my knowledge and from what i've seen so far, each of the actions that were undertaken by state department
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officials was entirely appropriate. >> reporter: many questions remain unanswered. giuliani has insisted everything he did was at the behest of mike pompeo's state department. >> i have uncovered corruption that this washington swamp has been covering up effectively for years, and his state department, you know, asked me to do this -- >> reporter: house democrats say they will also likely want giuliani to testify. will he agree to it? >> oh, i don't know. i'm weighing the alternatives. i'll kind of like go through it. i'll get all my evidence together, i'll get my charts. i don't know, if they let me use videotapes and tape recordings that i have. >> reporter: abc has learned the state department's internal watchdog will be on capitol hill wednesday giving what sources are calling an urgent briefing related to the ukraine matter, a briefing to members, staffmembers of the house and the senate. jonathan karl, abc news, the white house. and president trump now says he's entitled to interview the whistle-blower who filed the complaint fueling the impeachment investigation.
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>> the long-time republican senator, chuck grassley, is coming to the whistle-blower's defense. he said quote this person appears to have followed the whistle-blower protection laws and ought to be heard and protected. he added uninformed speculation is counterproductive and doesn't serve the country. once again the number of vaping-related deaths in the u.s. is on the rise. health officials announced two more fatalities linked to vaping. one was in virginia, the other in new jersey. that brings the nationwide death toll to at least 16 people. meanwhile a new ban on flavored tobacco products in los angeles county takes effect next month. its supporters are calling on california's governor to pass a statewide vaping ban. your current driver's license may not be good enough to get you on an airplane soon. this time next year you'll need what's called a real i.d., something that meets federal security requirements. compliant cards are marked with a star located in the upper portion of the card. most states offer the enhanced driver's licenses but three don't, oklahoma, oregon, new
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jersey. so far only about one in four people has a real i.d. >> wait a second. if you live in one of those three states you have to get a whole new i.d.? y a so i rememb in.c. ey have the real i.d. and most people are phasing them in because apparently years ago, passed this act, and they said you have 18 -- it was passed after 9/11. so they said you have pretty much till this certain amount of time. >> you know what, i'm going to out myself. i've got a little bit of an attitude right now because i happen to be in one of those states and i just got a new driver's license a couple of weeks ago and i have to go back? >> stand in that line for a few hours. do it all over again. >> that ain't right. >> you want to get on a plane? we know you like to take a little vacation. >> that ain't right. you can just use a passport, right? moms to be are heading to a minneapolis-area restaurant. hoping a special burger can push
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their pregnancies along. >> it's been dubbed the labor-inducer. >> look at that. i'm about to have a baby right now. >> excuse me. ken liked that. it's at the suburban in excelsior, minnesota. it's angus beef, honey-cured bacon. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> peach caramelized onions. spicy mustard. >> give to it me. >> cajun remoulade. >> however you want to say it. >> at least two pregnant women say they went into labor within seven hours after eating the burger. the restaurant says it's seen a few moms-in-waiting. >> look at that bacon, that cheese. >> stop by every day since word got out. >> put the picture back up, i'm hungry! that looks so good. >> it may not be a real baby but a food baby coming to kenneth moton soon. >> yes, i'm going to go. "world news now," can you please send me to this place and have a pregnancy-inducing -- excuse me, pregnancy-inducing -- it will get you pregnant.
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>>otbaby, ole process. >> i don't think anyone wants to make a baby after eating that. >> certain foods, spicy foods in particular, have long been thought to induce labor, so maybe that's it. >> more bacon, please. coming up, the new health scare for beyonce's dad. first the frightening scene at the bronx zoo. the woman who climbed inside a lion exhibit and taunted the big cat. later in "the skinny," the video that's putting queen's classic hit "we will rock you" in a whole new light. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price?
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you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now.
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try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee a terrifying moment for a driver in oreg a terrifying moment for a driver in oregon. a piece of plastic flew and up got stuck to his windshield. he was able to slow down in the median. and remove the plastic but not before some very scary seconds. imagine that. >> i would have been no good at all. that would not have -- >> and you know what, i believe it. you would have screamed so high pitched. >> oh my god, that was crazy. here in new york another close call played out inside the world-famous bronx zoo. >> in this case the woman put herself in danger on purpose by climbing into a lion's den. here's abc's gio benitez.
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>> reporter: shocking video from inde maclbsnto thli's exhibit and starts dancing, taunting a male lion as it looks on from just feet away. the dangerous incident happened saturday. a visitor at the zoo recording videos and posting them on instagram. >> it's pretty ridiculous. it's like you want to go into danger. even if they're taken care of, they're still wild animals. >> there was a moat between the woman and the lion, but the zoo says it was serious violation and unlawful trespass that could have resulted in serious injury or death. luckily the lion did not attack. right now we don't know who the woman is, but the zoo is filing a criminal trespass complaint with police, who are working to identify her. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> thank you, gio. today is day two of breast cancer awareness month. >> the white house is bathed in pink to raise awareness about the disease, continuing a tradition which was started by first lady laura bush in 2008.
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much of the focus is on women. 1 in 8 in the united states will be affected by breast cancer, but the disease also affects men and is usually more deadly when it does because male breast cancer is usually detected when it's more advanced. beyonce's father, matthew knowles, is among the thousands of men battling the disease. the 67-year-old spoke about his diagnosis and recovery in an interview which airs this morning on "good morning america." knowles tells michael strahan he is ready to keep fighting. >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing really good, michael. i had my surgery the last week of july. now doing all the steps for recovery. >> you can hear more of matthew knowles' interview with michael strahan this morning on "gma." when we come back, the catwalk crasher and the supermodel who said, not today. and the star who turned down a $250 million paycheck.
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♪ skinny just gimme the skinny
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♪ skinny just gimme the skinny ♪ it is time for "the skinny" starting with the headline overseas that has been lighting up the "skinny" international desk. >> a scene that played out at the catwalk at the chanel show for paris fashion week. a crasher stormed the runway as the models took their final walk. supermodel gigi hadid was having none of that. >> so she bravely confronted the woman and then escorted her off the runway. >> so that's the crasher right there. >> yep. gigi said, no, no, no. who are you, what are you doing here, excuse me, this way. >> put her arm around her. eere comedian. the crasher has been identified as a 28-year-old comedian. >> the way gigi put that arm around her? who says models don't have that muscle strength? they got the power. back at home we're continuing our domestic "skinny" coverage of the wedding of the year. >> justin bieber has released a series of black and white photos from his second wedding to hailey baldwin over the weekend in south carolina.
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>> yes, and south carolina apparently is getting the revenue. we're learning new details about the event in which 154 guests attended, not 153, not 155. the guest list included kendall jenner, jaden smith, and most of the baldwin brothers. that's an update because we said all of them were going to be there yesterday, who didn't show up? >> who wasn't there? "the daily mail" is reporting the couple shelled out at least $1.3 million on the wedding. the flowers alone cost a reported $300,000. and since bieber and his guests took over nearly the entire five-star resort, accommodations for just two nights would have cost over $90,000. but it ain't tricking if you got it. >> that is very true. >> that means if they have the money it's not a big deal. >> oh, you're explaining for the people outside of atlanta? >> shout-out to the atl. next to a classic case of celebrity would have, could have, should have.
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>> even matt damon worth an estimated net worth of $170 million has his regrets. >> that's not bad. >> the oscar winner is opening up to british "gq" about his biggest regret. >> damon tells the magazine that james cameron offered him the lead role in "avatar," and not just the lead role but 10% of the film's total take. >> which translates into a cool $250 million. of course the star said no, so he could focus on "the bourne ultimatum" and the role eventually went to sam worthington, who was not offered such a sweet deal, but he's on the phone with his agent right now saying -- >> how did we miss out on that? >> 10%, can i even get 1%? >> matt damon, $170 million, it's not that bad. >> it really isn't, no. the fact that he passed up on that deal, that's why jimmy kimmel won't have him on his show. >> you heard it here. next to the creative recovering of a classic hit. >> a youtuber released a brand-new video that uses
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clipping from over 100 films and tv shows to create a cover of "we will rock you" and it's pretty mind blowing. ♪ you've got mud on your face a big disgrace we will we will rock you ♪ ♪ we will we will rock you >> the youtuber badger is promising more videos are coming soon. finally to a well-deserved honor for tyler perry. honored with his own star on the hollywood walk of fame. >> perry, who was once homeless and has since built a multi-million dollar empire dedicated his star to the underdogs and says he hopes his success serves as inspiration to those who may be on life support. he had famous friends on his side including kerry washington, is that idris? >> that was idris.
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here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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♪ sherry sherry baby ♪ sherry sherry baby the year was 1962. the four seasons were topping the charts. a man named edward pearson enlisted in the u.s. army. >> pearson served his country and lived out his life. now more than 1,000 people he never knew have given him a hero's final farewell. here's abc's david muir. >> reporter: this is 80-year-old u.s. army veteran edward k. pearson. and his obituary in the newspaper ended with these words. "this veteran has no immediate family. all are welcome to attend." and on the day of his funeral, we witnessed something extraordinary. hundreds came to celebrate a man who they did not know but who they wanted to honor. at the sarasota national cemetery in florida, this group carrying in american flags.
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others laying flowers, reaching out to touch the veteran's urn. the honor guard folding the american flag. there was one man who perhaps said it best. >> it shows that americans still care. and we still have a special empathy for mankind. >> reporter: one by one, mourners stepped up to the podium. >> when i first heard about him on the news, that he had no family, well, that broke my heart. >> i couldn't think of a better way to spend a day than to come and honor this veteran. thank you. >> reporter: and then the veteran's neighbor who told all of the strangers who had gathered how proud ed would be. >> if ed were here today and saw this for him, he would cry. he would laugh. and he'd salute.
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>> very sweet and touching there. >> absolutely. a big thanks to david for that story. now to a heartwarming surprise. we're going to take you to st. louis. the thing about people in st. louis, i went to school in missouri. >> i heard. >> the thing about the folks in st. louis, they're big fans of the cardinals and the blues. do you guys have other teams? i don't know, they're big fans of those two. this 11-year-old, her name is laila anderson, she is a st. louis blues superfan who is the team's good luck charm last season when they won it all. >> laila, who battled a rare autoimmune disease that nearly took her life, was surprised by two blues players with her very own stanley cup ring on tuesday. laila broke down into tears and said the ring fits beautifully even though it's about the same size as her whole hand. >> look at her, she can barely contain herself and her shirt and her hat, very sweet, shout-out to the blues for that one.
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