tv ABC7 News 500PM ABC October 10, 2019 5:00pm-5:29pm PDT
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humidity is running low, which is why the fire danger is always a concern this time of year. 9% at concord. 10% at vacaville. remain aware of your surroundings. here's a live look from the tam cam. look at the peak gusts. mt. st. helena, 77 miles per hour. mt. diablo, 75. mt. hamilton, knoxville creek, over 50 mile-per-hour winds. over 30 mile-per-hour winds at oakland hills and also mt. tam. i'll let you know what's in store as those winds continue to die down and we hd the ea arweekend tow coming up. >> okay. thank you. on the peninsula, firefighters raced to keep this grassfire from burning out of control atop san bruno mountain this morning. flames burned five acres in guadalupe canyon and brisbane. the fire erupted beneath pg&e . use of the fire. the fire was contained in an hour or so. two engines are on the scene now making sure there are no flare-ups, no furtherapparent n
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lines. >> all right. in the north bay, businesses are trying to make due, many operating without power for a second straight day. >> some challenges to be sure. abc7's wayne friedman is live in santa rosa with the story. wayne? >> reporter: good afternoon. as power comes back slowly, so does norm am see. we've been at the corn of mendocino and bicente in staosa nniarl w mosayt of th day. earlier, just stop signs, traffic going through, people trusting other people, no light lights came on. now if you look over my shoulder, you can see we have full traffic lights again. we have reds, we have yellows, greens. a lot more safety on tfran kly. that's some good news after all of this ordeal. everybody in the north bay seems to be in a hurry. not as much of a hurry as this time-lapse video indicates, but at rush hour tonight, they want to go home. should they live in a blacked
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out area like this, they may be going home to black holes. for frank woodward, any credibility that pg&e used to have is him. the theorizing has training day for pg&e. >> reporter: what do you mean? >> well, they're going to have to shut off the power if there's another fire. they're going to have to have people in place to know how to do that, to do it. i figure this is a dre rehearsal. >> reporter: meantime, some people carry on. in the farmers lane plaza, hard see it homewares is still doing business with paper receipts and cash. they have a generator to provide some light. meantime, in the same mall, salon 12 is still making women beautiful practically in the dark. talk about priorities. if you make an appointment, you keep it said client lynn kaufman. >> it takes a lot more to get a woman not to have her hair dyed than a little power outage. >> reporter: such as -- >> well maybe if my car didn't work and i couldn't get here. >> reporter: is it electric? >> no.
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i'm sorry. >> reporter: an electric car would be a good excuse. as we come back live to by ntal and mdocino avenue where the traffic lights have gone back to normal. it's worth noting there were at least 14 collisions in intersections since the power went out in santa rosa. all of them due to the power not powering the lights, according to the santa rosa police department. this intersection behind us had two of them. live in santa rosa, abcomne peo are starting to get their power back on. >> abc7's laura anthony is live in maraga with the latest on that and also a fire that broke out overnight there. laura? >> reporter: hi. let there be light. i was smeinndta location an hous go here at the hardware lhts came isnd16-h outagearea.
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[ siren ] it was a close call for residents of sanders ranch in maraga as a grassfire in the middle of the night came roaring toward several homes, scorching up to 60 acres and prompting evacuations to a nearby church. >> we live in a cul-de-sac. we have elderly neighbors. everyone got everyone up and made sure they at least knew. and so we packed our car with essentials things, getting ready to head out of town if we needed to. >> i don't know if the power -- >> reporter: this morning at the hardware store, a generator t doors open for his customers but also to make a little morning brew. >> i just brought it over this morning for my staff. and then there wasn't any place to get coffee in maraga, so i was making it forom inby. >> reporter: the owner of tas p beat the clock, trying to get a new generator up and running before thousands of dollars in food spoiled. >> it's been crazy because first they said 12:01 a.m. that they were going to turn on the power
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-- turn it off. and then they said they'd be on. itat stayed on until at least 9:30 last night so we could have been open yesterday. >> reporter: at sleepy hollow school, classes were in session. many kids brought their own sources of light. >> the students came ready for now pour. the teachers have been super flexible. we've had a day, it's novel, but a day like any other day without any technology. and actually that's been a really nice time for us to unplug and enjoy other ways to lern. >> reporter: we're back live here at the hardware store. the owner here, bill, told me it's an interesting thing here today. normally they would have the lights on. 'dy slou he told me that the business was actually up today with no lights, no credit cards, about we're still awaiting an update from the marag fire dertnt ab's important to point out at
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that fire started probably 2, 2.5 hours after the power lines in this area were deenergized. laura anthony, abc7 news. >> thank you. as the power finally returns, so many communities across the state, now estimaes are coming in about the economic cost of the blackout. >> they're pretty staggering. the i-team has been looking into that. we have the latest. >> we can safely say that pg&e has an image problem. they asked for $11 million in bonuses for top executives this year while the company is bankrupt. a federal judge denied that. now we're seeing just how big the tab will be for these forced blackouts. economists tell me they have studied the cost of blackouts that come from natural disasters, say an earthquake, but this is a first. such a massive blackout called for and decided by a singl entity, pg&e. a professor at cal's school of business told me according to early estimates the power outages will cost our economy up to $2.6 billion. and the continued threat of
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blackouts will have an impact. >> if you have to buy a backup generator in orders to operate a business in california, california becomes a lot less attractive place to operate a business. >> reporter: companies shut down, spoiled, lost work hours. a serious blow to the world's fifth-largest economy. now there are new calls for more effective oversight of pg&e. the company's holding a news conference in the next hour. i'll be there again to ask the questions. the ceo bill johnson will be there, as well. his first appearance since the blackouts started. we'll see what he has to say. >> look forwards to hearing from him. a reminder of the ripple effect of the cost of this. it's much bigger than you might think. >> it really is. the question is if we keep on having these blackouts, do we have to keep paying $2.6 billion inain and coanie o e fncrooumrage them to leave california. >> good point. >> thanks. governor gavin newsom is
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about to speak about the blackout. he's just begin a news countr s conference. >> let's listen in. he's in sacramento. >> i have been unand down this state, i was in oakland two days ago, i had a chance to go to san diego. was in l.a. today, merced, turlock. now here with you, assessing not only the s bituation assessing invariably will be conditions that will take shape in the next 48 hours in southern california. southern california's not immune to the kind of conversations most of us here in the northern part of the state have experienced. let me just make something crystal clear from the top. this is amplified in some of my earlier comments in oakland and in l sangeles. to this ions that were ned moment in pg&e's historyatof ca relates to our major investor-owned utility.
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it is not conditions. this is not from my perspective a climate change story as much as a story about greed and mismanagement over the course of decades. neglect. a desire to advance not public safety but profits. over the course of years and years the kind of hardening of the grid were not done. those were decisions made by pacific gas and electric. nay chose not to mod-- they chose not to modernize their grid over the course of many years. it led to their own demise. led to bankruptcy, it led to events that culminatedal weeks before i had the privilege of being sworn in as governor of the state of california. you may recall i took not the oath of office, but i took over as acting governor of the state of california the day after my election as lieutenant governor, in that position when governor brown was out of office.
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when we were receiving word about a fire in northern california. later commonly referred to as the camp fire. learned more hours later about a fire in southern california, the woolsey fire. it a sense ofed lo t deep urgency. yeisth, last year and the year prior, record number of devastating forest fires, brush fires, fires that as we know but did not know at the time were directly caused by neglect and decisions by major investor owned utilities. camp fire, substantively, that example. we as a consequence of that led an effort that culminated here with an hour-long presentation. a detailed presentation of how we were laying out and soaping not justng a strategy of solutions. we laid out a framework on environment am commitments we
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were making -- environmental commitments. we were making a fire investigation strategy. talked in terms. how we can get our largest investor-owned utility out of bankruptcy and do it w a sense of iturgenchy. maid it clear to the legislature we couldn't wait until after the summer. we needed to get it done. i don't think without exception there's a person in this room that will did not write or produce a tv episode that said that was likely not. we got it done, and we got it done because we recognized the moment we are in. no one is naive about this moment. waed t sha thipe, m ormomentrfoa much more enlightened way. what has occurred in the last 48 hours is unacceptable. what has occurred in the last 48 hours is kids staying home from school. you know, parents that can't bathe their kids. folks that come home from work,
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can't even find a way to get intogage. you've got people that can't even access water or medical supplies. we're seeing a scale and scope of something that no state in the 21st century should experience. what's happened is unacceptable, and it's happened because of neglect. it's happened because of decisions that were deferred, delayed, or not made by the largest investor-owned utility in the state of california, one of the largest in the nation. so we are doing everything in our power to get through this moment. so i want to brieflyk about al that. we, as you know, and you'll learn more from pg&e later this evening, we are now moving from turning off the lights to turning on the lights. pg&e is now in that mode of assessment. they are now looking to turn
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back the lights. but it requires them to inspect thousands of miles of line before they do that. we are supplementing those efforts and providing resources as we have been to pg&e, to provide support if they need aerial equipment, we will provide that equipment so that we can move forward with those investigations in a much more expedited timeline. we're providing any personnel that they may need including call center personnel. if that's needed. seems pretty evident that it is. i think it was 1:00 a.. this morning that teams at microsoft, and amazon with our i.t. teams helped pg&e get their website back up. it's not the state's responsibility, but we will take responsibility because of this moment. it requires that. we are doing everything in our power to bill capacity and partnerships. that's why the three folks
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behind me are behind me. they will amplify the work they have been doing from day one f weekend. arguably the end of last week, this weekend, and more formally the last 48 hours. over the course of the next few days, we will be pushing very hard to make sure that pg&e fulfills all of their commitments they're making privately and all the commitments they're making publicly to turn the lights back on as quickly as possible. and in turn, we will in a parallel track continue to hold them accountable to fulfill the obligations they have under the legislation we passed. and you can go back, and i encourage you to go back and look at the specific obligations pg&e has in terms of modernizing their equipment, investing $5 billion, the investor-owned utilities, all three in the state to do just that. to make sure that puc
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investigesat and monitors not only what's occurred over the course of the last 48 hours, but the protocols that were in place, the memorandums of understanding. and advances with the kind of i think scrutiny that's required in this moment. a deeper understanding of where we're about to go. not just in the next couple of onbuto meure that we're ts back not having to make a false choice, and that is publicen bweet safety and hards. this is respectfully, rather this can't be respectfully the new normal. it is a false choice to say it's hardship or safety. this idea that we're never going to experience 20% humidity or lower or 25 mile-per-hour winds
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with 45 mile-per-hour gusts ever again is absurd, of course we will. that then suggests are we going to be right back where we are e radically change. and we have a plan,ne woad he g bankruptcy by july or june, end of june next year. but in the interim, we need to see significant improvements in arulic relates to ration, anything along the lines of these psps, these power shutoffs. one final point. we also anticipated and stated this on multiple occasions including here in this room that this idea of deenergization is notno it occurs as an industry best practice. san diego's been doing it for years and years and years. they learned their lesson in 2007.
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pg&e didn't learn that lesson even after some of the mismanagement of san bruno. but san diego gas and electrc is arguably one of the nation's most effective and efficient ious, but specifically as it relates to their predictive analysis, their weather station. i had a chance to visit a few months ago. it's exceptional. it's at another leve and eyl.ade the point this is an important tool when there's a confluence of conditions. knowing that and anticipating that pg&e would finally get that message because they had that choice before camp. you had 60 to 65 mile-per-hour winds the night before that camp fire. theyho n tdeenergize.
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that was a decision they made. you had 20 to 30 mile-per-hour consistent winds up there on the day of that fire and gusts that went to much i think as 52 miles per hour. and that decision cost lives. and unprecedented damage. and ultimatelybaruptcy. >> you're listening to governor gavin newsom speaking from sacramento, mincing no words regarding pg&e and this decision to have blackouts that affected hundreds of thousands of people across the state, using words referring to pg&e like mismanagement, greed, and neglect many times. >> uh-huh. he said they were the result of intentional choices, right, that pg&e made over the years to not invest in infrastructure, not to modernize. he pointed out san diego's utility as employing this technique sometimes. but overall being much better managed -- >> saying it an exemplary -- profits over safety is what he
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said. >> pg&e will have to answer some of those questions that are being posed when they have a news at at&t we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world. connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet. we've created access from a cas with at least one receives snap or ssi benefits. retsident who may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee.
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visit, to learn more. just heard the governor speaking live in sacramento. in the south bay, there's a conference about the shutdown us. >> we have more from chris nguyen. >> the mayor saiheos t the city half a million declares. and although pg&e has not released the exact timeline for restoration, the mayor says it appears as though the power is coming back quickly here in san jose. he also spoke with pg&e executives today offering city staff and resources to help accelerate that process. take a listen. >> we had many city employees
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n ato lastnight, as i ck, as i witnessed them hard at work. and we certainly had spoken with the governor's office about the large public cost. i have myself, we're going to continue to press that issue, and expect that there will be some compensation from pg&e for the considerable public cost resulting from this these power shutdowns. >> reporter: the city began the day with 68 traffic signals without power. the mayor telling us that number is down to just four within the past hour. we know 20,000 customer accounts in san jose were impact by the power outage. that equates to roughly 60,000 people according to the city, and those outages were felt in the cities. back here added the ever green community center as a new resource center where people can go to get water, snacks, charging for their mobile devices, as well as
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get some air conditioning if needed. we've put a link on our website to the full list of resources throughout the bay area. you can head over to for the information. live in san jose, abc7 news. >> all right. great to hear about the extra resource. thanks. >> that's what's happening in the south bay. well.n the north bay now, peopl >> abc7's eric thomas is live in napa with the frustration some are feeling er? got off the phone with the county's office of emergency services. they say the all-clear has been given here, as well for pg&e to begin inspecting power lines in hopes to begin turning some of the 32,000 customers who don ha back on a however, the damage, at least psychically for a lot of people, has been done. >> it's hard to know where to start. >> reporter: dotti keller -- >> do you know how long eggs last? >> reporter: is a member of a not-so-exclusive club in napa county. >> if i had known it was going to be like this, i could have
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taken it down and donated it. >> reporter: instead she's having to toss hundreds of dollars worth of food from her refrigerator and freezer into the trash. she just got back from an out-of-town trip last night to find the power had been off f two days. dotti knows it's for fire prevention, but she's skeptical. >> we didn't burn before when the big fires were here. so i don't know why the areas and some of the areas downtown don't haveelic >> reporter: in october of 2017, more than 65 inom h napa county due to the atlas, nun, or tubbs fires. pg&e says it's trying to avoid a repeat by deenergizing power lines, leaving 32,000 customers without power, incngdiluhe napa county sheriff's office which is runnin on generator power. >> i think what's been challenging is just the lack of communication. >> reporter: like dotti, andrea gordon lives near the silverado country club and has had no electricity since early tuesday. but unlike dotti, a contractor
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has loaned her a generator to keep at least some of her food from spoiling. >> we were able to -- we have one fridge that's operating. our neighbors across the street, two young kids, they have nothing. >> reporter: andrea and her husband moved to napa from seattle in may. she says pg&e hasn't shared much useful information, and their website and outage maps en he s >> i think it's good that they're being cautionary. on thor hand they don't have a plan for how quickly they can get the powerkac bon. >> reporter: talking about economic impacts, i talked to the general manager of the silverado country club. they don't have power. they've already had three weddings cancel. that's several thousand dollars each. and they've also comped the rooms to people who were staying there when the power went out and for last night, as well. they're losing money as well as some other businesses are. live in downtown nap aeric thomas, abc7 ne
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you know when you're at ross and that cute dress gets even cuter? yes. or when you can say yes... to both? or when you find that brand at that price? are you kidding me? yeah. that's yes for less. and that's what ross always has in store. whoa. (sighs) yes... oh, yeah. it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less.
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good evening, everyone. let's look at live doppler 7 now. we have high clouds passing through the bay area temperatures today have come up a few degrees. nost of you i hea few 80s around ukaia, cloverdale. it is pleasant in terms of the numbers. the towercamera showing the lovely view of san francisco this evening. here's another view with the high clouds and a little smoke from the emeryville camera. this is coming from the sierra. so smoke advisory has been issued by the air district for tonight and tomorrow. here's a look at the air quality for tomorrow. moderate for all parts of the bay area except the south central bay. so definitely be aware of that if you have any respiratory issues. you'll want to limit your outdoor time. here's the hour-by-hour humidity forecast. 6:00 p.m. tonight, 11% lake beresa, 12% in fairfield. the humidity starts to come up viously helps out in terms of the fire danger. then it drops again tomorrow.
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so even though we're not under a red flag warning, dry time of year around this time, so definitely keep that in mind. that fire danger is not completely gone just because the humidity is coming up. 6:00 tonight, greens, blues, indicating low to moderate fire danger risk. as we go into tomorrow morning, a little bit of yellows shows up in isolated spots in the north bay which is a high risk for some spots. most of you looking at a lower risk of fire danger as we go into tomorrow. clear and chilly to start off the morning, especially in the inland valleys. 39 in lakeport. 36 in ukaia. many other areas will be in the 40s, 50s. you will need to bundle up. for the afternoon hours, it's going to be sunny, mild, 81 degrees in livermore, 82 concord. 76 in san francisco. 81 in san rafael. 85 in santa rosa, morgan hill. 82 in san jose, and 80 degrees in palo alto. really just a beautiful day. a look at the accu-weather sn k seven-day forecast you will notice a nice day, low 70s to
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mid 80s. mild to warm saturday. sunday, fine fall weather, but a little bit cooler. the cooling continues right on through the middle of next week. right now thursday, one computer model wants to bring in the possibility of showers. the other is not so aggressive in that approach. for now, we'll go with a slight chance and keep you posted as things develop. >> all right. thank you. that is all for now. "world news tonight" is next. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm kristen sze. for all of us here, thank you for joining us tonight. >> see you again in half an hour. the very latest on the power 00
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tonight, breaking news as we come on the air. the homes engulfed in flames. the fires out of control at this hour, fueled by winds. homes and properties burning right now. the images coming in and the horrific stories. the child running into her parents' room, screaming, "the hill is on fire." also, the crippling blizzard tonight. the dangerous storm. treacherous driving. the sudden 60-degree drop. and the nor'easter targeting new york city and boston, whipping winds and blinding rain. what to expect tomorrow morning. rob marciano with the new track. there is also breaking news involving the president's personal attorney. two men helping rudy giuliani investigate joe biden in ukraine under arrest tonight. the two men taken into custody at the airport with one-way tickets out of the u.s. reportedly hours after having lunch with giuliani at the trump
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