tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 14, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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abc7 will look into the past and future, thursday at 6:30 p.m. morning news at 4:30 will upda >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- jeff bridges, from "mixed-ish" mykal-michelle harris, guillermo on the road to brooklyn, and music from morris day featuring snoop dogg. and now, relax, jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, that's very kind. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thank you for joining us on -- you know it is doubleheader of holidays here in the united states. today is both indigenous peoples and columbus day, depending on where you stand on slavery i guess. i don't know. [ laughter ] i have to say, a lot of my --
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i'm italian, or i'm an italian-american and many of my fellow italian-americans get defensive about christopher columbus. i'm not sure why. first of all, he was working for spain. he wasn't yvoneven working for italy. second, never even got to north america. he was never here. did you know that? the closest he got was the bahamas. he died thinking he went to india and found a trade route to china. he did neither one of those things. this was a guy with three boats and a bad sense of direction. [ laughter ] columbus is basically the 1492 version of the people who write first in the youtube comments section. [ laughter ] but for some reason italians think it's an insult to you are our ancestry to say no to columbus. columbus missed india by 9,000 miles and still decided to call everyone he met indians anyway. [ laughter ] you know, leonardo da vinci invented the helicopter in 1493. he drew a helicopter. why don't we celebrate him?
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there are 100 -- maybe 500 more deserving italians we could be celebrating. da vinci, marconi, michelangelo. bon jovi. we could have bon jovi day. [ cheers and applause ] we could be celebrating -- dress up on cowboys and on a steel horse we ride. instead we honor a man whose gift to america was measles. [ laughter ] christopher columbus had one job and he screwed that up. and today as a nod to columbus we went out onto hollywood boulevard. that was our journey today. to find out if people on the street could do a better job of finding the places columbus couldn't. >> can you find india for us? >> i'm going to say it's somewhere in this direction. i just don't know exactly where. >> india would be here. >> no. that's japan. >> over here. >> no. >> over >> no. >> over here. >> no. that's greenland. >> can you do us a favor? >> sure. >> and find india for us on a
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map. >> oh, yeah. i'm texas. >> yeah, that's where texas is. that's texas. congratulations. >> yes. >> where in texas are you from? >> this little general area. it's a pretty big city. near dallas. >> can you show us the route you took to get from texas all the way over to california? >> sure. i got on a plane here in dallas and then about three hours later i ended up in l.a.x. >> where did you go? show us with the pointer. >> from right here all the way over. >> yes? >> all the way over here to california. is that north america? what continent is is is is >> you are as qualified a navigator as christopher columbus. and so therefore -- >> happy columbus day. >> happy columbus day. you navigationally challenged idiot. >> i didn't even know it was columbus day. >> what are people from india called? >> um. india. not indians. >> yeah. right.
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sure. people from india? >> yeah. >> indonesian. >> one more time, would you find texas for us? >> sure. texas is located right here in north america. right here towards the bottom. we know this is south america. >> we don't know that. >> we're not 100% confident because it's not labeled. maybe like -- you know what? hold on. this one looks more like north america. >> it sure does. >> yeah. okay. okay. i'm getting close. and this one right here would be texas. >> yeah. >> okay. we're getting hotter. texas right here. >> yep. >> and now we're in california. >> right. so show us the route you took. >> i always get florida and california mixed up. >> you do? >> they're on opposite sides. but this right here would be california, then. >> that is florida. >> dang. okay. then this one's california. i just flip-flopped them. >> what year did christopher columbus supposedly set out to discover america? >> i've got this one because i learned a little song about it. christopher columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1942 or 7 -- no, 42.
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22. >> 1922. >> 1922. >> a little rhyme on there. >> yeah. you did it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: well, that's -- i could watch that for an hour. cnn should hire him to run the magic wall. you know? oh, today, by the way, happens to be canadian thanksgiving. [ cheers and applause ] so happy thanksgiving to our canadian friends who today gather with their families to focus on what they're thankful for, mainly the fact that justin bieber moved away and that donald trump is not their president. so happy thanksgiving. [ cheers and applause ] especially to my constituents in dildo where i am of course the mayor and i have not forgotten you. our pumpkin spice president had a busy monday. this is his schedule today. this is real. monday. no public events scheduled. probably for the best. trump a-palooza made a start in lake charles, louisiana on friday where again he used all the best words. >> the radical democrats' policies are crazy.
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their politicians are corrupt. their candidates are terrible. and they know they can't win on election day so they're pursuing an illegal invalid and unconstitutional [ bleep ] impeachment. >> jimmy: he really is the abraham lincoln of our time, isn't he? [ laughter ] louisiana senator john kennedy was there to get his presidential pat on the head, and this character john kennedy, suffice it to say, is no john kennedy. >> i mean, is this louisiana? i told you, donald j. trump loves louisiana like the devil loves sin. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: good one, grandma. you really hit the nail on the head. [ laughter ] even the devil was like leave me out of this.
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[ laughter ] trump blabbered for a full 90 minutes, filling his fans with so much wisdom we had no choice but to slow it down to savor a new edition of "drunk donald trump." ♪ [ slowed speech ] >> i love you, peter. i love you, julissa. lisa. lisa. oh, god, i love you, lisa. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: run, lisa. do not get on the bus. meanwhile, in washington the impeachment train is picking up steam. on friday trump's former ambassador to ukraine, marie yovanovitch, testified that the president pressured the state department to get rid of her. today congress heard from trump's former adviser fiona hill. this is a fun story. the "washington post" said one of the first times fiona hill, who was his russia adviser, met the president he handed her a
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memo he'd marked up and told her to go revise it because he assumed she was a secretary. when she seemed confused he got angry. he seems like a fun boss. he really does. [ laughter ] the "post" also learned that trump's ambassador to the eu, gordon sondland -- this is the guy who sent that cryptically worded text message about that there was no quid pro could. he plans to testify that the president dictated that message to him personally and on top of that the president's lawyer rudy giuliani is said to be under investigation by the u.s. attorney's office for his financial dealings in ukraine. on friday trump said he didn't know if giuliani was still his lawyer. and that must have ruffled some feathers because over the weekend he suddenly had lunch with rudy and tweeted support. "so now they are after the legendary crime buster and greatest mayor in the history of new york city rudy giuliani. he may seem a little rough around the edges sometimes." might even be insane for all we
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know. [ laughter ] "but he is also a great guy and a wonderful lawyer who is now in need of a wonderful lawyer. such a one-sided witch hunt going on in usa. deep state. witch snunt don't know. was there a group of witches that hunted down regular people? i don't know. so trump and giuliani are still a team. whenever donald trump considers getting rid of rudy, rudy hypnotizes him with that giant pinkie ring he wears. but make no mistake, the president is melting down like a creamsicle in july. he's threatening to sue nancy pelosi and adam schiff, which you can't -- and not only that, who's he going to get to sue him? all his lawyers are either in jail or going there soon. [ laughter ] he's even feuding with fox news. according to the "new york times," he called the head of fox news to complain about what he perceived as unfair coverage of him. he really is the snowiest, flakiest snowflake there ever has been, isn't he?
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you could ski on donald trump. but shepard smith over the weekend left fox news. shepard smith was one of the only reasons they were able to use the word news after fox with a straight face. and now he's gone. he was with fox for 20 years. trump didn't like shep, as they call him. so for reasons unknown he made a sudden departure on air friday night. fox news is no doubt nervous because the president suddenly continues to threaten to start his own cable news channel. >> liberals lie. the once great fox news is now a bunch of pissy sissies. in times like these turn to the trump america news network. at 7:00 a.m. it's "broads on a couch." followed by nugent at noon. at o.j. simpson. then i'm eric haifa, meric-a, hosted by first son eric trump. the trump america news network,
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tann. next summer, get tann. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i've got a melanoma already. impeachment and turkey and syria and all manner of hell breaking loose. this is what the president is working on right now. "vote for good guy sean spicer tonight on dancing with the stars. he has always been there for us." that might be his greatest abuse of power yet. [ laughter ] i have some important news to share. especially for those watching us in new york. next week we're taking our show on the road. we're going to brooklyn for five shows from the brooklyn academy of music. and leading the way, our advance party is our own guillermo, who's driving cross-country this week in his custom tour bus, the guillermobile. guillermo's first stop along the way is in dallas, where he appeared this morning with jane mcgary on "good morning texas." >> the guillermo-mobile is what you're bringing to dallas. >> yes. >> i got to go inside it last year when you were last here. what did you like best about being in texas? there we are. look at that. do you remember that? >> oh, yeah, i do.
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>> do you remember me? >> let me see. not really. >> just say you did. >> you know, i meet a lot of people. >> jimmy: guillermo hasn't learned the art of [ bleep ] yet. but let's go live now to dallas where the guillermobile is parked at mariano's hacienda. this is the home of the original frozen margarita machine. and guillermo's inside. [ cheers and applause ] guillermo, how are you doing? look like you're enjoying yourself. is that mariano with you, guillermo? >> that's right. here's mariano my friend. >> jimmy: mariano, did you invent the frozen margarita? >> i ifrn invented the frozen margarita machine. >> jimmy: oh, the machine. >> it was inducted in 2005. but all they saw was the frozen margarita machine and they put it in the snack bar next to the popcorn. >> jimmy: oh.
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>> now it's in the smithsonian right next to julia child's kitchen. >> jimmy: wow. so julia's spirit is getting good and drunk there. now, has guillermo tried to stick his head under the margarita machine yet? >> oh, my gosh. he did. he did. all day long. until i gave him this. >> jimmy: what? what is that? >> this is a mexican emmy. >> jimmy: oh. >> for you. then it takes a -- you take the hat off. >> jimmy: oh. >> and the head. and now it's full of tequila. >> jimmy: of course it is. >> this is the only way i could stop him. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: one head replaces the other. guillermo, i see my friends billy and johnny mutra behind you there. >> yeah, they're right here. >> jimmy: hey, guys. how are you? i saw -- guillermo, i've been getting reports that you're not happy about this bus trip. is that true?
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>> well, yeah, jimmy. because the bus driver doesn't let me do number two in the bus. >> jimmy: well, that is a shame. [ laughter ] geez. anyway, i know what a big fan of the dallas cowboys you are and i invited a friend to stop by to cheer you up. here he is, the phenomenonforme quarterback from the dallas cowboys, tony romo from cbs sports. [ cheers and applause ] tony. [ chanting "tony" ] >> jimmy: that's the real tony. have the cowboys called you and asked you to come back this morning? >> no. but abc's nightly show did. >> jimmy: they did. >> jimmy kimmel's on the fence they said. i got no other offers. >> jimmy: have you ever had a sip from a mexican emmy before? >> is that a real thing? i don't even know, actually. >> jimmy: according to mariano
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it is. so tony, here's what i want to ask you. guillermo is going to ask you to sleep at his house tonight. say no. >> would you sleep at my house tonight? >> i will say no one else is here but it's getting a little uncomfortable. >> jimmy: it is getting uncomfortable. [ laughter ] that's how we like to keep it. >> but i can tell you right now that guillermo and me, we're really close. the mexican family stays strong. this is yours. >> jimmy: tony is latino. many people wanted to replace columbus day with tony romo in the united states and tony said you're mistaking me for an italian, i am not one of those, i am indeed of latino descent. well, looks like you guys are really having a lot of fun there. i wish i was there with you. i don't know why guillermo -- guillermo, apologize to all these people for being upset that you're in their city right now. >> i'm sorry, guys. i apologize. >> jimmy: you know what would be a great way to apologize? guillermo, you and tony buy everyone a round of drinks there
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in the bar. how does that sound? [ cheers ] >> yeah! >> when he says you and tony, he means guillermo. buy everybody a round of drinks at the bar. i agree. >> i will. >> jimmy: guillermo, pull that credit card out of tony's pants. all right. well, thank you, guys. geef guillermo, tomorrow you will be where? where are you going? >> i'm going to chicago, jimmy. >> jimmy: guillermo will be at the old town ale house in chicago. you're not driving the bus, are you, guillermo? >> no, of course not jimmy. >> he's going number two. >> jimmy: thanks to tony. thank you, mariano. thanks to billy and johnny. [ cheers and applause ] one more thing. our guests in brooklyn, we have not announced this. this is the first time. our guests in brooklyn next week -- could i get a drum roll?
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will be. bruce springsteen, john krasinski, ellie kemper, benedict come ber bam, kelly ripa, alicia keys, bill murray, bernie sanders, paul shaffer, david byrne, the national, and none other than eddie murphy will join us in brooklyn, new york. [ cheers and applause ] tonight we've got morris day with snoop dogg, mykal-michelle harris and we'll be right back with jeff bridges. ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by allstate. i'm your cat. ever since you brought me home, that day. i've been plotting to destroy you. sizing you up... calculating your every move. you think this is love? this is a billion years of tiger dna just ready to pounce. and if you have the wrong home insurance coverage, you could be coughing up the cash for this. so get allstate and be better protected from mayhem,
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mykal-michelle harris is here with us. then, the new song is called "lil mo funk," morris day with snoop dogg from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow night after the debate, sir elton john, taika waititi, music from thom yorke, "tomorrow's modern boxes," and later this week, jennifer aniston, paul rudd, lizzy caplan, dave matthews, blanco brown and tyler childers. so please join us for all that. our first guest tonight is a true renaissance man, an oscar-winning actor, musician, artist, and dude. he's also an accomplished photographer. this is his new collection of photos called "jeff bridges: pictures volume 2." please welcome jeff bridges. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome. it's always a treat to see you. >> it's always good to be here. >> jimmy: i heard you chatting with snoop dogg in his dressing
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room before. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that worried me a little bit. >> i can see that. i can see why. we had a good time. i'm a big fan of his. >> jimmy: had you met snoop before? >> no. no. >> jimmy: i love -- this is a great pairing, the two of you. >> really cool, yeah. no, i admire how he's an adventurer. >> jimmy: did you smoke with the adventurer? >> well, that's none of your damn business, jimmy. >> jimmy: i'm looking at you. doesn't seem like you did. >> no. i've got a great threshold. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have a big milestone birth-day coming up in december. >> seven zero. >> jimmy: will there be a big deal? lu make a thing out of it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you will. >> there will be a big deal. my wife and my buddy alan kozlowski are throwing me this thing in a club, and they're going to get owl my musician buddies, all my ancient friends.
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it got me kind of anxious. i did the -- i did the 50-year and the 60-year birthday, and it's that big thing where you've got so many loved ones that it's just -- it feels too weird. >> jimmy: you don't get a ton of time with each of these people. >> yeah. >> jimmy: right. >> but i told them, i just want to -- i'm going to show up and like just let it wash over me. i don't want to know what's going to happen. i don't want anything to do with the planning. >> jimmy: i like that. that seems like it's probably your philosophy in general, yes? >> pretty much so. >> jimmy: you've also done a beautiful job of documenting much of your life with -- what's the camera that you use? >> it's called a wide lux. >> jimmy: the wide lux. >> and it's a japanese panning camera. so it's kind of a cross between a still camera and a movie camera. in that the lens actually moves. >> jimmy: the lens moves and takes a shot. >> yeah. >> jimmy: the same way you might take your iphone and move it on -- >> well, it's a little different. see, it's better than the iphone. >> jimmy: it's better than the iphone? >> because the iphone can't do some of the stuff that this
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does. >> jimmy: well, thank goodness it can't. because otherwise they'd go out of business. >> there you go. >> jimmy: now, this is -- these pictures are all very wide. >> yeah, you see it's kind of like -- the kind of format you see when you're going to the movies. >> jimmy: now, what's going on here? >> this is the first day on "seabiscuit" when we were shooting "seabiscuit." and this is the great writer and director gare qi ro director gary ross here. you can see his excitement. get on there. imagining how we're going to pull off this magic trick of making -- >> jimmy: "seabiscuit" was an amazing horse because it won all those races with no legs. [ laughter ] here we have -- >> i think the selection, this is a lot of them from "seabiscuit." this is again from "seabiscuit." >> jimmy: it's elizabeth banks. >> elizabeth banks, who played my wife in the film. and we were -- this is the race
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where seabiscuit wins and i got so damn excited that i whacked her. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: can i ask you something? are you actually interfering at all with the shooting of the movie when you're taking these pictures? >> no. this is after. i said i whacked you. oh, my nose is bleeding. that's a good picture. [ laughter ] she didn't hate me. >> jimmy: these are also from "seabiscuit." [ laughter ] >> yeah. this is the audience -- i looked up and i would say god, look at all those people they got, are all those -- how did they -- who would want to spend all the time up there? and then you go up and you see it's these inflatable guys. [ laughter ] they're inflatable. and they're all -- their bodies are all the same but they're all dressed, each one, into a different suit and they're masks, different masks of these faces. >> jimmy: how could it be cheaper than inviting people to come sit there? >> yeah. to put them all there and to
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place them -- >> jimmy: to dress them and all that stuff. >> yeah. look at this guy here. >> jimmy: you might have to remake that one and work on it. >> see, your iphone can't do that kind of thing. >> jimmy: no. for sure not. >> that's a wide -- that's a good example of a wide lux. >> jimmy: wow. >> this is from a movie. there aren't too many people saw called "the amateurs." >> jimmy: "the amateurs." >> yeah, go check that out. i think people would like that. this director who's figuring it out. >> jimmy: one of the fun things you do is you do these comedy-tragedy faces. where you have the actors give a happy face and i guess is that a dramatic face? >> that's his happy -- that's his happy face. on a movie called "the men who stare at goats." and something i love to do. you can do with this camera where you put one individual doing two expressions on one negative. >> jimmy: yeah. >> the panning thing. >> jimmy: speaking of negatives,
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why would you -- i mean, why even waste the film on something like this? >> i'm sorry. i feel bad. >> jimmy: yeah. i can see why you'd feel bad. [ laughter ] >> well, because, you know, i know you guys have a thing going. >> jimmy: yeah, we do have a little thing. because they both look bad to me, both sides. you know? [ laughter ] >> he looks a little bit evil in that smiling one. >> jimmy: yeah. he's evil in both shots. you captured him beautifully. you really did. okay. when we come back, we're going to take a break. i've got one more i want to show. one of the best pictures i've ever seen. jeff bridges is with us here. this is his book. it's called "pictures volume 2." we'll be right back with jeff bridges. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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and you get first dibs on that brand... that price? that's yes for less. seriously, get the fall brands and styles you love and save 20 to 60% off department store prices. at ross. yes for less. >> jimmy: we're back with jeff bridges. this is the picture. this is an unbelievable picture. this is from "true grit," i assume. >> yeah. >> jimmy: is this a selfie? >> that is what they call a selfie. i was doing these selfies long before there was even that term. the camera lends itself so well to that. >> jimmy: that is an amazing shot. so you had no idea if you were getting it or not. >> that looks like my hand.
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it's yours -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. >> i was -- you're right. on the bottom, too. what were you going to say? >> jimmy: there i am scratching -- that's cool. these are great photographs. really something else. >> i felt bad about that matt damon -- >> jimmy: oh, don't feel bad about it. it's not -- you shouldn't have to get in the -- >> i thought i would make amends by doing one of those for you. would you do a tragedy and -- >> jimmy: oh, sure. [ cheers and applause ] you have the camera and everything. >> i have the camera and i'm all set. >> jimmy: or we could just tear all the pages with matt in them out of the books. >> no, i'd rather take your picture. >> jimmy: all right. oh, it's compact. >> this is the thing here. look at this. >> jimmy: wow. it looks like binoculars. >> see how the lens twists like that. >> jimmy: is it motorized? >> no.
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it's just with your fingers. i've got to get it here. f11. the thing about these cameras here, especially this one, you don't know if it's going to come out. >> jimmy: right. >> because they break all the time. i don't know exactly what my f stop is here. but we're going to just jam. and here's the deal. >> jimmy: i'll ask the band. what's the f stop here, guys? >> no. >> jimmy: they don't know. >> no. that one with george, we did a little rehearsal so you kind of get up so we get a good shot. what i'm going to say is you're going to frown. >> jimmy: okay. >> very hard. a hard kind of -- yeah. and look that way with your eyes. just your eyes. >> jimmy: just my eyes. all right. >> let's see. yes. not mean. sad. eyebrows like that. yeah. yeah. oh, there you go. yeah. eyes that way. and then when i say shift you're going to as fast as you can smile and look that way.
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shift! yes! [ applause ] okay. now we're going to try some. >> jimmy: i'm thinking about that matt damon picture again. >> shift! [ laughter ] [ applause ] no, we've got to get a couple. we don't know what's going to come out. one more. let me see if i can get a little -- shift! okay. >> jimmy: did i do it? >> i think you did it. [ cheers and applause ] one more. one more! this is going to be the best one! shift! >> jimmy: see, that's how he does it. it's all magic. jeff bridges, everybody. and then maybe when you print that we can put it on our twitter account. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: very good. jeff bridges. he's got photos and many, many
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interesting notes as well. in this book. it's called "jeff bridges: pictures volume 2." >> i can't help it. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with mykal-michelle harris. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ why don't i have a mini bar in my room? >> because your room is a bus. >> thanks, captain obvious. >> and you could be earning a reward night for every ten nights you stay through >> why you didn't tell me that yesterday? >> i did. you were drunk. >> oh, yeah. >> dicky: be there, do that, get rewarded. even he knows that. thanks, captain obvious. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with and get rewarded basically everywhere. be there. do that. get rewarded.
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she is up way past her bedtime to be here tonight. she stars on the newest planet in the 'ish' universe. watch "mixed-ish" tuesday nights on abc. please welcome mykal-michelle harris. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ well, hello there. thank you for coming. >> thank you! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're 7 years old. wow. how about that? what is it like to be 7 years old nowadays? >> very awesome. >> jimmy: very awesome. >> 7, 7, 7. >> jimmy: do feel call you mykal-michelle? is that what you go by? >> people call me mykal-michelle. they call me mykal. they call me mimi. all sorts of things. >> jimmy: okay. awesome. what should i call you? >> mykal-michelle. >> jimmy: all right. i will continue with that.
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do you go to school, mykal-michelle? >> well, i went to a brick and mortar. but now that i got "mixed-ish" -- >> jimmy: you went to a what? [ laughter ] >> a brick and mortar. that's what my mom calls it. >> jimmy: yeah, no. i mean, technically you're totally right. in a practical standpoint that's an insane thing for a 7-year-old to say. [ laughter ] yeah. so you do not go to a brick and mortar school? >> no. i used to. >> jimmy: you used to. >> but since i got "mixed-ish" i missed like 60 days of school. >> jimmy: oh, good. >> so -- [ laughter ] so then i went to an online school. >> jimmy: what? like trump university or something? [ laughter ] what is this online school? you go to an online school? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i feel like i'm outmatched already. may god help me when you're 12. so you go to an online school. are you really studying when it's online?
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no. >> yes and no. >> jimmy: yes and no. do you have a phone? >> no. but i -- >> jimmy: how old will you be when you get a phone? >> my mom said like 10 or like 12 or something. but i want it to be now. >> jimmy: you want is it to be now. every eally wants a phone, right? do any of your friends have phones? >> well, i think. >> jimmy: you think so. but you don't know. are they hiding them? [ laughter ] >> probably. >> jimmy: probably so. so you have this show and now you've become a very popular person. do people recognize you now? >> well, i do get recognized sometimes. >> jimmy: yes. >> once i was at a restaurant and -- >> jimmy: what restaurant? >> who knows? and they were like -- [ laughter ] are you the little kid from "mixed-ish"? i was like, yes, i am. she was like.
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>> jimmy: wow. i have a picture of you from friday presenting an award to mariah carey. that's pretty exciting, huh? [ cheers and applause ] do you know mariah carey? >> well, i know her from a lot of songs. >> jimmy: mm-hmm. >> she comes to a lot of our parties because she writes the theme song. ♪ in the mix, yeah >> jimmy: she wrote the theme song for "mixed-ish." how did that happen? i know, you have no idea. [ laughter ] this is -- when you gave the speech, they had to put you on a box. [ laughter ] are you comfortable speaking in front of people? did you get nervous doing this? >> of course not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you really don't. >> not really, no. >> jimmy: well, that's good. you should never feel nervous. there's no reason -- it doesn't help to feel nervous. it's not something that actually assists you in any way.
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>> nope. nada. do doneso. >> jimmy: what? >> nope. nada doneso. >> jimmy: right. that may be lingo i don't know. [ laughter ] "mixed-ish" takes place in the '80s, correct? >> yes. >> jimmy: do you know about the '80s? are there things you see or references or things you hear on the set that you go i never heard of that before? >> yes. >> jimmy: like what? >> once we were walking around the house and just asking my mom, what's that? what's that? what's that? what's that? then we walk across this huge square thing with a round thing at the end. and we're like -- >> jimmy: hold on. let me try to figure out what it was. it's a square thing with a round thing at the end. i don't know what it is. okay. go ahead. >> well, we asked my mom, now, what is that? so she said, that's a phone. we were like, what?
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>> jimmy: oh, it was a payphone? >> no. it was like a -- like a box phone but like the phone at end and you could like -- like -- i don't know. >> jimmy: like pick it up and talk into it? >> i guess. >> jimmy: did you try it? >> everyone said i held it upside down. >> jimmy: oh, you did. did you dial? was it one of these phones? >> no. it was like -- it had like -- it was like -- it had like the phone. >> jimmy: i feel like we're playing charades right now. [ laughter ] >> it had like the phone and then like you could hold it and then on the thing there was like the buttons and then there was like a curly thing at the end so you could walk around and hold it. >> jimmy: did you take any pictures with it? >> no. >> jimmy: no, you didn't. those phones didn't take pictures. [ laughter ] >> they do? >> jimmy: no. it used to be that a phone would have to be attached to the wall. you couldn't walk around --
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>> that's what it was. it was like a box and it was a thing on it and then you could hold it. >> jimmy: and you want to know something crazy? in cars people didn't have phones. >> what? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's true. you had to make calls from home. and if you wanted to make a phone call, you had to pull over. it was a very dark time. we don't -- i don't know how we lived through it. >> for the sake of phones! >> jimmy: what's your favorite music from the '80s? >> well, my favorite music is -- drum roll, please. [ drum roll ] >> jimmy: oh. ♪ we are living in a material world and i am ♪ oh, madonna. you like madonna, huh? >> yes. >> jimmy: does she know this? >> know what? >> jimmy: never mind. [ laughter ]
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you know what? i am very impressed by -- you're very smart for a 7-year-old person. you know? >> thank you. >> jimmy: i mean, it really is remarkable. well, it's very nice to meet you. and congratulations on your show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you. mica michelle harris, everybody. "mixed-ish" tuesday nights on abc. we'll be back with morris day and snoop dogg. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the 2019 a-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. the home depot is maki
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to turn your favorite moment into the perfect color to transform your room with the project color app. explore the most popular colors and trending palettes to find yours. then get everything you'll need. like behr ultra interior rated #1 in customer satisfaction by j.d. power. now just $29.98 at the home depot more saving. more doing.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i want to thank jeff bridges, mykal-michelle harris. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first with the song "lil mo funk," with some help from snoop dog, morris day! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ yes is you gonna put it on em but of course is you even gonna ♪ ♪ warn em hell no do you they know you coming for em they better know let's go ♪ ♪ fellas yeah is you tired of the fake the funk ah yeah ♪ ♪ you ready for the funk the funk ah yeah is we gonna give them what they want ♪ ♪ ah yeah then come on fellas yeah is you tired of the fake the funk ah yeah ♪ ♪ is you ready for the funk the funk ah yeah ♪ ♪ is we gonna give them what they want ah yeah let's go ♪ ♪ hold on hold on ooh ooh somebody just bumped my do dammit ♪ ♪ somebody bring me a mirror wha ha ♪ just a little more funk that's what you want oh girl ♪ ♪ yeah i can give you just a little more funk that's what you want oh girl ♪
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♪ that funk that makes your body shake like somethin's gonna break in the morning ♪ ♪ say how much funkin you can take funkin all around the world from california ♪ ♪ to the empire state cause if you gonna funk with anyone you better be funkin with me ♪ ♪ cause if you don't know now you know md bout to float the show bout to let it go ♪ ♪ there go snoop in a all blue six four pimpin when we hit the door ♪ ♪ and if you don't know how we stay so funky when we step up in the spot all the ladies actin doggy ♪ ♪ and you know we keep it pimp stacy adams when we step in then i push it to the left and ♪ ♪ yeah i can give you just a little more funk that's what you want oh girl ♪ ♪ yeah i can give you just a little more funk that's what you want oh girl ♪ ♪ that funk that gives you pleasure but still make your body ache ♪ ♪ i know you want it cause your body tells me and you ain't even got to say ♪
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♪ in the late night hour thinking about all that funk we made ♪ ♪ cause we funked in the shower we funked so much we forgot to bathe ♪ ♪ and if you don't know now you know and i hope you ready to go ♪ ♪ and if you're ready m-always ready tgoore ♪f u n'kn now you know, do it all without spending dough ♪ ♪ funkin till our last breath cause then we pushin em to the left sang ♪ ♪ oh oh oh we're going to funk you up ♪ ♪ we're going to funk you up what we gonna do funk you up ♪ ♪ oh oh oh we're going to funk you up we're going to funk you up ♪ ♪ funk you up ♪ yeah i can give you just a little more funk that's what you want oh girl ♪ ♪ yeah i can give you just a little more funk that's what you want oh girl ♪ ♪ yeah i can give you just a little more funk
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that's what you want oh girl ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight, ronan farrow. inside his journey to tell the story of a lifetime. >> i was able to tell this story because people were brave as hell. >> and the women who came forward to accuse harvey weinstein of sexual misconduct. >> i thought he was a warthog from hell. >> the journalist now describing in his new book the lengths he says weinstein went to try to stop him. shocking allegations against his former employer, nbc. and fired "today" show anchor matt lauer. "nightline" will be right back.
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