tv World News Now ABC October 25, 2019 2:11am-4:00am PDT
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♪ shine for the rest of your life ♪ >> tamron: we are back now at megan phelps-roper whose family started the westboro baptist church, known as a hate group that is protested same-sex marriagewhich included a protesting at funerals for fallen soldiers. so you are telling audiences at home and hear how you are now on twitter, 2009, you are running into people who are challenging what you have been told your entire life and some of it is starting to click to you. >> exactly. the fineness internal inconsistency. westboro ideology is a very closed system so any arguments that would cause you to doubt the primary things we believe which was that the bible was the literal and infallible word of god and westboro has the only true interpretation of it and anything else was wrong. and egg argument that came from the outside of it we couldn't hear it. we had all these bible verses to dismiss those things but the fact that it was an internal can
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inconsistency that was a thread that began to unravel the rest of it. >> tamron: so slowly strangers start to help you change the way you have been raised to think. one of them was someone you eventually fell in love with. >> exactly. my husband, chad, he is, so david's arguments were very theological and very rational. >> tamron: david was the person that reached out to you initially. >> exactly. my husband saw some news article about the church and sent me a mean tweet and he was an anonymous stranger at the time. he was completely anonymous for the first seven months we were communicating on twitter. hiarguments come he was trying to understand where the church was coming from and i was throwing all these bible verses at him but his response was he would go and look up the verses and say i see these are here but particularly had a problem with the funeral protests and he would be constantly forcing me to think about the effect that
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we were having on the families. he would constantly push me, but what about the families. for me that was, again we had learned to totally dismiss other people's feelings. we literally had a sign that says god hates your feelings. any thought or feeling you had that went against westboro ideology was a thought or feeling against god himself. >> tamron: so you are now having strangers infiltrate your mind. you took this back to your family at westborough, did they reject you? >> it was a process. as these doubts are piling up it finally came to a moment where i realized what if we are just people? what if this is not an institution led by god himself. >> tamron: when you told the elders that what did they say? >> it didn't happen like that. if i were to come out and say that i would've been kicked out immediately. i wasn't at that point ready to completely reject everything. this is what i mean. it's changing minds, especially
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that were raised in this environment where it was all in questionable, it was a terrifying thing to ask those questions even in my own mind even to acknowledge the question mind self. this is a gradual thing i would go and ask these questions and there was no answer. they would point to the things that justify their possession but not to address the contradiction. >> tamron: take me to the moment where you thought i can no longer negotiated with them. i've got to leave. >> it started with a conversation i was having with my sister. over time we eventually came to realize that we needed to leave. we started saving family recipes and photos and taking voice recordings, we were a very tight-knit family and the realization that were going to be completely cut off from them, it made us want to delay as long as we could in hopes that something drastic would change, that we would be able to convince the church in these subtle ways. >> tamron: you saw that wasn't
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possible. >> exactly. there came a day when there was another member of the church, another person who had been part of the church and we had told her about o plans to leave and sheent s email to my parents and told them. they called us into their room and we sat down and they start reading this email and i realized we can't pretend, there is nothing that we can do except leave and try to change things from the outside. >> tamron: when we come back we will talk to megan about how she decided to change things from the outside. how this is all impacted her life as a mom now, her own family and what she sees as the future that does not include hate. stay with us. [applause] want to be part of our live studio audience? get your free tickets and go to and click onv
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>> tamron: we are back with megan phelps-roper, former member of the infamous westboro baptist church. her book, "unfollow: a memoir of loving and leaving the westboro baptist church." you told us you fell in love with somebody you met online. the part of this revolution, you are now a mom. what do you teach your child? what do you believe now? >> i believe in people. i believe in the power of human connection to change hearts and minds. i believe in christ, and i >> tamron: where'd he on same-sex marriage? >> i am absolutely forward. love is love. >> tamron: ma'am i know you had a question can you stand up? what's your name? >> my name is cecily. i am a member of an interfaith community and i know that the westboro church, they frown upon other religion so i really wanted to find out now your
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expanded view of god in terms of inclusiveness, in terms of all of the world religions. >> i am not religious anymore. >> tamron: do you believe in god anymore? >> no. all those things i mentioned those are the things i feel passionate about now. i've done a lot of work with interfaith group since i left westboro. i think it's really important to be open. this is one of the things that has become a foundation of my life, this idea of the importance of doubt. the importance of recognizing that we can have our beliefs and believe and think strongly but to recognize that there are things outside of our experience. >> tamron: you don't practice any religion at this point? >> no. >> tamron: you feel that's the healthiest way for you to move forward? >> for me es. >> tamron: does anybody from the westboro keep contact? >> now? >> no. >> tamron: are you at peace with that? >> i still reach out to them. i reach out to them partly to show them that i love them, the people on the outside are not what they are taught.
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and also time try and change minds. >> tamron: years dori is inspirational. you changed a lot of minds about you. we want to thank megan phelps-roper for sharing her incredible journey. we also want to, i have to say this, thank you to the men and women who serve our country whose families had to sit there and watch their loved ones funerals be protested. we are here with you as well. thank you megan. "unfollow: a memoir of loving and leaving the westboro baptist church" is available and members of our audience, you are all going home with a copy of the book. [applause] up next we are going to meet one of america's youngest legend players come is he a part of the future? the future including living in his mom's basement while running for office. that's when you have to see it when we right back. we are talking with truck superstar alec del mike ellis and felix. she says she's being punished
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he won the election by a landslide 82% of the vote. just six weeks before his senior prom. he's running a campaign while living it in his parent's basement, how does he do it all? please welcome legislator josh lafazan. thank you so much for joining us. you are a senior in high school and you decided to take on the system why? >> i felt on the school board of nine we should have at least one representative of the student body. more importantly we had a superintendent of the school district of 6,000 kids who made more money than the president of the united states. the arrays at the same time as our teachers took a pay decrease. >> tamron: you said the superintendent was about to get more money and even though i'm a senior and has gone not going to stand up like this. >> correct because you're never too young to do something in this life. my father, when i announced i was going to run for the school board i was cast aside for pursuing the worst life plan
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ever. you're throwing away your life. my father gave me a piece of sage advice that i not bestowing to my interns. if not you, who? meaning if you're in a position to take forward action and you don't, not only are you derelict in your responsibility to others you are derelict in your responsibility to yourself so i felt at 18, which i did and i'm just going to say that i could be an asset to the school board i was telling myself. >> tamron: you want and you became your teacher's boss question marks because i was an interesting june. i too month of june. i was to take the oath of office and plan my senior prom i was student president. my teachers didn't know what to do. it was a weird time. >> tamron: they didn't know what to call you? >> it was an interesting time. >> tamron: you are living in the basement, you are a senior so where else are you going to live other than with your
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parents but how does that change you as far as her development, your socialization? you are supposed to be hanging out at the prime and the boss. >> i promised my constituents i would stay home and college and i enrolled in community college and got into harvard, i was at harvard for one night a week. >> were you destined for this? your body language, your body language you've got the political think. >> friday nights i'm reading emails while my friends are partying. my grandfather is. i'm so blessed to be living in this country and have a position where i get to wake up every day and my only job is to make my community better. who's got a better than me? >> and i know someone who has it better than you, your two interns. they are 12 as of yesterday. the twins here. come on over. [applause]
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okays you're going to politics can you hand me that microphone? you guys are interns can use in talking on. you are interns? >> yes. >> tamron: you put the microphone up, you are going to be fired. >> he is young and he wants other people to let other people know that anybody can do anything at any age at any time. >> tamron: did he make you feel that way? >> yes. >> tamron: your twins and you turned 12? are you going to run for office? >> may be. who knows. >> tamron: are you the talker and he is the communication behind the scenes guy? >> depends on the day. >> tamron: i love that answer. i ask you what are your job responsibilities as an intern for the youngest elected official in the state? >> we help with this campaign on certain nights and after school some of us will make postcards.
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on weekends we will go knock door-to-door. >> tamron: don't get too far into this because then they get union things i don't think you can work that much without getting paid. think you guys for joining us i really appreciate it. [applause] so you pass ten bills into law as of yesterday, what is next for you after this? i know this is a political answer but my next goal is to continue to deliver for my constituents. i make no secret about my ambition to run for higher office. i don't think ambition should be a bad thing and i think if i need to get from point a to point b have to do such a good job at point a and because i'm young i have to be perfect every single day in this job. >> tamron: do you have time for dating? >> if you know a nice girl have her give me a call. i might have some free time after election day. >> tamron: that's a very smart political answer. you were born to do this, josh. thank you so much good luck to your interns. i have faith that you want to
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come over and work on the "tamron hall show" as well. up next we are going to share your comments. yesterday was a very powerful show. we spoke to the father of the boy who was been missing for many of years. many of you reached out to talk to us online we are going to see what you had to say in social media. we will be right back.
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>> this person was revealed to be an imposter so you and your family are back again and so many ways a square one. you're back to looking for timothy which he never stopped doing after all these years. he's alive somewhere i know is alive. [applause] >> tamron: that was a clip for yesterday's show with jim pitzen come he's the father of tim pitzen who went missing eight years ago and so many of you responded to that interview on social media and i have some of the comments. somebody said there's a cruelty and getting one's hopes up just to be shattered again. i wish for his closure and reunion with timothy. another one wrote as i watch and hear about the number of missing children i can only feel blessed to survive the streets. this is monstrous. i could never understand why anybody could or would hurt a child. but the number 800,000 children in this country are missing, that's what we reported. allow another person left but not least love that he knows that his son is alive.
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there is not a show but an organization, many of them worked tirelessly to help track down missing children whatever the circumstances. we want to thank jim and i have to say my thoughts and prayers are with the family, that little girl in alabama, cupcake, did not end the way we wanted to. our thoughts are with you in the entire in alabama. we will be right back.
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>> t tamroorrow on the show nighttime olympic medalist alex felix is here no, no, no jingle bells. >> what's your deadline? what's your start date? >> december. let's start in december. >> i have mixed feelings. i have mixed feelings. >> oh my goodness, already? we just want to rush the year. >> nah, we just like the holiday cheer. give me some cheer. >> ow, ow. y'all, she's been beating me up. janai never touches me. >> i'm going to get an hr complaint and never be allowed back here. >> never, never. you're always welcome. >> hey, thanks. coming up, the latest horror film just in time for halloween that neither of us are going to want to see. >> no, not at all. first, our own james longman goes inside chechnya, making a stunning admission to the head of the country's police force
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during a reported brutal crackdown on gay men and women. the stunning rescue after a woman was stuck in her submerged car for 10 hours. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program.
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just toss it in the dryer to bounce out wrinkles. we dried these shorts with bounce wrinkle guard, and a pair without. the bounce wrinkle guard shorts have fewer wrinkles and static, and more softness. it's the world's first mega sheet that does the job of three dryer sheets. it also comes in unscented. we'll give you your money back. bounce wrinkle guard, shhhh. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too. and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long?! only mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours with 2 medicines in 1 pill. we're back with this
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frightening video from kershaw county, south carolina. a sheriff's deputy was struck while directing traffic at an elementary school. investigators say the drive later admitted he was distracted and looking at his cell phone. remarkably deputy chelsea cockrell is okay. you see her there, she flashed that big thumbs up sign at the hospital. cockrell has been released. the driver is facing several charges including texting while driving. >> so glad she's okay. a florida man's kayaking trip turned into a rescue mission. >> authorities say a woman accidentally drove into the water after making a wrong turn. the 81-year-old was trapped in the partially submerged car for at least 10 hours. rob goodman spotted the woman and called 911. another man opened the car door and both worked together to free her. she is in stable condition. an armored truck guard died after being shot in the face during an ambush in houston. the guard was completing a money transfer at a popeye's restaurant when three men opened fire. witnesses say the guard struggled with the suspects before being shot. authorities say the suspects
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took the money and fled. police are searching for them. a revolver was recovered at the scene. overseas in the russia republic of chechnya, an independent report says amid rumors of assassination attempts, chechnya's rulers are turning on his own officials. >> it comes amid other reports of violent purges of members of the gay community as well as other human rights activists. abc's james longman is there. >> reporter: after reports of what's described as a purge of lgbt people in chechnya, we traveled there. it's been called a police state, a place fiercely loyal to vladimir putin. there are reports of hundreds of gay men and women allegedly kidnapped, tortured, abused at the hands of the chechnyan government. amin escaped the country. he was working as a hairdresser when he says police yanked him from his salon and threw him in prison where he says he was tortured and electrocuted over 14 days. >> that guy chambered his gun and put it right here on my head. >> what was going through your mind at that moment?
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>> i don't know. something died. >> reporter: despite global outcry in 2017, fresh victims have continued to come forward. we met this general, head of the police force accused of rounding up and torturing hundreds of lgbt people, allegations he flatly denies. he takes us to see a chechen prison. >> that's what you would say to human rights campaigners who say these men and men like them are responsible for atrocities? >> reporter: i've reported around the world as a gay man. in chechnya i've kept it to myself, until now. what if i told you that i was gay? >> reporter: at first the general seemed taken aback.
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>> reporter: growing questions and concerns. how to protect the lgbt community and other human rights activists allegedly targeted by the chechen government? >> incredible portin we had a longer piece on "nightline," seek that out and watch that. i spoke to james about this story a few weeks ago when he was here in new york. he said that general later said, oh, i can't be your friend, after he told him that he's a gay man. and so it was pretty powerful and brave of james there in that country to tell his truth and say that in front of this man, who we know about these allegations of civil rights violations, human rights violations there. and so the powerful reporting by him, and we appreciate him for that. >> really a reminder as journalists, nothing that we do
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can be done without our own truths in the process. >> you're right about that. coming up on this feel-good friday. >> a pint-sized pep talk. a 10-year-old turning into an inspiration both on and off the field. field. who's got the time to chase around down dirt, dust and hair? so now, i use heavy duty swiffer sweeper and dusters. for hard-to-reach places, duster makes it easy to clean. it captures dust in one swipe. ha! gotcha! and sweeper heavy duty cloths lock away twice as much dirt and dust. it gets stuff deep in the grooves other tools can miss. y'know what? my place... is a lot cleaner now. stop cleaning. start swiffering.
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be determined! be determined! whatever we do on that field, let's show the lobos how to be a maverick! >> yeah, let's show them! it is feel-good friday. we start with that high-energy pep talk from a pint-sized team captain. >> this might be my favorite thing on the show today. that's 10-year-old lane bridges from rising star, texas, who's quickly turning into a rising star himself. the cornerback for the maverick youth football team gave his team spirited motivation and afterwards our own david muir caught up with him, and he gave david his own personalized pep talk. >> david, they're counting on you. they're counting on you to be the best news man you can be! no pressure, but you can do it! because i know you can!
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so go, go show the american people the best news anchor they've ever seen in their entire life! go get 'em! >> go get 'em, david, go get 'em! >> you've been my hype man this weekend. >> yes. >> but lane bridges, buddy, you can come any time. >> hype us up. by the way, lane, his team won 6-0 that day. >> of course they did. >> with that pep talk. >> i love that. no pressure, david, but go be the best news man you can be. next to another young person who's inspiring us all. >> she's 9 years old and she's singing her way into millions of hearts, take a listen. >> i'm going to sing you this song. but first let me tell you something. if you want to be happy, be happy. i never give up. ♪ this girl is on fire this girl is on fire ♪
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>> i am here for feel-good friday. grace anna rogers was born with a rare form of dwarfism and has undergone 11 surgeries and procedures, and she's using her singing to educate others about ceinlebraterences. >> she has 1.2 followers on facebook and close to 35,000 on youtube. i am so glad that so many people are hearing her incredible message. >> she's incredible. next, it's often said that necessity is the mother of invention. >> one clever invention is helping a mother and her son go viral. 7-year-old juab vicente in brazil has cerebral palsy and can't stand on his own. this adaptive skateboard is helping him live his dream with help from his mom. >> she tells "good morning america" her son always wanted to skateboard. and the disease never changed that. that adaptive skateboard was created by a father so his
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daughter could ride with him. it's since been adopted by the organization skate-anima, which is how juab found and came to use it, incredible there. >> very cool. finally, in keeping with our kids theme on this feel-good friday, the story of a single father who's teaching us all how to spread the love. >> lamont thomas of buffalo, new york, has taken in more than 30 foster children over the course of 20 ar now he's taken things one very big step further. >> thomas is now the proud papa of 12 kids. >> whoo! >> after adopting five siblings. >> he just adopted those five brothers and sisters age 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 -- i feel like i'm doing a countdown. these five now join his two biological kids and five other kids he adopted over the years. >> thomas says the five siblings were taken into foster care due to neglect and were separated, in four different homes in four different cities. >> thomas says caring for children is his god-given call.
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♪ ♪ another first for miss kaylee, insomniac theater on this friday, previewing two movies opening this weekend. >> this morning we start with a historical drama about electricity. benedict cumberbatch stars in "the current war director's cut," the epic story of the cutthroat competition that literally lit up the world, edison's dc versus westinghouse and tesla's ac. >> there are vultures in every venture, but did i mtion h system's lethal? >> his current kills people. >> he's playing dirty, you can too. >> he can't see the real force that moves things.
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it's not ac and dc, it's not currents, it's currency. >> this is costing us a fortune. >> westinghouse stole from me! >> that is our future. >> there's never going to be anything named tesla ever again. >> he was wrong. >> i enjoy historical dramas but the critics aren't exactly lighting up over "the current war." they're still giving it a solid 63% on rotten tomatoes, though. it crams too much into too little time, the result, information overload and a shortage of human drama. but another says it manages to make an everyday utility seem just as magical as it did 120 years ago. >> next to a crackling horror film i do not want to talk about but we have to. got to do my job. and this movie's just in time for halloween. elizabeth lail stars in "countdown." a young nurse downloads an app that claims to predict exactly when ason isoing to die. the app tells her she has only
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three days left to live. she's racing against the clock literally to save her own life. >> whatever's happening to us, i think it's because of this app. you need a new phone, you need a new number, new service. >> anything else i can help you with? >> no. >> the countdown app? i've read about it. a lot. >> what if this doesn't work? >> nope. the critic busy and large are screaming for the exit, giving "countdown" a 33% splat on rotten tomatoes. one critic writes, the title is entire accurate, almost from the moment it starts you're checking your watch, waiting for the closing credits to come up. forget cheating death, in "countdown" it's the audience
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this morning on "world news now," the all-out assault on california's wildfires. >> wind-driven fires have sparked across the state, burning homes and buildings to the ground. crews are attacking flames by air and the ground. a deputy seen using a garden hose to protect a house and the strongest winds may be yet to come. impeachment showdown as the president trump applauds republicans for storming a closed door hearing. one of his own party members isn't mincing words in the white house's defense. hear what the republican front and center is telling them to do. a new view of new york city. we take you to the highest outdoor sky deck in the western hemisphere. world series fever. washington, d.c. is gearing up to host a world series game tonight, something that hasn't happened since 1933.
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that's right. do the math. 1933. we'll tell you why it's even more special for one player on this friday, october 25th. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. it's great to have kaylee hartung here to help us close out this week on this friday. >> you know, i usually work weekends. so to have a real friday and be able to be excited about that feels good. >> they're going to give you a bunch of days off now. >> maybe one. >> maybe one. it's great to have you here. you look great. >> well, that is very kind of you to say. >> let's go ahead and call this out. janai norman was supposed to be here this morning. she couldn't because of some travel issues. kaylee saved the day and got here -- she deserves a slow clap
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for that. she got here with minutes to spare. and we like to tell our insomniacs what's going on around here. >> not minutes, seconds to spare. >> we don't want to hide anything. janai, she will get home, we wish her safe travels. for now we've got kaylee helping us close out friday. we begin with the wildfire emergency in california right now. there are new fires burning in the bay area and near los angeles. >> at least 40,000 people north of l.a. were told to evacuate immediately as flames roared over the hillside towards their homes. this is in canyon country. hot, dry winds, they'll be gusting across southern california through the morning. >> in northern california, wine country, a wildfire has scorched 25 square miles and destroyed around 50 structures. abc's marci gonzalez reports. >> reporter: wildfire after wildfire igniting in southern california. >> this is kind of worst-case scenario, what can happen here. >> reporter: firefighters near los angeles stretched thin, trying desperately to contain these massive flames. powerful santa ana winds whipping the fires towards
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homes. >> this might actually be the one instance in which having a garden hose, look at that, was able to put out the palm tree. >> reporter: that man incredibly saving his house. but others here and in northern california engulfed. >> we just can't keep ahead of it. we're almost just chasing it, trying to get ahead of it. >> reporter: in wine country, firefighters driving through tunnels of flames. hundreds of people in sonoma county forced to evacuate. >> they were going door to door, house to house, and they were really, get out now! grab your keys and your dogs and go! >> reporter: despite widespread preemptive blackouts in the area, the utility company pg&e says the kincaid fire started beneath a power transmission tower that was left activated, sparking frustration as that inferno spreads, already destroying more than 10,000 acres. while the winds have calmed significantly up there, you can see they're still very strong here with these extreme fire conditions expected to continue here in the southern california through this evening.
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kenneth, kaylee? >> thanks, marci. more strong winds are expected later in the weekend. >> accuweather's chris nallan has a look at the forecast. >> still watching heightened fire danger across southern california back towards bakersfield and outside san diego here. winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour. that's going to push fires into dry zones, which is not a good thing. fire danger is still up towards the north as well. now further towards the east, what are we looking at? cold conditions after snow across northern texas and then the rains, soaking rains further to the east. kenneth, kaylee? lots to watch. >> all right, chris, we'll be watching it. to washington where president trump's congressional allies continue to take issue with the way democrats are conducting the impeachment inquiry. >> senate republicans have introduced a resolution condemning the investigation and calling on the house to hold a formal vote. they're outraged witnesses are being questioned behind closed
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doors even though the rules were set up by republicans. >> democrats are undeterred with another batch of witnesses lined up for next week. >> reporter: president trump praising those republican house members who barged into the closed door impeachment hearing, disrupting it for hours. the president tweeting thank you to the house republicans for being tough, smart, and understanding in detail the greatest witch hunt in history. allies are increasingly frustrated with what they see as a chaotic white house defense saying president trump should take a page from bill clinton's impeachment playbook. >> what he did is he had a team that was organized. president clinton defend himself but he never stopped being president. and as he governed during impeachment, i think that was probably the single best thing he did. >> reporter: still senator lindsey graham echoing a key talking point blasted the democrats' closed door impeachment proceedings. impeachment proceedings. what do you say to the argument that 47 of your republican house colleagues who serve on these committees, they have the right
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to be in there. >> i would say that if we pulled this stunt you'd be eating us alive. 47 republican house members feel like it's not working for them. >> reporter: in both the nixon and clinton impeachments, closed door hearings were held. and even on the president's favorite fox news show yesterday, a defense of the impeachment inquiry. >> they are consistent with the rules. when were the rules written last? january of 2015. who signed them? john boehner. who enacted them? a republican majority. >> reporter: democrats have made clear that they will hold public heings probably sometime next month. there will be a few more weeks of closed door hearings where republicans are present and can question witnesses, and then the impeachment inquiry will go public. the american people can decide. terry moran, abc news, the capitol. president trump is taking his gripe with the media to a new level. >> the white house has canceled its subscriptions to "the new york times" and "the washington post." now the administration is planning to instruct all federal
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agencies to do the same. the white house said the move would save taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. vice president mike pence took a swipe at nike and the nba during a speech meant to criticize china's trade and human rights record. pence criticized the company for removing houston rockets merchandise from stores in china after the team's general manager tweeted his support for pro-democracy protesters in hong kong. pence said the league should have stood up for that rockets executive. >> in siding with the chinese communist party and silencing free speech, the nba is acting like a wholly owned subsidiary of that authoritarian regime. >> the speech came as the u.s. and china are trying to reach a new trade deal. pence also criticized past administrations for tolerating china's trade practices and the repression of its citizens. florida's governor says he's ready to support allowing college athletes to be paid. ron desantis announced he's backing legislation that would allow florida's more than 11,000 college athletes to make money from the use of their name
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and/or likeness. it's similar ta new law in california which goes into effect in four years and is fiercely opposed by the ncaa. this next story is going to stun you and you. because you probably haven't heard it yet. a 24-year-old became a multibillionaire. >> what? >> overnight. >> what? >> yes. >> turns out wharton business school grad eric sei was gifted one-fifth of his family's pharmaceutical company. the stake is worth $3.8 billion. it also makes him one of the world's richest people, vaulting him past the likes of president trump and filmmaker steven spielberg. >> this video here. >> what? >> of him which is like various women -- >> and dolphins. >> it might have a few more on his arm. >> perhaps. >> and dolphins that he could buy as well. >> a whole school of them. >> he's one of the richest people in the world now.
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>> he saw this coming. >> he did. >> it isn't like hitting the lottery in a metaphorical sense. at the same time this is something i can only imagine his family been grooming him for. >> some would call it the genetic lottery inside. >> sacked. >> that he won there -- if he marries one of those models his children could be doubly lucky. >> that is insane. i cannot imagine. and he looks so young. >> he is. >> at least he has his degree from wharton. >> props to him, preparing for a future with a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. >> let's see what he does with it. coming up, a special polka for your friday. first, a teen opens up about her frightening ordeal in which she says she was kidnapped by her uber driver. the warning she has for everyone using the ride hailing services. the bizarre story about a hunt history shot the deer, but the deer got back up and killed the hunter.
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if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budt arprice, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get verage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock,
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so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. police have arrested a man for randomly shoving a woman headfirst into a new york subway car. that woman is okay. police say isaiah tom man is a serial subway offender previously charged with pulling subway emergency brakes at least three times, causing massive
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delays. in houston a tow truck driver is helping police track down his alleged killers. >> he took this photo before he was shot. he was giving a ride to a customer when he argued with the suspects. one of them allegedly fired multiple shots hitting martinez. he crashed the vehicle and died at the scene. a bizarre story out of arkansas. a hunter dies after the deer he shot got back up and attacked him. authorities say 66-year-old thomas alexander was checking on his kill when he discovered the animal was still alive. alexander called his family for help. they notified emergency responders. he died at the hospital. wildlife authorities are searching for the deer. to the case of a teenage girl from long island, new york, allegedly kidnapped by her uber driver. >> police say that driver was planning a sexual assault and that teenager is sharing her
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story exclusively with abc news. >> reporter: disturbing details in a case of a teenage girl who says a simple uber ride has left her traumatized. >> it's hard for me to open up and trust people now. because i put trust in that i would be able to get home safely, and i was not able to get home safely that night. >> reporter: abc news is not naming or showing the face of the teen who was 15 years old at the time she requested a ride in atlantic beach, new york, after leaving a sweet 16. she says when she was picked up, her driver told her to sit in the front seat. did he say, get in the back seat, get in the front seat? >> he said, get in the front seat. >> and you've ridden in ubers before, so that was not something that was customary? >> no, usually they let you choose. >> reporter: authorities say
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that's when 32-year-old sean williams invited the teen to go drinking with him and e his home in brooklyn where prosecutors say he planned to sexually assault the girl. >> this young wol was terrorized in the car, trapped there, unable to get out. >> he kept asking me if i wanted to go out for drinks with him and i said no, because i'm 15, i can't go out to drinks, i just want to get home. >> reporter: eventually the teen managed to convince williams she needed to go to the bathroom. when he pulled over at this mcdonald's she entered the restaurant and called 911. days later police arrested willia who's been released on $150,000 bail. his attorney released a statement to abc news saying, my client adamantly denies doing anything of any nature that can be construed as criminal. the facts and circumstances as alleged leave much to be debated at trial, which my client is looking forward to. sexual assault allegations have plagued the ridesharing industry with multiple class action lawsuits filed against uber and its competitors. in a statement an uber spokesperson wrote, what's been reported is deeply alarming and the driver's access to the app was immediately removed when we learned about the incident. we continue to cooperate with law enforcement on their case. this case also raises questions
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about the company's policies concerning minors. uber says only adults 18 and over can use the service, but the uber app doesn't require a birth date to register an account. >> this company needs to take responsibility for their product and the service they're providing to the public. >> reporter: the victim's family says rideshare companies like uber need to da tter job of vetting their drivers. what would your advice be now to young people who use these apps like uber all the time? >> they shouldn't trust it. there is no 100% guarantee of your safety. >> our thanks to linsey there. williams has been charged with a number of crimes including second degree kidnapping as a sexually motivated felony and endangering the welfare of a child. he's entered a plea of not guilty. the rare moment of silence on capitol hill. the leaders from both sides of the aisle coming together to honor congressman elijah cummings ahead of his funeral today. why the best hitter so far in this year's world series will
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be allowed to sip some victory champagne if his team goes all the way next on "world news now." anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee
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♪ ♪ ♪ i'm glad you're hear on this friday because it's time for sports. washington, d.c. has become the home of champions, recently the capitals won the 2018 stanley cup, they hoisted it up in the air, i remember seeing them come into a restaurant, it was amazing. the mystics took the wnba crown. the nationals are close to a world series title. >> 2-0 lead in the world series right now. but the championship vibe has not made it to the district's football team. >> oh snap, we are being shady this morning. >> the vikings handed the skins
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their seventh loss of the season in the vikings' 19-9 win. we do hope case keenum recovers. dwayne haskins in for him at quarterback but couldn't get it done, the vikings running over the skins there. >> i saw this on social i think this week, people talking about the redskins, and how we wish that they would get some championship vibes going. but they haven't. >> and i don't think that they will any time soon. >> because people sounding off on twitter. washington lost 14 of its last 17 games. on twitter, y'all make it hard to be a fan. >> it's true. >> the day i die i want the washington redskins to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time. >> that's so sad, so sad. >> my goodness. >> hey, let's focus on the present.
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>> yes. >> let's focus on baseball in washington, guys. this is exciting for all the fans of the nation's capitals team. the world series is shifting there for game three tonight. >> the best hitter so far is finally old enough to legally have some champagne if his team wins it all. we say legally old enough. washington's juan soto turns 21 today. the second-year star is the only player on either team hitting over .500. his bat has helps the nationals take a 2-0 series lead. >> the astros, they can force a fifth game sunday night if we get to game five sunday night, president trump says he will be there in the ballpark. that is a security nightmare for everyone going. >> i'm trying to look up things that happened in 1933. we were dealing with the great depression, apparently. there was a bunch of old stuff going on. >> fdr was a few months into his -- >> yeah, the 20th amendment to the u.s. constitution.
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♪ ♪ time for "the mix" and time to get in my belly because it is national greasy food day. yes! >> i did not know -- >> look at this spread. we got the fries, we got the wendy's nuggets, we got the empanada mama, we've got the pepperoni and sausage pizza. we are about to dig in because it's okay to have it sometimes, right? >> i don't know where to start. >> empanada mama, mmm-mmm, so good! >> are you a condiment person? >> sometimes. you know -- i will admit that i've actually already had a whole thing of fries and nuggets already. >> what's your greasy food go-to pleasure? >> anything fried, anything
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fried. can we take a look at this incredible view right here? >> the new view of new york city from the hudson yards observatory deck. >> i don't know if i could step on that at all. >> how are you with heights? >> not good at all. >> then don't go on that one. >> is that rob marciano? don't jump, rob, we need you tomorrow on "gma," rob, don't do it. >> the 100th floor. >> it's time for the polka, though, your first. >> whoo! >> from the haunted hotel in brooklyn, new york. ♪ shrieks and moans and creepy floors creepy clowns behind the doors that's the halloween polka ♪ ♪ tiny monsters ring your bell let them all just go to the neighbor's that's the halloween polka ♪ ♪ this place is really spooky it's a nightmare i'll relive ♪ ♪ hey dracula do you like blood he said o-positive ♪
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haunted house really cool every anchor guy and ghoul do the halloween polka ♪ ♪ i know you're waiting for me to say does your mummy know you're here, i'm not going to s it. ♪ ♪ you can keep your zombies and who needs the walking dead ♪ ♪ life is frightening enough just getting out of bed ♪ ♪ once a year what a fright we're all on the graveyard shift tonight ♪ ♪ that's the halloween polka ♪ come get in the spirit of the ghosts who haunt the halls ♪ ♪ and kids loaded with sugar who are bouncing off the walls ♪ ♪ eerie sounds at 3 a.m. insomniacs are used to them note ♪ that's the halloween polka that's the halloween polka ♪
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breaking overnight on "world news now," the fire emergency in the west. one fire in northern california exploding in size. four fires erupting north of l.a. burning homes and forcing evacuations. even horses in danger, and there are even stronger winds in the forecast. also this morning, the emotional tributes to congressman elijah cummings. hear how both sides of the aisle are honoring him before today's funeral. new this half hour, the congresswoman under investigation. >> representative kate hill is accused of having a sexual relationship with an aide, which she denies. the first open bisexual member of congress is admitting to something else. he's had more names than you
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can count. puffy, diddy, p. diddy just among a few of them. now sean combs is addi little love to that list ahead in "the skinny" on this friday, october 25th. diddy, puff, i don't know what to call him anymore. >> he'll always be diddy to me. >> i don't know if he goes by that. >> he doesn't anymore, that's why i'm saying, he'll always be diddy to me. >> we can't wait to find out the 50th name p. diddy sean daddy combs has. we'll get to that in just a moment. we do begin with major fires raging out of control in northern and southern california. north of l.a. where four fires are brewing. it's an all-out race to save homes. a deputy was seen trying to save a home using a garden hose. and this is newly released surveillance video of the moment the kincaid fire start in northern california. a new report says it erupted near power lines. and may have been sparked
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because of a broken piece of equipment. abc's will reeve is there. >> reporter: california is a tinder box. the tick fire breaking out near santa clarita north of los angeles, engulfing structures amid extremely critical fire conditions. our matt gutman on the scene. >> this fire is completely driven by the wind right now. you can see it's blowing from behind my head up that hill. >> reporter: this as firefighters in northern california desperately trying to get the upper hand on a massive, out-of-control wildfire. trees are going up like kindling here. the embers coming in every direction. no matter where you are, you have to be wary of the wind. because it can change at any second. the kincaid fire in sonoma county igniting just before 9:30 p.m. wednesday. ferocious winds gusting above 75 miles per hour, fueling the inferno's spread. >> we just can't keep ahead of it, so we've had to -- we're almost just chasing it and trying to get ahead of it
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constantly throughout this whole night. >> reporter: firefighters driving through tunnels of flames, fire engulfing both sides of the road. residents fighting the flames with hoses. >> all of geyserville under mandatory evacuation. >> reporter: an entire town told to get it. evacuees like healdsburg's tom cordoza hoping their homes are still there. >> they were really, get out now. >> reporter: the utility company here proactively shut off power to nearly 180,000 customers. that move did not prevent this fire from starting. flames now threatening transmission lines. fire personnel here racing to put out these flames before it climbs up the hillside and reaches the trees, spreading the blaze even further. a rapid response to the muir fire in marin county just north of san francisco. you can see here what the fire has already done. one still burning at this structure in the foothills. the wind is expected to die down here in northern california. that will give firefighters a chance. down in southern california, critical wind danger there. and here, officials bracing for
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more wind this weekend into monday. will reeve, abc news, sonoma county, california. >> our thanks to will in the middle of all that. so the conditions to fight these fires will not get better for days. >> let's get right to the updated forecast from chris nallan at accuweather. chris? >> kenneth and kaylee, still watching for high fire danger across southern california. take a look at this zone we're watching very closely with winds gusting up to 60 miles per hour. the accuweather local storm x up to 80, that's dangerous with fires already burning across this region. heading into this weekend, still very dry, blustery with those fire dangers on the high side across a huge chunk of california. the snow exits but the rain increases further to the east. kenneth, kaylee, back to you. >> all right, thank you, chris. the justice department's review of the origins of the russia investigation is reportedly now a criminal investigation. >> this new stage would give the lead prosecutor subpoena power,
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allow him to empanel a grand jury, and file criminal charges. president trump has long railed against the russia probe as a witch hunt, and attorney general william barr previously said the fbi and other officials may have acted improperly. the trump administration is considering sending tanks to eastern syria to protect the oil fields after ordering nearly all u.s. troops to withdraw from the country. sources say the idea of deploying tanks and other armored vehicles was presented to the president along with other options. the defense secretary says it's important to safeguard the oil to deny isis a source of revenue that could lead to its resurgence. congressman elijah cummings is being laid to rt following a funeral service in his hometown of baltim >> cummings received the honor to lie in state at t u.s. capitol where democrs and republicans sat side by side, united in their grief for the about any loved lawmaker. today former presidents barack obama and bill clinton and hillary clinton will be among the speakers. abc's rachel scott has more. >> reporter: in washington, a rare moment of silence on capitol hill. ♪ if i can >> reporter: leaders on both
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sides of the aisle coming together to honor one of their own, congressman elijah cummings. the casket of the late congressman carried into the capitol rotunda. his widow seated next to congressional leaders, ready to remember a lawmaker who has been described as a north star and moral backbone. >> elijah cummings, master of the house. >> reporter: known for his fearlessness and booming voice, the son of former sharecroppers fought for baltimore and for civil rights, serving in congress since 1996, becoming a national figure. as the city erupted in violent protests after freddie gray died in police custody in 2015, cummings took to the streets with a bullhorn, urging demonstrators to stay calm. >> let's go home. let's all go home. now our distinguished colleague truly has gone home. >> reporter: cummings and the president clashed often, most notably early this year after president trump attacked the congressman's hometown in tweets calling baltimore a rat and
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rodent-infested mess. the congressman standing strong, defending his city and his constituents. as the chairman of the house oversight and reform committee, cummings held a prominent role amid the fiery political debate, democrats and republicans putting their differences aside to remember his impact. >> for me i was privileged enough to be able to call him a dear friend. so have classified it as an unexpected friendship. but for those of us that know elijah, it's not unexpected or surprising. perhaps this place and this country would be better served with a few more unexpected friendships. i know i've been blessed by one. >> reporter: cummings was serving his 13th term in the house when he died last week due to complications from health challenges.
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congressman cummings is the first black lawmaker to lie in honor at the u.s. capitol. rachel scott, abc news, washington. >> our thanks to rachel there. here's a good update. former president jimmy carter is out of the hospital after fracturing his pelvis during a fall. >> a spokesperson says carter is looking forward to recuperating at his home in plains, georgia. this was his second fall in less than a month, his third since may. at 95 years old, carter is the oldest living former president. a 9-year-old has something new on her resume, a rock climbing record. >> pearl johnson is the youngest person to scale the 3,000-foot el capitan in yosemite national park. she made the climb over four days and three nights last month along with her mom and a family friend. pearl's dad is a yosemite law enforcement ranger. he was there to greet her when she reached the summit in the middle of a hailstorm. >> there is no way in "hail" i would be climbing that thing in the middle of a hailstorm. >> no -- or at all.
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just sunny weather. i wouldn't do it at all. pearl, she's amazing. she was able to do it. pearl was nervous, family friends said a lot of time was spent overcoming her fear. sometimes she would say, i want this to be over, this is really scary. but she kept going. message? >> there is a message in that. >> she kept going. >> that is incredible. congratulations to pearl and her mom. >> pearls of wisdom, some would say. >> how about that. coming up, why the houston astros assistant gm just got fired during the world series. plus the first-term congresswoman now facing an ethics investigation and admitting to an affair. later in "the skinny," what we're finally confirming 16 years after his death about country music legend johnny cash. i'm alex trebek, here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's?
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the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner.
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and it's yours just for calling. so call now. ok i'll admit. i didn't keep my place as clean as i would like 'cuz i'm way too busy. who's got the time to chase around down dirt, dust and hair? so now, i use heavy duty swiffer sweeper and dusters. for hard-to-reach places, duster makes it easy to clean. it captures dust in one swipe. ha! gotcha! and sweeper heavy duty cloths lock away twice as much dirt and dust. it gets stuff deep in the grooves other tools can miss. y'know what? my place... is a lot cleaner now. stop cleaning. start swiffering. your cold's gonna make you a zombie tomorrow. wrong. new mucinex nightshift fights my cold symptoms so i can sleep great and wake up human. don't eat me i taste terrible. fight your worst symptoms so you can sleep great and wake up human.
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new mucinex nightshift cold and flu. a bear attacks his trainer during a circus performance in northern russia. the 600-pound bear threw the man on the ground and jumped on him. the man is okay. the circus manager blames spectators for provoking the bear by using a flash to take pictures. >> among other ways they provoked him. what is this? >> i know. so what i'm really learning is kaylee makes me feel so good, because typically i laugh when these things happen. he's okay, he's okay. so when we say he's okay, that means we can laugh about it. >> okay, good. >> i know. it was a bear in russia.
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i thought those bears in russia wear those little hats, ride little tricycles. >> those are the friendly bears. >> that bear, not so much. moving on, the houston astros have fired an assistant general manager who shouted inappropriate comments at three female reporters. >> the move came three days after the team claimed a report about the incident was fake. brandon taubman directed profanity at the women while yelling support for an astro who faced domestic violence charges last year. it happened saturday as the team celebrated winning the american league pennant. the club apologized for its initial reaction. >> i don't want to put you on the spot but i'm pretty sure as a woman who covered sports and been a sports journalist, we don't have time to get into the craziness you've seen. >> no, but there is absolutely no place for what happened there. a california congresswoman under fresh fire this morning
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facing a house ethics investigation. >> the congresswoman from the los angeles area is accused of having a sexual relationship with a member of her staff amid a bitter divorce. here's linsey davis. >> reporter: she was a rising star in the democratic party. >> my name is katie hill and i'm running for congress here in california's 25th district. >> reporter: a first-term congresswoman already making her mark. >> he asked you to say that? >> yes, ma'am. >> reporter: katie hill is facing some tough questions of her own. the house ethics committee is investigating allegations that the congresswoman engaged in a sexual relationship with an individual on her congressional staff, her legislative affairs director, graham kelly, a violation of house rules. in a letter to constituents, hill calls the allegations false. but hill, who is the first openly bisexual member of congress, admits she did engage in a consensual relationship with someone else, a woman on her campaign staff. hill is apologizing for that, acknowledging it was inappropriate. hill and her husband allowed cameras to follow her run for office, a documentary called
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"inside the most millennial campaign ever." >> there have been times that i've wanted to quit. this is a hard thing. >> reporter: the couple is now in the middle of a nasty divorce. hill accuses her husband of leaking nude pictures of her and the campaign staffer saying he's determined to try to humiliate me. congresswoman hill says she has alerted capitol police and tells her constituents distributing intimate photos with the intent to publish them is a crime. the investigation into her own alleged misconduct is just beginning. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> our thanks to linsey there. when we come back, meryl streep loves fast food and so do we. >> if we couldn't love meryl any more, goodness gracious. and deputy johnny cash. "the skinny" is next. taking metamucil every day can help. metamucil supports your daily digestive health using a special plant-based fiber called psyllium. psyllium works by forming a gel in your digestive system to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. metamucil's gelling action also helps to lower cholesterol
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♪ skinny just ♪ skinny just gimme the skinny time now for "the skinny" starting with meryl streep, the meryl streep, opening up about being on a budget. >> even when you're a three-time oscar-winning actress there are apparent limits to how deep your pockets are. "people" magazine reports that during a panel discussion for streep's latest movie "little
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women," streep reveals she ordered wendy's for the entire set during filming. >> streep joked that she was saving money. you know what, that dollar mu. >> also being kind. >> being kind. they got a dollar menu. you know what? if it's good enough for meryl, it's good enough for us. here's some wendy's for you, kaylee. some little nuggets, junior bacon menu, ketchup on it because i don't do mayo. a little barbecue sauce for the little nuggets right there. >> i like a wendy's burger. if we're going fast food, the wendy's burger and chicken nuggets, i'm okay with it, totally good with it. >> we don't really eat on the show that often. >> oh, am i not supposed to be eating? >> uh-huh. uh-huh. >> uh-huh. uh-huh. >> keep going. next to the confirmation of a long-time rumor about a country music legend. i'll just keep going. johnny cash has long been
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rumored to have been deputized. the sheriff of davidson county, tennessee, has presented proof that cash was granted law enforcement authority decades ago. this image shows cash's deputy sheriff commission card dating back to 1979. >> keep it going. >> kenneth is still chewing. cash isn't the only celebrity who moonlighted as law enforcement. shaquille o'neal is a sheriff's deputy in broward county. >> he's the biggest one down there in florida too. >> heck yeah he is. and '70s "chips" star erik estrada has been a full-time deputy sheriff in virginia -- >> poncherello? >> in idaho. if i saw him i would do whatever he said. >> i love "chips." >> me too. >> i used to watch it. okay in this image of elvis presley and richard next son at the white house in 1970, presley was presented with a badge from the bureau of naotics and dangerous drugs as a federal agent in large. presley thought it was the real thing but presidential aides say it was an honorary badge. many are pointing out the irony there that we do not have to spell out for you.
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how's your wendy's? >> it's delicious. the chicken nuggets are great. we can move on to another name change for sean combs. >> another one. it's been known -- he's been known as puff daddy, p. daddy, puffy, diddy. the rapper has reportedly petitioned the los angeles county court to change his legal name from sean john combs to sean love combs. >> two years ago diddy revealed he had plans to go by brother love or simply love. >> he said in a twitter post apparently when our prompter operator andre picks up here -- he's still not moving the prompter so we're going to -- there he is. way to go, andre. andre, do you need a sandwich back there? >> would you like some wendy's? >> i'm going to check with andre in the commercial break but now he's started it again. apparently he said in a twitter clip my new name is love aka brother love, i will not be
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answering to diddy, puffy, puff daddy, or any other monikers but love or brother love. >> you have to legally change that. he can't just say, hey, friends. >> did andre change his name too, that's why when i was yelling it he didn't know? >> we've got another big headline from our parent company disney. >> uh-huh. yep, the mcguire family is apparently back together again. >> that would be lizzie mcguire's family. >> the wildly popular lizzie mcguire followed the dreams and adventures of lizzy played by hilary duff. >> the entire family will be back, all of them reprising their roles 15 years later in a reboot. >> the new lizzie mcguire will revolve around lizzie as a 30-year-old millennial. navigating life in new york city as an apprentice to a fancy decorator. the series will appear on disney plus. just in time for halloween an actress in her allegedly haunted apartment. >> lea michele opened up about a frightening encounter with a ghost in her old apartment in new york city.
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just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! at the end of a long day, it's the last thing i want to do. well i switched to swiffer wet jet and its awesome. it's an all-in-one so it's ready to go when i am. the cleaning solution actually breaks down dirt and grime. and the pad absorbs it deep inside. so, it prevents streaks and haze better than my old mop. plus, it's safe to use on all my floors, even wood. glad i got that off my chest and the day off my floor. try wet jet with a moneyback guarantee
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♪ we got a "skinny bonus round." selena gomez is out with new music. >> this is my gift to you after all the great music we've enjoyed this week. more m from lena gomez. you know, it's been four long years since selena gomez put out her last album. she took a really intentional break from the spotlight as she battled illness, depression, and heartbreak. but now those newest songs chronicle both her struggles and her triumph. ♪ took a few years to soak up the tears but look at her now ♪ ♪ watch her go >> reporter: pop superstar selena gomez dropping a second
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new song and video in 48 hours. ♪ look at her now >> reporter: it came just hours after that surprise release of her emotional new single "lost you to love me." ♪ you promised the world and i fell for it ♪ ♪ i put you first and you adored it ♪ >> reporter: the powerful personal lyrics have critics and fans speculating that the breakup song is largely about her ex, justin bieber. the former couple made their debut as an item in 2011. for years the high-profile duo making headlines with their on again, off again relationship. ♪ you replaced us like it was easy and you think i deserved it in the thick of healing ♪
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>> reporter: then just months after the star couple broke up for the last time in the spring of 2018, bieber proposed to his now wife hailey baldwin. the 22-year-old model posting a screen shot of the song "i'll kill you" on social media after selena released that first single, sending the singer's fans rushing to her defense. selena shutting down the controversy overnight on her own instagram telling fans to cool it. >> i am grateful for the response the song is getting, i'm so grateful. however, i do not stand for women tearing women down. and i will never, ever be by that. so please be kind to everyone. it doesn't matter what the situation is, if you're my fans, don't be rude to anybody, please. don't go off and say things that you just feel in the moment. just please, for me, know that that's not my heart, and my heart is only to release things that i feel that are me and that i'm proud of. and that's all that i'll say. >> selena gomez says she's turning off the noise, living life on her own terms, and you can hear it in her music there. i'll be the first to say i've been guilty of listening to sad music after a breakup. but these songs from her are
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49 structures burned, more than 16,000 acres of land scorched, almost no contain m. the kincaid fire is still raging out of control in sonoma county but calmer winds are giving crews battling this inferno a much needed break. >> we are on early because of that fire. it's blazing really out of control. >> i know a lot of people are still evacuated. the fight to contain it hinges on the weather. you have been tracking that. where do we stand? >> we have the winds that are lighter and switching more to an onshore component. here is live doppler 7. you notice we don't have any fog, b
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