tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC October 25, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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all right. that's all for now. thanks for watching. stay safe this week. >> thank . >> dicky: from brooklyn, it's jimmy kimmel live! tonight, john krasinski, legendary music man, paul shafer and music from kanye west, presented by subway, with cleto and the cletones, and now, bam, zoom, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. very nice.
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welcome. welcome. i appreciate that. thank you. thank you. well, thank you. please, relax. that's very kind. i, that's very nice. i'm jim i'm the host. thank you for watching at home. this is it, this is our fifth and final night here in brooklyn. tomorrow we disappear like a cloud of vape smoke in williamsburg. we will be gone. what a week. once again, brooklyn, you tried to kill me with food. and once again you failed. i am leaving this borough with a song in my heart and a cow in my stomach. last night, we ate at frankie's for like the eighth time. [cheers and applause] i've had so much stuff to eat. the only thing i haven't had yet is chinese food, but i -- [ doorbell ]
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oh, actually, will you give me a moment? come in! ah yes. i ordered a lot. oh, my goodness! is that mine? is that for me? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, yes. unbelievable. it's mets all-star pitcher noah syndergaard. [ applause ] why are you delivering chinese food? >> this is what i do during the off-season. >> jimmy: i thought baseball players make a lot of money. >> we do. but i spend lot of money on hair conditioner. anyway, here's your lo mein. >> jimmy: oh, good, good. >> and i threw in a little something something on the house. >> jimmy: oh, good, i appreciate that. wait a minute.
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: my little mexican dumpling. well, thank you very much for the order and for bringing guillermo to us. all right, that should cover it right there. >> tip? >> jimmy: sorry, all right. and that's for you. noah syndergaard, everybody. you can leave that, we'll finish that later. guillermo, make sure i get reimbursed for that. >> yeah, sure. >> jimmy: and of course, no trip east would be complete without a special guest sitting in with cleto and the cletones. he is a canadian treasure, the most dangerous bandleader in the world, say hello to paul shaffer! >> hi, everybody, jimmy, thanks for having me again. >> jimmy: i loveing you. i feel like this is a cherished
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tradition. >> i love it and i'll be here as long as you're here. thank you so much. >> jimmy: a trip like this is a major undertaking. i want to thank everyone at the brooklyn opera house for making this our home. thank you for standing in line. i'm sorry my staff smoked all your weed. we'll get it back to you, i promise. it's refreshing to be in a place where people feel comfortable yelling at each other on the street. new york really is the original twitter. and, on that subject, how many of you have seen the notorious bagel boss video? [ applause ] that's, well, if you haven't seen it, take a look. >> why is it okay for women to say, oh, you're five feet on dating sites, you should be dead. that's okay? >> who has said that to you here? nobody. >> women in general, i've said it on dating sites. everywhere i go i get the same
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[ bleep ] smirk with the biting lip. shut your mouth. you're not god or my father. or my boss! dude, you want to step outside? you want to step outside? huh? i'm not scared of you. you shut up, too. [ bleep ]. go ahead and attack me. [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god, oh, my god. >> jimmy: it's a great video. i've watched it like 25 times. so, you know those commercials where they have people come out of the theater on broadway, giving a rave review to the show they just saw? we went to midtown with a poster for a made-up musical about the bagel boss guy and asked new yorkers who obviously haven't seen it to talk about how much they love >> we're out here shooting a
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musical for "bagel boss." can you look at the camera and act like you just came out of "bagel boss" and loved it. >> great musical, had the time of my life. ups and downs, highly recommend. >> honestly, this is one of the funniest shows i've ever seen. >> i liked the comedy, the laughter. >> actually, it's a drama, about a man's rage against society and anger issues about women. oh. >> it was good. i just loved it. >> moving. >> moving. spectacular. it was great. it was tearful. i was tearing in my eyes. i was laughing. couldn't stop crying, cracking up. >> how about if you say "at home my husband is the boss, but on broadway bagel boss is the boss." >> not even close. >> i got cream cheese all over my program. >> can you spit thatna t into te
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bagel bucket? >> right into the bagel bucket? >> you have to bagel me not to see this. >> a bagel could make me so damn horny. >> in the bucket? >> how tall are you in. >> 5'9" i think. >> huh. we're looking for some short people, because he's short, and he's angry at god about his shortness. >> me and all my short friends go to bagel boss because he's short too. >> jason alexander had me laughing so hard i had to sit in my urine the whole show. >> that's kind of gross, a woman wouldn't say that. >> can i get someone younger? >> jason alexander made my mom laugh so hard she sat in her own urine the entire show. >> bagel boss hates women, but women love bagel boss. >> one more time. you be a little more sexier. >> bagel boss hates women. >> but women love bagel boss.
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>> sssss. >> god, it was so awesome. >> that's great. are you new york city? >> no. >> i'm jewish and i love the bagel boss! >> can you put on a quick costume? >> as a baker from bay side, bagel boss is hot and fresh. it is a wild yride. as a garbage driver, nothing stinks about bagel boss. i flip over bagel boss. as a plumber from poughkeepsie, bagel boss pulled out all the stops. as a lumberjack from hackensack you can't ask for a better show. as butcher from bushwick, bagel boss is grade-a pri. as a magician, it is and
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abracadabra. as a judge from jamaica, i sentence you to a night of fun. i'm glad i caught bagel boss. as a park slope, bagel boss iss heavenly. as a lifeguard, bagel boss is a splash. bagel boss is a pisser. >> the bagel boss lot of fun. >> take it from me, sugar ray leonard, bagel boss is a knockout. >> jimmy: when we found sugar ray leonard, we knew we on to something special. here with the opening number from the soon-to-be tony-ward-nominated show, i'm
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here it to present, "bagel boss", the musical! ♪ >> good morning, everyone, and welcome to bagel boss, the happiest place on earth. ♪ there's a place that i love to go ♪ ♪ when i need a bagel and a cup of joe ♪ ♪ a cheerful place to grab a bite ♪ ♪ where n one ever would pick a fight ♪ ♪ all of our worries ♪ disappear ♪ under dreamy cream cheese smear ♪ ♪ no one's angry ♪ and no one's blue ♪ and no one's under 5'2" ♪ no one's ever cross at the bagel boss ♪ ♪ we're delicious, warm and fresh ♪ ♪ we're gluten-y and we're #blessed ♪ ♪ all the carbs you could ever
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need ♪ ♪ and poppy seeds ♪ at the bagel boss ♪ ♪ it's true ♪ no one's ever angry here ♪ not even a teensy-weensy bit ♪ did somebody say teensy-weensy ♪ >> hey, my tinker is blowing up! this could be the one. when you said you were down to earth, i didn't know you meant it literally! ah, i need a bagel! ♪ there's a place that i gotta go, to drown my sorrows in a pound of dough ♪ ♪ the ladies that i try to date abuse me because i'm 4'8" ♪ >> do you take a bubble bath in the sink ♪
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♪ can you pay for dinner, or are you short ♪ ♪ is mini golf your favorite sport ♪ ♪ did you drive a barbie car ♪ and order your drinks at the mini bar ♪ ♪ who you like a happy meal ♪ do you jog on a hamster wheel ♪ ♪ should i help you reach the shelf ♪ ♪ do you sleep inside a drawer d ♪ do you dust rag on the floor ♪ shut the hell up ♪ the ladies just see my lowly height and never, ever, ever swipe right ♪ ♪ ah, screw'em, it's their loss, i'm the bagel boss ♪ [cheers and applause] >> wow, short temper, huh? [ laughter ] >> did you hear that?
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i said short temper! [ laughter ] >> why is it okay for ladies to say you're five feet o dating sites, you should be dead, that's okay? >> who said that here? nobody! >> women! in general! have said it on dating sites! you think i'm making this [ bleep ] up? everywhere i go i get the smirk with the biting lip. >> you, calm down. >> there's going to be a fight! >> a fight? >> a fight? >> a fight, a fight! ♪ despite their difference in height ♪ ♪ there's going to be a bagel boss fight ♪ ♪ a bagel boss fight ♪ a bagel boss fight >> hey, dude, you want to step outside? you want to step outside? i ain't afraid of you, pal! >> shut up! >> shut up, you're not god, you're not my father! you're not my boss! >> i am god!
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your father! and your boss with a certain sauce! [cheers and quit your [ bleep ]ing, peewee. i got to solve climate change and cure chlamydia. >> hey, god, while you're at it, could you fix the l-train? [cheers and applause] >> not even god can fix the l-train. >> hey, listen, god? if you make me taller, i promise i will never bother you again. i won't say your name. i won't go to church. i won't even celebrate christmas. >> you got a deal, but -- >> yeah! >> your dingdong. >> what about it? >> gonna stay the same size.
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>> i can live with that. >> so, shall it be said, so shall it be done. eenie-meenie miny mow, let this little [ bleep ] grow! ♪ ♪ look at him ♪ he's getting tall >> i'm rising like a bagel! ♪ finally, he can have it all >> release the yeast! ♪ it was worth the cost >> hey, baby, you doin' anything tonight? >> yeah! you! >> schwing! >> he's the bagel boss!
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: wow, how about that? beautiful, beautifully done. jason alexander, tracy morgan. our entire cast and crew. tonight on the show, paul shafer is with us. music from kanye west, and we'll be right back with john krasinski. ♪ devoid of basset hounds. t desert completely [ back in baby's arms by patsy cline ] then, it appeared a beacon of hope. ♪ i'm back in baby's arms more glorious than a billion sunsets. we were found.
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♪ i'm back where i belong found by the hounds. ♪ back in baby's arms a more rewarding target run. with deals & surprises... it's free to join! you'll score more. and, help support your community. you're invited to target circle. a more rewarding target run is waiting for you. we are by nature explorers. and whenever we make a great new leap,
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♪ can't imagine doing it any other way. this is caitlin dickerson from the new york times. this isn't the only case. very little documentation. lo que yo quiero estar con mi hijo. i know that's not true. and the shelters really don't know what to do with them. i just got another person at d.h.s. to confirm this. i have this number. we're going to publish the story.
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>> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to brooklyn. that is paul shafer sitting in with the cletones. paul has a show of his very own on axis tv called sirius xm presents paul shafer plus one. who are the plus ones? >> i've had everybody from joe walsh to sammy hagar to smokey robinson. it's like we're in a studio. and we play, like howard stern without the strippers. that's basically the show. >> jimmy: paul shafer, everybody. i also want to thank, i want to thank jason alexander for his inspiring portrayal of bagel boss guy. you can see jason live november 2nd and 3rd in detroit. and thanks to our lord and savior, tracy morgan, too. thanks to those gentlemen for being a part. next week on the show we're back home in hollywood with arnold
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schwarzenegger, rob lowe, antonio banderas, big boy and sleepy brown with cee lo green. and tonight on our show we have none other than kanye west, performing music from his new album. a imax movie. join us all throughout the show for that. our first guest is an actor, writer, direct eor and neighbor here in brooklyn. please welcome, john krasinski! [cheers and ♪
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>> hello! these chairs are too nice for me. >> jimmy: i'm looking at you, you still look young. >> i can't see you, i turned 40. >> jimmy: you're blind now? are you wearing the glasses yet? >> no, i don't want to embarrass myself. everybody's like, wait, i wear glasses. >> jimmy: a lot of people for their 40th birthday will have a big blowout, have a big trip, have their family, friends. >> i did. >> jimmy: you did. >> not really, i had a different kind of blowout. >> jimmy: you went on twitter and attacked many of your celebrity friends. >> i woke up and thought wh know what i'm going to do. >> jimmy: not only did you beg
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people for money, you threatened people. >> it was all for a great cause. i have the most amazing friends at family reach. but in order to get money, i had to do some emotional blackmail. >> jimmy: ryan reynold. you asked for hugh jackman's cell number. and then we see a picture here. that seems to be hugh jackman putting his tongue in your wife emily blunt's ear. >> yeah, so i've been real quiet about that for a long time. how much, hugh, how much? i hope it works. >> jimmy: was it worth it? was the whole thing worth it? did they donate? >> thanks to all the people who donated. we had so many amazing people donate. and we made over $500,000. >> jimmy: wow. do you still love, i know you've been enjoying brooklyn do you still love it here in >> more than ever. >> jimmy: i was driving to work today and i saw something.
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you know i went to elementary school in brooklyn. i have a memory of how it was. and i was driving by the schoolyard and all these little kids were on yoga mats doing yoga. >> yep, those were probably my kids. like that?are they in a school >> they're the instructor for me, and we sat up a school. child yoga. >> jimmy: did you have to go that you whole thing to get your kids into school? >> yes. >> jimmy: what was that like? >> hazel got into this school, and she's been going to this schofor a while. violet, she's just sitting there talking to us and everybody else is nervous about getting their kids in, and hazel's teacher says, hey, violet, you want to come into the classroom and talk for a bit? and she turned to my wife and went "oh, my gosh"! that genuinely happened. and so we got her an agent.
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she's doing great. >> jimmy: probably could get her some work. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: when you, you moved to new york right out of college. >> i did. told my mom i want to be an actor in new york. and she said good luck and i moved here and was a professional waiter. >> jimmy: what places? any that we might know? >> i hope so. some great places. i just didn't stay there that long. i got fired. i was at the odion. amazing place. it's slowly making its way across the room. blue smoke. >> jimmy: okay. >> oh. and then one of my favorites and longest-standing relationships, sushi samba. >> jimmy: that's a famous one. >> i think it's the place where secti "sex in the city" created the cosmo. everybody's like, that's not true. okay. it is now. >> jimmy: where they had that scene where the cosmo became the drink? >> i was wishing i was shoot
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being. i was pouring shots. at lunch, they shot upstairs while i was on. that was the closest i had ever been to a television set. >> jimmy: is that the place where you taught me a very valuable lesson. we were at dinner, and i was like, i don't know what we want, just bring a bunch of stuff. >> don't do that at all. we don't care about allergies, what you like and don't like. they have these things at sushi sam b samba, when you walk in, there's this decorative bowl, and everybody's like, oh, my god, it's amazing, they're alive and we're going to eat them. they build this crab-like ladder on each other and jump out of the bowl. if you watch them for a long time they're escaping all the time. one day we had a guy come with a shoe box and said hey, i just found this crab in my apartment, and i was like, oh, where's your apartment? and he goes, across seventh avenue. >> jimmy: what? >> up four flights of stairs.
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no elevator. so i was impressed. and the manager was like, what can we do? and he said i just want to know what he eats, i want to take care of him. we had a sushi chef from japan, and we said what do these thingg sneet a eat? and he says we want to know what you feed them. he said feed them, we [ bleep ] them. >> jimmy: john krasinski is here, we'll be right back with john after this. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live in brooklyn are brought to you by subway restaurants. subway deliver. s. ♪ ♪
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♪i put you first and you adored it♪ ♪set fires to my forest♪ ♪and you let it burn♪ ♪sang off key in my chorus♪ ♪to love love. to love love. to love.♪ ♪i needed to hate you to love me♪ ♪to love love. to love love.♪ 50% off sale this weekend!... plus - take an extra 20% off!... plus - take an extra $10 off when you spend $50 or more!... plus - everyone gets $10 kohl's cash for every $50 spent! stack the savings!... this weekend - at kohl's. mmm. (chef) ah-hem. hvr seasoning. table 7.
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annoepidemic fueled by juul use with their kid-friendly flavors. san francisco voters stopped the sale of flavored e-cigarettes. but then juul, backed by big tobacco, wrote prop c to weaken e-cigarette protections. the san francisco chronicle reports prop c is an audacious overreach, threatening to overturn the ban on flavored products approved by voters. prop c means more kids vaping. that's a dangerous idea. vote no on juul. no on big tobacco. no on prop c.
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>> jimmy: that is action star, john krasinski, as jack ryan. what does your mother think about you jumping off roofs and stuff like that? >> she's always wanted me to do that. when are you going to jump off a roof? that brought back a lot of memories. >> jimmy: where is that? >> shot in london. i'm obviously going to london a lot with half my family being there, but i've never shot there and never almost been killed there. you get confident, i'm just going to slide down the roof. and the stunt guy's like please don't do that. and i'm like, it's fine. and i did that slide and got to the end and i was like, help? help. i'm very scared. and people down below on their lunch break were like, yes! this is great. >> jimmy: by the way, there's a guy in our audience right now with a dunder mifflin sweat swet
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on. >> yeah! i love the assistance to make sure we see it. >> jimmy: i hope someone has the initiative to edit jack ryan together with "the office", so we can see jim jump off the window. isn't it remarkable. people all the time because they know we're friends, kids who are now watching this show in bulk. >> oh, it's insane. i think when you're on a show, period, you think you've hit the greatest thing you're ever going to do and no one will ever top that. and now i think it's 50 times bigger, usually i'd have a guy like my age come up and say, love "the office." and now you have a 4-year-old in the airport say, you know what my favorite episode is? you're not allowed to smoke in here. >> jimmy: smoking children are watching the show now. >> i've been through it four
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times. sounds like your throat's been through it. >> jimmy: are you working on a sequel to "a quiet place"? [cheers and applause] >> we're working on shooting. he loves it. >> jimmy: well, it's a great movie. you got a lot going on. i'm very proud of you. happy birthday to you and all that stuff. he's a big action hero now, everybody. [cheers and applause] jack ryan on amazon prime, john krasinski, we'll be right back from brooklyn! ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ man 1 vo: proof of less joint pain woman 1 oc: this is my body of proof. and clearer skin. man 2 vo: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis...
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woman 2 vo: ...with humira. woman 3 vo: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain, stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. [ "turn around, look at me" ♪ there is someone ♪ walking behind you ♪ turn around
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♪ look at me ♪ there is someone ♪ look at me mhm... (tv chatter) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) what's the score? no idea. (cheers) ( ♪ ) whoo. ( ♪ ) (paul) (sprintern)at special time it's iphone season at sprint. (paul) switch and get... (sprintern) the new iphone 11 or iphone 11 pro with amazing all-new camera systems. and now you can get iphone 11
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(paul) ...for zero-dollars a month when you trade in your iphone7 or newer in any condition. (sprintern) seriously, any condition! (paul) and with sprint's 100% total satisfaction guarantee you can try out the network and see the savings for yourself. (sprintern) can i get a... [air horn beep] it's iphone season. hey pauldo youove it? (paul) yeah. (sprintern) do you love it? (paul) i do. for people with hearing loss, visit only roomba i7+ uses two multi-surface rubber brushes. ♪ and picks up more pet hair than other robot vacuums. and the filter captures 99% of dog and cat allergens. if it's not from irobot, it's not a roomba™. ♪ be you dust or ♪ be you a star. ♪ to be what you must, just... ♪ ♪ ...reach out for what you are. ♪ ♪ and though you've traveled... ♪ ♪ ...many roads. ♪ there's but one way.
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♪ the one you chose. ♪ but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells so it bounces back... neutrogena® and for body... hydro boost body gel cream. snow leopards are almostpos, so it bounces back... with ai we can protect what we 't n'e. but we need to know where they are, because they are threatened. our camera traps allow us to have and eye in the mountains, taking thousands of pictures. microsoft ai scans through all these images, and separates snow leopards from everything else, in ten minutes instead of ten days. it gives us time to do better research, and save this threatened species. you shared the video. now see the musical.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. we have music from kanye west on the way. we have had an amazing time in brooklyn thanks to you and our friends at subway who helped us get here, and they even taught us a lesson about love. >> it's the biggest date of your life. you want to get the mood just right. you prepare. you overprepare. but then the moment arrives. and you just know you're about to meet your soul because you ordered it for delivery. >> i have a subway delivery for mr. guillermo? >> thank you. >> subway delivers with your favorite apps. a convenient and romantic way to
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a more rewarding target run. with deals & surprises... it's free to join! you'll score more. and, help support your community. you're invited to target circle. a more rewarding target run is waiting for you. about being a scientist at 3m. i wanted them to know that innovation is not just about that one 'a-ha' moment. it takes time, dedication. it's a journey. we're constantly asking ourselves, 'how can we do things better and better?' what we make has to work. we strive to protect you. at 3m, we're in pursuit of solutions that make people's lives better.
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♪ at 3m, we're in pursuit of solutions we are by nature explorers. and whenever we make a great new leap, we elevate humanity, usher new discoveries and new technologies. so remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. be curious. i think the house is changing him... -[ gasps ] -up and at 'em! ...into his father. [ eerie music plays ] is it scary? -[ gasps ] -it's in eco mode.
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so don't touch it. mm-hmm. i can't stop this from swinging. must be a draft in here. but he did save a bunch of money bundling our home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. -hello? -sorry, honey. [ telephone beeps ] butt dial. goodreally? -hello? -sorry, honey. (sighs) have you tried merrick yet? we get it... you got it... we're petsmart. in a vast desert completely wdevoid of basset hounds. [ back in baby's arms by patsy cline ] then, it appeared a beacon of hope. ♪ i'm back in baby's arms more glorious than a billion sunsets. we were found. ♪ i'm back where i belong found by the hounds. ♪ back in baby's arms
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to our closing night here at the brooklyn academy of music. brooklyn has changed a lot over the years, but you can still see familiar faces wherever you go. we wanted to have fun with that. we sent my cousin sal out onto the street to pretend he knew people passing by just to see what they'd
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>> harkes, hey, how are you? i haven't seen you in so long. don't be like that. are you still mad at me? >> why should i be mad at you? >> because of the whole thing with the job a few years back. but forget about it. no one cares, right? >> i think you have the wrong person. >> wait a minute, what's your name? >> angelo. >> yeah, you're angelo. i know you. >> you know me? >> yeah, hey, that's angelo. just give me a hug. >> okay. >> now we know each other. >> now we do, exactly. i love you. say hi to everyone you know. >> i thought i recognized you. i do recognize you. >> right, right, right. >> that's unbelievable. you colored your hair, but it's all the same. >> i don't know who you are. >> who are you talking to in who is that? i can't believe it. i can't believe you're going to
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walk by me like that. >> who are you? >> come on. it's a reunion? maybe i don't know her. how's it going, man? how's everything? h, you going to big time me? coon, come on. i can't believe it. you know, i was telling my wife i was going to run into you, and here you are. all right. you smell good, you change colognes? there he is. you going to walk right by me in how you doin'? nice to see you. all right. no, we talk on facebook, but i haven't seen you in a while. what's going on? >> movin'. >> you are movin', right? you said were you going to move, and now you're doing it. where you going? >> close to my daughter. >> is she still with that guy? >> she's married. got two kids. >> she did get married. i forgot about that. do me a favor, keep in touch. too much time has gone by. >> okay. >> take care. stay in touch.
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there she is. come on. give it up. i miss you so much. i see you know how to use the phone. you don't call me. who you talkin' to? >> my sister from jamaica. >> i know her. is she still with that guy? >> no. hey, you going to walk by me? >> i don't know who you are. >> no, i don't know who you are. >> grandma would not be happy. you were downstairs, we wereup stairs. who's here? >> my husband. >> bring him over here. is that him? oh, my god. come here, you big lug. >> i love you. how's everything? >> i'm bad for faces. >> oh, come on. >> i swear to god. >> you kidding me? tom, let's stay in touch. all right, she's always nasty to me. always, always been nasty to me. every single time. >> who are you? >> there he is. how you been? >> all right. >> i haven't seen new a long time, look at you.
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you can never stay away from the sun, could you? >> no. >> like wesley snipes all of a sudden. i love you. how's everyone at home? >> everyone's good. >> they told me you were dead. it's very nice to see you. say hi to everyone. i love you. >> okay. >> there he is. i haven't seen you in so ng lo. how's everything? all right? i miss you. >> i don't know you. >> it's been a while. i know you're looking at me. i owe you money. i never forget if i owe you money. >> take it, take it. please, don't insult me. >> i don't know who you are. >> no, just tell johnny we're square. i don't want any trouble. >> i don't know who you are. >> you're insulting me, give me a hug. give me a hug. give me a hug. what's happenin'? i know who you are. >> how you know? >> what's going on with you. >> huh? >> you're from the block, 63rd. >> 63rd. you were upstairs, i was
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downstairs. all right. you get that park ticket thing taken care of? >> what parking ticket. >> i love you. come here. you got to show pauley this p picture. >> that's my son. >> i know. we need to get together. all right. there he is. what's happening? you going to walk past me? how you been. you good? everyone's all right at home? >> everyone's great, everyone's great. >> i haven't heard from tom in a while. you talk to him? >> yeah, he's doing good. his leg's getting better, appreciate your concern. lookin' od. >> you cut your hair? >> yeah. >> looks good. >> appreciate it man. >> let's stay in touch. >> [ bleep ]. what's goen in' on with the fel? >> jimmy: all right, thank you, cousin sal. we'll be right back with music
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♪ >> jimmy: well, that was a lot of fun. what a great week. i want to thank paul shafer for being here. look at that guy. >> thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: john krasinski. jason alexander, sugar ray leonard. i apologize to matt damon. "nightline" is next, this is his new album "jesus is king." here with "closed on sunday", kanye west! ♪ closed on sunday you my chick-fil-a closed on sunday you my chick-fil-a♪ ♪ hold the selfies put the gram away get your family y'all hold hands and pray♪
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♪ when you got daughters always keep 'em safe watch out for vipers don't let them♪ ♪ indoctrinate closed on sunday you my chick-fil-a you're my number one with the lemonade ♪ raise our sons ♪ raise them in the faith to temptations make sure they're wide awake♪ ♪ follow jesus listen and obey no more livin' for the culture♪ ♪ we nobody's slave stand up for my home even if i take this walk alone♪ ♪ i bow down to the king up on the throne my life is his i'm no longer my own♪
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♪ i pray to god that he'll strengthen my hand they will think twice steppin' into my land♪ ♪ i draw the line it's written in the sand try me and you will see that i ain't playin'♪ ♪ now, back up off my family move your hands i got my weapons in the spirit's land♪ ♪ jezebel don't even stand a chance jezebel don't even stand a chance♪ ♪ ♪ chick-fil-a >> we want to teach you a song today, is that all right? you want to sing? >> yeah. >> come on, let's sing, let's sing. ♪ we believe that the love of god is forever ♪
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>> yeah. >> his love never fails. his love is unconditional. the bible says for god so loved the world that gave his only-begotten son that whoever should believe in him should not parish but have what? >> everlasting life. >> everlasting life. anybody glad about living with jesus? >> yeah. >> yeah. yeah. i want you to say this. ♪ your love is favor ♪ ♪ we feel his faith ♪ your love is favor s it favor? >> yeah. ♪ we feel his faith ♪ you're going to do it with a move ♪ ♪ fay, yay, yay, yay, yay ♪ fay, yay, yay, yay, yay, yay ♪ we feel the faith ♪ >> come on, everybody, let's
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talk about his love. ♪ your move love is favor ♪ ♪ we feel his faith >> that's it, that's it. ♪ your love ♪ your love is favor >> come on, new york, move to the right with us. ♪ fay yay yay yay yay yay ♪ fay yay yay yay yay yay ♪ we feel the faith ♪ >> thank you, we receive it by faith. ♪ fay yay yay yay yay yay ♪ fay yay yay yay yay >> here we go. one, two, one, two, come on! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, he's the light ♪ he's alive, he's alive ♪ fay yay yay yay yay yay yay ♪ fay yay yay yay yay yay ♪ we feel his faith >> thank you, we receive your
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love by faith. ♪ fay yay yay yay yay ♪ fay yay yay yay yay ♪ we feel the faith [cheers and applause] this is "nightline." >> tonight, the wicked. the 12 year old lured into the woods. >> do you remember leaving the park to go to the woods? >> the brutal act of betrayal, stabbed 19 times and left for de by friends she thought she could trust. >> who's ever heard of two 12 year old girls planning for six months to kill one of their best friends. >> the chilling twist shocking the world five years ago. >> who's slender man? >> he's this tall, faceless man who preys on children. >> now david muir's exclusive interview, the survivor speaking out for the first
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