tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 7, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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that's our report. we appreciate your time. >> for all >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight the cast of "frozen ii" featuring -- kristen bell. idina menzel. josh gad. and jonathan groff. plus music from the teskey brothers. and now, letting it go once again, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: thanks, hola, i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for come beining. hey, you know, i don't know if you know this, you know what day tomorrow is? tomorrow is the three-year anniversary of the day donald trump was elected president of
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the united states. and it's been smooth sailing ever since. trump plans to celebrate his adversary by playing golf and making love to an overcooked steak with catsup on it. this is kind of interesting. you know how the president has the best words, uses all the best words? well, he's in monroe, louisiana last night, where he treated the crowd to what seems to have become his new favorite word that is not a word. >> mueller, remember that mueller, with that hoax. the biggest lie ever foistered on the american people. >> jimmy: foistered. he did it again in lexington. >> the most egregious fraud ever foistered. >> jimmy: and again in tupelo. >> the biggest lies ever
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foistered. >> jimmy: used the word three times in a week. if's a combination of foisted and forced, which happen to be his two favorite ways to meet women. the "washington post" had a story this morning, and the president went "washington post"al all over it. it said i asked william barr to hold a press conference to do h declare that the president had broken no laws. barr said no, and trump is now saying that didn't happen. in a series of rage tweets this morning, he wrote, a fake "washington post" con job. just another fake news story. he said this never happened and there were no sources, which means it definitely happened and there are multiple sources. might big question is, does he ever do any president work? it seems, or is it all just
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rallies and tweets now seriously, when is the last time you heard about trump doing something that wasn't related to him getting impeached? i think it happened three times this year. the president also complained that media outlets don't use fact checkers anymore, they just write whatever they want, which, that's rich. donald trump claiming the media doesn't fact check is like r. kelly calling chris brown a creep. it's really. [ applause ] by all means, let's start checking facts and tax returning. tru you know who else wasn't a fan? this guy. >> no reporter from the "washington post" is ever to be in the white house again, and no photographer, either. no photographer. is that clear? >> yes, sir. >> none, ever. the end. >> jimmy: you know, poor richard nixon. he didn't have a fox news. he didn't have a sean hannity going water gate, more like water great to get him to sleep.
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you know? he had nothing. this morning, another transcript from yet another senior government official was released. this one said there was a quid pro quo with ukraine, and there was testimony from an aide to mike pence who was listening in to that perfect phone call. and she said she found it to be unusual and was concerned about what she heard. the democrats are not wasting anytime with this. the house is on track to vote on it by christmas, which i don't know, why not do it on christmas? you know? impeach him on christmas. that way we could start a new tradition of re-watching it every year, instead of rudolph or something. [ applause ] trump is on his way now to becoming the third president to be impeached. if he is, he'll face a trial in the senate and the possibility he could be removed from office. and it's all because, and it's really because he asked another country to dig up dirt that didn't exist. the ukrainians, they didn't have any evidence of wrongdoing by the bidens. he wanted them to look into
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something there wasn't to look into. even trump's former special envoy said the accusations weren't credible. basically, trump tried to pull off a heist on a casino that had no money in it. like a trump casino for instance. and just to put a -- [cheers and applause] and just to put a cherry on top of the stupid sundae today, "the daily beast" is reporting that according to multiple sources, trump keeps in touch with mark burr inevitab burnett and is discussing a new version of "the apprentice." this time he'll be in prison. it's called "the apenitentiary." according to "a warning", trump was so inhifrnnged after he fir jim comey, they discussed which
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cabinet members would use the 25th amendment. the book said there was no doubt among senior officials that mike pence would support removing trump from the white house. well, could you imagine that conversation? i can see mike pence yelling "25th amendment"! and running as fast as he can. today the vice poodle was asked if there was any truth to the story, and he said there isn't. >> a spokeswoman for your office is denying a claim that you considered using the 25th amendment to reme the president from office. i'd like to get it from the horse's mouth. >> when those rumors came out a few years ago i dismissed them then. i never heard any discussion in my entire tenure as vice president about the 25th amendment. and why would i? >> jimmy: well, i don't know, maybe because of this? >> kanye west gets it, he gots
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it. >> jimmy: he gots it. i mean, if kanye gots it. anyway. the white house, i don't know, between the writer of this anonymous book and trying to smokeout this whistle blower, the white house must be a very tense place right now. it's like a game of clue, except in this version colonel mustard is in the bedroom with a bucket of chicken. today a court ordered trump to pay $2 million penalty. it would bring his total lifetime contributions to $2 million. he is moving out of new york. he decided to change his residency from new york to palm beach, florida where he owns mara l mar-a-lago. team strutrump is turning it in product they hope will be the must-have toy this holiday
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season. >> beautiful, sprawling mar-a-lago, the winter white house and the president's new permanent address. >> whoa! >> now you can build your own winter white house! >> awesome! >> mara lego. you'll have hours of fun. >> i built a golf course. >> ah, his hands are so tiny and cute. >> hold a summit with vladimir putin. >> i love you, >> rescue melania from her prison tower. >> help me, i don't want to be here. >> give me some dirt on biden. >> and keep the president out of trouble. >> oh, no! deploy. >> no quid pro quo! >> we must find the whistle-blower. >> from the makers of maga
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doodle. donald's dream jail sold separately. >> available at walgreen's. >> jimmy: oh, they have that, they really have everything. by the way, this is, if you're looking for a holiday gift idea, this, the pair of socks that michael jackson wore when he did the moonwalk pofor the first ti are up for sale and expected to go for more than a million dollars. these are the socks. he wore them on that motown 25 show in 1983. you remember when he did that? but i can't fathom who would possibly want to pay that much money. ironically, the only person i can see paying a million dollars for bedazzled socks is michael jackson. near are other items, including this autographed pillow with mickey mouse, it says goodnight, i love you, you are my life, mj.
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is this an auction or evidence locker? we have a magical show for you tonight. tonight, the cast of "frozen ii" is here with us. they are anna, olaf. we have music from the teskey brothers. and i'll tell you who we don't have, matt damon. you know why? he's rude. he has this new movie "ford versus ferrari." for no reason at all, he uses this movie as a platform to attack me. >> the rivalry between ford and ferrari is greater or less than the rivalry between day monday a
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and kimmel. >> he doesn't know what i'm talking about. jimmy kimmel is a talk show host. >> i thought he was a parking lot owner. they said we have to meet in the kimmel parking lot. >> well, he owns that parking lot, too. >> he's done good for himself, then. >> we were late to the premiere because he let his show out. [ bleep ]. he knew i was having a premiere, and he wasn't invited. so he threw a little hissy fit and clogged us in the parking lot. >> and that's the devil himself is who that is. that is unbelievable. and you stand there, and you do nothing about it. you let him run me down, and you don't do anything. >> he's so crazy, jimmy. >> jimmy: yeah, i know, as my security man, don't you think you should handle this for me? >> i will next time, jimmy, for sure. >> jimmy: thank you, knew chas gracias. before we forge ahead, it's thursday night, which mineans is
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time to bleep and blur the moments of the week whether they need them or not. >> steven miller is suing 24 year old mitchell metcalfe for orthodontist bills after mitchell [ bleep ]ed him in the face. >> hello, i'm dana bash in for jake tapper in washington where the state of our union is in [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> and that's how a crucial witness in the impeachment inquiry has just blown president trump's [ bleep ]. >> thank you guys so much and [ bleep ] the match tonight. >> i am literally [ bleep ]s of americans. >> here's my [ bleep ]ing bud eye from iowa. no, this is a guy i've been [ bleep ]ing on his [ bleep ] for ten years during deer season. >> do you guys [ bleep ] each other? >> massive [ bleep ]. >> congressman meadows, can we talk [ bleep ]? he's walk being by right now. >> i'd like to solve.
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>> that's a good idea. >> i'll [ bleep ] you at the spa. >> there you go. >> jimmy: we have a good show tonight. music from the teskey brothers and we'll be right back with the cast of "frozen 2." so bundle up! >> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by linked in. ♪ to be what you must, just... ♪ ♪ ...reach out for what you are. ♪ ♪ and though you've traveled... ♪ ♪ ...many roads. ♪ there's but one way. ♪ the one you chose. ♪ [music bstart saving..."i feelove" by sam smith] ...with target holideals! shop early deals on home appliances... ...electronics and more during the black friday preview sale.
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friday and saturday only. new holideals arrive all season long. only at target. gnocchis.s. raviolis. and them smokeys. curry. fried turkey. cacciatori. chimichurri. berry. mcflurry. (mcdonald's) half stack. taco pack. lobster mac. and them baby back baby backs. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome. stop dancing around the pain that keeps you up again, and again. advil pm silences pain, and you sleep the whole night. advil pm but one blows them all out of the water. hydro boost with hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells
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lineup with kerry washington, ray romano, noah centineo, don johnson, carrie underwood, maren morris, camila morone and patrick stewart. plus music from florida georgia line, old dominion, jeff goldbum and the mildred snitzer orchestra with sharon van etten and zac brown band so please join us for all that. [cheers and applause] you know, i was thinking, do you have plans for christmas? are you going to do anything over the break? >> i don't have no time, jimmy. >> jimmy: i was thinking, you and i, just the two of us, like a guys trip, we go to madison, wisconsin. >> okay, okay. >> jimmy: there's a great place i heard about, called kwik trip, with a k. they have seven employees. >> wow. >> jimmy: we'll just pick up some, like ice cream sandwiches and a couple packs of smokes. >> sure, i'm ready. >> jimmy: just hang out there over new year's. >> maybe we could get a free car wash, too. >> jimmy: maybe so. you think?
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no? yes. no. six years ago, our guests tonight swooped in from the kingdom of arendelle and monopolized the stereos in every american suv. just when we thought we could "let it go" they're doing it again. "frozen 2," opens november 22nd. please welcome kristen bell, idina menzel, josh gad and jonathan groff. [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: thank you guys for coming. great to have you look at this, it's really been a long time since the first "frozen." i feel like my kids were just born. actually older than my daughter. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you know they made
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five fast and furious movies since the last "frozen" movie? >> how old are they now? >> jimmy: my daughter's five and a half. >> it's been six years. but it's also been sort of six years in the making. and this movie is, it has matured with its audience, that's what i'll say. >> jimmy: is that the idea with the movie? is that you want those same kids who were little when it came out, now it's tailored towards them? or is it tailored toward -- >> it's the same philosophy as the fast and furious franchise. you want to grow with vin diesel's character. >> i see. that makes sense. >> i feel like we're inside the actor's studio, just watching this great interview. >> jimmy: like you got really good seats. you look like auction winners right now. the movie by the way, i'm sure
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you know this, but the movie set a record for ticket, advanced ticket sales, so people are obviously very excited to go see it. >> hey, siri, how much do i see of that? >> jimmy: that's not an apple watch. >> that doesn't work. >> jimmy: it doesn't work on every watch. but that's, so you, the premiere is across the street tonight. >> yes. >> jimmy: do you have big groups of people who have jumped on board? kristen, are you bringing your daughters? >> no, i'm not. they don't do well in situations where i can't pay attention to them. >> jimmy: they demand your full attention? >> correct. >> jimmy: i see. >> i'm bringing a winner, i had a raffle for the women's peace and humanitarian fund, i will not make them sit in the back. they are right here! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: iddina, how about you? >> i'm bringing my son who's 10 years old, and he's bringing his good friend. and they love basketball and not
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so much into disney princesses. >> jimmy: oh, they're not. >> so i made sure he had a friend in case they were super bored. and i just wanted him to see that mommy's cool, just for once. i'm hoping one day he hears the music and doesn't tell me to shut up. >> jimmy: yeah, it's hard to hear your mother sing. there's something in our dna as human beings that we reject it. does your son, does he not think you're cool at all? >> he was in a music class, and the teacher asked everyone who their favorite singer was, and he raised his hand and said his mom, he didn't tell me that, his teacher did. when i'm practicing the songs, they're really high and annoying. >> my mom! >> i don't get it. >> jimmy: your mom. >> but he is young.
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hey, siri, did that joke work? >> he's had, little kids say my mom sings "let it go", and they say so do i. and he says, no, my mom really sings "let it go", and nobody believes him. >> jimmy: maybe they should. you can carry this clip around and people will know. what about you, jonathan, do you have an entourage? >> i have a huge entourage. >> jimmy: who's in your entourage? >> from lancaster, pennsylvania. >> jimmy: that's amish country. >> exactly. >> jimmy: so they've never seen like moving vehicles. >> it took them weeks to get here on the amish bug eyegy. they made it just in time. it's my boyfriend, my mom, my brother, his wife and my 2-year-old and 4-year-old nieces. >> jimmy: oh, boy, you've got to be number one uncle. and josh, your children?
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>> no, i'm bring ago couple friends, tyrese, the rock. >> jimmy: yeah, i think, again, you have the wrong movie. >> you know, i have my kids are coming. my parents are coming. >> jimmy: okay. >> it's basically just the same as jonathan. >> jimmy: so there will be a lot of jews at the thing tonight. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's good news. have you told your kids, any of you, what happens? because it's a secret. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and sterling k. brown was here the other night, and wouldn't even tell me if he sings. >> i tell my kids all of it. >> jimmy: you did? >> you so badly want your kids to think you're cool. and i say that to them all the time. i'm like, you don't get it, i'm literally a cool mom. you don't understand how cool i am a, and they want nothing to do with it.
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so when we first read the script like two and a half years ago, three years ago, i came home, and i was like, okay, here's thousand gohow it goes down. and i told them everything, and i said just keep it a secret, and then it occurred to me, kids are bad secret keepers and i'm going to breach my contract. i've got two more weeks. >> jimmy: that was a big mistake. i've met your daughters, and they're very talkative. and i could easily, i could see them, i could see them telling every, telling all. >> i blew it, i wanted an ego boost. i wanted them to be like, wow! that happens? and i blew it. >> the daughters told me the entire plot line of the usual suspects. >> jimmy: did you tell your kids? >> i showed my kids the movie. and then i sarltstarted freakin, because i was like, oh, i think
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i signed some disney agreements. and afterwards, i would like put them to bed at night and be like, remember, we don't talk about it, and they're like, we know. because i'm like, you know, daddy wants you guys to keep having dinner. be able to sleep with a roof over your head. cadd daddy loves you. >> jimmy: that's your version of a non-disclosure agreement. your daughters, just blame it on the gadgets. >> that's what i'm going to do now. >> jimmy: they're the ones who blab. i think a lot of people are going to be surprised that while we're speaking about secrets by this story that we found, frozen two, elsa, actually kristoff's sister in family secret shock. >> wouldn't that mean anna is also kristoff's sister? >> jimmy: yes, it would. it's like "game of thrones." >> who wrote this!
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my kids wrote this! >> jimmy: the cast of "frozen" is here. we'll be right back with a clip from the movie. ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by light-life. the delicious plant-based burger that your whole family will enjoy. find us in the meat aisle! t chr♪ follow me ♪ i gave you my heart you can't be in here! yeah we're leaving. -sorry. i like this man. what is he doing with you? look up. why me? it's always going to be you. ♪ this year you're the only person that makes me feel like i exist. ♪ find something incredible, from somewhere amazing.
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case in point, if you saviget xfinity internetle. and mobile together, big savings on your wireless bill. write this down, this is important. amy, this is actually a life saving class. what a nice compliment, thank you! save on fast internet and the best wireless network together. what can i say, i love what i do. that's simple, easy, awesome. get xfinity internet and mobile together
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and save hundreds on your wireless bill. you'll get unlimited talk and text and no activation or line fees. switch today. (vo) ♪ i know what you're thinking. electric, it's not for you. and, you're probably right. electric just doesn't have enough range. it will never survive the winter. charging stations? good luck finding one of those. so, maybe an electric car isn't for you after all. or, is it? ♪
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ehhhhh >> lion, grizzly bear! >> angry face! >> unredeemable monster. >> greatest mistake of your life! >> we didn't even kiss you. >> villain! >> we all kind of got it. >> okay, olaf, you're up. >> okay. so much easier now that i can read. lightning round, boys against girls. >> okay, i'm ready, i'm ready. go. >> uni corn. ice cream, castle, teapot, mouse. ooh, elsa! >> i don't think olaf should get to rearrange. >> jimmy: that's "frozenii." opens november 22nd. jonathan, you have a song in this one. >> i do have a song in this one.
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>> jimmy: it's okay to say that? >> finally! >> it's okay. they wrote this amazing '80s jam. >> jimmy: i heard your mother is like a huge fan of "frozen" in the first place. >> she is. she's got duct tape with my character on it it hangin the k. >> jimmy: what do you mean, duct tape? >> i don't know where she got the kristoff duct tape, but it exists. >> jimmy: is that your favorite piece? >> hands down. >> jimmy: is there anything that's caught your eye that you are like oh, that's unusual. >> there's an olaf potty-training toilet seat. >> what? >> that's pretty unusual. not quite as unusual as duct tape. >> jimmy: utilitarian. kids love duct tape. you know. the little girls especially.
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>> i have sandwich bags, but i can't really use them, because my son would be embarrassed. >> jimmy: yeah. kristen, do you have anything? >> everything. everything. but it's rarely my kids. they have the dolls, but all the kids at school have all the frozen stuff. it's hard to believe how many things have frozen on it, yeah from sandwich bags to duct tape, i guess. >> jimmy: and the potty for instance, the olaf potty, does olaf say anything that references? >> i haven't used it in a couple of years, but -- [ laughter ] >> i imagine you sit on it and he's like, "i like warm stuff." >> god. >> jimmy: how did you come up with the voice for olaf? was that based on a snowman you know? or? >> quite a few, actually. you know, it was trial and error. went in, you know, tried some low voices. turns out, i am olaf doesn't quite work.
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doesn't have the same ring to it. we originally, when i first started recording, he had a liis p. and we realized it doesn't quite work for a character who sings a song called "in summer". so we killed that. >> jimmy: it's limiting. now both of you are getting stars on the hollywood walk of fame. >> woo! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: congratulations. idina, is that something that your 10 year old will respond to and think is cool? >> i think so. i mean, i'm hoping so. not to brag about another movie or anything, but i have a small part in this movie, but kevin kbash n kbar net is in that movie, but i'm hoping maybe that will make me cool and i can invite kevin gash n kbar net to give the speech. i didn't know him or anything. and i went up to him and i was
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like, i'll trade you, do you have little girls? and he's like, i do, actually. i'll sing something on the phone to your girls and make a video if you'll give some advice to my aspiring, basketball-playing son. >> jimmy: traditionally, you get one or two celebrities who you know, somebody you have a personal connection with to present you with the star. >> they told us to pick two. and i think we've both been, like, because these are my celebrity friends. i was going to ask you to do it. i think you are across the street and busy. i don't have a lot of closest friends that i feel like bothering. >> we could do it for each other. >> you guys are just figuring this out now. right here. i mean, this is justle -- >> jimmy: there's two guys right behind you who could do it, too. >> jonathan's doing eight shows a week in town. >> jonathon's doing "little shop" in new york.
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>> jimmy: okay. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: jonathan's out. >> i started to get really desperate and said to my publicist, you know, john travolta owes me a thing. >> jimmy: oh, that's great! >> i never called in that favor. he apologized to me years ago, i never called it in. >> jimmy: that's, of course! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: yes, that's got to be. >> yes! >> kristen bell is so much more interesting. >> i'll do it for you. that's amazing! >> he doesn't even know my name! >> jimmy: even better, even better. he'll figure it out. okay, so listen, i have something i'd like to ask you guys to do. we did this once with the avengers. we asked them, the actors, to draw their character. and the results were quite wonderful. so what i have, and if you mind passing that to idina and jonathan. you each have your on little
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arts and crafts set here. >> oh, my god. >> jimmy: and what i would love for to you do,i i've got pads ft each of you. and what i'd like you to do is draw your character. >> are you serious? >> jimmy: i've never been more serious than i am right now. [cheers and applause] we'll take a break. if you want to lean, i'll hold that for you. we'll do a little bit of drawing during the commercial. when we come back, we'll see the prults, and already josh is covered in purple stuff. we'll be right back with the cast of "frozen ii." ♪ >> dicky: portions of jimmy kimmel live are brought to you by skull candy in the ear buds. save 30% tonight at skull olay's retinol24 complex hydrates better than the #1 retinol.
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hey, babe... hmm? ooh, yes. so that just leaves mother rose. hardest for last. ♪ you're kidding?! for mother rose?! it's perfect. perfect. ♪ oh yeah. ♪ perfect. [door bell] another one for mother rose? yep, it's perfect. ♪ it's perfect. ♪ male voice: grrr, feed me. come on! she won't mind! she won't mind at a... woman: richard? hey, sheila. silence your growl. just one bowl of frosted mini wheats
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and you're good till lunch. just one bowl o[ song: johnny cash,s "th♪sthese are my people ♪ ♪ these are the ones ♪ ♪ who will reach for the stars ♪ ♪ these are my people ♪ by the light of the earth, ♪ ♪ you can tell they are ours ♪ ♪ a new step to take ♪ and a new day will break ♪ yes, these are my people ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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listening and observing for scientists at 3m. one of the products i helped develop was a softer, more secure diaper closure. as a mom, i knew it had to work. there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. i envisioned what it's like for babies to have diapers around them. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. at the end of the day, we are people helping people. go g
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>> dicky: next week on jimmy kimmel live, ray romano. don johnson, camilla marrone, and music from florida georgia line, jeff goldblum and the zack brown band. that's next week on jimmy kimmel live. only lexus asks questions like these, because we believe the most amazing machines are inspired by you. experience the rewards of our curiosity.
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12:22 am
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humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. avo: humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. man 3 vo: ask your rheumatologist about humira. woman 4 vo: go to to see proof in action. [music bstart saving..."i feel love" by sam smith] ...with target holideals! shop early deals on home appliances... ...electronics and more during the black friday preview sale. friday and saturday only. new holideals arrive all season long. only at target.
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fishrisotto. buffalo. (buffalo wild wings) gelato. cheesecake. (cheesecake factory) grilled steak. clam bake. milkshake. brussels sprout. sauerkraut. fresh-caught trout. alfalfa sprout. curry. fried turkey. mcflurry. (mcdonald's) cacciatori. chimichurri. ad-lib: (inhale) spiral ham. blackberry jam. rack of lamb. candied yams. pokes. smokeys. gnocchis. and them banging raviolis. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome.
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♪ >> jimmy: we're back with the cast of "frozen". you guys are hard at work and taking this is seriously, i like that. there's no foolin' around going on. before the break, we asked these guys to draw a picture of their character from frozen. you have nothing to model it from. shall we reveal? kristin, would you like to begin? really good. >> woo! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: is that your first time crawing? wow. all right, very good. edina? all right.
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[cheers and applause] wow. very, it's like a fashion drawing, very well done. jonathan? i see you've got a lot of colors there. oh. [cheers and applause] >> woo! >> jimmy: you know what? it's very amish country. it's got a very puritanical kind of appeal to it. >> must be some duct tape back there. >> jimmy: all right, josh? >> i'm so sad. >> jimmy: that's pretty good. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: i drew my character, also. [cheers and applause] >> yeah! good job! >> jimmy: so what we're going to do, if you don't mind, and i assume you don't mind. and if you do, you're monsters, we're going to put them online and auction them off and give the proceeds to toys for tots. >> yeah!
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>> jimmy: i'll collect everything. when you were kids, when you were a young, young people, what was your frozen? what was the movie, whether it be animated or whatever, that you were nuts poufor? >> i was obsessed with "my fair lady." i would sing into the mirror, ♪ just you wait >> jimmy: wow. >> mine was "annie." the broadway show and then the movie. >> jimmy: did you go as that on halloween? >> no, i wanted to audition and my mother didn't believe in me being a working kid, so we would fight about it a lot. you could only be like 4'11" or something like that, and i'd say, i'm getting too tall! it was a very
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po for me. >> jimmy: jonathan? >> there were so many, but definitely "wizard of oz." i was dorothy in the production that we did, in my dad's barn. >> jimmy: you did a barn production, huh? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're going really heavy with the lancaster stuff in the barn. >> i know, in drag as well. >> jimmy: josh, you? >> i have to go with "porky's ii". no, mine was "the goonies". i watched that movie about 500 times, and i wanted to be chunk so badly and start a relationship with a deformed figure named slav. hey, you guys! >> jimmy: and when did you realize, i am sure you knew it was going to be a big deal, it's a disney movie, but when did you realize it was well beyond a big deal? >> it took a while. i think, when we watched it, we
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all, we talked about this before, so i can speak for the group. we felt like oh, wow, we broke a mold, we did a movie about familial love instead of romantic love. and we were proud of the film. and every week later we were checking the box office going, huh, that's really hanging on. wow, yeah, that's holdin' at number one. >> jimmy: yeah, and then of course it just became pervasive. it was just every, all the time, every kid, every little girl was belting her heart out, singing these songs. >> maybe it was like a year later, halloween, vounldsurroun all the little girls. >> bless you, i couldn't get a dress for one of my daughters who wanted to be elsa, and no one would sell it. and i remember seeing bob iger, who runs disney, and i was like, i hate to ask you this.
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i'm sure you have other hinges to do, i'm not going to lie. i got the very last one out of the resort in hawaii for his grandchild, could we split it? it was crazy how it just overnight became this thing. >> jimmy: unbelievable. did you actually get that dress? >> yes, i'm actually wearing it under this. >> jimmy: wonderful. well, i'm sure this is going to be another round of craziness. the movie comes out on november 22nd. if you're a parent, you know that for lusure already. it's called "frozen ii". thank you for your drawings. [cheers and applause] we'll be auctioning these off online. we'll be right back with music from the teskey brothers! [cheers and applause]
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concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank kristen bell, idina menzel, josh gad and jonathan groff. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is their album "run home slow." here with the song "so caught up," the teskey brothers! [cheers and ♪ ♪ i'm so caught up i'm so caught up on you ooh i'm so caught up ♪ ♪ i'm so caught up on you
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even if i tried to change it i can't ♪ ♪ my memory's caught on you even if i try to think of something new i can't ♪ ♪ they're all of you i'm denying the feeling of my mind the feeling of change ♪ ♪ there's only one thing i can be certain it's true i'm still caught on you ♪ ♪ i'm so caught up i'm so caught up on you ooh i'm so caught up ♪ ♪ i'm so caught up on you
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♪ i'm so caught up on you ♪ oh, yeah ♪ hmm, hmm ♪ every time i try to shake it i can't it's impossible to do ♪ ♪ even if i try to break it no, i can't a broken memory of you i've been to ♪ ♪ 200 hundred cities not known where i am i've walked in the same direction ♪ ♪ again and again oh, baby you making me crazy you are always on my mind ♪
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[cheers and applause] this is "nightline." >> tonight, a custody battle turned public headline. the divorced couple fighting over how they want their 7-year-old transgender child to live. a pafather making his case on a conservative website. >> i'm not trying to cross-dress my son and mislead him into thinking he's a girl. >> republicans taking a stand. and speaking with parents and their transgendered children. >> it's not your life to live, it's your child's life to live. >> tonight the question being debated. how young is too young for people to transition? plus, running
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