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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  December 3, 2019 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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i'm dan ashley. >> i'm ama dates. thanks for joining us. >> have >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- henry cavill. chef chris shepherd. and music from beck. and now, stand still, jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: thank you for joining us. as, well, very nice. as the holidays are approaching, the big one is coming. christmas is coming. christmas is the mother all holidays. it really kind of got started this morning at my house. because the elf on the shelf is back in our home. the elf somehow got out of the
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box. we stuffed him in the closet, and he got out and onto the tree. it's good to have the rat back. you tell the kids not to at t at and then you have this elf, whose job is to tell the parents everything they do. my daughter is determined to impress the elf. today she brushed her teeth in the living room in front of him. look at what i'm doin'. and my son bill ey calls santa ho-ho. yesterday was selfish monday or cyber monday. i went a little nuts, i woke up this morning with a dozen amazon echoes in my bed. there's one still in me, i think. do you think president trump buys presents for anyone in his life? not a chance, right? you can't buy things on twitter. the president now is in london, mixing it up with fellow world leaders at the nato summit.
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tomorrow he's scheduled to meet with leaders from estonia, latvia, romainia, lithuania and several other countries he's just learning about for the first time. today he and the first lady buckingham palace. watch him trying to not walk. he's kind of got a sideways thing going where he's, i don't know what to do. this is, come on, lady, chop, chop. i got crumpets to eat. trump was asked today about another member of the royal family, the queen's son, prince andrew, who as you may know stepped down from his official duties because of his alleged involvement with jeffrey epstein. >> do you have a comment on prince andrew stepping down from royal duties? >> from who?
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>> prince andrew stepping down from his official duties. >> it's a tough story, it's a tough story, i don't know him. i don't. >> jimmy: except when they were with melania, in deep prayer. but definitely not knowing each other, and here not knowing each other at a party in they have taken photos together more than most cousins. does he think we don't have google? no one has never met more people than donald trump. >> i don't know him very well. i have not spoken to him much. this is not a man i know well. i don't even know who they are. i've never even heard of most of them. i don't know what they do. i don't know them. i never even met some of these people. he never knew me. i don't know who she is. i never met them. i don't know this gentleman.
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i don't know him. i never met him. i never met the guy. i don't know him. i never met the guy. i've never met her. i don't know her. i don't know her. i never met him. i never met her. i don't really know her. i never met putin. i don't know who putin is. i know so many people. >> jimmy: but not any of the bad ones. he knows some of them. [cheers and applause] so this morning trump had a somewhat tense one on one with the president of france, emmanuel macron. macron at one point corrected nonsensical statement trump maid abo made about the number of isis fighters that come from europe. then he launched out at the companies. >> i'm not in love with those companies, facebook, google, twitter, all of them, although i guess toe i twitter on the other side. he just had an idea. emmanuel had an idea, let's tax
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those companies. they're american companies. i'm not going to let people take advantage of american companies. if anyone's going to take advantage of the american companies, it's going to be us. >> jimmy: that's right. nobody beats up my little brother, except for me. this is a topic i'm surprised trump didn't raise with the president of france. america is reportedly on the verge of a french fry shortage, for real, because of all the cold and wet weather this year, fewer potatoes are expected than any year since 2010, which is a crisis that could result in millions of americans getting healthier, i guess. i don't know. how could there be a shortage of potatoes? you get a 30 pound bag of them for like $6. i could build a house out of potatoes for less than it costs to buy vr goggles. if it's true, it's dangerous. we can't have donald trump facing impeachment and a french fry shortage at the same time. there's no telling what he would do.
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the two hardest foods in america to get from french fries and the popeye's chicken sandwich. this is the other sticky point between trump and the french president. last month, macron said nato was experiencing brain death. so today, trump made it very clear that he did not like that comment at all. >> it's a tough statement, when you make a statement like that, that is a very, very, very nasty statement to essentially 28, including them, 28 countries. i think that, you know, you have a very high unemployment rate in france. france is not doing well economically at all. and you just can't go around making statements like that about nato. it's very disrespectful. >> jimmy: he's right, he's right. what kind of a person would go around making disrespectful statements about nay snow. >> number one, nato one, nato nato is ripping us off.
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i'm talking about nato and how the united states is getting ripped off with an obsolete nato. it's old, it's fat, it's sloppy. >> jimmy: it's just like him. that's why he doesn't like it. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: on the other side of the world, the north korean government today issued a warning to the united states. they called the talks with americans a foolish trick and said quite cryptically, it is entirely up to the u.s. what christmas gift it will select to get. what's that supposed to mean. is north korea planning to launch tube socks and fruitcake at us? >> why does north korea continue its nuclear program? >> we'll see, i have confidence in him. i like him, he likes me. we have a good relationship. we'll see. we'll see what happens. he definitely likes sending rockets up, doesn't he? that's why i call him rocket man. but -- >> is that helpful?
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>> we have a very good, we have a very good relationship, and we'll see what happens. it may work out, may not. in the meantime, it's been a long time. president obama said it's a number one problem, and it would have been war, we'd be in a war right now if it weren't for me. >> jimmy: oh, well, thank you, i guess. pretty soon he'll be claiming he's friends with the nuclear warheads. i like the nukes. the nukes like me, we'll see. meanwhile, back at home, the house intelligence committee released and voted this intelligence report, that trump did all the stuff everybody knows he did. one of the more notable mcnuggets, the top house, loyal team trumper, devin nunes, they have phone records that show multiple contacts between nuness and lev parnas.
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he spoke to him several times on the phone and did not disclose that or recuse himself from the investigation. this is like if we found out judge ito used to crash on oj's couch or something. nunes is suing cnn for defamation. in the suit, he says he should have known parnas of grandeur. he had a number conversations with rudy giuliani, too. for a member of the intelligence committee, he sure doesn't seem to have any, he really doesn't. but this report explains why these republicans around trump keep saying he didn't do anything wrong. because they did the same stuff he did. trump said today he's not even thinking about impeachment right now. while that may be true, he doesn't like to think. we know that. he is tweeting about it. thes tweets about the impeachment from the past few days that he isn't thinking about, trump is getting angrier
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by the day. he's especially unhappy with the chairman of the intelligence committee, adam schiff. >> what do you want to learn from the adam schiff testimony. >> i learn nothing from adam schiff. i think he's a maniac. i think adam schiff is a deranged human being. i think he grew up with a complex for lots of reasons that are obvious. i think he's a very sick man. >> jimmy: just to recap, adam schiff, deranged maniac. kim jong un, good man. those who saw the show last night show i wrote and illustrated a children's book. it came out today. publishers told me novels don't have cartoons on every page. there's this one, "who cares about elderly people", or "the night dad went to jail". or "the pocket book of boners." you could pick up a copy of
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this, "the serious goose". always money i make goes to the children's hospital in l.a. and children's hospitals around the country. if you don't buy it, you're a bad person. each of you in our studio audience, we are giving you a copy of this book. [cheers and applause] oprah gave out cars, i give out books. christmas is only three weeks away. this is a very good christmas gift. kids are making their list. to help them, kind of, guillermo and i, as we've been known to do, dressed up as elves to give santa a heads up on a young lady named emma. ♪ >> hello, there. >> hi. >> hi. what's your name? >> emma. >> hi, emma, have a seat right there. >> let me help you. >> there you go. all right. well, welcome. how old are you? >> i'm 4. >> 4 years old. and are you excited about christmas? >> yeah. >> have you been good this year? >> yeah. >> do you want toys this year?
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>> yeah. >> from who? >> from santa claus. >> very good. we work for santa. can i see your letter to santa? all right. let's see what it says her her um, hmm. >> puppy? >> luckily, santa speaks toddler. why don't you tell us what you want this year? >> i want a bear. >> a bear? >> yeah, a bear. >> what kind of bear, teddy bear? >> icing, a baby bear. >> you want a baby bear. >> uh-huh. >> like a real one? >> a real one. >> a real baby bear. >> yeah. >> seems safe. >> yeah. >> do you live in the woods? >> yes. >> you do, okay, very good. okay. what else would you like? >> i would like a little cat. >> a little cat? >> yeah. >> a bear.
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>> yeah. >> and a cat. >> yeah. >> a real cat or a toy cat. >> a real cat. >> on. do you have pets? >> yes. >> what do you have? >> a hamster. >> oh, what's the hamster's name? >> classy. >> classy the hamster? >> yeah. >> sounds like a dancer. >> yeah. >> classy, huh? >> yeah. >> is classy classy? >> yeah. >> let's talk about some of the naughty things you've done this year. what is this drawing? >> i hide mommy's wallet. >> oh, this is hiding mommy's wall et cetera. >> what did mommy say when you hid her wallet, was she mad? >> a little bit mad. >> a little bit mad. >> yeah. >> and will you ever hide her wallet again? >> no. >> sounds like you really want animals, right? >> yeah. >> so here's what i'm going to ask you to do. jump off the seat, stand right here. okay. so now i want you to close your
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eyes,ma and you me the w >> yes. a puppy. >> don't tell me what it is. make a wish. okay. what a what'd you wish for? >> a puppy. >> yeah, but don't tell me what it is. okay? try it again. >> okay. >> close your eyes. did you make your wish? >> yes. >> very good. open your eyes. what did you wish for? >> that everybody cared for me. >> that everybody cared for you. well, everybody does care for you. did you also wish for a puppy? >> yeah. >> we're going to have to do this again. closu close your eyes. did you wish for a puppy? >> yes. >> okay, now you have to close your eyes again, we have to make sure it's a secret. close your eyes, mm-hm.
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are you pishiwishing for a pupp right now >> yes. >> are you wishing right now? >> yes. >> what are you imagining right now? >> i don't know. >> nothing? is it a pup she py? >> now, go ahead and open your eyes, now close your eyes. now make a wish. are you wishing for what you want? >> yeah. >> is it a puppy? >> yeah. okay. now don't, next time i ask if it's a puppy, don't tell me. okay? open your eyes. close your eyes. now make a wish. are you wishing for a puppy right now? okay. forget forget it. just go ahead and push this candy cane, and a big surprise is going to come out, okay? here we go. just what you wished for. here it comes! here comes what you wanted! what do you think? >> yes! >> it's a puppy. >> yeah. >> you like it? >> yeah. >> what are you going to name
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it? >> funa. >> funa? >> yeah. >> all right, there you go. have fun, guys. >> oh, my god! i didn't know! i didn't know, look! and then a pet. and then a puppy! what have you [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: what has happened? we have a good show for you tonight. music from beck. chef chris shepherd is here. and we'll be right back with henry cavill. [cheers and applause] >> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by microsoft surface. they're speaking to mom in japanese, and mom hears them in english. ♪ can you understand me? yes, i can understand you. okay. i have a lot of questions.
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how do you guys fly? what does santa do in the summer? is mrs. claus a good cook? do you guys get presents? can you roller skate or ice skate? yes! and it's on rollback. so cool! she's going to love this. ♪ sound bar? so she can watch her cartoons in surround sound. and football. and football. ♪ ♪ ♪
11:53 pm
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11:54 pm
seaonly abreva cany to help sget rid of it in... little as 2 1/2 days when used at the first sign. abreva starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. abreva acts on it. so you can too. save time this season with drive up at target. ♪ i feel love ♪ just pull up, tap the app, and get everything on your list. so quick, the kids won't even notice. make your holiday shopping easy, and try drive up at target.
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>> jimmy: hello, welcome back to
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the show. tonight, he's james beard award-winning chef, and an author too. his new book is "cook like a local: flavors that can change how you cook and see the world." chris shepherd is here. he's making dumplings, with goat. specifically, the goat we gave that little girl. then, his new album is called "hyperspace." beck from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow, the spider-man tom holland will be here, with ana gasteyer and music from angel olsen. and on thursday, sam rockwell, francesca hayward and sheryl crow with stevie nicks. so please join us for that. when we last saw our first guest, he was plummeting down the side of a cliff with half his face burnt off and a hook in his head in what is known as a "tom cruise farewell." but he is back as a medieval mutant hunting beasts in the new show, "the witcher," coming to netflix december 20th. please say hello to henry cavill.
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[cheers and ♪ >> jimmy: very good to see you. >> good to see you, too. >> jimmy: i know is going to sound weird, but when you walk out, you look like you're wearing one of those fake muscle suits. like the little boys wear with all the foam muscles on them, except i know they're not foam. they're actual human flesh. >> it's silicon. >> jimmy: they're actual human flesh. how sfgood. >> jimmy: how often to people bring up superman in your daily life? >> not often. you're the first. >> jimmy: that is truly remarkable. i heard that you were, do you celebrate thanksgiving traditionally? >> not in the uk. we don't do that.
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>> jimmy: but when you are here you do. >> when i'm here, i will find someone who's willing to take me in for food. >> jimmy: i see. that's the whole idea is that people come together, yeah. >> yeah. but in the uk, this year the mcquarries invited me over for what we call a friends giving. they have their thanksgiving on the thanksgiving gay andday. >> jimmy: the mcquarries being? >> the producers of "mission impossible." i know your character got killed in the last movie, but in "mission impossible", you pull the mask off and you're right in there. >> i took the full of that hook on minus tay mustache. >> jimmy: you could be mustacheless. >> that almost killed superman. >> jimmy: you are a, i find this interesting, because i almost never heard this to be the case,
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a big nfl football fan. >> yes. >> jimmy: which is unusual, because typically, when someone from england will come here, they get annoyed when i say football, referring to football. >> football. right. >> jimmy: because soccer's called football over there, but we know what the real football is. it's here. but you are, a fan of the chiefs, right? >> i'm a chiefs fan, yes. >> jimmy: how did that happen? >> so i spend a lot of time over here, obviously. and i've been watching some american football. i started to like the sport, and i realizedly to choo i had to c team, and the only way i could choose a team was something that was never going to change. it wasn't going to be like my buddy likes this team or whatever it will be. i figure the one thing that will never change in my life is the superman aspect of it. people in kansas sport tupport
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chiefs. >> jimmy: you said if superman was a football fan. >> he'd be a chiefs fan. >> jimmy: you're probably right. wow, that's weird. [ laughter ] i mean, it's no different, than i guess how anybody picks a team, especially when they pick a team that's not in their city, but that's a strange way, and so you now have decided that this is the team you like. >> absolutely. and i like them a lot. i like them a lot. chiefs nation is a good fan. >> jimmy: you've been to a game? >> i've been to one game at arrowhead. i don't know if you guys have been to a football game before or anything, but this is -- >> jimmy: we all have, yes. >> when i went down, this is my first time, right? i went down, pitch night, pitch side you dolcall it? >> jimmy: on the sidelines. >> and it was, the flamethrowers, big jetting of flame going into the sky.
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in england, the teams walk out, sing a song, if it's international rugby and then we kick the crap out of each other. >> jimmy: right. >> but it's a display. >> jimmy: you have no flames over there? no explosions or bands or -- are there bands? >> i haven't seen a band in a long time, no. we just have a whole bunch of rugby players, and i love you guys who can't sing, and it's a really close shot of each rugby player singing the national anthem out of tune with the rest of the stadium. the sound is traveling around. it's really, you're there, and you feel it, and it's passionate, but it's nothing quite like -- >> jimmy: i would like to go to a rugby game, i've never been to a rugby game. and that seergm, other than boxg or mma, the most violent sport there could be. >> it's pretty much non-stop, 90-minute mma. >> jimmy: which is your rugby team? >> i don't have a rugby team, i
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just support england, all the british lines. >> jimmy: did you play rugby as a kid? >> i played rugby. >> jimmy: you have a bunch of brothers. >> i have four brothers. i'm number four out of five. so the second youngest. >> jimmy: that's worst spot to be in, right? >> no, you're not the youngest. >> jimmy: the youngest, at least you're the youngest, you're the baby. you got something kind of different going on. >> you kind of have mum presenting youpresen protecting you a little bit. >> jimmy: the olympics, the first would be gold medallist, silver, bronze and you standing off to the side. >> disappointed. no, the eldest gets the toughest game, 100%. because they get all the discipline. by the time it gets to us, it's free-for-all. >> jimmy: at number four you must get really strong and tough, because your brothers -- are your brothers all built like you are. >> we're all of a similar size, but i was smart. i never, i never picked battles
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with them. my oldest brother, one up was four years older than me, he was considerably larger and incredibly strong. simon, he we, he was so strong that we would make fun of him by saying hulk smash every time he got angry. and -- >> jimmy: so there are a lot of super heroes in this family. >> like a switch. so that was not the guy i picked my fights with. i went down. >> jimmy: so even super man is scared of someone. >> yes. >> jimmy: when we come back we're going to see a bit of "the witcher." we'll be right back with henry c cavil. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by paw patrol. no job is too big. no pup is too small. get the all new paw patrol toys at major retailers.
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(gonzo)rmit) yeah! did you get my gift?! (kermit) oh yeah. it's a really great ugly sweater. (gonzo) what kind of sweater? (kermit)[gulps] great.
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(gonzo) okay. (kermit) okay. (kermit vo) portal from facebook.
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(vo) ♪ i know what you're thinking. electric, it's not for you. and, you're probably right. electric just doesn't have enough range. it will never survive the winter. charging stations? good luck finding one of those. so, maybe an electric car isn't for you after all.
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or, is it? ♪ kill them [cheers and applause]
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>> jimmy: that is henry cavill in "the witcher." is that a real sword? >> there's one shot where it's a real sword, but that's kind of like my family at feeding time. >> jimmy: you look like you're doing the fighting. >> yes. >> jimmy: do you use stunt men? >> i do my best not to. on this i didn't use a stunt man at all. for me, it's really important that the character exists within the action as well. rather than just an acting scene and then you have an action scene, which is completely separate. it's really important that the story and character travel through all those things. >> jimmy: is that something tom cruise shamed you into? not using stunt men? hey, i do everything, you should do everything too? >> yes, i suffer through it every day. >> jimmy: the "witcher", i remember seeing the books, there was a book series, right? >> yes, this tv show is based on the book series. >> jimmy: the books, yes.
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and this was a very popular, magic, science fiction. >> hugely-popular, fantasy genre, best sellers. >> jimmy: have you read those books? >> i have, yeah. >> jimmy: so this was something you had a particular interest in being a part of. >> yeah. >> jimmy: how do you find out they're doin' it? like there's something that you are knee? into? >> i read it on the internet. >> jimmy: do you have other things like that? maybe you should put the word out. were you into rubik's cube or anything? >> the movie. it's really complicated. >> jimmy: i'd like to play the cube. so these are books that you read as a kid. and now you get to play the character. >> i didn't read the books as a kid, i played the games. they released a game called witcher three out five years ago now. played that game to the death. >> jimmy: really? >> and then i heard it was coming out. i met the show runner, that's
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when i realized there were books. then i realized there was a whole world of this stuff. i've been in the fantasy genre since i was a kid. my father was reading me fantasy books. >> jimmy: a lot of people are comparing this to "game of thrones." there is one particular comparison from looking at the clip. that's your character. >> garold. >> jimmy: and then vyou have the same hair as calisi. >> i made people call me calisi or emilia. call me mother of dragons, that's fine. >> jimmy: henry cavill. "the witcher" premieres december 20th on netflix. we'll be right back. o ♪ [cheers and applause] (paul) the holidays at sprint are truly a magical time. (sprintern) speaking of magic, i turned my iphone 6s into the new iphone 11.
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(make-a-wish volunteer) ok, he's coming,y) spec'mon c'!er. here we go... ♪ (little santa) somali...alika? (little santa) where's kiara? (little santa) i got this for you. (vo) when you grant a child's wish, you change lives. (vo) you can choose make-a-wish to get two hundred and fifty dollars from subaru when you get a new subaru. (vo 2) get 0.9% during the subaru share the love event. save time this season with drive up at target. ♪ i feel love ♪ just pull up, tap the app, and get everything on your list.
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12:19 am
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12:21 am
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(beaker) ah ah ah! (fozzie vo) portal from facebook.
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>> jimmy: we are our next guest is a james beard award winner from houston. this is his first book "cook like a local: flavors that c&-p world." please welcome chef chris shepherd. thank you for coming, i've had your food, it is absolutely fantastic. i don't know a whole lot about houston, but your food, you draw from so many different cultures, how did that happen? >> houston is one of the most cultural diverse in the country. i wanted people to understand who houston is and who we are as people. my desire is to go out and learn about all the restaurants across the city and to highlight them as well e so wh. so when we talk about cook like
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a local, it's about understanding your area and learning from people you normally wouldn't get the chance to. >>. >> jimmy: you would learn from the korean restaurants. >> mom and pop places across the city. force my way in. >> jimmy: do you say do you mind if i come back with you? >> it doesn't work that way at first, but you go back in six, sel seven, it sev seven, eight times and you build that comfortability with someone and showing them what you want to do and them showing you what they want you to learn. >> jimmy: what are the key ingredients that you've discovered by going to these restaurants? >> so when we laid this book out it wasn't by appetizer, it was by ingredient, soy, corn, rice, it's not just like rice in a grain aspect, but rice flour,
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rice noodle and how to use all of these things. >> jimmy: okay, all right. we're going to cook your signature dish tonight. >> tonight we're going to braise goat. >> jimmy: goat, now we saw a goat earlier on the show. >> we did. >> jimmy: why goat? how did goat become your signature dish? >> we try ied it with beef, wit lamb. one of the farmers was like, hey, i have a lot of goat. >> jimmy: goats eat trash, don't they? >> they eat everything. you put it out and you don't have to mow the yard. >> jimmy: so you're eating everything. >> yeah, but it's sustainable for us to do. it doesn't take up a lot of land. we have a lot of it in texas, i wanted people to eat goat. when we did this at the beginning i didn't think it would be as sunshiccessful as i was. when you have a dish that you're makes 30 a night, that's successful.
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now we're making 100, 110. >> jimmy: first thing, you need to kill a goat. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i'll do the shredding. >> what we have, this is rice. >> jimmy: it is? looks like those styrofoam packing peanuts. >> it's rice that has been milled. steamed and extruded. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> we're going to get a little toast on these things. >> jimmy: like pasta. >> very much so. that's great. you're doing a great job. >> jimmy: thank you. i've always been good at shredding goat. they called my the goat shredder when i was in college. all right. >> that's awesome. we just want to toast these. as you toast it, as you peel it right now, super, super hard. >> jimmy: can people make these? is this something realistically. >> i buy it. i buy these. that's not going to be very delicious. >> jimmy: yeah, it's not. >> it's not good. >> jimmy: tastes like packing
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peanuts, actually. >> what we're going to do, it's going to outside. >> jimmy:i i've shredded my goa many you' many, you're doing that in olive oil? >> olive oil. and a fermented chili paste that we've thinned down with a little bit of beer, butter. >> jimmy: i like it. how do you pronounce it? >> go-jung. so we're looking good. >> jimmy: i feel like that goat would be excited to know he's being prepared like this. >> i don't know what to say to that, but i agree with it. >> jimmy: just say, you're right, jim. and we'll go on. >> you're right. >> jimmy: and how much goat?
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as much goat as you feel like? >> you don't want to overwhelm it, a good balance. maybe a little bit more. you did a good job with that. >> jimmy: thank you, thank you. appreciate that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so now we watch the goat cook. >> a little built of beer. >> jimmy: does it matter what kind of beer? >> i like little bit lighter beer in style, because i think if you use a stout -- >> jimmy: a guinness blond there? nice. what a strange dish this is. did you make this up? >> no, this is a dish called -- but it was something i had been making at home and found that i really liked. and so, you know what? when we started with underbelly, it was 20 dishes on the menu every night. and i really just needed a filler. >> jimmy: and this was it? >> mm-hm. i had 19, and i was like, we're going to do this. >> jimmy: isn't that how it goes? >> i didn't expect for it, i
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expected it to last a day. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> and -- >> jimmy: we got to get guillermo in here. it's getting to the point where we're almost tasting and guillermo's really good at that as well. >> what's up, guillermo. >> jimmy: what do they call in espanol? >> they call it -- >> jimmy: can we try it? you're going to make it beautiful? here we go. how many servings is that? >> two. >> jimmy: okay. perfect for guillermo. >> yes! what about you? oh, my god. >> little bit of green onion. sesame seed for some crunch. >> jimmy: oh, interesting. shall we chase? try it out. thank you, guillermo. now if i don't like are much better than they were earlier. >> they soften up and become
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nice. >> jimmy: you know what? i don't know that i would ever intentionally order goat on the menu, but now i will, because it's absolutely delicious. >> this is so good. >> thank you. i love it, i love it. got a fan. >> jimmy: that was excellent. c houston, texas. here's his book. "cook like a local: flavors that can change how you cook and see the world", is available now. and we'll return with music from beck. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the 2020 g-class, mercedes benz, the best or nothing.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank henry cavill and chris shepherd. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, this is his album, "hyperspace." here with the song "uneventful days," beck. [cheers and applause] ♪
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♪ uneventful days uneventful nights living in that dark waiting for the light ♪ ♪ caught up in these never mending battle lines everything has changed nothing here feels right ♪ ♪ i know, i know i know, i know i know i know it's gone ♪ ♪ i know whoa oh, oh, oh i know ♪ ♪ i know it's gone ooh, yeah never-ending days never-ending nights ♪ ♪ everything i say i know i can't get right it means definitely more to me than life ♪ ♪ you might know my name you don't know my mind i don't even know what's wrong ♪ ♪ the days without you ever since you've been gone only ten minutes to go ♪ ♪ leave me cold and alone i don't even know you now
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i don't know ♪ ♪ where you're from from my world without you no i don't know ♪ ♪ where you belong i don't wanna hurt you no, no, no ♪ ♪ i don't wanna let you go gonna leave me alone uneventful days ♪ ♪ uneventful nights living in that dark waiting for the light nothing you could say ♪ ♪ could make it come to light i don't have a way to make you ♪ ♪ change your mind i know, i know i know, i know i know, i know it's gone ♪ ♪ i know whoa oh, oh, oh, know i know, i know it's gone ♪ ♪ yeah never-ending days never-ending nights time is moving slow ♪ ♪ i don't even mind it means definitely more to me than life got nowhere to go ♪ ♪ got no will to fight haven't said a word now money getting thin now i'm eating now ♪ ♪ have another round
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of drink now nothing but a low down let down ♪ ♪ you better not get down left out what am i really damn thinkin' 'bout ♪ ♪ been in and out of love all night never-ending days never-ending nights ♪ ♪ everything i do you know i don't do right i've been waiting around all night ♪ ♪ yo, yo, yo, yo yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ >> dicky: if you're going to be
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this is "nightline." tonight, green rush. from fields of hemp to store shelves. inside the new frontier of cannabis-based cbd. how a wounded warrior says it brought him back from the brink of opioid addiction. >> without that change i don't know that i would be here. >> and a soccer star who hopes to make it part of training routines. it's the biggest trend in wellness, but is it really a cure-all? plus, moo-ving experience. . why cuddling cows is all the wave. and the new service animals, providing therapy for some and


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