tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC December 18, 2019 11:35pm-12:38am PST
all right, that's our report. we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> and i'm . >> dicky: from hollywood, it's jimmy kimmel live, with special guest host, brie larson. tonight, jamie foxx. from 90 day fiance, pillow talk, molly hopkins. and music from yola. and now, here's brie larson! ♪ [cheers and applause] >> brie: yes! [cheers and applause] >> brie: thank you! thank you. [cheers and applause] hello, and welcome to jimmy
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[cheers and applause] thank you. between "captain marvel" and "avengers: endgame," my films grossed almost 4 billion dollars this year. [cheers and applause] yeah. and tonight, i'm getting 800 bucks and a plate of hummus. yes, it was a huge honor to be the first woman to ever headline her own marvel movie, to break that vibranium ceiling. [cheers and applause] but there are so many other great female superheroes right now. wonder woman, black widow, nancy pelosi -- we're unstoppable. [cheers and applause] right, guillermo? >> right, that's right. >> jimmy: that's right. i'm just curious. who's your favorite female superhero? >> wonder woman.
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>> brie: oh, is it because i didn't say hi when i walked out? >> yeah. >> brie: they reminded me, but then i went towards the clapping hands, i'm sorry. you know, i've never had a sidekick before. what is it that you do exactly? >> almost nothing. >> brie: cool, you have my dream job. so we're going to have fun tonight. they let me pick my own guests and i picked you some good ones. he is my co-star in the upcoming film "just mercy." the great jamie foxx is here. [cheers and applause] jamie is so many things. but, he is a triple threat. he can act, he can sing and he can look 35 for the last twenty years. and from one of my all-time favorite shows "90 day fiance," i am totally obsessed with her. molly hopkins is here. [cheers and applause] i cannot wait to talk to her. i have never been this excited
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about anything, and i won an oscar. but before we get to all that, i'd like to address the big story of the day. i've always been someone who speaks out about important issues. and while you may not agree with what i'm about to say, i feel it must be said. as you know, this is a major moment in american history. there is something happening right now, that is dividing this country like never before. and that is the movie "cats." yeah. it's coming out in two days, and i believe that we, as a nation, are not fully prepared. this movie is going to shake us to our core. i mean, look at this. >> tonight is a magical night. where i choose the cat that
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deserves a new life. [ laughter ] >> brie: that is insane, and i was in a movie with a talking raccoon. it looks like a dream you'd have if you smoked meth in a petco. and i know i'm going to love every second of it. i've always been a sucker for movies based on musicals based on poems based on housepets. this is big. this is the year we will finally get the chance to sit in a dark room with strangers, and watch sir ian mckellan poop in a box. i wonder how this project even came to be. i just imagine some executive thought, "cats, they're adorable, but you know what they're missing? boobs." weird cat boobs. but the most important question is - how the hell am i not in
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this movie? they asked literally everyone else in hollywood. taylor swift, idris elba, jason frickin' derulo. i want in. i'll do whatever it takes. i'll slurp milk from a bowl. i'll get stuck on top of the fridge. i'll put a dead bird in your slipper. i'll have babies under your porch. look, we have 48 hours to get me in this movie. and i will not rest until i'm in a damn unitard, chasing a laser pointer with dame judy dench. who's with me? [cheers and applause] oh, wow. oh, yeah, and oh, yeah, the president just got impeached. of all the nights to be here. poor jimmy. he's been talking about this for what? seventy years?
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and i guest host for one night, and boom, the president's impeached. [ applause ] what can i say? i guess, women just get [ bleep ] done. okay, now who wants to watch a dumb youtube video? [cheers and applause] the guy you're about to see somehow got a frog in his car while he was driving down the highway. and instead of pulling over, he started filming it on his phone. which gave us a new edition of "this week in florida." ♪ >> don't look at me. don't [ bleep ] look at me. ooh, don't you do it. no, dude! [ laughter ] >> brie: oh, god. wow. he will be missed. are you all in the holiday spirit yet?
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[cheers and applause] the holidays don't always go great for me. a few years ago, i actually got my appendix taken out on christmas day. for real. and then i re-gifted it. wrapped that sucker up, gave it to my uncle russ. one of the best parts of the holidays is the music. there are thousands of christmas songs, and that's great, but they also leave a lot of people out. and i don't like anyone to feel excluded. so i hired a kids choir to perform a holiday song that has a little something for everyone. you wanna hear it? [cheers and applause] wonderful! all right! please say hello to the all-inclusive, non-denominational merriment choir. ♪ ♪ it's that magical season that we all cheer all of the holidays this time of year ♪ ♪ so light your menorah and hitch up your sleigh let's sing for all
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the holidays ♪ ♪ merry christmas merry christmas let's gather 'round the tree ♪ ♪ joyful kwanza it's time for kwanza you can wear your dashiki on to hanukkah ♪ ♪ glorious hanukkah your menorah shines so bright then it's new years ♪ ♪ happy new year you'll tongue kiss a stranger tonight ♪ >> brie: oh, yeah, that was great. thank you. >> we're not done. >> brie: you're not done? >> nope. ♪ o, there's also pancha ganapati, bodhi day krampusnacht, misoka zarathosht diso ♪ ♪ dies natalis solis invicti and diane sawyer's birthday and feast day of our ♪ ♪ lady guadalupe and national sangria day and the biggest day of all ♪ ♪ yes the biggest day of all to tip our hats december 20th the premiere
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of the movie "cats" ♪ [cheers and applause] bloip. >> brie: merry catmus to you! oh, that's good. and one more festive item, there's a very cool new holiday product i've been working on. this isn't your typical celebrity endorsement thing. this is something i invented, something i've been developing for a long time, and i'm thrilled to debut it here tonight. >> the elf on the shelf, a timeless yuletide ptradition tht keeps kids on their best behavior before christmas. but there's never been a product to keep grown-ups in line until now. >> i got my eye on you. >> introducing brie in a tree. brie in a tree reduces holiday
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anxiety by saying all the things you wish you could. >> straighten up, ass-has. >> like on christmas morning. >> popcorn! my favorite. >> hey, hey, yeah, you! no! you think popcorn is a gift? this woman squeezed out an eight-pound kid for you, and you bought her a [ bleep ] snack? if you're not back here in one hour with jewelry and a masseuse, that tin is going straight up your ass. now go! i said go! >> or take brie in a tree to your office party. >> hey, look, we're under the mistletoe. >> ew! >> back to your cubicle, jerry! >> waaaaah, i'm sorry! >> thanks, girl. >> brie will even keep an eye on your cheap friends and neighbors. >> hey! are you seriously trying to leave this party with the bottle
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of wine that you brought? drop the pinot, you [ bleep ]! get back here! >> ah! >> brie in a tree is freak isisy strong and will put an end to carrolers, those stupid reindeer ap antlers for the car and much more. this year, keep your naughty list in check, with brie in a tree. >> it's time for you to cut the [ bleep ]! [cheers and applause] >> brie: it really is. we have a great show tonight. molly from "90 day fiance" is here. we have music from yola. and we'll be right back with jamie foxx. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by boost mobile. ted gigs... so you can download all the music you want. but there's more...
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with boost you get a fast nationwide network, so the beat never stops. but there's more... you also get 4 lines for $25 per line per month, plus 4 free phones. switch to boost mobile and get 4 lines with unlimited gigs for $25 per line per month, plus 4 free samsung galaxy phones, all on our super reliable, super fast network. save on last minute gifts with target holideals! by sam smith] save on samsung tvs. save on toys. save on sweaters for the family and more. doors open until 10pm christmas eve. only at target. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands?
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welcome back to our it's time to gift wrap. did someone say gift rap? ♪ sittin' with my crew all cozy by the fire ♪ please don't be so jealous of my holiday attire ♪ shop up to seventy-five percent off everything, with gifts for one, two, three and four bucks! - are we actually not wrapping any gifts? - only at old navy! that will makeout washington insiders very uncomfortable: term limits. you and i both know we need term limits, that congress shouldn't be a lifetime appointment. but members of congress, and the corporations who've bought our democracy hate term limits. too bad. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message because the only way we get universal healthcare,
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address climate change and make our economy more fair is to change business as usual in washington. do you guys always land on the roof? what's your guys' favorite food? are you donner, or blitzen? are you guys related to horses? oh boy. can you sleep? do you know what i'm getting for christmas? [reindeer grunts] [laughter] makes holiday shopping easy!... with buy online, free store pickup. makes holiday shopping easy!...t in two hours or less! with buy online, free store pickup. makes holiday shopping easy!...t in two hours or less! with buy online, free store pickup. get the gifts topping their list in two hours or less! not sure it's the right item?... not sure it's the right item?... not sure it's the right item?... returns are easy at kohl's!... and kohl's takes your amazon returns too! and kohl's takes your amazon returns too! you'll find new gifts at every turn - this holiday at kohl's. a drink with friends can turn into two..
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and a prescription can be stronger than you thought. stop! there are a lot of ways to get a dui. and a lot of ways to go. text a friend. call a cab. share a ride. whatever you choose to do, go safely, california. a drink with friends can turn into two.. and a prescription can be stronger than you thought. stop! there are a lot of ways to get a dui. and a lot of ways to go. text a friend. call a cab. share a ride. whatever you choose to do, go safely, california.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> brie: welcome back to jimmy kimmel live, i am your guest host for the night, brie tonight on the show, a woman i am deeply in love with even though we have never met. from "90 day fiance," molly hopkins is here. and then, she's been nominated for four grammy awards including best new artist. this is her album. it's called "walk through fire." yola from the mercedes benz stage. tomorrow night, jimmy will be back behind the desk, sadly, with margot robbie, former ohio governor john kasick, and music from white reaper. and i will be at a midnight screening of "cats." see you there! our first guest is an oscar-winning actor, multi-platinum-selling recording artist, benevolent game show host and olympic-level enjoyer of life. i'm proud to join him in the cast of the true story "just
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mercy," opening in select theatres on christmas day, and everywhere january 10th. please say hello to the one and only jamie foxx. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> woo! [cheers and applause] >> brie: i was told not to sit until you sit. >> oh, man, brie, you look amazing. >> brie: thank you, so do you. how die look behind the desk? >> imagine, our television
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monitor almost fell off when i came out the back. you're beautiful, give it up for her. >> brie: i know you are so used to seeing me in my permed wig for a while. >> yeah, this is great. >> brie: welcome to my new home. >> this is, you got a lot, man, she's amazing, ladies and gentlemen, amazing. >> brie: thank you. we are here to talk about you. >> i know, but -- >> brie: so i heard that you're rushing off here to go see, your daughter. >> my baby girl is over with jimmy at the live in front of a studio audience. she's doing "good times", man, give it up for her. [cheers and applause] >> brie: so you were on it, you were on it. >> yeah, i was george jefferson. i had to get a little george on, know what i'm saying, but it was amazing. i messed up. >> brie: uh-huh. >> i flubbed my line a little bit. >> brie: is she allowing you to
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coach her this time? >> she's no, dad, you messed up. don't tell me anything. but, you know what? it's amazing to see your kid, like, to grow up and fulfill the dream and like, she didn't want me to tell her anything. which, i thought was dope, and you know, i got spies on the set. and, you know, they face time and say she killin', fingers crossed, man, that she knocks it out the park. >> brie: she's doing great. and your daughtother daughter p sports. >> she's 5'7" and 11 years old and plays basketball with the boys. last week she had 16 points, 12 rebounds. she completely different. >> brie: do you help her at all? do you coach? >> i coach. and i'm the worst coach in the world. i get so excited. i'm literally at half-court. come on, come on. and the only reason they don't kick me off the court is because, well, i'm jamie foxx.
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>> brie: right, yes. so do you everybody get, do you take an opportunity to give some inspirational monologue? >> no, you're just nervous. you want her to do great. but literally, the referees are like, literally, the ref walks up, i love jango, but get off the court. my daughter didn't like basketball at first, but then, this has to do with me, i think. she hits the basket to tie the game up to go into overtime. and the crowd went crazy. and she looked at that, and then she started coaching the team, the whole nine, that's when she fell in love with the game. >> brie: wow, that's incredible. >> yeah, you can clap for that. >> brie: yeah. that's amazing. one of my other guests tonight is from a show that's my guilty pleasure. when i say guilty pleasure, i mean i hide in my car and watch it on my ipad. >> right. >> brie: do you have any shows
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like that, that you watch? >> i'm addicted to sports. it's crazy. like i'm addicted to like espn and i don't know, steven a. smith who just constantly busts my balls about my dallas cowboys. you know, it's funny watching steven a. smith on television. i'm texting him, and he'll actually say, first of all, jamie foxx just texted me. he's dying over there with the damn cowboys. i can't stand them damn cowboys. so i think espn is every guy's dream, i think. >> brie: yeah, interesting. it's not my dream, but i'm glad you have one. i hear people watch espn, that's really interesting. >> got to find your passion. >> brie: this was a leading question, because i thought you might say "the masked singer". >> oh, yes. >> brie: i was pretty convinced you were unavailable for it because you were on the "masked
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singer" the whole time. that was a conspiracy theory that i had started. >> listen, man, you never know, but i tell you, everybody thinks i'm on the "masked singer" i'll be in traffic, come on, dog, i know you're the masked singer. even my mom's like, are you the mask the singer? i got 200 dollars on this. but you never know, man. >> brie: what do you mean you never know. do you know? >> i actually do know, but i'm sworn to secrecy. [ laughter ] >> brie: uh-huh, uh-huh. oh, this is good. >> would you ever do it? >> brie: i don't know. coy be the masked singer. >> you turn it out. >> brie: this could be part of my ploy to point it at you and really it's me, i'm mr. foxx. >> you'd be on there changing the words to a hot sing. i'm brie to do whatever i want
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any old time. ♪ i'm brie to do what i want ♪ any old time >> everybody! ♪ i'm brie to do what i want ♪ any old t t ♪ i'm brie, brie falling >> brie: yeah! [cheers and applause] >> okay, itunes, i tunes, spotify. >> brie: i don't know, does anybody else have money out there on jamie foxx being mr. foxx? [cheers and applause] he's pretty clear. >> look, look, i love that show, and i do think that there's going to be a big surprise in the next few days. [ laughter ] so just stay tuned. >> brie: oh, i can't wait, i can't wait to be right about this. more with jamie foxx when we come back!
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and you're not sure who'll be more excited... oh, yeah. ... or them? ahhhhhh! that's yes for less. be a rock star this season and save big on gifts they're gonna love. at ross. yes for less. you don't know what you're into down here, do you? you think all the fancy words going to get you somewhere
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around here in alabama? all they going to do is eat you alive and spit you out, just like every other black man they do when they step out of line. you come down here with those fancy suits talking all white, these people don't give a damn about that, the only suit they want to see is the suit i got on. >> i can see how -- >> no, you don't, no, you don't. you rich boy, you don't know what it is down here. when you guilty from the moment you born. [cheers and applause] >> brie: that's jamie foxx and michael b. jordan in "just mercy," as walter mcmillian and bryan stevenson. so this sfim about a subject matter not ease owe y to talk a. >> i thank michael b. jordan for
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taking it and black panther and this story about a man who's wrongly accused of killing someone in alabama, and they put him on death row without a trial. and he's there for six years, and all of a sudden, an angel walks in, in the form of brian stevenson played wonderfully by michael b. jordan, and they take on this incredible journey, and they do something that no one ever thought would happen. it's the first overturned death row sentence in alabama. >> brie: mm-hm. yeah! [cheers and applause] and so, you know, brian stevenson is actually, he's a hero, you know, he's a hero, but a lot of people don't know about him, not familiar with his work or his association, the equal justice initiative. >> he doesn't fatigue when it comes to these issues, the perception of a black man and
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how he's already perceived to be guilty of something. i went through this with my father. my father was a, was an educator for 25 years. they put him in jail for $25 worth of illegal substance for seven years. the very people that he taught in school he ended up being next to in prison, but they didn't know that that man taught me how to play tennis, taught me how to swim, taught me how to throw a football. so i was familiar with that type of sunkenness in a sense. so when i put that skin on of walter mcmillen, it was easy for me to get to it, and at the same time, the brilliance of bryan steveson, and i will tell you this, when you hear this man speak, when you hear what he does every day, you will be moved to do something about it, and what's great about this film is that they tested this film in front of an all-black audience,
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and we tested at a 97. of course we hoped that, but then when they tested it in front of an all-white audience, it tested at a 98. so i think it's a story of humanity and something we can all rally around, and i hope -- [ applause ] i hope that brian stevenson becomes a household na. >> brie: ooh, well, it's, yes, i think we actually have the opportunity tonight to help do that. >> ladies and gentlemen, a person i'm telling you right now, he's going to change your life, he's right here, brian stevenson. [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] >> thank you. this is so nice. thank you. [cheers and applause] >> brie: wonderful, please.
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oh, brian, thank you for being here, we're so grateful. so you've been doing this. you've been working with this organization that you started, eji, equal justice initiative for 30 years now, how many people have you helped successfully? >> we have now won reversals, release or relief for 140 people on death row. [cheers and applause] but i'm so excited about the film and what you both have allowed us to do, because i've been going to jails, i've been going to prisons, standing next to the accused, the poor, the condemned. and because of what you've done through this film, now a lot more people are going to see their humanity, their dignity. i think they're going to care more about what i've been sighing. i've always believed if people saw what i saw they'd want what i want.
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they treat you different if you're rich and guilty than if you're poor and innocent. we throw people away and treat them unfairly, but you both are so incredible. replays of my friend, eva ainsley, and she helps make the point that you don't have to be a lawyer to be a person who makes justice, to change the world, and jamie's performance of my client is stunning. it's such a brilliant performance, and i'm just so excited that people will now get to know a lot of the people i've been working with who sometimes feel like no one cares, no one sees them, but they become invisible, because they've been thrown away in these spaces. i hope this film inspires people to want to do something about that and change our system. >> brie: yeah, so for both of you, what do you hope that people will get out of it, or what the call to action is? >> you know, for me, it's that they will do more. i mean, we have the opportunity in this country, we have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. a lot of people don't know that. millions of people in jails and
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prisons. and a lot of them are not a threat to public safety. we've done some things that i hope we can change. i don't think addiction and dependency makes you a criminal. i think it makes you someone with a health problem. we need a health care response to that. and there are so many people who have been treated unfairly, that i hope people will walk out of the theetdater and not only lea more but do more. vote, we can get involved with people coming out of jails and prisons, begin to learn things about our communities. most people in america don't know who their prosecutors is. if you don't know who that person is you can't actually ask questions that will allow them to be more just. in michael mcmillen's case, and micha michael b. is brilliant in this film. >> and not only that, michael b. is kind of ripped. i saw you doing some pullups.
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>> it was so funny, he was committed to doing everything exactly right. he wanted to be authentic in every way, and i kept saying, i want that is correct but wh want that, but when it comes to the body, you can keep the -- >> brie: thank you. >> it's an a mazing performance. he goes look here's the evidence, and the prosecutor doesn't respond to that. and we need to make sure that the people who represent us in these systems are accountable and do the things we need to do to advance justice. >> brie: thank you so much. "just mercy" opens on christmas day in select theaters and everywhere on january 10th. we will be right back with molly from "09 d90 day fiance"
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♪ >> brie: yes! welcome back to jimmy kimmel live. i'm not jimmy kimmel. i'm brie larson. you know our next guest from season five of "90 day fiancé." now you can watch her on "90 day fiance: pillow talk." it airs sundays on tlc. please welcome molly hopkins. [cheers and ♪ >> brie: oh, molly, you're incredible, incredible, thank you for being here, i am obsessed with the show. i am obsessed with you. so you're on the show "90 day
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fiance", for people who haven't watched it, can you explain it briefly. >> yes, i'm so excited. let me catch my breath. "90 day fiance" is a reality show about people who fall in love with someone from another country. when they land they have 90 day the to wed. >> brie: interesting. so it's a pretty quick process. so you were on the show with your, with your now ex-husband luis. >> i was. >> brie: how did you end up on the show? >> so, my besty, not like the resty girl. they sign you up for everything was like binge watching the show, and i had met dominican republic. and she call please and says, don't kill me, and she's like, i'm on this show "90 day fiance", and i'm like what
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that's in and she's like at the end they say if you know somebody who's found love in another place, then this is the show for them. so she's like, so i sign the ed up. and i'm like, you did what? and she's like, they probably won't pick you any ways. >> brie: and they did. so luis came out and things went south fairly quickly. >> they did. >> brie: within how long? >> about a month and a half. into the 90 days. >> brie: yeah, and it's actually, it's pretty surprising i think what it is that actually makes this relationship fall apart. we actually have a clip to explain it. >> oh, boy. >> brie: yeah. >> you understand that? or you want to understand. >> it's not making sense, like he starts in on me about the different types of decor that i have in my house and that i have owls and buddha heads and like african masks. >> why you have a lot of buddha
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here? a lot of things with candles? the bird, why? and she say no, it's for my good. but it's not true. that is something bad here. >> you're blaming an owl with the candle on the fact that are you a [ bleep ] to my kids! [cheers and applause] >> brie: okay. so he accuses you of being a witch because you have an owl with a candle. >> oh, yeah. >> brie: my first question about that is where can i get that candle? >> girl, he is in another state with a new wife, which is what i think he had planned all along. >> brie: oh. >> yeah. >> brie: oh. >> that's okay. >> brie: you have so much going for you, you have your
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who is here tonight. thank you for bringing us all here together, it's truly a miracle. is it the two of you who have a business together? >> we do. uh-huh. >> brie: you have a lingerie the business. >> it is after both of our daughters' nicknames, olivia and rainy. 13 years strong. it's a love affair. but without the benefit. >> brie: that's so sweet. i want to talk a little bit about bras. that seems to be your speciality. i heard that you actually have a bit of a super power. >> oh, yeah. >> brie: yeah, which is? >> we're going to be next to each other. we're the bra psychics. >> brie: i heard that you could look at someone's breasts, can i say that on television? i don't know what's allowed anymore, and you can say what their bra size is. >> uh-huh. >> brie: so here you go. >> well, you're a 30 f, which is like a triple d to g, but that's
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not what you're buying. you're buying like 34 ds. >> brie: holy moly. >> is that what you buy? >> brie: yes. >> you know why? because that's what your option is, and it's crazy to me that all of the stylists for hollywood and across america, no one knows bra sizing. no one. >> brie: okay, i have another curveball for you. what is the bra size of this is taylor swift in "cats." >> she's about the same, maybe a little smaller. she's closer to the d. >> brie: are you accounting for the fur? >> yes. >> brie: just making sure. >> we can even account for that like many ways. >> brie: what's a common misconception with bra size? >> in america, women have been sold an injustice for years, due to a national retailer who has billions of dollars in
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retailing. if you look at america, we're bred to have some bosoms. we've been sold an option of 12 sizes. at our store we go all the way to an n. >> brie: oh, my gosh, the bra alphabet goes to an n, people. this is what happens when women are in late-night talk shows. thank you so much, molly, >> 90 day fiance: pillow talk" airs sundays on tlc. molly hopkins everyone. we'll be right back with yola. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by the amg four door coupe, mercedes amg, driving performance.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes benz, the best or nothing. >> brie: oh, this was so much fun, but i have changed to my pjs, it's past my bedtime. i would like to give a big thank you to the cast and crew here at jimmy kimmel live. thank you for this opportunity.
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it's been amazing. i'd also like to thank, of course, jamie foxx. bryan stevenson, molly hopkins, and most of all, jimmy kimmel for let beiting me crash here tonight. "nightline" is next, but first, here with the song "far away look", yola! [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ you lit the candles on the cake and threw the match down on the floor ♪ ♪ wish i knew what you were wishing for
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[cheers and applause] this is "nightline". tonight, the historic moment. the divided vote. >> article one is adopted. >> the house officially impeaching president trump. tonight he's taking the fight right to his base. >> it doesn't really feel like we're being impeached. plus, darnedest things. throwing it down with tiffany haddish. both naughty and nice. >> wait, were you on the naughty list? how? you're a great person. >> well, new year's eve was not great. >> landing her own punch lines. where does y
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