tv World News Now ABC December 25, 2019 2:05am-4:01am PST
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on of how you would do things if you were home, and then you come home, and things were done differently. - mm. - but you try-- what you realize over time, is you can't judge, because a, you weren't home the whole time, and b, it's a really hard job, and things don't always work out the way you envisioned it, but in our case, it's been better, 'cause my kids are better for having my husband home with them all the time. - oh, wow. - and i think he's more laid-back than i am, so it benefits them in so many ways, and it's just been-- i can't recommend it more because my kids get a mom who's there and is engaged, but a dad who's there 100% of the time with a really special relationship. [applause] - i love that. all right, back to work for you. back to work, randi. i just--i think it's such a powerful conversation, and i do think it takes, uh... the ability to be vulnerable to talk about this. - yes. - and you all have done that, so i think we can learn all-- we said, "let's talk about it," and we did. thank you so much. - yes, thank you. - we really appreciate everyone for being here. let's keep the conversation going.
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go to our social media,, and let us know your thoughts on this. when we come back, my friend and texas legend iron chef tim love is here. i always say about tim, "all you need is love." well, all you need is family, and he's talking about that, too. we'll be right back. [dramatic music] ♪ ♪ want to be part of our live studio audience? to get your free tickets, go to, and click on tickets at the top of the page. pick a date, a time, and guess what. we'll see you there.
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- ♪ shine for the rest of your life ♪ - yo! when i say, "all you need is love," i'm talking about my friend and texas legend chef tim love. he is one of the good guys, the life of the party. he has one wife, three kids, 10 restaurants, but who's counting? tim, it is so good to see you! - good to see you. - so, tim... [cheers and applause] your family--
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you have sunday dinner every sunday. - we do sunday dinner every sunday because, especially now, my kids are so much older. they're really busy. - yeah. - so i like to make sure that we at least get together once a week. - i love that. i mean, that's the thing. when i look back at my childhood now that i'm in new york and the folks are in texas, i miss sunday dinners. that's something my daddy always made sure we did. - yeah, the kids at first didn't like it. now they love it, right? - yeah. - my son, he's older, and so he likes to come home for the meal. he doesn't like to pay for it. - do you ban phones? [laughs] your son-- do you ban phones at the table? - we've never had phones at the dinner table, and it's never been a rule. - oh. - we just don't do it. - okay. - we hang out and have conversation, know what's going on in life, things like that. - i like that, right? that's what you have to do today. - yeah. - you got a little recipe for us here? what is this? - i do, so this is a very simple thing that you can make with your family on sunday, or you can make it for yourself-- whatever you want to do. so i'm gonna make a quick pesto here, so what makes this dish unique is we're making a cilantro-and- roasted-jalapeño pesto, which--add some roasted jalapeños like this. - that's a texas influence. - yeah, pull the stems out, of course. you don't want the stems in there like this. - right. what is the green you put in there, spinach? - now i put some spinach. - okay. - then i add some cilantro
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like this, lots of cilantro. - love it. - and then a lot of bit of pumpkin seed instead of pine nuts. - all right. what flavor does that give as a contrast? - it gives-- much nuttier than pine nuts. pine nuts are sweet. - okay. i like that. - and then we add some parmesan cheese in like this. it's kind of like you're making a basic pesto with just a few-- - you can never have too much cheese. - the new fresh things. yeah, you want cheese in the pesto. - you want cheese in your pesto. - yeah, so then you turn it on, blend it all up, and you add olive oil as you blend it to get a nice consistency like you have right here. - you have twin girls-- - i do. - 16 years old. - identical twin girls. - do you teach them to cook? - absolutely. - look how beautiful these-- - yeah. - oh, my gosh. - they love to cook. - yeah. - being a dad that's so involved, do you think about the relationship that you have, again, with them and what you're teaching and instilling in them? - yeah, absolutely. they're-- raising kids is the hardest thing you'll ever do in your life... - amen. - besides being married for a long time, which is hard to do also, right? you got to work at it, so you got to work with your kids. you got to work with your wife. you work with your husband, whatever it may be. if you do that, you always have great results, and i've been very fortunate to have great kids, so-- - you named the restaurant in honor of the twins?
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- that's right, so we have a new italian restaurant called gemelle, which is italian for... - look at that. - twin girls, yeah. - oh, my gosh. i love that. - it's beautiful. - that's beautiful. so you-- - all right. we got some roasted vegetables here. these are easy. we cut up these fresh vegetables. we roast them with olive oil, salt and pepper. - easy breezy. - that's it. - add your pesto in just like this. i also have some grilled chicken, because i like grilled chicken. - mmm. - and we make a really simple meal just like this. you mix it up. - and there you go. - and you get-- it looks beautiful like this. - that's beautiful. - and then you got to grate-- you know, you got to do this. - more cheese, please. - more cheese like that. - yes. - make it rain with the cheese. - making it rain with-- this is-- this is why i say "the life of the party." - when you're not rich, you just make it rain with the cheese. you know what i'm saying? - yeah! you want some more cheese? [applause] - i just want-- hey! you want more cheese? i got lots of cheese over here! - i got cheese for you. - yeah. - okay, this is so yummy. - okay. strawberry shortcakes. every person in the world likes strawberry shortcake that i know. - absolutely. - so in the winter, i like to grill the strawberries, which i did ahead of time. - oh, you do? - yeah, because they're not real sweet. - how do you grill strawberries? - you cut them in half and put them on the grill. - he said he wants to be the cohost of the show. it's not going to get it from that.
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- come on now. - so you grill them on-- - yeah. - you just put them on the grill? - put them on the grill, then mix it with a little bit of malibu rum and some sugar and let them-- they call macerate, so they kind of get soft, and then we make some whipped cream. - got it. - you get end result like this. i was gonna make you get your hands dirty. they said you didn't want to get your hands dirty. - that is just not true. - well, then, let's make the dough. - okay, let's make the dough. - you got some butter. - that's what i'm trying to do. - got some berries, and i add some milk. and--[laughs] make the dough, and i make the cheese. you got to mix it up with your hands like that. - all right. - see, now this is something you should know if you want to be a cohost of a show. - mm-hmm. - you got to get the host with their hands all dirty, so then they can't choose whether or not if they eat the sandwich. - oh, you set me up! [laughter] [cheers and applause] - i can't believe you! - look. [laughs] [cheers and applause] wait, wait. i got one thing for you. hold on. so... - oh, n... - listen, this is-- i just came out with a new clothing line. - you did? - and we don't make women's clothes, but i made you the very first one of one suede jacket... - aw! - "love" on the back.
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[applause] a little congratulations on your show and how well you've done. - i loveou, brother. i love this man. you are lucky that you gave me that jacket, because you was about to get the hand. i love this man. - you don't want to do that. - when i tell you, "all you need is love," this is who i'm talking about." tim, thank you so much. you can find all of tim's recipes on our website. coming up, the breakout star of the hit show "mixed-ish," arica himmel, is here right after the br--i'll do it. - that's a--don't. - i'll do it. we'll be right back.
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- ♪ shine for the rest of your life ♪ ♪ stronger than ever, ever ♪ - our next guest is a 14-year-old prime time tv star and self-proclaimed nerd. growing up, she'd always been told she resembled the beautiful tracee ellis ross. now she gets to play her as rainbow in "mixed-ish," the spin-off of the hit show "black-ish." take a look. - i can't believe we're going to be in a beauty pageant. - are you sure that lady wasn't just talking to me? - if you're wondering why this pageant thing was so exciting to me, it's because my progressive parents didn't want us girls to be raised to only value our looks.
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- oh. don't you look smart? - like a woman who knows how to balance her own checkbook. - i understand where they were coming from now, but when i was 12, i just wanted to feel pretty. - aww, please welcome arica himmel. [upbeat music] [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ so beautiful! - thank you. - mwah. have a seat! oh, my gosh! style for days, this one has. i love it. we have to talk about your fashion in a second, but listen. this show is adorable. i love it so much. the fact that it's set in the '80s--that's the year i was cool--but you know nothing about the '80s. - yeah, nothing. - nothing. - nothing. - what year were you born? - 2005. [crowd laughs and exclaims] yes. - i'm out of here. goodbye.
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2005? - yeah. - let me see your driver's license. - i don't even have one. - oh, my gosh. so the '80s--what was the craziest thing on the set that you were seeing that you thought, "eh, that was invented then?" - oh, let me think. honestly, i would have to say the fax machine, which i saw for the first time on set. it looked really weird. i didn't know what it-- - and big? - yeah, big, clunky, didn't know what it was used for. - do you know what a beeper is? - no. - okay. - yeah, no. - oh, my gosh. - yeah, and also the boom box. - you-- - i mean, i've seen one before, but i mean, now i just use my phone, headphones. - you're in this other world. is it alien-esque when you walk on a set, and there are just things you don't recognize? - it definitely is. i mean, like, i'm not used to seeing this furniture. my house is all modern stuff. - uh-huh. - this is green with some orange, some pink. - we called that avocado back then. - oh. - avocado kitchens were huge then. - okay. - that is such a fun experience. i mentioned, growing up, people would tell you,
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you look like tracee ellis ross, and there you are in this room with this character that she helped create. she's executive producer. how surreal is that for you? - it's really awesome. i never thought i would get a role where i'm playing someone else, but the younger version. - yeah. - and i mean, to play the younger version of her--like, she's... - aw. - amazing. - she's amazing, and she's been on our show, and she really is about owning her identity and who she is. - yeah. - and, like tracee and like your character, you're from a mixed-race family. - yes. yes. - when you started reading some of the script, did you think, "even though that's the '80s, that kind of hits home for me"? - yeah, definitely. i mean, even though i come from new york and i'm very used to all this diversity here, there's always been, like, pressure sometimes. when i choose friends, like, oh, is someone gonna think this way if i choose someone who's this race? you know, i've always felt sometimes that pressure. - so you felt it. how did your parents deal with that? as i-- and people know here, my child is multiracial,
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and i always felt and feel bad for kids who have to--feel compelled to pick a team. it's like, "mom or dad? they're both mine, and i'm theirs. why do i have to pick a team?" - yeah. - did you-- how did your parents, i guess, teach you not to fall for it, fall for the okeydoke, as i say in the '80s? - well, they've always been supportive and just telling me, "oh, make sure you feel comfortable "as who you are. be yourself. you don't have to worry what anyone else thinks." - right. [applause] - yeah, i love that. i love that. now, you graduated middle school. - yes. - and you're in high school? you're a freshman now? - yes, i am. - oh, okay, swagger. so what's the biggest change from middle school to freshman? - well, i guess the fact that now i'm doing online school. - oh. - so, yeah, um-- - is that like homeschool? - it's like homeschool, except now i have-- - you can't play hooky. - mm. - you don't know what that is either--very '80s. - i don't even know what that is. yeah, i don't even know what that is. but, yeah, but i'm still able
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to, like, you know, see my friends when i come to new york, and i have friends in la, so it's just-- - so you got a wide range. - yeah. yeah. - tracee ellis just did an interview, um, in "parade" magazine saying that her fashion helped her with her confidence, and it helped protect her. the quote was... you make some incredible fashion choices, so original. do you pick out what you wear? is there-- look at this. - yeah. - i mean-- the outfit in the middle, that was made for you, because i would've walked out, and i would've looked like a teletubby character. you look stunning. - thank you. - and, a such a young age, how do you figure that part of your life out, your identity? - well, for me, fashion is just about expressing myself. i'm only 14, and i like to have fun. - yeah. - so i use clothing to do that. - and you pick everything out yourself? - i have help with a stylist, but it's very important that we're collaborating, so they have some of my ideas and some of their ideas. - you're only 14. - yeah. - you're collaborating on fashion.
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- yes. - oh, my gosh. [applause] - so if you are wondering-- you know, the roots of this tree and how arica became such a phenomenal young woman at a young age, someone in her family has also a little fame behind them. find out which member of arica's family-- i'm gonna tell you. you're gonna be blown away. this is the trivia question of the week. en we come right back, we'll reveal it. [dramatic music]
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- ♪ shine for the rest of your life ♪ - we are back with "mixed-ish" star arica himmel. so the question of the day, you know nothing about the '80s, except for one key thing. arica's mom was part of the iconic group c+c music factory. remember that? that is amazing! [applause] your mom is zelma, so you grew up with '80s music. - yes. - you just didn't know it came from a boom box. - right, yeah, exactly, exactly. - what was that like? because that's a show business home. - yeah, you know, there's always singing going on in my house, and my mom has really educated me in music and, yeah. - your mother is from liberia. - she is, yes. - and that inspired you to do and raise money for children getting the right education in liberia. - yeah, because she's always taught me it's important to give back, and liberia is also my home, so-- [applause] - i love that. well, we could not be happier of your success.
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♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster than a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ every day it's getting closer ♪ ♪ going faster an a roller coaster ♪ ♪ a love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey babies aren't fully developed until at least 39 weeks, which means babies born even a few weeks early can have breathing, feeding, and learning problems. if your pregnancy is healthy, wait for labor to begin on its own. a healthy baby is worth the wait.
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♪ ♪ [ organ plays ] narrator: merry christmas from marble collegiate church in new york city. this christmas, we invite you to worship with us on this day of good news and great joy when we celebrate jesus' birth. since 1628, the collegiate churches have been serving and uplifting the wonderfully diverse people of new york city. although marble stands just steps from the empire state building, on the corner of 5th avenue and 29th street, we have a national and global congregation. every sunday, we livestream our services and have people tuning in from all 50 states and over 160 countries around the world. our inclusive community of positivity and love
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is one that stretches across the globe. and this christmas, we invite you into our midst. sing along to your favorite christmas hymns accompanied by one of the grandest pipe organs in new york city. ♪ hark! the herald angels sing ♪ glory to the newborn king narrator: enjoy classical choral pieces by the magnificent marble choir. ♪ praise god's holy name ♪ christ is the lord ♪ christ is the lord ♪ then ever, ever praise we narrator: and share with our senior minister, dr. michael bos, the beautiful story of a baby born in a manger that gave hope to this world. when we celebrate the birth of jesus,
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it invites us to go back to the beginning of the story, the place where it all began, the place where everything is again possible. and some of us need to go back to that place 'cause we've lost hope that anything is possible. narrator: please join us for christmas eve at marble collegiate church. ♪ [ "sussex carol" plays ] ♪ on christmas night, all christians sing ♪ ♪ to hear the news the angels bring ♪ ♪ on christmas night, all christians sing ♪ ♪ to hear the news the angels bring ♪ ♪ news of great joy, news of great mirth ♪ ♪ news of our merciful king's birth ♪
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♪ then why should we on earth be so sad ♪ ♪ since our redeemer made us glad? ♪ ♪ then why should we on earth be so sad ♪ ♪ since our redeemer made us glad? ♪ ♪ when from our sin he set us free ♪ ♪ all for to gain our liberty? ♪ ♪ when sin departs before his grace ♪ ♪ then life and health come in its place ♪ ♪ when sin departs before his grace ♪ ♪ then life and health come in its place ♪ ♪ angels and earth with joy may sing ♪ ♪ all for to see the newborn king ♪ ♪ all out of darkness, we have light ♪ ♪ which made the angels sing this night ♪ ♪ all out of darkness, we have light ♪ ♪ which made the angels sing this night ♪
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♪ glory to god and peace on earth ♪ ♪ now and forever more ♪ forever more ♪ ame-e-e-e-e-n welcome to this very special and sacred service. it's a time when we come together and journey together, all the way back to the beginning, to the place where everything is again possible. tonight, we journey together to the place where jesus was born. and tonight, we celebrate the one in whom we find life, in whom we find light, in whom we find love. and that's why, tonight, we celebrate by lighting the christ candle.
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the one who shines the light that shows us the way, the one who illuminates our lives, the one, as it says in the prophet isaiah, that calls us to arise and shine, for your light has come. [ "o come, all ye faithful" plays ] ♪ ♪ o come, all ye faithful ♪ joyful and triumphant ♪ o come ye ♪ o come ye to bethlehem ♪ come and behold him ♪ born the king of angels
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and he is named wonderful counselor, mighty god, everlasting father, prince of peace." ♪ ♪ for unto us a child is born ♪ ♪ a son is given ♪ come, holy spirit, come, fatherless child ♪ ♪ the virgin mary shall be his mother ♪ ♪ and his name shall be called emmanuel ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the wonderful counselor ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the mighty god ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the father forever ♪
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♪ and sing hallelujah to the true prince of peace ♪ ♪ understanding he will come, come with compassion ♪ ♪ come to forgive all of the world of sin ♪ ♪ and he will save all of the weak and tender-hearted ♪ ♪ and the weak forever shall dwell in their land ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the wonderful counselor ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the mighty god ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the father forever ♪ ♪ and sing hallelujah to the true prince of peace ♪
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♪ so let us beat all our swords into plowshares ♪ ♪ and let the wolf come be the guest of the lamb ♪ ♪ and let the songs of all our world's nations be peaceful ♪ ♪ worship the child into the world in bethlehem ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the wonderful counselor ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the mighty god ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the father forever ♪ ♪ and sing hallelujah to the true prince of peace ♪
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♪ sing hallelujah to the wonderful counselor ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the mighty god ♪ ♪ sing hallelujah to the father forever ♪ ♪ and sing hallelujah to the true prince of peace ♪ ♪ ♪ a reading from the gospel of luke. "in the sixth month, the angel gabriel was sent by god to a town in galilee called nazareth,
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to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was joseph, from the house of david. the virgin's name was mary, and he came to her and said, 'greetings, favored one. the lord is with you.' but she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. the angel said to her, 'do not be afraid, mary, for you have found favor with god. and now you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him jesus, and he will be great, and he will be called son of the most high, and the lord god will give to him the throne of his ancestor david. he will reign over the house of jacob forever, and of his kingdom, there will be no end.' mary said to the angel,
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'how can this be, since i am a virgin?' and the angel said to her, 'the holy spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you. therefore, the child to be born will be holy. he will be called son of god.' then mary said, 'here am i, the servant of the lord. let it be with me according to your word.' and then the angel departed from her." ♪ there is no rose of such virtue ♪ ♪ as is the rose that bare jesu ♪ ♪ alleluia ♪ alleluia
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♪ pari forma ♪ pari forma ♪ pari forma ♪ gaudeamus ♪ gaudeamus from the gospel of luke. "in those days, a decree went out from emperor augustus that all the world should be registered. this was the first registration and was taken while quirinius was governor of syria. all went to their own towns to be registered.
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and joseph also went from the town of nazareth and galilee to judea, to the city of david called bethlehem, because he was descended from the house and the family of david. he went to be registered with mary, to whom he was engaged and who was expecting a child. while they were there, the time came for her to deliver her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in bands of cloth and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn." ♪ a starry sky is in my arms ♪ i hear my breathing, now not only mine ♪
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a reading from the gospel of luke. "in that region, there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. then an angel of the lord stood before them, and the glory of the lord shone around them, and they were terrified. but the angel said to them, 'do not be afraid. for see, i am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people. to you is born this day, in the city of david, a savior, who is the messiah, the lord. this will be a sign for you. you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth
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and lying in a manger.' and suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising god and saying, 'glory to god in the highest heaven, and on earth, peace among those who he favors.'" [ "angels we have heard on high" plays ] ♪ ♪ angels we have heard on high ♪ ♪ sweetly singing through the night ♪ ♪ and the mountains in reply ♪ ♪ echoing their brave delight ♪ ♪ glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria ♪ in excelsis deo
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♪ glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria ♪ in excelsis deo a reading from the gospel of john. "in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god. he was in the beginning with god. all things came into being through him, and without him, not one thing came into being. what has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
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there was a man sent from god whose name was john. he came as a witness to testify to the light so that all might believe through him. he himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. the true light which enlightens everyone was coming into the world. he was in the world, and the world came into being through him, yet the world did not know him. he came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. but to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of god, who were born not of blood or of the will of the flesh or the will of man, but of god. and the word became flesh and lived among us,
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so, this might sound like a crazy question coming from a pastor on christmas eve, but the question is this -- why do we celebrate christmas? why is it that the birth of jesus is such a touchstone for us this time of year? and i say this because, if you think about it, of the four gospels, only two of them talk about the birth, and then all the gospels are filled with all these other things about jesus, all the great things he did, right up till the end, until they showed us that death is not the final word. of all the things that we could celebrate, why is it the birth of jesus that is such a big deal for us? and i say this because i've learned that in that time, in that place, in that culture, birthdays were not a big deal -- in fact, not even remembered. we moved to the middle east and lived there for nearly a decade,
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and shortly after we moved there, a colleague threw a birthday party for me, and he invited an omani -- we were in the sultanate of oman -- who, he said, it was also his birthday. i thought, "great." so, i went over, introduced myself, and i said, "were you born today, too? today is your birthday?" and he said, "no, it's not." i said, "well, which day were you born?" and then he said the craziest answer i've ever heard. he said, "i don't know." [ laughter ] and i said, "what do you mean you don't know?" and he said, "back then, birthdays were not a big deal. we really didn't keep track of it. here's what i do know -- my mother said it was starting to get cooler when i was born, so i think october's a pretty good guess." so, here we have a culture, a time, a place where birthdays aren't a big deal, but yet for us, the celebration of the birth of jesus is a huge deal, and here's why i think it is so. it's because when we celebrate the birth of jesus,
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it invites us to go back to the beginning of the story, the place where it all began, the place where everything is again possible. and some of us need to go back to that place, 'cause we've lost hope that anything is possible. have you ever wondered what happens to us over time? do you remember when we were children, like the children that are gonna rip through presents tonight and tomorrow morning, depending on your tradition? i'm a christmas-morning person. i've never understood opening them on christmas eve. but we each have our own tradition. and they're gonna open the presents and play with them and be brought into these imaginative worlds where they're gonna be people and do things and dream of all the things they could be and do. do you remember being like that? i was thinking back to what i used to dream i would be and do. i was going to climb mount everest, be a navy seal, and be a fighter pilot and be a world-famous surgeon
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and a professional tennis player. i was gonna be all of them, all at the same time. now, interestingly enough, "pastor" never showed up on that list. i wonder why. [ laughter ] but i'm glad it has. whatever happened to those dreams? not that we need to become astronauts and world-famous surgeons, but what happens to us that we let go of those dreams, and we just put our head down and conclude that what is will always be, and we'll just settle for this? but enter the birth of jesus. do you remember a time when you scooped an infant into your arms, and you just held that baby ever so close? do you remember how things change, how you think about that baby and life? when you look down at that innocence, it seems like you're holding this endless bundle of potential, this future that's limitless, and somehow, we're swept into that and we begin to dream again and hope again.
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we begin to see the future differently, all 'cause we were brought back to the innocence of this little child. and it's similar when we go back to the birth of christ, we go back to that time when we behold the infant jesus, when we hold jesus in our hearts and minds. and when we do, we see that innocence, that endless bundle of potential. we see that limitless future again, and it sparks the hope that maybe things can be different, not only for this child but for us. to go back to the birth of jesus is to go back to the place where everything is again possible. it becomes possible for hope to be born and new possibilities to be born because of what happens to us when we behold the infant and when we hold jesus in our hearts and minds.
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just think of the first people who beheld this child, joseph and mary. here were two people who were nobodies, and, really, no one expected them to amount to anything. in fact, society had told them exactly what they couldn't do and who they couldn't be because of who they were. they were assigned their roles. and add to them the shepherds. now, shepherds were even worse. shepherds were the riffraff of society. think of it this way -- if your child came home back in that time and said, "you know, i've met someone. they're so cool. they're a shepherd and we've fallen deeply in love and we're going to get married," you'd be like, "no." like, "god, what did i do to deserve this?" [ laughter ] nobody wanted to be associated with shepherds. these were people, ordinary people who gathered around and beheld this infant, and they were just like us. they were children once, and they had their dreams and hopes.
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they dreamed of being kings and queens and princes and princesses and business owners and people who traveled and did things and would become something, but then finally, society beat it out of them and said, "you need to conform to who you really are and just live this way." so, no doubt when they're standing there, beholding this infant, they stood there with regret, like some of us carry, the regret that there are things within us, these passions, these yearnings, these things that want to find expression in our lives that we feel like will never find expression. they're just lying there, dormant, these things that god planted within us. it's easy to ignore that within us. in fact, brené brown puts it this way -- that we are a culture of people who have bought into this idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives won't catch up with us.
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and how many times do we do that? we stay busy, busy, busy so we don't have to think about the truth of our lives or any regrets that we may have. but they're there. and what happens when they behold this infant and they go back to the beginning again? something changes. they discover, in that moment, that new beginnings are possible, that everything is possible again, that ordinary people like them that had been dismissed can do extraordinary things with and through god. and you know what the most extraordinary thing is? it's to be able to live a life that is true to ourselves. when we think about regrets -- i was reading bronnie ware. she was a palliative nurse that tended to the dying. and she paid attention to their regrets. you know what the number-one regret was?
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that i didn't have the courage to be true to myself in how i lived. instead, i lived the life that others expected of me. how many of us have felt that? but yet this extraordinary thing can happen where god comes into our lives, enlightens it so that we can have this extraordinary life, and what's extraordinary is that we are true to ourselves. but it's hard. and even though we want that for one another, we can find ourselves being complicit in trying to have others conform to what we we expect for their lives. i've done that with my kids, trying to have them conform to what i thought they needed to do, and thank god they didn't. both are flourishing because they're staying true to themselves. but that's hard to do because we put pressure on ourselves, we put pressures on one another, and it's hard to have the courage to stand up and live boldly into who god created us to be.
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but here's the good news, that not only is hope inborn when we gather around this infant, but so is help, and it's found in the most amazing place. the piece that we usually skip over, you know where it's found? in the genealogies. now, the genealogies are the "so-and-so begat so-and-so, who begat so-and-so." you know, riveting reading. [ laughter ] and, really, it seems like their only purpose in the christmas story is that in some pageant somewhere, some kid's gonna remember all of it and say all the names no one can pronounce, and everybody's gonna be amazed. but it's so much more than that. on one level, it's this -- that genealogies in that time each were attached to the birth of jesus in luke and matthew, were used -- and they were selective, not exhaustive. it was just a way to say, "because these people were in their lineage, you can expect this person to be like so or this." their pedigree, so to speak, points to who they'll become.
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and that's true in jesus' genealogy. in the genealogy, as we read it, we see that it's clear that what is wanted to be pointed out is that jesus comes from a royal line, the line of king david. but there's something else going on there that's so important, so much deeper -- that in these lineages are not just people who are royal. there are ordinary people just like you and me, and people, frankly, who have messed up. there's cheaters and swindlers, prostitutes and panhandlers -- they're all there. but what they are is they're part of the fabric of faith of their past. they are people whom god got ahold of and took ordinary people and helped them live extraordinary lives, people who could finally be true to themselves. it's remarkable. and what this is, in terms of christianity, is this belief that something happens when we come together and we behold the infant jesus,
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and when we hold jesus in our hearts and minds that we become a part of this thing called the communion of saints. and what that means is that when we gather around jesus, somehow god weaves us together into this community, we have this spiritual bond, this spiritual connection that transcends place, time, and space, that somehow with all the people who came before us and all the people who are present with us and all the people who will come after us, somehow we have a spiritual connection in which we can draw strength and courage from them. i like to think of it in this way, that when you're a part of this communion of saints, the people past and present, that it's kind of like acknowledging the people in your balcony, the people who are watching your life, who are cheering for you and there to give you courage and strength.
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i was thinking about my balcony, and i look and i see in my balcony is great-grandma zane. man, she had a zest for life, and she had a love for me, i knew. in fact, at my sister's wedding, you know, you toss the garter, whoever catches it is the next to get married? well, someone else caught it. my great-grandmother went over there, ripped it out of his hand, walked up to me, gave it to me, and said, "i will not die until you marry that woman." and that was tina. [ laughter ] and we were not yet engaged. and she hung on long enough to see us be wed. i see over here. i see my grandmother -- grandma bordewyk. i didn't realize when i was growing up how many challenges she had to face, but yet, every day, she seemed to have this joy for life. she would take us to look for petoskey stones in michigan. we'd put them in little jars for decoration. and she taught us how to bowl. she loved bowling. in fact, just days before she died,
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she bowled the high game of her life. grandma knew how to live. i see my sixth-grade teacher up there cheering for me. unfortunately, he died young of cancer, but he educated us in an experimental way. he allowed us to learn what we wanted in the way we wanted, and i discovered some things about myself then. i see my mentor, jack. nobody's infused more positivity in my life than him, and we lost him a year and a half ago. and then i see the people in the balcony who are present. i see my mom and dad, i see my wife, i see my kids, i see you, the people who are in the balconies cheering me on and from whom i get such great strength. and the thing is, we all have a balcony of people. tonight, when we're sitting by the fire or by the tree, as we take a walk together after the service, as we sit together as families tomorrow, think about who is in your balcony.
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who are those people, past and present, that you can draw strength from? and here's the thing about the people who are present that are in your balcony -- they are the same people that when they see you struggle, they comdown from the balcony and get in the trenches with you and help you move forward. everybody needs a balcony, and the great news is we all have one. i think that's why mary, when she first received this news about the extraordinary things god was gonna do through her, she was very hesitant to accept it. she didn't have the courage to move forward until she started talking to people and realized she had a few people in her balcony. and once she realized that, she had the strength, she had the courage to say, "for with god, nothing is impossible." and for us as we're here, the one gift i hope we walk away with, the thing that is much too large for a box is this,
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it's that god gives us this sense of wonder, wonder of what we can do, wonder of what we can be. saint augustine said this about 1,500 years ago. he said, "people travel great distances to see the height of mountains, the huge waves in the sea, the long course of rivers, the vast compass of oceans, the circular motion of the stars in the sky, yet they pass by themselves without wondering." this christmas, let's not pass by ourselves without wondering what could be, because we're all invited to go back to the beginning, where everything is again possible, go back to the place where we stand together and form a balcony of support and strength, we go back to the place where new beginnings are possible, for with god, nothing is impossible.
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amen. [ applause ] [ "joy to the world" plays ] ♪ joy to the world, the lord is come ♪ ♪ let earth receive her king ♪ ♪ let every heart prepare him room ♪ ♪ and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing ♪ ♪ and heaven, and heaven and nature sing ♪ ♪ joy to the world, the savior reigns ♪ ♪ let all, their songs employ ♪ ♪ let all, their songs employ ♪ ♪ while fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains ♪ ♪ repeat the sounding joy ♪ joy, joy, joy
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let us pray. gracious god, on this holy night, we stand in awe of your presence. thank you for choosing to touch down on this human earth, taking on human flesh to come and be with us. o god, we pray that you would look with tenderness on any who gather this night, who, like the magi, are searching for something. we pray this night for any who come here, like the shepherds, whose workaday worlds were turned upside down by the presence of a star in the distant sky. bless our workaday worlds that we might be beacons of hope
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and kindness and love in whatever work we find ourselves. and we pray this night, o god, for any who, like mary and joseph, are traversing foreign lands, trying to find safety for themselves and their children. let us be reminded of the flight into egypt, which saved jesus from herod's hand. but mostly, o god, we thank you for the gift of jesus, the one who showed us another way to live, the one who reached out to the stranger and the outcast, the one who welcomed the children, the one who came alongside those who had lost all hope
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and helped them find a new way forward. help us, too, o god, find a new way forward. thank you for the incarnation of jesus, the word made flesh, in whom we find our hope, and in whose name we pray. our father... all: who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. they kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. give us today our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. amen. [ "o holy night" plays ]
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♪ o holy night ♪ the stars are brightly shining ♪ ♪ it is the night ♪ of our dear savior's birth ♪ long lay the world ♪ in sin and error pining ♪ till he appeared ♪ and the soul felt its worth ♪ a thrill of hope ♪ the weary world rejoices ♪ for yonder breaks ♪ a new and glorious morn ♪ fall on your knees
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♪ so, as we leave this place, may we all go ready to follow the light of the stars in our dreams, and know that wherever we go, god will always be with us. merry christmas, everyone. together: merry christmas. [ "silent night" plays ] ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ all is calm ♪ all is bright ♪ round yon virgin ♪ mother and child ♪ holy infant
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♪ jesus lord ♪ at thy birth ♪ jesus lord ♪ at thy birth thank you so much for being a part of this special service, and i hope christmas takes on new meaning for you. there is such great joy in this celebration because when we celebrate the birth of jesus, we're celebrating the new things that can be born into our lives. it's a time when we discover that faith can be born anew within us. it's a time when we discover that hope can be renewed within us. it's a time when the love of god becomes real for us, and when we have faith, hope, and love, fear can no longer hold us back. what inspires me is where these things were first born, in an unexpected place with unexpected people,
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people just like you and me. and so when the angel says to the shepherds, "do not be afraid," know that those words are being spoken to us today so that we can move forward in life, ready to live in new ways and love in new ways. this christmas, may faith, hope, and love be born anew within you. thank you again for being a part of this service, and know that if you're ever in new york city, we always have a place for you. and you can also livestream with us any sunday and every sunday. on behalf of the entire marble collegiate church family, merry christmas, and have a blessed new year. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ applause ] my name is eddie metcalf. i enjoworking in my yard and you know, i can't. i can't do that any more,'cuz i'm missing most of my lung. they did a cat scan of my kidneys, no more kidney stones. that's the good news. "but, we found a spot on your lung." that frankly scared the "hell" out of me. i hadn't smoked in 22 years. how could this happen to me? he said, "well, you know about radon gas?"
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we'll... you know, i heard about it. he said, "well, the second leading cause of cancer" "in america is radon, 22,000 people a year die from this." i literally left the doctor's office, got a test kit, put it in my house, and our result was 39.8. the upper limit is 4. we got to get this fixed. that was on a monday, and on wednesday, our mitigation system was up and running. well, i think everybody should have their house tested. we'd never know. we'd still be living there. i could get another tumor from it. right now, it's changing my life. i'm a journalist. -i am a singer. a businesswoman. -i am an artist. an educator. -a sister. an advocate. -a leader. a queen. -i am a friend. i am... i am one of more than a million people living with hiv in the u.s. we are not alone.
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good morning. this morning "world news now," accuweather has what's in store for today and the rest of the year. see the unannounced appearance president trump made at a church in florida before his annual christmas eve dinner. and new this half hour, the delivery driver that went above and beyond for one family. and why families from all over the world are sending letters and packages to a post office in town with only about 400 people in population. and forbes is out with its decade end list of the highest paid musicians of the past ten
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years from jay-z to lady gaga to beyonce. which musician is having themselves an extra merry little christmas this morning? that's in "the skinny" this morning on this wednesday, december 25th. ♪ have yourself a merry little christmas ♪ ♪ make the yuletide gay so beautiful. >> it is. what? >> i know how they love us and went from beyonce to this christmas music. >> the only reason to turn off beyonce is for the christmas music. >> it is. we say merry christmas on this christmas day. it's great to have janai norman back here in this beautiful green. >> thank you. you know, a christmas color, much like your pants. if you saw his pants, you'd know. show them. give them the christmas gift.
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>> there it is. >> you can thank me later. walk the catwalk. >> got my christmas pants on, everybody. it's business on top, christmas on the bottom. that's for later. all that fun for later. but we do have to get to our top story this morning. the travel trouble that many face getting to their destinations. >> thousands of passengers are stranded at airports, unable to make their trips or make connections. the reason -- >> dense fog in the midwest. and because so many people pass through chicago and other midwestern cities, other airplanes were affected. >> about 2,800 flights in the u.s. were delayed, and hundreds canceled. abc's alex perez has more. >> reporter: holiday plans derailed for thousands of last-minute travelers on a foggy christmas eve. here's what it looked like on
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the roads around chicago. >> you can see the fog hovering above the water. >> reporter: that fog forcing ground stops at both of chicago's airports. >> there was one turn when we could barely see. we got here and everything is canceled. >> reporter: massive lines forming and travelers missing trips home to see family. >> i checked online. and it looks like there's no flights available for the next couple days. >> reporter: 160 flights in and out of chicago canceled. >> we've been here since 11:00 last night. >> reporter: shawn simmons was dreaming of going to orlando with his family for christmas. what are you feeling right now? >> sad. >> reporter: in the west, after powerful storms downed trees and snarled traffic at l.a.x., strong storms settled in. heavy snow moving into arizona. family are bracing for a new storm expected to hit tonight. and the day after christmas is expected to be one of the busiest travel days of the holiday season here at o'hare and across the country. nearly 3 million passengers are expected to fly or try to fly, depending on the weather. alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> all right. christmas day, however, is mild in most of the country. too mild for a white christmas. >> not in the new mexico mountains around los alamos. a lot of mountainous areas are seeing snow today, as well. >> and then, as alex mentioned,
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there's tomorrow, the day after christmas. accuweather's adam del rosso has the forecast. good christmas morning, adam. >> kenneth, janai, good morning. we have snowshowers around the four corners region, as another storm brings rain and snow to southern california, into tonight and tomorrow. there will be parts of the mountains of southern california that see two to three feet of snow by friday morning. one to two inches of rain south of l.a. along the coast. in the west, a few snowshowers in the northern rockies. there's another system we're tracking across the northern plains here. perhaps light snow later in the day. otherwise, ahead of it, lots of warmth surging northward. we're talking temperatures 10 to 20 degrees above average around the plains. around st. louis, close to 70 for christmas day. kenneth? janai? >> 70? that's not bad. >> not at all.
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in other news, president trump downplayed north korea's threat to deliver a christmas gift to the u.s. >> the president joked, it could be something nice, like a vase. the north made the threat earlier this month, after talks between the two countries stalled. u.s. military officials fear kim jong-un's gift could be a long-range missile test, capable of reaching the u.s. we're continuing to watch that one. in the meantime, president trump is spending christmas in florida. >> he and the first lady attended a southern baptist church service near his mar-a-lago resort. >> later, they went to dinner at mar-a-lago. >> he called the troops around the world. he is out of the white house but can't leave his problems behind. abc's ines de la cuetara has more. >> hello, everyone. i want to wish you an amazing christmas and happy new year. >> reporter: president trump is still railing against his impeachment. >> they had no evidence. they had no crime. >> reporter: and lashing out at house speaker nancy pelosi for
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possibly delaying his senate trial. >> she's doing a tremendous disservice to the country. she's not doing a good job. and some people think that she's -- she doesn't know what she's doing. >> reporter: pelosi saying she will not send articles of impeachment to the senate, quote, until we know what sort of trial the senate will conduct. democrats want the senate to request documents and get senior officials to testify at the trial. they were blocked from doing so during the house impeachment proceedings. >> so, we say to president trump, if you are so confident you did nothing wrong, why won't you let your men testify? >> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell telling fox news he is open to having new witnesses coming forward eventually. but adding -- >> we're at an impasse. we can't do anything until the speaker send the papers over. so, everybody, enjoy the holidays. >> reporter: the president expressing full confidence in mcconnell.
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>> we have the majority and they want mcconnell to do things for them. he's going to do what he wants to do. a smart guy, on a good guy and a fair guy. >> reporter: congress is now in recess for the holidays. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he doesn't expect the two sides to reach an agreement on the structure on the format of the trial until they come back after january 6th. janai and kenneth? >> ines, thank you. callers trying to track santa had a chance to speak with the first lady. >> the white house says melania trump spoke with children from around the country as part of the norad tracking program. the white house says mrs. trump reminded the kids to put out milk and cookies for santa. the christmas season, as you know, is very busy for postal workers. especially, though, in one small wisconsin town. >> people send holiday mail to rudolph, a town with a population of less than 500 people. they want the mail postmarked with rudolph, the same name as santa's most famous reindeer --
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♪ but do you know the most famous reindeer of all ♪ it's a tradition that's been going on for generations. >> the kids will remember coming to do it. and we get some people stamped that had done it as children, as well. let's see, i've gotten -- a couple things came in today. one from iowa. one from illinois, missouri, ft. worth, texas. >> the special holiday postmarks are available through mid-january. the staffers say working at the rudolph post office keeps them in the holiday spirit year-round. >> wow. >> i love it. >> there's rudolphs in four other states. ohio, south dakota, tennessee and texas. seven of santa's reindeer have towns named after them. >> dasher, georgia. vixen, louisiana. how about that?
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>> comets in arkansas, missouri, north carolina, ohio, montana and virginia. >> hey, nebraska, you have a cupid. i was trying to say nebraska. >> donner's in california, louisiana. donners. >> who? >> that was not my subconscious, freudian slip. and there's a blitzen in oregon. how about that? >> yes. and a santa claus in georgia and indiana. >> yeah. >> and there you go. i have nothing for you. >> merry christmas. >> don't look over here, camera. >> mind your business. coming up in "the skinny," the unbelievable gift kim and kanye gave to their 6-year-old daughter this christmas. plus, we hear a lot about package grinches, the porch pirates. how about a package elf? see how one driver went above and beyond to save a child's christmas from being ruined. and the holidays are a great time to go to the movies with family and friends. so, why is there a decline in
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ticket sales? we'll explain coming up on "world news now." family and friends. why has there been a decline in ticket sales? we'll splachblt is the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80. what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan, available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month.
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no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours just for calling. so call now. ♪upbeat musieverything was so fresh in the beginning. [sniff] ♪ dramatic music♪ but that plug quickly faded. ♪upbeat music luckily there's febreze plug. it cleans away odors and freshens for 1200 hours. [deep inhale] breathe happy with febreze plug.
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we're back with a u.p.s. driver in new york that went the extra mile to keep a christmas toy hidden. when he dropped off a box last week, it was pretty easy to see what was inside. you see there. he took that garbage can and leaned that against the toy that was leaned against the garage door. two large trash cans he put in front of it before topping it off with cardboard. the homeowner posted the video on social media with a big thank you to the concerned driver for helping their little boy be surprised for what he was getting for christmas. so, obviously, he didn't see
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what was there, obviously -- >> the box there. >> yeah. >> very nice. and for many americans, heading to the movies is a christmas tradition. >> this year, ticket sales have taken a big hit with the sharpest drop in five years, despite the blockbuster opening for the new "star wars." >> abc's will reeve explains. >> reporter: the holidays are a great time to head to the movies with family and friends. and this year, hollywood studios are hoping for some kind of christmas miracle, to save what looks to be the sharpest year drop-off at the box office in half a decade. >> what's happening? >> reporter: industry data shows revenue was falling about 4% from last year's haul. that is including some of the biggest hits ever, like "avengers: endgame" that grossed over $2 billion alone. >> is this thing on? >> reporter: of course, along with the hits, there were the flops. for every "joker," there's a "goldfinch."
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for every "lion king," "cats." overall, what's behind the decline? >> i think the biggest reason for the decline are the options. you have so many options with all the streaming services. to me, it's amazing that people still go to the movies. >> reporter: there's money at the top. the ten highest-grossing films accounted for 40% of all ticket sales. this year, abc news parent company disney, raked in the cash with sequels, spin-offs and remakes. a record of six disney films were top, with the latest "star wars." >> our thanks to will reeve there. when we come back, the top earning musicians of the decade. is it beyonce? is it t. swift? is it me? i dropped something. >> there you go. >> i will before january 1st. and the over-the-top gift kim and kanye gave their daughter for christmas. "the skinny" is next. kanye gave their daughter. "the skinny" is next.
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♪ it's a wonderful feeling from the floor to the ceiling ♪ ♪ it's that time of year christmastime is here ♪ ♪ oh, yeah lessons from above ♪ god sends you his love ♪ and everything's okay merry christmas ♪ ♪ happy holiday this is a special request from janai. this is my christmas song. >> i feel like i have heard you sing this one before. >> it's been on repeat for several months. >> you play it on commercial break sometimes. >> i do. >> i knew i knew it. time for "the skinny."
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we begin with "forbes'" list of the top earning musicians of the decade. >> and you're not one of them. >> the artist that claims the top spot may surprise you. >> the highest earner of 2010 is dr. dre. >> it's those beats. >> yeah. let's hash it out here. he hasn't released an album since 2015 or gone on tour since the start of the millennium, his stake in beats secured the top spot. and apple. >> forgot about dre. >> apple -- >> now, everybody wants to talk like they have something to say. nothing comes out when they move the lips. just a bunch of gibberish. >> you missed some words there. apple bought out beats for $3 billion a few years ago. >> wow. "forbes" gave number two to taylor swift who brought in $825 million this decade. and rounding out the top three, of course -- >> there it is. >> queen bee. duh. >> now, it's my turn. >> at the start of the decade, she just left destiny's child. since then, she brought in $685 million. how many concerts of hers have you been to?
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i've been to three of them. >> i've been to at least six. the first one was sunrise. ♪ nine, eight, seven, six five, four, i'm trying to make it three from the two, and the one ♪ so, we've heard the hits like mariah's "all i want for christmas is you," or classics like "have yourself a merry little christmas." >> john mayer may have just written a new holiday hit. it's an ode to the one thing you can depend on when you head home to small towns for the holidays. >> like abbeville. ♪ cvs bag you're all that i have ♪ ♪ cvs bag it's mostly snacks and a charger cable ♪ ♪ cvs bag and a thing for my dad ♪ >> shoutout to abbeville, south carolina, and dekalb, illinois, the small towns we hailed from.
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he shared that on his show, "current mood." and it wracked up nearly 1 million views in less than a day. >> he can sing anything. >> he can. most kids will be opening up present a few hours from now, one lucky kiddo in hollywood already knows what she is getting this year. >> kim kardashian and kanye west got their 6-year-old daughter, north, a piece of michael jackson's wardrobe. yeah. north is a big fan of the late singer. so, she and kanye splurged to get her the exact jacket m.j. wore while out with elizabeth taylor. >> kim didn't reveal how much it cost. they had the sleeves tacked up so north can wear the jacket now. >> i can only imagine what they paid for that. >> i have to get janet's next year, "rhythm nation" style.
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>> that's a thoughtful gift. and with presents to the season, the royal family is sharing a new photo to celebrate the holiday. >> kensington palace revealing this windsor family photo that duchess kate took herself. prince william giving his youngest, prince louis, a kiss on the cheek. princess charlotte and prince george look on. >> tradition has it that the royals open their gifts on christmas eve and they will attend church service this christmas morning. >> very precious. >> love them. coming up, remembering the season for the season. >> we're sitting down with one of the leading thinkers of the catholic church this christmas morning. that's coming up next on "world news now." he catholic church this morning. that's coming up next on "world news now."
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about the colonial penn program. here to tell you if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. what are the three p's? the three p's of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase,
3:54 am
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♪ did you see that? the grinch this christmas morning. and it is christmas morning. an important day of the year for christians around the world. >> will ganss is here to explain what makes this day so special. >> more give thank taking. merry christmas, guys. as we enjoy our presents, it's an opportunity to remember the true meeting of christmas. i sat down with father will martin, the author and communications director for the vatican, about the reason for the season. ♪ father martin, thank you for joining me on this christmas morning.
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>> my pleasure. >> reporter: talk about what this morning means for christians around the world. >> well, simply, it means that god became human. it's the time we remember that god decided, as a jesuit friend of mine likes to say, to get involved in our lives. we often think of god as far off and removed and not taking part of our lives. christmas really destroys that myth. >> reporter: a lot of folks struggle with that concept. right? the idea that god became man. >> it is something that is very difficult for people to accept. it is a mystery, as we like to say in the church. we see jesus and we read the gospels and we see the record of his life, it's a little easier to see why god became human. christmas is not the end of the story. >> reporter: what's the goal for families as they wake up on christmas morning? >> for families, one of the messages is that jesus is born
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into a family. so, jesus understands not only you, but jesus understands your family. that's important to remember during stressful situations at christmas. >> reporter: how can the church bridge some of those political divides and other gaps around the holidays? >> the church does that by reminding us of the centrality of jesus at christmas. maybe at christmastime, go around the table and focus on gratitude. what does jesus mean for you in your life? rather than talking about the latest election. >> reporter: folks are getting swept up in commercialism and materialism, have we lost a little bit of the meaning of christmas? >> i would say that the biggest misconception is that you have to prove your love by giving someone a huge gift. loving somebody and telling them you love them is enough. it's a greater call and greater invitation to focus on the reason for the season. ♪ >> reporter: thanks to father tim martin. and a merry first christmas to my rescue pup, archie, here. >> so cute, archie there. welcome to the "world news" family. thank you, will.
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4:00 am
♪ good morning, america. merry christmas. as you celebrate with your loved ones, we reflect on the meaning behind the season with one of christianity's top leaders. here with their message this christmas morning. also ahead, holiday heroes. >> make sure y'all get some good stuff. >> how this nba with a huge heart is pulling off not one, not two, but six days of giving. ♪ high flying holiday. inside the incredible cirque du soleil show. >> this is where
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