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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 20, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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joining us. on jimmy kimmel live, jane fonda and lily tomlin. from hollywood -- it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- lily tomlin and jane fonda. from "fantasy island" michael peña, awkwafina. and music from meg myers. and now, don't be shy. jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hello. welcome. hi. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you so much. thank you for coming. [ cheers and applause ] i appreciate that. that's very kind. thank you for joining us on a holiday here in the united states. today in case you don't know is mlk day. it's a day on which we honor and remember the life and work of a great american, dr. martin luther king jr. many of our leaders today paid tribute to dr. king, including the president, who wrote "it was
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exactly three years ago today, january 20th, 2017, that i was sworn into office. so appropriate that today is also mlk jr. day." [ laughter ] is it, though? because i don't think it is. african-american unemployment is the lowest in the history of our country by far. also best poverty youth unemployment numbers ever. great! [ laughter ] that's right. martin luther king's dream that racism would one day become a relic of the past has one day been realized thanks to donald trump, the great uniter. let me tell you something. martin luther king had a dream. this wasn't it. [ laughter ] and the only dream donald trump ever had involved porn stars and unlimited breadsticks. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and then a scant 13 minutes later his little thumbs followed that up by tweeting he would
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never allow our great second amendment to go unprotected, not even a little bit. 13 minutes after tweeting about dr. king he tweets support for the weapon that killed him. what a dope this -- three years ago today this country took on an extraordinary challenge. and that challenge was to answer the question, can democracy survive the worst person on earth? and so far the answer is barely. [ laughter ] but i try to be positive. and when i look back on trump's inauguration this is what i remember most. not donald trump but rather the sight of george w. bush struggling with his poncho in the rain. remember when we thought he was our most embarrassing president? well, look at this. he puts it on his head. finally he takes it off and wears it like a nun. the moment donald trump put his hand on the bible and swore to protect and defend the constitution of the united states, that was his first official lie as president. [ laughter ] and he just kept going from there. according to the "washington post," since taking office trump has racked up more than 16,000
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false or misleading claims. 16,241 lies. and that's just in public. that doesn't even include the time he told don jr. he loves him. [ laughter ] in 2019 trump averaged an incredible 22 false claims per day. and can you imagine how much higher that would be if he didn't have chicken stuffed in his mouth all the time? [ laughter ] even the color of his face is a lie. there are so many lies, it's hard to even comprehend that number. so i thought it might help to see it. we have 16,241 lies. to put that into perspective, that's over 7,000 more lies than there are visible stars in the night sky. [ laughter ] if those lies -- [ applause ] -- were fluffy buttermilk pancakes one inch thick, they would stack up higher than the empire state building. if donald trump's lies were cruise ship passengers, they
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would fill six "titanic"s and a whole bunch of dinghies too. if those 16,000 lies were big macs you'd have enough two all beef patties with special sauce lettuce cheese to bury the president in a pile 10 feet high in the east room of the white house. so there you have it. 16,000 lies and a side order of fries from our president. and tomorrow is day one of his impeachment trial. [ applause ] he will be very well prepared. he has an all-star defense team in place. one of his lawyers is alan dershowitz, who represented such luminaries as claus von bulow, harvey weinstein, jeffrey epstein, and o.j. simpson. so he definitely has a type. dershowitz has been making the rounds on cable news touting what appears to be the trump defense strategy. >> without a crime there can be no impeachment. >> jimmy: so they're saying without a crime there can be no impeachment, you can't impeachment without a crime. that was yesterday. but this is what he said when bill clinton was being impeached back in 1998.
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>> there certainly doesn't have to be a crime. if you have somebody who completely corrupts the office of president and who abuses trust and who poses great danger to our liberty, you don't need a technical crime. >> jimmy: so when your hair's all crazy you can impeach without a crime. [ laughter ] but otherwise, no. [ applause ] and alan dershowitz isn't the only star on the trump team. trump summoned all the ghosts of impeachments past including kenneth starr, who led the case against clinton and was attacked for it by a number of high-profile people including this gentleman. >> i think ken starr's a lunatic. i really think that ken starr is a disaster. i hated the way the president handled it. it was a long and terrible process. i really think that ken starr was terrible. >> jimmy: well, welcome to the team, ken. [ laughter ] only the best people. rudy giuliani will not be on the trump legal team. but he claims he wants to testify. he said he would love to appear as a witness at the senate trial.
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not as much as i would love it but he would -- i think we'd all like to see it. i think we'd especially like the part where he puts his hand on the bible and it bursts into flames. senate republicans don't want any witnesses and they're limiting press access. journalists will be confined to a restricted area inside mitch mcconnell's throat pouch throughout the trial. [ laughter ] and mcconnell also released a schedule that could put some arguments on tv at midnight or 1:00 in the morning. these guys really are something. they don't want witnesses. they don't want new evidence. they don't want reporting. and they don't want people watching. it's almost like they have something to hide. but what could that be? the phone call was perfect. it was a perfect call. maybe they're just shy? i don't know. but anyway, with a lack of access for reporters i think we can all be prepared for a lot of hilarious courtroom sketches of this guy. that is lev parnas, rudy giuliani's former dirt digger who's been shoveling up all sorts of gems about the president, his involvement in this ukraine nonsense. he says everyone in trump's circle knew about the quid pro
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quo but everyone in trump's circle claim they don't know him, they don't know lev parnas, even though there are now so many pictures of lev parnas with the president and his family and friends it's ridiculous. lev parnas has more pictures with the trumps than i do with my own mother. [ laughter ] and you know, leather is the traditional gift for a third anniversary. so as a present for the president on his special day we put together this beautiful leather-bound photo album filled with photos of him and his loved ones, with lev. there's the president with lev. let's see. what else do we have here? we have -- oh, there's ivanka with lev and donald with lev. and we've got another one of the president with lev. oh, there's donald trump jr. with lev. and there's jeff sessions and mike pence. all with lev parnas. isn't that something? oh, look. i think that's -- oh, that's jared with lev. and then we have lev with don
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jr. again. wow, there are so many great photos here. it's a real walk down memory lane. isn't that something? he even has photos with rudy giuliani. i want to -- this is very interesting because you know, rudy giuliani is a vampire and usually they don't even show up in photos. [ laughter ] so there's your -- [ applause ] and don't expect mitch mcconnell to let lev parnas tell the senate what he knows. this is why they need to have cameras rolling at the impeachment trial. this is a great example. this is from a local committee meeting in madison, wisconsin. and this is what happens when you put liquor before license. >> it's very frustrating for me when people keep saying nightclub, nightclub, nightclub because what i -- i don't see nightclub. we will have music, yes. i want to be somewhere where people can come and sit and relax. not party and get wild and cause complaints. >> i want to make sure i heard something right. you were saying your vision is not a nightclub and this is not
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a place for people to get wild? is that what you said? >> i'm sure if we check the records that's probably the case. >> is this your website? >> mm-hmm. >> it says get wild. >> can i address this? >> i mean, yeah. i asked. >> so per my team, like i said, i do a lot of delegation. and as of right now i haven't fully checked the website. >> jimmy: i guess not. [ laughter ] see, that's the guy i want asking questions in the senate at the impeachment trial. [ applause ] i don't know -- i spent the day yesterday watching football. the match-up for super bowl liv is set. the kansas city chiefs and san francisco 49ers manhandled their opponents yesterday. the chiefs opened favored over the niners in the super bowl by a point. they eliminated tennessee. and the niners beat green bay just as the leader of the space force predicted.
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>> just five days away from when the green bay packers defeat nancy pelosi's 49ers in the nfc championship game. >> jimmy: well, nice pick, nostra-dumbass, because -- [ applause ] the red team won. this is my wife's super bowl, by the way. "the bachelor." episode 3 of "the bachelor" tonight. the sparks really flew in this one. several of the women called out alea, the former beauty queen, for not being there for the right reasons. which at this point listen, there are no right reasons to be on "the bachelor." [ laughter ] the only reasons are wrong. but the champagne drama continued tonight between kelsea and the woman i picked to win, hannah ann. basically what happened is last week kelsea had a bottle of champagne. she'd been saving it for a year. she wanted to drink it with peter. hannah ann saw it and she opened it and drank it with peter. and when kelsea found out all hell broke loose.
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hannah ann said it was an honest mistake, it was there, she didn't know it was hers. kelsea lost her mind. but tonight we learned that -- about the champagne wasn't about the champagne. >> i'm not a champagne stealer. i never intended -- >> it's not about the champagne. >> okay. it's not about the champagne. >> i don't even really like champagne. >> jimmy: what? [ laughter ] you don't like champagne? we devoted multiple hours of our lives to watching you have a hysterical tantrum over it. and then hannah ann very humorously explained why it took her time to apologize for drinking the champagne. >> after the finasco of the champagne stealing incident -- >> jimmy: that's right. after the finasco. [ laughter ] who does she think she is, the president? [ laughter ] that wasn't the only attack on the english language tonight. there was another assault made by a young woman named kiera. >> we got these bags with our names on them. >> oh, yeah.
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>> and inside it it was like a cute pajama lingerie s lingeryly >> jimmy: and the winner of the mispronunciation pageant tonight is -- can i get a drum roll? drakt [ drum roll ] is kiera. congratulations. we'll send her some nice lingery. back to the other reality show. it's three years of donald trump, which is a lot. it's too much really. and so much has transpired over the last 1,000-plus days. and tonight we decided to pay tribute to remember the highlights of these three years under our president, donald trump. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're very fortunate. tonight on the show we've got music from meg myers tonight. michael pena is here. and we'll be right back with jane fonda and lily tomlin. ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel
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♪ >> jimmy: hi. welcome back to the show. tonight from "fantasy island" the movie, the always entertaining michael pena is here. he plays mr. roarke. then, it's music time. she has a take on the kate bush song "running up that hill," meg myers from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow, liv tyler and michael irvin will join us, with music from marcus king. and later this week, colin farrell, kumail nanjiani, dave salmoni with wild animals. and music from the weeknd and sting. please join us for all of that. our first guests tonight are very wonderful women who care so much about the world they keep getting put in jail for it. the sixth season of their show
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"grace and frankie" is on netflix now. please welcome lily tomlin and jane fonda. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ how are you? very good to see you. >> how was what? >> jimmy: i said it's very good to see you. is being here tonight part of your community service? is this court ordered? [ laughter ] >> how did you know that? >> jimmy: i just had an inkling. so, well, jane you've been arrested how many times over the last few months? i'm curious about this. >> five. >> jimmy: five times over the last few months. explain why you've been getting arrested. you're not -- >> we are facing a climate crisis. >> jimmy: yes. >> we have ten years to try to avoid a tipping point. >> jimmy: maybe less. maybe less. >> maybe less. beyond which it will be a real catastrophe. all the scientists agree.
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and so about five months ago i wanted to -- i tried to figure out what i could do as a famous person to raise people's awa awareness of the urgency of the crisis. and so with greenpeace's help i moved to washington, d.c. and started what we're calling fire drill fridays. and every friday a lot of scientists and experts and people from all over the country and a few celebrities came and joined me. and because we think it should be the new normal we engaged in civil disobedience, non-violent civil disobedience. and risked arrest. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: as dr. martin luther king prescribed. >> that's right. >> jimmy: and lily, you got arrested too, right? >> one time. >> jimmy: okay. >> it pales in comparison. >> jimmy: are you guys competing? to see who gets arrested the most? >> no, we're not competing, no. arrests aren't what are important. what's important is you're willing to put your body on the line to say wake up, everybody,
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this is a catastrophe. and so many people around the country have expressed an interest in doing it where they live. over 7,000 people. so with greenpeace we're going to roll it out across the country. >> jimmy: tell me about the actual process of being arrested. are you put into jail? >> well, you have to get arrested several times. you get arrest three times and then you're given a court date. if you get arrested again, you're kept overnight, which i was. >> jimmy: oh. >> but i'm white. so i was given -- and famous. i was put in a cell by myself. i've been in jail not by myself. and i wasn't treated so nice. but this time i was by myself with the cockroaches. and i had a guard outside the cell. i don't know who the guard was guarding me from except maybe other guards. that was kind of spooky. about 20 hours. and you eat bologna sandwiches. and then you get let out. you pay money and, you know -- >> jimmy: did you get bologna, lily? >> i got bologna.
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i got nothing. >> unless you do it a bunch of times, you get detained sometimes for a long time. because we had over 300 people. so it takes a long time -- >> jimmy: are you in handcuffs? >> plastic. >> yeah, plastic. you know, pull ties. >> jimmy: and are they -- >> once you get in they cut the cheap ones off of you and they put these costly black ones that have a black plastic key that unlocks -- >> jimmy: oh, so you're handcuffed -- >> with the plastic same as the other ones but they're just more creatively wrought. >> jimmy: i did not know. i thought once you get into the cell you are now released from your handcuffs. >> but it's not a cell. it's a warehouse. this is when you're just arrested. it's not even a felony. >> jimmy: like a home depot? >> yeah, kind of. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you can get a little shopping down white you're there. >> yeah. you can do a lot of organizing. you can talk to each other --
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>> we made -- >> because there are a lot of equally spirited people with the same feelings about the planet and you're together. so you have -- in fact -- >> you raise a ruckus. >> well, i had a nice lady named joyce. and she sent us some earrings. [ laughter ] you probably haven't even seen yours. >> jimmy: jane, this is one of the most famous mug shots ever. this is from 1970. &-pe arrested for civil disobedience? >> that wasn't civil disobedience. >> jimmy: oh, that's right. >> guy who arrested me in the cleveland airport said the white house had ordered him to arrest me and they accused me of smuggling drugs, which they later found out were vitamins. [ sneezing ] >> god bless you, lily. >> so sorry. >> jimmy: maybe lily could use some of those victims. [ laughter ] and lily, have you been arrested before this? >> no, but i should have been. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: on what charges should you have been arrested? >> well, i -- oh, gosh, i --
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>> shoplifting. >> yeah, shoplifting. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: were you a shoplifter? >> i was a teenage shoplifter. and that's understandable. >> jimmy: what would you steal? >> i'd steal like sweater sets. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how would you do it? how do you get out of the store with a sweater set? >> well, i had a friend who i have to say she was -- she was a dear precious friend of mine. she's married henry ford. she was his third wife. but i don't want to bring that up because i'm bringing an innocent person into -- >> jimmy: well, she was your accomplice it sounds like to me. >> well, she was but she was innocent. she played first chair violin in the school orchestra and she'd always have her violin case. we'd tell her to put -- the bad girls would tell her to put her violin in her locker and go downtown with us. and then of course we'd meet her and put all the -- >> jimmy: so she was your mule in a way. [ laughter ] your sweater mule. >> we'd go out of the place and she'd come and she looked
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perfectly wholesome carrying that violin -- >> jimmy: they never suspect the violinists. they really don't. jane, you were scheduled to receive an award, an achievement award at bafta, the british film awards. >> right. >> jimmy: but you couldn't because you were in jail. >> get your priorities straight. >> jimmy: this is a pretty great acceptance. as far as not showing up to accept your award this is how it should be done. >> bafta, thank you! thank you. for the stanley kubrick britannia award for excellence in films. thank you! i'm sorry i'm not there. i'm very honored. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: jane fonda and lily tomlin are here. season 6 of "grace & frankie" is on netflix now. we'll be right back after this. we'll be right back.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by old spice ultra smooth. available at walgreen's. smell like your own man, man. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady. [sneezing] ♪ you don't want to cancel your plans. [sneezing]
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about finding good food ind have school.y so, when my wife kat and i learned california public school children couldn't get fresh produce in the cafeteria, we took action. we partnered with local farmers, school kitchens, a non-profit. that program now serves over 300 million healthy meals every year. the difference between words and actions matters. that's a lesson washington dc could use, right now. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message.
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so we realized there must be a lot of people in the same exact situation that i was in. if only there was a sleek
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stylish product that could help you get off the toilet without making you feel you were in a hospital. well, now there is. >> outstanding. >> the rise up! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: qulil tomlin and jane fonda are here. i think that's a good idea. >> it's going to be a thing. when you're older you do need that. >> jimmy: do you really? is that something you really think you'd use? >> you have to be quite a bit older. >> jimmy: uh-huh. right. sure. >> you know, or else failed -- >> i had a hip replacement. before i even knew that they wrote this thing about the toilet. and i tried to get up off the toilet and i grabbed the toilet paper holder and tore it out of the wall. couldn't get up. >> jimmy: oh. >> sore somebody like that it would have been great.
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>> jimmy: maybe life will imitate art and this will become an actual product. i think it would be great for roommates who are in the bathroom too long. you could just press a button and suddenly they're like oh, i better finish this. you know. [ laughter ] not a bad idea. so this is the second to final season of "grace & frankie." why -- why? have you decided -- because i know the show is very popular and it will become the longest-running season on netflix as of next season. are you sick of each other? what's going on? >> well, no, we're not. we're not sick of each other. >> i miss her when i'm not with her. >> she does. >> so then we get together. we get together in between, even when -- you know, not just to get arrested but we do a lot of stuff. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: so you feel like -- and by the way, speaking of getting arrested, jane, would you ever like -- would you ever speak to donald trump about climate change? because i feel like he's pretending he doesn't believe in it. >> i have an idea.
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the day after his election i had this idea. because you know, i've been married a few times and i understand the male ego. i figured what i would do is i would try to get the most gorgeous, brilliant blonde, voluptuous climate activists, like pamela anderson is a climate activist. and there are others. and i was going to go and take a meeting with donald and we were going to get on our knees. >> jimmy: what? >> no. [ laughter ] and the line is -- the effective line would be you will be the hero for all time of the entire world. you will save the world. people will bow down before you. if you just do these things. and then we would give him a list of things to do. and pamela was ready to do it. >> jimmy: and what happened? >> i got the number -- i called jared. >> jimmy: jared who? from subway? [ laughter ] >> jared k. >> jimmy: did you meet him in jail?
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[ laughter ] >> and he said ivanka was the environmentalist in the family. like you can only have one. and so i called -- she called me back. and i told her my idea. and she laughed. >> jimmy: she did? she laughed. >> she said she'd try to set it up and i never heard from her. >> jimmy: oh. well, maybe she's been working on it. is that possible? >> maybe there's someone better. why don't you call like mnuchin or something? he's the kind of guy -- because he's the money guy. >> jimmy: yeah. are you guys going to get arrested again? >> well, we're doing the fire drill fridays all around the country. and if people are interested they can text jane to 877877. and greenpeace is facilitating all of that. but we're starting in california february 7th. >> jimmy: february 7th. >> at 11:00 a.m. at city hall. join us. >> jimmy: and "grace & frankie" season 6 is now on netflix. lily tomlin and jane fonda, everybody. thank you both for being here. [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello there and welcome back to the show. michael pena and music from meg myers is on the way. but first, from time to time i
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ask celebrities to entertain nonsensical inquiries, and i've done it again tonight. this is "three ridiculous questions with awkwafina." ♪ >> jimmy: if you could only have one of them on a deserted island, antelope or cantaloupe? >> definitely antelope. >> jimmy: definitely antelope? >> yeah. as a companion, you know, a friend. transport. >> jimmy: you think you could ride the antelope? >> yeah. and i hate to say it. but you know. >> jimmy: meat source. >> yeah. sure. and a lot of it. >> jimmy: good amount. >> yeah. clothes. >> jimmy: do you think you will ever go into a sewer? >> i think the way that i live my life it is a possibility at
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some point i would drop something in there and -- >> jimmy: you think there's a more than 50% chance you'll go in the sewer? >> i would say -- i'd say 40. >> jimmy: what in your life do you sniff the most? >> my cation he's head. >> jimmy: your cat's head. you're monitoring the cat or you just like the way the cat's head smells? >> sometimes it smells like a foreign mouth and i wonder who else has been doing this to your cat. >> jimmy: you wonder wholesale has been sniffing your cat. >> yeah. pretty much. >> jimmy: and? >> i think there's been foul play. >> jimmy: i'm so sorry to hear that. >> yeah. but he doesn't -- he's all right. >> jimmy: what's his name? >> gus. >> jimmy: oh, poor gus. you know, let's have a toast to gus. to gus. may no stranger ever sniff his head again. >> yeah. no. >> dicky: johnnie walker. the answer to all of life's ridiculous questions. johnnie walker wishes you a happy and prosperous lunar new year.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. still to come, music from meg myers. you know our next guest from "the martian," from the "ant-man" movies, "noorkos" on netflix and many more. next he plays mr. roarke on the big-screen adaptation of "fantasy island." it opens in theaters valentine's day. please welcome michael pena. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ good to see you. >> good to see you, buddy. >> jimmy: i'm very interested in and excited about this "fantasy island" movie. >> yeah, i like it too. >> jimmy: did you watch the show when you were a kid? >> no. >> jimmy: or you're too young for that. >> no, i did watch the show. >> jimmy: oh, you did. >> do you guys remember the show by any chance? >> jimmy: saturday nights. "the love boat" and "fantasy island." it was a big night. >> it was a one-two punch. but we were really excited about tattoo.
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because remember he used to come out -- >> jimmy: remember? i built my whole life around it. [ laughter ] >> exactly. you know what i'm saying? >> jimmy: he has no idea what we're talking about. [ laughter ] guillermo, do you know tattoo? >> yeah. i used to watch the show too. ricardo montalban. >> jimmy: yeah. he wasn't tattoo. >> guillermo: >> he would say the plane, the plane. can you say it? >> guillermo: no. >> jimmy: i don't know. guillermo's in a surly mood tonight. >> he really is. >> guillermo: not today. >> jimmy: not today. well, maybe manana. >> manana would be better. >> but i used to watch the show and just -- i loved it when he's like "the plane! the plane!" >> jimmy: you could have been in the movie and this is why you're not. [ laughter ] who plays tattoo in the -- >> i can't say. i had to sign an nda.
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you know how those things are. >> jimmy: you did? you're keeping the cast members secret. interesting. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that's very interesting. >> that's how the cookies crumble, man. >> jimmy: wow. i am so curious to find out who that person could be. >> when you watch the movie it's going to be about a bunch of beautiful young smart people doing dumb things. >> jimmy: i see. >> that's actually what most movies are like. like really smart people doing like stupid decisions. >> jimmy: sometimes they're not that smart. but yeah, they're always doing stupid things. >> not when i play them. >> jimmy: well, this is a horror -- a scary movie? >> kind of like -- yeah, it's like a thriller horror. it's got everything, jimmy. >> jimmy: "fantasy island" -- it's probably on youtube now. when my kids were 12 years old, i wanted them to see it. and i somehow got a collection of bootleg dvds of fantasy island. and i forgot how weird the show. it was almost like mr. roarke might be affiliated with satan in some way.
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people would come and they'd have like their fantasy dream and then it always went horribly. >> yeah, yeah. and they always learned a lesson. you remember on the show -- the movie's different. but in the show i remember that they never had the right fantasy. like i always wanted to say just ask for all the money in the world. just ask to marry somebody beautiful. but they would say like i want me and my best friend to have a better relationship. i'm like that's not true -- that's not real! >> jimmy: that's counseling, not a fantasy. >> exactly. i want to have better therapy sessions. >> jimmy: i remember one where the guy was like i want to be -- every woman finds me attractive. and it's great like for the first half of the series. and then everyone's -- all these women are chasing him around and it becomes horrible. and then he realized that he should remain unattractive to women. [ laughter ] >> that's in the movie. [ laughter ] no. just kidding. it should be in the movie. >> jimmy: do you like scary movies in general?
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>> i did. i think i was force the into scary movies. >> jimmy: by who? >> i lived in a bad area. so my mom always -- you know, for entertainment she would take us to a theater. on sunday we would pay $1.25, 26th street, chicago. and we could watch movies all day. so the first couple movies were like "langa maria" and pracachacha. like any kind of random movie. and then the third movie would be "the exorcist." and when you're 6 years old you've got to stay and take it, man. >> jimmy: wow. >> i'm like mama, i'm scared. she's like, stay! we didn't have that much money for popcorn. >> jimmy: but then you gained an appreciation for these movies. >> yeah. it's one of these things where it's kind of a trainwreck, you're watching a movie, you know you shouldn't be watching the movie, you're pissing a little bit, and then you just love them. and then you want to keep going and going. and this is at 6 years old. >> jimmy: wow. are your parents like superstitious? >> yeah.
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super superstitious. >> jimmy: double superstitious. >> exactly. i remember we would have to -- we would have to do these crazy things. i don't know if your family did it. >> jimmy: my family was superstitious. we had a thing called the evil eye. malocia in italian. >> oh, the evil eye. molokia. yeah, yeah. we had cleansing with eggs. >> jimmy: what? how do you cleanse with eggs? >> i'm not kidding. if there was something bad that happened, number one, we'd have to light a candle. we'd have to go to church and light a candle. and then we'd have to stand on a stool and my mom would be cleansing us with eggs. >> jimmy: what do you mean cleansing you with eggs? >> i'm just -- i'm just answering the question. >> jimmy: no, but -- [ laughter ] like what was physically happening? >> i don't know. there was something about this special egg where she just thought the evil spirit was going to get caught in the egg. and the eggs were really cold. so in the summertime it felt kind of good. [ laughter ] she would be doing this. and like yeah, mommy, there and there. and you just go with it.
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we didn't have air-conditioning. so this is the next best thing. she kept doing that, doing that. then she would put in that -- [ laughter ] she would put it in the glass of water and flip it over. she's like that seg going to turn black. and i would be like cool. in how many days? we would check after two days, nothing. three days, nothing. throws out the egg. >> jimmy: it's like the opposite of the easter bunny, really. so the egg would not turn black and she'd keep doing it over and over again. >> yeah, over and over again. >> jimmy: she'd ask you why the egg wasn't black? >> no. she'd say i'd need cleansing again. >> jimmy: you could wind up with a weird sexual fetish like from something like that. >> whoa. >> jimmy: like at an omelet bar suddenly you're really -- like you're crazed. >> you're like give me the hard-boiled eggs. i want the hard-boiled. i don't know if that's going to air or not. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hard-boiled is okay. that's about where you draw the line, though. >> yeah.
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that's it. >> jimmy: well, it's very good to see you. i can't wait to see what's going on with this "fantasy island" movie. >> hopefully everybody gets to enjoy it. >> jimmy: i just figured it out. guillermo is tattoo and that's why he's not saying anything! >> yeah. >> jimmy: well, it's very good to see you. the movie's called "fantasy island." it opens february the 14th. michael pena, everybody. we will be right back with music from meg myers. so stick around. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the 2019 a-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing.
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asand achieved new york city'sed cacleanest air quality in more than 50 years. as a leader in the fight against climate change, he helped shut down over half of the nation's coal plants, then led one of the biggest pollution reduction efforts in history. as president, he intends to reduce emissions by fifty percent within ten years.
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because if we want to stop climate change, we need to make a change. this is a fight-we can't afford to lose. i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to lily tomlin and jane fonda and michael pena and auk wa fooena. apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first here with a cover of the song "running up that hill," meg myers! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ ♪ it doesn't hurt me do you want to feel how it feels yeah yeah ooh ♪ ♪ do you want to know know that it doesn't hurt me do you want to hear about the deal that i'm making ♪ ♪ it's you it's you and me and if i only could i'd make a deal with god ♪ ♪ and i'd get him to swaplaces be running up that road be running up that hill ♪ ♪ be running up that building
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say if i only could ohh you don't want to hurt me ♪ ♪ but see how deep the bullet lies unaware i'm tearing you asunder ♪ ♪ oh there is thunder in our hearts is there so much hate for the ones we love ♪ ♪ tell me we both matter don't we you it's you and me ♪ ♪ it's you and me you won't be unhappy
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and if i only could i'd make a deal with god ♪ ♪ and i'd get him to swap our places be running up that road be running up that hill ♪ ♪ be running up that building say if i only could ohh you ♪ ♪ it's you and me it's you and me you won't be unhappy come on baby ♪ ♪ come on baby come on darling come on darling let me steal this ♪ ♪ moment from you now
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come on angel come on come on darling let's exchange ♪ ♪ the experience and if i only could i'd make a deal with god and i'd get him to ♪ ♪ swap our places i'd be running up that road be running up that hill with no problems ♪ ♪ say if i only could i'd make a deal with god and i'd get him to swap our places i'd be running up that road be running up that hill ♪ ♪ with no problems say if i only could with no problems i'd be running up that hill ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] this is "nightline." >> tonight -- >> usa! >> triggered. armed with weapons and a message. >> it's our god-given right to protect ourselves, our family, and our children. >> the protesters rallying against proposed gun control bills. >> ar-15 with me today. >> their demand, the latest flash point to divide the country. facing an epidemic of gun violence. with the future generation joining the fray. plus, royal canadians. cutting ties and breaking his silence. >> we are taking a leap of faith. so thank you for giving me the courage to take this next step. >> the prince leaving behind his past to fly to his future across the pond. now reining in the royal exit, the


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