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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 7, 2020 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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>> for all of us, thanks for coming in. >> have a good weekend. "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- jessica simpson. from "the photograph," lakeith stanfield. and music from orville peck. and now, for the most part, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to the show. i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thanks for watching. please relax. thank you for joining us on what is, i believe, day 245 of the impeachment trial of everyone's favorite dictator tot, donald trump. i don't know if you've been watching, but the president has been watching and got tweeting early today, directed at john
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bolton. he wrote, for a guy who couldn't get approved for ambassador to the u.n. years ago, couldn't get approved for anything since, begged me for a non-senate-approved job says libyan model on tv. gets fired because frankly, if i listened to him, we would be in world war vi by now and goes out and writes a nasty book, all classified security. who would do this? here's a better question, who would be stupid enough to hire the person you just described? and, if it's not true, why is it a national security issue. this is quite an argument. everybody told me not to hire john bolton, so i did, and he sucks. trump is all worked up about john bolton's book in which he
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reportedly says the president personally told him he was holding up the aid to ukraine in exchange for dirt on the biden family. the white house doesn't want anyone to read this. they sent a threatening letter saying the book contains significant amounts of secure material. which is funny coming from the guy who would give the nuclear codes to anyone standing at the mar-a-lago omelet bar. i don't think the letter will work. the only way to keep john bolton from talking now is really for trump to have sex with him and pay him $130,000. meanwhile, "vanity fair" is reporting that john bolton told a bunch of gop donors that trump is mentally unstable. you think? what was the tip-off? was it when he drew on the map and insisted it was weather or canceled the meeting because he couldn't by greenland. he's a hardcore, well-respected
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republican who until this week donald trump said he got along with him very well. >> some people didn't like john bolton, i got along with him pretty well. the legendry john bolton. i like john bolton. i always got along with him. ive' actually gotten along with him. great john bolton. >> jimmy: now he hates him. tomorrow it will be, "i never met john bolton". i don't even know the guy. a vast majority of americans, 75% of voters believe witnesses should be called to the trial. but 98% of republican senators don't. it's unclear if they will get the four republican votes they need to make it happen. i've been doing my part to motivate one republican senator. mitt romney has indicated he would like to hear from bolton. last night, i encouraged people to cheer romney on.
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i offered to send his favorite things, twinkies and milk. we sent twinkie the kid and a full, real dairy cow to the senate floor for him today. he didn't seem to notice the cow there. by the way, do you have any idea how much it costs to fedex a cowan a human being? romney yesterday, he was spotted with a contra band bottle of chocolate milk. they did a sketch, a courtroom sketch of him. but it's against the rules, but he drank it anyway. that's who he is now. he's rebel. today was the question and answer portion of the trial. tomorrow we move on to the swimsuit competition. but the way it worked today, senators were asked to write their questions on note cards which chief justice john roberts read out loud, like "whose line is it anyway."
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sadly, no one asked any good questions, like, senator cruz, what type of porn is your favorite to watch? if i could go up there in front of the senate and present my thoughts, i think i could save us all a lot of time. i'd do it just like this. let me show you. ♪ all right. members of the senate, please put down your fidget spinners and listen up. i know all of you are ready to wrap this up and get back home to your walk-in bathtub. so let's get to it, shall we? here's deal. number one, he did it. and you all know it. don't give me that look, lindsay. we all know, you know he did it, because you don't want witnesses or documents, because witnesses and documents will say he did it. next card. is what the president did impeachable?
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yes, it is. totally. what trump did is exactly why we have impeachment. checks and balances are at the heart of the constitution. this is what our founding fathers fought for. if you don't believe me, go way back in time and ask bill from "bill and ted", because bill -- oh, hello. wow. so i was just saying. [cheers and applause] i was just saying this is what the founding fathers thought, isn't that right, bill? >> that's right, jimmy, that's totally what these dudes had in mind, checks and balances. >> jimmy: founding fathers, what say you? >> remove the bastard! >> jimmy: very good. thank you, founding fathers, thank you bill. give my best to ted, will you. >> i will. come on, guys, there's a hooters next door. >> jimmy: as we just learned from the founding fathers, the constitution is supposed to
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protect us from a president like donald trump, and you guys, congress, is supposed to protect the constitution. unfortunately, you're scared. you're scared to go against him because his supporters will eat you like trump eats his bucket of fried chicken. you're in a tough spot, unless you do exactly as i say. listen up. here's the plan. first you're going to change the rules to make the vote by secret ballot. next, you're going to remove this stupid ape like you all secretly want to do, even you, lindsay, that's right. and when your red hat constituents freak out you're going to do what donald trump does. you're going to lie. you're going to swear. it wasn't you. every one of you are going to swear. and then we can get rid of him and move on with our lives. oh, thank you.
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thank you. thank you, members of congress. i yield the balance of my time. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> guillermo: i also yield the balance of my time. >> jimmy: you're supposed to stay there and yield. >> oh. never mind. >> jimmy: sometimes yielding can be confusing. by the way, impeachment isn't the only high-stakes battle. monday is the iowa caucus. several democrats have been unable to campaign in iowa because they've been stuck in the senate. but not joe biden. he had a town hall in which he had to contend with a very loud reporter from cbs. >> one thing joe biden will have to worry about, michael bloomberg is placing fourth in the polls. little more than a month before he first appears on ballots on super tuesday. nora? >> it looks like joe biden is
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about to approach you there. ed, that's what happens when you're live on the campaign trail. all right. >> welcome to the campaign trail, nora. >> jimmy: and shut the [ bleep ] up, ed. trying to do a thing here. michael bloomberg is not going to iowa. he's trying to win voters with a barrage of tv spots like this. >> mike's not afraid of the nra, not one bit. just like me, he will get it done. >> he does not tweet. huh. >> i like mike. >> i like mike. i lick mike. >> mike's flushing all his money down the toilet i drink out of. >> i'm mike bloomberg, and i approve this message, woof, woof, bow wow. >> jimmy: mike bloomberg and joe biden are both against legalizing cannabis. which is a shame, which means
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neither one are likely to get this gentleman's vote. marijuana is legal in the state of michigan. people were lined up to get it. >> i'm frederick miller, f-r-e-d-e-r-i-c-k m-i-l-l-e-r. did you say spell it? well, we're waiting on the dispensary. we're going to go in and check out what they got. i was hoping like a willy wonka thing. someone coming out and doing tricks. but so far it's just cold. >> jimmy: i like the way he thinks. keep in mind, that was before he got the weed. >> i want to try some like edibles, like i'm really interested in that, my experience was like home baked, i guess. yeah. i'm probably going to sit on the couch and smoke a bull, and i don't know, check out, like the new dracula on netflix. i've heard good things, man, i'm excited. >> jimmy: obviously, i'm excited too.
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so we searched high and even higher, and we tracked frederick down, and he joins us now, again, from the relief center dispensary in niles, michigan this time from inside. how are you? >> how are you doing, man? i'm high as hell. >> jimmy: are you? >> i'm like, right now. >> jimmy: on life or on plants? >> i'm surrounded like them. but we haven't partaked in any of these yet. they got a week yet i heard. >> jimmy: what did you buy when you got in the store? >> oh, they were pleasant people, man. they helped me out. they found a nice little pre-rolled joint of tmo, and it was delicious. >> jimmy: of gmo? >> yeah, right. >> jimmy: monsanto is getting involved in this now. how long were you in line outside the store? >> oh, buddy we waited for like two hours, two and a half. it was totally worth every minute.
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>> jimmy: will you stand in line to vote for that long? >> i mean, if bernie gets the candidacy, yeah. i'll camp out in a tent, man. >> jimmy: okay. have you considered running for office in your area? >> you know what? i got a lot of good feedback from this interview. people seem to like it. i watched that movie once where a guy became president after getting high a bunch. >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know, if you dream it, it can happen. >> jimmy: yeah. by the way. i love that way of thinking. i really do. in fact, would you play along with me for a minute? i'd like you to close your eyes if you could. will you close your eyes? >> okay. >> jimmy: make sure you don't see anything. cover them up, perfect. >> yeah! >> jimmy: now, when you open your eyes, are you going to see
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someone you just mentioned the movies, it's going to blow your mind, all right? open your eyes and who do you see there? >> no way! [ applause ] >> jimmy: say hello to bill s. preston esquire. you know this guy? >> hell, yeah, i do, bud. see, that's a smile i want to just like take it, paste it on my face. >> you can have it, dude. >> jimmy: i really, i see a bill and fred's excellent adventure coming. >> we were talking about this today. like an hour ago, man. >> dude. >> jimmy: how was dracula on netflix? did you like it? >> jimmy, it was most excellent. >> jimmy: thank you very much.
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[ applause ] well, fred, i'd love to check with you again and find out what you think about random stuff, you know? >> i made a twitter the other day. because i had no idea what was going on. >> jimmy: what is your twitter handle. tell us your twitter handle. >> oh, i think's freddie lynn 91. >> jimmy: it doesn't matter. you'll probably forget to post anyway. party on, frederick. party on. by the way, we're going to send you a year's supply of count chocula breakfast cereal. >> jimmy: tonight on the show, music from orville peck. lakeith stanfield is here. and we'll be right back with jessica simpson. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by boost
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priactions speak thatlouder than words. she was a school teacher. my dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. i'm tom steyer, and i approve this message. because, right now, america needs
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more than words. we need action. ♪ >> jimmy: hi there, welcome to the show. tonight, from the upcoming movie "the photograph," lakeith stanfield is here. then, he is apple music's up next artist for the month. his album is titled "pony," orville peck from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow night, oscar nominee renee zellweger will be here with curtis "50 cent" jackson and music from caroline polachek. so please join us for them. seventeen years ago, our first guest famously confused tuna for chicken and went on to become a multiple-platinum selling artist with a billion dollar fashion line and a new memoir, called "open book." the book comes out tuesday. but you can preorder it now.
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please say hello to jessica simpson. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you? very good to see you. >> i am very good. i'm so glad to be on your show not pregnant. >> jimmy: yeah, last time you were here, not only were you pregnant you accidently revealed the gender of your baby. >> i did. i did. >> jimmy: let's see if we can slip into something else. i can't believe this title wasn't taken. >> me either. i'm like, my life is an open book. >> jimmy: not only is a great title. it's directions, oh, you pick it up, open book, and there i go. >> the double meaning makes sense. >> jimmy: was it hard to write a book about your life? was that something that was difficult? >> there's been so many things in my life that have happened.
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you kind of can't make it up. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i wanted to fill the world in on these fun stories but also emotional stories. >> jimmy: right. >> kind of how i got to the place i'm in now. >> jimmy: some very tough stories. a lot of very fun and interesting stories. >> moments. you'll be crying and then you'll start laughing. >> jim: you auditioned for the mickey mouse club. >> i did. >> jimmy: this is something i never realized. i assumed you obviously would have gotten right into that with, you know, brittany and justin. but you did not get in. >> i went to the finals, but they said i needed like acting lessons. so in dallas, apparently, chuck norris is the person to go to. >> jimmy: well, yeah, you mean for acting lessons? >> he was my acting coach. >> jimmy: was he really? >> yes, he was my acting coach, and he was, you know, a little tough.
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>> jimmy: i don't want to just slide by chuck norris being your acting coach. what year is this? >> i mean, i was 12 years old, so '92. >> jimmy: '92. now this is just before "walker texas ranger". >> yes, and barney was my acting partner. >> jimmy: the dinosaur? >> yeah. basically he said i had too many expressions on my face. >> jimmy: barney? >> no. barney's in a suit. >> jimmy: he had a school for acting? >> yes, he had a school for acting. >> jimmy: the chuck norris school for acting. >> yes, i was destined to get a razzie. >> jimmy: i took karate lessons from lee strasburg. so you're in chuck's class. >> he saw one of my tapes. he told me i moved my eyebrows too much. >> jimmy: he did? >> yeah, and i had to do all of my lines with my eyebrows taped. >> jimmy: taped now.
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>> well, he asked me who my favorite actor was, and i thought, should i say chuck norris? and he told me to channel my inner denzel washington. >> jimmy: okay. he told a 12 year old girl to channel her inner denzel washington. >> i mean, i didn't know who that was at the time. my eyebrows were taped down. >> jimmy: what kind of tape? >> just like some masking tape. >> jimmy: masking tape. >> like scotch tape. >> jimmy: who put the tape on your head? >> well, it wasn't chuck but it was like his person. >> jimmy: he has a taper. >> he has an actual taper for your eyebrows. >> jimmy: this is some school. >> it ruined every denzel washington movie. all i do is watch for his eyebrows like every scene. >> jimmy: wow. >> i'm looking at his eyebrows. >> jimmy: do you think there's anything to this? >> apparently, chuck norris is very serious. and i literally was like 12
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years old. this is the mickey mouse club, aren't we supposed to be like, ah! >> jimmy: yes, you are. and being rejected by mickey mouse has got to hit you hard, too. >> it was painful in that moment. it was the most devastating thing i could have gone through, you know. >> jimmy: did you have a relationship with the other mouseketeers? >> i, throughout life, we all found our way back to each other in ways. we were in the same circuit. and i knew justin timberlake very well. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> after divorce and he was out of a relationship, he was over at my house. >> jimmy: oh. >> and we shared a nostalgic kiss, and i thought, oh, this is interesting. and he took his phone out and started typing. and i was like, okay. i hope that's not, like another girl, like did i like stick my tongue out too much? but apparently, him and ryan gosling had a bet on who would
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kiss me first when they were 12 years old, so he texted ryan and said he won the bet. and i was like, oh! okay. so we don't kiss again. >> jimmy: yeah, wow, that's, now did they know about these stories in the book? >> i mean, no. but that's just a little part. >> jimmy: yeah, well, that's something else. how much did they bet? did you ever find out? >> what? >> jimmy: how much did they bet? >> i don't even know what they bet. lord knows. i'd have to ask justin. >> jimmy: ryan gosling, you never had a crush on him? >> i was 12, i was like, this guy's so cool, he's from canada. i don't know where that is on the map. but i really think that's amazing and there was something so cute about him. >> jimmy: i still feel that way about him. i really do. this is crazy. >> but justin won the bet. >> jimmy: have your parents read the book? >> they have. >> jimmy: they have. you went to fire your dad at one point. is that something you talk
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about? >> i do talk about in the book, that was a very hard thing to do. he was my manager, and that was our relationship. >> jimmy: how did that go? did you call him into your office? >> no, i didn't even have an office. he did. >> jimmy: did you call him to his office? >> no, we were actually at dinner, just like a family dinner. >> jimmy: did you wait until the meal had been served? >> no, it just flew out of my mouth. >> jimmy: in an angry way? >> no, this is how i had to take care of -- my parents were going through a divorce at the time -- and this is the way i had to take care of the situation. >> jimmy: was the whole family just eating? i would not have missed one beat of it. >> he's back stage right now. >> jimmy: you rehired him? >> no, he's like my best friend. both my parents are backstage.
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>> jimmy: even though they're split up. >> always supporting me. >> jimmy: you didn't fire them as your parents. >> no, he was a great manager, but at the time i needed to do things on my own. >> jimmy: explain it to him. there's a lot of good stuff. jessica simpson is here. this is her book. it's called "open book". we'll be right back with jessica. [cheers and applause] ♪ those randomly and impulsively placed sesame seeds... that one slice of melty cheese at the bottom and another draped haphazardly over the 100% fresh beef patty cooked right when you order. true, the hottest, juiciest quarter pounder yet is not perfect. but when you put it all together, ha ha it's perfect made perfecter. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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while the middle-class continues to struggle. that's what happens when billionaires are able to control the political system. our campaign is funded by the working people of this country, and those are the people that i will represent. no more tax breaks for billionaires. we are going to guarantee health care to all people and create up to 20 million good paying jobs to save this planet. i'm bernie sanders and i approve this message because we need an economy that works for all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors.
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i don't eat buffalo. >> it's not buffalo, idiot. >> oh, my god. it's chicken. >> but why are they called buffalo wings? i don't know this. >> barbecue wings started in buffalo or something like that. you find it weird that buffaloes don't have wings? >> never thought of that. >> jimmy: i love that. what year was "newlyweds" on? how long ago was that?
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>> 2002 was when nick and i got married. it was like immediate. >> jimmy: do you ever watch that? when's last time you went back and watched one of those clips? >> we'll go back and look at clips. it's funny. it's good. >> jimmy: i love that. and i would love it. i don't know what's going on between you guys, but i know nick is married. you're married. you each have three kids. you should move in together. >> it is hollywood. >> jimmy: wouldn't that be something special. >> that would be a great reality show. >> jimmy: that would be a great show. just saying, if you're interested. >> i'll produce. >> jimmy: i'll buy you a house. >> oh. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: don't get ridiculous. >> i don't think you know my taste. >> jimmy: i'll buy you a very small house with a lot of cameras in it. you have a lot of great stories in the book. one of them is about going to the white house. you performed at the white house
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for president bush, right? >> i did, i did. multiple times. i, i mean, the white house is so enchanting, you know. and i was there for the holidays. >> jimmy: mm-hm. christmas at the white house. >> i mean, it's really a spectacular place to be. and my father and i were walking around and meeting people. and he introduced me to the secretary of interior, and i'm like, i love what you've done with the place. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how did the secretary react to that statement? >> oh, she walked away. as my dad was pinching my arm. >> jimmy: president bush probably said the same thing when he met her, too. that's pretty good. what's the most embarrassing thing you reveal personally in the book as far as light stuff goes? >> i mean, there's lots of embarrassing moments, and i think that what's fun is that i actually like reveal them, share them.
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i mean, i don't know what the actual most embarrassing thing is. >> jimmy: you don't seem that uptight. >> i did mess up the lyrics to "god bless america" at the white house. i said "god bless the rivers." i was asking god to bless them. but the president came up to me afterwards and says god blesses the rivers too, jessica. okay. i know that was a mess up. now i'm afraid of rivers. >> jimmy: is it true you used to paint abs onto your body? >> yeah. that i do admit. i have a chapter called "eye shadow abs." it's like pop culture to show your stomach, and i wasn't very comfortable with it. i didn't have a six pack, but i drew it on with my eye shadow.
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>> jimmy: did it look like six pack or did it look like tic-tac-toe? >> it was tic-tac-toe. i didn't know what i was doing. people like shade this. i even shaded my bellybutton inside. >> jimmy: do you have stories that people ask you not to put in the book? >> no, i mean, i, i am an open book. i think everybody expects like it to be open. and it is. and like i was letting my family read every part, every chapter. >> jimmy: is there anyone you're nervous about when they read it, what their reaction is going to be? >> hm-mm. no. >> jimmy: did you run it by everyone who is detailed in the book? >> no. because i think they might know what stories i'm going to say. >> jimmy: all the boy friends are in here. it's, yeah. >> it's juicy, but it's also very inspirational. there are very like emotional moments.
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it is about my sobriety and my walk through life and just, you know, like success and how to handle it and. >> jimmy: right, right. >> i'm very honest. >> jimmy: well, here it is. it's called "open book", jessica simpson. available on tuesday. we'll be back with lakeith stanfield. ♪ i suffered with psoriasis for so long. i felt gross. people were afraid i was contagious. i was covered from head to toe. i was afraid to show my skin. it was kind of a shock after... i started cosentyx. i wasn't covered anymore. four years clear. five years now. i just look and feel better. see me. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis.
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♪ hey, what's your name and where are you from? >> i'm abe from atlanta, georgia. >> abe, can you do a cartwheel? >> i cannot. >> take it away. >> i literally can't do a cartwheel. >> come on, abe, abe, abe, abe. >> i literally don't know how to do a cartwheel. >> abe, abe, abe, abe, abe. [ applause ] abe, why did you lie to me? ♪
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step up. prep up. up. prep up. to help keep you free from the risk of hiv. from the makers of truvada, a new prep option: descovy for prep. a once-daily prescription medicine that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. it's not for everyone. descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. talk to your doctor to find out if it's right for you. step up. for health and body. prep up for your one and only love or many loves. for kings, this queen, and you royals in between.
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for my now. our now. and my future. our future. step up. prep up. descovy is the newest way to prep. descovy does not prevent other sexually transmitted infections, so it's important to use safer sex practices and get tested regularly. you must be hiv-negative to take descovy for prep. so you need to get tested for hiv immediately before and at least every 3 months while taking it. if you think you were exposed to hiv or have flu-like symptoms, tell your doctor right away. they may check to confirm you are still hiv-negative. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. the most common side effect was diarrhea. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking descovy without talking to your doctor. ask your doctor about your risk of hiv and if descovy for prep is right for you. words are loud but actions are louder. step up. prep up. with descovy for prep. get help paying for descovy for prep. learn more at
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♪ car vending machines and buying a car 100% online.vented now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old, we want to buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate, answer a few questions, and our techno-wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot, and pick up your car. that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way-- at carvana. hey guys want to stack different pringles flavors to create new flavor combos? here i'll... go first. pizza, barbeque and ja-lapeño. the spicy barbecue pizza stack. get him! grandpa what's going on? we're trapped in a pringles commercial, they must have taken us in our sleep. stack pringles flavors make new ones.
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fishrisotto. buffalo. (buffalo wild wings) gelato. cheesecake. (cheesecake factory) grilled steak. clam bake. milkshake. brussels sprout. sauerkraut. fresh-caught trout. alfalfa sprout. curry. fried turkey. mcflurry. (mcdonald's) cacciatori. chimichurri. ad-lib: (inhale) spiral ham. blackberry jam. rack of lamb. candied yams. pokes. smokeys. gnocchis. and them banging raviolis. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome.
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♪ >> jimmy: hi there. still to come, music to come from orville peck. our next guest is a very talented actor you know from "uncut gems" and "get out," "knives out" -- all good reasons to leave. next he stars alongside issa rae in "the photograph." it opens valentine's day. please welcome lakeith stanfield. [cheers and applause] ♪
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>> jimmy: this is quite an ensemble you have here. where do you even get pants like that? >> you know, it seems to have come from the heavens above. >> jimmy: and is the dollar your addition or was that part of the coat when you bought it? >> you mean, you never know, man, you might fall on hard times. you need need that dollar. >> jimmy: you might have to slit it open and give it to the valet as you leave. >> i would hope i give him more than that. >> jimmy: there might be more under it. >> and i might be in a yabba dabba do situation. >> jimmy: what's a yabba dabba do situation. did you go to the chuck norris school of acting? >> i haven't studied. >> jimmy: never did. just came into it naturally? >> no. >> jimmy: you're good at it. >> i went to a modeling school to learn to walk the runway.
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>> jimmy: how long was the school? >> six, eight months? >> jimmy: and do you feel like you really learn anything at a modeling school? >> no. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you either look good or you don't, right? i mean. >> as long as you make the clothes look good, you're doing your job. >> jimmy: what's key to the runway walk? >> be expressionless and show off the clothes. it's all about the product. >> jimmy: all about the clothes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: good posture important? >> yeah. you can see i didn't pay much attention in that arena. >> jimmy: you were fantastic in "uncut gems", that movie with adam sandler, i love that. [cheers and applause] by the way, kevin garnett, who is terrific in that movie. was that fun working with a guy
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who'd never done any acting before? >> it was, it was. i felt like it was an exchange of inspiration. i was inspired by him and his massive talent as a ball player, and he was sort of inspired by me on set. so it's quite nice to have that exchange. >> jimmy: did you help him? did he seek your help? >> i think you kind of help yourself. the main thing is to soak it all in and watch and learn. we were learning from each other. i saw him on the court on a separate occasion just like getting it, and i was like, i'm just going to watch. >> jimmy: well, you're not really invited to play, probably, right? i mean. >> yeah, it's true. you got to play your lane, you know? >> jimmy: especially when it comes to someone as big as kevin garnett. now you're the romantic lead in this movie with issa rae. is that something you always imagined doing? >> no. >> jimmy: no? >> no. >> jimmy: i would have guessed
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your answer would be no. >> ah, man, i wouldn't have ever guessed i'd be on this show here. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: that i knew was going to happen. no, but just being in a movie where it's like a valentine's day movie. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're in love. it's really like kind of a traditional american movie for couples, is that correct >> correct, yeah. i mean, if you've ever been in love, know anything about love, ever experienced it or wanted to experience it, then you can understand and connect to this movie. that's all of us. >> jimmy: i want to speak about another movie, movie you were not in. you were invited to the premiere of joker, and this is how you showed up to the premiere of joker. i'll get another one that's a little closer. did you, did someone tell you everyone was dressing up like joker? >> no, i just like dressing up. and i also love the joker. >> jimmy: i hear you want to
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play the joker. >> i would love to play the joker. that would be beautiful. >> jimmy: were you bummed when, that's a role that you really want to play, and then you see oh, they just did it and it came out great, does that make you go oh, i have to wait for like 12 years. >> that makes me go wait until they see me do it. >> jimmy: oh, it does? >> i make my own personal joker movies with my own personal camera, all you got to do is dress up and make your own. >> jimmy: are you making your own joker movies at home? >> why not, i still had the makeup on. >> jimmy: are you a comic book guy in general or just joker? >> just joker. >> jimmy: there are no other villains you have your eye on to play. >> just joker. and i ain't jokin'. i love this crowd. you can say anything. they're turned up. [cheers and applause]
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>> jimmy: well, in fairness, they saw this picture, and they're scared. >> you know, my grill was made out of foil. >> jimmy: was it really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you must have no cavities with no fillings. >> i just got no cash. >> jimmy: that's not true at all. you'll always have that dollar right there in your pocket. it's great to see you. movie is called "the photograph" is in theaters valentine's day. and we'll return with music from orville peck. ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is present the by the amg, four-door coupe. mercedes amg, driving performance.
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tis better than the criminal in democrathe white house.esident we all have progressive plans to address the big challenges facing our country. what makes me different, is i've been working for ten years outside of washington, to end the corporate takeover of our democracy, and to return power to the american people. i started need to impeach to hold this lawless president accountable. i'm proposing big reforms like term limits...
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...a national referendum... ...and ending corporate money in politics. as president, i'll declare climate change an emergency on day 1. and, use those powers to finally address the climate crisis. and, i've spent 30 years building a successful international business. so, i can take on donald trump on the economy - and beat him. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message - because there is nothing more powerful than the unified voice of the american people. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank alex winter, jessica simpson and lakeith stanfield, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next but first, this is his album "pony." here with the song "dead of night" orville peck! [cheers and applause]
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♪ ♪ ♪ the sun goes down another dreamless night you're right by my side you wake me up ♪ ♪ you say it's time to ride in the dead of night strange canyon
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road strange look in your eyes ♪ ♪ you shut them as we fly as we fly ♪ ♪ stark hollow town carson city lights baby let's get high spend a johnny's cash ♪ ♪ hitch another ride we laugh until we cry you say go fast i say hold on tight ♪ ♪ in the dead of night dead of night ♪ ♪ see see the boys as they walk
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on by ♪ ♪ see see the boys as they walk on by ♪ ♪ as they walk on by as they walk on by as they walk on by ♪ ♪ it's enough to make a young man ♪ ♪ six summers down another dreamless night you're not by my side scratch on the moon ♪ ♪ like a familiar smile stained on my mind some other town someone else's life ♪
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♪ dead in the night in the night ♪ ♪ see see the boys as they walk on by ♪ ♪ see see the boys as they walk on by ♪ ♪ see see the boys as they walk on by ♪ ♪ as they walk on by as they walk on by as they walk on by ♪ ♪ it's enough to make a young man ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪
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good evening, thank you for joining us tonight. we are in the debate. and the main target wasn't even on the stage here. >> donald trump is a cheat. >> we have a newcomer in the white house, and look where it got us. >> he's always been a crook and always will be a crook. >> if you want to beat this president, we've got to be ready to move on from the playbook we have relied on in the past. >> the president relishing in his big wins this week. >> they have a failed impeachment hoax. >> now theocracy fo


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