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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  February 20, 2020 11:35pm-12:38am PST

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all right. that is our report. >> for all of us, thanks for . >> dicky: from hollywood, it's jimmy kimmel live. from "american idol", luke bryan, katy perry and lionel richie. lucy hale. and now, from this point on out, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. oh, we've got one heck of a, can i say the word heck? is that okay on tv? we've got one heck of a show. three superstars of music are backstage, and later tonight, we will eliminate one of them.
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we will throw them by caucus. we're in whittle mode. last night in new hampshire, senator bernie sanders and pete buttigieg finished one and two. a very tight margin between them. that is turning out to be some matchup. an old jewish guy versus a young gay guy. like an uncomfortable thanksgiving dinner. the media is eager to crown a winner, but the truth is, it takes like 2,000 delegates to win the nomination. iowa and new hampshire combined have 65, and neither state is demographically representative of anything but a jimmy buffett concert. declaring a frontrunner at this point, it's like picking a plastic surgeon via yelp reviews. jennyp and the bigdave505 like him. but it was another disappointing night for joe biden who finished in fifth place and then had to hitchhike to south carolina. because he's not allowed to drive at night.
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but if you are, if you are joe biden, 77 years old, you lose new hampshire to 78 year old bernie sanders, that has to feel like getting dumped by a woman and then seeing her on a date with your uncle. that's got to sting. biden may be down, but he's not out. he said it ain't over until the fat lady sings, and i see some awfully fat women here tonight. he sometimes says the wrong thing, but. senator michael bennet of colorado announced that he is ending his campaign. he's planning to go back to his previous job of looking like the assistant principal on a disney channel show. he had .3% of the vote, less than 1%, and he's dropping out. and he's dropping out. michael bennet's saying he's dropped out of the race is like me saying i've decided not to run the kentucky derby this year. two better-known democrats, deval patrick and andrew yang are dropping out. yang is dropping out to spend
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more time with his calculator. if you're wanting something to remember him by, his merchandise is now 40% off. in case you're looking for something to wear with the word "yang "is on it. bernie is the guy beat. but the big surprise has been amy klobuchar. she took third place last night. a month ago, if somebody had told me she was going to do better than joe biden, that person would have been amy klobuchar. it wouldn't have been anybody else. even our president, donald jehosophat trump has uttered her name twice. one was in 2018 for the presidential medal of freedom. >> thank you, as well, to senator amy klobuchar for being here. >> maybe the reason he won't say her name is because he can't say her name. he has enough trouble with buttigieg. his primary, primary focus, the president, is on mike bloomberg. after the primary, he tweeted "a
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bad night for mini mike, even though mike bloomberg wasn't on the ballot last night." it would be more shocking to find out trump did know how the primaries work out. but our great pumpkin loaf has had a hell of a week already. he's doing everything he can to obstruct justice again. last night he lashed out at the judge in a case against his friend roger stone who was convicted of lying to congress and witness tampering. earlier this week he fired colonel vindmaand his twin brother who had nothing to do with any of this. he suggested today that the military should punish vindman for the crime of testifying before congress, i guess. why do i get the feeling we're going to have to impeach this guy two more times before the election. he's going for a three-peach. it has never been done. he met with the president of ecuador today, but almost all the questions were about this new crusade he's on to punish
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those who opposed him and make sure all his criminal friends get off the hook. >> a man leaks classified information, highly classified. they give him two months. roger stone, for doing nobody even knows what he did. in fact, they said he intimidated somebody. that person said he had no idea he was going to jail for that. that person didn't want to press charges. they put him in for nine years? it's a disgrace. >> jimmy: everything is a disgrace. donald trump loves to disgrace us with his presence. >> the whistle-blower is a disgrace to our country. i call it impeachment light. it's a disgrace. shift is a crooked, he's a corrupt politician and disgrace. it's an absolute disgrace what they're doing to our country. the whole thing with biden is a disgrace. what the democrats did in the house is a disgrace. i think it's a disgrace that people can make impeachment out of nothing. what they put my family through is a disgrace. how she got away with that is a disgrace. what's happened to san francisco
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is a disgrace. what happened in iowa was a disgrace. what a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's a disgrace. it's really a great thing in some ways, but in other ways, it's a disgrace. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: a disgrace. [ applause ] and i know disgrace! don jr. is my son! maybe we'd be better off with a dog president, you know last night in new york they had an election at the westminster kennel club and best in show was this dog. >> the best in show goes to the standard poodle! >> yes! yes! >> siba takes it all! >> 4-year-old siba, your 2020
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best in show. >> i had a feeling. >> yes! >> jimmy: these announcers need to calm down. you think dogs would get that excited when they watch us in the olympics? no. the winning canine was siba. let's have another look at siba, slow motion here. this is, i don't know about you, but this is easily one of the scariest things i've ever seen in my life. i'm going to have nightmares about siba all night tonight. siba is a black standard poodle. the westminster dog show had more diversity than the oscars this year, but this win is really, i'm excited, because this is going to open a lot of doors for siba. she can now drag her butt across any carpet in the world. so congratulations. this is, this is a video that's been making the rounds, and it is to my knowledge the number one reason why you should have a nest camera at your house.
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>> ah! ah! >> jimmy: right. you thought it was, you thought it was just the one. obviously, i want to know more about what happened there, so we've tracked the victims down. and they are joining us now from martinsburg, west virginia. hi, guys. >> how's it goin', jimmy? [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: welcome, robbie and courtney. and it's good to see you safely indoors. have you been outside since the incident? >> yes, i have. >> i try not to. >> jimmy: and neither of you are hurt physically, correct? >> i had a bruise on my hip for about a week. but that's about it. >> as you can see, i'm pretty padded. >> jimmy: when did this happen? how long ago? >> it was about a month ago on a sunday. >> jimmy: okay. >> when we had that big ice storm. >> jimmy: you're brother and sister, correct? >> yes.
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>> jimmy: and who is older? >> i'm older. >> jimmy: okay. >> i'm the baby. >> jimmy: you're the baby. do you live with your parents? or do you live together? just together? >> as a family, with our parents. >> jimmy: do you think the slippery deck may have been their way of trying to get you to move out? perhaps they're greasing it. they would be my top suspects right now. so tell us what happened. set this up. courtney, you were just having a normal morning with your brother in his underwear? i don't know. and what happened? >> he was asleep when i was getting ready to go to work, and i realized it was icy, so i went out to light my cigarette and have my coffee and -- >> jimmy: oh, see smoking is bad. and how many steps did you fall down there? it was hard to tell? >> there was 20 of them. >> jimmy: wow, 20 steps. and there's no video of that? >> no. >> jimmy: and robbie, i assume you heard screaming? >> yeah, you know, i woke up to that sound of wailing, wasn't sure if it was an animal or my sister.
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i thought she might be hurt, so i rushed right out to help her, hence my state of dress or lack thereof. and my rescue attempt didn't go as well as i was hoping. >> jimmy: well, let's take a look at that moment in slow motion with the audience. here you are in your underpants, and you went down pretty hard, which i imagine didn't feel great. but then the ultimate indignity. and i've been a deep sea fishing, and i've seen this kind of thing with a tuna before, but so who wound up helping who up after this? >> um, unfortunately, neither of us helped each other. i tried to get up myself and go back and go out the basement to help her without any ice. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> but she was able to -- >> i crawled up the steps, my dad went out to help. he came out through the basement. he's about to have hip surgery. i didn't want him to be up the steps. >> jimmy: that would have been quite a video in itself.
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how soon after that did you realize oh, we have this on video and we should post it? >> i went to get a shower to wipe off all the whipped cream and coffee in my hair. and i came out and bobby and my mom were watching the video of him. and showed me, and i started laughing, and they were like, well, there's one of you, too, i don't know if i should show you. they showed me, i sent it to my phone and showed it to everyone. >> as soon as i realized what i had, i told mom to pull that video up on her phone. i wanted to see it. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, it's gold. are you famous now in your town? >> yes. they're sending pictures of me posting them on facebook saying oh, this is the chick in the video. >> jimmy: i can see this a whole series, you guys fall downstairs, escalators, who
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knows. any online dating possibilities emerged from this incident? no, okay. well, we did get you, you know, i'm glad you guys are okay, and we enjoyed the video. and thank you for posting it. because a lot of people wouldn't do that. we got you some presents we're going to send you. we got you a big bag of salt. and also we got you a pair of sweat pants. we got them for 40% off, robbie, so. we'll send those your way, all right? thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you, guys. >> thank you! >> jimmy: be careful, all right? >> we will. >> definitely. >> jimmy: very good. you know, valentine's day is on friday. guillermo, what are you doing on valentine's day? >> guillermo: dinner and i'm going to buy flowers for my wife. >> jimmy: will you be making love to your wife? >> guillermo: of course. >> jimmy: it's a test for husbands to see how much money you are willing to waste to show you love her more than the
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spouse of the woman who sits next to her at work. and most men don't do well on tests. to test that test we went out on hollywood boulevard. we found some couples who had been together a while and asked the guys a few questions about their ladies, and as a result, the following relationships have been destroyed. ♪ >> so i'm going to ask you some very basic questions about your girlfriend. >> okay. >> just answer them to the best of your ability and you can tell us whether he was right or wrong. when is your girlfriend's birthday? >> um, her birthday is, a couple months ago? it's in -- i do know this. november. in december. october. >> yeah. >> october. >> october what? >> october 20th. >> no! >> 22nd. >> no! >> 19th?
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>> no. it's october 29th. >> what e the names of your girlfriend's parents? >> um, it is stewart, is that where you get your middle name? >> no. >> christopher? >> no. no. >> jonathan? >> i don't think you know this. >> do you know his parents' names? >> pamela and archie, right? what's his name? >> that is right. >> close your eyes. >> okay. >> what color are your girlfriend's eyes? >> they're like blue-green. >> dude, really? >> what is your girlfriend's middle name? >> uh, that's a good question. ann? no. marie. >> [ bleep ], not even close. it's lynn. i'm upset. >> does your wife have any allergies? >> um, unknown. could potentially have hay fever.
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we don't know. >> penicillin is kind of deadly to me. so he should probably know that. >> what is your girlfriend's favorite movie? >> "pocahontas." [ laughter ] >> the confidence was nice, though. that was good. >> what is your wife's favorite meal? >> hmm. >> meal? >> that's a hard one. >> no, it's not. >> sushi. >> beer and pizza. >> oh! that changes things. >> that's two of us. >> what's name of your girlfriend's boss? >> her boss name? irene? >> not true. >> what's your boss' name? >> oh, my gosh, sarah. >> okay. >> she look like irene. >> what are the names of your wife's grand parents? >> ooh! boy, that's been a long time ago. i don't remember. >> should he know the names of
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your grandparents? >> yes. >> can you name his grandparents? >> perky, ray, aleen and lee. >> what are the names of her siblings? >> she only has one. and uh, huh, >> you better answer. >> she's going to be really mad at me, because we just down there over christmas, too. >> sue. >> sue and danny. >> what song did you do your first dance to at your wedding? >> [ bleep ]. i have no idea. >> when did you get married? >> march 26, december 26. >> the two of you, who's the more generous lover? >> me. >> is that true? >> no! >> jimmy: me is the wrong answer. we've got a good show for you. music from andy shauf. lucy hale is here. and we'll be right back with luke bryan, katy perry and lionel richie. ♪
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>> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by sprint. ! (paul) and i love how at sprint... (sprintern) can get the amazing iphone 11 for zero dollars a month when you trade-in your iphone 6s or newer... (paul) in any condition. (sprintern) seriously, in any condition. (paul) and because sprint likes to do things differently, they're offering a 100% total satisfaction guarantee. while i think their network and savings are great, you don't just have to take my word for it. try it out and see the savings for yourself. (sprintern) now that's a picture perfect deal. smile. for people with hearing loss, visit introducing wendy's big bacon classic. with fresh, never frozen beef and hot crispy bacon. if you're not getting your bacon cheeseburger from wendy's, what are you getting? (soft rock music playing) get the big bacon classic now on wendy's made to crave menu. ♪ find something incredible, from somewhere amazing. unique selection, unbelievable prices.
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the new way to buy a car. tomtrump on the economy.ald his people over profits plan makes a living wage a right. creates thousands of good paying green jobs in california. and provides a 10% tax cut for everyone making under $250,000. tom's plan also makes health care a right, by adding a public option to obamacare. protects union negotiated plans. and ensures californians
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can make their own health care choices. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. >> jimmy: hey, there, how you doin'? tonight, from the new cw show "katy keene," lucy hale is here. then, his album is called "the neon skyline," andy shauf from the mercedes-benz stage. andy has two clarinets in his band. that's a record. tomorrow, chris pratt and huey lewis will be with us. with music from sam hunt. and we might even have a surprise guest too. our first guests are three very talented stars of music who've banded together for the third time to find their own replacements. a new season of "american idol" premieres sunday night here on abc. please welcome luke bryan, katy perry and lionel richie. ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> jimmy: may i ask, do you guys always sit in like these positions you have now set -- >> we do what we're told so we can keep comin' back! >> this is it. this is how we do it. >> seniority, beauty, brains. >> i had stared into katie's left ear. >> very clean. >> because she sits, and i'm just like, there it is. left ear. >> jimmy: why is it so clean, katy? are you using q-tips? you know you're not supposed to. >> i don't care, luke has to look inside my ear. sometimes they get stuck. >> jimmy: you're the senior partner? the firm? >> it's either senior partner or senior citizen.
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i like senior partner better. >> we're here to preserve his legacy. >> you like that? >> or ruin it. >> jimmy: i think your legacy is undiminishable, really. >> well, no, no, no. you haven't met these two. these two, i mean, whatever my comfort zone was, they have taken me to a new level of just by the seat of my pants. >> jimmy: yeah, right. >> i'm not sure what's going to happen. but going out on that show, every time we go out, i just hold my breath and go, god take me to the next level. >> jimmy: because you play it pretty safe in general. >> you know me. we don't take any chances. once you survive in the music business for 100 years and you're still here, you don't want to take any chances. these two take me to the edge. >> jimmy: i know katy, for sure, will, katy, will you agree with this assessment of lionel is that he's got the greatest stories. >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: but he keeps them for private situations.
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>> it's the best. >> okay, so i ran into lionel richie when there was this talk about maybe doing "american idol." i actually ran into him at sunset tower. get a reservation. and i ran into him and lisa. >> right. >> and we had a drink together, and he was telling me stories about diana ross and whitney houston. and i was like oh, my gosh. you have so much wisdom. they asked me who do you think should be on the show, who would be really complementary. and i was like, actually, lionel richie would hold it down so hard, and he has. >> jimmy: were you very right. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: i already feel like just even hearing that story that luke is left out in a way. >> yes, somehow, no, somehow here i am. >> i was like who is this guy who likes huntin' and fishin'? >> let me give you the compliment. >> she always goes into the huntin'.
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>> and she contorts her face. >> they asked me during my interview, who would you consider? >> jimmy: and? >> and i said luke. i said you got, you've got to have -- [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: you did? >> i did. >> we've all chosen each other. >> and unbeknownst, they were putting it together. we didn't know whether we were going to be in or out. and all of a said i said trust me, there is never a dull moment with luke in the house. >> and i'm like, the show picked me? really? >> jimmy: do you guys peel like feel like you have a lot in common? >> yeah! >> we do. >> first of all, they get me out here in l.a. and they're like, we got to get you on a skin treatment, on vitamins. >> hold on, no, no, no. i come in with a different colored drink every morning, whether it be green drink. >> green juice. >> turmeric, bone broth. and he's like, why are you drinking animal bones? and i'm like, honey, you need to
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start taking vitamins and not so much metamucil. it's not going to do the trick. >> jimmy: are you taking a lot of metamucil? >> you should see how long these breaks are. >> jimmy: really? >> so true. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we've invaded your, not just your privacy, but your colon now. >> yeah. and we can't take that turn out here. >> jimmy: this is a photo that lionel posted to instagram. it wrote, i'm out here exploring oregon, a little kayaking, a little fishing, need some help with this. >> from the matrix. >> he looks like laurence fishburne for sure. >> jimmy: this is how you dress to go fishing? >> i was roughing it. i was roughing it. >> we get out there in oregon, and we're filming, and these horses are supposed to run by us.
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you know, just this amazing scene or whatever. we get out there, she's having hay fever, lionel's, i'm like, i'm, i'm in my element then. >> he was fully enjoying it. i'm sitting there going, guys, this is some -- >> until. >> my throat's closing up. and luke is out there just taking in the air. >> did i throw horse manure at you. >> you accidentally stepped in it. >> it happens. >> jimmy: you take a lot of metamucil, yeah. >> it might be your own. >> it happens. >> jimmy: i think the last time you were here you'd just been recently engaged. >> yes, i'm still engaged, thank god! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: will these guys be invited to the wedding? >> i can't afford them. >> yeah, you can. no. but, you know it's so funny, i'm actually like a, not a bridezilla, i call myself like a
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bride-chilla. i'm kind of chill. but i am one of those girls where i got engaged february 14th. and then i booked the place february 19th. >> jimmy: oh, you wasted no time. >> oh, no, oh, no! i take it very seriously. and will these guys be expected to sing at your wedding? >> i can't afford them. they have a lot of work to do while i'm getting married. again. >> jimmy: this is your way of saying they are actually not invited to the wedding. >> i was going to say -- >> you know, if we were in limbo. lionel and i have been dropping hints. >> we've solidified. >> when's it going to be? >> jimmy: no need to drop anymore. you're not invited to the wedding. >> let's just say -- >> jimmy: let's just say don't save the date, okay? we have the judges from "american idol," which comes back on sunday. luke, katy and lionel.
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we'll be back with more after this.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start maxximizing today in store and online. land you'll see it's actuallyn made of countless imperfections. those randomly and impulsively placed sesame seeds... that one slice of melty cheese at the bottom and another draped haphazardly over the 100% fresh beef patty cooked right when you order. true, the hottest, juiciest quarter pounder yet is not perfect. but when you put it all together, ha ha it's perfect made perfecter. ♪ ba da ba ba ba
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leadership that makes a difference. vo: a great president and an effective mayor. obama: he's been a leader throughout the country for the past twelve years, mr. michael bloomberg is here. vo: together they worked to combat gun violence, and again to improve education for every child. obama: i want to thank the mayor of this great city, mayor bloomberg, for his extraordinary leadership. i share your determination to bring this country together to finally make progress for the american people. bloomberg: i'm mike bloomberg, and i approve this message.
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[ fast-paced drumming ] brzezinsktom steyer...k at this. berman: tom steyer... o'donnell: surging in nevada. scarborough: this is working for tom steyer. o'donnell: surging in south carolina. smerconish: i don't think it's just resources. mitchell: surging in two new polls out of nevada and south carolina. wallace: polling at double digits. king: up eleven points from october. that is dramatic. steyer: i'm saying we have a broken government. that's what's going on in washington, dc. it's been bought by corporations, and my question to the american people is who do you think is going to change that? i'm tom steyer and i approve this message.
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♪ sadding sadding, sadding an old man in a can ♪ ♪ where they go to school ♪ and we make fun ♪ sardines ♪ sardines ♪ if wishes were fishes we'd all be doing dishes ♪ >> jimmy: we are back with luke bryan, katy perry and lionel richie. >> i swear we have good talent this year. >> everybody's going to walk around the rest of the day going. ♪ sardine sardine sardine >> she's saying "sardine." >> jimmy: who is the best at breaking the bad news to the -- >> he's like the undertaker. >> nfl teams could hire him to come in and do the post super
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bowl loss speech. >> our job is basically not, first of all, some of these kids come in, and they're already broken. when i say that, it's tough. so what i don't want to do is have them leave broken even more. >> yes. >> so most of the time we build them up to let them know that half of them don't have families. think about this. so all of a sudden we become their family. >> yeah. >> jimmy: really? that seems extreme. >> that's how close. because you see them like this, when they're talking. >> jimmy: right, yeah. >> you don't have to say anything except boo, and they'll fall over. >> jimmy: so you boo them? >> no. >> no. >> this is "american idol" on abc! >> so what happens, it's my job to basically go in and say, listen, i build you up to the point where you made it this far, but do you have a shot in this competition? absolutely not. but i don't leave them broken. >> jimmy: let me tell you
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something. you'd be a great bachelor, because the bachelor has to do that all the time. you should be the guy who comes in and tells "the bachelorette"s -- >> he's like the william wallace. >> i'm very flattered. >> they almost look excited that they got told no after lionel talks to them. >> jimmy: really? >> he's quoting verses from like -- >> the bible. >> the bible, like the old testament stuff. >> jimmy: really? >> but i enjoy it, because it's my job to help them understand that there's some avenues they can go down. remember, now, these kids are 15, 16 and 17. they have not even started their lives yet. >> yeah. >> but you can see them going, well, what do you think? and i have to say you know what? it's not your time or whatever the case may be. but it is painful because there are some kids on this show that are homeless. now imagine, we don't have to say another bad thing about them. we just have to give them hope that there is a dream out there for them. >> jimmy: it's a very sweet thing to do.
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and i will tell you. i didn't really think of it that way. and it makes it even more confusing to me now, why katy wouldn't invite you to her wedding. with a thing like that, such a beautiful thing. >> actually, here's the, would you like to officiate my wedding? >> i -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we almost had a tender moment there. >> she almost became -- >> i don't think she needs me there. you only need one preacher. you can't have two. because i would be there going, you know -- >> my dad's a preacher, that's what he means. >> over the years, katy. they wouldn't want to hear that. she needs a lot of fun, see. >> jimmy: all right, but hearing you sing "my love" would be nice, also. >> hey! >> and another 17 wedding songs that changed the world. >> jimmy: it's not like your music would fit in at a wedding. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, it's great to see you guys.
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keep lettin' them down easy. >> jimmy: luke bryan, katy perry and lionel richie! "american idol" premieres sunday at 8 here on abc. we'll be back with lucy hale. ♪ ♪ lift every voice and sing ♪ 'til earth and heaven ring ♪ ring with the harmony ♪ of liberty (mlk vo) to pray together, to stand up for freedom together. ♪ sing a song ♪ full of the faith that the dark past has taught us. ♪ ♪ let us march on 'til victory ♪ 'til victory is ♪ won.
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gnocchis.s. raviolis. and them smokeys.
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curry. fried turkey. cacciatori. chimichurri. berry. mcflurry. (mcdonald's) half stack. taco pack. lobster mac. and them baby back baby backs. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome. tat your door, so you can get more.. ♪ feels so good ♪ feels so good target run & done. try to win by attacking, now, we know the trump strategy- distorting, dividing. mr. president: it. won't. work. newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. as president, universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. a record on job creation. a doable plan to combat climate change. i led a complex, diverse city through 9-11 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress! i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. introducing wendy's 2 for 5. ♪ yeah
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the only 2 for 5 with wendy's fresh, never frozen beef and the spicy chicken you crave. choose from the dave's single, spicy chicken sandwich, 10 piece crispy, or spicy nuggets. pick any two for 5 bucks! only at wendy's. ♪ not one, but two ...we hid a treator blocking technology... ...from the ultimate nose. ♪ if it can block odors from that nose, it can block odors from yours. be happy, it's glad™. ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music
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♪ dramatic choir music
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i thougin that moment. illiant we have not said one word tonight about race. not one word. are you kidding me? the heart and soul of this party is diversity. when a kid succeeds in columbia, south carolina - in las vegas, nevada - that is a triumph for every american. people don't know tom steyer. i've known tom steyer for fifteen years. his commitment on racial justice and social justice is rock solid. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. dwo dwoip. >> dicky: if you're going to be in the l.a. area and want to see
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the show, go to look closely at the perfection that is the quarter pounder and you'll see it's actually made of countless imperfections. those randomly and impulsively placed sesame seeds... that one slice of melty cheese at the bottom and another draped haphazardly over the 100% fresh beef patty cooked right when you order. true, the hottest, juiciest quarter pounder yet is not perfect. but when you put it all together, ha ha it's perfect made perfecter. ♪ ba da ba ba ba i think the house is changing him... -[ gasps ] -up and at 'em! ...into his father. [ eerie music plays ] is it scary? -[ gasps ] -it's in eco mode. so don't touch it. mm-hmm. i can't stop this from swinging. must be a draft in here. but he did save a bunch of money bundling our home and auto with progressive. progressive can't protect you from becoming your parents, but we can protect your home and auto when you bundle with us. -hello? -sorry, honey.
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[ telephone beeps ] butt dial. now's the time sale!... -hello? -sorry, honey. and take an extra 20% off!... pick up fleece for the family - $11.99 and under... shoes for the family - $35.99 and under... and these hamilton beach kitchen electrics are just $15.99 each... plus get kohl's cash! at kohl's and kohl's dot com. ♪ ♪ music playing ♪ welcome to my world ♪ won't you come on in ♪ i'll be waiting here ♪ waiting just for you ♪ welcome to my world cheez-it snap'd. how does it taste? it's so thin, crispy and cheesy. and i just want to keep eating it. i've done it! and eating it...! they love em!
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snap'd. so good, we may run out of cheese. dad! not cool.o, son. you know what's not uncool? old spice after hours... and jazz. dad, i prefer ultra smooth, it handles sweat without all that...jazz. you're right son. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start maxximizing today in store and online.
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you too, have a great day. five years ago... ...i had psoriasis everywhere... ...head to toe. people were afraid i was contagious. alright, i'll be back in one hour. my skin hurt... ...i felt gross. what's up jay? how's everything? what's up man? hope you've been practicing? but then i started cosentyx... ...and i haven't really had to think about it. see me. cosentyx works fast to give you clear skin that can last. real people with psoriasis... ...look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked... ...for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections... ...and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection... ...or symptoms... ...if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop... ...or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine... ...or plan to. serious allergic reactions... ...may occur. i just look and feel better. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you
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move past the pain of psoriasis. try to win by attacking, now, we know the trump strategy- distorting, dividing. mr. president: it. won't. work. newspapers report bloomberg is the democrat trump fears most. as president, universal healthcare that lets people keep their coverage if they like it. a record on job creation. a doable plan to combat climate change. i led a complex, diverse city through 9-11 and i have common sense plans to move america away from chaos to progress! i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message.
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>> jimmy: you know our guest, please welcome lucy >> jimmy: i like your dress. >> this is my first time here, so i had to bring out all the stops. >> jimmy: you look great, you look fantastic. happy almost-valentine's day. it's a very valentine's-y thing to wear. this is very interesting. >> i just met lionel richie, and he is the nicest. >> jimmy: i'm going to have a little lionel richie bit in a little bit, but you got your start on "american idol" for kids. >> this is american juniors. i was 14 years old.
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>> jimmy: that long ago? >> i started out in music. ryan seacrest was hosting it. and only did it for one season. >> jimmy: people didn't enjoy having children have their dreams broken. >> but instead of voting people out they voted beam people in. instead of one person, there was a group. i was the fourth one voted in. i was 14. then there was like a 7-year-old in the group. >> jimmy: i see why it was canceled. >> yeah, it didn't go too well. >> jimmy: it went from one singer to like 30 of them. we have a clip of it. >> you do? >> jimmy: of course we do. ♪ i know who you are ♪ come above your ♪ i know where you're comin' from ♪ ♪ call me ♪ on the line ♪ call me, call me any, anytime ♪ ♪ call me >> jimmy: your mom singin' along
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in the audience. >> my mom is going to be mortified. i didn't know you were going to play that. thank you for that trip down memory lane. look at that crimped hair. what a mess. >> jimmy: you look perfectly cute there. >> thank you. >> jimmy: so that you did. and we talked about pretty little, did that lead to "pretty little liars." >> american juniors was my first time in l.a., then i moved back home. i got a record deal when i got into american juniors. the album flopped. went back home, came back to l.a. for pilot season and did a couple of failed tv shows. and "pretty little liars". >> jimmy: not only are you a talented singer, but a talented carver of pumpkins. this is a lionel richie hello pumpkin thaw carved six years ago. >> i don't know how you guys dug this up. >> jimmy: we're diggers. >> this is maybe my true calling. that's pretty good. >> jimmy: it's very good. >> it also says hello on the
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side. >> jimmy: of course. it has to. >> i told lionel, and i think he was a little scared. >> jimmy: he probably didn't know what you were talking about. and how long did the lionel pumpkin last in your sonoma home? >> you know, i don't think it got to see the light of day. i had to soon say good-bye to my pumpkin. >> jimmy: you said good-bye. >> that was my line, and nobody laughed! >> jimmy: so this show, i used to read "archie" comics. i don't remember this character, katie keene >> i didn't either. but i guess she was created in the '40s. and she was like the fashion "it" girl. and people could submit their fashion designs and katie would wear them. >> jimmy: did that happen with the show? >> i think it's a great idea. if you say so, they'll definitely do it. if you submit some designs, i'll wear them.
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>> jimmy: absolutely. you'll have a lionel richie pumpkin on your head. >> katie keen has been mentioned on "riverdale", a couple times. they were like planting the seeds. >> jimmy: so it is a spinoff to "riverdale". >> except no one is dying on katie keen. >> jimmy: it's primarily fashion focussed? or no? >> it's about dreamers. i play an aspiring designer. we have someone who's an aspiring broadway star and singer-songwriter. and it just follows these kids in new york city. >> jimmy: you get to watch these kids aspire. >> exactly. >> jimmy: and perspire. >> a little bit of that as well. yes. >> jimmy: it's very good to have yohere. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: i'm sorry, i never got to congratulate you on "american idol" juniors. >> that's okay. you're doing it now, that's all that matters. >> jimmy: lucy hale, everybody! "katy keene" airs thursdays at 8 pm on cw. and we'll return with music from andy shauf.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by the amg four door coupe, mercedes amg driving performance.
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fisn't just about polar bears. we're fighting for our lives, we're fighting for clean air and clean water. that's why i wrote the law to send billions from polluters to communities suffering the most. and only one candidate for president was with us back then, tom steyer. and he's still fighting for us, pledging to make clean air and clean water a right for everyone, regardless of your zip code. that's the truth. that's tom steyer. i'm tom steyer and i approve this message. did you know this is where you can harness your inner jedi? and tear around radiator springs? or get your flex on with the incredibles. kids enjoy the magic for just $67 per child per day, with a 3-day 1-park per day ticket.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank lionel richie, katy perry, luke bryan and lucy hale. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first, this is his album, "the neon skyline," here with the song "try again," andy shauf! [cheers and applause] ♪ somewhere between drunkenness and chivalry i hold the door open and let her pass through ♪ ♪ she says thanks to me in a british accent and i try to answer her in the same voice ♪ ♪ she laughs at me says, "what
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was that supposed to be" i say, "i'm sorry ♪ ♪ i'm from a different part of the country" she says, "come on, baby try again ♪ ♪ come on, baby, try again" somewhere between drunkenness and sincerity i smile at her for just ♪ ♪ a little too long charlie's drinking wine judy's laughing at him she says, "i forget that ♪ ♪ you're such a fancy guy" he tips his hat says, "m'lady do you come here often" ♪ ♪ i swear i've seen them do this
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100 times before come on, baby, try again come on, baby, try again ♪ ♪ somewhere between drunkenness and charity she puts her hand on the sleeve of my coat ♪ ♪ she says "i've missed this" i say, "i know i've missed you, too" ♪ ♪ she says, "i was actually talking about your coat" she makes me laugh oh, how she makes me laugh ♪ ♪ i just let my head sink down and fake some deep sobs come on,
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baby, try again ♪ ♪ come on, baby, try again somewhere between drunkenness and jealousy i watch her talking ♪ ♪ to some old friend what a reunion he recognized her across the room ♪ ♪ how many years could there be to catch up on and somewhere ♪ ♪ between drunkenness and honesty i make a silent toast to the things that ♪ ♪ i do and don't miss come on, baby, try again come on, baby,
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try again come on, baby, try again ♪ ♪ come on, baby, try again [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ i called up charlie about a quarter past nine ♪ ♪ said what's going on ♪ he said no plans, but i wouldn't mind holding on ♪ ♪ i said, come to ♪ ♪ i will be washing my sins away ♪ ♪ said i can't wait
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♪ you know how i can be ♪ i looked in my fridge ♪ it was a dark scene, so i buttered some bread ♪ ♪ chewed my way out the door ♪ and walked down the street ♪ to the neon skyline ♪ i grabbed myself a stool at the bar ♪ ♪ somehow alone ♪ always knows exactly what i need ♪ ♪ ♪ she didn't ask ♪ she just opened a cold can and sat it down in front of me ♪ ♪ i said thanks and thought about how judy used to come here with me ♪
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♪ but i get so tired of calling this a disease ♪ ♪ because i'm just fine ♪ sometimes i need ♪ to clear my mind ♪ this is "nightline." tonight, fall from grace. katie hill, a rising star on capitol hill. >> this is the last speech that i will give from this floor as a member of congress. >> until leaked exhibit mintima torpedo the once-promising career. now she's taking on cyber exploitation. >> it's like a private piece of you, you could never get back. >> how much of it is tied to the fact in your mind that you're bisexual? plus, running mate, the historic presidential candidate and his husband. >> he made me feel s


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