tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC February 25, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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that's our report. appreciate your time. i'm dan ash >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, elisabeth moss, author dan abrams, and music from dustin lynch. and now, once more, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, thank you. welcome, welcome. very nice. thanks. i'm gemm i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. i appreciate that. and i do want to say, happy mardi gras. did you know tonight was mardi gras? the biggest day of the year for plastic penis whistles with glitter on them, hands down. mardi gras translates from
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french fat tuesday. next week is super tuesday, then super fat tuesday. this is debate number ten for the democrats, and one of the big questions going into this is how mike bloomberg would respond to his poor showing at the debate last week. so far, bloomberg spent about $500 million to get smacked around by elizabeth warren on television. his primary goal was to try to knock off the number one guy, bernie sanders. bernie has a lot of plans, expensive plans. he's no dummy. every time one of the other candidates asks who's going to pay for these programs he points to bloomberg and says him! meanwhile, president trump is on his way back home from india where he was well buttered. this is going to surprise you. he believes the reception he got was like nothing the indian people had ever given before. >> in the history of india,
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which has a long history and a brilliant history in so many different ways, there's never been a reception given to somebody like was given, and i would like to say for the usenid states of america. but i would like to say nobody got the big reception. >> of course he got a big reception. they love cows in india. [cheers and applause] trump went on to overestimate the size of the crowd, even though there were thousands of empty seats in the stadium, while he was speaking, and people were leaving wheel he was speaking, the donald brain translated that to mean there were fans lined up outside to get in. >> there were 125,000 seats yesterday, they were full. you had thousands and thousands of people outside. prime minister modi was telling me thousands of people outside. that's not uncommon for me to be honest. they'd never seen anything like it. somebody said it was the
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greatest greeting ever given to any head of state from any country. >> jimmy: who, who said that? who, was that someone in a mirror and looks just like you? when he was done bragging about the size of his crowd, he took some team to talk about isis. >> well, i don't think anybody's done more than i have, if you look. because i came in, and if you check your maps and look at iraq and syria, it was all over. in fact, they had it painted a certain color, i won't tell you what color, because it doesn't matter. somebody will say it was a republican color. i don't want to get people confused. but it happened to be red. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he must be great with surprises. barron, i know it's your birthday tomorrow, and i don't want to say we're throwing you a party, but we're throwing you a party. melania made the be best of her trip to india. she took part in what they call a happiness class in new delhi.
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that's interesting that she did that, because whatna t in the w would make melania think she might need a happy, oh, yeah, that. she needs an escape plan and grappling hook. we did learn some interesting things about donald trump's health today as the former white house doctor ronny jackson told the new york teams that "new yo regrets not being able to do more to improve the president's diet and exercise. this is a real quote from a man who was the actual doctor for the actual president of the united states, all right? we were working on his diet. we were making the ice cream less accessible. we were putting cauliflower into the mashed potatoes. that is what we do with our 5-year-old at home. imagine sneaking cauliflower into the president's mashed
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potatoes and hide the ice cream as if you're camping and you don't want to get bears in the camp. trump weighed in on dr. jackson's claim and weighed in tweeting it was a perfect cauliflower. the stock market was down a lot today in part because of the coronavirus, which is spreading. in fact three people in our theater -- no, just kidding. [ laughter ] you know, this morning, the president tweeted that the coronavirus is very much under control in the usa, which means we're in a lot of trouble. but i mean, we just found out they had to thick hrick him int eating vegetables. do we really think he has a handle on the coronavirus? have you seen the coronavirus? the microscopic? i googled it. it looks more like a homemade christmas ornament on etsy. that charming little bauble is trying to kill us. one person who is not concerned
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about the coronavirus is recent presidential winner of the medal of freedom, rush limbaugh. >> the coronavirus is being weaponized to bring down donald trump. i want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. you think i'm missing it. yeah, i'm dead right on this. the coronavirus is the common cold. >> jimmy: what? oh, that's great news. just chug an a little bit of robitussin, and you'll be fine. it doesn't seem like a cold in china where health officials and police are working around the clock to try to contain it. this is a real coronavirus drill from [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know what? when the s.w.a.t. team can't get the job done, send in the guy with the pool skimmer.
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how does, it's not even -- [ applause ] i think i know why it as starting to spread. and while there may not be a vaccine for the coronavirus, disgrac disgraced televangelist jim baker has a cure. >> this that is circling the globe, you're saying silver solution would be effective. >> let's say it hasn't been tested on this strain of the coronavirus, but it's been tested on other strains of the coronavirus and has been able to eliminate it within 12 hours. >> yeah. >> totally eliminate it, kills it, deactivates it. >> yeah. >> and then it boosts your immune system, so then you can support the recovery. when you kill the virus then the immune system come noos into ac to clear it out. you want a vibrant immune system as well as the ability to deactivate these viruses.
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>> that's so good. >> jimmy: yeah, that's good. that's about as real as harvey weinstein's walker. silver solution. [ applause ] it's like a tv show about an old ladies who sell mysteries. this jim baker is quite the character. how this guy came back after pocketing all that money from his church really is a miracle, but, you know what? he prayed his way through. this is a very prayerful man, a man who even prays about what he wears. >> i get dressed, and god, i pray about what i wear. i really do. i know i look stupid sometimes. but the last time god told me to wear a color was red. >> right. i remember. >> and what happened that day? the stock market crashed. a few days ago. >> i remember that. >> you remember that? yes. >> jimmy: yeah, that was the day he stopped dressing like spiderman to work. but i need to be careful, because according to jim, god is
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going after anyone who makes fun of him. >> one day you're going to shake your fist in god's face. and you're going to say, god, why didn't you warn me? and he's going to say, you sat there, and you made fun of jim baker all those years. >> jimmy: he is? well, pack your bags, guillermo, i'm going to hell. >> guillermo: yes, we are. i'm going, too. >> jimmy: by all means, send him money for sure. now it's time to have some fun. every once in a while, when the moon is full, we send cousin sal out to make merry mischief. we rent a house and set up cameras and a task rabbit to complete a ridiculous task. ♪ >> hey, what's happening. are you the task rabbit? >> yeah. how you doin'? come on in, sweet. what's your name? >> isaac.
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>> nice to see you. my son, you can sit down. my son tanner is a little behind in his math homework. >> yeah. >> so i was hoping you could help hem oim out a little bit h two or three weeks behind. it's just addition. you have to show your work and everything. i need you to basically fill out that book if you can. you know addition? >> of course, of course. >> i just have some work to do with tanner, important stuff. >> yeah, that's fine. >> hey, tanner, come on in. you might want to put these glasses on here. >> hello. >> my boy's a youtube influencer. all right? you do his homework. he'll do his videos, this will be good. all right, ready? all right, tanner, three, two, one, g >> hey, everybody, it's tanner. today i got some new, amazing, awesome toys. you want to see them?
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here we go! >> yeah, that are we go, all right. yeah. good. guy makes thousands per video, you know? so you do the math, know what i mean? literally, you did the math. all right, tanner, talk about how you go to school, you end up dead-end job and everything when you could be making thousands of dollars a week. >> uh-huh. >> youtube videos, got it? >> got it. >> hello, everybody, i'm tanner and school is terrible. i dropped out, and make $50,000 so i can pay people to do my homework, for example? this guy. >> yeah, all right! good. that's good. >> you don't have to shoot me so much, all right? let's try it again. ooh, yeah, all right. let him do your homework while you shoot videos here.
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>> oh. >> theis is great. >> dad, i need another gun. >> yeah, sure. sweet kid, huh? >> yeah. oh, man. >> you seem like you're struggling, why, is the homework hard? >> no, it's just all the -- >> oh, he's getting you good? you have some welts on your neck. let me get a shot of that. are you all right? >> yeah, man. >> that's good. oh, wow, wow, that one's good. look tamt all rigat that, all r on. hold on. save it for the video. now, tanner, you're going to talk about how i don't have to do stupid homework. i can pay people to do it for me, not like this math-hole over here. you don't mind if he calls you a math-hole, do you? >> yeah. >> ready, let it go. >> it's me, tanner, and i don't need no school or homework, because i make $50,000, ooh!
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unlike that math-hole. >> all right, all right. >> you know, i think this is not good. >> what do you snemean? >> i don't think i can do this. >> hold on. i'm trying to be a good dad here. there's only so much time in a day. what should i do? he's got to make these videos, but he's got to do his math. >> you got to do your homework. >> no, no, i think it's important to be on tv. you're on tv right now. >> what do you mean? >> you're on jimmy kimmel live. he's right there. >> [ bleep ]. >> thanks, man, appreciate it. >> i meant math-hole. >> jimmy: we got a great show. dustin lynch. dan abrams. and we'll be right back with elisabeth moss.
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♪ >> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by the all new lincoln corsair. ♪ dramatic choir music it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair. with chicken or shrimp fajitas now on chili's 3 for $10. 'ita is a little bit... (sizzling) oh, so delicious. and a whole lotta... (crunching) that's a fajita, starter and drink for just $10 bucks. so let's go out to 'ita! ♪ we only come out at night ♪ ♪ we only come out at night ♪ i walk alone
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kellogg's raisin bran. protect your pet with the #1 name in flea and tick protection. frontline plus. trusted by vets for nearly 20 years. frontline plus. steady the elbow.shoot me one? ♪ ♪ ahh boom shaka laka. feisty. ♪ ahh i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424. lobster fan like wild caught lobster, butter poached, creamy and roasted. or try lobster sautéed with crab, shrimp and more. so hurry in and let's lobsterfest. or get it to go at red lobster dot com
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so hurry in vomike bloomberg has a recordgue of doing something. as mayor, he protected women's reproductive rights. expanded health coverage to 700,000 new yorkers. and decreased infant-mortality rates to historic lows. as president, he'll build on obamacare, cap medical costs, and will always protect a woman's right to choose. mike bloomberg: a record on
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health care nobody can argue about. mike: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to the show. tonight, he is the chief legal analyst for abc news, producer of "live pd" and an author too. his book is called "john adams under fire," dan abrams is here. [cheers and applause] then, you can see him live on tour in pennsylvania. then, his album is called, "tullahoma." dustin lynch from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. tomorrow night, bob odenkirk and iliza schlesinger will join us, with music from soccer mommy. and on thursday, mark wahlberg, storm reid, and goody grace featuring blink-182. so please join us for that.
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>> jimmy: our first guest is an emmy and golden globe winner you know from "mad men" and "the handmaid's tale." next, you can see her opposite no one in the very scary movie "the invisible man," it opens in theaters friday. please say hello to elisabeth moss. [cheers and ♪ >> jimmy: how's it goin'? >> going really well. >> jimmy: good to see you, by the way, i saw you, because i love wes anderson's movie. when the trailer came out, it's a big deal, right? and there you are in it. can you believe it? >> it's a dream come true for me, because i am a huge, huge fan. >> jimmy: how did that work out? >> he mailed me and said do you want to come to france and be in my movie? and i'm like, uh-huh, yeah, that sounds good.
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>> jimmy: at any moment did you have a thought, this would be my first thought, oh, this is a prank, this is one of my stupid friends telling me they're wes anderson, or something. are you sure this wasn't the most elaborate prank ever? like they actually shot the film? >> it's fair, i haven't seen it yet. >> jimmy: quite a cast as well. >> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: bill murray, owen wilson. >> yeah, like 70 people in this movie. >> jimmy: is it fun? is it what you would imagine it to be, like everybody lives together and a sense of community. >> everyone satays in the same hotel, you have dinner every night, you look like you're in a wes anderson movie, wes anderson looks like he's in a wes anderson film. it's the most bizarre, surreal
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experience. >> jimmy: kind of like if somebody had a wes anderson party and you had to dress up as a character except that's what you're doing for work. >> it's so weird. >> jimmy: did you have fun with bill murray? >> it was so cool. i was with him in hair and makeup. he would wander in at 6:00 notice morniin the morning with a fez hat and wander out in a different hat and say something super bill murrayesque. >> jimmy: you guys are both chicago cubs fans. >> yes. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: they either are other they aren't. did you discuss that with bill? >> oh, i forced the issue. >> jimmy: does he also have a crush on anthony rizzo? or is it just you? >> i mean, who doesn't have a crush? i basically was like, i have to talk to bill murray about the cubs before i leave france. i accosted him, so, cubs, right?
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>> jimmy: when do you start with the next season of "handmaid's tale"? >> monday. >> jimmy: so that's a very different deal. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: your character is not fun. i mean, maybe it is fun, i don't know. seems like it isn't. >> it's a lot. >> jimmy: what do your family and friends think about watching you suffer? >> they're very supportive, and of course they watch it. but my mom definitely is like, it takes her a second to catch up on it, understandably, because she's not like, i'm going to go home and like turn on "handmaid's tale" and watch my daughter suffer to relax. i can't quite handle the face sometimes. >> jimmy: so she procrastinates? >> yeah. >> jimmy: she eventually does get to it? >> she eventually gets to it, but it's her daughter and there's a lot going on. >> jimmy: is this the type of show she would watch if you weren't in it? >> my mom is single-handedly keeping network television
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alive. >> jimmy: god bless her. >> i'll text her for fun, what's on, tonight, mom? there's "blue bloods" at 8:00. she watches all the chicago shows like "chicago med", "chicago pd". she knows what's happening. >> jimmy: all these shows you're wondering, who watches these shows, your mom is the one who watches these shows. >> thanks, mom. >> jimmy: it works out for us. >> yeah, it does. >> jimmy: does she not have amazon prime or netflix? >> she does. >> jimmy: she eschews that. >> she asks my brother and me once a week how to work it. yesterday she asked me, i need to download something for the plane, how do i do that? >> jimmy: i would like to know the answer to that question, too. i struggle with that myself. >> i was like, mom, you just download it. >> jimmy: oh, that's what you do? >> i got this blank stare. >> jimmy: i've had that blank
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stare myself. is she still playing harmonica in the car? >> she is. >> jimmy: every day she plays. >> yeah, she's good, you got to get her on. >> jimmy: next time, she will sit in with the band. that would be fun, right? >> she would love it. >> jimmy: sure, after all she's done for network television, we have to give something back. >> jimmy: you've been acting since you were a little kid. >> 6 years old. >> jimmy: have you had one regular job? >> i had one regular job. i worked at this silent movie theater on fairfax. >> jimmy: is that still a silent movie theater? >> it's something else, but it's still a theater. >> jimmy: they've graduated to sound. it's not like were you working in the '40s. this was like the '90s. >> yeah, i'm 132 years old. >> jimmy: you look fantastic. >> thank you . >> jimmy: what did you do there? >> i had to do everything.
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work tickets and i would like go into the room where they had the piano with my cloth and polish the piano. >> jimmy: this is where people would play the piano. you press on them real hard. >> you know what a piano s. >> jimmy: you would clean the piano. >> yeah. >> jimmy: was that part of your description? >> yeah. but i didn't have to do it so long. >> jimmy: when the pianist come in and say my piano is smudged? >> no. >> jimmy: was it an important job? >> yes, in fact this table needs a little work. >> jimmy: you know, you're right. >> what is this? >> jimmy: that's when i hold up a picture, i know where it goes. >> in this is what's happened t network television. >> jimmy: if it's late at night,
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you're about to get scared. elisabeth moss has a new movie called "the invisible man". we'll see a clip from that. we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by dietz and watson premium meats and artisan cheeses. visit to learn more. (sprdual camera system with paulultra-wide on iphone 11!-new (paul) and i love how at sprint... (sprintern) can get the amazing iphone 11 for zero dollars a month when you trade-in your iphone 6s or newer...
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(paul) in any condition. (sprintern) seriously, in any condition. (paul) and because sprint likes to do things differently, they're offering a 100% total satisfaction guarantee. while i think their network and savings are great, you don't just have to take my word for it. try it out and see the savings for yourself. (sprintern) now that's a picture perfect deal. smile. for people with hearing loss, visit sorry, sliced bread. save $5 or more over other national chains on delivered pizza. (doorbell rings.) pizza, pizza.
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on delivered pizza. (doorbell rings.) we choose to go to the and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. president kennedy knew settling for half-measures wasn't good enough. so when candidates say we can't guarantee health care for all, make college affordable for all, combat climate change, or create a world at peace, remember that america is best when we strive to do big things,
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>> jimmy: that is elisabeth moss in the "invisible man", who's not so invisible with a bucket of milk on him, is he. >> no, he's not. >> jimmy: i remember the original invisible man who was a little corny. >> the sunglasses and hat. >> jimmy: if you're invisible, why wear the sunglasses and hat? there's no reason for it at all. >> no. >> jimmy: you could walk around naked and no one would know. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that is scary. >> there's so much that happens in this movie, i could tell you
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70 pages and it would still be surprises. it's about a woman escaping a house, and you don't quite know why, and it's revealed that she's escaping an abusive relationship. then her now-ex commits suicide, but she still believes that he's terrorizing her. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> and everyone thinks she's crazy and doesn't believe her, and hilarity ensues. >> jimmy: it sounds fun. is it fun to make a scary movie? >> it is. it's really fun. >> jimmy: have you seen this movie? >> i have. >> jimmy: is it scary to you. >> when i first watched it, i watched it in the screening room by myself, which was an odd choice. and i jumped several times. >> jimmy: even though you're the one being jumped at. >> it's dumb. when i watched it, i was like, oh, my god! so it's stupid. but making it, the thing is, it's kind of silly and ridiculous, what you're seeing
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in the film obviously is not what i saw. so when i'm fighting with the invisible man, it's a stunt double in a very tight green suit, leaves nothing to the imagination. >> jimmy: oh. >> you're trying to keep your eyes up. don't look down, don't look down. >> jimmy: it's like half cgi. usually they'll replace it with a cartoon monster or something, but they replace it with nothing. >> it looks like a giant green condom. so you have this giant green condom coming at you, which is scary. >> jimmy: yeah, sure. i want to ask you about a photograph. >> ah, yes. >> jimmy: this is from the sag awards last month. there, you and jennifer aniston, really at arm's length, quite literally. what is going on here? >> everyone thinks that moment with brad where they were holding hands was a big deal, but honestly, she seems to be doing this with everybody. she's just very handsy. >> jimmy: you know what we did,
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we took this into the photo shop, and i made a different version of this. jennifer aniston is saving your life. >> look at that. isn't she incredible? >> jimmy: did you become friends after this moment? >> i've never met her. i literally have never officially met her. we were staying, i was at this hotel, my brother was dropping me off. we had sushi, and there's always paparazzi outside. and i said who's here? and they say jennifer aniston's birthday party. and the next day they were like, oh, my god, did you have an amazing time at jen's better ir party? i wanted to go with it, yeah, i did, we're really close. my, jen and courtney. we've never met, and i was like, be being such a weirdo. >> jimmy: the good news is, you
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sav saved her life or she saved your life a couple of times. weigh h we had a very, a slow day today. >> what have you guys been doing all day? >> jimmy: that, we've been practicing with our computers. it's very good to see you. "the invisible man" opens in theaters friday. we'll be back with dan abrams. ♪ my psoriasis. cosentyx works on all of this. cosentyx treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis to help you look and feel better. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me! get real relief with cosentyx.
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>> dicky: and now, cisco asks, does it still fit? >> hi, this is jeff from lake forest, illinois. i went to space camp in huntsville, alabama. >> dicky: does it still fit? ♪ >> still fits. >> dicky: does it, jeff? does it? [cheers and applause] xgard chew comes power, confidence, reassurance you're doing what's right, to protect your dog from fleas and ticks for a full month. this one little nexgard chew is the #1 vet recommended protection. and it's the only chew, fda approved to prevent infections that cause lyme disease. plus, it's safe for puppies. there's a lot of power in this one little nexgard chew.
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nexgard. what one little chew can do. and my lack of impulse control,, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby! (vivaldi music playing) maybe wendy's should just stick to what they're good at. ♪ ♪ i'll try it, but... ♪ ♪ i have a lot of doubts. ♪ ♪ my name is mike haracz. i'm a former corporate chef for mcdonald's. ♪ ♪ holy... (upbeat music playing)
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♪ ♪ pre-order a galaxy s20 now for up to $200 in samsung credit. if you're living with hiv, and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for hiv in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it can't be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectabe can no longer transmit hiv
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through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. with the world's first invisible trailer. invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it.
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it's magic. i'm going to need you to ... never mind. can't touch this. ♪ help! can't touch this. ♪ (baby cries) you can't touch this. new cheetos popcorn. so the thing no one tells you about tampons? you gotta change sizes to match your flow. only tampax pearl makes five. so if it hurts to remove? go down a size. leaking? go up one. and every size has our leakguard braid for back-up protection. find your flow combo with tampax. vomike bloomberg has a recordgue of doing something. as mayor, he protected women's reproductive rights. expanded health coverage to 700,000 new yorkers. and decreased infant-mortality rates to historic lows. as president, he'll build on obamacare, cap medical costs, and will always protect a woman's right to choose.
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mike bloomberg: a record on health care nobody can argue about. mike: i'm mike bloomberg and i approve this message. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: hi, welcome back to the show. justin lynch is on the way. our next guest is the chief legal analyst for abc, which means he's the guy i call when i go to jail. his new book goes back to a case in 1770, it is "john adams under fire." please say hello to dan abrams. [cheers and
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♪ >> jimmy: what's goin' on? >> ah. >> jimmy: you have a very varied career, you really do. did you imagine that would be the case when you went to law school? >> no. >> jimmy: you did not? >> no, i thought i would probably be a lawyer and be miserable. >> jimmy: and they looked at you and said this guy is too handsome to just be a lawyer, we must get him involved in other things. >> oh, no. he begged and pleaded, worked at a station where i started as a production assistant, even though i had a law degree and could have gone to a law firm and just went from there. >> jimmy: is your family supportive of that idea? >> yeah. sort of cautiously supportive. i mean, they were concerned. they thought oh, you know, our boy's a lawyer! isn't that great? and now he's going into tv. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and that's not so great. but nevertheless, they supported
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it. >> jimmy: so this book. let's talk about the book. this is a trial from 1770, shortly after the boston massacre, which is something to me, the lakers/celtics game. i never thought about the actual boston massacre. explain what happened. >> this is an incident that almost led to the american revolution before the revolution. there were five colonists shot and killed by british soldiers who were there. there was a lot of tension going on. the colonists didn't want the british soldiers there. this was that moment that almost led to the big fight. why didn't it happen? because of this trial. because the rule of law prevailed. and you had this case where we have a transcript. i mean, from 1770, with john adams, representing the british soldiers. remember, this is a patriot, someone who despised in many ways the british soldiers and british, but felt they were entitled to a legal defense, and he led the defense team in a
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fascinating case. and one of the things that's so amazing to me is being able to see john adams in his own words. it wasn't a speech, wasn't prepared. it's just adams in court, defending these soldiers. >> jimmy: when you say a transcript, this is a guy dipping and writing as fast as he can? >> and his hand got so tired at one point by the end of the case that he had to stop and ask the prosecution to come and tell him what they had said again. >> jimmy: really? >> so he could rewrite it. because by the end, by the closing arguments, his hand was so worn out. also they hadn't really perfected shorthand or any of the things we know today. but, you know, that's one of the things that i found so amazing was being able to have that 217-page transcript. >> jimmy: have you seen the actual or a copy of the actual text? >> a copy of it but not the actual, i didn't get the actual transcript itself. but the copy of it, it's hand written, and in the beginning of the book we have excerpts from
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the original transcript. >> jimmy: obviously, people are used to transcripts at the trial. but at the harvey weinstein trial, the guy drawing picturing of harvey weinstein and his private parts. >> in that case there was no camera allowed. i think based on what you're talking about it was probably for the best in many ways. but you'd get a sketch artist who comes in and draws pictures of what's happening inside court. >> jimmy: as a legal analyst, so harvey weinstein got convicted on two of the five charges. >> yeah. >> jimmy: were you surprised by that? >> i was a little surprised but not in the same way a lot of people were surprised. there were a lot of people saying i can't believe he didn't get convicted of all the charges, what happened? i think people are forgetting, they're treating this as if all the victims we've seen on the covers of magazines, on the websites, that this was about all of them. this wasn't.
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this was about two women, both of whom had had relationships with him, either friendship or intimate relationship with hem befo him, before or after the incident. this made it a tough case. the fact that they were able to get convictions on both of these women makes it a ground breaking case. why, because we're finally understanding what rape can be. it doesn't need to be a situation where someone immediately calls the police. there are all sorts of different reactions by women. and an expert came in for the prosecution and talked about this. and the fact that these jurors were able to unanimously convict, despite issues that might not have passed ten years ago, i think if that case had been brought ten years ago there would not have been and conviction. >> jimmy: interesting. >> but people now understand better that rape victims respond in different ways, and just because someone stayed in touch with him after the fact does not
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mean she wasn't raped. >> jimmy: interesting. [ applause ] >> jimmy: and in a way, john adams taking the position of defending those british soldiers is similar in some ways to harvey weinstein's attorneys defending him. >> look, harvey weinstein is entitled to a defense. i don't begrudge harvey weinstein's attorneys for taking the case. they, you know, they made arguments. the question becomes, the tougher question in some of these cases, becomes when they go after the victims and how hard they go after the victims, can we judge the lawyers in those kinds of cases? and it's a tricky question, because the defense has to be, you can't believe the accuser, right? the defense is, it was either consensual or didn't happen, et cetera. and so a defense attorney has to present a defense, but, there's also, you know, a particularly ugly way to do it. that some attorneys do it. >> jimmy: mm-hm.
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>> and i think some of them do cross the line. and i think they do deserve, some of them, condemnation. >> jimmy: i want to change the subject very quickly to ""live pd."" was this your idea? >> no. i wish it was. >> jimmy: i don't even understand how it came to be. have you guys seen "live pd"? [cheers and applause] it is basically, it's very similar to "cops", except it's live, and it's happening in how many cities at once? >> we're in at least eight departments at once, and we're bouncing from department to department, based on what's happening, where there's activity, and it ranges from everything from really serious cases, shots fired, domestic violence cases to much lighter. i mean, this weekend we had a guy who was spotted buck-naked outside of someone's home. it turns out he'd been fooling around with a woman and the boyfriend came back. and he ran out, and he's
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buck-naked out there, and my favorite line was, when the police come, and he said, well, they didn't tell me that he was going to come back. as if they would have given you the heads up, oh, yeah, by the way, the boyfriend's coming back. >> jimmy: do a brother -- >> yeah, everyone's okay in that situation. >> jimmy: and you guys, when this is happening live, are you celebrating, like, oh, my god, because i would imagine if someone came and pitched this to me, i'd say, what if nothing happens all night? >> there's never nothing happening. sometimes it's just cars being pulled over on traffic stops. >> jimmy: there's drama there, too. >> you doesndon't know what's g happen next. unlike "cops", which is like a highlight reel. >> jimmy: let's not denigrate cops. what are you going to do when they come for you.
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>> there's been a couple times when "live pd's" been out and you hear someone in the background singing "the cops" show. >> jimmy: that is something else. >> it's really been an amazing experience to watch. you really do get to see if from the police officer's perspective. you see much more every day what police officers go through. in the news business we cover officer-involved shootings, it usually has an officer fires or an officer has been hit. and the vast majority of police officers have never fired their weapons, ever. and this is more the day to day aspects of what police officers do every day, and that's what the show reflects. somehow it's become a big hit. >> jimmy: a reason for people not to go out on the weekends anymore. this book is called "john adams under fire" comes out march 3rd. and we'll return with music from dustin lynch. ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank ma. "nightline" is next, but first, this is his album, "tullahoma." here with the song "momma's house," dustin lynch! [cheers and ♪ ♪ i see your face on every street every corner couple trees ♪ ♪ even got our name on 'em ♪ ♪ i feel your love i hear your laugh got them take me way on back ♪ ♪ hurt-me memories i don't want 'em up and down the boulevard in and out of every bar ♪ ♪ i'd burn this
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whole town down ♪ ♪ pick a spot dig a hole put them ashes in the ground ♪ ♪ baby i'd burn this whole town down if it wasn't for my momma's house ♪ ♪ my momma's house ♪ damn girl why'd you have to break it like that ♪ ♪ leaving pieces of my shattered heart scattered like glass ♪ ♪ i'd burn this whole town down if it wasn't for my momma's house ♪ ♪ my momma's house ♪ i would start it when where we started at the downtown party ♪ ♪ where you kissed my lips and stole my beer ♪ ♪ the city park in the dark where we looked up at the stars ♪ ♪ watched them fireworks pop last year ♪ ♪ i'd start it under that texaco sign where you said goodbye ♪ ♪ i'd get some gas and drop a match
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right there ♪ ♪ i'd burn this whole town down ♪ ♪ pick a spot dig a hole put them ashes in the ground ♪ ♪ baby i'd burn this whole town down if it wasn't for my momma's house ♪ ♪ my momma's house ♪ damn girl why'd you have to break it like that ♪ ♪ leaving pieces of my shattered heart ♪ scattered like glass ♪ i'd burn this whole town down if it wasn't for my momma's house ♪ ♪ my momma's house ♪ fire-red flames sunsets in the sky ♪ ♪ going out staying in staying up long nights ♪ ♪ now i'm waking up alone
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wishing i could move on blocked your number in my phone ♪ ♪ thought it'd help but it don't i'd burn this whole town down ♪ ♪ pick a spot dig a hole put them ashes in the ground ♪ ♪ baby i'd burn this whole town down if it wasn't for my momma's house ♪ ♪ my momma's house ♪ damn girl why'd you have to break it like that ♪ ♪ leaving pieces of my shattered heart scattered like glass ♪ ♪ i'd burn this whole town down if it wasn't for my momma's house ♪ ♪ my momma's house
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this is "nightline." tonight, southern showdown. grace and the presidential race. >> i intend to win south carolina, and i will win the african-american vote here in south carolina. >> on the debate stage, and on the ground. biden and billionaires, battling for a rebound. >> this says a lot that at this point we have a lot more billionaires on the stage than we have people of color on the strategy. >> plus, silence breakers. >> convicted rapist is right there. >> after the landmark verdict, the vindication from speaking truth to power. >> weinstein is
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