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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 3, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PST

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we appreciate your >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, ben affleck. from one day at a time, justina machado. the la galaxy's javier chicharito hernandez. and music from victoria monet. and now for good measure, jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: very nice. thank you. thanks for watching. thank you for coming. happy super tuesday, everybody. how many of you voted today? like for real voted? all right. i figure it's about half of the people who claim they did. but here in california and 13 other states, we voted to figure out who will take on donald jennifer trump in november.
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[ laughter ] for me the biggest takeaway on election day is how can anybody possibly have such a clean garage? i don't understand it. i go into these old people's homes, and i think where's your stuff? california has more delegates than any state. and i don't know if it was like this where you live, but we have been overwhelmed by advertising, mostly from mike bloomberg. the amount of mail we've been getting from mike bloomberg, it's unbelievable. he is the bed bath & beyond of candidates. one of our writers came home from work last night to find this hanging on his door. this is another ad for mike bloomberg. even his ads are too short to reach above the doorknob. mike bloomberg has poured more than $500 million of his own money into this campaign. if he didn't have a good night tonight, he basically spent the cost of an avatar movie to find out nobody likes him. he did win -- he won american samoa today, the election there.
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biden won north carolina and virginia. bernie took vermont and expected is win california. around two-thirds of californians vote by mail. the other third now have coronavirus. i voted by mail. i have to say the ballot they sent, it's such a mess. look, there are 20 democrats on the ballot. tom steyer at the top even though he dropped out over the weekend. deval patrick also out. michael bennet out. michael bloomberg, he'll be out soon. mosey boyd. i don't know who that is. might not even be a real person. then cory booker who dropped out at like christmas or something. mayor pete dropped out, not in the race. i like seeing their middle initials. the "r" stands for ray gun, like the -- yeah, he loves star trek or something. tulsi gabbard, not even tulsi gabbard votes for tulsi gabbard. julian castro, he dropped out in like 2018. someone down here named rocky
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day la fa wen tay the third. this is like the menu for a restaurant that's out of almost everything. in the end, i decided to vote for a write-in candidate, mr. t. president mr. t is who i voted for. he's the guy we need to bring these fools together. i will say this. if these elections have taught us anything, it is that adults love stickers too. i feel like some people are only voting so they can post a selfie with an "i voted" sticker on instagram. there's a lot of sticker mocking going on in our office. if you wear one, people make fun of you. if you don't, people wonder if you voted. i split the difference, and i put it on the back of my tie. if i need it, i'm like an undercover cop. [ applause ] i think we should start giving ourselves stickers to congratulate ourselves for all the other good things we do, like an "i worked out" sticker
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for the day. "i flossed," you know? anyway, i'm not sure why we even need a new president when the one we have is doing a pretty darn great job. for whatever reason, trump had a televised roundtable at the white house with a group of pharmaceutical executives about the coronavirus. of all the clips we've seen of our president at work, this one might be the scariest of all. >> we have nobody in this country vaccinated for coronavirus right now. >> but the same vaccine could not work. you take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that would have an impact or much of an impact on corona? >> no. >> as if they wouldn't have thought of that. oh, well, that's a great idea. we could just use what we already have. you're a genius. [ applause ] you cured the coronavirus. i have another idea. next time there's a hurricane, we'll just open all the toilet lids and flush it.
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[ laughter ] trump is very upbeat about this coronavirus, and it really seems to be getting a handle on the science behind it. >> we're moving at a maximum speed to develop the therapies, not only the vaccines but the interpr therapies. therapies are sort of another word for cure. it helps get the people better faster. >> you know, just because you learned a new word today doesn't mean the rest of us did too. [ applause ] it's really amazing. this is like -- trump being in charge of the coronavirus is like chuck chuck e. cheese in charge of the han ta virus. not only did he learn a new word today. he made one up too. >> we launched the great american comeback. rewe really did. we launched it with a vivor and a certain splash. >> the vivo. a as in we are up the viver
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without a paddle. so last night the president held a rally in charlotte, north carolina, where he did this. >> where do you live? like this guy, he's a mexican. you're about as mexican as i am. look at this guy. he's as mexican as i am. look at that hat. are you mexican? are you mexican? no, you're not. are you? he is. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: north carolina? >> i guess so. >> jimmy: you know, there's a rumor -- this is some rumor, that trump is looking to replace mike pence on the ticket with nikki haley, who is his former ambassador to the u.n. cnn analyst paul begala said he guarantees on july 16th, the day the democratic nominee is scheduled to give a speech, trump will dump mike pence and replace him with nikki haley, the theory being trump put pence in charge of the coronavirus in order to throw him under the
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bus. the other rumor is a few days ago pence shook hands with a student in florida who has since been quarantined for potentially having the coronavirus. team pence denies this. of course they deny it. if trump thought mike pence was anywhere near the coronavirus, he'd keep him out on a leash or something. the idea he could have been exposed to this virus is alarming. let's imagine this chain of events. this student in florida is exposed to the virus by an unknown source. the student then shakes hands with mike pence unwittingly infecting him with the virus, not knowing he's a carrier now, mike pence goes into the oval office for his morning kiss of the president's ass. his lips are then followed by jim jordan's lips, devin nunes' lips, lindsey graham's lips, and all the other daily ass kissers who then carry the virus back to the capitol building. and before you know it, everyone in washington has it.
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except melania, who's been self-quarantining for about three years now. a little over three years. [ applause ] speaking of things that have gone viral, did you see the story about brit hume? so brit hume, if you don't know, is a former news man who now works for fox news. he clicked himself into quite a mess today. this morning he tweeted -- he's tweeting about betting odds for the primary, and he tweeted biden now clear favorite in bedding odds as of 5:30 a.m. tuesday. which seems innocent but if you zoom in, and many people did, he left a tab open that says sexy vixen vinyl on it, which is a leather lingerie store. maybe the best part is that brit hume's avatar photo already looked like he'd accidentally tweeted a screen shot of a fetish website. that is the face of a man in vinyl undergarments. [ laughter ] sexy vixen vinyl. it sounds like something borat would say.
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so brit hume didn't comment on this, but now when you google the word sexy vixen vinyl and you can try this at home, the first thing that comes up is brit hume. which while it may be surprising us, it should come as no surprise to his faithful viewers on fox news. >> so if he's not winning, he doesn't really want to be president, why is he doing this? brit hume is our senior political analyst at fox news and he joins us now. hey, brit. >> thanks for having me. >> that is some foxy news right there. it's an exciting time for football fans here in los angeles. by football i mean the one where you kick the ball with your foot. saturday night is the home opener for the la galaxy. this is season 25 for the galaxy and there's a ton of excitement here because their new star is javier chicharito hernandez. he's from mexico. he's the all-time leading scorer in mexican soccer history. and the reason that he has come to hollywood is because not only is he playing for the galaxy,
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he's working on an exciting new tv show too. ♪ >> cheeicharitchicharito!
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[ applause ]
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>> jimmy: i love it, guillermo. >> guillermo: thank you, jimmy. >> tell chicharito i said congratulations. we have a great show. we havmusic from victoria mon monet. justina machado is here. we'll be right back with ben affleck, so stick around. this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. (din these are a few of my favorite things. wendy's is changing the game from this... to a breakfast that eats other breakfasts for breakfast. these are a few of my favorite things. who says you can't have a baconator for breakfast? don't just "grab a coffee..." grab a frosty-ccino instead. and forget that frozen-folded-egg-stuff. all of these have fresh-cracked eggs. one bite and it'll be your new favorite. guaranteed. that's right. so, you up for this? ♪ favorite things! yeah! what! she's ziplining with little jon? it's lil jon. even he knows that. thanks, captain obvious. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with
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11:50 pm
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♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair.
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hi. welcome back. from the show "one day at a time" on pop tv, justina machado is here with us. then she is apple music's up next artist. here with her song "moment," victoria monet from the mercedes-benz stage. tomorrow night, elle fanning will be here. david burd will be here. we'll have music from local
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native. our first guest tonight has two oscars, two dplogolden globes a three utility belts. his movie is called "the way back." please welcome ben affleck. ♪ how are you doing? >> hi. good. >> jimmy: look at you. i always feel like i should frisk you to make sure you didn't bring anybody stupid with you. >> that's a bad habit i'm trying to kick. >> jimmy: you've been in france with -- >> i have. i don't want to -- >> jimmy: with the one who will not be named. >> he will not be named, yes. matt and i are doing a movie in france with adam driver and jody comer, who are amazing. >> jimmy: they're terrific. >> yes. yes, they are. that matt and i wrote with nicole. it's a drama. it's tense, it's historical.
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>> jimmy: you had to write it with him too? >> i did. >> jimmy: you know, how long have you known matt damon? >> almost 40 years. >> jimmy: almost 40 years. >> and i'm 32 so -- >> jimmy: and in all those years, of all the many, many stupid things, what's the dumbest thing he's ever done in your presence? >> how many cubic feet of water is in the ocean? you know what i mean? >> jimmy: he wouldn't know, i know that. >> jimmy: some things can't be measured. >> you know, he's a good guy in my opinion. >> jimmy: yeah. >> there is a moment that stands out. >> jimmy: oh good. okay. great. should i lay down for this? let me unbutton my pants. >> i knew matt. we met when i was 8, so 39 years or -- yeah, i'm 47.
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anyway. and i met him when he was 10. he was a lot bigger than me. he was always quite a bit bigger than me because two years is a big deal when you're 8 and 10. we lived down the street from each other and we'd see each other at the park but he was kind of one of the older, bigger kids. but i got a job on tv, like a pbs cheesy educational show for kids, which i thought was kind of lame, but it was enough to make matt like boil with envy. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> just like burn with rage. >> jimmy: so he was already -- >> i just came from the set. >> jimmy: he was an actor boy at this time? >> he took it very seriously. then when we got to high school. we went to a public high school in cambridge, and i went out for the fall play. i went to audition for the play, and i saw matt there. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> he kind of eyed me. yeah, uh-huh. >> jimmy: so you were like a freshman? >> i was a freshman. i was probably six inches smaller than him. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah, because he was two
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inches taller than he is now. [ laughter ] i swear to god this is a true story. he walked up to me. he said, let me give you a little advice. i said, okay. great. what's up? he goes, this isn't tv where you get by on your looks and your haircut. this is about talent. this is the theater. [ laughter ] turned around and walked away. stone cold. ice. like he was the lawrence olivier of the drama program. >> jimmy: just out of curiosity, how much theater did lawrence olivier wind up doing after high school? >> well, it's been 30 years. one play. >> jimmy: one play. [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow. i knew i was right about him the whole time. by the way, another fellow
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bostonian, mark wahlberg was here last week, and he seems to think when it comes to tom brady's favorite like actor pal, that he is number one on the list. >> does he think that? >> jimmy: he did say that. >> i've never felt competitive with mark before but -- so that's interesting. i don't know. maybe he is. i don't want to step on any toes. i met tom -- not to brag -- the year that, you know, he replaced drew bledsoe. this is when i thought things like this were fun. the white house correspondents' dinner. i consequent towent to a party . they had just won the super bowl, and of course he was 22 and i was 27 or something. so i was like older than him. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i was like, oh, my god, man. like so great. dude, you're like the king of boston. he goes, no, way. you're the king of boston. he thinks i'm the king of
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boston. >> jimmy: you were smitten with him immediately. >> i realized then that i loved the man. [ applause ] >> jimmy: you really do. >> i really do love him. there's not a lot i wouldn't do for tommy. i don't want to go to the internet side, the bleep side. >> jimmy: when you say there's not a lot you wouldn't do for tommy -- and you call him tommy. what if he said i'd love us just to live together? >> i'd be like if it will help you with the game, let's warm up. you want to lube up? you want a massage? whatever it takes, you know what i mean? >> jimmy: is he aware of this? because every time his name comes up, i laugh because you almost blush, and you become like a child talking about him. >> i am childlike, just with him, though. and i really do love him. >> jimmy: is it only him? >> i look up to him so much, that it makes me feel like i'm
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10 years old, and it makes him really uncomfortable? >> jimmy: i bet it does. i think the last time you werer hoo, you brought pictures of your son's room. and your son who is how old now? >> my son is 8. >> jimmy: 8 years old. you've built this demented shrine to tom brady in your son's room. >> in the patriots room. >> jimmy: i was wondering if your son -- does he want this stuff? i think you had a rug made out of tom's body hair or something like that. >> yeah. it was -- it was -- yes, i did, because i did those things. and i would have done a remodel if i knew what team to put out there. but i'm hoping to stick with the one we got. >> jimmy: yeah, right. well, you know about a half an hour ago tom said he's going to tennessee. will you stick with -- i'd fish a little bit there. >> i've done this a few times. >> jimmy: so he's not going to
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tennessee? >> tom as told me personally -- i don't know what he's said to mark, but he's told me where he's going. >> jimmy: so he is going somewhere? >> that i might be going back to foxboro. >> jimmy: oh, interesting. >> never know. never know. >> jimmy: i think tom is now deleting your phone number from his contacts. >> he gave me his number at the white house press correspondents thing back when you had those foldover blackberry things. >> jimmy: then he ran those phones through a wood chipper, i think, didn't he? >> i remember i would watch the game and then text him. fourth and one, you guys went for it. that was really great. one time i was texting him and the game was over and like, boop, he texted me back. i about had a heart attack. he was in the locker room with the guys. >> jimmy: you have two oscars. this is ridiculous. this is ridiculous. [ applause ]
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>> my son -- >> jimmy: go ahead. >> it was an interesting thing because i've been doing this movie in france as i said. but one of the things that is really important to me is, you know, i'm a divorced dad. i get half the time with my son, and i really -- you know, it's his birthday. so i said to them, i'll do whatever the schedule needs but the 27th i got to be in l.a. so, you know, they set it up where i was kind of shooting right up to the 27th and i had to scramble and drive and i was going to land right in time for his birthday. and we had this present set up and everything was getting shipped and sent. i was going to pick it up and go to his surprise party. so i got really, you know -- and i got -- my son knows that i do movies that are kind of fake and his mom does movies and it's all pretend. but he knows star wars is real. and i can do my fake [ bleep ].
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so i told him like i'm actually in this movie with kyler ren. and his mind opened in two. he was like, but dad, how? how do you know kyler? are you going to space? will he have his light saber. so i told adam that, and he was a sweetheart. i said, would you tape like a birthday video to my son? and he did. it was very kind. i was just thrilled, and i was on my way, scrambled to the airport, give him the thing, fly from london all the way to l.a. it's 11 hours. i'm going to stop by his house and go to his surprise party. i get to my house, and i can see the look on the face of the guy who works with me. he was like -- i said where are the presents? and he was like, they didn't get here. oh. so i had to show up to, you know, my son's party --
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>> jimmy: with no present. >> with no gift for him. >> jimmy: that's bad. >> and it was like this sinking, awful feeling, you know. then he goes, but there is something. i said what? he said, well, adam heard you say it was your son's birthday. so he called your assistant and got your address, and sent some presents and signed a card and a picture from kylo ren. and i took those presents. [ applause ] i went and after that surprise party, watched him open all his other presents. and i said, my presents didn't get here on time. i said, but i did get a present from somebody who really wanted to make sure you had a gift. he was like who? and i said kylo ren.
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i mean he opened the presents. i played him the video of kylo ren, and it was like, you know -- >> jimmy: what's better than that? >> it was an incredibly moving and powerful -- like adam made me a hero to my kid, and i will never, ever u ever forget it. >> jimmy: how do you repay that? [ applause ] >> i tell you what. i know this kind of maudlin, saccharin sentiment doesn't fit with your show, but it's a really good lesson, doing those small gestures of kindness because you have no idea. the kylo ren doll and the lego and the picture. and it meant the [ bleep ] world to him. >> jimmy: i bet. yeah. you know what i hope? i have to say. i hope that you get that same thing from tom brady next time you see him.
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[ laughter ] he is your kylo ren. ben affleck is here. his movies called "the way back." we'll be right back. [ applause ] >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by wendy's. now serving breakfast. t. (ding) these are a few of my favorite things. wendy's uses fresh-cracked eggs on all our breakfast sandwiches. not whatever... this stuff is. (ding) that's right. see you in the morning! you up for this? everyone said i was crazy. when i started this commute, so fifteen years ago, i got my first subarud for more than five hundred thousand miles, my outback always got me there. so when it was time, of course i got a new one. because my kids still need me. and i need them. (vo) welcome to the all-new subaru outback. the most reliable outback ever. go where love takes you.
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come on, guys. heets go. we're going to go on eight. gives us time for a rebound or a tip. you're going to come up, set a n brandon, you rolround toia, ba
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kenny. we got three options. we'll look for freeze coming off the screen. if neither of those are there, go to the corner. you got this, okay? don't just nod. i want to hear your voice. yes or no? >> yes, coach. >> jimmy: that is ben affleck in "the way back." it opens in theaters on friday. you know what? it's funny because we have the screening of the movie here and some of the people were like, oh, it's going to be one of those basketball movies where we know what happens. but first of all, it's a great movie, and i think this may be your best performance. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: of all the movies you've been in. >> i agree actually? >> jimmy: you do? oh, good. >> for once we're on the same page. >> jimmy: talk a little about -- >> we start the movie and this guy has fallen on hard times. he's struggling, drinking a case of beer every day. he works construction. he's separated from his wife.
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we discover what the source of that is and why he ended up that way. but he gets offered a chance -- he was a high school basketball star and then kind of washed out a little bit and didn't really -- made nothing of that. and they offer him to go back and coach his old high school team, which has also fallen on hard times. they're 1-9. so it feels a little bit like it could be the cheesy, predictable sports movie trope cliche thing. >> jimmy: it's not. >> it's really not. it's about how he kind of reengages in his life and what he gets from these young guys. it's about, you know -- it really is about -- it's an inspiring cathartic movie about, like, you're going to have painful difficult things happen in life. that's just part of life. and, you know, what matters is not that but how you get past it, how you deal with it, how you overcome that. the script was really smart. it didn't set it up in an easy way. it doesn't pull punches in terms of the awful things that can happen to you, no fault of your own and to family members and
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stuff. but also it doesn't pull any punches in kind of saying it gets better. you can get better. it's a beautiful story. the guys who played the ball players are amazing. >> jimmy: those kids are great. was that cathartic for you going through the same thing, being able to play basketball with these kids? >> it really was. it reminded me of this movie school times. i had nine lines. i wasn't extra. yeah, i know but still it was like i loved it. i loved being part of it. i loved showing up. look, i'm on camera, way in the back, out of focus. these young men were so kind of dedicated and into it and made it so real. i loved coming to work every day. i knew i had to form a real relationship with these guys and get them to trust me and not just be, oh, i've done these movies so you're supposed to respect me but really earn their trust and respect. it was a joy every day. >> jimmy: it's terrific. it really is great and you're fantastic in it. i want to ask you about one
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other thing. >> sure. >> jimmy: i got this magazine today sitting on my desk. now, this is the movie that you guys are shooting over there? >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's the movie. there's matt. he's in his -- >> jimmy: is that a costume or just his new look? >> that's just what he dresses like. >> jimmy: that's how he dresses? dressing as some kind of wizard? >> it's a medieval drama and he plays a knight. >> jimmy: and then i have a photograph of you from the set as well. >> that's -- i play a french count, and adam and matt are kind of competing to be in my good graces, and i'm going to decide who gets more land or whatever. >> jimmy: pick adam for sure, yeah. i mean, you know. >> i do. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, of course. >> apparently the nobility will quite fond of jewelry. they were like the early rap stars. >> jimmy: be honest. are you guys making a sigfried and roy biopic? is that what's going on here?
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is this a ruse? [ applause ] if you are, i hope he gets eaten by the tiger. that's all i'm saying. >> i have no part of that joke. >> jimmy: don't worry. he's in france. we'll never see him again. ben affleck. go see his movie. it's called "the way back." it opens in theaters friday. we'll be right back with justina machado. ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ ♪ dramatic choir music it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair.
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>> jimmy: welcome back. victoria monet is on the way. our next guest, in norman larry's one day at a time which returns march 24th. it is now on pop tv. please welcome justina machado. [ applause ] ♪ how are you? >> i'm well. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing great. the last time i saw you we were on the set of all in the family live. you were fantastic on that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: everyone seemed nervous except for you. >> because i do it all the time
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because "one day at a time" is in front of a live audience. what do you have to lose when it's live? nothing. if you mess up, people love that. it's the most freeing thing ever. i wasn't nervous. none of the people i was working with were nervous because they were all pros and amazing. >> jimmy: they were nervous. i was there. woody harrelson was nervous. >> i remember jesse eisenberg, who i adore, said to me, are we going to be able to see the audience? i'm like, yeah. they're right there. >> jimmy: at one point in the production did he realize that? >> um, i think he asked like right before we were going to have an audience. >> jimmy: really? oh, well, we didn't do a great job of preparing. well, he did fwragreat. you did great. the whole thing was fantastic. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you had tufun doing i? >> i had a great time. >> jimmy: do you get distracted by the audience? >> i remember one time i was doing a show at the lincoln
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center. really a great show but it had its problems. in the audience right in front of us was ethan hawke and james franco and they didn't really like the show obviously because they were like this throughout the whole thing. [ laughter ] guys, really? put your actor face on. >> jimmy: you could see them that well? >> yes. that well. they put them right there. >> jimmy: well, at least they came to the show, right? i mean that was nice. >> they came, but everybody kept going backstage going, oh, my god, they're out there. they hate us. they're out there, and they hate us. >> jimmy: oh, my god. that's good to know actually. i'm glad for that tip. >> actor face. >> jimmy: you're from chicago originally. >> i am. born and raised in chicago. >> jimmy: how old were you or when was it you came out to los angeles? >> i came in the 90s with two girlfriends, laura and margie. we came out here. we had one car, a nissan pickup, a stick shift, which we weren't used to driving in l.a., a stick shift with these streets. we all lived in a one-bedroom.
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we had one bed and we all slept in the same bed. because i was the smallest, we had to sleep like this for two years. >> jimmy: like you were on a roller coaster or something. you slept like this? why would that help? >> room. because it was like a full-size bed. it wasn't even queen. >> jimmy: without the arms, yeah. do you keep in touch with them? >> yes. they're still my best friends. >> jimmy: do you ever have slopeoveslopeep overs? >> no. >> jimmy: one day at a time. did you love this show growing up? >> i think i got to the rerun part. i was a little too young. but, yes, when i was going to audition, i revisited the show and fell in love with it. >> jimmy: so the great norman lear hired you to star on this show. >> he did? that in itself is exciting. >> it is. >> jimmy: did you audition for norman specifically or for the other producers? >> all of them. they were all in the room. gloria, mike, brent, norman. but then there was follow-up audition because norman couldn't
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make the test, and that's when i had to go to his home. when i went to his home is when i realized i have a shot for this because there's northbouboe there. we were having an intimate conversation like you and i for about 30 minutes. and out of nowhere, norman goes, read. i'm like, i thought i had the part. i thought i was in. >> jimmy: did you have the script with you? >> he gave it to me. >> jimmy: he surprised you with it. it must have gone well. >> it went well. i said i have nothing to lose. let me go for this? >> jimmy: did he tell you right there it was going to happen? >> no. what he said to me, we know you can do this part. what i want to know is are we going to like each other? am i going to want to work with you every single day. >> jimmy: oh. i guess he liked you. >> yeah, he did. >> jimmy: what was your first acting job when you got here, your first real acting job? >> i did a movie called "she's so lovely" with sean penn and
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john travolta and robin wright penn. i walked in, and i was -- was they're like you're at the wrong warner bros. because there were two back in the day. i was walking out and the casting director chased me, and he said, i think you'd be great for this part. will you read for it? it's a movie with sean penn and john travolta. i was like, i'll read for it, and i got the part. >> jimmy: so you were at the wrong audition? >> yeah, and i got the part. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's crazy. >> the wrong audition and the right part. i remember the first day there waiting for sean penn. my scene was with sean penn, and it was the first time i saw a movie star in person. it was just like -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> sean penn. he comes up to me. we start talking to each other, and i think we're talking to each other. and he's like, what's your name? i'm like justina machado. and nick cass vet he's comes over. and he goes, no, justina, not
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your real name. i'm like, this character doesn't even have a name. he was improving but he forget to tell me. >> jimmy: it seems to have all worked out. very good to see you. "one day at a time" is on pop tv. it premiered march 24th at 9:30. justina machado, everybody. we'll be back with victoria monet. ♪ >> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presented by the 2020 g class. mercedes, the best or nothing.
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>> announcer: the "jimmy kimmel live!" concert series is presents by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thank you ben affleck, thank you justina machado. thank you chicharito. apologies to matt damon. first, here with the song "moment," victoria monet. ♪ >> jimmy kimmel.
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♪ i got a feeling that you brought me to you yeah, you did, babe ♪ ♪ look what your mind's imagination can do ♪ ♪ making it true yeah, you do, babe ♪ so let me take away your pain give me all of your emotions ♪ ♪ land it like a plane on my back if you can't hold it ♪ ♪ life is but a dream that you manifested slowly ♪ ♪ forget a fantasy baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪ give me all of your emotions baby, this right here your moment ♪
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ay, baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪ life is but a dream here we are inside of it ♪ ♪ and you're inside of me until you actually fall asleep ♪ ♪ finally you can add this moment to your memory, ohh ♪ ♪ take away your pain give me all of your emotions ♪ ♪ land it like a plane on my back if you can't hold it ♪ how y'all feeling? ♪ forget a fantasy baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪ give me all of your emotions baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪ that you manifested slowly baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪
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♪ ooh baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪ it's your moment baby, this right here your moment ♪ ♪ [ applause ]
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. tonight, super two-fer tuesday. biden and sanders sweeping up. >> it's a good night. it's a good night. and it seems to be getting even better. >> joe biden on a state by state surge. will bernie bag the biggest prize of the night? >> we're going to win, because the people understand it is our campaign, our movement, which is best positioned to defeat trump. >> is it a two-man race going forward? live, from new york city. >> and across the country, a special edition of "nightline." your voice,


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