tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 4, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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all right. we appreciate your time. "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- elle fanning, comedian dave burd, and music from local natives. and now, in all probability, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] no note. >> jimmy: thank you for there's so much going on with the coronavirus, genesis reunite being, and on top of all that, joe biden has risen from the
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dead. super tuesday was like easter sunday for joe biden who staged the biggest come back since robert downey jr. he won ten states, including texas and massachusetts where he wasn't expected to do well. he now has more delegates than any democrat and biden revealed he is also the banana on the masked singer, so that's, it wasn't all great news for yoe. immedia the very first moment of his celebration speech was marred by this. >> they don't call it super tuesday for nothing! by the way, this is my little sister valerie, and i'm jill's husband. oh, no. they witched on me. this is my wife, this is my sister. they witchswitched on me. >> jimmy: i hope they don't mix up the hotel room keys, because -- oh, boy. it was a locker shocker of the bernie sanders.
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a lot of people waited until the last second to decide, it was like a wedding ceremony on "love is blind." in california, lines were, some voters here in los angeles waited three hours to vote, and if i'm waiting in line for three hours, i better get a popeye's chicken sandwich at the end of it. this is is whwhat it was like i sacramento last night where one unlucky dad learned the value of the words "vote by mail." >> you're at the end of the line. >> yeah. >> what an honor. >> hold on, dad, i'm on the news. i'm trying to get him to come vote. >> it closes in two minutes. >> never mind. >> jimmy: could have been the one that put tulsi gabbard over the top. it's essentially a two-man contest, joe and bernie fighting for the nomination like it's the last bowl of jell-o at the senior center.
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isn't your late 70s a weird time to start a new job? the only job you should start in your 70s is walmart greeter. we already have a rule that you can't be younger than 35 to be president. i think congress needs to cap that, too, at age 70. people like george washington, no one expected to live until age 78. the average life expectancy was 35 then. back in 1789, they made the minimum age to be president 35. maybe they didn't want a president, i don't know. by the way, why is the minimum age 35 in if we want somebody who's 33 and great, we can't have that person is? jesus died at 33. he would have been ineligible to be president of the united states. [cheers and applause] i don't know. i feel like the reason that we go for the old white guys is because when we were growing up, we were told that's what god looked like. and now, because of his relationship with barack obama, joe biden is very popular with
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african-americans, and bernie, one of the reasons he was thiab to do so well is he's strong with latinos. president trump this afternoon demonstrated his powerful command of espanol. >> also here this afternoon is is miguel gutierrez. i i'd like to ask miguel to come up and give us your story. >> jimmy: all's mig-well that ends mig-well. it's not like a common name. guillermo, how many guys do you know named miguel? >> guillermo: only one. >> jimmy: see? and's from there. our president also kept busy on twitter. he posted a picture of mike bloomberg licking his fingers while eating pizza. he wrote, don't lick your dirty
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fingers, both unsanitary and dangerous to yourself and others. i think he's surprised they are big enough to lick. i want to look at this video again. this really have something. it's a crazy week when i agree with the president on something, but that is, i think he just started the dominoes rievirus there. the new york mayor dropped out of the race. the only place he won was american samoa. it would have been cheaper for him to just buy american samoa, for that much money, these are the things mike bloomberg could have bought with $500 million. this original da vinci. 250 bu bouggattis. 25 of those heart of the ocean necklaces from "titanic." the calgary flames. he could have paid for all of trump's golf since he became
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president. and while bloomberg may now be out of the race he did release one final campaign ad, which, had it run, may have proven to be his most effective yet. >> america, ours is a nation founded on ideas. we need a candidate who can win voters' hearts and minds. mike bloomberg is that candidate. he's the only democrat running whose name you hear in every single commercial break, every single time you turn on the tv. you've seen hem thousands of times. but look at him. really, look at him. look deep into his eyes. surrender yourself to the inevitable. submit to bloomberg. there is only bloomberg.
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bloom-berg. >> i'm mike bloomberg, and you'll do as i command. >> jimmy: i don't know, i guess not, i guess now we won't. [cheers and applause] so bloomberg is out. he endorsed joe biden today. and this is very clever. they have a great plan, actually, for the unsold bloomberg campaign merchandise. you know how because of the coronavirus there's a shortage of those masks? well, not anymore thanks to clever tailoring on the team of team bloom berpg. there you go, problem solved. president trump is a well-known germ phonee pho germaphobe, and he's said to be going around the white house saying "i can't get sick, i can't get sick", he supposedly banned some staffers from his office. and you'll never believe who he blames on the limits for testing. >> obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental on
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what we're doing, and we undid that decision a few days ago. >> jimmy: he also blamed president obama for pokemon go. trump has been tell advising his meetings on this. he had a round table with the ceos of the airlines during which he presented the brieght side of the coronavirus. >> it's affecting the airline business as it would. and a lot of people are staying in our country, shopping and using our hotels in this country. so from that tannstandpoint i t there's probably a positive impact. >> jimmy: right, and guess who owns hotels. that's right, the smartest man in the world. mike pence gave a coronavirus update. he bragged that they have, he said in a positive way, we have 2500 testing kits available. that's great, that's like the ship is sinking, but don't worry, we have an inner tube, jump on.
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but the president is not wrong. people are hoppingshopping a lo mostly buying hand sanitizer, which you cannot find now because of panic buying. this is a text i got from james baby doll dixon. he won't fly, he won't do anything. this photo you're about to see is the real passenger seat of his car. he's got cigarettes, towelettes and doughnuts even. if the coronavirus doesn't get him, everything else in this car will. also a bottle of cologne in the middle which he could gargle in a pinch. be well, baby doll. smoke hard and everything will be okay. some scumbags are taking advantage of this by jacking up prices for sanitizer like pure el. this is listed on amazon for $99. they got around rules by listing it as a collectible.
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and an 24-pack of travel size purele. lyft reported their biggest day of revenue ever. people are scared to use public transformation. maybe the honda with the bowl of community beth breath mints isn't the solution. not every company is thriving, one unfortunately named product has been an unexpected victim of american stupidity. >> some americans say they're avoiding corona beer balls ecau coronavirus. more than a third said they will not guy under any circumstance. >> jimmy: really? really in a thirof us? think corona the beer is causing
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the virus in that's like thinking gator causes aids. i found it difficult to believe. so we decided to go out on hollywood boulevard to do our own unscientific poll to see if we got similar >> do you think there might be a correlation between corona beer and the coronavirus? >> possibly, it would be something to be concerned about. >> do you think there's any correlation? >> initially, i did think there was a correlation between the two. luckily, i don't drink. >> got you. if you did drink, would you be concerned about drinking corona? >> yes. >> why? >> because it sounds the same. >> are you worried about a resurr resurgence of the zuma virus. >> of course!
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>> are you concerned about getting something like bacardiosis? >> of course, if my mom sees this, so yes. >> what did you think when you heard mike pence was the head of the coronavirus task force in. >> i think he's the mobest for e job. >> what about bartles & jaymes to work on the task force? >> i think they're qualified as well. >> we need some technology in our systems. >> what about a fireball. >> that as well. since our technology is is constantly improving i'm looking forward to that as well. >> have you been paying heed to advice from government officials from the surgeon general or captain morgan? >> yes, and i'm not panicking. i'm staying calm. go do you know if you're vaccinated against white claw?
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>> i just got vaccinated. so yes. >> what about white claw? >> oh, my god, that's on tell igs and i'm going to be like the [ bleep ] idiot. >> jimmy: yes, that's true. [ applause ] please have a cold one to support the people at corona be beer. we have a good show. music from local natives. the artist known as lil dicky, dave burd is here. and we'll be right back with elle fanning. so stick around. >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by the samsung galaxy s-20 ultra 5 g. ♪
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♪ pre-order a galaxy s20 now for up to $200 in samsung credit. hey college admissions guy, how's it going? well, i haven't been offered a bribe by any b-list celebrities on behalf of their under-achieving offspring, so that's good. the snickers hole, it's working! free! free!!! free, free, free. free. free free! free!! that's right, turbotax free is free. free,free free free.
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that's right, ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair. fishrisotto. buffalo. (buffalo wild wings) gelato. curry. cacciatori. chimichurri. fried turkey. blueberry. mcflurry. (mcdonald's) cheese cake. (cheesecake factory) grilled steak. clam bake. milkshake. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome. for ralphie's appointment.
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to many as the funny rapper named little dicky, he is soon to be seen on his new f-x-x show "dave," dave burd is here. then, you can see them live on tour, starting may 20th at the greek theater here in l.a. local natives from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. tomorrow, tim robbins and eric andre will join us, with music from phantogram. so please join us for that. >> jimmy: our first guest has been visiting us here since she was 12 years old back when child labor laws were more of a suggestion. she's grown up now with a new movie called "all the bright places," it's on netflix now. please say hello to elle fanning. [cheers and ♪ >> jimmy: i tell you something, it's great to see you. >> good to see you. >> jimmy: it occurred to me just moments ago that my first, i'm
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calling that the elle bump. >> great. >> jimmy: who better to do the elle bump with with than with elle, you. >> i like that. >> jimmy: i think will really catch on. >> i like that. je >> jimmy: we're trying especially at the show to switch to this instead. >> the corona. >> jimmy: because of corona, yeah. so if you would, spread it around. you could be the ambassador for the young people. this is the virus we want to spread, the elle bump. let's do it one with more time to show people. >> boom. >> jimmy: that's the way to do it. >> jimmy: i apologize if this is a weird thing to say, but you seem happier than most people. i get that a lot. >> jimmy: i think they call it a sunny disposition. >> thank you. >> jimmy: that's a good way to go through life. >> i'm also like, when i get excited, i don't know, i get
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excited. >> jimmy: that's good. >> and then laugh nervously. >> jimmy: i mentioned in your introduction that 12 was the first time you were here. now you're 21 years old >> mm-hm. >> jimmy: almost 22. >> in april. >> jimmy: how has 21, what have the privileges of being a full-fledged american adult, have you been enjoying in. >> drinking. >> jimmy: drinking. >> yeah, definitely drinking. >> jimmy: did you wait? did you wait to start drinking until you turned 21? >> oh, of course. >> jimmy: and now you're drinking in earnest e. >> of course. i have this restaurant-bar anxiety, especially if you're out with friends or whoever, and you're like, even the bar tender, i'm like, i get anxiety when i'm ordering like if he's judging me, like that's not
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right, that's not classy. i don't know. >> jimmy: you need to have a go-to drink. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: han whand when you lo all the drinks on the menu, they've given them all these funny names. >> exactly. >> jimmy: you need to have one. what is yours? >> mine, i have decided is a vodka martini, extra dirty. >> jimmy: very good. >> right choice, i guess. >> jimmy: it's just olive juice, it's not anything. how much, when you say extra dirty, is it more olive juice than vodka ? >> it depends. they gave me a tip. they knew i was 21. >> jimmy: the bar tender gave you a tip. that's a nice. >> he let me know if you want to order this, you like that dirty, you should put it on the side, the dirt on the side, so all the olive juice at the side. >> jimmy: so you walk away a
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thing. >> a concoction, so i can mix it in if i want to. >> jimmy: that's your drink. >> yes. >> jimmy: you got that out of the way. >> i got that out of the way. >> jimmy: what did do you for your 21st birthday? >> i, it was a big one. my friends and my sister threw kn me this karaoke birthday. i always wanted to do karaoke for my 21st. >> jimmy: what songs did you do do? >> i did "summer lovin'." >> jimmy: who did you do that with? >> you know. friends. >> jimmy: who was your danny zuko? >> it feels like the first crush ever, too. >> jimmy: mine too. for me, it was "welcome back kotte kotter". >> and my sister and i did "before he cheats." >> jimmy: the carrie underwood song.
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>> we did that together. >> jimmy: why is that her karaoke song? >> i don't know. >> jimmy: that's got to make all the guys nervous when that's her go-to is song. "summer lovin'" is definitely more -- >> more tame. >> jimmy: more you. >> but not so much when i'm slurring and falling over. >> jimmy: did you get drunk on dirty martinis or whatever? >> sadly, it was champagne and tequila shots mixture. yeah, i threw up a lot. >> jimmy: oh, you did. >> yeah. in the uber on the way hope. >> jimmy: oh, oh, your rating must be a disaster. >> it wasn't on my uber. >> jimmy: oh, wow. oh, that's, that's the ultimate crime. >> exactly. >> jimmy: so you didn't even make it out the window, huh? >> you know, the story is a bit hazy for sure. >> jimmy: yes.
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>> but i've been told the uber driver was really nice. >> jimmy: oh, he was? >> he had a stache of throw-up baggies in his car, so he obviously gets this a lot. >> jimmy: did you get the bag in. >> i got the bag, but it was a lot, is so i was in the bag. and then i -- >> jimmy: oh, no. >> but then it was like, i was like maybe i can just out the window, we kept telling him i ate bad fish. >> jimmy: bad fish. >> sorry, sorry, bad fish. he totally knows. i have glitter, i'm probably wearing a 21st birthday, like, hat, you know. but tried to do it out the window. he was super nice. >> jimmy: that's great. i hope he got a good tip. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: your tip to him was get the olive juice on the side. >> yeah, yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: how is your sister? your sister dakota. >> yes. >> jimmy: are you guys living together or what?
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>> right now, she lived in new york for seven years. now she's moving back home to l.a. there's kind of an in between. she's got a house. so she's a bit in our house right now. >> jimmy: you're still with your mom. >> i'm still with my mom, yes. but i haven't lived with my sister for a bit now. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> she's really good, but we're about to do a film together, starting in like a month. >> jimmy: have you never done a movie together? >> never. never. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> now i've played her at a younger age in flashbacks and stuff, but this we're actually playing sisters in a movie. >> jimmy: perfect. you're playing sisters, is that fun? >> yeah, it's re special to u s us. we going to be living together during that. we've got, you know, a three bedroom apartment.
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>> jimmy: one to throw up in? >> who knows. >> jimmy: you, does your first movie together, but you have worked together before, and in fact, this is a video that i believe you posted online that i wanted to examine. it combines everything we're talking about young fans of the black-eyed peas there. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's cute. >> i think the song had just come out, too, like fergie was like everything. >> jimmy: yeah, right, of course. maybe she could live in the third bedroom. we're going to take a break. when we come back, we will see a clip from elle fanning's new film called "all the bright places." we'll be right back. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by wendy's.
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now serving breakfast. see ya in the morning at wendy's. this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. (ding) these are a few of my favorite things. wendy's is changing the game from this... to a breakfast that eats other breakfasts for breakfast. these are a few of my favorite things. who says you can't have a baconator for breakfast? don't just "grab a coffee..." grab a frosty-ccino instead. and forget that frozen-folded-egg-stuff. all of these have fresh-cracked eggs. one bite and it'll be your new favorite. guaranteed. that's right. so, you up for this? ♪ favorite things! yeah!
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not faces. that's such a bad thing. you're in a movie with all the bright faces. >> my dad. >> jimmy: that is based on one of those books like every young woman has read. >> yes. >> jimmy: and no one over 30 knows about, right in. >> yes, i first read the book, yeah, it's a book by jennifer a niven, when i was 14, that was the first time i raid tead the . >> jimmy: was it your idea to make the movie? >> i think jennifer wrote the book with the possibility of a film happening, so i got to meet with her when i was young, and i've been on the project for a while trying to really develop it. >> jimmy: you produced this, right in. >> yeah, it's the first movie i've produced. [ applause ] >> jimmy: is that fun? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you decided not to go to college, right in. >> yeah, i think you talked me out of.
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>> jimmy: i said don't go to college, everything's figured out already, look at you, you're producing. so what does that mean when you're the producer? are you involved in everything, pirki pi picking the people who are going to co-star? >> a bit. there are other producers on board. i got to learn from them a lot. obviously, this is my first time. but i think a big reason that the movie wasn't made sooner is because we couldn't find finch, who is is the boy in the film. >> jimmy: who is is that? >> that is justus smith. and he's incredible. >> jimmy: oh, what a name that is. justus smith, that sounds like he should be rounding up a posse. justice smith is in town! >> yeah, i got to meet with him. and we kind of read a few scenes together. it was automatically, like, boom, this is finch. >> jimmy: you have a love scene. is this your first love scene in this this?
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>> yeah, i think you could say. >> jimmy: that's crazy. you know you're going to have your first love scene, and you're the one picking the person you're going to love. >> i guess i never thought about that. >> jimmy: yes, if you are a guy, it would sound creepy. >> women in charge here. >> jimmy: hey, justice, you're the one! pucker up! you shot this in cleveland? >> yes. >> jimmy: how did you like it in cleveland? >> i really enjoyed it. we found, there was a big, we were very close, a big family of casting and crew. we found some good activities to do. our hotel was right next to a mall. >> jimmy: great. >> i would go to the food court like every day and get philly cheese steak. >> jimmy: really in. >> best i've ever had. >> jimmy: better than philadelphia in philadelphia? >> i've never been to philadelphia. i can't say that. >> jimmy: you'd go to the mall? >> yeah, it's right outside the
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hotel. they were like connected. >> jimmy: i got it. >> nethere we go. >> jimmy: as producer, were you in charge of finding the hotel? >> no, i guess not, but we were all staying in that hotel. >> jimmy: that makes it more fun. >> yeah, we would go do some karaoke there and shuffleboard. >> jimmy: what? >> shuffleboard. >> jimmy: in the hotel in. >> it was like a place. >> jimmy: there's a designated park? >> it's a bar/shuffleboard place. and we -- >> jimmy: i don't know what i was imagining. >> a park, yeah. >> jimmy: shuffleboard country club or something like that. sounds like you're having fun. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's very good to he sao yo see you. we learned a lot. your uber driver learn the more. give my best to your sister dakota.
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>> i will. >> jimmy: elle fanning! "all the bright places" is on netflix now. we'll be back with dave burd. n. ♪ things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin ♪ yeah that's all me. ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ nothing is everything. keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ and it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi.
12:12 am
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sheba. what cats want. that's a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. our gummies contain a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no next-day grogginess. zzzquil pure zzzs. naturally superior sleep. shhh... [whispering] how about one that boots up fast? [whispering] it's switching time. how's that for fast? switch to booting up as fast as six seconds. switch to chromebook. ♪ hello, i saw you move in, and i wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood with some homemade biscuits! >>oh, that's so nice! and a little tip, geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. >>hmm! >>cookies! uhh, biscuits. >>mmmm, is there a little nutmeg in there? oh it's my mum's secret recipe. >>you can tell me. it's a secret. >>is it cinnamon? it's my mum's secret recipe.
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call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. i'll come back for the plate. saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has a plan designed just for you. and, for a limited time only, we're making it an even better deal. now you can get two lines for only $55.
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that includes unlimited talk, text and data. with no annual service contracts. it also includes talk, text and data when traveling in mexico and canada. so if you're 55 and up, you can now get two lines for only $55. because at t-mobile, we have a plan designed just for you. >> jimmy: hi, welcome back! lil dicky and local natives are on the way, but first, this is our pal guillermo, who has a big announcement. go ahead. >> guillermo: everybody, i -- am a morning person now.
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>> jimmy: i'm proud of you. what brought this on? a desire to spend more time with your son or to be an about thor team member here at the show? >> guillermo: no. it's because wendy's is serving breakfast now. >> jimmy: that makes more sense. ♪ . >> guillermo: have a breakfast bacon-ator. it made me a morning person, and now you're one, too! hey, guys, wendy's is now serving breakfast from 6:30 to 10:30 a.m. here, have a honey butter chicken biscuit. >> you're my honey butter chicken biscuit.
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>> taxi! ♪ >> really, i want you to meet wendy's breakfast. >> ooh, wendy's doing breakfast now? >> wait, this one's mine. >> wendy's is doing breakfast? >> that's right. can you grab me a cappuccino please? >> i'm about to come back from commercial. >> i think most people think of you as a late-night guy. >> but thanks to wendy's, i'm a morning person. what a day, i love you, sweetie. i'll see you in the morning. >> hey, you forgot to go to work. >> oh, right, work, okay. >> dicky: be a morning person too, head to the wendy's app to grab a free honey butter chicken biscuit with any purchase often. these are a few of my favorite things. wendy's is changing the game from this... to a breakfast that eats other breakfasts for breakfast. en. n. . f. e. r. don't just "grab a coffee..." grab a frosty-ccino instead.
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don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms, if your inflammatory bowel disease symptoms develop or worsen, or if you've had a vaccine... ...or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur. i look and feel better with cosentyx. five years is just crazy. see me. ask your dermatologist if cosentyx could help you move past the pain of psoriasis.
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please welcome dave burd. not ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: so dave, yeah, that's what you have to do. you've got to unbutton it. you look good, you lookgood, yo >> jimmy: how are you ? >> i feel like it's the best day of my life. >> jimmy: we know you as lil' dickey, but now you're david burd. >> it's an aggressive way to speak to somebody. >> jimmy: it is. at certain points did you regret taking on that name ? >> it's almost like my cross to bear, that name. >> jimmy: i see, your penance
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for succeeding. your story is amazing. you stored up all your bar mitzvah money and made a video. >> my parents wouldn't let let t touch my bar mitzvah money. i thought about ways to get known for my sense of humor. i could always sort of rap. i had $6,000 saved in my bank account from my bar mitzvah. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and i decided to spend it on music videos. and it was a great career decision. >> jimmy: did your parents agree it was a great career decision? go no. >> jimmy: no. they're actually here aren't think they? >> yeah. there they are. >> jimmy: do you remember the moment you told your parents, hey, that $6,000 i got, i'm going to spend it making rap videos? >> not, because it wasn't really a moment.
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it was more i spoke to them over the course of weeks to kind of ease them into it. know what i mean? >> jimmy: i see. >> i think it was a little yarring f jarri jarring for them. what am i going to do, buy a couch when i'm 28 years old? >> jimmy: did they like what you were doing in. >> well. uh, i think, you know, they're not like avid rap fans. i think was a little, you know, it was definitely like a total left turn. i worked at an ad agency. >> jimmy: hundred a regular job at that time. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and you were making these funny and somewhat profane videos. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and somebody posted on reddit about it and the next day it was like a million views? >> i'd been working for like two years on music behind the scenes, not showing anybody. just to keep hope at a maximum
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level. what can someone do besides make my hope lower. >> jimmy: right. >> and then finally, everybody thought i was crazy, i haven't seen him in a month. finally, i was at the time where i was going to post my first video. i woke up in the morning, brushed my teeth. i looked in the mirror and cried tears of joy because i was so relieved that i had put my best foot forward. i didn't know what was going to happen. i i knew i had given it my all and i thought i could live with failure, but i couldn't live with "what if", and i checked that box on a personal level. >> jimmy: that's a great way to look at it. [cheers and applause] >> and i posted it and it got a million views in the first 24 hours. what a relief. >> jimmy: that is crazy. >> yeah. >> jimmy: that is unheard of. >> i said today was the best day of my life. that was. >> jimmy: now this is a photograph i was curious about. how old are you in this shot? >> probably about, first off, i
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was a better man back then i feel. >> jimmy: i don't think you were a man, so. >> look at the sock. the socks are different brands. >> jimmy: the socks are different brands. it looks like you were on corona before the virus. >> and that wasn't even my hurt. that's at my overnight camp, 112, the r&b cagroup came to myo overnight camp. >> jimmy: why? >> to perform. >> jimmy: they stayed in the cabin with new. >> basically, i had a meal with them. the owner's son, i think i was his favorite camper. i had good charisma. when they needed somebody to go fill up a few minutes, i did a routine. >> jimmy: that's what got you hooked? >> that's the first moment i hit the stage and it went well. i always for no real reason felt
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destined for stardom. and i think that was the first moment where it was validated. >> jimmy: now you have a show. is this show auto buy graphical? is this based on your real life in >> semi auto biographical. >> jimmy: it's called "dave." >> they say write what you know. and i'm really fortunate that my actual real life is so entertaining. i'm like a rapper, but at the same time, it's not nearly as glamorous as you'd think. half of the time when i go to the studio i can't record because my nose is too stuffed. it's ying and yang of that battle. >> jimmy: and one of the producers of your hoe show is k hart. how did that happen? was he at camp with you? >> no, i was in las vegas performing, you know how they have pool parties in vegas?
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i was a rapper on stage. and i was just performing, and all of a sudden i heard a roar from the crowd. and i thought it was because i was being impressive. kevin hart had come on stage. i idolized kevin hart. from i'm from philadelphia. [cheers and applause] >> everybody here from philadelphia philadelphia? >> jimmy: no, they love kevin hart. >> i hear this roar and see kevin hart, but i'm in the middle of a song. i can't be hey, kev. he was there for his bachelor party, and i talked to him afterwards. we hit it off and stayed in touch. when i decided to make a tv show i wanted producers who could really add value. they're helping me hire directors. >> jimmy: congratulations. your parents must be so relieved, i would imagine. >> yeah, they're very
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when i'm walking around and my mom's phone rings, it's one of my songs. >> jimmy: what song does mom have on the phone ? >> it's "earth." >> jimmy: you're saving the planet. >> one ring tone at a time. >> jimmy: dave burd! "dave" airs wednesdays at 10:00 p.m. on fxx. and we'll return with music from local natives. ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the amg four-door coupe. mercedes amg, driving performance. did you know this is where you can harness your inner jedi? and tear around radiator springs?
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or get your flex on with the incredibles. kids enjoy the magic for just $67 per child per day, with a 3-day 1-park per day ticket. kids enjoy the magic for just $67 per child per day, ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music ♪ dramatic choir music it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank elle fanning and dave burd, apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, their album is called "violet street." here with the song "dark days," with help from amelia mete local natives! ♪
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♪ finally what you came for finally what you hoped to find ♪ ♪ racing home from her house looking out for black and white ♪ ♪ dark days in the summer dark days a million ways to toe the line ♪ ♪ summer can't wait holy other can't wait ♪ ♪ might as well be the seventh sign ♪ ♪ ooh it goes hand in hand with fear for the afterlife
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ooh it goes hand in hand with fear for the afterlife ooh how can we fight it ♪ ♪ fight it if we don't even know why ♪ ♪ i've been on the way i've been on the way i've been on my way for so long ♪ ♪ i've been on the way i've been on the way i've been on my way for so long ♪ ♪ i've been on the way i've been on the way i've been on my way for so long ♪
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this is "nightline." tonight, prison snitch. the death row inmate's ultimate fight. >> what i'm afraid of is is spending the rest of my life in prison for a crime i didn't commit. >> claiming he made no confession to a jailhouse informant. >> never said a word to him in my life. >> now the desperate legal fight to save his life, and what the informant is is saying now. >> do you regret anything that you've done in your life? >> plus, fire wire. >> wow, that is is amazing. >> daredevil trying to walk over one of the hottest volcanos, "nightline" will be right back.
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