tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 5, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PST
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all right. thanks for watching everybody. >> >> dicky: from hollywood it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- tim robbins, from "bad trip," eric andre, this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from phantogram. and now, for the most part, jimmy kimmel! [cheers and applause] ♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone, thank you. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. thanks for watching, thanks for coming, wow, i'm so glad you came. it's, i wouldn't have come. thank you for literal lly riski your lives to be here tonight, and i want to welcome those of you who just got off the cruise ship. boy, the stock market was way down today as the rise of the
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coronavirus continues around the country and the world. the governor of california declared a state of emergency here, and a lot of people are wondering what they can do. even the rapper, little nas x tweeted, no joking, does anybody know what i can do to help with the coronavirus? well, you know what? thanks for asking, lil' nas x. and yes, there is something you can do. it's called the el bump. i introduced this on monday. it is a waiy of saying hello without infecting each other. this morning the el bump made it to the view. >> jimmy kimmel is proposing an alternative to a handshake that he's calling the el bump. apparently this is what it is, i'm going to try it out on you. >> there's, okay. hi. >> you know what, after all this time, howie mandel is a genius. >> jimmy: that's right, he is a genius. he does the mandel bump is his
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thing. but the governor of nebraska posted this on twitter. he's doing the el bump with his fellow man. and this is shocking to me, even the vice poodle of the united states is doing the el bump today. look at this. here he is coming off air force two. and there you go. that's, i hope he hasn't been watching the show. the best part of the el bump is you don't need a face mask, not that you can find a face mask, there's a shortage right now of those face masks even though they don't really help prevent the coronavirus, people have been hoard beiing them, which p doctors and nurses and people in hospitals at risk. y wan it's very easy to make your own safety mask and my trusty guillermo is going to show you how you can do that now. all you need is a common -- [cheers and applause] a few common household items. for instance, look at that. a coffee filter.
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get some duct tape, a coffee filter, strap it on and breathe in those columbian beans. for the next one, yes, go down to the ground guillermo. if you don't drink coffee, why not try an old bra? or for the fellas out there who might not have a bra handy, grab a slice of cold pizza and an extra thick rubber band and there you have it. thank you very much. any flat bread will do. and now your mustache smells like pepperoni. that's interesting. this is a clip from the fox news coverage of the mike pence news conference. listen carefully to see if you heard what i heard. >> what's threshold? the number of deaths, the number of cases? >> that's a briefing at the white house. >> jimmy: i don't know, maybe lou dobbs is practicing his
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trombone? our commander in chief is very focussed on the coronavirus and trying to sell us on the idea that it's not a big deal. he phoned in to sean hannity to tell not what the experts are saying but what he's personally feeling. >> a global rate of 3.4%. your reaction to that? >> i think the 3.4% is really a false number. now this is just my hunch, but based on a lot of conversations with a lot of people that do this, because a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild. they'll get better very rapidly. they don't see a doctor, they don't even call a doctor. >> jimmy: we really would have been bert off with a monkey president. we really would. [cheers and applause] donald trump has a hunch. here's thing. if you're president of the united states, you don't go with hunches. you have the world's greatest
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scientists, you go with them, you listen to them. the only hunch you should have is the one in your back when you're leaning over that 12-piece bucket of kfc. it's mild like the salsa an at chipotle. >> they don't know about the easy cases, because the easy cases don't go to the hospital. they don't report to doctors or the napolitano ma the hospital in many cases. i think the number is way under 1%. >> jimmy: personally, i would say it's way under 1%. would somebody put a mozzarella stick in his stupid hole? he floated the idea that people with the coronavirus could go in to work. >> so, if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work. but they get better.
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>> jimmy: see, for him going to work means sitting around watching nine hours of fox news in his underpants. so he doesn't understand what that means. i don't know, all he cares about is money. he's worried about the stock market before the election, so his plan is to pretend the virus away. and it's especially interesting that trump will be okay with sick people going to work. he said it the same day his commander of the corona task force told us specific lit allyo the opposite of that. >> a brief tutorial for yourself and your family and your loved ones. it's a good idea to stay home when you're sick. >> jimmy: what could be, could there be anything sadder than to be mike pence? nothing you say means anything. you're like a semi colon. you're really just, as joe biden gets ready to storm the white house atop his ride-on lawnmower, his opponent, senator
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elizabeth warren has dropped out of the race. american voters ultimately decided she didn't have what they were looking for in a president, which is a penis. and elizabeth warren finished a distant thard distant third in the delegate race. it's hard to argue that sexism played a part. a lot of people said i'm fine voting for a woman, after hillary, i don't want to risk it. it's second hand sexism is what it is. who will she endorse? they both want the endorsement, bernie and biden. and that's what she was asked outside her house >> will you be making ann to endorsement today? we know you spoke with both joe biden and bernie sanders yesterday. >> not today. not today. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: so i guess bernie has the edge.
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the remaining candidates are now bernie, jooie biden and tulsi fb ard w ard who has a fun real estate vibe going. basically, when you're trying to choose which type of breyers vanilla, the homemade, natural and extra creamy, which flavor will beat that chunky monkey in the oval office? i guess we'll find out in november. florida is a key state and florida had a big milestone, the 175th anniversary of florida becoming a state. florida is 175 years old, which is why it moved to florida in the first place. florida is a strange, even their state flag looks like the wrong answer on family feud. it, no state in the union has crammed more crazy into its years of existence than florida.
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with that said, we are very tri to our favorite state. >> there's never been a better time to visit florida. join us as we celebrate 175 years of statehood. since 1845, florida has been america's top travel destination for people hoping to get a dui on a lawnmower, but no matter how you get there, whether by street-legal jet ski or twerking on the roof of a nissan, in florida everyone's welcome. so kickback and smoke some weed in a maternity ward or crack in the icu. looking for excitement? just steal 16 metric tons of crisco or 850 pairs of ladies underwear or throw a live alligator into a drive through. and when the sun goes down the night gets hot. at one of our world famous strip clubs where you can do whatever
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your haeart desires, even run over your own legs with a paup truck. the sunshine state la mawill mal your dreams come true today. book a trip today. 21 reptile poachers can't be wrong. come to florida, the state that god forgot. >> jimmy: happy anniversary, florida. we love you. keep up the good work. [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: all right, one more thing before we forge ahead. it's thursday night, that means it's time to bleep and blur the big moments of tv whether they need it or not, it is this week in unnecessary censorship. >> a big issue for them is going to be [ bleep ]ing. biden is for it. sanders is against it. >> safe travels on the campaign trail, thank you, sir. >> [ bleep ] you. >> one thing i love working with president trump as a candidate
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and president he's not afraid to [ bleep ]. he's not afraid to take on new things. >> laura, he could personally suck the [ bleep ] out of every one of the 60,000 [ bleep ] in the world and suck it out of their [ bleep ]. >> we believe as president trump said today that it's safe to [ bleep ]. a hospital worker facing charges after being accused of sucking on a patient's [ bleep ] is speaking out. >> i haven't touched my [ bleep ] in weeks. in weeks. i miss it. >> for the nightcap, if you think your kids are [ bleep ] eaters, what about dogs? >> i find animals [ bleep ] to be endlessly entertaining, more entertaining than people [ bleep ]ing if i'm being honest. people [ bleep ]ing is so been there done that is correct , am >> take your [ bleep ] and spin it around the arena. spin it around. >> jimmy: tonight on the show -- music from phantogram. eric andre is here. and we'll be right back with tim robbins.
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[cheers and applause] ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by medicare from blue cross and blue shield companies. and put back together. this is also hal's heart. and his relief, knowing he's covered by blue cross blue shield. this is hal's heart. and it's beating better than ever. this is what medicare from blue hield does for hal. and with easy access to quality healthcare, imagine what we can do for you. this is the benefit of blue. ♪ someone really likes greens. you ordered fresh organic produce? i am groot. cool. is there any way you could come down here?
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that's my dream. you dream big for a man on a plane to omaha. and she's zip lining with little jon? what! it's lil jon. even he knows that. thanks, captain obvious. you're with big jon. i'm steve. don't hate-like their trip, book yours with and get rewarded basically everywhere. be there. do that. get rewarded.
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what? oooh... ahhh. no. yeah? yes! oh yeah! sí. yes. that's the sound of saving 20 to 60 percent off department store prices. at ross. yes for less. ♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: hi there, welcome back to our show. tonight, he has a very funny new movie called "bad trip," eric andre is here. then, their album comes out tomorrow. it's called "ceremony." phantogram from the mercedes-benz outdoor stage. >> chyron: next week we will do this once again with guests vin iesel, emily blunt, david spade, aidy bryant, eiza gonzales and music from thundercat, grace vanderwaal and so pl
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ople first guest tonight is a oscar and golden globe winning actor with a new comedy that celebrates the wonders of analog video "v-h-yes" is on video on demand and in select theaters now. please say hello to tim robbins. [cheers and ♪ >> jimmy: how you doin'? >> i'm doin' great. >> jimmy: thank you for employing the el bump. >> double el bump. >> jimmy: it's important that people see other people doing it. >> modeling good behavior. >> jimmy: and you were just on a big tour, right? >> yes. we were with actors all over the country. >> jimmy: that is your playhouse of people. >> we doing a new show called
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"colossus", about immigration, speaking 12 languages, telling the story of ancestors how they got from oppression to freedom. so we were in iowa, michigan, seattle, california and in colorado. >> jimmy: you got around. >> and new york. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. was that fun for you. >> it was incredible. the play is really moving. and it's, but at the end, i would come out, and i'd have a discussion with the audience. >> jimmy: oh, each time, nice. >> and i would ask where they're from and where their ancestors are from. and they would share stories with us, incredible stories about their ancestors, about how they got here, including this story of an 8-year-old boy who in new york harbor early denied entry, jumps off the boat, swims to shore, hides now horse stables, adopted by this i
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family. he said this is my great, great uncle, he is one of the ones who started the teamsters. >> jimmy: half of them aren't true, but you doesn't know thn' because your grandpa made up some story. our family, we thought we were native-american for a long time. >> yeah, i took the dna test. >> jimmy: nothing cool in your background. so you're out there, and you're doing these q&as with these people. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and when you do a q&a, i imagine "shawshank redemption" always comes up, "bull durham" comes up. do they come up all the time? [cheers and applause] >> they do come up all the time, that and "jacob's ladder" and "nothing to lose." >> jimmy: what's the ranking? >> "shawshank" would be top. >> jimmy: that's a great movie, there are quite a few great
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movies. i feel like i watched it yesterday. >> it probably was on yesterday. >> jimmy: it may have been on yesterday. is that what it is? do they give it away? when's the last time you sat and watched it? >> i was in a film festival in the czech republic and saw it in an outdoor amphitheater with about 4,000 people. >> jimmy: really? >> it was preet cotty cool. >> jimmy: your dad was a folk musician, flight. >> yes. he was with a group called the highway men. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> and they toured all over the place. yeah, that was the first person i saw on stage, that was what gave me the addiction. >> jimmy: and did that excite you? and were you ever a part of that, being on stage with him? >> yes. we did a promotional tour in 1965. we were the ever ready robins,
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chordless corners, ever ready robbins. >> jimmy: the whole family. >> we'd go on morning shows and sing a song together and you know we'd play with our battery-operated products. >> jimmy: for the ever ready battery company. >> yeah. then paul happened and it was a complete embarrassment. >> jimmy: people would buy batteries, did you sing about batteries? >> this was 1965. batteries were a preet ntty new thing. >> jimmy: that's pretty crazy. >> my first brush with show business. >> jimmy: do you have a fondness for batteries to this day? >> i even have my ever ready shirt. >> jimmy: did you ever feel a bond with the energizer bunny? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you're a trump guy, flight. >> yeah, why not just give him a chance. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this is my new thing, i like to say this to people at
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par parties. just say you're trump person, flig right? you might as well say you're a child molester, right? it's fun, try it. we were talking about you today and looking into your past, you were a pizza delivery. >> i did. >> jimmy: how old were you when you did that? >> i was in my early 20s, right out of college in beverly hills. if you're going to deliver pizzas, deliver in a good neighborhood, because the tips tend to be a little better, and you never know who you're going to be delivering for, right? >> jimmy: i delivered in las vegas in some very, very, very bad apartment buildings, they didn't even qualify as apartment buildings. they were like motels that people never left. >> right. they're leaving you meth for tips. >> jimmy: you were in beverly hills. that's good. would starsan answer the door? >> i had one star encounter, i
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delivered pizza to a charlie's angel. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> kate jackson. >> jimmy: she was my favorite. >> mine, too. >> jimmy: really? >> and i think she liked pepperoni. >> jimmy: well, who doesn't? did you have that, you know, it's funny, because especially in the '70s, you'd see these movies, and the pizza delivery guy seemed to be very popular with the ladies, but i never experienced that. >> what kind of movies are you talking about? >> jimmy: i never had that, and i always would hope that the door would open and -- did you ever have anything like that? >> no. no. i did deliver to one place where it was clear that everyone was like high on cocaine and they were no longer interested in the pizza. like, oh, did someone order a pizza? >> jimmy: did you have any tricks or ways to steal from the place or anything like that? >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: i did too. i'd hold the pizza up to the heater in the car, so when they got it, because i always got lost, they'd think it was still hot. >> i would do this as a starving young actor. i would, it would be like 11:00, and i'd call in a pizza. i'm going to come pick it up, and 11:30 would come around 12:00. anyone eating this pizza? >> jimmy: it happens to be my favorite kind. but you know looking back they had to know that that's what were you doing, right? >> yeah. yes. >> jimmy: yes, yes. >> okay. take away. >> jimmy: tim robbins is here. when we come back we'll see a chip from a very funny movie called "vh-yes." when we come right back. ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by wendy's. now serving breakfast. see ya in the morning at wendy's.
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this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. e a few of my favorite things. wendy's is changing the game from this... to a breakfast that eats other breakfasts for breakfast. these are a few of my favorite things. who says you can't have a baconator for breakfast? don't just "grab a coffee..." grab a frosty-ccino instead. and forget that frozen-folded-egg-stuff. all of these have fresh-cracked eggs. one bite and it'll be your new favorite. guaranteed. that's right. so, you up for this? ♪ favorite things! yeah! (mom vo) we got a subaru to give him some ato reconnect and be together. and once we did that, we realized his greatest adventure is just beginning. (vo) welcome to the most adventurous outback ever. the all-new subaru outback. go where love takes you.
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yeah. order up, it's switching time. there, that's better. switch to up to 12 hours of battery life. switch to chromebook. ♪ switch to chromebook. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has a plan designed just for you. and, for a limited time only, we're making it an even better deal. now you can get two lines for only $55.
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♪ dramatic choir music it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair. how's football season, reca? >> football season's well. i scored seven touchdowns yesterday. >> wow, that's a lot. >> the and i also hurt my elbow, though. >> oh, no! >> i know. the interest said th the doctor said they might have to amputate my elbow. >> oh. >> thanks, girls. feels much better, now. now. n
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i like that. >> where else does it hurt, rico? >> we'll be >> jimmy: that your son directed it. >> yes. >> jimmy: and you were like he made it for $25,000. and i was like, oh, it's going to be terrible but it's very well done. >> he has a strange and genius sense of humor. >> jimmy: of course you think that, he's your kid. the fact that i think that means something. >> i know, means a lot. and other people, these reviews, they say it's lynchy, and david croninburg and david lynch. >> jimmy: your son's here tonight and look, he has his vhs camera with him. very well done. i like the whole, can you
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explain what the premise of the -- >> that, by the way is old faithful. that is the camera we shot the fimt film on. >> jimmy: for real? >> yes, our dailies would be on video cassettes. and we had a rule on the set, no magnets. i don't know if you're aware of this, but magnets can destroy whatever's on a videotape. >> jimmy: yeah. was there a sign that said "no magnets"? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you have to confiscate, take any magnets from anyone? >> all the time. >> jimmy: thank god you didn't get hit by magnets. be careful with that microphone. there's a kid that works here at espn and has a whole sex for tee shirts thing. he's spoken with that before. little inside joke with the audience. you did a great job with the movie. >> thank you so much. >> jimmy: did you force your son to get into the entertainment industry? >> i did not force -- he went to
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usc film yeah! and -- >> jimmy: growing scholarship? >> no, he got in all on his own. i had nothing to do with it. but anyway, he started making films out of school, and i produced his first film, and it was about an electronica deejay, deejay sparkle, 8-year-old girl who was a prodigy. it got sold to comedy centraanhs out after that. so anytime he wants to do a film i'm definitely in. >> jimmy: isn't that the greatest news when your kid decides to do something, oh, okay, i can do this. >> but then when they far
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surpass what you thought. joint then you ha . >> jimmy: then you have to take them down a couple pegs. let's remember who the big robbin is in this family. >> nothing but pride. >> jimmy: very good to see you. see the movie, i love that they made it. this is not actually available on vhs, is it? >> it will be, actually. but right now it's on vod. >> jimmy: if you are one of the 11 people in the united states who have a vcr you can get it. >> it's only like $800. >> jimmy: and also, "dark waters" is also on blu-ray and vod as well. go see the movie. we'll be back with eric andre. [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin ♪ yeah that's all me. ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪
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♪ nothing on my skin ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ nothing is everything. keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ and it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. ♪ ♪
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gnocchis.s. will be spent on programs that touch us all. raviolis. and them smokeys. curry. fried turkey. cacciatori. chimichurri. berry. mcflurry. (mcdonald's) half stack. taco pack. lobster mac. and them baby back baby backs. we are america's kitchen. doordash. every flavor welcome. tat your door, so you can get more.. ♪ feels so good ♪ feels so good target run & done. hello, son. doing a littlelling sporting i see? dad! not cool. you know what's not uncool? old spice after hours. it whisks sweat away into the night...with jazz.
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>> dicky: and now, it's time to see, what's in your backpack. >> hi, where are you from? >> i'm ransom goodnight, and i'm from texas. >> what's in your backpack? >> a big bong. >> can i see? wow, that's a big bong. >> yeah. might take it up to running canyon. >> what are you going to do up there? >> smoke weed up on top of the
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hill. >> thank you ransom goodnight for showing us what's in your backpack. >> jimm . >> dicky: this has been what's in your backpack. ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to...rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ i want to rock! (chris rock) who'd you expect? (sylvester stallone) i don't ok, i'm going to go for it now. ♪ i want to rock! (rock!) ♪ rock! (rock) ♪ rock! (rock)
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kellogg's raisin bran. are haikus better than fleece? than... fleece edition. uh no way! what about freckles? freckles?! - grapes?! pet rocks? - what?! are wizards better than fleece?! you stole my bit neil. and no, nothing's better than fleece. get all jeans, sweatshirts and hoodies on sale up to fifty percent off! at old navy! want a laptop you don't have to charge like ten times a day? it's switching time. to a chromebook with up to 12 hours of battery life. or how about one with automatic updates that won't interrupt your game. like that one. go get 'em tiger! or built-in virus protection so you won't lose all your stuff. whoa! there, that's better. so yeah, if you want all that, switch to chromebook. ♪ with chicken or shrimp fajitas now on chili's 3 for $10. 'ita is a little bit... (sizzling) oh, so delicious. and a whole lotta... (crunching) that's a fajita, starter and drink for just $10 bucks.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: hi, welcome back. still to come, we have music from phantogram. you know our next guest as the host of a chaotic talk show on adult swim. he has a new hidden camera prank movie called "bad trip." >> oh, my gosh, somebody needs to help him! >> i can't stand under him. >> help me! the cops wouldn't get here in time. >> you better get your ass back up that wall!l! >> jimmy: "bad trip" opens in theaters april 24th. please say hello to eric andre. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> jimmy: how you doin'? how long were you hanging from the roof? >> days. no, probably like 20 minutes, honestly. >> jimmy: tiffany haddish was your angry girl friend. >> the bad guy. the best friend's evil sister. >> jimmy: it's an interesting concept. and i'll do my best to explain it. i'll do a bad job of explaining it, but it's super funny. you actually came up with a narrative in which this guy played by you has got this girl that he loved, and he's just trying to, he has these -- >> traversing america looking for the girl of my dreams and doing pranks all along. >> jimmy: you pull a lot of pranks on a lot of people and very, very crazy and funny pranks on a lot of people. >> i'm actually patient zero. i gave the coronavirus to the entire country. >> jimmy: good one. >> and zika and h1n1. let's not forget about all the
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great diseases. >> jimmy: when did you shoot this movie. >> we shot it, gosh, i think we finished shooting like a year ago. it took a while. >> jimmy: i was thinking about this. i know it took a while to shoot. at the beginning probably of while you started shooting it, tiffany haddish was not well-known and then was like a superstar by the end of the movie. >> yeah, that's why we gave her cornrows and made her look like post malone. >> jimmy: i don't want to ruin it, but there's a crazy good scene where she is, you still have to see it, but she like escapes from a prison truck, you know. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: there's this poor guy cleaning graffiti out of the side of a wall. >> she drops out of the bottom of a prison truck. >> jimmy: and she's like, are there any cops around, whatever, and he as basically like an accomplice to her escape. >> the warden comes out, where did the prisoner go?
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he's like, go that way. >> jimmy: it also seemed quite a few people got angry during this. >> we had a knife pulled out on us. yeah, we had a knife pulled out on us. >> jimmy: were you prepared for that? >> no, no the not at all. we did a prank where we put our penises in a chinese finger trap. and we went to this barbershop in atlanta withu our penises ina chinese finger trap, excuse me, sir, do you have any scissors, [ bleep ]. and the barber's like, oh, hell no! he chased us out. we're like conjoined at the penis, running out of there like, ah! and for my crew, i have a safe word, i yell "popcorn", if
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goes sideways, and i forgot my word, and i was like, "goose bumps, goose bumps", and they're like, what? oh, "popcorn." and we were like, can you sign this form? >> jimmy: there's a sense of relief. >> he was, the more violent thrthey are the more relieved they are that you're not conjoined at the [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: the ones who get the maddest are the ones who say oh, yeah, you can knot on put that o problem. >> i think they're embarrassed. >> jimmy: or so happy that they were wrong. >> yeah, about the rea socclity. soccer moms, they have an internal rage. >> jimmy: they have to sit there and watch soccer for two hours, that's why. i don't know what you call it, maybe the craziest scene is you
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and little rel go to the zoo, and this is a zoo that is -- >> it is kind of ratty. joint where was -- >> i shouldn't talk trash, they were the only zoo that let us film this prank. it was like deep georgia. the atlanta zoo was absolutely not. so we went into deep georgia, filmed at this zoo. there were real people milling around, they didn't know they were on camera. we went to the gorilla enclosure, and i'm taking a selfie with the gorilla, and all of a sudden the gorilla tackled me, ripped my pants off and put his [ bleep ] up my b. what can you say on abc? >> jimmy: if you can't say it, it will just have been bleeped. >> he had love time with my anus? in front of -- >> jimmy: that, you can't say. >> in front of real people. they were like, ah! they grab their blood pressure
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medication, ah! >> jimmy: the best part is nobody helped. >> nobody helped, nobody helped. they started filming it on their iphones, ah, this is messed up! >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. so people have been doing these videos with celebrities where you're a huge fan of a celebrity, and then the celebrity comes out from behind you and you get very excited and like it's kind of a thing. so you had an idea. >> like oprah comes out or somebody like that. or there's a new car or whatever she says. >> jimmy: we got some people, and we asked them if they loved beyonce, and we didn't tell them beyonce was going to come out, but i feel like people just expect it now, right? >> >> translato people expect the best. come on, come on!
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[cheers a [cheers and applause] . >> jimmy: i appreciate it. it's real nice. so you, instead of beyonce. >> i'm sorry. >> jimmy: i loved hearing jim b bo kimmel. >> jimmy: just roll the tape. >> come right this way. you're going to be talking right to this camera as if that's beyonce, imagine what you would say to hoer er if she walked ins room. keep looking forward. >> hey, so i'm neck coicole, an shaking so much. i love you so much, beyonce. your songs inspire me so much. and the way you sang and express yourself through your songs is oh! oh, my
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i love you so much, and you're such a good inspiration to me. and your songs are so beautiful, and you touch my heart so much. can i give you a hug? oh, my god! >> it's me. i love you, too. >> oh, my god. >> ah, ah, oh. >> the one thing i would say you've done for me, beyonce, an average 11-year-old, i was dancing with my mom and everything. and, hello? no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! holy [ bleep ] are you serious right now? wow, i just want to say, beyonce, you are miss queen bey. >> hello, or should i say halo.
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that's one of my songs. what's your favorite music video? >> "lemonade" is the best. >> i'm like, lemonade, lemonade, lemonade. who wants lemonade? >> i do. >> sing with me, lemonade, lemonade, glug, glug, glug, and the rest is history. >> need help? i'm so sorry. you did amazing. >> sat on my balls. ♪ ah, ah, oh, >> hi, beyonce, i'm your biggest fan. >> you're such an inspiration to young women around the world, and we truly appreciate all you do. you just lift people up and bring them to a higher level. it's great. >> somebody's behind us. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god! oh, my god! oh! >> oh, my god! >> beyonce?
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>> it's beyonce. >> beyonce? >> i love you. you're my favorite, you're my favorite singer. you're everything to . >> thank you so much. you want to see my bey hive? they're pret ety dangerous. >> oh, my goodness. >> you're not eight lernallergi? >> no. >> go this way, no, no, no, come here, come here, come here. [ bleep ]. more bees. >> no! [cheers and applause] >> jimmy: if you enjoyed that, wait till you see this crazy movie. "bad trip" opens in theaters on april 24th. and we'll return with music from phantogram.
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank tim robbins, eric andre and apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next. but first, this is their album, it's called "ceremony," here with the song "dear god", phantogram! ♪ what would i do with a world without you what would i do with a world without you ♪ ♪ take me out of this world
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that i'm living in tell my friends ♪ ♪ 'cause i know imma see againr god show me how to rope ♪ ♪ a dope don't know why i want you to see it i want you to feel it dear, dear god ♪ ♪ why's there so much fight in them eyes i want you to see it i want you to feel it ♪ ♪ dear god, you save the only lonely lives i'm feeling good i'm feeling fine ♪ ♪ these days i see too much i ain't got time i'm out of sight i'm out of mind ♪ ♪ take me out of
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this world i'm living in tell my friends 'cause i know ♪ ♪ imma see again hey, dear god you heard it know it note for note ♪ ♪ blows my mind i want you feel me i want you to see it dear, dear god ♪ ♪ it's here and all so clear and my heart survives dear god, you save the only lonely lives ♪ ♪ i'm feeling good i'm feeling fine these days i see too much i ain't got time ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of mind take me out of this world i'm living in ♪
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the this is "nightline." >> tonight, the last clinic? the community the at the tiat t the abortion case. on the line, women's access to abortion. >> we are loud and we are heard! >> a case that may change reproductive health care across the country. >> every single life is precious. >> now the clinic fighting for its very survival as new laws could mean a new reality in america. >> while this case directly affects all the clinics in louisiana, it's going to affect other sta well. plus the
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