tv ABC7 News 600PM ABC March 6, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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disembarked the vessel in mexico and returned home to the islands. >> this patient was on the same cruise as a placer county man who died. >> i want to show you c showing you the precise location of the grand princess right now. it left on a 15 day cruise. >> test kits were flown out to the ship. hours ago, mike pence revealed the results. of 46 tests, 21 came back positive. almost all are crew members. just two are passengers. >> we have developed a plan which will be implemented this weekend to bring the ship into a non-commercial port. all passengers and crew will be tested for the coronavirus. those that need to be
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quarantined will be quarantined. those that require additional medical attention will receive it. >> abc7 news reporter kate larsen spoke with people on board that ship. and kate, how is everybody reacting to this? this has to be the worst possible news they were hoping to receive anyway. >> reporter: that's exactly what they said. this is the worst possible outcome from the coronavirus test. i spoke to four different families, all of them are understandably concerned and disappointed that 21 tests came back positive. but everyone has been in remarkably good spirits since they are on a quarantined ship. another thing they were disappointed about is they got this news from the tvs. they were watching the news, heard the announcement from vice president pence. they would have preferred to hear it from the princess cruise line, the captain, who did
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eventually make this announcement. >> you may have heard this on the news by the media already, and we were apologize, but we were not given advanced notice of this announcement by the u.s. federal government. it would have been our preference to be the first to make this news available to you. >> reporter: so yesterday national guard helicopters flew from moffett field in mountain view to the grand princess, which is circling in the pacific about 50 miles off the california coast. the helicopters dropped off coronavirus test kits for 46 people on board who were on the first leg of the cruise from february 11 to the 21st. most of the people who are on the ship now boarded on february 21st here in san francisco for the second hawaiian leg of the cruise. the tests were processed at that lab in pririchmond. and 19 of the 21 belong to crew members. i spoke with barney carguile,
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who is on the ship with his family, including three young grandchildren. they are all inside their staterooms right now and cannot leave. >> it does get stressful at times, yes. our grandkids are 8, 6, 1. they've got some challenges, but obviously, i feel like, of course it's only been a couple days, but i feel like we're doing pretty well. princess cruise has been amazing. >> it's a major disappointment. we were hoping that the test results would be good and we could all disembark and go our merry way, but now we've gotten the worst end of the spectrum, where we're all going to go through another ordeal and have to be tested. now the worst worst case is where testing positive for the virus and be kwauquarantined foo weeks, which will be no fun at all. >> reporter: passengers have september me a
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sent me photos of all sorts of things, like crew members delivering food with face masks. they are delivering activity kits to keep people busy. they've got all sorts of extra movies loaded onto the av system, but the real question everyone on board has is how long will they be quarantined? when will they be tested? when will they go home? they will not go back to pier t 27. they were supposed to go home tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. that's not going to happen. they are eventually going to go to some sort of non-commercial port. that is the latest here, kate larsen, abc 7 news. an antioch woman who was on the grand princess last month is expressing frustration over the way she says she's been treated by cruise line and local health officials. >> they should have called as soon as they knew this guy had
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picked up the virus. i need to know all the passengers know so they are aware of it. and i would have stopped my whole life from being out in or ander husnd were aboard the grand principle sis from february 11 to 21st. she said she heard nothing from the cruise line until wednesday. the day the placer county man died from the coronavirus. as if that wasn't enough, ford's been experiencing flu-like symptoms since tuesday, the same day she appeared for jury duty in martinez. she immediately called her doctor at kaiser and followed up with additional calls asking to be tested, only to be told not to go to the emergency room but she'll be contacted about what to do. she's still waiting. for now, she and her husband are staying home in quarantine. >> there are 51 confirmed cases here. they expect the number of cases to be increased. one note about napa county, none
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of its residents are infected but two people who have the virus are treated there. >> santa clara reported four new cases. one man is isolated at home, a household contact of another coronavirus patient. another man recently traveled from india is in the hospital. a third man is isolated at home. the fourth case is under investigation. it's a woman who is hospitalized. there are three new confirmed kroifls cases in contra costa county. none are sick enough to go to the hospital. one patient had contact with another person who had tested positive for the virus. two of the patients were passengers on the grand princess last month. the county's public health medical director shared this advice for more vulnerable people. >> facilities caring for seniors or medically vulnerable patients or people should cancel large gatherings, such as bingo nights, movie gathering, et
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cetera. yolo county reported its first coronavirus case today. the patient is described as an older woman with underlying health conditions. there are three more cases in placer county. all had traveled on the grand princess cruise ship from san francisco to mexico. earlier in the week, california's first death was reported. the golden state warriors say they will play their game as scheduled at chase center, but they are upping protocols. a warning for those who may be at risk and precautions they should take. >> for these vulnerable populations, don't go to gatherings of about 50 people or more unless it is essential. if you can telecommute, you should. and avoid being around people who are sick. >> tomorrow the american lung association's fight for air climb has been canceled. other events are in limbo or may
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already be canceled. cornell bernard joins us with a live look at the impact. >> reporter: we have learned in the last few minutes from the mayor's office that a long-time annual event is being called off next weekend. san francisco's st. patrick's day parade will be canceled out of kear concerns over the coronavirus. >> we woke up yesterday to the declaration of a state of emergency in california. >> reporter: debra just made a tough call, to cancel next week's annual women of the vine and spirits global symposium in the napa valley, due to concerns over the coronavirus. >> we just could not in good conscience bring 750 people from around the globe together in california and especially at such an uncertain time. >> reporter: hundreds of runners are getting word that the healthy heart 5k run is called
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off. as a precaution due to concerns and fears about covid-19. san francisco now sending the latest information on coronavirus to your phone if you want it. it's the covid-19 public information and text alert system. the system will allow city officials to send real time information to the public concerning the virus. you can sign up to get the text messages by texting covid-19 sfo. it will be used to tell tell the cancellation of major events. >> make sure you do cleaning and wash your hands. >> supervisor matt haney says there are real concerns about the coronavirus. >> i think we have to be cautious and vigilant and really follow the guide action of the health officials. but, you know, something like this, which is a celebration that happens every year, raising
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the irish flag, st. patrick's day parade. i hope this is something that can continue. >> and we do want to repeat something we have just learned in the last few minutes that san francisco's annual st. patrick's day parade will be canceled next weekend upon advice from the health department. other events like that wine symposium we told you about being postponed to a later date. live in san francisco cornell bernard. there is some confusion about cancellation. the county didn't specify what a large event was considered to be. some companies are following through because they may be held liable if something goes wrong. >> you are now suggesting that this is a way it can be transmitted, and certainly, you're putting these companies and entities on notice, and that could create liability, and i could foresee lawsuits coming if someone contracts coronavirus
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after attending an event. >> abc 7 news asked santa clara county for clarification. we were told no one was available for an interview. we're all being told if you're sick stay at home. what if you can't? people without health insurance, regular hours or paid sick days sometimes can't afford to stay home. abc 7 news reporter chris repors spoke to gig workers. >> reporter: they feel supposex and feel like they have no choice but to keep working. they feel like they're going to be penalized simply for following public health guidelines. >> so i work for uber, lyft, grub hub. are your mu saw fa is your typical gig worker, 12-hour work days, no benefits, no sick leave. he can't afford to follow the vice of public health officials. >> we have to think about, should i stay home and get well?
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or should i keep workin' is so i can at least be able to cover my bills? >> reporter: for a uber and lyft driver not being able to take sick time, gig working is just one risk. their jobs also put them in risk. >> rotating strangers. the chances that one of them ill be sick at some point is pretty high. and then we are the first people to pick up people from airports. >> reporter: in a letter to these tech companies, senator mark warner of virginia said i strongly urge that you attempt to address the potential hardships for your workers if they are sick or have to self-quarantine during this time. the only communication he's received from lyft and s to cle. >> i'm going over surfaces at least three times a day. >> reporter: gig workers have been protesting, demanding better work conditions, attempting to form a union. but with an outbreak like coronavirus, they say their
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risks extend to the public. >> many of us simply can't afford to stop working and to take care of ourselves, which means that we potentially might put our passengers at risk as well. >> reporter: we did reach out to every single one of those companies that received the senator's letter. they got back to us saying right now they're monitoring the situation and exploring options to help their workers. post mates said they're offer agnew featua new feature so workers don't have to come in contact with customers. the travel industry is taking a hit with the coronavirus outbreak as people cancel plans and stay home. eric thomas found a silver lining. >> reporter: in the airline business, covid-19 has created a supply and demand problem. too many unfilled seats, not enough passengers. corrective action? cut fares. >> i've seen friends talk about
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low fares to hawaii, some getting them for $200. >> i booked this before all it happened, but mine did not come down. but yeah, the airlines are more empty. >> reporter: airlines including united, delta are hoping people will fly later. same with cruise lines like princess whose "diamond princess" and grand princess have experienced outbreaks. this video was tweeted out to help calm fears. >> our on-board medical teams have specific protocols in place to help protect everyone's well-being. >> i haven't seen anything like this since 9/11. >> reporter: i says he hasn't seen airlines with so many empty seats to fill since the terrorist attacks 19 years ago. >> united came out and said they're going to cut their capacity domestic loi about 11%, internationally by 20%. >> reporter: that's for the
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spring. but the real test will come later this year. >> we are see being some discounting for cruises and flights during the month of march, and maybe early april. but we are not seeing big discounts for summer yet. >> reporter: it's having a bigger impact overseas. lufthansa is slashing its flight schedule by 50%. airline stocks in this country are taking such a drubbing that trump is considering tax deferrals to help keep the money flowing for them in the meantime. eric thomas, abc 7 news. now we know you have a lot of questions. we've gathered together all of our coronavirus stories into one place on our be with site, abc 7 we post each day's updates there. 2020 will host a live two-hour special on the coronavirus outbreak at 9:00 right here on abc 7. coming together against a common enemy. next, the golden state warriors joining forces with former
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i protected my family againstnal dibacteria.ts but they don't last after people touch the surface again. new microban 24 - finally a household cleaner that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours. watch as both brands kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. the difference? even after multiple touches, microban 24 keeps killing 99.9% of bacteria for 24-hours. new microban 24. available in multi-purpose cleaner, sanitizing spray, and bathroom cleaner.
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>> a group of state lawmakers urged verity to follow state law by providing a 90-day notice when shutting down the emergency room. today the warriors joined gabby giffords in a peace walk. the idea is to stop gun violence. dustin dorsey was there. ♪ this little light of mine >> reporter: cheers for continued change and peace in the east bay on friday afternoon. a peaceful march to build a better oakland, looking for a way to stop the violence. >> i want to see that violence stopped. and i want to see our community supported. so that we don't have these kinds of issues and problems into the future. one life saved is one life saved. >> among the group, golden state warriors' star klay thompson walking alongside former congresswoman and shooting survivor gaby giffords.
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numbers have been cut in half since 2012. >> we believe that the story of what's happened and what's happening here in oakland is a really important one to give people hope of what can be done and to show them what it takes to get that done, how law enforcement, the community, city officials all have to come together with the same purpose. >> reporter: from the streets of oakland, activists ended up here at the allen temple baptist church with words from coach kerr. he has been strong in the fight against gun violence. now looking for a better tomorrow. >> this is really about getting to the core of what's cautionsi the violence. what's the violence about, and how can we reduce it by connecting with the people in the city. >> reporter: in oakland, dustin dorsey, abc 7 news. as you know, we have gone weeks without any rain, but a
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to each device. comcast business securityedge updates every 10 minutes to help keep your connected devices protected against new ransomware, malware and phishing threats. every 10 minutes feels pretty good. get secure, reliable internet and voice for an amazing price. call today. comcast business. beyond fast. so no rain for over a month. we might have five straight days of rain. >> bring it on, spencer. >> i'm bringing it right now. we're going to start with these clouds as you can see. currently 53 degrees in san francisco, 54 in oakland. mid to upper 50s at redwood
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city, 51 gilroy and a cool 49 at pacifica. and here's another look at the clouds from the golden gate ridge. 50 at petaluma and mid-50s at concord and livermore. one more view atop mt. tam where it already looks a bit stormy, doesn't it? patchy drizzle. well have cooler, colder weather in fact this weekend, and it will be milder next week but still a bit unsettled. let's take a look at the storm impact scale which we have not seen for quite some time. a level one storm coming in tomorrow. it will become steadier, more widespread during the overnight hours. most areas can only expect maybe .05 of an inch. light rain will begin to approve the coastline just before midnight. and that rain will spread across the entire region with snow falling over in the sierra.
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and at that will start to wind down in the bay area late tomorrow afternoon. meanwhile, a winter weather advisory from effect from 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. tomorrow for the sierra. we expect four to eight inches of snowfall generally. and here's a look at the accuweather seven-day forecast. the rainfall will probably, as i mentioned, not amount to more than a tenth of an inch in most locations. but the north bay could get up to two tens and coastal regions could see up to two tenths. there's a chance of showers developing late sunday. and two more weak storms are likely to move through on monday and tuesday producing light to moderate showers. and there could be a lingering shower on wednesday. so thus the chance of some rain here in the bay area. five consecutive days. but we're not talking about a washout. light rain, much needed and much welcomed but still quite light. >> we will take every single drop. >> indeed we will.
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coming up next, an update on the coronavirus outbreak. we will help protect you from online fake websites that claim to have information but are about something else. >> obviously, i'm still taking mass transit. >> he is the head deemiology. we followed up to see if he's changed his perspective. >> and we are sending out push alerts with new information download the app now andtbreak.
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geico is the easy choice. we could even help you with homeowners... oh! not again! oh, thanks! you know automated lights are just the beginning. pretty soon they're gonna have eyes... everywhere. well goodnight. geico. over 75 years of savings and service. geico. aaaah! nooooo... nooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent. bounty, the quicker picker upper. ♪ ♪ the calming scent of lavender
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now, news to build a better bay area from abc 7. and here is the very latest. more than 100,000 people worldwide are now infected with coronavirus. more than 3,000 have died. >> concerns about coronavirus have led to officials in austin, texas canceling the south by southwest festival. thousands of people remain quarantined. and in seattle, the university of washington canceled in-person
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classes. >> the centers for disease control is urging older people to stay home. they are the most vulnerable. an $8 billion bill was signed to help fight the coronavirus. >> we've got commercial labs that are getting validated as we speak. by the end of this weekend, as promised, we'll have enough testing for, that cdc has produced to test 75,000 people is already out. >> 21 people on board the "grand princess" cruise ship have tested positive for the virus. there are 3500 people on board and being quarantined. it's expected to dock this weekend. it has been a really wild week on wall street. markets closed today, basically where they were at the beginning of the week, and that is down. investors clearly rattled by the coronavirus, but it's not clear yet what all this will mean for the economy in the long run. the dow dropped more dropped moe
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points. cyber security experts are warning about a sudden surge of malicious websites promising to protect you from the coronavirus. >> as with most calamities, the bad guys want to take advantage of your fears about the coronavirus. cyber security experts are telling me, more than 2,000 websites related to coronavirus were created just in the past two weeks alone. hundreds were confirmed as malicious. experts say what these hackers are really trying to steal is your identity. as the real coronavirus continues to spread, another threat is lurking in cyberspace. phony websites that claim to know where you can travel safely and offering coronavirus test kits. >> we're finding about 4,000 sites in the last month. of those 4,000, 2,000, give or take, is malicious.
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>> reporter: matt lawrence of checkpoint software says his team detected a surge in coronavirus websites starting the last week of january. >> people are looking for answers, and the biggest problem with the coronavirus is you don't have those answers. so these malicious sites are basically making a false promise. >> reporter: this website shows a map of coronavirus cases worldwide, claiming it chose where you can go safely and places to avoid. but you need to first provide your personal information to register with the site. >> we'll tell you what to worry about. all you do is put your information, your credit card information into our website. >> reporter: this website also flagged as a fake, originated in russia. it offers a coronavirus test kit that claims to give you results in five minutes with 99.9% accuracy for about $15. seems cheap, but they're not really after your money. they're after your personal information, which is highly
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valuable on the darkweb. >> as a hacker, i can sell that information for quite a lot of money. >> reporter: how does it work? bad guys will send e-mail blasts and social media ads offering to protect you against coronavirus. they contain links to malicious websites. he predicts more will pop up, offering a coronavirus cure. don't fall for it. >> you will get a lot of malicious sites offering you, here, here's a cure, too good to be true, don't click on the link. >> the take away, don't click on links from someone you don't know. also, don't rely on unknown websites to sell you test kits or information. go directly to reliable news sources and contact your doctor if you actually feel sick. >> amazing how many scammers are actually out there. >> and they're on it, quick. >> instantly. people are naturally asking a lot of questions about the current coronavirus, covid-19 situation. that includes you, the viewers.
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one asked how does this event compare to all the other outbreaks we've had in just the past decade. we put that question to an expert, dr. patel who joined us for abc 7 news at 4:00. >> when whee talk about other outbreaks, it's easy to compare it to sars and mers which had a higher mortality rate than what we're seeing now at 9.5% and 35% for mers. it's hard to play apples and oranges, think, because we have a much more connected world now. we're also reporting things faster, also. it's hard to compare them, but it is interesting to watch how the response has changed over the years. >> on midday live today we asked how worried are you about the coronavirus? the majority reported somewhat, a quarter very worried, 10% extremely worried. we compare td to last week. the percentage of people not worried actually increased. the continuous new developments on the coronavirus raise many questions about its
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transmissibility and what you should and should not do. >> abc news reporter leslie brinkley again turned to a uc berkley expert for answers. >> we don't want undue alarm and anxiety and fear. >> reporter: last week you told us you would ride mass transit, you would get on an airplane, anything change this week? >> i was on b.a.r.t. this morning. >> reporter: dr. rhine gold is a professor and head of epidemiology and offered advice on travel saying he plans to fly. >> will i still get on a plane to go to london tomorrow? yes. would i still get on a plane to go to brazil this summer? that's my plan. >> reporter: as for cruises? >> they are by definition, closed situations with large numbers of people. would i be a little more concerned about doing it now? probably. >> reporter: while so little is known about the transmissibility of covid-19 he pointed to a new
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report by the world health organization. >> perhaps in china, the overwhelming majority of the transmission events curbed occu the household rather than on buses or in the streets or the shops or whatever. that's perhaps a little reassuring in terms of risk of, you know, acquiring this public transit. >> reporter: should we give people hugs? should we shake hands? >> i think a lot of people say it's better to do an elbow public health kind of greeting as opposed to a handshake. you know, maybe you can get by without a few hugs for a while. >> reporter: buckle up, because in the week ahead, as more testing is done, dr. rhinegold says expect the number of cases to go up. in the meantime, your best way to protect yourself is still washing your hands. in berkley, leslie brinkley, abc 7 news. tonight, "20/20" will host a live, two-hour special on the
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coronavirus outbreak, featuring dr. jennifer ashton. here is her perspective. >> something could be low risk to you as an individual but a higher risk as a population or given population, and i think that's really the way to think about this right now. >> the two-hour special airs tonight at 9:00 right here on abc 7. comedian kevin hart visited an oakland high school today, but this was no standup act. he sat down to tackle a serious topic. >> that person responsible for make being t making the books is a different skill set than the people making the magic come out of the staff. >> tonight we go behind the scenes at pixar to see what it
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comedian kevin hart was at oakland high school today to have "the talk" with student. >> the talk. the talk about money. >> i made my first real piece of money. i was in debt. >> hart opened up to students about getting his first big paycheck of $200,000 and ending up in debt. the entertainer says he spent
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his money on glitzy items instead of paying taxes or putting it into savings. >> he said no one ever taught him about making smart decisions about money and doesn't want young people to make the same mistakes. >> i come from where they come from. i don't want to see a recurrent cycle of lack of information. and financial lit reracy is something that needs to change. >> it was sponsored by chase to teach students about financial literacy. we've been waiting for weeks for rain, and the good news is it will finally be here this weekend. it was dark for a second.
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and change the world. here at abbvie, we're inventing medicines of the future to create tomorrows that will be healthier... ...and happier, while making medicines that help people right now. because that's the present we wanted to live in. and that's the future we all want to see. abbvie. here. now.
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i protected my family againstnal dibacteria.tsie. but they don't last after people touch the surface again. new microban 24 - finally a household cleaner that keeps killing bacteria for 24 hours. watch as both brands kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. the difference? even after multiple touches, microban 24 keeps killing 99.9% of bacteria for 24-hours. new microban 24. available in multi-purpose cleaner, sanitizing spray, and bathroom cleaner.
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pixar movies often feel magical. and in the latest feature "onward", magic is at the heart of the story. >> it's no small trick. as kristin sze discovered, computing power is up to the challenge. >> i'm looking for my friends! don't worry, i told them about the map, i told them about the gem, i told them about the curse! >> reporter: picks axar has bro
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us living toys and loveable monsters, but never before have they brought us magic. that changes with the latest feature "onward", starring tom holland and chris pratt longing to reunite with their father. >> we want these two elf brothers to be able to bring their father back for a day so that they could meet him. and you can only do that in the world of magic. >> reporter: creating that world of magic was the job of the supervising technical director sanjay bocce. >> we don't have magic in the real world as you probably know, so we had to figure out how to depict it. >> reporter: it takes equal parts imagination and an understanding of physics. take the scene where the younger brother, ian, uses a magic staff to conjure up the father he never knew. but it takes teams of engineers.
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>> the person responsible for make being t making the books rise up is a comple completely skill set than the magic coming out of the staff, the hair in the cloth be affected by the spell. >> reporter: so for each of these things you just described. >> yeah. >> reporter: it takes hours and hours of computing power. >> yeah, we have between 50,000 and 60,000 computers that are every night humming and doing the latest work so that the next day we can see that result. and then make changes and then send it back onto that render form we call it, so we can see the result the next day. and that iteration is really the key to getting the stuff to feel integrated and look good together. >> you can do this. i believe in you. >> reporter: one technical marvel is the dad. in a creative choice that drives the quest and comedy, the magic spell only brought back half of
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him. >> what you're seeing here is us doing green screen tests of trying to figure out the physicality of what it would move like if you had lower half but not an upper half. so we're just trying to act like you didn't have weight in your upper half and try to kind of feel what that would look like. >> reporter: they hired actors and did green screen tests to see how a pair of pants might look sitting down or high-fiving and how a pair of shoes could convey the emotion of a father touching his son for the first time. the result, magic, magic that feels real. >> see all these things that the viewer, when they're watching the film, they don't think about. but you don't want them to think about it. >> no, if they're thinking about that we've not done a good job. should look like a beautiful rendition of a world that they're familiar with but that we've all imagined and hopefully they're so immersed in the story that they don't have to worry
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about all the details. >> reporter: in emeryville, kristin sze. >> so interesting. >> and amazing how the technology gets better and better. >> pixar and abc 7 are owned by disney. >> i was thinking the same thing. i've got a little magic coming in this weekend. here's a look at the storm impact scale. we have an approaching scale that ranks one. light intensity, expected to produce .05 to .2. and over in the saer soierra, s snow. here's the accuweather forecast. don't forget to fast forward or move ahead one hour as we go to daylight saving time sunday morning. two more light storms coming in on monday and tuesday, and possibly even wednesday, a lingering shower may occur. we have five days ahead of us
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makes. after missing 58 games with a broken hand, stefphen curry returned and reenergized the chase center. 23 points and a reminder that better time ofs a better times are ahead. curry's return gives the warriors a much-needed dose of momentum heading into next season. with 19 games remaining, the biggest challenge may be keeping curry off the court. >> i fit better than i expected and felt like i could have played more minutes. got to stick to the plan just this first game, but that was the hardest part to deal with where you're trying to get a rhythm. i got subbed out twice after make ago shot. so no reaction from coach as i'm scowling at him on the way by. >> now speaking of scowls,
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curry's comeback may have led to the return of draymond green's swagger. today he responded to charles barkley who criticized green for getting kicked out last week against the lakers. >> barkley should stop before i go take his job, though. so i can do that will, too. so yeah, he probably should be quiet. he also can't talk basketball with me, either. not qualified. no rings can't sit at this table. >> whoa, you do not want to mess with draymond. cal became the second 12 seed yesterday. a bee gees cover band performing atith 25 trying to keep the bears in it. kate reece scored 30 as the wildcats pulled away. that sent the cal seniors walking off the court for the very last time. 86-73 the final, stanford plays
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oregon state in the quarterfinals tonight. would you look at that? we are three weeks away from mlb opening day. the giants and brewers played to a tie today. worry. giants outfielder, joel mccarthy did this! he crushed his first homer of the spring. now hitting home runs, that will keep you on a big league roster. the game ended in a 5-5 tie. a two-run shot, but the as will lose to the reds, 11-5 the final. dennis eckersly, a hall-of-famer, to have a 20-win season and 50-save season in his career and coi walk-off home run. he joined larry and i on the podcast and we ran him through the actionary and much more. here's a special sneak peek. >> before we let you go, larry
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had found something the other day called the actionary. >> you like educated salad? >> educated salad. >> like a lefty, soft-tossing lefty that gets guys out, like moyer. that's like salad. >> jump in the day? >> what's branch work? >> that's like you get lucky, you know what i'm saying? you guys living in the branches. in other words, he's holding on tight. and that's a long ways down. >> how did you come up with "going bridge." >> i don't know, go to the bridge, go over the bridge. and then bridge masters. pitcher who gives up home runs. >> a bridge master? you don't want to be a bridge master. >> and you got to be careful with johnson. >> oh, johnsons all over the place. it's a three-run johnson.
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there's not a two-run johnson. >> it has to be a three-run johnson. >> a slam, three-run johnson. >> lamb. so i'd be a lamb. >> you're a lamb. no chance. >> explain it for everybody else. >> got no chance. >> now for a fun story. when i was 8 i ran into him outside a restaurant. it took all my courage to approach him, and he could not have been nicer. some 30 years later i interviewed him in larry's gazebo. life is funny like that, isn't be it? >> he is the coolest guy in the room, no matter what room he goes into. especially if you and i are the guys in the room. >> he glides across the room. >> how can people get the podcast with authority? >> the podcast is on youtube, itunes, sound cloud, spotify, it is everywhere. abc 7 >> it's on larry's gasee bow, too.
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>> thank you, casey. >> join 7 husban husban husban d 11:00. lots of big events planned for the bay area this weekend, but will the crowds show up with concerns over the coronavirus? that story at 11:00. >> that's it for now. look for news anytime on the abc 7 news app. >> for all of us, [car engine failing to start] [clicking of ignition] uh-- wha-- woof! eeh-- woof! wuh-- [silence] [engine roars to life] [dog howls] ♪ dramatic opera music swells from radio ♪ [howling continues]
6:58 pm
so, i go to floor & decor, where they don't just know the difference between products, they live for it. from american hardwood to spanish porcelain to italian marble, i'm looking for inspiration from every part of the world. so, when it comes to discovering every imaginable tile, wood, laminate or stone without compromising my design, one aisle doesn't cut it. i need an entire store. now, i've got one. explore floor & decor in person or online at ♪
6:59 pm
this is "jeopardy!" let's me today's cont- an international development specialist from falls church, virginia... a screenwriter from los angeles, california... and our returning champion-- an attorney from athens, georgia... ..whose 2-day cash winnings total... and now here is the host of "jeopardy!"--alex trebek! thank you, johnny. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome as we get set to wrap up the week here on "jeopardy!" paul off to a good start as you just heard. won a lot of money in his first two games. lynn and mahesh, welcome aboard. good luck. here we go.
7:00 pm
the jeopardy! round comes first. there is one daily double in this round in one of these categories... next... and finally... paul, start. british politics for $200. it's the job of presiding over the house of commons. from 2009 to 2019, it was the flamboyant john bercow. paul. - what is the speaker? - yes. british politics for $400. - paul. - what is a borough? - yeah. - british politics for $600.
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