tv ABC7 News 600PM ABC March 11, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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docked at the port of oakland monday with 21 confirmed coronavirus cases onboard. >> and president trump will be speaking in a special report momentarily. >> let's go now to abc and the president. this is an abc news special report. now reporting, george stephanopoulos. >> good evening. we're coming on the air because president trump is about to address the nation from the oval office on the coronavirus crisis. first reported in china, called a pandemic today by the world health organization. it's in 114 countries now. more than 125,000 cases and 4,600 deaths. italy's prime minister announcing a halt to nearly all commercial activity.
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in the use, 36 deaths and 1,276 cases. dr. anthony fauci told congress today, bottom line, it's going to get worse. the economic fallout, already severe. the stock market, now 20% off its record high in february. the official marker of a bear market. warnings of a recession, as travel and event cancellations and consumer fear ripple across the country. and the ncaa tournament will be played in empty arenas. here now, the president. my fellow americans, tonight i want to speak with you about our nation's unprecedented response to the coronavirus outbreak that started in china and is now spreading throughout the world. today, the world health organization officially
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announced that this is a global pandemic. we have been in frequent contact our allies, and we're using the full power of the federal government to protect the american people. this is the most aggressive and comprehensive effort to combat a virus in modern american history. by continuing these tough measures, i'm confident we will significantly reduce the threat to our citizens and defeat this virus. from the beginning of time, nations and people have faced unforeseen challenges, including large-scale and dangerous health threats. this is the way it always was, and always will be. it only matters how you respond and we are responding with great speed and professionalism. our team is the best anywhere in the world. at the very start of the
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outbreak, we instituted sweeping travel restrictions on china, and put in place the first federally mandated quarantine in over 50 years. we declared a public health emergency, and issued the hi highest level of travel warning on other countries as the virus spread its horrible infection. and we've seen dramatically fewer cases in the virus in the united states than are now present in europe. the european union failed to take the same precautions and restrict travel from china and other hot spots. as a result, a large number of new clusters in the united states were seeded by travelers from europe. after consulting with top government health professionals, i've decided to take several strong but necessary actions to
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protect the health and well-being of all americans. we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days. the new rules will go into effect friday at midnight. these restrictions will be adjusted subject to conditions on the ground. there will be anything coming from europe to the united states is what we are discussing. these restrictions will also not apply to the united kingdom. at the same time, we're monitoring the situation in china and south korea. and as their situation improves, we will re-evaluate the restrictions and warnings that are currently in place for a possible early opening. earlier this week, i met with the leaders of the health
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insurance industry, who have agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments, extend insurance coverage to these treatments and to prevent surprise medical billing. we're cutting massive amounts of red tape to make anti-viral remedies available in record time. these treatments will significantly reduce the impact and reach of the virus. last week, i signed into a law an 8.3 billi$8.3 billion fundin help fight the virus and support vaccines, treatments, and distribution of medical supplies. we're moving very quickly. the vast majority of americans, the risk is very, very low. young and healthy people can expect to recover fully and quickly if they should get the
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virus. the highest risk is for elderly population, with underlying health conditions. the elderly population must be very, very careful. in advising that nursing homes suspend visits. and my administration is coordinating directly with communities with the largest outbreaks, and we've issued guidance on school closures, social distancing, and reducing large gatherings. smart action today will prevent the spread of the virus tomorrow. every community faces different risks. it's critical for you to follow the guidelines of your local officials. for all american, it's essential
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that everyone take extra precautions and practice good hygiene. each of us has a role to play in defeating this virus. wash your hands, clean often-used surfaces. cover your face and mouth if you sneeze or cough. and if you're sick or not feeling well, stay home. to ensure that working americans impacted by the virus can stay home without fear of financial hardship, it will soon be taking unprecedented action to provide financial relief. this is targeted for workers who are ill or quarantined due to coronavirus. i will be asking congress to take legislative action to extend this relief. because of the economic policies that we have put into place over the last three years, we have the greatest economy anywhere in the world by far. our banks and financial
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institutions are fully capitalized and incredibly strong. our unemployment is at an historic low. this vast economic prosperity gives us flexibility, reserves, and resources to handle any threat that comes our way. this is not a financial crisis, it's just a temporary moment of time that we will overcome together as a nation and as a world. however, to provide extra support for americans, tonight i'm announcing the following additional actions. i am instructing the small business administration to exercise available authority to provide capital and liquidity to firms affected by the coronavirus. the spa will begin providing low-interest loans to help small
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businesses overcome temporary economic disruptions caused by the virus. i'm asking congress to provide an additional $50 billion for this program. using emergency author will instruct the deferment of tax payments for certain individuals and businesses negatively impacted. this will provide an additional $250 billion of liquidity to the economy. and i'm also calling for immediate payroll tax relief. we are at a critical time in the fight against the virus. we made a life-saving move with early action on china. now we must take the same action with europe. we will not delay. i will never hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect the lives, health, and safety of the american people.
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i will always put the well-being of america first. if we are vigilant, and we can reduce the chance of infection, which we will, we will significantly impede the transmission of the virus. the virus will not have a chance against us. no nation is more prepared or more resilient than the united states. we have the best economy, the most advanced health care, and the most talented doctors, scientists, and researchers anywhere in the world. we're all in this together. we must put politics aside. stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family. as history has proven time and time again, americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity. our future remains brighter than anyone can imagine. acting with compassion and love,
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we will heal the sick, care for those in need, and emerge from this challenge stronger and more unified than ever before. god bless you, and god bless america. thank you. >> calling this a critical time in the fight against the virus, president trump is calling for americans to put politics aside and fight the virus. announcing a series of measures, starting with a suspension of all travel between europe and the u.s. starting at midnight on friday. our team is here to analyze, and tom bossert, president trump's homeland security adviser. i have to admit, as a layman, that headline struck me as a stunning move by the president, suspending all travel and all cargo travel between the united states and europe. >> yeah, george, that entire speech to me was a whole new and appropriate tone for this president. he's given a different and
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lesser serious message for the last two weeks, now he's taking it seriously. he's hit this inflection point, he's ready to address it, and spent most of the speech on the public health matters and not on the economic matters. i was pleased to see that. there will be some criticism of the previous containment efforts. i'm sure there will be some benefit, but the disease is still here. i was glad to hear him talk about the need to close down large gatherings. and school closings, i think he referenced guidance that will be put out after the speech. it's important to remember, those things, the message he hit about us being in this together, it's so very important.
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state, local, federal authorities, need to work together. if some communities don't take these steps seriously and aggressively, we could end up re-infecting neighboring populations. i think he hit all the right points. i'm not sure how much or how long the european travel restriction will matter, or how much of an effect it will have. and la and lastly, he hit the right tone by addressing the populace that will be most effected, wage earners, gig employees. the gig economy, they get 1099 tax relief. i'm assuming that's who the president was referring to with the targeted tax policies. >> thank you. let's go to dr. jen ashton. the president looking to stop any new cases coming in from
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europe. the big question is, what about the community transmission here? the guidance coming from the cdc will be critical. >> right. we've heard a big change in tone this week from dr. tony fauci saying now we can't look at other parts of the country and saying it's just happening there. we need to assume it's coming to you and to us in the future. when you talk about the last just over two months of this virus, it's important to keep the timeline in mind. it's just over two months old. in medicine and science, data drives decisions. part of the reason for the change in tone, not just from the president, but on the part of his health team and advisers like dr. fauci, as we're starting to do testing, we're seeing more cases. the cdc has not yet released any clinical data on the u.s. cases. right now, this is telling us
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they're evaluating risk versus benefit to the non-drug interventions like school closings and social distancing measures. they're finding they're low risk to those, and may have some benefit. >> and so few americans have been tested, the numbers will clearly go up once there's more testing. >> and he cited severity today publicly for the first time with the confidence level that i heard from dr. fauci, saying that this is ten times as severe or potentially deadly as seasonal flu. about 20,000 estimated flu-related deaths so far in this country this season alone. imagine ten times that amount, we're looking at surge capacity of the health care system. >> and i want to go to jon karl for more on the economic proposals from the president. calling on congress to extend
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more benefits to the small business administration. and deferral of tax payments. the president still calling for his payroll tax. that has not been warmly welcomed on capitol hill. >> it has not been warmly welcomed from democrats and even some republicans. but listening to the president here, it's stark how different he sounded tonight. we didn't hear two things that we've been hearing from him ovr and over again. we didn't hear him blame democrats for exaggerating this and using it to make him look bad. we didn't hear him blame the news media for making the problem sound worse than it is. he seemed to directly acknowledge in a way that he has not until this moment, just how serious this is. i thought it was a very different tone from him. it wasn't just the economic impact. he's been spooked by watching the stock market's reaction to this.
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and you heard him strike a very different tone and addressing the seriousness of this threat. just two weeks ago, he was talking about how the number of cases may quickly go down to zero in the united states. just yesterday, he compared this to the common flu. that was not the message tonight. >> and the fact that he brought that into the oval office. he knows this is a threat to the country, and a threat to his presidency in an election year. >> what he really wanted to do, he wanted to send the message that he understands, is takes it seriously, and the administration has it under control. but the seriousness was not what we had been hearing from the president. he had been much more cavalier about this even yesterday. this was a very different tone from the president. >> thank you, jon. i want to bring in mary bruce
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for more. the president talked about expanding paid family leave. >> that's something that democrats in the house expect to vote on tomorrow. paid leave, extended unemployment insurance. other measures they believe will provide immediate relief. it sounds like the president may be able to get onboard with some of these measures. but he's also calling for additional steps like the payroll tax cut, which both sides of the aisle have raised concerns about. republicans saying it may be more of a band-aid than a long term solution. even if they pass in the house, they face an uncertain future in the senate. it's still not clear how much it will cost. >> and congress is expected to go on another break next week.
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will they be able to get it done right away? the house wants to act tomorrow, then they will send it to the senate. will the house stay in and avoid their vacation in order to pass this? >> that's a very good question. democrats have been scrambling to get something done. nancy pelosi spoke with the vice president and dr. fauci about the measures. so far, there are no changes to the recess. but nancy pelosi says they are the captains of the ship, they will be the last to leave. this is something they know is so important, and they want to get something done before they head home. >> and they're talking about suspending all public tours. the capitol, a notoriously open government building. >> they are closing down tours in the coming days, but the
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capitol is very much still working. pelosi saying they will stay operational. some members setting their own rules. romney and others telling staffers they can work from home. it raises concerns for members of congress. it's noteworthy that two-thirds of the senate qualifies as a vulnerable population because of their age. they travel a lot, spend time in large crowds. so as they decide how to tackle the crisis, they have to consider their own personal health. and seven members of congress have been self-quarantining over concerns they had contact with someone who tested positive. >> thank you. and rebecca jarvis, 20% down in
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the market from the highs of february, since the start of this crisis. this week, a big drop. when wall street believed that congress would pass some measures, it jumped up. when they appeared to be stalled, it went down today. what is your reaction to the president's proposals tonight? >> if you look at the response in the futures market, it has actually been falling since the president's speech. and one of the things that stands out to a number of the economists and investors that i speak to is the idea that the president said this is not a financial crisis. but when you look at the stock market, now down 20% from record highs, and a number of economists calling for the potential for a recession this year, there are those who disagree with that. those calling for a recession at this point believe it would be
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short-lived, it would not mimic 2008. but many of them believe the fiscal stimulus, what the government will offer in response to the crisis, will be key in how long the severity of the crisis lasts. and in the message tonight, you had two sets of responses. the fiscal stimulus, the deferring of taxes, small business loans, paid leave for workers. but then you have the travel ban from europe to the united states. the travel companies, the airlines, are already some of the hardest-hit companies in this crisis at this point. united saying they have seen bookings drop 70% domestically. they're seeing a twice as big hit to their business as in the wake of 9/11. you can imagine those companies in particular are thinking about how they're going to weather this storm with the 30 additional days where travel is not a part of their picture from
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europe. >> one of the things we did not hear, any targeted relief for those companies. >> exactly. and you can imagine, if there was targeted relief, that word bailouts would have started to come out. that would hearken back to the bailouts of 2008, and the crisis with the banks and auto companies getting bailouts. that's difficult, that's tricky political territory to wade into in a moment like this. especially when so many americans who came out of the financial crisis saw the banks got back on their footing, but those americans didn't see their own paychecks climb. you can imagine that would be tricky political territory. but in an immediate sense, and mary just shed some light on this, congress, if they can pass the paid sick leave, figure out deferred taxes, and especially the small business loans. we know small businesses have been weathering this storm.
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they've been hit the harshest in america of all businesses. if they can pass those types of reforms, that will have a significant effect, in an immediate sense, on the economy. >> rebecca, thank you. dr. jen ashton, we have some kind of amazing news. tom hanks. >> just coming across twitter that tom and rita hanks announced they were feeling run-down with body aches, fever, fatigue. both testing positive for the coronavirus. they're being isolated and observed and taking it one day at a time. wanted to spread that word. just a reflection of how real this is getting and how pervasive. echoed with the world health organization announcement. and some quotes that stood out to me. we've rung the alarm bell loud and clear, we can't say it loudly or often enough. all countries can still change
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the course of this pandemic. a call to action for countries to step up, take aggressive measures. and i found some encouragement in that, too. >> italy, locking down commercial activity. el salvador also going into a lockdown. it appears to have worked, but at some tremendous cost in china. it's hard to imagine us going that far in the united states. >> it is. but we have to start, as dr. fauci was saying, not thinking of just our own personal well-being, but that of the communities around us. with the aggressive measures, schools closing, cancelling of social gathering, they buy us time to help us respond to this pandemic, they also protect the vulnerable so they act as a buffer, and they really flatten that curve and reduce the impact
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of this virus. >> let's talk about everybody's responsibility. those of us who are healthy, so far, so good. how should we be thinking about travel, going to big events right now? >> it's important to learn to stratify risk versus benefit. and really think like a doctor. what is the risk of going on a trip? what is the risk of not going? what is the benefit of going, and what is the benefit of not going? >> it has to be essential. >> and it makes the decision making process less complicated. sit down with your family, make the list, go through the four questions, and you will probably arrive at a conclusion quickly. >> how about if you're feeling sick? >> if you're feeling in a way that six months ago would cause you to stay home, do that.
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if you have severe symptoms or if you have a compromised immune system, you're pregnant, or symptoms are severe enough that you would think of going to an emergency room, that's what you have to do. but they're already at capacity, and they will not stop addressing all the other things like heart attacks. so do what you would have done five months ago. >> i want to bring mary bruce back in. this is taking place in an election year, and for the two remaining democratic candidates, a curtailing of campaign activity. >> they're planning to hold virtual campaign rallies. this is taking quite a toll on the campaign trail. we've never really seen something like this before. joe biden is now trying to lead by example. as is bernie sanders. but biden tomorrow has cancelled
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a planned event in florida. instead, he will be holding an event in delaware, specifically on the response to coronavirus. trying to show how he would handle this if he were to be president. using this as an opportunity to cast this as a race between him and donald trump, and project how he would be leading on this issue if he were president. and candidate trump has not been cancelling similar events. he still has rallies on the books, and a trump campaign adviser suggested that joe biden was cancelling events using the coronavirus as an excuse. >> mary, thank you. and tom bossert, let's talk more about the risk of community transmission in the united states. take us inside the white house, where you once served. what would you be advocating in that cdc guidance now from the federal government to local communities on how to handle
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this big issue of school closings and event cancellations? >> i think dr. ashton hit the nail on the head as advice to individuals. what i would be doing inside the white house is really two things. trying to get the best set of advice for how to stop the spread at the collective level. people doing things based on their own self-risk calculus. if you normally go home and visit your parents or grandparents, if they're elderly, maybe don't do that. make sure that people in a policymaking role didn't mix up or confuse the advice they're giv giving. in washington state and seattle, the governor and the school superintendents pick and choose
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social distancing steps like a la carte options to pick and apply at the right time. that's not the way they were designed. what the doctors advised, we implement them at the same time as a layered approach. like various screens on top of one another. we could never figure out the math of how the viruses behave in society if you take one out. but if you use all of them, there are great results. so i say they should close schools and cancel events all at once. >> and jon, president trump will be judged in large measure by how he addresses this crisis. >> that's why he said this is a serious problem, and he is on top of it. >> thank you, jon. our coverage will continue on abc news live.
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we'll return now to our regular programs on the network. i'll and just listening live to president trump talk about the latest on coronavirus and the actions he's putting into place now. >> some dramatic action. let's get you caught up with the latest on the coronavirus here at home in the bay area. >> the centers for disease control is urging to ban community gatherings of 250 or more people. it's also calling for businesses to screen employees and visitors daily. >> the county just announced three new cases of covid-19 for a total of 48. some passengers from the "grand princess" cruise ship will be housed at a hotel in san carlos and will not be allowed to interact with the public. >> the oakland unified school district says two students at two separate high schools were possibly exposed to coronavirus. the potential exposures happened off campus. >> we're following the direction of the alameda county health department and our public health
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team and they have advised us we do not need to close our schools. >> neither of the students has tested positive for the virus. both students are self-quarantin self-quarantined. >> we are allowing small businesses to defer the next round of business taxes to next year in february of 2021. >> mayor breed just announced financial relev for small businesses because the financial impact could cost tens of million. >> banning events of more than 1,000 people in an effort, of course, to stop the spread of this virus. >> and picture this, the golden state warriors will play tomorrow night's game at chase center against the brooklyn nets without any fans. >> very strange like an open scrimmage. anser hassan is live with that story. >> reporter: the warriors are asking players for suggestions about what to do since the arena will be empty. what the players say they do
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understand the bigger picture. >> so basically the conversation was really you're going to need to cancel your games and events, and it was like, okay, and then it happened. it wasn't much to it. >> reporter: this morning san francisco mayor london breed met with warriors president to explain the ban on goergs gatherings of more than 1,000 people is now mandatory. >> i was in touch with the mayor and the nba agreed the best way forward was to play tomorrow night's game without fans. >> reporter: the warriors say the ban is not an easy prospect to adjust to. along with the expectations of the nba. one of the world's largest sports leagues and the 29 other teams. >> it's bigger than the warriors.
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it's a serious situation. there's a lot of opinions on what could be done, what should be done. it's better to be safe than sorry. >> reporter: the ban is to stop the spread of covid-19. >> pursuant to that declaration of emergency and what we'll be seeing today relative to the cancellation of nonscale nonessential events is pursuant to that lawfully. >> reporter: general manager bob myers says they reached out to players for suggestions on how to play the game in an empty arena. another big concern the 1,500 part-time employees who work the concession stands who are now out of work. >> for me this is the hardest part. >> reporter: now this ban will be in effect for the next two weeks but it could be reinstated. the warriors expect other nba cities to follow san francisco's lead.
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>> anser, thank you very much. >> they won't have to worry about playing in front of fans because the nba is now suspending the rest of the season. >> rudy gobert tested positive for coronavirus according to yahoo! sports. the nba suspending the games for the rest of the season. >> it is just wild how things are progressing and changing moment to moment. and we'll take a look just before utah's game right before tipoff. fans were told to leave. >> this came after warriors made an announcement that shocked many fans. >> "the grand princess" cruise ship has been docked since monday. >> the three-day disembarkation has been taking quite some time, very tedious. only a few hundred passengers remain on "the grand princess." >> activity on the dock next to
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the ship has slowed down. live to abc 7 news reporter laura anthony who is at the port for a progress update. laura? >> reporter: well, hi, ama. the official information coming out from state and federal officials has been very limited about what's going on behind me but late this afternoon we did hear from passengers. they said the captain made an announcement that 500 passengers remain on the ship. they're hoping to have half of them off by the end of today. the rest by tomorrow. all but the last several hundred passengers have disembarked from the stricken "grand princess" cruise ship. activity on the dock next to the ship has slowed to a trickle. confined to their cabins for a week. that includes kathleen sterling. her 81-year-old father who suffers from asthma and heart disease is off but only after
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she made a handwritten sign pleading for help. >> we're hearing that he is the exact person that is most vulnerable to this disease, and i thought this is it. he could -- this could progress very quickly, and i was very concerned about him. >> reporter: the californians on the "grand princess" were told they would be among the first to get off but both in their late 80s only disembarked this morning only to learn they were being taken to san diego 400 miles away instead of travis air force base. >> once the hazmat people got in, i don't know, it took them forever to get people going. we were told we were going to travis and when we got here this morning they said you're going to miramar. >> we washed our hands so much that they're dry. >> reporter: others still aboard the "grand princess" are less
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upset like the roberts from oklahoma. they have luggage tags but have yet to deboard. >> we're looking forward to the freedom of walking down that gangway wednesday that will feel great. >> reporter: i checked with the roberts a short time ago. last word they are still waiting on the "grand princess" to disembark. part of the issue, we understand, is related to lining up the charter flights to get people like them who are from out of state and of course people from out of the country out of caliornia. >> santa clara county's health department today said it is not currently recommending airports close but it is recommending that people at high risk avoid all air travel and that businesses cancel any unnecessary trips. many already have. this comes a day after we learned that three tsa worker at mineta san jose international airport tested positive for
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coronavirus. chris? >> reporter: hi, dan. a union rep says those officers worked here at terminal "b" at mineta san jose international airport and dozens of their colleagues are being told to stay home after coming into close contact. in the midst of the covid-19 outbreak many are weighing the pros and cons of staying out of state. >> it was a hard choice, believe me. we talked about it, whether to go or not. >> reporter: many are nervous after learning about the three tsa officers who tested positive for covid-19. a union rep telling us all three work at the security checkpoint on the night shift. central valley resident decided to keep her trip. >> i condition just hide in my closet and sit there with my family and, i mean, i still want to enjoy life. >> reporter: a group of elected officials including mayor sam
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liccardo has called on the tsa about shift times and posting locations. this as he sought to reassure the public that sjc is safe to use. >> deep cleaning with wiping multiple times on all surfaces and bathrooms to ensure that we're protecting all the travelers coming through the airport. >> reporter: the president of the union representing airport security screeners in northern california says that at least 42 have been told to self-quarantine based on their last known contact with one of the inforgeted officers. >> i would hope we will be able to keep everything open and maintain a passenger flow, but if it gets worse, there's no telling. >> reporter: passenger traffic at sjc this afternoon was noticeably lighter than usual. >> how do you keep yourself safe not knowing where the other passengers have been. and not to blame them, they may not know they're exposed and
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carrying something. >> reporter: these travelers continuing on with their scheduled plans. >> i'm going to stay away from the bathrooms, wear disposable gloves, my mask, hand sanitizer. i don't plan on looking at any of the magazines and plan on sanitizing the seat belt area before i use it. >> t >> reporter: the county health department isn't saying much but the risk is low during brief interactions. we're live in san jose tonight. i'm chris nguyen, abc 7 news. >> the archdiocese will close schools for two weeks. and today families learned about what's next for san francisco's public schools. reporter kate larson joins us with more. kate? >> reporter: ama, it was announced they would not be closing public schools at least not right now. lowell was reopened after a three-day closure.
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now despite the fact other district schools have not been closed the superintendent says attendance has been down and that's because families choose to keep their children home. those absences are excused because of coronavirus. at city hall today officials explained why they decided not to preemptively close san francisco public schools because of coronavirus concerns. >> schools are an essential service with multiple community benefits, and children have not been shown to be a high-risk group for serious illness at this time. >> we know that child care could end up being a challenge for parents. we also know that sometimes this is the only place where many of our kids have access to meals and facilities. >> reporter: the city is not aware of any coronavirus cases in the community at this time. but -- >> it is only a matter of time before multiple students and staff members at sfusd schools have a diagnosis of coronavirus,
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covid-19. >> reporter: lowell high school did close thursday amid concerns a parent had coronavirus. the district said wednesday the parent tested negative and school reopened. to mixed reaction from students and parents. >> we don't have to extend our school year and then cons they're more like being exposed to contractions of the virus. >> we'll wait until someone catches a case and then send your school home. >> reporter: adrienne has three students including one at lowell. right now all extracurricular activities are canceled in the district but may choose to keep his family home altogether. >> i may think about letting my kids do work from home. >> reporter: i have been back in touch with the san francisco archdiocese who confirm they plan on closing 90 schools tomorrow for the next two weeks
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i can't believe it. that chad really was raised by wolves? which one is your mother? that's her right there. oh, gosh. no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. it's really great. well, i'm just so glad to have met your beautiful family. and we better be sitting down now. believe it! geico could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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we are bringing in larry beil to talk about the nba suspension of the rest of the season. >> that's after a utah jazz player tested positive for coronavirus. this just accelerates. first they were going to play without crowds, now they're not going to play. >> this is worst case scenario for the nba. it's one thing to isolate the players from the fans, but once you have a player who has come down with coronavirus, then essentially not only does he have to be quarantined but the entire team has to be tested and -- >> back track to who they've played. >> yes. so everybody they have on the schedule -- i want to show you what happened just a few minutes ago. this was in oklahoma city where the jazz were scheduled to play, minutes before tipoff right here. the fans are all in the arena,
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and, well, there you see rudy gobert. everyone had to exit the arena because at the last minute a trainer came rushing out onto the court with some medical news. it took a while before all of this was sorted out. but then rudy gobert and another player was tested for coronavirus and gobert tested positive. minutes after the test as you see the jazz center there came up, the league suspended play for the rest of the season. players playing a real game with no fans at all. done, not happening. we do not have any time line or guidance on how long the season may be suspended. >> the coronavirus is coming and
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this is inevitable. the nba feels they have to shut everything down because everybody rudy gobert played against in the last two weeks now has to get tested. essentially we're at a standstill. who knows how they complete the finals. just hours ago the league was talking about pushing everything to july in terms of the finals because -- more questions than answers.
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we do need to check on our weather, rain. >> spencer christian is updating the forecast. we have some interesting weather factors to take a look at. first an increase in foggy areas during the overnight hours greeting morning commuters. dry weather two more days, sharply colder and wet this weekend. there's the forecast, animation starting early saturday morning. notice how quickly the weather, the rain expands across the bay area, snow developing in the sierra, continues through the day on sunday. resumes monday morning and continues into tuesday. so this is going to be quite a wet spell for us and a lot of
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snow will fall in the sierra. the accuweather forecast, notice how sharply the temperatures drop on saturday and sunday with high temperatures only in the low to mid-50s across the entire region. that's a very cold air mass coming in. with it quite a bit of pecipitation, much needed, i might add. the chilly weather will continue until at least the middle of next wee
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heart failure can change the structure of your heart, so it may not work as well. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. and with a healthier heart, there's no telling where life may take you. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. entrust your heart to entresto. a lot has changed so we want
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to recap the big headlines from coronavirus in the past hour. >> the nba suspends the rest of the season after the games tonight. rudy gobert tested positive for coronavirus. >> actor tom hanks has tested positive while in australia. oakland and san francisco have canceled gatherings of 1,000 people or more. >> three more cases in santa clara county plus new cdc guidelines to mitigate the spread of coronavirus and, of course, at 6:00 tonight president trump went on national television to talk about some of the measures the administration is taking including a 30-day moratorium on travel from europe with the exception of the uk. >> we continue to monitor the evolving situation. be sure to join us tonight for abc 7 news at 11:00. late breaking developments including new reaction to president trump's travel ban from europe. b.a.r.t. ridership plummets as commuters are working from home now. and now the transit agency says it needs help.
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it's losing several hundred thousand dollars per day. so a lot going on. we continue to monitor everything. we'll send out push alerts when we get anything breaking. you can go to our website >> and it is changing rapidly so stay here with us. we appreciate your time. >> for the entire abc 7 news team, thank you for joining us and hope you have a great evening. >> join us tonight at 11:00. get to the ross spring dress event, where the prices make all the dresses yeses. yeah! save 20 to 60 percent off department store prices on our best selection of spring dresses. the ross spring dress event, on now!
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♪ this is "jeopardy!" please welcome today's contestants-- a help desk specialist from seattle, washington... a personal stylist from austin, texas... and our returning champion, an attorney from athens, georgia... ...whose 5-day cash winnings total... and now, here is the host of "jeopardy!"--alex trebek! thank you, johnny. hello, ladies and gentlemen. winning five shows and over $100,000 isetng to be kind of normal on "jeopardy!" [ laughter ]
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bugetting past that, that's when things toughen up a bit. let's see how having won those five shows works on paul as he faces jessica and laurie. welcome aboard, ladies. here we go into the jeopardy! round. ♪ and now we put you to work dealing with these subjects... next... funny job-- no, not "funny"... you have to identify the author for us. that's followed by... and finally... all right, champ, off you go. requiem for a skyline for $200. in november of 1972, the kingdome was dedicated in this west coastit
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