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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  March 18, 2020 12:05am-1:07am PDT

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♪ >> jimmy: hi, everyone. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thanks for watching. thanks for watching. thanks to all of you for coming. thank you for joining us on the day after the oscars. the academy awards were handed out just across the street from us at the dolby theater last night. janelle monae opened the show with a version of the mr. rogers song "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" which was a nice idea, clever idea, but as those of you who lined up on hollywood boulevard know, there has never been a beautiful anything in this neighborhood. [ laughter ] this neighborhood, this is where homeless spidermen gather to steal wallets from canadians. that's what we do here. [ laughter ] a lot of the focus going into the show last night was on the lack of diversity. all the acting nominees but one were caucasian. and what do you do when you have a diversity problem? well, you hit them with the world's most famous white rapper, eminem. that's what you do. [ laughter ] i actually learned a lot last night. for instance, that song from
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"frozen 2," equally annoying in every language. [ laughter ] there were plenty of controversial moments. i think trump gained another 15% of the vote after those acceptance speeches last night. bottom line, don't expect to see the joker doing a got milk commercial anytime soon. [ laughter ] the big winner last night was "parasite." the movie won four oscars, including best picture. "parasite," if you haven't seen it -- you should. it's very good. is a south korean film that tells the story of a family who cons their way into a house they have no business living in and things go very wrong from there. the american version of it is called the trumps. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] it's also known as "parasite." as well as tanning with just a bucket. bong joon ho won best screenplay and best director. it's the first time a non-english language film won best picture. and the first time a guy named bong won anything other than a hackie sack contest. [ laughter ]
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this guy, he was the highlight of the night. he used a translator for most of his remarks, but he also made the most of the english he does know backstage. >> it was the same process making this film where we've had these amazing results. it still feels very surreal. i feel like something will hit me and i will wake up from this dream. >> it's really [ bleep ] crazy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: to put it succinctly, yes. anyway, move over large glass contraption on seth rogen's nightstand. hollywood has a new favorite bong. [ laughter ] the show last night was the lowest-rated oscars ever by a lot. they had a "parasite" and no host, which makes no sense. but while the ratings were down here in the united states, this is a show that's seen all over the globe. and many of the 225 countries that air the oscars sent correspondents. this is red carpet coverage from sweden. and keep an eye on who shows up at the end of this clip. >> [ speaking foreign language ]. hello, salma. how are you doing?
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>> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> look at that. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i don't know what's more embarrassing. what was more embarrassing, the swedish guy mistaking penelope cruz for salma hayek or al pacino mistaking guillermo for a real reporter on the red carpet? [ laughter ] did you have fun guillermo? >> guillermo: a lot of fun. >> jimmy: you had a lot of big stars. we'll show you that in a moment. all the big stars are part of this. attorney general william barr has confirmed that the justice department is conduct a review of whatever nonsense rudy giuliani dug up or digs up on the bidens in ukraine. and that brings up an interesting question, which is how many times can we impeach the same president? maybe it will be four. i don't know.
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but trump is shaking his tiny fists at his enemies. he's acting to punish those who testified against him. over the weekend he fired gordon sondland, the ambassador to the eu, and he also removed lieutenant colonel alexander vindman from the national security council. he had him escorted from the building where he worked. i guess susan collins was right. he definitely learned his lesson after the trial. but both men who were fired testified under subpoena, which means trump is now firing people for obeying the law. lieutenant vindman is a highly decorated officer. he's the recipient of the purple heart. and the president weighed in on him on twitter. he wrote, "fake news cnn and msdnc keep talking about lieutenant colonel vindman as though i should think only how wonderful he was. actually, i don't know him, never spoke to him or met him. i don't believe. but he was very insubordinate. reported contents of my perfect calls incorrectly and was given a horrendous report by his superior, the man he reported to, who publicly stated that vindman had problems with judgment, adhering to the chain
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of command and leaking information. in other words, out." he's firing the people who testified against him. and no one seems to -- well, i guess some people have a problem with it. but not enough people. one trump adviser said the president is flushing out the pipes. which is also what he calls ordering a black coffee and a filet-o-fish. [ laughter ] not only did he fire one vindman, he also fired vindman's twin brother, who didn't -- he didn't even testify. i guess trump told his staff get rid of anyone that looks like that guy. [ laughter ] and trump is now also targeting nancy pelosi for tearing up his state of the union speech. >> well, i thought it was a terrible thing when she ripped up the speech. first of all, it's an official document. you're not allowed. it's illegal what she did. she broke the law. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, lock her up, right? isn't that how we do it? and you think all that is bad. wait until you see the budget trump unveiled today. this budget makes major cuts to medicare, medicaid, social
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security, food stamps, environmental protection, and children's health insurance. and it would cut funding for the center for disease control, the cdc, which seems like a great idea with the coronavirus brewing. this is definitely the time to make cuts to the cdc. but be not concerned because today trump announced that he has a handle on the coronavirus too. >> now, the virus that we're talking about having to do -- you know, a lot of people think that goes away in april with the heat, as the heat comes in. typically that will go away in april. again, as i mentioned, by april or during the month of april the heat generally speaking kills this kind of virus. so that will be a good thing. but we're in great shape in our country. >> jimmy: yes, yes. don't worry. global warming is here to stop the coronavirus. [ laughter ] it's not the heat. it's the stupidity really. in other reality show news, tonight on abc we were treated to a new episode of "the bachelor." we're down to the final four. kelsey, hannah ann, madison, and
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amy klobuchar, i think. but i picked hannah ann to -- hannah ann, madison, and kelly as the final three. kelly got the boot tonight. this was also maybe the most dramatic episode yet for the word like. by our count there were 229 "likes" on tonight's show. which is like ridiculous. especially when you line them up. this is just a fraction of the likening storm bachelor viewers were forced to endure. >> such a dream to be here. >> i think like when you've only gotten like five minutes with him for the past like forever. >> like. >> like. >> like. >> like like like like. >> like, like, like, like. >> like. like. like. like. >> i feel like i just like -- >> like, like, like, like, like. >> like. >> like. like. like. >> like, like, like. >> like, like, like, like, like. >> like, like, like. >> like. like. >> like. like. >> like, like, like. >> like like like. >> like like. >> like like like like. >> like like like. >> like. >> like like like. >> like like like. >> like like like.
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>> like like like. >> literally. >> like like. >> i like cannot even. like i'm so happy. >> jimmy: right. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] this truly is the golden age of television. without the word like that show would be 12 minutes long. so next week it's on to the hometown visits. and i don't know about you but i'm excited. i love the -- it's always fun to see where someone who thinks it's a good idea to find a husband on tv grew up. [ laughter ] we've got a terrific show for you tonight. harrison ford is here with us. [ cheers and applause ] wiz khalifa brought a lot of friends but before we get to them, oscars happened last night. all the stars were aligned on the red carpet. and once again who was there to realign them? ♪guillei,t's n our amigo it te tonaos
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hi, how are you? >> hi, guillermo. >> guillermo: how are you doing? >> i'm good. how are you? >> guillermo: you look >> thank you. >> guillermo: are you happy for white people this year? >> happy for white people? >> guillermo: yeah. they're all nominated. it seems like this is the year. [ laughter ] >> it's their year every year. right? >> guillermo: most of the time. >> yeah, most of the time. >> guillermo: is hitler cool? >> no. >> guillermo: no? >> he's an absolute psycho. >> guillermo: hi, al pacino. >> good to see you. >> guillermo: how are you? >> very well. >> guillermo: are you afraid of al pacino? >> i'm terrified of him. is he here? >> guillermo: who's more cute, baby yoda or me? >> baby yoda. >> guillermo: you know meryl streep, right? >> i do. >> guillermo: she's not nominated this year. >> i'm sorry to hear that. she should be nominated for walking down the street. >> guillermo: i saw it too. so i made her a card and i wanyt >> yeah, that's sweet.
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i think this is really going to make her feel better. >> guillermo: sign over here so she can feel better. >> that's lovely. >> guillermo: anything you'd like to say to meryl streep? >> yes. you're a loser this year but you're going to get 'em next time. >> thank you so much. >> i love meryl streep and i think she's always a winner. so that's why i'm not going to sign this [ bleep ] card. >> guillermo: oh, okay. what are you doing tonight? are you presenting? >> i'm presenting. i'm so nervous and excited. >> guillermo: i have a joke for you. >> okay. >> guillermo: here. >> why didn't the star of "joker" take a limo? because he preferred joaquin. that's great. >> why are the little women so little? >> guillermo: why? >> because they wear spanx. >> what do you get when you take one pope and add another pope? >> guillermo: what do you get? >> two popes. >> guillermo: i didn't see that movie "parasite" because i have a mother-in-law.
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>> what's this? >> guillermo: can you translate? >> oh. so sad. >> you want me to say it right now? >> guillermo: yeah, read it. >> "1917" is not just a movie. it's also the number of times i had to pee during "the irishman." then you hold like that and then you release. >> guillermo: how are you? >> i'm okay. how are you doing? >> guillermo: are we getting back together or what? >> did we break up? >> guillermo: yeah, we did. >> i didn't know that. >> guillermo: yeah. i have a joke for you. okay? look. read it. >> should i try this? >> guillermo: yeah. try it. >> he's a clever fellow. >> guillermo: try it. >> i'll try it. i'll try to it tonight. >> guillermo: i'll read it. what does brad pitt sweat from? his pit. i'm so funny. >> guillermo: robert! robert de niro right here! robert! the irishman doesn't want to talk to the mexican.
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hi. how are you? you look beautiful. >> thank you. what are you doing here? >> guillermo: i'm interviewing you. you want to go banana tonight? >> what are you going to do? >> guillermo: here. let's go banana tonight. real quick. >> how many other lips have touched this? >> guillermo: you're the first one. i promise. >> you're a liar. >> guillermo: i swear. >> what's inside? i guess we'll figure it out. >> guillermo: tequila. >> it's smooth. >> guillermo: yeah. >> oh, my god. is that tequila in that banana? >> yeah. >> i'm doing it. >> guillermo: i always keep tequila in my banana. >> how many people put their mouths on this? >> guillermo: no one. so far nobody. you're going to be the first one. [ laughter ] would you like a drink out of my banana? >> no. that sounds foul. >> guillermo: no? >> no. >> guillermo: hold on. i'm getting a phone call. i think it's for you. in this tequila. >> hello. what?
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i can't hear you. >> guillermo: like that. >> amazing. did you make this? >> guillermo: yeah. it's mexican technology. [ laughter ] >> wow. that's very good. >> oh! >> i cannot drink right now. >> guillermo: no? >> no. i've got to work, man. >> guillermo: okay. what about regular one? you're my kind of girl. charlize, how are you? >> where's my shot? >> guillermo: in the banana. >> oh, my god. >> guillermo: tequila's calling you. >> oh, my god. are you kidding me? how many of these do you have? let me pat you down. >> okay. that was good. i'm so glad i met you tonight. >> guillermo: one more joke. this is irish. what did the irishman say to the mexican?
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let's get drunk. i like you, man. what are you doing after the show? >> i won't be with you. >> guillermo: all right. >> but i'll give you a kiss. >> guillermo: thank you. i just got to first base with harvey keitel. that's it from the red carpet. everybody loves drinking from my banana. thank you very much. see you next year. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's how we gave everyone in hollywood the flu. we have a good show tonight. we have music from wiz khalifa, ty dolla sign, lil yachty, science bob pflugfelder is here, and we'll be right back with harrison ford. [ cheers and applause ] >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live" brought to you by the all new volkswagen atlas cross
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sport. i'm going to get back. people ask me what sort of person should become a celebrity accountant. and, i tell them, "nobody. nobody should." there's nothing wrong with liking privacy, but i just don't think you need a separate private plane. but i, but i want it! you can't claim that as a dependent! because it's inanimate! that's what the pay me for. not enough, though. not nearly enough. hey, buddy. what's the damage? i bought it! the waterfall? nope! a new volkswagen. a volkswagen?! wow! i think we're having a breakthrough here! welcome to caesar's palace. wait, you're in vegas? sure looks like it! wha-, what, what? what are you doing back there?
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then with their song from the movie "sonic the hedgehog," wiz khalifa, ty dolla sign, lil yachty, sueco the child from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] tomorrow night, amy poehler and david sedaris will join us tomorrow, with music from super m. and later this week from "american idol" katy perry, lionel richie and luke bryan. chris pratt, lucy hale, huey lewis, and music from andy shauf and sam hunt. please join us for all of that. our first guest tonight is one of the great actors and one of the rare white men who looks good in a hat. his latest motion picture is "the call of the wild." it opens in theaters february 21st. please welcome harrison ford. [ cheers and applause ] how are you?
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very good to see you. did you watch the oscars last night? >> they were last night? [ laughter ] oh, man. >> jimmy: you missed it again. you didn't even go when you were nominated for best actor, right? >> what? >> jimmy: yeah. you were nominated for "witness." the movie "witness." you were nominated in 1986. you did not attend the oscars. >> well, i had a lot of homework. >> jimmy: last time you were here -- >> it's old news. >>. >> jimmy: -- or maybe it was the time before. i don't remember. you were almost pleading with the "star wars" people to kill han solo. you'd had enough of han solo. you wanted him dead. and then -- >> we're putting a different complexion on it. i figured that his utility had been exhausted, bled out, and i was -- well, and i was willing to die for the cause.
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>> jimmy: for the cause. i didn't realize. >> bring some gravitas. some base. >> jimmy: and you did indeed die for the cause. >> i did. no good deed goes unpunished. >> jimmy: yeah. like jesus han solo rose again. >> i like jesus. >> jimmy: maybe a little less dramatically than jesus and it took more time than it took jesus, but it's still like jesus. how did that happen? who convinced you to do that? because i would imagine it took some convincing. >> j.j. said this is a good idea. i, j.j., have decided that this is a good idea. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and i would like you to do it. >> jimmy: and you trust him enough that when he says something like that you're on board? >> don't you? >> jimmy: yes, i do. absolutely. yeah. but i'm not harrison ford.
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quite a distance from it. >> i'm actually not either. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: guillermo, remove this man. >> i'm little harry ford. i'm harry ford. >> jimmy: what kind of music are you -- do you like in general? >> i generally like the kind of music that nobody is liking at the time. >> jimmy: i see. because this is something that was posted by sergio mendes. on facebook. and there he is. sergio mendes. he did a lot of very popular songs. >> and that's me. >> jimmy: he wrote "the force awakens before han solo, a great carpenter named harrison ford. here he is with his crew the day they finished building my recording studio back in 1970. thank you, harrison. may the force be with you." and there you are, baked out of your mind, yes? [ applause ] >> no, i'm not baked out of my mind. i'm working. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: when you were working as a carpenter and building these kind of places here in
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l.a., would you charge more to a celebrity than you would to a regular civilian? >> wouldn't you? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. sergio spent $6 million on that recording studio. do you still fix things around the house? do you still put those skills to use? >> yeah. if it's not too complicated. >> jimmy: if it's not too complicated you'll do it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and are people overly impressed by that? >> not my wife. >> jimmy: she expects it and you do it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you worked at the -- was it the first crate & barrel in chicago? >> yeah. >> jimmy: when was that that you worked at crate & barrel? because i love this idea, this vision. >> it was for about four months until i got fired. >> jimmy: oh, they fired you? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why did they fire you? >> i came back late from lunch. >> jimmy: that was it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: what was your position
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there? >> i vaguely remember that i was either -- it was their first store. and the couple that owned the company were still there. >> jimmy: was this crate and barrel? >> crate and barrel. >> jimmy: what was your job there? >> i was the incompetent manager of the store. >> jimmy: oh, you were the manager of the store should. >> i think so. >> jimmy: wow. was the store more rustic? like was the stuff more substantial back then? >> there were crates and barrels. >> jimmy: there were actual crates and barrels. [ laughter ] >> stuff was in crates and barrels. >> jimmy: hence the name i guess. well, we're going to take a break. when we come back, i have a bunch of things to talk to you about including the new movie "the call of the wild," which harrison ford is in. he stars in. we'll be right back with harrison ford after this. [ cheers and applause ] and get 4 freestep up e samsung galaxy a20 phones when you switch
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(vo)electric, it doesn't i knhave enough range.nking.
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it can't handle the elements. and, there is nowhere to charge up. well, think again. ♪ hey! watch yourself. >> last boat to dawson leaving now. >> that's mine. hey. thanks. >> jimmy: that's "the call of
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the wild." harrison ford. and where the hell did you guys find a dog that plays the harmonica? that is impressive. >> jimmy, we made the dog up. >> jimmy: you made a dog? impossible. i don't believe it. >> out of a dog parts. >> jimmy: out of dog parts? >> no. there's no dog. >> jimmy: there was no dog. what do you mean there's no dog? i saw a dog. i saw the dog playing the harmonica. >> if there was a dog, he'd be sitting right here. >> jimmy: there's no dog? oh. ewe ruined everything now. by the way, the -- >> i'm not saying don't go to the movie. because in the movie there's a dog. >> jimmy: there is a dog. >> but when i shot that scene, no dog. [ laughter ] i said, where is the dog? and they said here.
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in your head. >> jimmy: "the call of the wild." that call was perfect. donald j. trump. this is a perfect call. it's a great call. not just a good call. so the reviews are really pouring in. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that was the first thing that son of a bitch has done for me ever. >> jimmy: you know, science bob is -- >> speaking of science. >> jimmy: speaking of science, yes. science has come under attack, hasn't it? >> you think? >> jimmy: yeah. >> out the door. we don't believe in science anymore. nobody here believes in science anymore, right? >> jimmy: we can't even believe this dogs anymore thanks to -- [ laughter ] some of this stuff, you know. >> that's a lesser offense. >> jimmy: were you good in science when you were in school? >> i was good.
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i was good at the dissection. >> jimmy: at the cutting up of the -- >> of small dead animals. >> jimmy: did you get good grades in school in general? >> up until about the fifth grade. when did you peak? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: sixth grade. 100% sixth grade was my peak, yeah. >> i kind of -- i wasn't a great student, no. that's why i'm an actor now. because in the middle of my college career i realized i was never going to make it. >> jimmy: that it wasn't happening? >> no. >> jimmy: would you be interested in staying out and maybe picking up some of that science knowledge you may have missed by dropping out of school? >> yeah. because otherwise how do we know real information from total [ bleep ]? >> jimmy: right. exactly. >> it's science. >> jimmy: so what we're going to do -- >> it's science. >> jimmy: we will take a break and we will come back and when we do we will weed out with
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harrison ford and science bob the real from the [ bleep ]. yes? harrison ford, "the call of the wild" opens february 21st. we'll be right back with science bob. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and a component of the... [kazoo sounds] ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: hi there. we're back. harrison ford is here. this guy may not be captain of the millennium falcon but our next guest could build a
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lightsaber with his eyes closed. he's an elementary school teacher from boston and he's here to delight us once again. please welcome science bob pflugfelder. [ cheers and applause ] how are you? harrison ford. welcome. thank you for coming. >> wow. very exciting. >> jimmy: so what are we going to do? what have you brought for us? >> yeah. i thought we'd start with a little bit of chemistry. you guys like chemistry? [ cheers and applause ] >> yes. >> get your goggles on. >> thank you for reminding us. >> chemistry is sort of as close as you come to magic. right? sometimes it appears to be magic. we've got a couple of beakers here that are filled with various chemicals. this first one here is actually filled with a little bit of water, a little bit of sulfuric acid and a little potassium iodide.
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harrison, if you want you can take that little one. that's got some starch in it. and you can pour it into -- >> jimmy: that's also sulfuric acid. >> just pour that right in there. and you'll see we get not much going on there. right? >> right. >> a little bit of a blue color because this is actually a reaction that requires electricity. a lot of people don't know. you can take those batteries and drop them in there. >> jimmy: okay. both of them? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why don't we drop one each? how does that sound? >> okay. teamwork. >> jimmy: there's one. and two. >> terrific. and so now we can turn this and you can see the bubbles that are coming from it. let's see if i can turn it around. so what we're actually doing is we're oxidizing this chemical. and that is creating the blue. >> jimmy: you ever do that thing where you put your tongue on the 9-volt batteries? >> oh, yeah. that's great. >> jimmy: why don't we do that? >> it is quite a thrill. [ laughter ] all right. so now we've got -- if you haven't tried, it give it a try. now we've got this nice blue. that's kind of cool. now, this is an antioxidant. that's actually vitamin c. >> that's where blue comes from. >> yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's where the color blue was born. this looks like we should have
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combs in it. right? >> yeah. let's pour that into here. we're going to try it with the batteries. >> jimmy: a into b? without the batteries. >> yeah, without the batteries. >> jimmy: is this dangerous at this point? >> no. the antioxidants are working and they reverse the action. >> jimmy: wow. without the batteries nothing happens. >> we have that nice little magical chemical change. now let's switch over. now we have an acid here and i've got this red cloth that is stained with something called congo red. which is also an indicator. so if you take that and then dip it into this acid solution. >> dip it or drop it? >> you can just dip it in. and then we get our blue back. oh, look at that. isn't that pretty? all the way in. >> jimmy: not really. >> all the way in. dip it in. there we go. so we've got our blue back. >> jimmy: okay. >> that's kind of cool. >> jimmy: wow. it really did change colors. >> yeah, it actually changed colors. but the solution stays clear. now, harrison, you can take that out. >> mm-hmm. [ laughter ] >> and then put that in here. and this has a base solution. >> jimmy: uh-huh.
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remember, he is a national treasure. >> yeah, i know that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay. here we go. the base solution. >> give it a little stir here. and watch this. we get our red back. see? >> jimmy: our right. that is red. >> now, if we want the best of both worlds, you can take that out of there, jimmy, and squeeze it out into this one, which has a little bit of phenolphthalein solution and then we get a little bit of both colors. [ applause ] >> jimmy: and correct me if i'm wrong but this is how they come up with the new flavors of mountain dew, right? [ laughter ] >> yes. >> but wait a second. this is science, right? >> yes. it's real science. >> jimmy: this is science. let me wipe my hand on this towel. >> then you can take your gloves off. >> and what do we have next? >> let's do a little physics. >> jimmy: this is, and correct me if i'm wrong on this, this is some kind of a sex machine, right? [ laughter ]
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>> no, jimmy. no. >> allow me to correct you. you're wrong. you're wrong. that's probably for the best. >> so what we've got here is a 15-pound bowling ball with three-inch spikes out of it. the spikes are unnecessary but i thought they'd be kind of cool. >> jimmy: all right. >> and underneath that we have a ceramic pig. a little piggy bank. >> jimmy: yes, we've seen it. >> here's what i'm going to do. i'm just going to make sure it's lined up. we're going to do first a test of gravity here. i want to make sure gravity's still working. harrison, if you want to come back here -- >> take my glasses? >> yeah, keep those on for the moment. >> jimmy: keep them on. safety first. >> this is going to be a little heavy. [ laughter ] focus. focus. here we go. so now what we're going to do is on the count of three we're going to drop that and see how gravity affects.
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>> that will break the piggy bank. >> it might do that. are you okay with that? >> jimmy: it's not my kid's. so i'm fine with it. >> here we go. in three, two, one. there we go. >> you're right. it did work. >> gravity works. >> jimmy: oh, we have an instant replay here we're going to look at just so we can prove the effect on something heavy on something fragile. look at that. [ laughter ] >> all right. so now we're going to make -- we're going to do the same thing but we're going to make one little change. i'm just going to put a two-pound bag on here. that's the only thing we're going to change. but instead of a piggy bank i went around your office today and i asked them what is something that is really valuable to jimmy? and they came up with it over there. i don't know if you want to bring that over. >> jimmy: oh, what is this? oh, no. no, no, no, no. this is my "soul train" award. [ laughter ] >> we're going to put that right down here. >> you'd better not smash this [ bleep ]. i won this.
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>> white person of the year. >> jimmy: yeah. white person of the year. [ applause ] >> when was that? >> jimmy: 2015. yeah. >> it was a good year. >> jimmy: it was a great year. >> for white people. >> jimmy: especially this one. >> be careful. >> jimmy: i'm hoping this means you're not going to break this. >> well, here's what should happen. i'm going to drop this again. >> i'm not going to -- >> there we go. >> jimmy: this is the same length as the last time. >> same length. everything's the same. >> jimmy: this doesn't seem like it's going to be good for me. >> now, if all goes well this bag will create enough cent rip tal force that it will actually as it falls stop it in the path. then hopefully friction will continue to wrap around that upper pole and keep it in place. >> jimmy: if not i am going to sue you. [ laughter ] >> i'm a little afraid. here we go. are you ready? >> jimmy: yes. >> three, two, one. >> jimmy: ooh. >> that was close! >> you did hit it. >> but it's fine.
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>> jimmy: you're going to drop it. let's look at an instant replay to show what happens when something doesn't get crushed. >> just a tap. >> jimmy: you did come a little too close for my liking. we're going to take a break. what are we going to do when we come back? something big? >> engineering. and it could be messy. >> jimmy: okay. very good. we'll be back with science bob. (paul) do you get confused by wireless network claims? i don't blame you, the most reliable, the most awarded...the best, the fastest, the best and the fastest...enough. sprint is doing things differently. they're offering a 100% total satisfaction guarantee. so you can try out the network and see the savings for yourself. and now, get the new samsung galaxy s20 5g for just $0 a month. it's 5g ready! for people with hearing loss, visit
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it's the rush of relaxation. introducing the all-new lincoln corsair. >> jimmy: hi there. welcome back. science bob is here. harrison ford is here. we are doing fun things with science. and what fun thing are we going to do with science next? >> we're going to take a quick look at some engineering. so back at my little shop i have this ongoing battle with that sort of like party string stuff, you know the stuff -- >> jimmy: oh, yes. yeah. >> so i'm thinking, well, heck, i've got some engineering design stuff. i'll put it to good use. engineers and innovators that are doing things to save the world.
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i just like building crazy things that make people smile. >> jimmy: well, there's a place for that as well. >> that led me to this. there we go. >> jimmy: what do you call this? >> so this guy -- this guy instead of shooting one or two cans at a time is designed to shoot 30 cans at a time. >> jimmy: so this is a real time saver, then. >> it's really a time saver. and a lot of engineering. there's a loind of mechanical advantages. there's a lot of testing. for example, these cans are only designed to shoot vertically. so we had to come up with a way to make them shoot horizontally. we had to make brand new nozzles for them. >> jimmy: a lot of wasted time is basically -- >> no, no, no. it's going to make people smile. that's what it's all about. >> jimmy: okay. great. >> so i thought we'd test it out. guillermo has actually offered to be our subject. >> jimmy: did you offer yourself for this, guillermo or were you recruited? >> guillermo: i did offer myself. >> we don't want guillermo to be completely defenseless. those two are for you. jimmy, basically the way it
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works is you're going to hold that. you're going to pull that handle out. that will compress this whole front thing and that should start the reaction. >> jimmy: okay. all right. we do it now? >> i think. are you guys ready for this? [ cheers and applause ] here we go! in three, two, one! go! >> jimmy: i'm winning. i'm winning. >> careful. careful. >> jimmy: oh, no! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] science bob plugfelder, everyone. go to for more information. harrison ford, "the call of the wild." we'll be right back with wiz khalifa and frnd ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the 2019 a class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on the new xc90 available with six seats. xc90. recharged. lease the volvo xc90
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to harrison ford and science bob. apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next. but first here with the song "speed me up," wiz khalifa, ty dolla sign, lil yachty, and sueco the child. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ left my heart and my soul you see that i ran ♪ ♪ rings of gold and awards sit on my nightstand ♪ ♪ i've got something they want but it's mine to give ♪ ♪ free my struggles detach me from this island ♪ ♪ bleed my knuckles attack me for my finance ♪ ♪ i'm dealing with this pain i just can't let you come throw it
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away ♪ ♪ so i run ♪ keep me up ♪ creep on me they speak on me ♪ they slow down when they bring me up like ♪ ♪ speed me up ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ so i run ♪ hey ♪ keep me up ♪ creep on me they speak on me ♪ they slow down when they bring me up like ♪ ♪ speed me up ♪ hey, hey, hey ♪ taking off quick too fast on my tippy toes ♪ ♪ undefeated bro ♪ taking off quick undefeated ♪ got me walking around with a lot of fleas ♪ ♪ goes so quick, so fast ♪ every day i new count ♪ every second gotta make it last ♪ ♪ roll around dot double dash ♪ big glow on my skin taking off them tints ♪ ♪ ladies love my speed ♪ quick to run up trees ♪ who you seen like me ♪ nobody ♪ staying in my lane ♪ best friend named tails
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♪ balance running on rails i can never fail ♪ ♪ so i run ♪ keep me up ♪ creep on me they speak on me ♪ they slow down when they bring me up like ♪ ♪ speed me up ♪ 'cause what ♪ i run ♪ keep me up ♪ creep on me they speak on me ♪ they slow down when they bring me up like ♪ ♪ speed me up ♪ let's go ♪ speed me up ♪ speed me up ♪ don't turn down the bass someone tell the dj leave me up ♪ ♪ they was sleeping on me now they see me up, beam me up ♪ ♪ rings on me like kobe bryant, rings on me like number 8 ♪ ♪ 911 it gonna speed fast ♪ he was talking down i level up on his ♪ ♪ tell lil' baby i might hit her up 'cause she bad ♪
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♪ money hit my phone and now i'm running to the cash yeah yeah ♪ ♪ marathon, just like nipsey the great ♪ ♪ spin and dash to the safe ♪ do the dash like tay k ♪ i'm dealing with this pain i just can't let you come throw it away ♪ ♪ don't crash really go fast ♪ press on the gas ♪ 400 my dash ♪ never come last ♪ came a long way from the back miff dad's ♪ ♪ since i got racks i'ma never look back ♪ ♪ i'm going fast on my way to the bank ♪ ♪ level up i'm moving up on my rank ♪ ♪ pedal to the metal i'm winning the race ♪ ♪ so i run ♪ keep me up creep on me they speak on me ♪ ♪ they slow down when they bring me up like speed me up ♪ ♪ i run ♪ keep me up ♪ creep on me they speak on me ♪ they slow down when they bring ♪ ♪ speed me up ♪ whoo ♪ whoo ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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