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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  March 23, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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♪ good morning, america. as we join you this monday morning, one out of three americans now under orders to stay at home. president trump responding to an s.o.s. from governors. >> there's never been anything like this, and it's vicious. it is vicious. >> announcing fema will be setting up emergency medical centers in the three hardest hit states. and as health care workers sound the alarm about those life-saving masks, companies like apple and tesla racing to help. and local governments trying to crack down on those ignoring stay-at-home measures after these startling images of crowds still gathering across the country. >> it's insensitive. it's arrogant.
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it's self-destructive. it's disrespectful to other people. >> also this morning, the e.r. doctor on the front lines who made headlines on facebook with that dramatic plea for action for his fellow americans, he will join us live. no deal. that massive trillion dollar-plus relief bill stalled amidst partisan divide in congress over which individuals and business should get aid, under what conditions. will it be enough to address the economic emergency? europe on the brink. cases exploding in spain, fears it could be the next italy. italian hospitals so overwhelmed, doctors warn care for anyone besides covid-19 patients has all but stopped. safe at home. as millions of americans do their part adjusting to quarantine life, finding creative ways to get together while staying apart, from nascar stars iracing to the huge virtual dance party joined by to janet jackson, the massive show of stay-at-home solidarity.
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♪ islands in the stream, that is what we are ♪ and celebrating the life of kenny rogers. the heartfelt tributes pouring in for the gambling. >> god bless you, kenny. fly high straight into the arms of god. >> and the unforgettable memory that only dolly could share. ♪ from one lover to another we certainly do say good morning, america. hope you had a wonderful and safe weekend. i don't know about y'all but i played a lot of kenny rogers this weekend in tribute to him. what a legend. >> big kenny rogers fan. you were a country music deejay. >> yeah. >> where did that accent come from? that threw me off. didn't expect that. we love kenny rogers. americans are also settling into a new normal. major cities virtually shut down, and take a look at the usual hustle and bustle we're used to seeing here in times square which is the center of the city. well, it was deserted over the weekend, and a similar sight across the country.
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hollywood boulevard, that street normally packed with tourists now empty as well and you can actually see the stars on the hollywood walk of fame. >> america has changed for now, no question about that. new york and california, two of at least 11 states that have implemented state-wide closures of all nonessential businesses. the u.s. now has 33,000 confirmed cases, the third most in the world, ranked behind only china and italy. the death toll has now topped 400. the senate failed to move forward that massive coronavirus stimulus bill. those negotiations continue today, and kentucky republican rand paul became the first u.s. senator to test positive for coronavirus. two other senators who he had contact with are in self-quarantine. that's starting to raise questions about whether congress is going to be able to do their work. >> that's right. >> good question. health care workers on the front lines are sounding the alarm, bracing for the worst of the outbreak. the e.r. doctor calling for action whose facebook post made headlines over the weekend, and he's standing by live.
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we'll talk to him in a few moments, but we begin with tom llamas here in times square. he's here with what's going on in the state, and across the nation. good morning, tom. >> reporter: good morning. the virus spreading in so many parts of the country as governors who have issued those stay-at-home mandates are finding them harder and harder to enforce. this as new york's mayor bill de blasio has declared the city the epicenter of the pandemic crisis here in the united states. this morning, america at war with the coronavirus and president trump telling the nation, quote, the enemy is attacking. >> there's never been anything like this, and it's vicious. it is vicious. >> reporter: and now, following an s.o.s. from governors that more hospital beds will be needed, the president announcing fema will be setting up medical centers in the three states with the most coronavirus cases. new york being supplied 1,000 beds, 2,000 in california, and 1,000 in washington. additionally, the navy's
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hospital ship "the mercy" expected to arrive in los angeles this week to help local hospitals, but will not treat covid-19 patients. another hospital ship "the comfort" dispatched to new york to assist in the efforts in the coming weeks. this as some health care workers are still sounding the alarm about their dwindling supplies. >> it's a scary time to be a doctor in america and especially in new york. >> reporter: internal memos written by columbia university's chief surgeon, dr. craig smith, say that his hospitals have seen a 50% increase in coronavirus patients, burning through 40,000 masks every day, adding that officials predict the number of cases might not even peak for another 32 days. and some doctors stunned when the cdc posted on their site health care professionals should with with a face shield as a last resort when face masks are no longer available. but the cdc also noting the
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unknown. e.r. dr. joshua lerner posting on facebook, comparing the cdc's suggestion to, quote, sending a soldier to the front line in a t-shirt and flip-flops. companies like 3m saying they're ramping up production of those critical n95 respirator masks. hanes retrofitting their factories to produce cotton masks and apple and tesla donating masks from their factories. this as testing is increasing but not nearly to the level that's needed. these long lines are proof. in new jersey, a massive rush to get tested at this drive-through facility started at 4:30 a.m. this weekend, but it closed just 30 minutes after opening. they hit capacity. medical professionals now advise those only with severe cases get tested, meaning those that are hospitalized, symptomatic health care workers, seniors, especially those in long-term care facilities or those with pre-existing conditions.
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even dr. anthony fauci, the nation's top infectious disease specialist, saying not every american needs to get tested. >> when you go in and get tested, you're consuming personal protective equipment, masks and gowns. those are high priority for the health care workers who are taking care of people who have coronavirus disease. >> reporter: and across the country, local governments are trying to encourage, even enforce stay-at-home measures. these images show some are ignoring the warnings. crowded beaches in california, boat parties in florida, and this video showing a crowded new york city park. some governors outraged. >> it's insensitive. it's arrogant. it's self-destructive. it's disrespectful to other people, and it has to stop and it has to stop now. >> time to grow up. time to wake up. time to recognize it's not just
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about the old folks. it's about your impact on their lives. don't be selfish. >> reporter: and overnight, south carolina mom courtney daouster speaking to "gma" after her 7-month-old son emmitt tested positive for covid-19. >> my mom also tested positive for covid-19 over a week ago. his first symptoms were a dry cough and a runny nose he had for well over a week before he even started a fever. his fever started on monday afternoon and it quickly escalated to over 104. so we just want parents to take this seriously. >> reporter: just one of the parents dealing with the coronavirus right now. we also want to mention the vice president says the cdc is expected to announce new guidelines on when people who have been exposed to the virus can return to work. the vice president hinting it would involve wearing a mask to work, but robin, as we know, there are so many across this country who right now don't have a job to come back to. robin.
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>> all right. thank you. joining us now, the e.r. doctor who posted that facebook plea that you just saw, emergency physician with umass, dr. josh lerner. he's there in his home in massachusetts. dr. lerner, first and foremost, thank you, thank you, thank you to you, everybody in the medical field in whatever capacity for what you are doing. your facebook post really struck a chord with a lot of people, dwindling supplies. can you tell us what the situation is now like where you are? >> sure. thank you for having me. right now i think in my e.r. we're sort of seeing a little bit of the calm before the storm. our total volume is down but we are seeing the acute respiratory cases coming in. in terms of supply, we are doing our best to start to try to ration the n95 masks which is probably one of the more important pieces of ppe. we still have them, but supply is definitely getting low. we have been asked to reuse masks if we can to be sort of
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aware of not trying to just do a one and done, throw them away once we've used them. so, while we still have the n95s, the supply is definitely getting low. >> how long before you run out? >> that's unclear. i think it really also depends, too, on sort of the volume that we see in the e.r. i think something to keep in mind is that for any one patient, there are multiple health care workers who are at the bedside. each of them need the ppe n95 masks, gowns, gloves, face shields. for any one patient, we could be talking about many, many supplies being used at any one time at the bedside. and so at this moment i don't know how many more days of supplies we have, but we are sort of using them as judiciously as possible. >> i know you're doing the very best that you can. we heard yesterday from the surgeon general who said that he had a message for everybody like
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yourself on the front lines saying that we hear you. do you feel heard, and what can politicians, business leaders, everyday citizens do in this fight for you? >> first of all, i think we do feel heard. since that post went out, people have been showing up in our e.r., donating whatever they have. people have been making masks. this is a mask that someone made and dropped off at our e.r. people are dropping off food, any type of personal protective equipment. painters, contractors are giving us their supplies. a neighbor of mine dropped off a box of n95 masks this morning, left it on my porch. so we are being heard by the american people. i would ask that the people in government, our leaders, work together instead of continuing to try and, quote/unquote, debate with one another.
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we should be working together to really mobilize as an entire nation to both produce the ppe that we need to shuttle resources into research and development of treatments and vaccines. we as an entire nation need to come together to fight this. >> well said, dr. lerner. thank you so much. you have wonderful neighbors, and again, we appreciate the work that you're doing and glad that you're getting a little bit of rest there at home before you go back to work. thank you for joining us, doctor. be well. >> thank you for having me. >> you got it. george? we're going to move on to those political leaders that dr. lerner was talking about and the battle of how to deal with the economic emergency caused by covid-19. the trillion dollar plus rescue package stalled over where the aid will go, what kind of conditions to attach. that sent stock futures falling overnight with analysts estimating more than 2 million people have already filed for unemployment. our senior congressional correspondent mary bruce is tracking all the latest. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. right now the hill is at a standoff.
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the political anxiety over this nearly $2 trillion package means that the markets are now headed for a very tumultuous day. after negotiating late into the night, democrats and republicans are still not on the same page but i'm told they are hopeful they can come to an agreement today. now, republicans are accusing democrats of being irresponsible by delaying, while democrats say republicans are putting corporations ahead of americans. they say that parts of this amount to a slush fund for corporations with little oversight and not enough protections for workers. both sides do agree they have to sort this out quickly because americans need relief and so do the markets, george. >> mary bruce, thanks very much. michael? >> thank you, george. now to the disaster in europe and sweeping new measures to contain it. italy is now the new global epicenter with more than 59,000 cases and more deaths than china. in spain more than 29,000 cases as officials there move to extend the state of emergency for another 15 days. in germany, chancellor angela merkel is self-quarantining as a precaution. there are also signs of hope out
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of asia. we're going to have more on that in a moment, but first, ian pannell who is in london with the very latest. good morning to you, ian. >> reporter: good morning, michael. surging cases across europe and italy, it's now two weeks since they went into almost total lockdown, yet the number of cases there continues to rise. this morning, italy waking to ever tighter restrictions on movement, now some factories ordered to shut as the death toll from coronavirus now closes in on 5,500 people, and the number of cases near 60,000. one medic in the hard-hit region of lombardy saying they're not eating or even going to the bathroom during their shift because they need to preserve their protective gear. >> i'm not concerned for myself. the only problem is that i'm worried that if i get sick i cannot help anymore. >> reporter: and now spain in crisis, facing the third highest death toll in the world with nearly 12% of all those infected
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health workers. >> even though you think that you are immune to it and nothing is going to happen to you, you could have problems because of it. you or someone in your family, so just really take responsibility for it and feel lucky that you can just stay at home because us professionals are also scared. >> reporter: and in the u.k. where the prime minister is threatening stricter measures as cases grow, this warning from a coronavirus patient who hasn't seen her family in days. >> anyone -- [ coughing ] anyone who's thinking of taking any chances, just take a look at me. i'm in the intensive care unit. i can't breathe without this. >> reporter: that's pretty harrowing of course. some good news out of china. remember wuhan which was the
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epicenter of the global t into lockdown two months ago. for the last five days, it hasn't had a single case. but a warning from hong kong and other countries in asia that started to relax some restrictions, they have seen an uptick in some cases. george? >> that is a warning, thank you, ian. let's bring in dr. jen ashton from home this morning. also tom bossert, former homeland security adviser to president trump. tom, let me begin with you. we just saw that report from europe. but here in new york now it makes up roughly 5% of the cases worldwide, and mayor de blasio is saying april is going to be worse than march. may could be worse than april. flesh out those forecasts. how bad could it get here? >> yeah, george. france, spain, great britain and the united states are now all on the same epidemic curve, that worrisome spread curve, and pretty soon the united states because of its size will become the leader in these cases reporting statistics and that will be a terrifying day. what i'm trying to communicate to people in this country though
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is that while new york is very bad, the rest of the country can't take a deep breath and think they're out of this. so i think -- i guess what everybody is asking is for a prediction. i'll give one today, george. i think we've got a six-week growth curve ahead of us in new york city. >> six weeks? >> the next two weeks will be the most aggressive, multiples of ten potentially. >> backing up what mayor de blasio said yesterday. jen, we saw governor cuomo yesterday talking about those pictures. again we see people in the parks, in the streets. give everybody a sense of what's safe, what's not when you go outside during lockdown. >> so, george, remember that six feet number. that seems to be the number that the cdc and public health officials are recommending as distance, but it's important to remember that we're going to have to substitute interaction with other things like we're seeing zoom and facetime, but that doesn't mean that you can't go outside for a walk or a jog. you just have to try to stay six feet away. in terms of the don'ts, listen, in terms of our home environment, if someone is sick,
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do not sleep in the same bed with that person. that social distancing has to occur at home as well, and it means not having friends over to socialize and really not going to areas that are tightly congregated. >> we have got to be careful. okay, jen, tom, thank you very much. we're going to stay on this all morning long. coming up, we're talking to saints head coach, sean payton. he's the first known person in the nfl to have coronavirus. we're also going to celebrate kenny rogers. tributes pouring in for the country music icon. first to rob. good morning, robin. we have storms on both coasts. severe weather across alabama and georgia. three to six inches across parts of northern new england. that's a check on the national weather. time for your select cities brought to you by subaru.
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>> the storm at sea. so jesus is on the boat with his disciples, and they think they're perishing and they think he doesn't care, and he wakes up and calms the storm. i sometimes say to people can you also let jesus calm the storms within you? the disciples are surprised he is able to do that. people are often surprised when they say yes to the calm, how much it helps them. so to let jesus still the storms in your heart. they're taking it seriously here. i can't remember the last time we had no one. >> i thought the same thing. no one here. we'll be right back. thought the same thing. no one here. we'll be right back.
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finally! a totally different way to finance your ride. only from carvana. the new way to buy a car. good morning, east bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc 7 mornings. santa clara county has reported two more deaths from coronavirus. that pushes the regional total to 13. it has, by far, the most cases in the bay area, topping 300. every county now has a reported case. napa county confirmed two residents there have been infected. it was the last county in the region to have a case of the disease. the bay area total is just short of the 800 mark. abc 7 news viewers in lake and mendocino counties have been asking us for updates where they live. mendocino has reported one case of coronavirus. lake county has not had any reported infectios, but as a precaution, the county is closing its waterways,
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campgrounds, hotels, vacation rentals, and rv parks. today, the city of hayward will open its own coronavirus testing site at fire station number 7. the site will offer free testing from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. city leaders ask that you only show up if you are showing like getting the best evewifi experiencein. with wall-to-wall coverage-there's a win. plus, added protection for your connected devices. that's a win-win. put it together with xfinity mobile- the most reliable wireless network. talk about a winning combo.
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good morning. waking up to a mix of sun and clouds and temperatures from 40 in santa rosa to 54 in oakland. as far as your commute, you can see some people going through the bay bridge toll plaza, not stopping because there's no way to pay cash anymore. they're going to bill you. a little bit of fog out there, otherwise, it's pretty quiet. you can see that fog mainly around santa rosa. let's talk about your accuweather seven-ay forecast. we have a 1 on the storm impact scale tomorrow and wednesday, and a chance of thunderstorms wednesday. temperatures cooler today, but coolest tomorrow and wednesday. reg? >> thank you, mike. coming up on "gma," how the
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sports world is trying to adapt to this new reality. and you'll hear from new orleans saints head coach, sean payton, the only known member of the nfl the only known member of the nfl communitcalifornia phones offers free specialized phones... like cordless phones, - (phone ringing) - big button, and volume-enhanced phones. get details on this state program. call or visit
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my doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. listen to the doctor. take it seriously. ♪ hands, washing hands ♪ reaching out, don't touch me ♪ i won't touch you ♪ sweet caroline the one and only neil diamond transforming his classic "sweet caroline" into a social distancing tune. >> dead on. >> that was perfect. much more of that in our next hour. we begin with the sports world and how it's been stopped in its tracks due to the coronavirus pandemic. the olympics now racing against the clock to make a decision on
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whether or not to postpone the summer games. t.j. holmes is here with that and more on how athletes and fans are getting creative in ni >> reporter: good morning to you. get this, stra. as recent as a couple of weeks ago, a tokyo official says, we have no plan b. the games are going on as planned. that has been a consistent message from the olympic committee and tokyo during this entire crisis. the message now is maybe we need to rethink this thing as countries now start to pull out, and spans, sports star fans, could start to realize that one of their favorite events could be going away. australia and canada are out, announcing they will not send their athletes to the 2020 summer olympics in japan, citing fears about coronavirus. this comes as the japanese prime minister admitted his country has no other option but to consider postponing the games. we spoke with american track and field olympian eric canard who's on board with postponement. >> i believe the best thing is for the games to be moved to 2022.
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>> reporter: so we may be without the olympics this year. already without the nba. without march madness. without baseball. >> that's well hit into left field. >> reporter: what's a sports fan to do? >> he's going to try to make a move to the inside. >> reporter: nascar has an idea. >> what a race. >> reporter: it's iracing, an advanced simulation of the real thing. >> it's amazing what iracing has done with the modeling of the cars, the suspension, the aerodynamics, the racetrack itself. >> reporter: 35 current and former nascar drivers taking part in the dixie vodka 150, iracing 100 laps around a virtual speedway. >> oh, we got a spin. >> reporter: this race had everything you see in real life, fans, driver cams, even crashes. >> that's the whole back stretch. >> and the winner is, hamlin! >> reporter: denny hamlin was your winner. >> my simulator actually moves side to side and gives you the motion and the feel. >> reporter: also for sports fans this weekend, the ocho.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, prepare to witness the greatest happening in sports. >> reporter: made famous in the movie "dodgeball." espn2 renaming itself espn8, the ocho and s tt te pressing on the neck of el minion. >> got to get your sports somewhere. back to the olympics here. usa track and usa swimming are now urging the olympics to postpone. australia and canada said they'll participate if there's a postponement. precedent, has this happened before? yes. the summer games have been canceled three times in history, all for war. get this, stra, all those times the city that lost out was tokyo. >> wow. it's got to be hard to see how they can still go ahead with the olympics at this point. thank you, t.j. we're going to bring in sean payton, the head coach of the new orleans saints and the first person in the nfl community known to have tested positive for the coronavirus. he's joining us from his home in new orleans where he's in isolation.
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coach peyton, thank you for joining us today. first off, i want to say, how are you feeling? >> good morning, mike. i'm feeling okay. i would say it's been a week now, a week today that i got tested. so it's monday. mostly fatigue. when i went in last week on monday, i had more chills. i had a little low grade fever, certainly felt like i had the flu just as we all know what that feels like where you just want to lay in bed and not do anything. then gradually during the course of this week i would say i've progressively gotten a little better each day. i haven't had to deal with any respiratory issues. thursday is when i found out the test came back positive. >> what went through your mind when you found out the test came back positive? >> well, i think -- i kind of was under the impression or the assumption it was going to be positive. talking with our team doctor, he said, you know, more than likely, it's probably an 85% chance.
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this time of the year, the symptoms you're having, it's going to come back positive, but we want to get a test on that. so that was monday, that discussion. i think it was the chills. it was those early symptoms that were, for him, signs that it was at this time of the year, wasn't going to be just a normal flu. so i think by the time thursday came i felt like my progress had steadily gone maybe in an upward pattern. still getting tired, still getting fatigued. you might get up and start working on a section of the house or cleaning the dining room or something and then in about 20 minutes just feel like you want to lay down again and take a nap. so i wasn't as concerned. i just recognized though what that was going to mean relative to being in this house for quite a while. >> we've seen images, coach, of people partying from new orleans to miami. you're a head coach. part of your job is
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so how could you -- what could you say to these people who aren't listening to these urgent calls for social distancing and how important it is? >> listen, i think we're seeing state by state, states making it really a law first off. and then secondly, every one of those people, yourself, myself, we all have someone that we know very closely. for me, my parents are both deceased, but elderly people that are close to us that are important to us. and the idea that you could be invincible per se when you are younger, first off, there's younger people that are actually dying from this, you know, this virus. and then secondly, the idea that you might transmit or carry this to someone that isn't healthy enough to withstand it, or even a health care worker, that we need to take care of someone that's close to us. so i think the minute that people really start looking not
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only close to home but, man, there's some common sense here. and there's too much science right now and too much data for us to be ignoring that. i think that you get terribly frustrated when you see that. >> tell you what, we're so happy you're on the mend. we appreciate you taking your time and joining us and sharing that great advice, and robin's got to say -- >> who dat. >> robin says -- >> who dat nation is with you, coach. who dat nation is with you. >> i like it, robin. i like it. who dat nation is strong and we've got a draft coming up. we're going to have to do that a little differently, i'm sure, than we've had to before and rely on technology like we're doing right now relative to our meetings. but we'll be ready. >> you will. stay safe. great to see you. >> stay safe, feel better, coach. >> great message right there. >> i knew you had to get that in. >> i had to get that in. we're going to take a look now at how people are trying to stay connected emotionally and spiritually during the pandemic.
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with houses of worship closed, one suburban cleveland church held a drive-in service. joel osteen is going to join us with more on how to stay connected spiritually, and will reeve is here with the online communities that cropped up this weekend. good morning, will. >> good morning, george. millions of us around the world are slowing down and staying home to flatten the curve. but we still crave things that make us for normal like activity, entertain, connection. this weekend people around the world came together while forced to stay apart. the #quarantinelife, one of the top trends on twitter. ♪ 100,000 people tuning in live to dj d-nice's club quarantine virtual dance party on instagram, including oprah, michelle obama, janet jackson and john legend. >> tell your friends to join in. >> reporter: from virtual play dates to social media fitness challenges, birthday parties and adult happy hours -- >> whoo, cheers!
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>> reporter: americans are getting creative and finding ways to stay social from a social distance during quarantine. these grandparents hosting a pasta making class for their grandchildren. >> this is a super duper noodle cutter. >> reporter: this group of friends having brunch together across continents. and one of the most popular activities, puzzles. ♪ new york, new york and some taking the opportunity to support doctors and nurses on the front lines from their homes, like bobby and rebecca, sending dinner from a local pizzeria to the ucla emergency department. bobby, a hospital board member, separately making this contribution and encouraging others to do the same. >> the covid-19 is now on top of everything else they deal with on a day-to-day basis and it's just showing people love and that we're really -- times are hard and that we're really thinking about them. >> dj d-nice went from having 200,000 followers yesterday or
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over the weekend to 1.3 million and counting today. i challenged michael to those push-ups on instagram, robin, but so far, nothing. >> you know what, will, i'm sorry, i haven't been on instagram. i was on d-nice's -- i was on that. i'll do the pushups. i accept your challenge. >> challenge accepted. coming up, pregnancy in the time of coronavirus. dr. ashton is back with how moms-to-be and their doctors are adjusting. and, next, celebrating the life of kenny rogers. ♪ you got to know when to hold 'em ♪ up ♪ to every corner of this country. so you can trust us to be here for you... we remain committed to supporting our community. because the toyota family is stronger together. this is our pledge. we are here for you now, and in all the better days ahead.
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this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. (ding) these are a few of my favorite things. you order a breakfast sandwich and that's when wendy's makes it. not weeks... or months ago. try your new favorite. order by 10 and we'll even deliver it. earn unlimited 5% back on everything you buy at walmart online... no no no no. we're gonna need a mop! and bleach. including things for your new puppy. what's in your wallet? including things for your new puppy. if you're living with hiv, and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for hiv in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights
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hiv to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it can't be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take hiv treatment every day and get to and stay undetectabe can no longer transmit hiv through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. when i lost my sight, my biggest fear was losing my independence. mmm... good. so i've spent my life developing technology to help the visually impaired.
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we are so good. we built a guide that uses ibm watson... to help the blind. it is already working in cities like tokyo. my dream is to help millions more people like me. it is already working michael, your a singer. bubly is a sparkling water. sure is. bubly sparkling water. pack a smile.
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♪ you got to know when to hold 'em ♪ back now on "gma" and this morning we are celebrating a beloved recording country music legend. kenny rogers passed away over the weekend at the age of 81. his fellow singers, longtime friends, many fans paying tribute. chris connelly joins us from los angeles. good morning, chris. >> reporter: and good morning, robin. as a singer, kenny rogers brought the themes, the characters and the emotions of country music to an even wider mass audience, earning their love and their loyalty. ♪ on a warm summer's evening on a train bound for nowhere ♪ >> reporter: he might have sung "the gambler" -- ♪ you got to know when to hold 'em ♪ ♪ though know when to fold 'em but for millions of people, kenny rogers was a sure thing.
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♪ they'll be time enough for counting when the dealing's done ♪ he was a masterful entertainer whose decades of hit-making blended the warm comforts of country music with mainstream friendly pop. ♪ ruby, don't take your love to town ♪ >> reporter: and in 1985, joined with his fellow music superstars for "we are the world." ♪ we can't go on pretending day by day ♪ ♪ islands in the stream, that is what we are ♪ and from the icon he sang alongside on the 1983 number one "islands in the stream" -- ♪ to another world and we rely on each other ♪ an unforgettable tribute only dolly parton could give. >> just happened to have this picture when i walked out this morning of -- of us.
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i walked out and i thought maybe i'll hold that up to everybody. so i know you're sad as i am but god bless you, kenny. fly high, straight to the arms of god. >> reporter: the timeless voice of kenny rogers, then, now, and always. ♪ right here with you through the years ♪ "through the years" just one of kenny rogers' huge hits and one of the many, many songs that will be fondly remembered for a long, long time, robin. robin? >> that's how i always ended my deejay set. 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. saturday mornings with that man, kenny rogers. thank you so, so very much. appreciate that, chris. >> love his music. >> yeah. coming up, everybody, a teenage trick shot for the books, it is our "play of the day" for this monday. teenage stritrick shot for the books, it is our "play of the day" for this monday. they saw us, they recognized us.
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♪ i do my hair toss i saw you singing that. ♪ i do my hair toss i saw you singing that. >> yeah, a little izzo. how you feeling, robin? >> good. >> back with our "play of the day" and this young soccer star who won't let quarantine life contain her skills. take a look. ♪ what you got? nothing but net. >> no way. >> yes. that is 13-year-old mabry
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williams from texas making it look easy. you wonder where she ran afterwards? she ran up to the window and said, ma, did you see that? luckily she had it on tape. keep on practicing. keep those trick shots coming. >> i'm not so sure. >> that is real. mabry's just got the skills. that's real. >> all right. >> we'll watch it again in the break. we'll be right back, everybody. check it out. etting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness... ...much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are feeling real relief with cosentyx. cosentyx is a different kind of targeted biologic. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis to help you look and feel better. it even helps stop further joint damage. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections
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you met on an app. why? delete it. he's the one. gesundheit. [sneezes] i see something else... a star... with three points. you're in a... mercedes. yeah, we wish. wish granted. with four models starting under 37 thousand, there could be a mercedes-benz in your very near future at the spring event. lease the a 220 sedan for just $349 a month with credit toward your first month's payment at your local mercedes-benz dealer. coming up, astronaut scott
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good morning, south bay. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> it's 7:56. good morning. i'm reggie aqui from abc 7 mornings. and pg&e confirms it will plead guilty to felony involuntary manslaughter charges related to the campfire. 85 people died in butte county in 2018. pg&e was charged with 84 counts of manslaughter. the utility company is currently going through bankruptcy proceedings. b.a.r.t. is reducing its schedule. that starts today. that's because they've had a huge decline in ridership. trains will be open from 5:00 a.m. to nine o'clock p.m. every weekday. weekend service will be reduced from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. that starts saturday. people is have to be in the station no later than 8:45 p.m. to catch the last train. let's see what weather has in store for you today. hi, mike. >> hi, reggie. hi, everybody.
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a much better day if you need to get outside than yesterday. not as showery. and a little bit cooler, though, unfortunately, if you like that warm weather. tree pollen, it's out there. we don't know how much, because the people we get it from are closed. but everything is blooming. 56 to 64. those are your temperature
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we find a way through it. it's about taking care of each other. it's the small parts that make a big difference. at chevy, we promise to do ours. we're offering chevy owners complimentary onstar crisis assist services and wifi data. if you need a new chevy, interest-free financing for 84 months - with deferred payments for 120 days on many of our most popular models. you may even shop online and take delivery at home. it's just our way of doing our part...
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good morning, america. it's 85:00 p.m. the u.s. in lockdown mode. americans now under orders to stay at home. the president responding to an s.o.s. from governors. >> there's never been anything like this, and it is vicious. it is vicious. >> announcing fema will be setting up centers in the three most needed states. and apple and tesla helping. many ignoring the stay at home measures after photos of people gathering across the country. >> it has to stop, and it has to stop now. and overnight, no deal. that massive trillion dollar relief bill, threatening the aid needed by millions in business. pregnancy and coronavirus.
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so many questions from expectant parents. advice for mothers-to-be. all that food stocked up. so what are you making for dinner? the original fridge forager helping you come up with a game plan based on what you already have on hand. astronaut scott kelly joins us live. in isolation, trending number one this weekend. he spent a week in space. what he's sharing about being alone and the number one thing you can start doing now as we say, good morning, america. ♪ good morning, america. thank you for joining us on this monday morning. reallyoo fward to hearing from sco kelly. >> he has some good words for us, i know. also ahead, joel osteen is going to join us live as well.
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how to lean on your faith right now, navigate this time of uncertainty. >> he'll have good words too. here's what we know right now. new york and california, two of at least 11 states that have implemented are announced statewide closures, and health care workers on the front lines are sounding the alarm bracing for the worst of the outbreak. we'll go back to tom jaw mallame in times square with the latest. >> reporter: good morning, michael. as you mentioned, new york is closing nonessential businesses. take a look at times square right now. it's pretty empty. governors who issued those stay at home mandates saying it's tougher and tougher to enforce, and it hasn't even been a week yet. this morning, america at war with the coronavirus, and president trump telling the nation, quote, the enemy is attacking. >> there's never been anything like this. and it's vicious. it is vicious. >> reporter: and now following an s.o.s. from governors that more hospital beds will be
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needed, the president announcing fema will be setting up medical centers in the three states with the most coronavirus cases, new york being supplied 1,000 beds, 2,000 in california and 1,000 in washington. this as testing is increasing, but not nearly to the level that's needed. these long lines are proof. in new jersey, a massive rush to get tested at this drive-through facility started at 4:30 a.m. this weekend, but it closed just 30 minutes after opening. they hit capacity. medical professionals now advised those only with severe cases get tested, meaning those that are hospitalized, symptomatic health care workers, seniors, especially those in long-term care facilities or those with preexisting conditions, and across the country, local governments are trying to encourage, even enforce, stay-at-home measures. these images show some are ignoring the warnings.
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we also want to mention companies like 3m are manufacturing masks to get to those doctors and nurses while companies like apple and tesla are donating emergency supplies. george, the private sector coming together as we're getting started with this virus and the crisis. >> tom, thanks very much. we want to go back to washington now and the battle over how to deal with the economic emergency caused by the coronavirus. the trillion dollar plus rescue package has been stalled over what kind of conditions to attach as analysts say more than 2 million people have filed for unemployment. that could go even higher. we want to go back to our senior congressional correspondent mary bruce tracking the latest. good morning, mary. >> reporter: good morning, george. right now the hill is at a standoff, and that means the markets are headed for another tumultuous day, and that trillion dollar package argument went late into the night, and i'm told they are hopeful to come to an agreement today. democrats say republicans are putting corporations ahead of
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americans. they say there is little oversight in this bill, and that it doesn't do enough to protect workers, and the hill is now in a race against time. there is a very real fear it could spread quickly through congress and prevent them from being able to do their work. rand paul is now the first senator and the third member of congress to test positive. more than a dozen members are in quarantine, and they have been working in very close quarters on all thoof this, and robin, t don't have a way to work remotely. >> they don't. thank you. now to an uplifting moment during these challenging times. starbucks ceo kevin johnson sending a letter of optimism to employees and customers over the weekend. starbucks announced its staff will be paid. its staff will be paid for the next 30 days. this is whether they come to work or stay at home saying, nobody should have to choose between work and their health and many decided to come to work to show their allegiance to the communities. the coffee giant also switched
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to delivery and drive-through only to promote social distancing. johnson writing, the human experience is about overcoming adversity by being resilient, and that is certainly on display across the nation. we will overcome this. so it's wonderful to see that there are companies that are stepping up and doing the right thing like that. coming up, after spending a year in space, astronaut scott kelly will share his advice on how to deal with isolation. and we're breaking down the important questions that many expectant parents should be asking for doctor during the coronavirus pandemic. dr. ashton is back with what you need to know, and lara is upstairs. hey, lara. i am, and i'm happy to have tory johnson in today. as we all know, such a challenging time for small businesses. tory has a very special deal from one of our favorites. guys, this morning, you have the ability to save this business. we'll be right back on "good morning america." ♪ my skin is dry. it's always been dry.
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i've tried everything. the $200 creams, the $400 creams... but, this jar works for me. olay regenerist makes my skin feel so dewy and soft and silky and hydrated...incredible. i love it. i'm busy phillips and my skin is confident i can face anything with my olay. and my latest beauty secret.. for bright, smooth skin... olay regenerist cream cleanser. ok so, magnificent mile for me... i thought i was managing my moderate to severe crohn's disease. until i realized something was missing... me. you ok, sis? my symptoms were keeping me from really being there for my sisters. (announcement) "final boarding for flight 2007 to chicago" so i talked to my doctor and learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people and many achieved remissionef in as little as 4 weeks. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections,
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including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. new colgate optic white renewal removes ten years of yellow stains. that's like all the way back to 2010. do the dougie! remove ten years of yellow stains with new colgate optic white renewal. in making tea, is saying no.
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in our real brewed iced tea, we say no to artificial flavors and sweeteners. which means, no settling. unless it is into a comfy chair. pure leaf. no is beautiful pure leaf. ♪ uh-oh. no wifi at your in-law's house? it's switching time. ♪ and now it's netflix time. watch netflix offline. switch to chromebook. ♪ (michael) when smoking you learn to lie a little bit. you make up excuses like "i have to get my keys; you guys go on." anything so you can walk at your own pace. i used to do that all the time. those lies don't work anymore. my tip is, the worst lies are the lies you tell yourself, like smoking isn't that dangerous. [announcer] you can quit. for free help visit
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more than ever, your home is your sanctuary. that's why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. we'll pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner and the peace of mind that helps you focus on what matters most. that's the power of sanctuary. and for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. (ding) these are a few of my favorite things. you order a breakfast sandwich and that's when wendy's makes it. not weeks... or months ago. try your new favorite. order by 10 and we'll even deliver it. more than ever, your home is your sanctuary. that's why lincoln offers complimentary pickup and delivery servicing. we'll pick up your vehicle and leave you with a lincoln loaner and the peace of mind that helps you focus
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on what matters most. that's the power of sanctuary. and for a little extra help, you can now purchase a new lincoln remotely, and defer payment for up to 120 days. ♪ welcome back to "gma." happy you're starting your morning with us. a little rainy here in new york. coming up tomorrow, we have an exclusive interview with the head of instagram on what the social media giant is doing to keep people connected and safe right now. lara is here with "pop news." >> how was your weekend? >> good morning. good weekend. it was nice to be home with my family. hope you have a good one as well. we're going to begin this morning with some of the many people helping others in a big kay. rihanna announcing over the weekend her foundation is giving $5 million to help response efforts here in the u.s. and across the globe, and fashion designer and "project runway"
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host christian siriano is stepping up in a big way as well answering new york governor andrew cuomo's call for help, tweeting, if cuomo says we need masks, my team will help make some. i have a full sewing team working from home that can help. he's just waiting on approval to mass produce and distribute a few thousand masks a week for hospitals in new york and california. thank you, christian. and tv hospitals are helping the real ones. medical shows currently on high yay tus like "grey's anatoanato and "the good doctor" have donated gowns and masks from their wardrobe departments. and look at the haul the fox show "the resident" just dropped off at grady hospital in atlanta. thank you so much. abc's "station 19" dropped off 300 of the coveted n95 medical masks that they use to wear on the show, at the ontario fire department. the fire department so grateful, thanking them on instagram with the hashtag heros not just on tv. and we agree. everybody doing their part. >> what a wonderful idea for medical shows to do that. >> yep. they don't need it for the time
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being and so many sure do, so happy to report that this morning. also in the news this morning, we want to give you an updated roundup if you will. get a pen if you can or just remember these. they'll be on our website as well. some of the free offers worth looking into as you self-isolate and we thank you for doing so. to help you work out, gold's gym is offering free access to its app until the end of may with more than 600 workouts available. planet fitness is doing a daily free streaming workout 7:00 p.m. eastern every single day. you can get your groove on. peloton, guys, is offering a 90-day free trial an its app. you do not need to have the fancy peloton bike to use it either. the app includes floor workouts, yoga, meditation classes. guys, that's three months, 90 days, to keep you moving and grounded during these lightning days. -- long days. and i love this. the audio book company audible is making hundreds of their titles available for free to
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help keep you and your kids entertained. all you need to do is go to to start listening, and this is my favorite. i might do this. all eight ivy league schools are now offering 450 of their courses for free online. you can now take data, science and analytics from columbia. you can take political existentialism from princeton. yale is offering their most popular class. it's impossible for students to get. they all love it and i want to remind you the reviews are amazing. it's called the science of well-being. doesn't it sound nice right now? the reviews are amazing. it's called the science of well-being. go to to check i gava t ion the courses. it's allreand we got time. >> i have a question. can you flunk a free online course? >> you can. >> okay. >> there are tests -- >> i'm in. i'll take my chances. i'll take my chances. why not? >> 450 courses though, i say it's worth a look, everybody.
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and finally, we teased this earlier. thank you, neil diamond, who has taken to twitter to share a brand new version of his classic "sweet caroline." here's a listen of him and his song. >> hi, everybody. this is neil diamond. i know we're going through a rough time right now, but i love you and i think maybe if we sing together, well, we'll just feel a little bit better. ♪ hands, washing hands ♪ reaching out ♪ don't touch me, i won't touch you ♪ ♪ sweet caroline >> well, that video now has nearly 4 million views and counting. the singer tweeting his appreciation for health care workers, grocery store employees, delivery drivers, other essential workers currently on the front lines d. thank you, everybody. happy to bring you guys this
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kind of news during this time. >> and that was so good, so good, so good. >> thank you, robin. ♪ i won't touch you >> please don't. even on a good day. now to our "gma" cover story, advice from someone who knows a lot about living in isolation, astronaut scott kelly. our man spent nearly a year living on the international space station. he wrote about it for "the new york times" sharing his tips on how to deal with isolation, and commander kelly is talking about it first here on "gma," joining us live from his home in houston, texas. so good to have you here with us, and we really appreciate your insight and the article that you wrote was very enlightening. i mean, some people -- we've only been in isolation for a very short amount of time. you were in it for so much longer. how was it? >> well, you know, it's not easy, right, but i think if you
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have the right expectations, and in my case when i flew to the space station, i knew how long i was going to be there, but it was so far away into the future that my expectations were, you know, this is where i live now, and i have to deal with it, and some day it will be over. and i think that's what people need to have that kind of mindset. >> we all know it's going to be over at some point but as you just said you knew how long you were going to be there. everyone dealing with it now doesn't. >> yes. you know, that kind of uncertainty can be stressful and a challenging thing to live with, but we can get through this if we work together, if we support each other, if we stay connected. there's a lot of things you can do in isolation that can make it a lot easier. >> from a practical standpoint, what are your top tips for getting through the day to day of being in isolation? >> the first thing, like i said, is have the right expectation. since we don't know how long this is going to be, you have to
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think, hey, this is my new reality. this is where i live. i'm going to be here for who knows how long, and i'm going to take it very, very seriously. and those things are having a schedule. a schedule is so very important. when i got to space the first time i was on a long flight, it was hard to get used to being scheduled five minutes at a time, sometimes an hour, sometimes for eight hours if it was a space walk. what i found as i got used to it, i actually needed it. when i got home, i missed it. so having a schedule is critical to helping us get through this. you need to schedule things like work, rest, taking care of your environment, you know, your space station, whether that's the house you live in, the apartment that you live in. take time to go outside if you can. sunlight and nature is so very, very important to our health. >> you also mentioned writing in a journal. that's something that other people thought would be very
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helpful as well. why? >> you know, you put your feelings in a journal and if you're feeling a certain way, writing it down, being honest with yourself about it is the best possible thing you can do. then when this is all over some day, we can look back at this time, one of the most challenging times in our country, and you can have a record of what it was like for you and what you did. did you -- were you helpful, did you rise to the occasion? hopefully that will be the case for everyone. but if you didn't, at least you have that outlet. you'll have something to do on a daily basis that's part of this regular schedule of getting through this. >> and i know you were with just a few other astronauts when you were up there on the space station. what advice can you give us when we're in close quarters with just a very few people, our family mostly, how to keep the peace? >> you know, first of all, i think the first thing people need to recognize is everybody is different.
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everyone has different skills. everyone has different things that they're bad at. even astronauts are bad at certain things. sometimes you can help elevate people, but sometimes it's just not in their dna to act and behave a certain way, so you need to understand, first of all, who is your crew on this mission. it's your family, it's the people you're in isolation with. they might be young, they might be old. understand what their traits are, what they can add to the team, and then where they need help. and then communicate. understand that we're all in this together. if you're feeling stressed, talk about it. that's how we work through these things. >> commander kelly, we want to thank you for elevating our conversation about isolation. we really appreciate you and hope that your family is safe down there in houston. >> thanks, michael. thanks, guys. >> take care. > anno take care.
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or expecting parents in a time of coronavirus. our janai norman is one of those expecting parents, and she joins us from her home. how are you feeling, janai? >> reporter: hey, michael. i'm doing good, enjoying the time at home. i'm still a couple of weeks out from giving birth. we canceled our plans for a baby shower. i know so many moms-to-be are having to change and alter their plans and it adds a lot of stress and anxiety to what should be an exciting time. >> reporter: so much is unknown as the coronavirus changes our daily routines. all elective procedures at hospitals are canceled, but one thing that can't be canceled, pregnancy appointments and labor. >> we know that the virus has caused a lot of worry and this can be especially true for expecting patients. we do our best to keep moms safe before, during and after pregnancy. >> reporter: early and limited data is encouraging for expectant mothers. at this point it doesn't appear those affected late in pregnancy pass on the virus to their infants. however, those early in their pregnancy or those considering
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getting pregnant should consider themselves high risk and take precautions to stay safe and healthy. and for women who are already pregnant, there is so much changing during this time of social distancing like fewer prenatal visits and some even virtual. >> previously we recommended women receive between 9 and 14 prenatal visits. our new guidelines recommend women receive four in-person visits and ultrasound and four virtual care visits. we think these models are safe and the best way to minimize the risks to coronavirus while making sure to get high quality prenatal care. >> reporter: this pandemic is adding extra anxiety during their pregnancies. >> right now i'm 30 weeks pregnant. my due date is may 26th. i would say a lot of just anxiety, fears, just concerns, a lot of unknowns. >> i am currently 38 weeks pregnant and i am unsure.
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i can tell you i'm not focused on things like nesting, making sure the crib is in tip-top shape, all of those sort of stereotypical end of third trimester things. >> reporter: but those in the hospital say while there have been changes, what stays the same is the level of care for both mom and baby. >> the pandemic does not change our approach to routine birth in any way. everyone who enters the hospital is screened for symptoms like cough, fever and shortness of breath. we are limiting the number of people in the delivery room. >> reporter: and after birth, these babies are brought home with new rules to keep everyone safe. >> so for patients thinking about having family members visit them and their new baby, they should talk to their doctors. certainly if patients or family members have symptoms we would encourage them to stay home and stay isolated. >> and so a lot of moms are really having to change their plans. i'm grateful we're planning a
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home birth so i'm just getting comfortable being here, michael. >> we're grateful you're joining us this morning, janai, and continue to take care of yourself. now we're going to go upstairs to rob. >> from janai's living room to the "gma" living room. outside the window, a couple of winter-like storms on both coasts. this is east of phoenix, the mountains there, and a pop of spring. in fairbanks, alaska, the aurora borealis in the lower level of the atmosphere. if you have a night sky, we've seen some planets as well that you can check out on the eastern horizon. that's a check of what's >> the storm at sea. so jesus is on the boat with his disciples, and they think they're perishing and they think he doesn't care, and he wakes up and calms the storm. i sometimes say to people can you also let jesus calm the storms within you? the disciples are surprised he is able to do that. people are often surprised when they say yes to the calm, how much it helps them. so to let jesus still the storms in your heart.
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we're going to talk about small businesses now. so many. millions of americans work for them. so many closing, hit so hard by the pandemic, its ripple effect. tory johnson to the rescue. i know you have been reaching out to these small companies, many of them on the precipice of having to close. >> i talked to a lot of small business owners that make things and when they make things that they sell to stores and those stores are closing from major department stores to mom and pop shops, they have no avenue to sell their products. when they can't sell their products, they close. so i talked to one specific business owner. i want you to meet her. molly holmes has a business called glory house that makes home decor products in marietta, georgia. >> just like many of you, glory house is in a crisis. in order to save the jobs of my 22 employees in a business that's been around for 12 years and is a pillar to our marietta community, we must find a new
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way to sell our wonderful easter and spring tea towels. >> she's got these easter and spring tea towel for this company, you have the ability to help save all 22 of these jobs because if they're not packing and shipping these orders, they don't have a -- they're not working. so we put all the details on our website. there's a link. every single item is 50% off. they start at $11 and it's a way to bring a little bit of spring and easter, which is here regardless of this crisis. spring is here. here's a chance to help save the business. go to our website. >> the deal? >> the deal is on our website. >> guys, go to the website. we've partnered with glory house on this and you can check it out there. we've got more businesses coming throughout the week. let's save them, all right? we'll be right back. throughout the week. let's save them, all right? we'll be right back.
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>>oh, that's so nice! and a little tip, geico could help you save on homeowners insurance. >>hmm! >>cookies! uhh, biscuits. >>mmmm, is there a little nutmeg in there? oh it's my mum's secret recipe. >>you can tell me. it's a secret. >>is it cinnamon? it's my mum's secret recipe. call geico and see how easy saving on homeowners and condo insurance can be. i'll come back for the plate.
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♪ bring me a higher love ooh, i love this song. >> yeah, the music has been so nice. >> it has been so wonderful, and i got to say, ali love -- this is what she plays, sundays with love, and this is a song she always plays at the end. it's so uplifting. >> which is free for 90 days. >> it is. we have had a wonderful weekend, hope you have too, have been safe and restful. during these challenging times many people observing their faith, one of the utmost importance. this weekend many tried something out that maybe they have never done before, live stream services. pastor joel osteen led his services without an in-person
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audience, streamed his service to worshippers all across this great country, and joel osteen is joining us live from lakewood there in michael's hometown there in houston, texas. we're spending a lot of time in houston with the commander and now -- >> the place to be. >> it is the place to be. 4 million people, joel. 4 million streaming watching your sermon. you were there at lakewood. you do love an audience but you didn't have one there in person. how was that for you? >> robin, it was really different. i've never done that in the 20 years i've been ministering. i had to imagine they were out there, and try to ignore all the empty seats, but it's just an unprecedented time, but we're blessed we have the technologies, that people can skill worship and we can gather in different ways. >> we have a clip from yesterday's service where you shared the powerful message that chaos can be a place of power. let's take a look. >> you're not close to your miracle only when everything is calm and peaceful.
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sometimes it's the opposite, when it's chaotic, when you're tempted to panic, live afraid. that means your miracle is on the way. >> hmm. >> mr. osteen, we see faith is guiding so many people right now in these challenging times. we've seen in ohio, they have drive-in services. we've seen a dry-through confessional. so why is it important for people to lean on their faith right now? >> you know, michael, when things get out of our control, when we can't handle it necessarily on our own, many people like myself and people of faith, we turn to our faith because we need something stronger than ourselves. so i think when you turn to your faith and you realize, god, you're still in control, this is not a surprise to you, that's what gives you the strength and it gives you the peace and, you know, helps you get through the difficult times because really, peace is a place of power. when we're worried and upset, panicking, we're drawing in the negatives. i think it's a choice to have
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make. to make that choice, to stay in peace even though it may be chaotic around us. >> so helpful to hear that, joel. we saw you deliver your sermon to the empty church. we've seen the pope deliver his blessings in st. peter's square. how should people keep the faith at this time? what advice can you give them about keeping the faith? i know my mom missing her church service so much in sarasota, florida. please advise us. >> lara, one thing -- a couple things but one thing, i think it's important that you start the day off with a grateful attitude. when you wake up in the morning you can think, i've got this virus and things aren't right in the world and i have this other trouble to deal with. that's drawing in the negativity. right at the very start of the day, where we are now, we make an attitude that we're going to be grateful. find something to be grateful for, whether you have your health, family, friends, something like that. i believe when you start the day off in faith, it will help the day to go better. you are setting the tone for the day. i think another thing is it
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just as muchnergto go arouto thinking what is is bs ds to say, lord, i think that you are in control. this is going to be a good day. i'm going to embrace where i am. i'm going to be happy. i'm going to be a blessing to somebody else. i think the last thing i would encourage is take it a day at a time because sometimes we think, what if i can't do this for another month? what if i can't do this for two months. you don't have to. just do it for 24 more hours. you have grace for today. you don't have grace for the next week, the next month. when you live just thinking that, you know, can i get through today, yes, you can. you have the strength, the power the favor to get through this day with a good attitude. >> amen, brother joel. >> amen. >> amen. the church and the studio says amen about that. >> i need somebody here. >> i know, really. because you do love an audience. i love how you always open with a joke and you wait for the audience to laugh and they often do. all right, lakewood not just a place of worship. very special today that you're opening your doors to a blood
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drive which is so critical right now. can you tell people about that, joel? >> it really is, robin. i don't know if people know but there's a nationwide blood shortage because obviously people can't get out like they normally do. i believe some of the people that normally give blood are older and they need to stay in. we've always had the largest blood drive in north america at lakewood twice a year here. the blood trucks are outside the church right now. you don't have to wait in line. you make an appointment on the web and you can come and give blood. we're encouraging young people to come out because we need the young people more than ever. so it's just another way that we can give back to our community. we have a huge medical center here in town and i know not just in houston but all over there are blood drives taking place. if you can do something simple as to give your blood, something very precious, you can help save somebody else's life. that's what we're doing today and all this week at lakewood. >> that's a good point, joel, because many of us feel helpless right now, like there's nothing we can do. you're showing us and telling us
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do anding thatt getse bi that's where healing and health and happiness comes from because it's easy to get focused on ourselves. i mean, my problems and my challenges and even my dream, but i've learned when you go make somebody else's day, god will make your own day. that's what brings the joy and the victory in life is being a blessing to somebody else. >> you are definitely a blessing for us. >> so many great messages in this conversation so we can grateful for that. -- we are thankful for that. >> attitude of gratitude. give our best to your entire family, joel. thank you so much, take care. >> thanks, robin. great to be with you guys. thank you. >> you're welcome. coming up -- my stomach just growled. sorry. sorry. >> i heard it. i actually heard it. >> we got something for you coming up. >> yes, we do. we have a dinner time game plan from one of the pros on how to make a delicious family meal using the food you already have in your fridge. i caught that on my mic, i
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think, the growl.
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♪ ♪ we are back now with some monday motivation and we're waving at our cameraman. >> the only one out there. >> how you doing out there, buddy? we're back with motivational speaker rachel hollis and her husband dave hollis who just came out with his own book "get out of your own way."
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they're joining us this morning from their home in texas, yeah. >> what is it about texas today? >> it's the place to be, in texas. that's right, thank you guys for joining us this morning. >> it really is. >> we really, really appreciate it. you're at home right now like so many americans. so how are you guys managing to keep a positive mind-set in the midst of all of this? >> i mean, i think that this is something we've been practicing for for years, honestly. this idea that you can control your outlook i think comes from this question of instead of thinking how -- like how did this happen or why is this happening to me, to ask yourself the question how could this be for me? so in the season of uncertainty, we've had a lot more dinners as a family. we've been able to stay more present. we've played with the kids. look for that silver lining and i swear you will find it. >> and it takes, honestly, some intentional focus on appreciating the gift of a slowdown. it takes gratitude practice in the morning or making sure
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you're using this gift of time that's been afforded to us. we're doing that with our kids and with ourselves. >> i'm glad you said that because i know it's very difficult for people to look at this moment as a gift, but if you could just change your perspective just a little bit, it could be helpful. you have a huge community out there, people who really support you and that look to you. our viewers have a question. i want to get to jordan from san diego, california. here's her question. >> hey, rach, hey dave. i was just wondering how you're communicating with your kids about everything that's been going on, would love to know what you're choosing to share and how you're sharing it. >> all right, let's hear it, rachel. >> jordan, thank you so much for the question. we have four kids so that's a lot of people to manage. honestly, we're being honest. we're in communication with them every single day because this affects our family just like it affects yours, so we're having real conversations, but not from a place of fear. we're talking about the facts.
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we're talking about what we think will come next, and we're also, honestly, giving every single day something to look forward to. maybe it's as simple as we're going to go out and play four square later or we're going to have dessert that we're going to make together. we're looking for things, again, sort of that positiviitity weav in here as well, but we're being honest because our oldest son is 13, and between his friends and maybe what he sees on youtube, he knows stuff's going on, so we have to be real with them. >> they'll figure it out so you might as well give them the real truth if you know they can handle it. >> from your mouths always the best. you guys seem to be navigating this pretty well and we've viewer named christina in denver, colorado. she wants to know your take on coexisting. listen up. >> i'm hoping you guys can tell me how you're approaching this weird time as a couple. do you have any tips on how to grow together and come out stronger on the other side? >> i will say this is definitely going to test but strengthen any and every relationship. if i can from my perspective say
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a mistake that i've definitely made in our relationship over time, it was assuming that i had a sense of what she needed during any individual season that she was going through, and that is a bad assumption, especially during a time when there's a lot of new in this new normal. so, my best advice would be, be in regular, regular conversation about what your partner needs. what does it mean now that you're both here all the time, that the kids are here all the time, that schedules are upside down, having a conversation about what they maybe need in terms of pitching in but what they might need emotionally. what questions or conversations could you dive into that would take whatever they're feeling inside and bring it out so it doesn't feel isolating or alone. >> it's also a really good season for make-out sessions. >> make-out. >> just sessions. -- just saying. >> oh, okay. >> looking for a silver lining, guys. >> a lot of hand raising for that one. there are a lot of people out there who are dealing with
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the devastating reality of losing their job or the potential of losing their job. rachel, what's your advice for people who are dealing with this? >> this to me i think comes back to identity. so many of us really have identified ourselves as our job, and this gives us an opportunity -- i know i sound like pollyanna right now but it gives us an opportunity to really discover what are our core values as a person removed from what it is that we do. we run a company. we have 60 employees and are incredibly mindful of how scary this season is, and how hard we're working to make sure we have a bright future. what is important is that you know who you are, that if everything else is stripped away and if we're being honest and real there's a chance that could happen, but we're staying true to who we are on the inside. >> i like that. what you do is not who you are. we appreciate you two for being here, joining us this morning and giving us that great advice,
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and good luck to you two. stay isolated and enjoy yourself and have some make-out sessions. how about that? >> thank you, we will. >> "get out of your own way" is out now. check it out. now upstairs to rob. hey, rob. hey, michael. you know, so many during this crisis are asking how they can help. starting this morning there are three ways to be a virtual volunteer from home through the nonprofit points of light which is an online clearinghouse for opportunities to help from home, and here's a few examples. self-help, connects isolated seniors through shared interests like music and art as the crisis text line offers text-based app counseling to help with stress right now, and career village gives students job advice right now.
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so many of us are at a loss for what to do with all of the food in our fridge right now when one woman is offering up some answers in helping families make some delicious meals at home. all you have to do is send her a photo of your pantry. >> reporter: with grocery shelves becoming bare and families hunkering down at home, dinner time has become a little tricky. >> okay. let's get to fridge foraging. >> reporter: that's where amanda frederickson comes in. she's been doing this for years. >> grab some parmesan cheese. the rest of the chicken, i think there's two thighs in there. i started as a way to empower people to cook and in turn save money and food waste. >> reporter: in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic she's offering to help her followers. >> send me a picture of what you've got and i'll send you ideas.
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>> reporter: telling them she will come up with a dinner time game plan based on what they already have on hand. >> i've got apples, some zucchi zucchini, mixed greens, random cheeses. >> you could do a roasted, stuffed spaghetti squash. >> reporter: this woman is working from home with her husband and two boys. >> i've got ground beef thawing. i've also got carrots, lettuce, tomatoes. i've got some potatoes. >> reporter: she's asked amanda to help her come up with dinner using what she has. >> bonus points if it's kid friendly. >> i immediately thought of shephe shepherd's pie. if you're not familiar, it's a delicious and hardy dish. i love the idea of shepherd's pie because it's super adaptable. you can use different types of ground meat or make it vegetarian by using three cups of cooked lentils on top, or in
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place of the mashed potatoes. you could do mashed sweet potatoes, mashed cauliflower. think of this as a guideline rather than strict recipe rules. you can adapt it and make it your own based on what you have in your refrigerator and pantry. the more you do it, the easier it will become. >> that looks so good. >> yeah. >> amanda is going to post the step by step videos for that shepherd's pie recipe on instagram. for more information, go to our website,, and we'll give you that. >> when geoffrey zakarian was here last week and he was making the grilled cheese, i did that with the mayonnaise on the outside, and i was, like, ah. it was delicious, and i sledded the cheese and he said -- took random cheese. >> it's a great opportunity to learn how to cook. >> a great opportunity when this is all over to invite somebody over for it. >> that's right. >> what about the pizza you made? >> i made pizza. it was outstanding. i surprised myself. >> i have been cooking up a storm. anyway, we digress.
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coming up next on "good morning america," "jagged little (sigh) (crunch) babybel: that snack just sounded boring. babybel: coming through. no photos, please. babybel: bye bye, bland. babybel: helloooo, delicious. vo: rich, creamy, 100% real cheese. vo: with mini babybel, snack time is saved. babybel: saved it!
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8:51 am
welcome back. since you can't go to broadway right now we are bringing broadway to you. joining us from her home, star of "jagged little pill," elizabeth stanley performing alanis morissette's "you learn." ♪ ♪ i recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone, yeah ♪ ♪ i recommend walking around naked in your living room ♪ i mean, where else are you going? ♪ swallow it down, what a jagged little pill ♪
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♪ it feels so good, swimming in your stomach ♪ ♪ wait until the dust settles ♪ you live, you learn, you love you learn, you cry, you learn, you lose, you learn ♪ ♪ you bleed, you learn, you scream, you learn ♪ ♪ you learn ♪ thank you india, thank you providence ♪ ♪ thank you disillusionment ♪ thank you consequence, thank you, thank you silence ♪
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♪ ooh, ooh [ applause ] >> oh yeah. >> thank you. >> big thank you to elizabeth stanley. >> thank you. >> and we'll be right back, everybody. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. this fish sandwich is amazing! >> thank you. >> thank you. let's make it more amazing! ♪ menutaur check it out with an extra filet! yeah! hey. ahhhh! my $4 fish sandwich combo! stack it up for an extra buck.
8:54 am
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8:56 am
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8:58 am
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good morning, bay area. let's get up and get going. >> this is abc 7 mornings. >> good morning, everyone. i'm kamasi erin from abc 7 mornings. hundreds of quarantined passengers from the "grand princess" cruise ship are just about a day or two from getting their freedom back. michelle heckert tweeted a thanks to the stranger who donated pizza to the group last night. she and hundreds of others have been in quarantine at travis air force base since disembarking from the ship earlier this month. the "grand princess" is still anchored in the bay. >> that's awesome. well, that they got pizza, that's awesome. here's a look at what's going on, the stae lions from pier 39. just a random shower today, if you have to be out and about. temperatures cooler than yesterday, but with less rain. temperatures in the mid-50s to mid-60s. coolest tomorrow and wednesday be a chance of showers, then thunderstorms, kamasi. >> all right, thanks, mike. now it's time for "live with
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kelly & ryan." we'll be back at 11:00 for "midday live." hope you'll join us then. until then, >> announcer: it's "live with kelly and ryan!" to dais, "riverdale," mark consuelos. and carson kressley shows us around his home sweet home. plus, food and wellness expert shayna taylor is back with more suggestions for your pantry. although our amazing viewers share in the story as we all navigate covet 19 togetherogethr all next on "live!" ♪ [cheers and applause] and now, here are kelly ripa and ryan seacrest! >> ryan: hello, it is monday, march 23rd. it is ryan seacrest and kelly were both coming to you. the homemade addition


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