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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 2, 2020 12:05am-1:07am PDT

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it's jimmy kimmel. welcome to the show. welcome to my house. you know, when i was a kid, i used to pretend i was hosting a talk show in my kitchen, and finally, that dream has come true. not as glamorous as i'd imagined it would be. happy pranksgiving. today is, or was, april fools' day. just kidding! april fools'. it's still march, it'll be march forever. this is the one year where getting your house toilet-papered would be welcomed. warmly. but it didn't happen to me. i didn't know if people would be in the mood for pranks today because this year has so far been a series of them, but it turns out, they were. at least the prankers were. i can't speak for the prankees, but there were some very clever ideas floating around, and some twists on those ideas too, like this one involving a hoodie and a refrigerator. ♪
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♪ ♪ it's me, sayin' hey, ♪ who's the april fool now? i believe she broke his egg yolks. we have a shenanigan-packed show tonight. moments from now, we'll chat with jesse tyler ferguson and eric stonestreet from "modern family." we helped one of them perpetrate a crime on the other one. then later, we'll visit with ghosts of prankings past, the time we repeatedly frightened my cousin micki with a wax figure of me, and maybe my favorite prank of all-time, painting my aunt chippy's house while she wasn't home. so stay through the whole show for that.
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you'll be glad you did. today also happens to be "census day" here in the united states. what a year for a census. everyone's answer to the question, "how many people are living in your home?" is going to be "too many." and if you don't respond, they send someone to check on you, in person. it's gonna be hard this year to pretend you're not home. here's how i look at it. census or not, if anyone knocks on my door, they'd better be holding a bag of chinese food. or charmin. toilet paper is still in short supply, which made this accident in texas last night comically tragic. >> a 18 wheeler crashed overnight in dallas county, texas carrying precious cargo, toilet paper. the driver and his dog were not injured, but the truck did catch fire, burning the thousands of rolls of toilet paper with it. >> jimmy: the street value on that load of toilet paper was $4.5 million. it belongs to god now. but fear not, help is on the way. the coronavirus is bringing out
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a new spirit of resourcefulness this is a machine one crazy invented that separates one roll of two ply into two rolls of one ply! and that way, i guess it lasts longer. so, if you were wondering what it has come to, that is what it has come to. hey, here's another toilet paper tip. if you're starting to run low, don't forget you can always get a copy of donald trump jr.'s book! tp isn't the only thing flying off the shelves right now. walmart has said that since the beginning of quarantine, they've seen a noticeable increase in the number of shirts they're selling, but not in the number of pants. tops are outselling bottoms by a longshot. they believe it's because with everyone teleworking from home, you only need a shirt. we've become a nation of winnie the poohs. i like it though. i like meetings with no pants. it adds an element of danger. every time you're on a conference call now, you know that there's a good chance you
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might see one of jeff from accounting's balls. i'm surprised some of these apps haven't caught on to this. you know how they have the filters that can add cat-ears and whatever to your head? why not use that technology for teleconferencing too? like this. >> jimmy: you're sitting there, naked from the waist down. all of god's ornaments piled up on the couch. but then, when you have to get up -- presto! you've got a pair of pants on. only your pets will know the truth. the one group that seems to be enjoying this coronavirus is animals. >> jimmy: this is from a small town in wales where a tribe of mountain goats has taken over. ever since the stay at home movement started, the town of llandudno has been overrun by mountain goats. and they're becoming increasingly comfortable. look at this, they're not even trying to socially distance. do goats eat rats? maybe they should try this in new york. it's funny, we were so busy worrying about a planet of the apes, we never even thought about the goats. so sorry, wales.
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you had a good run, but you belong to the goats now. >> jimmy: groceries are still a major source of anxiety for a lot of us. because the demand for food is so high right now, a lot of the stores now have special hours just for senior citizens. you know when the mall would open early so old people could walk around? this is that, except they buy stuff. i actually have a better idea. we should divide the supermarkets up by age groups. the super markets themselves. everyone 65 and older gets to shop at the traditional grocery stores -- albertsons, publix, ralph's. everyone 25-65 is allowed to shop at the "specialty" stores like whole foods and trader joe's. and anyone under 25 gets the gas station and mini-marts. one of the guys i work with was at a market here in l.a. and there wasn't much there. this is what they had left. this is real. these are the items they didn't sell. these are the "seven least desirable items at the vons in
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studio city!" >> jimmy: number seven. german potato salad in a can. that's right, salad in a can. thank you germans for this latest atrocity. number six. campbell's cream of bacon soup. which i believe is guy fieri's blood type. number five. vanilla cupcake-flavored graham goldfish crackers. for parents who do not love their kids. number four. beef bulgogi. korean bbq the old-fashioned way, in a cup. number three. barney butter powdered almond butter. nothing better than a powder and jelly sandwich. it's like almond butter meets grandpa's remains. number two. gefilte fish. not to be paired with the cream of bacon soup. and with apologies to david letterman, the number one least desirable item at the supermarket. a two pack of un-refrigerated liverwurst. it can't go bad if it was never
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good. you know, one world leader who is not ours has come up with an interesting way to fight the virus. and lead his nation. the president of turkmenistan has banned the word "coronavirus". if you say the c-word, you go to jail. why didn't we think of that? what could be the thinking behind that? does he think if you don't show the name it won't show up? this is a virus. not volgamo this guy even dressed up like a giant coronavirus nasal swab. this is the guy's name, i don't know, whatever it is, it's 900 points in scrabble. here's another shot. he looks like if dean cain was stung by a swarm of wasps, this is exactly what he would look like. meanwhile, in north korea, they
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are claiming they don't have any coronavirus. none, which seems unlikely, considering their neighbor, south korea, had thousands of cases and their other neighbor is china, which obviously had the virus, although to be fair, they've basically been in quarantine since the '40s, even their leader, kim jong un, cuts his own hair. i hope what they believe is true. it's believed that a coronavirus outbreak would quickly overwhelm the north korean health care system. the only doctor in north korea is a dog wearing a stethoscope. the governor of florida issued a state-wide stay at home order. floridians are being told to take shelter in their meth labs. leave it to the state of florida to issue a stay at home order on april fool's day. most states did this much, much sooner. florida has always marched to the beat of their own dumber, i mean drummer.
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look at the bright side, florida, if you stay home, you really get to know your iguana. here's another fun april fool's moment, courtesy of a gentleman who lives here in l.a., kevin makes videos starring his mother lily. she used to like "careless whisper" by george michael until he played it over and over. for days on end. and once the quarantine started he started doing it again and he gives us other quarantine of killer of the night. >> not today [ bleep ]! not today! no way! no way! >> i swear! you are! insane! insane!
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mad you are! you [ bleep ] beast! >> jimmy: i could watch that for like a month straight. who would have guessed the song with the word whisper in it could lead to that much shouting. please, kevin, i don't know if you're taking requests, but if you are, do "wake me up before you go go" next. we've got a diabolical show for you tonight. we have music from jessie reyez. we will share some of our greatest pranks including a new one from eric stonestreet and jesse tyler ferguson of modern family, both of whom will be with us whence we return. and we will be right back. ♪ "jimmy kimmel live" from his house! ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by the
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2020 census. to you by the 2020 census. there will be parades and sporting events and concerts. to help our communities when they come back together, respond to the 2020 census now. spend a few minutes online today to impact the next 10 years of healthcare, infrastructure and education. go to and respond today to make america's tomorrow brighter. it's time to shape our future. this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. (ding) these are a few of my favorite things. wendy's is changing the game from this... to a breakfast that eats other breakfasts for breakfast. who says you can't have a baconator for breakfast? don't just "grab a coffee..." grab a frosty-ccino instead. and forget that frozen-folded-egg-stuff. all of these have fresh-cracked eggs. one bite and it'll be your new favorite. guaranteed. (ding) try your new favorite today and we'll even deliver it. order by 10am.
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way more than you think. check out this game. yes... galaxy 5g means you will beat your friends- what if i want to show my friend this little guy? calling the whole gang is even better with galaxy 5g. wait a minute, are you bored? obviously imagine a future where the best seats in the house are in your hand. with galaxy 5g (yelling) it's like being there. without being there. ♪
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while keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out! -sort of. so while you're discovering new things to do in the box, we'll be here for you... at the drive-thru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. while keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out! -sort of. new things to do in the box,
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we'll be here for you... at the drive-thru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. ♪ jimmy kimmel live from his house! >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from his house, brought to you by "sweatpants." tonight on the show, to celebrate april fools' day, we are revisiting some of my favorite pranks from the past. we'll see the time i almost gave my cousin micki a heart attack, and the time i almost gave my aunt chippy a heart attack. plus later on, we will have music from jesse reyez in a bathroom. tomorrow night, i will be joined by the one and only jennifer aniston and we will have a very creative performance of music from grouplove. so please join us tomorrow, too. but first, for the next seven days, they continue to be cam and mitchell on the great and soon-to-be missed show "modern family." the series finale is next
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wednesday night here on abc. please say hello to eric stonestreet and jesse tyler ferguson! hey, guys! >> hey! hi, guys. >> jimmy: i like your new looks. >> i got myself a haircut. yeah. it looks better in person. i will say that. >> i've really let myself go. >> jimmy: it's very tiger king, i like it. >> it is, i like it in the back. i'm pleased with it. >> jimmy: why are you not quarantined together? i thought you were married? >> it's a tv show, jimmy. >> jimmy: we're on tv. this doesn't make any sense to me. i'm confused. >> it reminds me, jesse can talk about this, too. when they would see us out together how their minds would explode seeing mitch and cam together in person. >> and went out with lindsay and
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justin, my husband. the four of us had a double date and they were very, very confused. >> very confused. >> jimmy: how are you and your husband getting along in quarantine? how long have you been cooped up together? >> probably about 16 days now, i'm a homebody anyways. i like to cook. i'm sort of an introvert. this is fulfilling a lot of my secret desires. for justin, he likes to get out and do things. i'm making him, you know, load the dishwasher, which is something i usually tackle. i just need you to load the dishwasher, and he did it one, the first time he did it, he looked at me and said that was the worst thing i've ever had to do. >> jimmy: really? that was the worst thing he's ever had to do? eric how are you passing the time there at home? >> you know, i'm doing pretty good. i also like to cook. so i've been grilling a lot. defrosting meat in the freezer. i'm always good on meat. there's never a problem with me and meat.
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so i'm defrosting meat and making good use of that. i took up jump roping. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and, you like it? >> well, you know what? it felt really good to do it, and then i could not bend over for two days after i did jump roping, because look, i'm not all, i'm not that physically active but i get out and do things obviously, but jumping rope for as long as i did it, for as many reps as i did was, i should have ramped up to that number. it was excruciating the next couple days. >> jimmy: it's funny, because it seems like something that little kids do at the beginning of sesame street. you get up to like 30 if you can, and you realize that that's no joke. there's a reason mohammad ali did it. >> yes, absolute reason why people in tiptop shape still jump rope. so somebody that's not in tiptop
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shape ramping up quickly to 300, 400 reps of jump rope, not a good idea. >> jimmy: so listen, before we get to this, because it is april fool's day, and we have something very special to present, but i do want to mention the charity. each night i make a donation to a charity. and you guys picked the charity, oh, i see you're getting serious now. >> well, yes. this is the first time i've ever been on your show without a professional hair person. >> jimmy: yeah. so what charity have you guys picked? >> so we are with the covid-19 relief fund for sag actors. >> jimmy: people think all actors are wealthy and that's absolutely not true. there are many actors just barely getting by, and this is a fund to help those people out. >> yeah. and we appreciate you making the donation, jimmy. you know, we love doing your show, regardless.
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so you chippin' in to our charity means a lot. >> jimmy: this money is not going to the two of you. this is not a -- >> yes. >> jimmy: this is not a trick. >> no. so we're ancient, we're very excited to be able to chip in to the sag and actor relief fund there. so thank you for doing that. >> jimmy: and if people would like to be a part of that, we've put the website address right there on the television screen for your convenience. now let's talk about pranks. eric, you do a lot of stuff to jesse, correct? >> i have done a fair amount of pranks to jesse, some small, some very small. some medium, and some, some bigger pranks along the 11 years that we've been associated, yes. >> jimmy: jesse, what stands out in your mind when you think back to all the terrible things eric's done to you? >> first of all, i think eric only does it to me because he loves me. that's what i tell myself. so it's based in love.
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god, there's been so many. he's written, we were at a location, a very dusty location and he wrote on the back of my car with his finger, i'm the redhead from "modern family" in the dust, and i drove all the way home with that written on the back of my car. >> jimmy: that's pretty good. that's harmless. that's harmless. >> people were driving by me and waved and i was like, god, i'm really getting recognized on the 405 today. >> jimmy: knowing your history, we've discussed on the show the pranks that eric has pulled on you, we teamed up with you, jesse, to get eric back. >> yes. >> jimmy: and, um, well, that's not exactly how it went. you guys have not seen this, correct? >> no, i haven't seen it. >> jimmy: well, let's take a look together. the last days on the set of "modern family", eric stonestreet versus jesse tyler ferguson.
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>> for the past 11 years on "modern family", eric has been pranking me, and i have never been able to get him back. we're wrapping the show in a week. i have very little time, so i'm so grateful, jimmy, that you're helping me get eric in the most epic way possible. we're going to hook a forklift up to his trailer. while he's still in it and have this confetti. he's in a wardrobe fitting right now. we put cameras in his dressing room. we're going to remove the trailer from the set. i'm so excited. >> so jesse tyler ferguson thinks he's pranking me today? no, he's not. no, i'm pranking him. he's sitting in an earthquake simulator that we wrapped to look just like a trailer. and we're going to hit him with a, what do you say, 7.0? it's a double cross.
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>> here we go, we're up. >> i hope they don't start making out and have an afternoon rendezvous. he's going to be complaining i ate something bad. >> forklift's moving in. >> i was getting so agitated down there, and it's like, at the same time i got something running through me. hmm. >> you have something running through you? >> yeah. >> he's talking about diarrhea. >> did you go? >> did i go to the bathroom? >> yeah. >> we're connected. >> i got to go. i can't help it. >> he's got >> okay. >> move it, go ahead, move it now, move it now. >> something moving?
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>> did you guys get that? >> you guys okay? >> i'm fine. >> is everything okay out there? >> earthquake. >> was that really an earthquake? >> you guys should probably come out. >> we should come out. >> holy. >> oh, no! no! how dare you! >> i got you. i got you! >> why would you turn this around on me! >> you were going to we got him! the earthquake, mother [ bleep ]. >> what? >> you were so nervous. >> i should have known when you were talking about diarrhea. >> that is an earthquake simulator.
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>> no it's not. >> that's a real life earthquake simulator. they wrapped it. so you thought it was just a normal trailer. but that's a real-life earthquake simulator. >> oh, let it out. >> were you in on this? >> everybody was! >> i quit. >> everybody! where'd he go? jesse! come back! he's probably really mad. and you were acting so scared. >> you all are terrible people. did you know? >> yeah, we're good. everyone knew. >> i was so excited to get him. >> i was watchin' you all day today, knowing. >> i told them you would protect me in every way, and if i was doing something too embarrassing you would cut it off. >> is this what you did? >> yes! >> oh!
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[ bleep ] >> thank you, jimmy kimmel! >> [ bleep ] you, jimmy. >> oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: that's when people are allowed to be in a trailer together. you're both very welcome. >> everyone always asks, do you ever want to get back at eric, my answer's like i just don't have the time or the energy to do it, so like when you said that you were going to do this for me, i thought, this is going to be great. it's going to be epic, i just have to show up. i cannot believe this turned around on me. >> jimmy: sometimes that's how it goes. so now next week on wednesday is the finale of "modern family." we'll see you guys back that week. we'll have everybody back. we'll piece everybody together virtually.
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>> thank you for not triple crossing me. i was concerned the whole time that this was going to eventually, and i still think could come back. >> jimmy: you never know. you never relax. thank you, gentlemen. that's eric stonestreet and jesse tyler ferguson. the finale of "modern family" on wednesday night. when we come back, we scare the bejesus out of my cousin micki. so come back. ♪ sure. okay... okay! come back. come back. come bac. . . guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%.
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visit covid19 dot ca dot gov.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house on this fine april fools' day night. earlier this year, i was honored with a statue at madame tussauds wax museum on hollywood boulevard. which was weird, to be honest. it's a weird thing. so before they put it on display, i asked if i could borrow it to pull a prank on my cousin and it became a huge thing. this video has been viewed more than 11 million times on youtube alone, and people ask me about it all the time. and the reason it is so popular is because of my cousin micki, who is live with us now from her home via cisco. hello, micki, how are you? >> hi. ah, this makes me miss seeing you in the flesh. >> jimmy: it's good to see you. >> balloons make everything better.
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i'm in my daughter frankie's room. i have balloons in her room every day to make her happy. >> jimmy: every day you inflate balloons and put them in your daughter's room? >> they're permanent, kind of like the ones outside car dealerships, they're permanent, it's the best thing ever. >> jimmy: my cousin micki is literally the most positive person that i not just know, but that i have ever met in my whole life. i mentioned the wax figure. we pulled this prank on micki. let's take a look at it together. ♪
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>> [ bleep ] oh, my god, you scared me. [ bleep ]. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> oh, my gosh! what the hell? >> oh, my god, they're scaring the hell out of me. >> oh, my, god! >> [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my god. >> [ bleep ]. ♪ >> oh, geez, oh, my god.
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i love him. but he keeps scaring me. it is so insane! but so cute. oh, my god. >> ah! he's staring at me, oh, my god! going to give me a heart attack! ♪ >> ah! jimmy! >> i'm just going to stand here, so whatever happens. ♪ >> jimmy! oh, my god! oh, my god! god! you guys!
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oh, my god! oh, my god! guys! you guys are nuts. it's so bizarre, it is so crazy. okay, come on, jimmy. >> ah! oh, my god! oh, my god! that is so -- oh, my god! that is so -- >> jimmy: did you know it was me every time? we don't even have a wax figure. >> what? >> are you serious? >> jimmy: no. i'm sorry, we had to do it. it's the law. >> ah!
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>> jimmy: what did you learn from that experience, micki, anything? >> i learned that i work with sneaky people whom i adore. >> jimmy: you do work with sneaky people. it's fun messing with micki once in a while, but tormenting her mother is the greatest. my greatest achievement, painting aunt chippy's house. >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by johnnie walker black. have your johnnie walker black delivered to your door. great service you expect without leaving the safety of your home. makes shopping easier by offering free next day shipping and no activation fees on our best new phone deals, like the amazing iphone 11 for just $15 a month when you switch. for now is the best way to learn about
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>> dicky: and now, cisco presents the "jimmy kimmel live" half balloon animal of the night. >> hey, here with #positivity to make a balloon animal. i'm not going to tell you what it is, you're going to have to guess. animal. i'm not going to tell you what it is, you're going to have to guess. >> dicky: see you next time. >> have you guessed what it is?
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♪ jimmy kimmel live from his house! >> jimmy: hi, welcome welcome wl april fool's day. this stars my aunt chippy, on this fateful day she left her house, and while she was gone i sent workers there to her ♪ ♪ never seen the sky so blue ♪ hey, hey, hey, hey, ♪ it's just a sunny day
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>> what the hell is going on? what's going on? [ speaking in spanish ] >> no, no, no, you don't paint my house. >> they order. >> who? stop, stop. no, no, no, no. who signed it? no, no. stop painting! stop! get your truck off my lawn. get the truck off my lawn! look, do you understand what get the [ bleep ] truck off my lawn! >> driver, driver. >> get it off my lawn! you better stop painting. you put one more piece of paint,
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i'll put you through the roof! don't paint my house! who is this? who is this? [ speaking in spanish ] >> i don't [ bleep ] speak spanish. [ bleep ]! my house! boss my ass. hello! >> hello, who is this? >> i know who i am, who are you? what are your men doing here painting my house. >> jimmy: someone make a phone call and say come and paint my house. >> i can't believe you would come to my house and paint it without checking with the people inside, you just walk up to a house and paint the house? >> jimmy: yeah, i guess so, i guess so, that's what happen. >> good-bye. i did not order anybody to paint my house. >> jimmy: hello. [ speaking in
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>> senora! >> jimmy: she went in the house, now we're going to call the house. >> hello? >> jimmy: aunt chippy? >> jimmy? >> jimmy: what's wrong? >> i got these [ bleep ] guys painting the house orange. >> jimmy: what? what is this, a joke? >> jimmy, did you have something to do with this? why are you calling me? you little bastard. if you did this, i will [ bleep ] kill you. won't live to see 40, i promise you. >> jimmy: how dare you insinuate that i would have anything to do with ts. >> jimmy, nobody speaks english, they've got a truck parked on my lawn, and my house is orange. >> jimmy: put them on the phone,
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i have guillermo here, i'll get him to translate. >> what are you doing! painting the tree! [ bleep ] [ speaking in spanish ] >> don't you touch that [ bleep ] tree, i'll kill you. which one of you, wants to speak to somebody who speaks spanish. they're painting the [ bleep ] tree! i'm whyi i'm going to paint you, you [ bleep ] i'll kill you. i'm out here with these [ bleep ]s. one is on top of my roof and he won't get down and take his truck off my lawn. >> jimmy: hold on. let me put guillermo on with them. guillermo, say hello. >> guillermo: hello, aunt chippy! >> talk to this guy, he speaks spanish. [ speaking in spanish ]
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>> i want to party. [ speaking in spanish ] >> don't touch that tree! hello. >> guillermo: aunt chippy. >> what? >> guillermo: i already told them to stop doing >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. i'm going to kill you. don't touch that tree! do you understand me? >> si, senora. >> jimmy: he's doing what? >> he's painting my tree. >> jimmy: why would he paint a tree? [ speaking in spanish ]
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>> what's the matter? we paint your house for free, and this is what you do? >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ], stupid ass. >> you want to say something to jimmy? >> you're a sick son of a bitch, that's all i got to say. it better be back to white and green. >> i feel like ty pennington, it's an extreme makeover. >> stop wth thith that green al. >> jimmy: there you go, guillermo, here's how we celebrate april fool's day in the united states. happy april fools! >> get the truck off my lawn! >> jimmy: she's still in that house and still screaming. when we come back, the music of jessie reyez from the bathroom! ♪
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staying hwill without athe doubt, save lives. and, critical things like food, pharmacies, laundromats and more remain available. those who work in health, food supply and law enforcement will continue to perform their jobs. programs like paid sick leave, unemployment, and others will also still continue.
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if you do leave home, keep six feet between you and others. we are all in this together. learn more at >> jimmy: my thanks to jesse tyler ferguson, eric stonestreet, cousin micki, aunt chippy, and i'd especially like to thank matt damon. just kidding, april fools'. you suck. tomorrow, i'll be joined by
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jennifer aniston and grouplove. but before we go tonight, here with music from her parents' bathroom in toronto is jessie reyez, live from the lavatory! >> hi, jimmy. thanks for having me. i'm going to play "coffin" off my debut album from the bathroom in toronto, ♪ ♪ we fought until the sun rose and i still ain't been to bed ♪ ♪ and while you got your eyes closed the devil wakes up in my head ♪ ♪ he told me that you hate me and you blame me ♪ ♪ and you said that you wish that you were dead ♪ ♪ so i write a little note out suicidal love roulette ♪
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oue an cae i love you to death ♪ ha madfoike a fool usloo death ♪ ♪ just like a fool just like fool just like a fool i walk up to the edge ♪ ♪ and say a prayer before i let go i'll probably see you through the window ♪ ♪ while i'm falling past the fifth floor then you get therejust in time n go back to bed ♪ ♪ but you run past where i stand and hit the ground before i can ♪
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♪ you make me want to jump off just like a fool ♪ ♪ we'll need a coffin handmade for two ♪ ♪ because i love to you death ♪ just like a fool ♪ just like a fool, ooh, ooh ♪ maybe buddha's got it right we reincarnate every time ♪ ♪ and i'll find you in another life maybe buddha's got it right we reincarnate every time ♪ ♪ and i'll find you in another life ♪ ♪ you make me wanna jump off the roof cause i love you to death ♪ ♪ just like a fool we'll need a coffin hand made for two cause i love you to death ♪
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♪ just like a fool you make me wanna jump off the roof cause i love you to death ♪ ♪ just like a fool we'll need a coffin hand made for two cause i love you to death ♪ ♪ just like a fool just like a fool just like a fool ♪ >> thank you, guys, wash
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