tv ABC7 News 500PM ABC April 2, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT
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and a staggering record ttgin jpum inou y tnkhi plemoyntmela cims. the proper prossce is not and how to break the news to thkie dsbo aut thees rtf oth e cool year. > dan binusess is booming at gun stores. and the restaurant and motel owners going the extra mile to m rsfit rpoesndsernd a the homeless. a lot of departmeveloping
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happening. the cdc is expected to ndki of mask because of a a some nccoer tnha tthe virus could be re badyho tseot n swihong any symptoms. and officials haveec romndmeed nd als ao tonight, stunning numbers on the virus. therere a now a milonli cases worldwide. 10,000 here in california. 1,000 just in santa clara county. and jobssle claims have licafornia tops a million. and governor new sochl hewsom h announcead ol dlars in transit funding. d there is a massive falloff in ridership. >>nd aan s fncraiscoaw s its first coronavirus case in a homeless elshter. anind chrimo,nd the race is on to turn thisve ent center into a
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patient center. a>>nd you are looking at sky 7 video of that event ceernt. parai icerho tmas has more. >> reporter: and this number has had a numberf o difrefent roles. and it has been called upon to ndhale anotherri csi nsow and one that they hope the building will nerevav he to be used for. over the decades, this floor rehe t wgheit of eryvethgin from roadsters to sherman tanks. d anno twhe ayre preripang to bear the weight of hospital ds. wree' working with our partners to turn it into a 025 bed feredal micedal center. >> reporter:he t crane way pavili pavionli,he ty did the same thing for tanks and now ty heare preparing to handle the covid-19
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cases. a wnde're working to dbloue e capacity from 1100 beds to about 0022 beds and add alternate care sites. >>ep rorr:te and that is why national guardro tops spent the day unloinadg bsed and other supplies. the make shift hospital will lyone b activated if regular medical centers are overwheedlm thwi patient. even then, iwit llar ce whit nonlife threatening cases. anthd e property manager is a dil cadoorct. >> it is a giasnt scepa can support something like this without the tents and oerth meak shtif opaterio.ns >> reporter: a hnde sayshe t spot is isolated. and if activated, titsen will heav stunning
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ewvis d aniton w't be cheap. >> theou cnty will be spending ens of millions to prepare our untyro fm a pubcli hlteah standpoint. >> reporter: and that is to get everythingea rdy inhe t cotyun. here, 250 beds, they are in ac be,utti sll a lot of wkor do before they could actually open the ceon againpe oning tyhe nerev have to. but if they get the surge that hlteahff oicser have bnee wainrngbo aut and they did warn this weekha tt they cldou see anywhere from 2,000 to 14,000 tafaliesti, pedendgin o tnhe toenario, well, they may have e veserafal citilies like this. icer thom,as abc 7 news. and gerovnor newmso said that more than 1.9 million lirnfoia hnsaveil fedor f emunployment since march 12. last week alone, more than 878,000 new claims. and the state is handling about 111,000 claims per day now. he made sevalerth oer
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nouncements, a one year reprieve on sal tesaxnd a reimbursement program for businesses that continue to pay their empyeloesnd a a website to link people withpe on jobs. health care is one of tseho four areas. agricultural is loongki for a woforkrce. ogistics broadly defined be at antrsptaorti,on warouehsing d eth like. the low xwhitis cgiicsts stoecr course gross and it is also a really xwrimic pturecr aoss the country. new dareptmten of laborum nbers showing 6.6 million filing first you think employme uemployment benefits. >> i applied for until employment, i haven't heard back. >> once somebody is approd vefor unemployment, it stillak tes
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eravelee wks for their fst eck to arrive. santa clara county is prarepinfog r a possible sur ge ofew n koichcovi19d- tipaen.ts and what happens if they need to hospalitizlae rge numrsbe of people? rings uyen is live from san jo wseith more. >> reporter: there are currently around 020 people with covid-19 hospitalized in san ctalara county, officials expect this number to go up andhe ty are making sure thatme pthspitals h hat they need tore ppa freor e sue.rg across the south bay, a massive effort is under way to ensure th tathe1 1hpt hospitals are r forhe t surge. at good sarimatan, tshior fmer army medic has been worngki tirelessly to prepare. >> being in that eirnvonntme erwhehe ty are aaylws keyed up and having to wear that protective equipment is wearing
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tonhelgc on them. are t >> reporter: and they were proactive with these tentsha tt have theat xstcacipaty to triep number the beds. >> and we' wreorngki to get the physicians to care for them. > reporter: and they outnelid eum nber of vtienlators and hospital beds currently available. >>he tre is a close association between the social distancing deorrsnd a the measurement of capacity. >> reporr:te a tndhe cntouy anpls tout p out a call for medical volunteers in the ds ay >> wean c calibrate how we contribute to helping fhtig tshi virus bedas on the most information. >> reporter:nd a theon cveiontn ntceer is being conrtveed into a federal medalic stitaon to treat the less severe cases. t>>he only way that we can actually reassurehe tub plic given the anxiety that eryveone
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s,ha ttha w aell have, is by being trspanart.en >> reporter: the worst is yet to come, but the focus is tathe task at hand. >> the heros are takgin care of patientsnd a doing what they love to do. >> reporter: the day dtas i avlaaiblfoe r e thpuicbl to e,se es aerehe t resources available in real time. oliutneacs uthoe spital beds, ic uchl d anthe eris l aenhgt at chris nguyen, abc 7ew ns. and the navy has dropped the handl hammer on a crozi toyda t nheavy relveied him of his command because he sent the letter over a nonsurecema eil system to, quote, a broad a way
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of people instead of gngoi up the cha oinf command. california state prisons and cotyunai jls arees hoping to reasleehe tis rk of covid-19 beginhr tead and nowed aed adca fear they might become homeless. >> everybody arguingbo aut release, but nobyod is arguing about where are they going to be sociurngth emlvsees. ande w modified ourar lgest shteelr in berkeley to accommodat aen isotilaonni ut at we fllorov cid-19 participants. >> several community groups hope to lease vacant buildings and transform them i sheltersor f theos renectly he released from custody. >>an> d odfo badgnks aream rpin up their efforts. ntcla ara county hasol rled out a website that has a archable map for mlsea for
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senior and youth and locations of food nkbas. and in san francisco, the restaurant baconac bonas h set up online ordering so people can y odfo b nutotus jtor f themselves, but for frontline workers and the meholess. mo trehan 1,000 meals already teka lsearn thwi the story. >> reporter: the cooks at bacon coarn e still crnhuingut o hundreds of meals that the owner delivers toai ksered mical center and ucsf. anhed set upnl oine ordering on peoplean c sti that they can order for those on the front lines. >> to keep a littleus binses atig mhtth oersewi heav to suretier, to keep three guys who have been woinrkg whit me for over six aryes,he ty veha families and rent and their
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spreonbisiliesti. r>>epteorr: today jim made his first delivery. i>>'m so thankful. >> reporter: and lisa is grateful for the foodnd a another comnimuty fundraising ffort that got her out of a messle shelter and into a private room at oasis wrehe she is less exposed to >> i'm so thanulkf. >> we're up at aoslmt $100,000 in our and those funds are being us fedor helot rooms. >>ep rorr:te and the san tnsccio pesurvisorid dn' wtan wtai f torhe city to start isolating homeless, so he helped start a gofundme and rented homes where n towheyre a lingvi. t cheity needs to run a program like we did. r>>epteorr: and anglo with trsmanisonsi skris, he can keep seven of his elompyees on the payroll. >>nd a this kpsee us going.
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>> it feels good ttha even can rorr:te andim j will keep theac bon sizzling as long as th oerdser kpee coming. leov the name and effort. d isth pdeanmic is causing speik inun g sales. the anxiety is very real. and the irs bsowo t presseur bringing good ne fwsor social i didn't choose this exact type i dibut i did pickla crity type by knowing i have a treatment diovsceriq pra ay, tatrementnt that specifically targets thatinr+ h, r2he- c.mbets piqray is taken with fulvestrant afteprr ogssreion on hormone therapy wioutht sediaspre ogssreion. do not take piqrayf iyoveu' d hasereve aerllgirec acontis to it or any of its ingredients. piqray can cause serious desi eecfftsin, clinudg vesere allergic and skin reactions, hi bghlo sodug larevs,el an d ardirh, eath aatreom cmon and can be severe,
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te ylloudor ctor right away if you have symptoms of severe allergic reactions or high blood sugar while taking piqray. your doctor will monitor your blood sugar before and during tremeatnt, and more often if you have type 2 diabetes. berefo srttaing, te ylloudor ctor if you have a history arore pn lato becomey egprna, ntorre common side effects include rash, nausea, ti reesdns,ea wkns,es crdeead seaptipete, mouth sores, vomiting, weight loss, hair loss, and changes in some blood tests. ask your doctor about piqray.
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ense afi skipi ikenun g sesal l this one. and the ikspes i lkeindo t fear of cod-vi19. people are worried what is going to happenei bngoc lked down staying at home. >> reporter: and california saw a %72 incasree in firearm background checks since brfeua.ry that same trend isee sn tinaonlyal. a record-breaking 3.7 mliilon bagrckound checks performed in march. and the lt asjump tthave en got oscle to tt,ha spiked in december of 2015. ahead of the 2016 eltiecon. and liunkele ectn ioyes,ar t he data suggests this spirk ke isid to cod-vi19. and the number ofac bkgunrod checks broke records right around shelter in pcelad ones prompted massoa hrdg inofo tilet paper. >> i just need ammunition. >> reporter:hi wchs i why seom families say they need nsgu. >> makes me feel more otprecd.te
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>> ain n'tobyod tinakgot nhing from me, period help. >> reporter: stefphanie siraer, abc 7. and for students, no ascls, they see their teacher on the coutmper rescen. no prom, no more onow har pentsan c help their students cope. >> reporter: we askedow h do you eabrk ytoour child that they may not be going back to school? they said don't give hard dates. > give them a sense of conoltr ate' wre figuring it out getoth aernd we're here to keep you safe. >> repteorr: for tes,enhe ty may lready know, so instead try ese cveonrsioatn starters -- h aowreou y feeling,ha wt do iest feel like in your body and what are some things that u veha deon to helyop urlfse when you are feeling that way. r>>epteorr: for young children,
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try a different approach -- >> pimake sure that you are not cenessilary iniattiinghe t conversation but letting the child rorepter: and for parents of teens, they may not be going to gruaadti oonr evenro pm. >> it is a major disruption for themnd a many of theee tnarsge that i've taldkeit whre a jtus ndki of in shock. esnt canla py a pivotal role ttha and melod for tm hethat, yes, it is hard and yes, this is peris dapinpoti bngut that we can do this together. >> reporter: we asked both therapists what would they leik miesli toem rember most during these trying times? >> here areor wds of wismdo for repants of teens. be patient, modelor f tmhe stress management and anxiety management >> try to gauge where yrou child ist a in responding to their questions to maintain routines as much as possible, to offer a
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t ofmfcoort. myum nbe orne tip for tnsee ulwod be stay connected and tkal your parentsnd a famyilnd a don't pssreure yoseurlf. rorepter >> a wnde have consumener wso t >> let'sbly bring in michael finney. anfod r recipients of siaocl userity, they will not have to leax tet rurns in order to get eir stimulus money. they will get it automatically just as they do their social security payments today. and this is an abt-oufa.ce arlier seniors were tdol even without taxable income they would need to file a tax you were to qualify. d &epg is lowering your utility bi.ll l residential ctousmers will receive a statean mdadte climate credit. this will reduceou yr ailpr bill
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between $27 and 2.$6 eyth are aware many of its ustoms erarfae ci fngincianal ceairtn dii d. a amazon is no longeret lting thr eicuomsters buying n95 they will hospitalge ancsie to apemployer f pliply for and the new norlma isom cing .othgeer andeo pplone the frontlines really need all that eqpmuient. d anth reest of us will be wearing masks soon as well. so we'll he avto take care of our needs. thank you, michael. > dan wnhe we come ckba, a
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and then there is the weekend. >> ahye, you knowit, is gngoi to be all good. we're stuck inside for the most rt s,oe' wll be enjinoyg some rain this coming weekend. for now thoh,ug outside. and there is no rain on the rescen yet,ut b tha wtill be changing. those temperatur aesnyerwhero fm eid m-50s to the upper 60s. some inlandpo sts did manag teo tge up into the low 70s. o definitely mild osiutdeit wh gentle breeze. mainly clear and chilly tomorrow ng,in and wet weathers i coming your way for the upcoming weekend. moowrr rnmoin ig,t gisoi tngo be cold. we heav a freeze warning for interior loticaons. danro fst advisoriesor f the f taasl areas and seom parts o e lainnd eaars. and so make sure that you bring
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your pets inside and cover the sensitive plants because it will gecot ld. wn to thereezin mkar port and the highs for tomorrow, it wi blle breezy but temperatures anywhere from the upper 50s to the upper 60s for your friday. and you c'tan ask for betr te atr heeven if you step outside for a minute or two. d onhe tto srmmp iact scale, this weekend we have a one. tusarday theai rn is spreading. sunday a second storm willri bng us windy conditions and a chance for hail. and so getting wet around the gireon. lit ghon saturday. afrnteooisn sllti inray. and sunday, the stronger of the twsto or cmsomes in and tha t wi slletff o the possibility of me thurm unthderstorms with hait of theou sth. gu hts gusts up to 40
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and most of you will get to a third of an inch to over an inch. and so i kwno uesnls you have itcricalus biness you are not going to hotae,ut b significant avtrelel day asre expected and a couple feet is peexct.ed d so maiynl sunny sunny sunny sunday a levelne o stormit wh scattered showers continue monday and still ama sllha cnce tuesyda and wedndaesy. so not completely in the clear. >> so i know that youav he n aew talking about how you and your family aredj ausngti to the new normal at home. >> absolutely. dou y can go to our webtesi and check it out. really i felt the need tota srt this bglo bauecse i ftel like people were talking about how tough it has beeton ea dl whit this crissi and i was one of them and i really found toe b erthaptieuc, getting so much positive fdbeeacfrk om
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followers. and i eouncra ygeou to itwre to me,et l meno kw how you are coping. >> yes, get it out of yrou head. >> and i hope your three kids want to ptiarcitepa in the blog their persctpeiv .i've gotnte pleynt of that and you balanced nutrition fostr rethng a endney.rg whoo-hoo! gr eatat stg inenresu wi 9th gmsra oprf otein, 27 vitamins and minerals, an d trnuies ntto su ppt orimnemu he > >>mucsi helps many of us pass
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the time. and now a group of musicians will tnsraformou yr computeinr toe to a concert venue. ♪ >> you're wrapping a pair caldle tulemb we'd soul. starting tomorrow, theyil wl rfpeorm via facebook for a series of concerts. >> and they will feature acts due tola py dinurghi ts mmsuer's concert series. a great way tjuo stel raxnd a unwind. >> turn on your commuter and enjoy some simuc. atth gdoo it for now.
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world news tonigh who've got their eczema uernd, with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. pintxe is the first eatrtmten of i ktsinthd aton ctiounusly so roll up those sleeves. treats merodattoe--sereveec ze,ma or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid.
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many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. that's a difference you can feel. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. seris oualrgleicea rctnsio car, clinudg inanhyaplas,xi icwhh sisevere. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, su chs aeypae inr o sivionha cnges, or a parasiticnf ieconti. if you takase th mmaedinices, d'n't anchger ost tophe mwithout talking to your doctor. or a parasiticnf ieconti. so help heal your skin from within. and talk to your eczema specliiastbo autup dixt.en
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tonight, the coronavirus here in the u.s. more tha1,n 10de0 at ihsn stju hrsou. and breaking news in new york tyci. the president just approved the use of the javits center for coronavirus patients. and tonight, new york's governor rnwainneg w rkyo cldou boue t of ventilators in just six days. d anwh tatheov gerr nosa jidust today about when this could peak here in thepe icteenr. tonight, news coming in, the virus taking a devastating toll. rethe feinct medemrsbe othf e same family indyg. the doctors and nurses on the front lines. hundreds of alhethar ce rkwoers now sick. the e.r. doctor tonight who has now died. and the harrowing message from a group of nurses in boston, sending a video out. their plea. at jesusnot w poimsing stay at meho orders. afr te
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