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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 7, 2020 12:05am-1:07am PDT

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welcome to day i don't know of sheltering in place. i stopped keeping track of the date after we cut the calendar into strips of toilet paper. but i hope you had a good weekend. as if these weeks ever really end. it's funny. now we finally know how radio shack felt. things are getting a little bit tense at my house. last night i told my wife i want to see other people. she got upset and i said, "no, i just want to see some other people." so she's on tinder now. the one thing i know is that once this is over, i'm never hanging out with myself again. restaurants are getting hit very hard right now, but many are doing what they can to stay in business and feed people in their neighborhoods. a restaurant owner in east hollywood not far from where we are came one a creative way to serve customers. her place is called calabama and they are now serving from her fourth floor apartment. what she's doing is she's making these sandwiches and lowering them down from the fire escape in a bucket.
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and people love it -- i wonder if you can get a bucket of coffee too. anyway, this is what it's come to. breakfast in a bucket. we are all eating like the president now. one of my co-workers received what i can only assume is a belated april fools' day prank in the mail this weekend. she got one of those coupon packs with the discounts on charmin toilet paper and bounty paper towels. but i guess you could wipe with the coupon in a pinch, right? you know, i thought we'd heard all the bad amenities this coronavirus has to offer already, but now it turns out it's not just for humans anymore. >> a tiger at the bronx zoo has tested positive for coronavirus. researchers think she caught it from a human zookeeper. health officials say that people who have the virus should avoid contact with their pets. >> jimmy: great. just when you thought things couldn't get worse for joe exotic. by the way, how did a tiger get a coronavirus test?
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must be a hell of a basketball player. nadia the tiger is believed to be the first animal to test positive in the united states. veterinary health officials are saying that people who have symptoms should avoid contact with their pets. terrific. and how are we supposed to do that? most people can't keep a dog away from its own butt. but there is one way you can distance from your pets. it's pretty simple. just guillermo is modeling it now. get one of these and everything should be fine. right, guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you. so we can't touch our pets. we can't touch our faces. and we can't watch sports. or can we? espn is said to be developing a show on which nba superstars would compete against each other in a game of "horse." which would be a great way to find out which of your favorite players can't spell. i would watch this though. at this point, i would watch lebron james and steph curry shooting rubber bands at each other. i want something. the president wants to get our stadiums back open soon. he had a call with all the major
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sports commissioners over the weekend and said he hopes to have fans back in seats by august or september. of this year. not because he misses the games. he misses the enormous big mac buffets in the white house dining room when the champions come to visit. you know, when sports do come back and i hope it's soon, one thing they need to change is the kiss cam. that has to go. but you know what they should bring back? the wave. the wave disappeared but the wave was way ahead of its time. it's the perfect germ-free celebration. you stand, you throw up your hands, and then you bring them back down. you don't touch anybody. there's no physical contact. and then you wait like 90 seconds and do it again. bring back the wave. the president had a doubleheader this weekend. two press conferences, on saturday and sunday. and he really seems to be getting into a groove with these reporters now. >> records show that federal agencies did not begin -- >> oh, stop it. by the way, who are you with? who are you with? >> the agencies didn't begin --
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>> are you ready? are you ready? let me just answer your question because i know exactly. same question you ask all the time. you ready? they have done an unbelievable job in delivering for the associated press, which is -- you know, not so great. not like it used to be. and you should be thanking them for what they've done, not always asking wise guy questions. thank you very much, everybody. thank you. >> jimmy: you're welcome. he is right, though. they should phrase these questions in a nicer way. like mr. president, why are you doing such an incredible job of screwing this up? i find myself oddly attracted to his daily pontifications. it's like -- it's the same every day. and it's fascinating. trump finally broke down and let the white house recommend that people wear masks in public, but he will not be wearing one himself. he said it would be odd for him to greet world leaders with a mask on. which may be true, but what world leaders are coming to visit right now? the president of stupidass-istan? meanwhile, while he was saying this, the first lady was
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tweeting, "i ask that everyone take social distancing and wearing a mask/face covering seriously. #covid19 is a virus that can spread to anyone." except for your husband, i guess. here's the thing. even if trump wanted to wear a mask, you know she would be running around the white house, hiding them places he'd never find them, like inside books, or under piles of vegetables. but what is the point of telling people to do something you aren't doing yourself? personally, i would love to see the president wearing a mask. maybe then we could redub his voice to make him sound like an actual president. >> if this government were preparing for a pandemic, why is it we don't have enough masks? why is it we don't have enough medical equipment? >> it's a very simple answer, jim. i ignored warnings from experts repeatedly and focused on money instead of human lives. i [ bleep ] up. royally. great question, jim. you look good. have you been working out? >> jimmy: better, right?
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we have a masked singer. why not a masked president? this is the weekend that finally answered the question, how many people in my neighborhood own a bandanna? and for me the answer is a lot of them. so dr. oz did a segment on his show in which he recommended you wear a bandanna. however, this gentleman made a very good point online about the doctor's choice of color. >> i've got an idea. >> oh, no. that's a bad idea, dr. oz. >> you can wear the bandanna like you're a bandit. >> no. oh, my gosh. aye, aye, aye. >> jimmy: yai, yai. his concern is wearing a red bandanna may in some areas indicate your allegiance to the notorious street gang the bloods, which means either dr. oz made a mistake or dr. oz is a blood. this morning the international advocacy group global citizen and the world health organization announced that they
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would be airing a two-hour television special called "one world:together at home" to support health care workers in this fight against covid-19. it will air next saturday night, april 18th, on abc, cbs, and nbc simultaneously. i will be co-hosting this event with my friends jimmy fallon and stephen colbert from the safety of our homes of course. and the creative force behind this special happens to be the one and only lady gaga, who joins us now from fort gaga. hello, lady gaga. how are you? >> how are you? fort gaga. that's news. i haven't heard that before. >> jimmy: you can use that if you want to get some kind of merchandise printed up. that's all yours. how are you? everything okay? >> i'm doing great. thank you. ienl usie i'm using my name for other things now, not for a fort. >> jimmy: okay. how long has it been since you left your house? >> actually, i think it's been over a month. we actually self-quarantined about a week before it was
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mandatory. so it's been a while that i've been quarantined. i've been spending all my time creating this special that's going to be on nbc, cbs, and abc. and also i'm making a lot of phone calls helping to fund-raise with the w.h.o. and global citizen. and we're really excited about this show because we didn't want to be a fund-raiser. we wanted everybody to put their wallets away and enjoy the show. we already have raised $35 million for the solidarity response fund. >> jimmy: that is crazy. tell me, how do you raise -- in how many days? like seven days you've raised $35 million? >> it's been seven days. yes. and we're still going. we did a call with at least corporate executives. and then i've been doing other calls with philanthropists as well as other wonderful major
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tech companies and they all stepped up and all want to help. and it's been -- it's been actually wonderful to watch. and i just want to help in whatever way i can. you know, i think the truth is that i feel very blessed that i have a home, i feel blessed that i have access to good food that is healthy and clean, and i wanted to figure out what i could do with my time to be of service. and dr. tedros from the world health organization called me and we started to do this. and it's going really, really well. do you know who one of our hosts is? >> jimmy: i think i'm one of the hosts, right? >> yeah, you are. >> jimmy: i thought you were going to give me some bad news like oprah had taken over or something like that. >> no. no. well, i mean, not yet. >> jimmy: but we would understand. it's me and jimmy fallon and
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stephen colbert. >> yes. >> jimmy: who will be the head host? who will be like the main -- because there has to be -- you can't just -- >> it's going to be all three of you. it's going to be like one person with three heads. all three of you hosting. it's going to be amazing. and also, do you know who else will be there? >> jimmy: who? tell me the whole thing. i want to hear all the artists what are going to be part of this. >> our friends from "sesame street" are going to be there. >> jimmy: which ones specifically? >> i'm not giving it all away. >> jimmy: okay. all right. all right. >> i'll be there. alanis morissette, andrea bocelli, billie eilish, billy joe armstrong, david beckham, eddie vedder, sir elton on, phinneas, idris and sabrina elba. kasey muss graves, keith urban kerry washington long long, lizzo, maluma sir paul mccartney, priyanka chopra jonas. shub khan and stevie wonder. >> jimmy: wow. >> and we're not done yet.
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>> jimmy: are you sure you have room for us on this show? i think we're going to be nothing but a letdown. >> you know what? please don't do that. >> jimmy: lady gaga, did you call a lost these people yourself? someone like paul mccartney, do you call him and ask him to be a part of this? >> yes, i called sir paul. he was very, very kind and wanted to be a part of it. and i also just say that i'm thrilled to announce that we got very generous donations from both oprah winfrey and lorraine pell jobs. i want to shine a light for a moment on what they're doing. they also helped to launch america's food fund a couple days ago. which helps address the issue of food access in the united states, especially in communities impacted by covid-19. so there are so many children who are relying on their school lunch programs and the elderly, and all those funds go to the world central kitchen and feeding america. so we're very grateful to both
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oprah and lorraine for doing this, and i just -- they're such inspirations. >> jimmy: that is great. it really is -- this is obviously a terrible situation. but it is inspiring and reassuring to see people coming together to help each other. it really is. i thank you for putting this together. >> i did want to tell you a little about what the world health organization is doing and what the covid-19 solidarity s response tufund does so everyon knows what we raise the money for. the money will be raised before the special and we won't ask you for money during the special for a lot of reasons. mostly because we're very cognizant of the fact that unemployment is rising and also that people are having a very hard time feeding their children and we want -- we want everyone to enjoy the show. so what we do at the world health organization, and when i say we i mean them. but you know, i'm trying to
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speak on their behalf. is the world health organization is an agency to the united nations. and what the covid-19 solidarity response fund does is four things. the first thing that it does is it makes sure that they get as much treatment and supplies as they can to medical workers. and i have to say the medical and scientific workers around the world right now are absolutely heroes and they are an absolute triumph. they're sleeping in their cars to not infect their families or their patients. they're doing everything they can to save lives. it's absolutely astonishing. the second thing that this fund will go towards is testing. it will go toward home testing as well as send-in testing. it will also go toward vaccines. so there's ten major biotech companies that are working on vaccines right now, and they'd like to get all the money, you know, at once to all ten so if one hits it will hit earlier because if you go one at a time it takes longer to find that
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vacci vaccine. and then finally one of the most credible sources on the planet when it comes to what's happening with covid-19 globally on a daily basis, they're a wonderful organization, and it's an international effort. so i feel very blessed to be able to work with them and to be able to help them in any way that i can, and i just wanted to call you and say thank you for being a host on this show and that we believe in kindness and you're so very kind to do this with fallon and with colbert and to do this on behalf of nbc, cbs, and abc as well. we really appreciate it, jimmy. thank you. >> well, we appreciate you. thank you so much for looking out for so many people. lady gaga, we will be together on april 18th for one world together at home. thank you again. i will see you the saturday after this. >> that's right. see you there. >> jimmy: and one more item. like many of you, i saw and enjoyed a video that stars a
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family from england, the marshes, who wrote and performed their own quarantine-themed rendition of a song from the musical "les miserables." ♪ one more day upon my ♪ do we get a change of clothes ♪ ♪ teachers fill up google classrooms ♪ ♪ have you seen my brother's hair ♪ ♪ our exams have all been ♪ do i change my underwear >> jimmy: give that family a quaran-tony ward. we got in touch with the marshes and later on they'll be joining us for the special performance of a new song all the way from their home in kent, england. also later on a visit with my family. i'll play "who wants to be a millionaire" with my kids the little ones, which will be fun. and when we come back, kaley cuoco joins us from her house. so stick around. >> from his house! okay... okay! safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!!
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♪ jimmy kimmel live >> from his house! >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kim live from my house." thanks for wiping your feet. tonight on our show the stars of a hugely popular youtube video the singing marsh family with a new take on another song from "les miz." tomorrow night, i will be right here again, i'm not going anywhere, with ellen degeneres and the kids from "modern family" who are not kids anymore but you know what i mean. and on wednesday night "who wants to be a millionaire" returns to primetime on abc. celebrities will play for a million dollars for charity. i am the host of the show. and later tonight, i will show you how it goes by playing a round with my five-year-old daughter jane and almost three-year-old son billy who will be playing for a million pennies. so stay up for that. my guest tonight spent just over ten years on the phenomenon
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known as "the big bang theory." she is with us to help explain what the hell's going on in the universe right now. please say hello to kaley cuoco. hello kaley. >> jimmy! hello, my friend! >> jimmy: how are you doing? wow. what is that you're wearing? >> how are you? oh, this is my night shirt. yeah, this is basically what i've been living in for the past three weeks. see, it says "it moose be 5:00 o'clock somewhere." classic. yeah. >> jimmy: did you just wake up or why are you still wearing a night shirt? >> well, since we haven't left the house in about three weeks i've been collecting these shirts. i order them on amazon. but the problem is amazon does not consider them a necessity, so they aren't sending them to me as quickly as possible. so i've been living in this one. >> jimmy: what could be more necessary than a comical night shirt at this point? i mean, really.
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>> right? and -- exactly. it hides the quarantine 15 that's happened to me. >> jimmy: kaley, how many animals do you have? you have like a whole menagerie living in your house, right? >> we have so many dogs right now. and the funny thing is you have caught us at a moment where every sing one of them is asleep. let me walk you through here. we've got -- let's start it off with we've got norman right here. norman's relaxing. we've got ruby. ruby over here, camera girl. >> jimmy: yes. >> come down here for this front row seat of tank. you've never heard snoring like you have with this guy. >> jimmy: wow. what does tank weigh? how much does tank weigh? >> tank weighs probably 80 pounds. there he is. >> jimmy: hi, tank. >> he needs a -- then we've got -- i'm telling you, this is the first time in three weeks they have all been quiet.
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we've got dumpy pants right here. we've got blueberry. the very, very vicious pit bull right over here. and another sleeping dog. shirley goose right here. >> jimmy: wow. >> hello, jimmy. >> jimmy: is there a gas leak in the house? >> that is actually a good question. because i've never seen them like this ever. i have never seen this like you're witnessing right now. >> jimmy: they're showmen. they're show dogs is what it is. i like you that -- you know, my daughter's 5 years old, and every day at her class they have like a schmo tell kind of thing. it's kind of like, this actually. they all get on the internet. and they show their things. >> well, i have a little kind of collectible item that i can use for show and tell right now. >> jimmy: that would be great. we'd love to see what you collect. >> yeah? okay. >> jimmy: yeah, of course.
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>> follow me into my kitchen, jimmy. >> dogs, calm down. >> jimmy: you have a beautiful home. >> don't go crazy. you all stay right there. you be good. i swear to god, it's like they're on drugs. i've never seen anything like this. >> jimmy: they're resting up for the amazon guy. >> yes. exactly. so my show and tell i'm going to share with you today, i collect coffee mugs. >> jimmy: oh. okay. >> yeah. i'm kind of obsessed with them. i kind of pick them up wherever i go. you know, on my travels. people give them to me as gifts. i'm going to show you my special ones. okay? >> jimmy: i would love to see your mugs. okay. yes. why did that sound dirty? i don't know. >> ta-da! >> jimmy: you do have a lot of mugs there, don't you? show me some of your favorites. >> okay. this one has done me well since the quarantine. this is my [ bleep ] mug.
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>> jimmy: okay. >> this is really how we felt over the past few weeks i've used this mug a lot. this was actually gifted to me from one of the writers on "big bang." so i'm not quite sure how to take that as a gift. but i do love it. >> jimmy: okay. good mug. >> oh. my precious "game of thrones" giant mug. that i got. right? how great is that? >> jimmy: is that technically a mug? it should be filled with grog or mead or something like that. >> for sure. no, this was definitely filled with an insane amount of alcohol during the finale. >> jimmy: got you. >> oh, wait. another one that i love, my "harry potter" mug. right? >> jimmy: oh, wow. yeah. you really have like -- yeah, like an old lady-esque collection of mugs there, don't you? >> it goes well with my outfit. right?
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it's very on brand for me. right? >> jimmy: you just moved in with your husband after -- how long were you married before you moved in together? >> we've been married a year and a half, been together for almost four years. and we now -- this quarantine has actually forced us to move in together. it's been great for our relationship. and we like each other. we realized. which is even better. >> jimmy: he's okay with all the mugs? >> he's okay with all the mugs. he's got his weird stuff too. but since i was shooting in new york and got sent back here obviously because of everything that was going on and we got to move into the house together, so we moved in and i can't find anything. but the house is great. i think he'd love it if i found my makeup at some point. >> jimmy: you look great. don't worry. >> thank you. >> jimmy: what have you been doing? like what do you do all day? >> jimmy, this is the thing. usually when i come on your show
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i have like prepped stories and i'm really -- i kept thinking what am i going to say? because you're looking at it. this is all we've been doing. >> jimmy: nothing. >> a lot of -- you know, a lot of drinking. >> jimmy: mm-hmm. >> and trying to keep the dogs occupied. you know, we don't have kids. we just have 17,000 animals. so always trying to keep them, you know, occupied and happy. >> jimmy: kaley, every night we are -- i'm making a donation to a charity of our guest's choice. and we are encouraging others to donate as well. and you have picked an animal-related charity. >> shocker. yes. i have. yes, they're a wonderful organization. they help save so many dogs and spay and neuter. that's who i chose for tonight. >> jimmy: and during this time of quarantine this is a great time to foster animals. >> yes. actually. i'm going to bring you back over here. so this is a great time to
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foster animals. and i've been really promoting that on my social media and with my friends. so i thought i should, you know, walk the walk as well, not just keep telling everyone to foster. so we decided to foster a dog. and of course everyone was making fun of me. they're like, okay, kaley's going to obviously keep this dog. right? well, i became a foster fail myself. so dump truck is joining our family officially. >> jimmy: oh, congratulations, dump truck. dump truck looks excited about this. >> he is. we're learning all his faces. this is the psyched face. >> jimmy: it looks like -- dump truck looks like if you got the right size mug i think you could fit dump truck in that. >> we totally could. i bet i could find one. i've got a lot back there. absolutely. >> jimmy: well, thank you, kaley, for showing us around your new home. it is beautiful. and for showing us all your
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animals. and for taking care of all these animals too. again, kaley's charity is the stand up for pits foundation. right? >> that's right. >> jimmy: dogs. thank you very much. it's great to see you. >> thanks for having me, man. i hope to see you in the studio soon. >> jimmy: yes. i hope to see you in real life. kaley cuoco, everybody. when we come back, we'll play "who wants to be a millionaire" with my kids. so stick around. when you spend $50 for on toys and games.e $10
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>> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. in just a bit a special overseas
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musical performance from a family that has earned worldwide acclaim. but first, i mentioned earlier, starting wednesday, i will host the primetime return of "who wants to be a millionaire" with famous people playing for a million dollars for their charity of their choice. it's fun for the whole family including my family specifically, my daughter jane and my son billy. hello, everyone. i'm jimmy kimmel. i am the host of "who wants to be a millionaire" celebrity edition, which returns to abc in primetime on wednesday night after the series finale of "modern family." and i've got two very special players here to practice with. first of all, jane kimmel, who loves to draw and loves to watch "frozen ii." let's have a round of applause for jane. welcome, jane. and he's 2 years old. his name is billy. he loves spider-man and t-rexes. billy kimmel, everyone. are you guys ready to play "who wants to be a millionaire"?
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>> yes. >> jimmy: okay. we've been practicing this. for 1,000 pennies the first question is for you, jane. jane, what does an elephant have on its face? a, a red nose. b, a trunk. c, a mustache. or d, a pickle. >> a trunk. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is correct, jane! very good. for 1,000 pennies. billy, for 2,000 pennies, which animal eats bananas? is it a, a monkey? b, a goldfish. c, a tiger. or d, a chicken. >> monkey. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is correct, billy! for 2,000 pennies. congratulations. jane, for 4,000 pennies. who are the sisters in "frozen"? are they sasha and malia? kylie and kendall?
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mary-kate and ashley? or anna and elsa? >> anna and elsa. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is the correct answer! very good. you guys are doing so good. you want to do a spider-man question? okay. here we go. which marvel superhero likes to smash? is it a, superman? b, wonder woman? c, the hulk? or d, joe exotic? >> hulk. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that is right, billy! congratulations. your next question, jane, is for 8,000 pennies. in "charlie and the chocolate factory," which you guys watch a lot, violet beauregard said she has the world record for what? a, kissing the most boys? b, eating the most cookies. c, chewing a piece of gum for the longest time. or d, tooting the loudest.
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what do you think? >> chewing gum for the longest time. >> jimmy: jane-s that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: jane, that is the correct answer! very good. oh, my gosh. billy, are you ready for your question? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay. for 16,000 pennies which dinosaur has three horns? is it the stegosaurus? is it the pterodactyl? is it the t-rex? is it the triceratops? >> triceratops. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is right, billy! very good! you like a t-rex best? all right. the next question is for 32,000 pennies. jane. how do you say "see you tomorrow" in spanish? is it up pa chucabuca? >> what? >> jimmy: is it muchas gracias? is it feliz navidad?
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or is it d, hasta manana? >> hasta manana. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is correct, jane! correct! billy. for 64,000 pennies, what is spider-man's real name? is it a, peter parker? b, party pooper? c, pablo picasso? or d, magic johnson? what's his name? jane, can you maybe help? >> peter parker. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: yes! you guys got it right! that's correct! we're going for 128,000 pennies. jane, in the game animal crossing cross ing on nintendo switch what is the name of the raccoon who owns the store? is it a, tom brady? b, tom nook? c, bradley cooper?
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or d, mayor humdinger? >> definitely because i play this a lot i'm guessing tom nook. >> jimmy: is that your final answer? >> yes. >> jimmy: that is correct, guys! you got it right! oh, billy. billy, do you want a question? >> no. >> jimmy: let's go right to the million-penny question. shall we? >> i don't want to! >> jimmy: you don't want to? why not? >> i want the million-penny question. >> jimmy: all right. who is your favorite person? is it a, daddy? b, daddy? c, daddy? or d, mommy? who is it? >> just because this is the millionaire game and no one really is here i have to say just for this game dad. >> jimmy: daddy is correct. you win 1 million pennies!
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now you're explaining it to mommy? and now you want to get down? well, guys, the good news is we're going to take that million pennies, which you know how many dollars a million pennies is? it's $10,000. >> i want it. >> jimmy: we are going to donate it to no kid hungry so that kids who are hungry will have food to eat. okay? does that sound like a good plan? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that sounds like a good plan? billy, do you want to get down? okay. we're going to get down. who wants to be a millionaire returns to abc wednesday night. watch the premiere after the finale of "modern family." i'd like to thank my contestants, billy kimmel. i want to thank jane. one was a lot more willing to play than the other. thank you, jane. thank you, billy. and thank you for watching, everybody. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live from my house."
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you know, maybe the last thing you want to be right now is viral. but our next guests did it the good way. their quarantine-themed version of the song "one more day" from "les misérables" became a massive hit online. and they are joining us all the way from their home in the united kingdom. please welcome ben, danielle, tess, ella, thomas, and alfie, the marsh family. hello, marsh family. >> hey! how's it going? >> jimmy: first of all, i want to say what you did was just great. i mean, there are so many videos going around now, and this one felt -- it was uplifting, i would say. it reminded me of "the sound of music." except that was a movie and this is real life. >> yeah. i'm not sure we're quite like "the sound of music." but yeah. it seems to have really struck a chord with people. it's been really lovely. >> jimmy: whose idea was it to write and record this song? >> so ben's the one that will take himself off to make these
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musical decisions. and i think to be honest he was just trying to look for a bit of a quiet space last thursday. >> oh, yeah. >> but he reappeared and said i've made some new lyrics to this song and was met with a little bit of -- well, a bit -- underwhelmed? they weren't particularly happy about it. and it took probably a day to get them to get interested in it. maybe an hour or so at tea time when we all sang it together and then sunday afternoon we decided to give it a go. and that was supposed to be the end of it. >> jimmy: who was most reluctant to do this? >> that would be alfie. >> jimmy: why, alfie? why didn't you want to do it, alfie? >> two main reasons. one originally was because i didn't want to be marius. i've never liked romance parts. and two, i was just in quite a bad mood on the day dad came out. i had a lot of work. >> he was in a bad mood because of his haircut. everyone is struggling with
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their hair. and i had a genius idea to order some trimmers, which arrived. and then i said to the girls, listen, we're going to be here for like three months. how about it? do what you like. it really doesn't matter. and the girls cut hair. and thomas and i were okay with it but alfie not so. >> the clippers ran out of battery before we finished alfie. >> jimmy: i don't know what it looked like before but it looks prettygood, alfie. i don't think they did a bad job. >> there has been a lot of gel in this. a lot of gel. >> jimmy: when did you guys realize that millions and millions of people were watching this video you made at your house? >> well, we posted it about half past 10:00 i think at night in the uk, and i had some friends in the states because i was supposed to be at a history conference there and just let them know it was coming and see what they thought of it. and the phone just kept pinging over the night as people woke up and they were sharing it in the states. and we woke up the next morning and our threads couldn't catch up with what was going on.
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we had a clue then that actually something a bit different was happening with this one, that we caught a nerve. >> yeah. ben was telling the children, we were trying to say like the comments that were coming through and we just couldn't keep up with how fast they were coming. yeah. by about 10:00 in the morning our jaime time it was something never seen before was happening. >> jimmy: so you're going to do a new song for us. this is something you've been working on. this is to benefit charity, correct? tell us about which charity you're focused on. >> well, we had responses that came from all over the world and they keep coming in from all kinds of countries. and it made us think actually besides all the smiling and crying we've helped people do and giving them four minutes of distraction there's a chance to do something really meaningful. so we felt that the world health organization covid solidarity fund was a perfect fit to support people really in need all over the globe suffering from the pandemic. and we had to -- these amazing
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responses from thomas had a list of countries. >> yeah. there was brazil, norway, hong kong -- actually, that was one of my favorite names. i'm not sure how to say it. >> yeah, yeah. >> someone commented called ding dong kwong from hong kong. >> jimmy: oh, yes. i know that guy. he's a good guy. >> he was very nice. >> jimmy: so when we come back, the marsh family is going to debut their brand new song from their home. thank you so much. we'll be right back with music. ♪
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bubbles at this price? is this for real? oh... it's real. believe me. i mean, this is unexpected. you would say, remarkable?
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absolutely. a remarkable deal! thanks, i get that all the time. wait what?! ♪grocrey outlet jingle wow... i think i'll take two. for the love! oh. >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live from my house." and now, ladies and gentlemen all around the world with a covid-themed take on the song "do you hear the people sing" here they are, the marsh family! >> this song. >> dad must have misplaced it. ♪ ♪ do you hear the people sing setting the songs against the pain ♪ ♪ it is the music
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of the people that will make us one again ♪ ♪ when the beating of our hearts echoes the beating of our drums ♪ ♪ there is a world we can restart when tomorrow comes ♪ ♪ will you join in our crusade who will be strong and stand with me ♪ ♪ beyond our barricade is there a global family then join in the fight that will give ♪ ♪ it the might to succeed do you hear the people sing setting the songs against the pain ♪ ♪ it is the music of the people that can make us one again ♪ ♪ when the beating of our hearts echoes the beating of our drums ♪ ♪ there is a world
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we can restart when tomorrow comes ♪ ♪ will you give what you can give so that our planet may advance ♪ ♪ some will fall and less may live if we neglect to take our chance ♪ ♪ to rally together in making a song and a dance ♪ ♪ do you hear the people sing setting the songs against the pain ♪ ♪ it is the music of the people that can make us one again ♪ ♪ when the beating of our hearts echoes the beating of our drums ♪ ♪ there is a world we can restart when tomorrow comes ♪ ♪ ♪ ah, ah
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♪ ah ♪ tomorrow comes >> jimmy: very well done. i'd like to thank the marsh family. i want to thank kaley cuoco, lady gaga. apologies to matt damon. we'll try to squeeze him in at a later date. join us tomorrow for another new show with ellen degeneres and the kids from "modern family." i now return you to your regularly scheduled netflix documentary.
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whaso let's do the rightver chanthing, today.ow. let's stay at home. let's wash up. let's always keep our distance - please, six feet apart at least. let's look after ourselves, as well as others. it will all be worth it. we can all do our part. so those on the front line can do their part. and when this is over, we will all, continue, to thrive. a community in


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