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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 8, 2020 12:05am-1:07am PDT

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please send help. i have been trapped here for i don't know how many days, but it's important to stay positive. and there are some good things about this. for instance, i haven't had to wear a bra in weeks. every day i wake up convinced i have the virus. every morning, i'm 100% convinced. same with my wife. for weeks this has been going on. at 7:00 a.m., we are convinced we're infected, and by noon we've completely forgotten about it every day. it's like diseased groundhog's day is anyone else doing this? they say the symptoms of covis include being exhausted and aching all over, but those are also the symptoms of having children. everyone is going a little nuts right now. one of our writers ponytail jesse found himself lysoling his lysol. if you disinfect a disinfectant does it become an infectant? we are on lockdown here in los angeles. the beaches are closed, the parks are closed, but the meter maids are still out giving tickets! but there is some positive while we've been holed up at home
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cleaning our closets. we somehow wound up with this shocking news >> coronavirus pandemic is doing something many once thought impossible. as of tonight, los angeles has the cleanest air of any major city in the world. >> jimmy: but please, do not go out to enjoy it. is there a way to save some of that for later? so, if that doesn't signify the end is near, i don't know what does. you know, we've seen many, many videos of neighbors singing on their balconies playing music having socially distant dance parties, but i believe this is a first. a guy on the what appears to be the third or fourth floor poured a glass of wine for a woman below him. this was in portland, oregon. they were hanging outside the windows to applaud nearby hospital workers making a shift change. that's the new way to drink responsibly. in tokyo it is graduation season
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and at least one university there found a way to hand out the diplomas using ipads and robots. >> known as noomys, the robots walk across the stage to accept diplomas, each bearing the face of the student it represents. they are dressed in graduation gowns and caps to fit the occasion. >> jimmy: congratulations to the entire "terminator" family. ipads aren't the only products being put to clever use. apple is said to be at work making face shields for doctors. apple ceo tim cook today, released a prototype. of what the shields will look like. i'm gonna wait for the face shield x. the prime minister of england is very ill. boris johnson - is in intensive care with coronavirus. and the prime minister of
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ireland is at the hospital too, but he is there to work. prime minister leo varadkar renewed his medical license so he could volunteer as a doctor. meanwhile, our president is volunteering as a doctor too arbitrarily prescribing lupus pills and fish tank chemicals at every press conference. trump over the past few weeks has been pushing this drug hydroxychloroquine hard despite repeated warnings from his top health guy dr. fauci who warns that the drug's effectiveness against the virus hasn't been tested. well, now it turns out, trump's inexplicable passion for this drug might be a bit more explicable. turns out he has a financial stake in the company that makes the drug. of course he does. do we really think he went out of his way to learn how to say the word "hydroxychloroquine" for no reason? >> you have chloroquine and
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hydroxychloroquine. hydroxychloroquine. that's hydroxychloroquine. hydroxychloroquine. hydroxychloroquine. try it. >> jimmy: that's a great commercial. the president potentially profiting from this is very unethical. this would be like if he tried to host a g-7 summit at one of his own resorts. oh wait, never mind. you know if we really wanted to get enough masks to all the hospitals, all we have to do is start selling them at trump store dot com. but the president is feeling very optimistic. yesterday, tweeted, "light at the end of the tunnel." no, that's your tanning bed. you left it on. there was another high profile firing today. the white house press secretary, stephanie grisham is out after ten months. grisham gave a total of no press conferences during her tenure. she will be replaced by loyal team trumper kayleigh mcenany, who back in february, wisely
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said this. >> he's sort of the last line of defense there. >> well, first line, i should say. >> absolutely. this president will always put america first. he will always protect american citizens. we will not see diseases like the coronavirus come here. >> jimmy: thank you new white house spokes model. thank god because can you imagine if it did? she's going to fit right in. only the best people. the first thing kayleigh will have to deal with is this. a memo has surfaced showing that trump was specifically warned back in january that half a million americans could die. as a result of this pandemic. this memo was written by his own trade advisor, peter navarro. who wrote the memo while the president was saying everything is fine and then he wrote another memo in february when the president was still saying everything is fine. saying the same thing. but if you show up at a press conference you'd better not ask him about it. trump has been using his q and a sessions to beat up on the press. yesterday, his victim was jon karl of abc news.
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>> the hhs inspector general, by the way, her name is kristy grimm. it wasn't so much her opinion, but they interviewed 323 different hospitals. >> it still could be her opinion. when was she appointed? when was she appointed? >> i don't know. >> let me know now. how long has that person been in government? >> did serve in the previous administration. >> oh, you didn't tell me that, i see. you didn't tell me that, jon. you didn't tell me that. served in the previous administration. you mean the obama administration. thank you for telling me that. see, there's a typical fake news deal. >> you asked when she was appointed. i told you when she was appointed. >> you're a third rate reporter and what you just said was a disgrace. well, it was appointed in the obama administration. thank you very much, jon, thank you very much, jon. ly infyou will never make it. >> jimmy: he's at the white house. i think he made it. we should start calling him pout-us.
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by the way, christi grimm started at the office of the inspector general in 1999. she's served under four presidents, republican, democratic and idiotic. jon karl wasn't the only journalist who took shrapnel. trump repeatedly refuted a report. a report put out by his own administration that said hospitals have a shortage of supplies and long waits for tests. which we all know they do. this report made him so angry he even went after a reporter for "fox news." >> i know you don't want to talk about the inspector general report, but testing is still a big issue in this country. when can hospitals -- >> put the slide up again, please. >> when can hospitals expect to receive a quick turn around of the test results? >> are you ready? are you ready? hospitals can do their own testing also. states can do their own testing. states are supposed to be doing testing. hospitals are supposed to be doing testing. do you understand that? we're the federal government.
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we're the federal government. we're not supposed to stand on street corners doing testing. we have a brand-new testing system we developed very quickly, and that's your result. and you should say congratulations, great job, instead of being so horrid in the way you ask a question, please, go ahead. >> jimmy: say what you will about the guy. he really knows how to speak to women. you know what would be great? one day, all the reporters should get together and agree to only ask trump nice questions. just to be dicks. one after the next, they'd get up and go, "mr. president, why was your bold leadership so perfect and effective? wouldn't that be the best? he's really gone off the charts with these charts. he loves this one that shows the number of coronavirus tests that have been done so far. you can see it goes all the way up to two million, which seems like a lot until you consider that there are 330 million americans. but don't ask him about it. everything is perfect and great! at this point, it's like the captain of the titanic is ordering the band to play louder to drown out the screams. here's some good news.
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at the ocean park zoo in hong kong. the giant pandas who live there are mating naturally for the first time in a decade. ying ying and le le are doing it do you think pandas call it doggie style? turns out all they needed to get in the mood was not having thousands of people pointing at them and taking pictures all day. for ten years, no one thought "what if we gave them some privacy?" i guess there's something about humans going extinct that makes these pandas very randy. all it took was a global pandemic for ying ying to get her groove back. speaking of groove lets check in with guilermo. who is at his home. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> guillermo: i'm doing great, family's fantastic. >> jimmy: how are you doing on toilet paper? >> guillermo: unfortunately, i'm running low.
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>> jimmy: imagine if i asked that question in january? you'd thought i was nuts, right, guillermo? >> guillermo: that's right. >> jimmy: but times have changed and we've learned to appreciate those fresh, puffy rolls of toilet paper. the folks at cottonelle made a donation and are donating an additional $200,000 in honor of our show tonight. on top of that, they're donating 1 million rolls of their soft and luxurious rolled gold, too. you could be a part of this, now through june 1st. cottonelle will donate an additional dollar in honor of anyone who tags #share a square. you can get the information at and guillermo, since you are in need, i'm going to share a square with you, okay? here's how you do t uh, there,
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take it, guillermo. you see that? yes. >> guillermo: thank you, i got to go! >> jimmy: all right, he might need a little more. all right. use the #shareasquare, and thank you to cottonelle for teaching us squaring is sharing. guillermo is so good, he wanted to help other parents. gather the kids. it's time now for the first of what i hope will be many installments of homework corner with guillermo. >> guillermo: hello, and welcome to homework corner with guillermo. today's problem is what is 189 divided by 3. wow. that's a very hard question. divided by three,
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i think it's, i don't, i don't do division anymore. oh, wow, maybe we go to commercial, and then we'll be right back with the answer. >> jimmy: nothing brings people together like tonight we'll be right back with ellen degeneris, so stick around. ♪ >> from his house! ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ however you celebrate... let's make it special. easter for everybunny.
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uh-oh, dead battery at your rustic rental. what if a little birdie told you it's switching time? thanks friend. switched up to twelve hours of battery life. switch to chromebook. anywhere near your white couch. but we did it. and you know what happened? nothing. glad bag with leakguard. helps prevent leaks and drama.
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glad bag with leakguard. michael vasquez! come over here. i've heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to...
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and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. ♪ jimmy kimmel live >> from his house! >> jimmy: welcome back to jimmy kimmel live from his house. welcome to my escape room. still trying to figure out the escape part. tonight on the show a young man
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who is making his television debut from his bathroom, sam fischer. we're also going to salute an icu nurse from boston who is out in the field fighting the coronavirus right now. and then later, the kids, or rather, the young adults, from "modern family" compete against each other in a scavenger hunt from their homes. the series finale modern family is tomorrow night. make sure to join us after that with the adults from "modern family." and also tomorrow an all new season of "who wants to be a millionaire" hosted by me! so please check that out. my guest tonight is equal parts national treasure, talk-show host, and fish. she joins us from her very well-appointed home, please welcome ellen degeneres. hello, ellen. ellen, may i ask a question? and first of all, there is nothing scarier than andy lurking behind you in that mask. it looks like a sequel to
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"friday the 13th." but i did want to ask you, a lot of people have been making fun of our wallpaper. they don't like the wallpaper. i know you can't see much of it right now. i trust your taste. what do you think of the wallpaper here in our home? >> i like that. i've been to your house and kitchen, but i think that's an area i've never been to. and i like it, and i think it's homey and cozy, and i like when you went around and climb ared through the window to show people it wasn't a green screen. >> jimmy: yeah. okay. >> i enjoy it, an you know, you can't please til t have you at all instead of picking on your wallpaper. >> jimmy: if you like it then we like it. thank you, appreciate it. i noticed you are making videos of not necessarily really making videos but sneaking up on portia while she's cooking. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: have you noticed, has she gotten good at it over the last few weeks? cooking seemingly every night? >> no. >> jimmy: no? >> no. no. now that's not true. although she is going out, we're trying to support the restaurants here, too, because there are still restaurants. look, we just went through the fires and mudslides out here, and all of the restaurants were out of business, all the wait staff was laid off. everybody was just getting back to normal, and so we're trying to support all the restaurants. that's what i'm telling her. but i think that, but look, she's learned how to cook, which is more than i can say i've done. i don't cook. and she's gotten pretty good at it, but we do want to support the restaurants here, too. it's been a little bit of both. she's been cooking. she's not good at, here's thing she's good at. she's good at slicing her fingers. one time someone told her to use a mandolin instead of a cheese
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greater, so she used a mandolin, but she didn't know there's a plastic thing you're supposed to hold the thing with, so then she sliced her finger with a mandolin. so you're a cook, actually a really good cook. >> jimmy: well. >> y'all are set. >> jimmy: well, yeah, we're okay in the cooking department. is it true that on that same day, because i'm not sure how on social media it lined up. but that same day that portia sliced her finger, she was also shocked by the electric fence? >> yes. yes. and one day, she was electrocuted trying to pet a horse. she was leaning over a fence, and it was not nice to her and the horse. >> jimmy: this has been a hellish nightmare. >> yeah, she's definitely, it's safer when she doesn't cook and she just stays inside. what is your go-to, is there a regular meal that you've been cooking? or have you kind of veered off
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and tried new things? >> jimmy: i've tried a couple of new things. but the thing i cook more than anything is something called pasta-tina. beans, garlic, olive oil and a little bit of flavoring, and i make a pasta for the kids with parmesan cheese, and they demand this every day, every single meal, i say what do you guys want? and every meal they say pasta-tina. that is our main item of sustenance. >> would you do me a favor and send that recipe to me so i can have portia try that and we'll post it and see how she does. >> jimmy: absolutely. ail ma i'll make an individual j video do it. andy is urinating in your yard right now. >> that's okay.
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that's what he's supposed to do. [ laughter ] it's totally fine. >> jimmy: okay. >> it will water it all down. >> jimmy: okay, good. i wanted to ask you about this selfie you took at the oscars. this would be illegal now. this would be, you would potentially be arrested for doing this now. this is what it would look like now. >> i know. you think, you think of all the things that, like, imagine beino a whole bunch of people now. it's crazy. >> jimmy: every once in a while i'll go out on the street, walk up the hill, and sometimes there are people walking up the hill, and sometimes people don't even make any effort to kind of like maneuver around you. they're really not, a lot of people just don't seem to care about sneezing or sweating or
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doing whatever steam is coming out of their bodies, it getting on you. >> that's not okay. yeah, i've been hiking a lot. and for the most part, everybody stays. like i hiked with julia louis-dreyfus the other day, because she's up here also. and we stayed six feet apart the whole time we walking and talking to each other. neither of us heard a word the other were saying but we did talk. i think it's really important. we would pass people. we would stay pretty far apart. most people up here are pretty good with the social distancing, and i'm paying attention to it. as you see, i have andy outside. but it's going to be very strange to slowly acclimate back to normal life and to be in a group of people. what do you miss? do you miss having the studio audience? >> jimmy: i do, i do miss having the studio audience. it's strange. i did radio for 12 years, so i do have some background in no one laughing, but it is strange,
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and it's a weird transition. i feel like i've made it and i wonder what it's going to be like when we eventually go back. will it be startling? like you did your netflix special and went back to standup comedy, you probably didn't realize you wouldn't be seeing anything like that again anytime soon. >> yeah. yeah. yeah, i can't imagine if i had been working and building up to shooting a special and then this happens, and then i, you can't do it, like know what i mean, i mean, it's like everybody. there's all these athletes and what's going to happen with all the sports. it's very strange. and, and, you know, i know you feel the same way i do. i'm very blessed that i'm, i'm in a position where i'm, you know, okay and safe and, but it just is, for so many people out there, for so many reasons, it's, it's a very scary time. and i think it's scarier, because we don't, we don't have
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a clear understanding of when this is going to end and how it's going to end. >> jimmy: do you miss giving things away, like when the amazon guy comes to your house, do you hand him a bowl or a candle or anything like that? >> no, i have a whole bunch of 4k 4ktcroku tvs, and they're stacked up. anybody who comes by i give them a tv. yeah, it's hard. it's really, it's a very strange thing. >> jimmy: i was talking to somebody about this the other day, i said i wonder how we will look back at this, 10, 15 years from now. >> i know. we'll keep doing the best we can. what, andy? i like talking to my friend jimmy. i miss him. >> jimmy: it's like an andy aquarium back there. >> it's, it's the best.
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i'm going to feed him at some point, too. i'll bring like some tongs and give him something. >> jimmy: please give portia our best and i'll send you that recipe. >> say hi to molly. i'll see you soon. >> jimmy: thank you ellen. when we come back we are going to highlight a real-life healthcare hero, so stick around. way more than you think. check out this game. yes... galaxy 5g means you will beat your friends- what if i want to show my friend this little guy? calling the whole gang is even better with galaxy 5g. wait a minute, are you bored? obviously imagine a future where the best seats in the house are in your hand. with galaxy 5g (yelling) it's like being there. without being there. ♪ that's a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. without being there. our gummies contain a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level
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while keeping safe and staying in, we can still go out! -sort of. so while you're discovering new things to do in the box, we'll be here for you... at the drive-thru, on the mobile app, and with delivery. >> jimmy: welcome back to jimmy kimmel live from his house. this month during the lockdown, we are paying tribute to those who are on the frontlines. tonight's healthcare hero is an icu nurse at beth israel deaconess medical center in
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boston. her name is taylor chase-meyers. and she joins us now from her home. hello taylor. >> hi, jimmy. >> jimmy: thank you for joining us. >> it's an honor to meet you. >> jimmy: it's more of an honor to meet you. i understand you've been work being long shifts, huh? >> extremely long shifts. i work nights. there's less staff, and it's tough. >> jimmy: you work what, 7:00 to 7:00? 12-hour shifts? >> yeah, 7:00 to 7:00. >> jimmy: is that a normal shift? have you ever seen anything like this before? >> yeah, so 7:00 p to to to t a normal shift, but have i seen anything like this covid-19 before? we had a crisis in boston? 2013, and i worked in the trauma icu then, and the boston marathon bombing was like huge for our city, and, you know, it
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was, you know, a catastrophe, but it wasn't the exact same, because this, you feel like you're more susceptible to the illness and everything of the patient. with that, it was just, you know, you didn't have your own worry of you getting sick or your family getting sick. >> jimmy: what is it like at the hospital where you're working? are people on edge? how, how are people holding up there? >> i mean, there's like an overlying tension in general. and it's like hugely anxiety provoking, but in general, our hospital is like, in boston in general, our health care workers are strong and resilient and like we lean on each other a ton. so we have that. and i feel like we'll get through it, but i mean it's definitely like this weird, like, you know, tense area. >> jimmy: do you have all the supplies that you need at the
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hospital? >> i mean, honestly, every hospital needs more ppe. i think that's like, in general, needs to be, like, the number one priority, for, like, the entire nation, really. >> jimmy: you also have two little kids, right? how old are your kids? >> yeah, my son is 3. his name's quinn. and my daughter, sawyer, is 18 months. >> jimmy: and your husband, i understand, also has been working, helping to find child care for people who are affected and infected by the virus. >> yeah, he is an attorney for the department of early education and care, and he's been work beiing tirelessly home to set up emergency child care for all the front line personnel of massachusetts. >> jimmy: i don't think we could find a more deserving family to honor. so what we wanted to do, our friends at lavatser coffee want to give you $10,000 to do whatever you like with,
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>> oh, my gosh! >> jimmy: you could buy ten rolls of toilet paper or whatever you can get with that now. >> if you can find toilet paper! >> jimmy: they're going to donate 4500 bags of coffee to your hospital, to the workers there which hopefully will keep you guys going and awake and donated 50,000 bags of coffee to other hospitals across the country. and we just wanted to say thank you. i don't know how many times we could ever say thank you to be grateful enough for what you're risking and what you're doing, but we are all, all of us, i think you probably know that. and i hope you're hearing that from people in person as well. >> yeah, i mean, we so appreciate the support. it's hugely tough to go to the hospital day after day and night after night and then have to come home to your family and you're worried about bringing anything home or just being infected personally, and just
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like the support and the laughs from you, jimmy, is like super helpful to keep our mental health and spirit up. >> jimmy: thank you, again, we appreciate everything you do. take care of those kids, and thank you for doing everything that you are doing right now. if you have a health care hero you would like to nominate to be honored on our show, just post about it using #health carehero. thank you very much, taylor, take care. >> thank you so much, jimmy. >> jimmy: when we come back an at-home scavenger hunt with the kids from "modern family." so stick around. ♪ ur priority is keeping our customers, employees, and communities safe. during these uncertain times we want you to get the great service you expect without leaving the safety of your home. makes shopping easier by offering free next day shipping and no activation fees on our best new phone deals, like the amazing iphone 11 for just $15 a month when you switch. for now is the best way to learn about
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oh. ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to jimmy kimmel live from his house. music with sam fischer from his bathroom is on the way. but first, over the last 11 years we've watched my next guests grow and blossom into adult people.
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tomorrow night is the two hour series finale of modern family. joining me now from their real homes say hello to sarah hyland, ariel winter, nolan gould and rico rodriguez! hi, guys. >> hello! >> how are you? >> jimmy: have you been keeping in touch? or since you guys finished taping the show is that it? >> i've talked about pokemon go. and rico has occasionally played me back in darts. >> when i occasionally do it, it's fun and we do it like all day. >> jimmy: of you, who is taking the quarantine the least seriously? >> don't you guys dare say me. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: okay, you're all taking it seriously. have any of you watched the finale yet? or are you waiting to see it on television? >> i'm going to be watching it
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with the families at home. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> nobody's given it to us before hand, so i think we're all just going to see it. >> jimmy: did you guys cry on the final taping? were there tears shed? >> i have nolan sobbing. >> for sure. for me, i was keeping it together for the last shot and right when i heard everyone starting to talk and everyone was like, okay, it's about that time where that was the last take, then all of a sudden ed put his arm around me and i went from 0 to 100 real quick. and it was water works the rest of the day. >> jimmy: who will you miss most of your cast mates, starting with erielle. >> i'm going to be honest with you. if i didn't live so close to nolan, it would be nolan. i live near rico and can talk to
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recoul rico and sara. i'm going to say ed. >> jimmy: sara, how about you? >> yeah, that's a good point, erielle. i live so close to you guys and i'm so close to jesse and his husband justin. i will miss ed the most. that's such a good point. >> jimmy: you guys should just go over to ed's house in the middle of the night or something if you're going to miss him so much. >> we're going to get in bed with him. hey, how are you, man, we miss you? >> ed is quarantined in hawaii right now. are you on lockdown in your beach house in hawaii yet? you poor thing. i hope you're going to be okay. >> jimmy: it will be a good, healthy swim. so you guys are only going to be family members for one more day, we wanted to take this opportunity to play a special sibling rivalry edition of
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scavenger hunt. i assume you know how a scavenger hunt works. rules are simple. i will ask you to find an item or complete a task, and your job is to do that as quickly as you can. >> can i interrupt? i'm actually their uncle. not quite siblings. >> jimmy: you're still family. it would be frowned on if there was a relationship, let's put it that way, all right? here we go. first thing, bring back something you love. go get something you love, bring it back! oh, sara is fast, what's your dog's name? >> this is boo. >> jimmy: you love boo? oh, wow. >> hi. >> this is baby. >> jimmy: nolan ran to the pound. >> i have four dogs, so i don't want one to feel like she's getting special treatment, but their one does have a fantastic
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hair tie right now. >> i have a feeling we all grabbed dogs, didn't we? >> jimmy: but, you know what, i think sara has the biggest dog. so sara, you win that round based on pounds, okay? next challenge is to get your phone and read a text from julie bowen. >> oh, no. >> oh, no! >> jimmy: extra points if you've got any kind of profanity. let's start with rico, go ahead. >> julie text me, love you, got carried away with my crafty page. sorry, i forgot to bring it. >> jimmy: okay, sara. >> one a day, what colors? >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> she's been knitting beanies, and, well, as my fiance requested a beanie. >> jimmy: ariel? >> your hair is prescient.
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there's a text below it, but i'm not going to read it. >> jimmy: you can win this round if it's good. >> i'm not going to read it on tv. >> jimmy: nolan? >> do you want actual profanity? i've got a lot. >> jimmy: yes, yes, give us something good. >> ah-oh. okay. yes, also, i had -- also i had requested this naughty, erielle's 11 minutes late comment from whose [ bleep ] phone by the way, it was not toby or trey, i have documentation of that. be excised from documentary. >> jimmy: we're going to give that round to nolan. your final challenge, bring back the largest bottle of alcohol in your house. yes! the dogs are going for it, too. that's right, america, the kids from "modern family" are all of legal drinking age. now do you feel old? right. all right, here we go.
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erielle's come back with, oh, what is that, fireball? wow, bacardi? we've got, oh, that is rubbing alcohol, very clever, rico. and -- >> i'm prepared! >> jimmy: and so far, i don't know how many ounces we got there, but, definitely the slowest member of the family is nolan, for sure. nolan may have stopped and had a drink on the way. let's see what nolan comes back with. nolan, what do you have? >> it's pretty big. this is a $5 vintage from 7-eleven. >> jimmy: all right, you know what? i think we're going to have to say the winner is fireball. that bottle is the most full. all right, now drink the whole thing on camera. >> mine has a hole on top for easy access. >> mine, too, jimmy? >> jimmy: i'm going to call it a four-way tie, because you all performed very admirably, and
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each won a mini bottle of hand sanitizer, street value, $800. we look forward to seeing the big finale, thank you for being a part of this, and your show will be missed. you guys will be missed as well. i'm sure you guys will be around as well. modern family, tomorrow night, 8:00/7:00 central, we'll be back with music with sam fisher live from the lavatory!
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when i have i feel scared. sometimes my parents have to take me to the hospital. i feel like a fish with no water. you know how to react to their asthma attacks. here's how to prevent them. call... visit... or call your doctor.
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because... ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: well, that's our show. i hope you had the quarantime of your life. i'd like to thank ellen degeneres, sarah hyland, ariel winter, nolan gould, rico rodriguez. our friend taylor and all the medical professionals out there saving lives. apologies to matt damon, who has never done anything for anyone. i'll be back here again tomorrow for a new show with the adults from modern family after the big finale, but first, making his
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television debut from his bathroom in los angeles and other locales from around the world. here with the song "this city," sam fischer is live from the lavatory! ♪ ♪ i've been seeing lonely people in crowded rooms ♪ ♪ covering their old heartbreaks with new tattoos ♪ ♪ it's all about smoke screens and cigarettes looking through low lights at silhouettes ♪ ♪ but all i see is lonely people in crowded rooms this city's gonna eart ♪hicity gon l leave malon s aou♪ sie felt like i'm home am i getting closer to knowing where i belong ♪
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♪ this city's gonna break my heart she's always gonna break your heart oh ♪ ♪ ♪ i remember mornings when my head didn't hurt and i remember nights when art didn't feel like work ♪ ♪ she wakes up at noon and she's out 'til three she leaves her perfume all over me ♪ ♪ but i remember mornings when my head didn't hurt oh this city's gonna break my heart ♪ ♪ this city's gonna love me then leave me alone this city's got me chasing stars ♪t's bei ple nt
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am iet closetome kninbeng ♪ ♪ this city's gonna break my heart she's always gonna ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oh ooh-ooh-ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ she got a hold on me she got me wrapped 'round her finger she got a hold on me ♪ ♪ she got me wrapped 'round her finger this city's gonna break my heart ♪ ♪ this city's gonna love me then leave me alone chasing stars ♪ ♪ it's been a couple months since i felt like i'm home am i getting closer to
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knowing where i belong ♪ ♪ this city's gonnamyrt she's always gonna break your heart ♪ ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oh ooh-ooh-ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ♪ this city's gonna break my heart she's always gonna break your heart ♪ >> thanks, jimmy, goodnight, everybody. ♪
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