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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 15, 2020 12:36am-1:07am PDT

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this was kind of funny, i guess this is the bright side of the stay at home order. i got an e-mail from costco saying they had a package they were going to deliver today and the window for delivery was from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., a seven-hour delivery window, and for the first time in my life i was like, no problem. in fact, if you need stretch it to 6:00, 6:30, midnight, fine, you don't have to let me know, i'll be sitting right there by the door waiting for people have been staying at home and ordering stuff. this is good. this actually happened to me once, with a 26 foot moving truck someone captured this on their ring camera. an amazon delivery guy forgot to put his truck in park, and then he brought the item to the door. and was pretty relaxed, until
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the truck started rolling backwards down the street. last we checked, he's still chasing it. in politics, which are happening, whether we like it or not, a very big name weighed in today, on the race for president. >> hi, everybody. >> jimmy: hi, everybody? where the hell have you been? did you not see the o'bat signal?. it's been flashing for like two years. >> jimmy: as was expected, barack obama officially endorsed his former vp for p. obama, who has been in quarantine since, january of 2017, posted a 12 minute video on twitter. and you can see, he looks older. every time i see him, it feels like he's visiting from the future to warn us about something. obama gave biden a hearty endorsement, and he had kind words for bernie sanders too. he described bernie as "an american original," which sounds good, i guess, but realistically, you could say the same thing about mountain dew code red.
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some are saying obama's endorsement came late, given that he waited until joe biden had the nomination. it's like endorsing tom brady for quarterback of the buccaneers. but obama has been off windsurfing or something. he had to wait for a breeze. to bring him into shore. meanwhile, donald trump just got an endorsement from a president too, himself. it was another manic monday for old yeller, who gave an all-timer of a press conference yesterday. he was almost foaming at the mouth. he was huffing and puffing so much, you'd think he'd just done a sit- up. he's very upset. he is upset, not about the death toll, or the lack of ventilators, masks, tests, etcetera, etcetera. he's upset because he doesn't want blame, he wants credit. blame bad, credit good. and that's what he wants. he went on for two hours and 24 minutes, with no intermission. in case you missed it, we whittled it down to the best of the worst. >> i don't mind being
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criticized, but not when they're wrong. if you call cnn a network, i don't, personally, you know you're a fake, the whole network is a fake. the story is a fake. it's a fake newspaper, and they write fake stories. not all of you, but the people are wise to you. that's why you have a lower approval rating than you've ever had before times probably three. >> why are there no consequences for china for the misinformation. >> how do you know there are no consequences. i wouldn't tell you. you'd probably be the last person on earth i'd tell. the president of the united states calls the shots. when somebody's the president of the united states, the authority is total. >> but who told you that the president has the total authority. >> enough. >> jimmy: like an angry parent. you underestimate the power of the orange side. so he's handling things well, but this is what happens when he goes a week without golf. he explodes. trump is battling with the governors now. he insists that the president calls all the shots, which is,
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of course, not true, and totally contrary to the longtime position of the republican party, which believes strongly in states rights. you can't embrace the confederacy and the total authority of the federal government at the same time. it's like thanos having an iron-man themed birthday party. you just don't do it. so after trump went on his power trip, a reporter from "politico," had the good sense to ask mike pence, who was governor of indiana, what he thinks. >> mr. president, this is a question for mr. vice president. do you agree with the president's statement and his understanding of feld rderalismt his power is total? is there neg you'd like to add or in context to the way he was discussing that? >> i support the president's leadership under the national emergency declaration that he signed. >> jimmy: he looks scared, doesn't he? i thought robots weren't supposed to show fear? i guess they haven't worked out all the kinks yet. trump made history yesterday. he did something i don't believe
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any president has done before. he brought a video for the press to watch. like a lazy substitute teacher. propogrampa had his staff, cut together a video, designed i guess, to make him look good and them look bad. but it seems like it had the opposite effect. >> we have a few clips that we're just going to put up. we could turn the lights a little bit lower. i think you'll find them interesting. please, you can put it on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> so we could give you hundreds of clips like that. >> jimmy: please do. i'd love to see -- maybe he'd finally get that emmy he always wanted. by all accounts, it was the likes of which no reporter, seems to have ever seen. but in fairness, in the interest of equal time, trump's unhinged performance did receive one rave review. >> i've seen a lot of the president's briefings, i've held a few of them myself. today was one of his best. >> jimmy: he's not going to come to your birthday party, sean. when are you gonna get that through your head? trump is not just talking up a storm, he's also tweeting one. why he is doing this? i have no idea. there is no reason for it, but he was on the offensive again today, lashing out. he wrote, "tell the democrat governors that 'mutiny on the bounty' was one of my all time favorite movies. a good old-fashioned mutiny every now and then is an
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exciting and invigorating thing to watch, especially when the mutineers need so much from the captain. too easy!" this is unbelievable, not only is he threatening not to help states with federal assistance, with our money. the captain from "mutiny on the bounty," in the end of that movie, was judged to be unfit to lead. in other words, the ship has hit the tan. most states are under shelter in place orders, only essential businesses are allowed to be open, and in florida, one of those essential business is the wwe. world wrestling entertainment. is essential, in florida. it's nice to know that even after all of this, florida hasn't lost its floridaness. wwe will continue to hold their matches, but without crowds. is professional wrestling without a crowd still even professional wrestling? at that point isn't it just an argument on a trampoline? just for this period of time,
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they should make wrestling real. why not? let'em fight it out. what do they have to lose? and one more thing, over the last several weeks, we have been shining a light on those who are finding creative ways to amuse yourselves and others while on lockdown. and with that said, here it is our "quarantime killer of the night." >> jimmy: you know you're bored when you're dreaming about riding amtrak. let's take a break. when we return, we'll be back with a man, who actually has the coronavirus. george stephanopoulos is standing by. so stick around. ♪
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classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. ♪ >> jimmy: my guest works tirelessly to bring us the news, now he is the news. here to tell us about his coronavirus diagnosis and how he saved his wife ali's wife, here is george stephanopoulos. >> that is not the way she sees it. >> jimmy: i think of you as a hero no matter how she sees it. how are you doing? >> i'm doing fine. ali had a pretty tough case. she was in bed for a couple of weeks. but i've never had a fever, never had a cough. never had shortness of breath, no chills. the only thing i could think of is one day, a couple, now it's
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almost three weeks ago, i had a little bit of lower back pain and went to bed early, and that was it. and then a couple days after that, no sense of smell for about a day, but that was like several weeks ago. and since then, just nothing beyond that. >> jimmy: why did you end up getting tested? because were you planning to go back to work? >> yeah, i wanted to make sure eventually, when i went back to work that i was absolutely negative. i was pretty surprised that it turned out positive. even the technician, when she called to say so, said we don't get it, because when i went in, i don't know, my temperature was 97. my oxygen was 99. she said we were surprised, too, but there you go. >> jimmy: but you are working. you're anchoring "good morning, america" from your dining room, is that where you are? >> yeah, i'm in the living room now, but die it from t now, but i do it from the
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deepidining room. the dogs go nuts when they see a squirrel in the back yard. >> jimmy: so your number one issue is squirrels right now. >> squirrels. and hair. >> jimmy: and hair. who is doing your hair? >> you know, can't you tell? i'm doing it myself. >> jimmy: i'm doing mine as well. and it's embarrassing to even talk about who's doing your hair. but i know typically at your workplace, you have three people, one person does your hair and one for each eyebrow, yes? [ laughter ] >> well, they take lot of work. >> jimmy: so how are your daughters doing? i know you have two teenage daughters. are they doing okay? >> they're doing great, they're watching us right now, sitting across the room. they're doing the distance learning thing on their laptops all day, complaining about home work, so we know everything is going well. and they've also turned me on to
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"love island." >> jimmy: oh, you're watching "love island", huh? >> yeah, annals of bad parenting. >> jimmy: is ali still around? or is she like e.t. at the end of the movie? hi, ali. we'll take a break and come back and talk to ali and george. >> i'm the teaser. i'm being the teaser. >> jimmy: we'll be right back. so what will galaxy 5g really change? way more than you think. check out this game. yes... galaxy 5g means you will beat your friends- what if i want to show my friend this little guy? calling the whole gang is even better with galaxy 5g. wait a minute, are you bored? obviously imagine a future where the best seats in the house are in your hand. with galaxy 5g (yelling) it's like being there. without being there. ♪
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thank you. ♪
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>> jimmy: we are chatting with george stephanopoulos and ali wentworth, both who have had the coronavirus. you both look good. you look great. this gives me hope. ali, you had it really bad, right? >> it's funny, which is very indicative of our lives. i get corona, and i'm deathly ill for three weeks with a high fever and sweating and achy like, you know, and going crazy, like martin sheen in "apocalypse now", and george gets it, and he has no symptoms. >> jimmy: does that annoy you that he has no sense of smell for like an hour. >> if i weren't quarantined with him, we would probably take a separate weekend away. >> jimmy: did george take good care of you? how did it work? did you ring a bell when you needed something? >> he just knew, he
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instinctually knew when i needed to have my temperature faken. he didn't have to like bathe me or anything, but he brought me food and chicken soup. >> lemonade. >> and lemonade. he was actually a rock star. >> jimmy: oh, look at this. >> kids! sorry, we're home schooling. [ laughter ] >> trying to raise a couple makeup artists. >> jimmy: i know that's always been your dream. >> oh, if we're that lucky. it's all about trade school now, jimmy. >> jimmy: ali, how long were you in your bedroom? how long were you actually confined to the bedroom? >> 16 days. >> i would say 16 days, yeah. >> jimmy: holy cow. and how do you handle that? what are you doing in there? >> first of all, you're basically just focussed on getting healthy, right? and getting well. so you're basically sleeping and taking tylenol p.m., and i watched all seven seasons of
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"mad men." and in my delirium, i thought i was married to jon hamm and that he was cheating on me, now george is quarantined whether we're in a pandemic or not. >> jimmy: you assume there's no way you can get it now, right? because you've had it you're okay. >> that is the assumption. >> we sure hope so. >> why, you want me to do your grocery shopping? >> jimmy: no, but i do like the idea. and of course i don't want to get this, but i love the idea, and you guys are in a great position now, because you can walk amongst humanity as if you have some sort of super powers. you are invulnerable to the virus now, and that seems like it would be a great thing to feel. >> if it's true. >> yeah, if it's true. >> yeah. believe me, people have, people have been e-mailing me about things that they want me to pick up when i'm completely better. >> have either of you heard from other coronavirus victims, like
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tom hanks or idris elba or the virgin bachelor cult? anyone like that? >> i wish i'd heard from idris elba, but i did talk to people who had it, and they were really helpful, telling me, you know, make sure you drink a lot of orange juice and rest and that kind of stuff was great. and i'm telling you right now, on jimmy kimmel, that you can dm me on instagram if you have it and you're scared or you want any sort of pointers. gayle king was like, where did you get it? and i said i have no idea. i could have gotten it from romaine lettuce. and then she texts me back, do you think you got it from romaine lettuce? suddenly, everybody knew somebody who had it. so they want all the information. you know, and then i heard from people i haven't heard from in a catrillion years. suddenly my ex-boyfriend cares whether i live or die. >> jimmy: wouldn't it be
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interesting after all this we find out it's romaine lettuce behind this whole deal? >> no more caesar's, oh, well. >> we're arugula people anyway, so we don't really care. >> jimmy: first of all, i'm glaglad you are okay, and ali, i'm sorry that you had to go through that, and george i wish were you going through that, it would be a more interesting segment. no, i'm glad you're not going through that. but each night i ask our guest to select a charity. >> this is a great one. it's called r.i.p. medical debt. and what they do is they figure out a way for every dollar you donate, they retire $100 of somebody's medical debt, so every dollar in donation goes a long way. we all know now ems in tspecial the wake of this crisis there will be a lot of people face being surprise medical bills. this is a great charity. we've been big supporters for a long time, and they do
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incredible work. >> jimmy: the first couple of the coronavirus, ladies and gentlemen, ali wentworth and george stephanopoulos. >> say hi to molly and the kids. >> jimmy: in these uncertain times we all need ways to destress. since we can't have a drink at a bar or go out to eat, or even the single act of wrestling a stranger at a bus stop is impossible right now. as a public service here are surefire tips to relieve your quaran-tension. number one, ignore your texts. just because you see them, doesn't mean you got them. try again in july, carol. number two, scream into the void. don't have a void? scream into your freezer or a pillow or a pet. number three, call your friends. that's an easy one. you can even do it on video chat like this. hey, guillermo, how's it going? >> guillermo: good. >> jimmy: okay.
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bye. >> guillermo: bye. >> jimmy: see, i feel bert already. and if all else fails, try natural vitality calm, the trusted magnesium supplement and stress reliever for 37 years, look at this. i want you to listen to it, too. you hear that fizz? that's the sound of your worries just melting away. >> guillermo: hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh, hey, guillermo. >> guillermo: hey, jimmy, i was going to do some nothing. do you want to do some nothing with me? >> jimmy: i would love to do some nothing with you. >> find stress relief at natural vitality calm and select retailers. >> jimmy: i like nothing. >> guillermo: me too tually was. dust mite droppings! eeeeeww! dead skin cells! gross! so now, i grab my swiffer sweeper and heavy-duty dusters. duster extends to three feet to get all that gross stuff
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gotcha! and for that nasty dust on my floors, my sweeper's on it. the textured cloths grab and hold dirt and hair no matter where dust bunnies hide. no more heebie jeebies. phew. glad i stopped cleaning and started swiffering. it's so cheesy, you'll need a pick up line to go with it. like, "did it hurt... when all that cheese fell from heaven and landed on you?" it's not delivery. it's digiorno. now with more cheese.
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...crunchy oat clusters with a hotouch of honey...ombine... ...plump, juicy raisins... ...and tasty fiber... ...into one delicious cereal? it took a lot of branstorming. get it? kellogg's raisin bran crunch. two scoops of delicious. this is gonna be america's favorite breakfast. they just don't know it yet. (ding) these are a few of my favorite things. you order a breakfast sandwich and that's when wendy's makes it. not weeks... or months ago. try your new favorite. order by 10 and we'll even deliver it.
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try your new favorite. michael vasquez! come over here. i've heard such good things about you, your company. well, i wouldn't have done any of it without you. without this place. this is for you. michael, you didn't have to... and, we're going to need some help with the rest. you've worked so hard to achieve so much. perhaps it's time to partner with someone who knows you and your business well enough to understand what your wealth is really for. . ♪ >> jimmy: well, that is our show for tonight.
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i'd like to thank george stephanopoulos and ali wentworth. apologies to matt damon, we wanted to fit him in, but he's too fat. i have a new e-mail, kimmel send an e-mail, i'll try to answer some on the show, that is how desperate i am for human contact. i'll be back tomorrow with jason bateman. "nightline" is next, thanks for watching. i miss you already.
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