tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 21, 2020 12:36am-1:07am PDT
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>> from his house! >> jimmy: hi. i'm jimmy kimmel. i'm jimmy kimmel. i try to say my name twice out loud every day now so i don't forget it. which is especially important on what might be the most forgetful day of the year. it's 4/20. not only is it 4/20, it's 4/20/20. this day is so stoned, it's repeating itself. between 4/20 and all the bread people are making, this country has never been more baked than we are today. unfortunately, health experts say smoking pot during the virus crisis is not a good idea. it can irritate the lungs and make you more susceptible to illness. and also, you might eat all the food you hoarded. do we even need marijuana anymore? i mean, everybody's sitting on the couch watching netflix and wondering what day it is already. later on, we will be joined by the santa claus of 4/20, mr. snoop dogg. assuming he can get his computer open. you know, on saturday night i was part of a special that aired all over the world. it was called "one world: together at home." i co-hosted with jimmy fallon and stephen colbert. it raised $128 million for covid-19 relief. there were some great musical performances from paul mccartney, lady gaga, eddie
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vedder, taylor swift. but to me the mvp of the night was the 78-year-old drummer for the rolling stones, charlie watts. watch him closely here. somehow charlie managed to play the drums without making contact with anything at all. ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ but if you try sometime ♪ you just might find you get what you need ♪ >> jimmy: i assume he was aware he didn't have any drums? 4/20 comes earlier in england i think. and while being involved in a special of that magnitude was an honor for sure, the real excitement for me was i made it to "jeopardy." kind of. >> bestseller 200. >> this late-night abc funnyman was a hit with kids recently with his book about the serious goose. nabir. >> who is jimmy fallon? >> jimmy: close enough, nabir. this is week six or seven or eight or nine of the stay-at-home order. i don't know. all i know is my kids have had enough.
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we sat our family down for like our 340th dinner in a row together last night and our son billy said, "no, i want to get in the car and eat at a store." specifically he wanted to eat at chuck e. cheese. which i would consider at this point. that's an essential business, right? people are getting restless. especially the people who aren't too bright. in florida on saturday i saw the hashtag #floridamorons was trending and i thought, well, that could mean a lot of things. but what it meant was this. the governor of florida reopened the beach in jacksonville, and of course no one followed the rules. fortunately, there are no old people living in florida who might be at risk. the governor of georgia is planning to reopen tattoo parlors and bowling alleys this week. which think that's on their state flag, right? and thousands of americans in more than a dozen states have gathered to protest "stay at home." not too far from us in
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huntington beach this brave woman fought passionately for her right to all 31 flavors. there were some very creative signs that illustrated this plight. many are experiencing so powerfully like i need a haircut. massage is essential. jesus is my vaccine. and buddha is my personal trainer i think. in denver, colorado there was a standoff between protesters and an angry health care worker. [ honking ] well, you know what they say. it ain't over till the fat lady screams crazy right-wing talking points at a medical professional who's trying to save their family's lives. a big reason why these protesters are gaining steam is because our president is encouraging them. despite everyone who works for him telling people to stay at home. despite the official white house mandate being shelter in place, over the weekend, the guy who runs the white house tweeted,
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"liberate michigan," "liberate minnesota" and "liberate virginia." this from a man who refuses to even liberate melania. it really is irresponsible to the most unbelievable degree to be saying things -- one minute he tells us to stay at home and the next minute he says this. >> if people feel that way you're allowed to protest. i mean, they feel that way. i watched the protests and they were all six feet apart. i mean, it was a very orderly group of people. >> jimmy: right. let's take a look at that orderly group of people who gathered in austin, texas to chant "fire dr. fauci." >> fire fauci! fire fauci! fire fauci! >> jimmy: if he thinks those people were six feet apart, it might explain why he thinks his hands are normal size. i get that people need to go back to work. i do. but the point of "stay at home" is to get a lid on this so we can get back to work and then stay at work. i'm starting to think that these characters who support trump might be suicidal. they seem to fight hardest for
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the things that will kill them. they want freedom to gather in large groups during an epidemic. they want guns. they want pollution. i figured it out. they want to die and they're taking us down with them. it's like if the "titanic" was headed towards the iceberg, and half of the passengers were like, "can you please speed this thing up?" but our president has full confidence that what these protesters are doing is not a problem. >> are you concerned, though, that people coming out in protest are going to spread covid to other people, they're congregating in ways that health experts have said they should not? >> no. these are people expressing their views. i see where they are and i see the way they're working. they seem to be very responsible people to me. >> jimmy: yes. yes, they are very responsible. they're very responsible for spreading a deadly virus. he always manages to find the good in people, though. he really seems to be loving holding these press conferences every day, rambling on about nothing, taking credit for everything. that there are plenty of tests,
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plenty of ventilators, so many ventilators he would even send some to iran. on friday his press conference went on for an hour 45 minutes. an hour and eight minutes on saturday. and on sunday an hour and a half. but every one of them he filled with important information like when he took time to explain the difference between a swab and a q-tip. >> this is what it's about. right? is it -- does it remind you of something? it reminds you of this, right? one's a swab. one's a q-tip. it's actually different. it's very sophisticated, actually. but it's a little bit like -- so this is the swab. >> jimmy: i think i speak for all of us when i say that was the worst magic trick i've ever seen. do you think he always has a q-tip in his pocket? the reason for whatever that was is trump finally invoked the defense production act to order businesses to manufacture more swabs, a shortage of which are holding up tests. he alternates between saying there are no shortages of anything and that the shortages are the governors' fault.
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literally everything he accuses others of he does himself. to the point where you're like this has to be some kind of weird compulsion. like if he criticized flavor flav for wearing a clock around his neck and a grill the next day someone would find this photograph and he'd act like it never happened. you remember a guy named hunter biden? you may recall the president had some concerns about him getting paid because his father was vice president. well, turns out the trump campaign has been paying the wife and girlfriend of trump's sons $180,000 a year apiece. those donations people make to his maga campaign, $30,000 a month of that goes to lara trump and kimberly guilfoyle. which i guess makes sense. i mean, did we really expect a woman to date donald trump jr. for free? we need to take a break. we have a good show for you tonight. we have music tonight from e.o.b. and we'll be right back with snoop dogg on 4/20. ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel
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find great offers and value, today, at ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. coming up later a gentleman named ed o'brien. he plays guitar in a band called radiohead. he has music from his debut solo album. it's called "earth." eob from the mercedes-benz stage. and we have a mighty lineup of guests this week. tomorrow night, tom holland. on wednesday, chris hemsworth. and on thursday, arnold schwarzenegger will join us. spider-man, thor, and the terminator. if they can't stop this virus, we're done. my guest tonight is to this holiday what the bunny is to easter. he's a man of many talents. please say hello to the uno and only snoop dogg. hi, snoop. >> what it do, jimmy? what's happening with you? happy 4/20, baby. >> jimmy: yeah. snoop, how does -- i know this is a day of great worship for you and a very sacred day.
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how is 4/20 different from every other day for you? >> well, for me it's a day that a lot of people could come out. people that's really been in the closet. a lot of people that really can't do it as much as me or can't really do it and really feel good about it. this is the day where you can do it. no one's going to say nothing about you. everybody's going to celebrate you. and everybody going to be high. so you're going to feel and fit right in. >> jimmy: no one in the world could do it as much as you. have you ever been outsmoked by anyone? >> willie nelson is the only one to ever get me. he got me once upon a time on 4/20 in amsterdam and i couldn't take it. i couldn't take it, jimmy. >> jimmy: with snoop and willie nelson -- you figure out a way to have fun no matter what is going on. you've been hosting these roller skating parties from your house on instagram.
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and people come and -- are you -- have you been roller skating your whole life? >> i mean, since i was a kid. but you know, i had to stop for a time, but i'm back on it like i wanted it. you know, just to do it it feels good for people to, you know, be able to skate with us virtually and to feel like they're really at a skating rink and really get their groove on. to good music, to good vibes, to good roller skating. >> jimmy: what's the best song to roller skate to? >> "bounce, rock skate" by von mason. >> jimmy: nice. i know you've been playing a lot of video games. in fact, you -- this is a video that i'd like to ask you about. >> ea sports. y'all [ bleep ] server's down. get that [ bleep ] back up. we're trying to play. bunch of mother [ bleep ] at home that's locked and loaded right now. fix this [ bleep ] bill gates. >> jimmy: why did you single out bill gates? i'm pretty sure he has nothing to do with ea sports. >> well, bill gates is the mother [ bleep ] from microsoft, right?
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so microsoft actually is the platform that xbox is played on. so whenever the server goes down, you know, i naturally call out the bosses. i don't want to call out the employees. i want to call out the boss. >> jimmy: and did it work? >> oh, boy, did it. it came back on 20 minutes later. you didn't see my rebuttal, my nice video? >> jimmy: for those who didn't see it i wanted to get your follow-up, yes. snoop, you're solving problems all over the world. i'm going to take a break right now. when we come back i'm going to ask you some questions written specifically for this holiday, okay? april 20th. we'll be right back with snoop dogg in moments. ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by bose headphones 700. the most advanced noise-canceling headphones. hero. for early mornings, late nights, double shifts, and overnights, for calloused hands and skin scrubbed raw.
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and for being brave enough to go to work today. thank you, from all of us cheering you on. [overlapping applause and cheers] how is tidy cats breeze changing the litter game? by providing outstanding odor control with simple cleanup. number one goes to the bottom, and number two stays on top for easy scooping. switch the breeze pads weekly, the pellets monthly, and you're good to go. discover the ease of breeze today. the last thing you should have is having enough toilet paper. please know we're working around the clock to get you more charmin. stay safe.
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step by step, we're going to figure this out. we're gonna find a way through this. we're working really, really hard in hospitals, our nurses, our techs, all the docs. it's about staggering when people get sick so that the hospitals can cope. we're gonna go through an awful lot of these. all across puget sound, people have been stepping up and donating personal protective equipment. we stay at work. for you. you stay at home for us. just know we're all with you. thank you, thank you so much. thank you doctors & nurses.
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and healthcare troops weand first responders are. on the front line fighting it every day. let's join the fight, by staying home. staying home is not a retreat, it's the most brave and aggressive weapon we have against this enemy. because when we do stay at home, we help prevent overwhelming our hospitals, while buying time for scientists to find the vaccine...
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and that's how we beat it.... ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. music from eob is on the way. i am joined by snoop dogg from the dogghouse. snoop is enjoying the holiday. how are you feeling right now? >> actually, i'm feeling real good. i'm relaxed. i'm quarantined. i'm hydrated. but the first word is high. so i'm high and drated at the same time. >> jimmy: and drated. and what variety are you smoking? is it an indica? is it a sativa? what do you have going there? >> strictly indica. i do the bubble gum, the kush, the o.g. louis the 13th. it got to be grade a with me.
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>> jimmy: is it true the indica relaxes you where the sativa does the opposite? >> i believe so. for me and my metabolism, for my body i believe the indica settles me all the way down. that's why i've been so mellow over the years, always been able to stay in control no matter what the situation is. >> jimmy: i have a question for you since it's 4/20 and you are partaking right now. i'd love to get your answer to this. what does water taste like? >> when you're high or not? >> jimmy: anytime. >> but when you're high it tastes like whatever you want it to taste like. it can taste like a soda, some alcohol, some potato chips, a cake. it can taste like whatever you want because you can make your mind have the mind state to do whatever needs to be done. >> jimmy: snoop, what is the best breakfast cereal? >> ooh. that's a great question. the best breakfast cereal when i was a kid was probably cookie crisp and honeycomb. and as i got older i have to say
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captain crunch with the berries. my [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: that's when your palate matured you started eating the captain crunch with the berries. well, you get a little fruit in there. speaking of fruit, what is the best fruit to make a pipe out of? >> well, i'll tell you about this man named -- i went to jamaica and he had me come over to his house and he pulled out a carrot and he was smoking out of a carrot and it was the best smoke i ever had in my life. the top end of it made it like where you put the weed in the fat part of the carrot and then shaped the bottom of it. it was amazing. >> jimmy: i love that. that's a vegetable technically, but i like that. it's like snoop dogg and nugs bunny or something like that. a carrot. wow. that is a great 4/20 tip, snoop. snoop, you know, i'm going to be making a donation to the charity of each of our guests' choice. your charity is the snoop youth football league. correct? >> yes, sir.
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>> jimmy: and you guys are doing something special for special needs kids right now. >> yes. we have the snoop special stars. we've been around for three years and we've been providing after school programs for them, flag football. we've been having them intermingle. it's become regular, you know, get out of the house and not be so secluded. that's what we've been doing and making those kids feel love like every other kid. >> jimmy: is the website to go learn about it. thank you, snoop. happy 4/20 to you. >> thank you, jimmy. happy 4/20 to y'all. thank you all so much. jimmy kimmel! >> jimmy: i'm getting a contact high. we'll be right back with eob. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by the 2019 a class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. this is our home. we've never seen it look quite like this, but there's no mistaking it. and it's our job to protect it...
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: that's all the time we have. i want to thank snoop dogg. apologies to matt damon. i'll be back tomorrow night with tom holland, the spider-man. "nightline" is next. but first a musical performance, we taped this in our studio before it all went awry. his debut album is called "earth." here with the song "shangri-la," eob. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ going back i'm not going back in the old house we'll burn it to the ground ♪ ♪ none of it a deep and rapid river ♪ ♪ the other side peace will
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♪ again, again, again again, again ♪ idn't reallyno feel so cold until i found my shangri-la ♪ ♪ i didn't really know i could feel so old until i found my shangri-la ♪ ♪ i didn't really know i could feel so cold until i found my shangri-la ♪ ♪ and i didn't really know i could feel so cold until i found my shangri-la ♪ ♪ coldest night like a summer's dream ♪
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♪ i didn't really know i could feel so cold ♪ ♪ i didn't really know i could feel so old ♪ ♪ i didn't really know, didn't really know ♪ ♪ always, always always, always always ♪ >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i'm meteorologist my backyard. we'l coold inh. how warm coming up. >> 420 prepandemic compared to now. how coronavirus is changing the cannabis industry. >> oil prices turn negative for the first time ever. what can yu expect the next time
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you pump gas. >> thieves aren't just coming after what's inside. they're now stealing tires. >> president trump says he will temporarily suspend immigration into the united states because of the coronavirus. he sent the message by twitter. >> governor nuch says california will not ease the shelters in but counties can ease restrictions as long as they obey the state order. >> 420 wasn't the same. normally thousands gather to celebrate. this year it was empty. after the city vowed to crack down because of covid-19. >> georgia governor plans to partially reopen this week. many businesses
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