tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 24, 2020 12:36am-1:07am PDT
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supposed to be take your kid to work day, which is kind of every day for a lot of us now. we igg toids to the breakfast nook for a zoom meeting with no pants leave ian makeup tonight. are you going to do it? >> eye shadow. >> jimmy: eye shadow, ah-oh. >> yeah. oh, my gosh. ha, ha. you should look at yourself when you're done, okay? >> jimmy: mm-hm. i will. do i look beautiful? >> you look like a girl! >> jimmy: what do you think, guillermo, do i look like a girl? >> guillermo: a little bit, yeah. you look beautiful. >> jimmy: thank you, very much. and thank you, jane. who knew my color palette was jolly rancher. tonight was also round one of the nfl draft. it was supposed to be a big live
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event in vegas. but because of the coronavirus, they did a virtual draft with the players and teams making picks from home like a fantasy draft. the most interesting part was watching a bunch of 75-year-old billionaires try to figure out how to boot up their laptops. but it was nice to have some kind of current sports programming to watch. people don't know what to do with themselves right now. but it's important, if you can, to find small ways to maintain your normal routine. like this gentleman from new york did at a nearby parking lot. >> why? i'm not puttin' the window down. i got here first. this is my parking spot. i'm not [ bleep ]ing moving. go [ bleep ] somewhere else, i'm not moving. i took the shortcut. this is my [ bleep ] spot, and i'm not
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good-bye. there's nobody there, i miss the days when i argued with someone over a parking spot. i miss the good old days. >> jimmy: i like that. a lot. sometimes you just have to scream. use it or lose it. speaking of screaming new yorkers, president trump is on a roll contradicting his own infectious disease experts almost every day on his daily televised temper tantrum. here's how it goes. the president says this. >> i understand that the united states will certainly be more prepared in the fall. but how can you say that you know it won't come back in the same level that it has today in. >> what, it is estimated it might not come back at all, jeff. it may not come back at all. >> jimmy: and then later in that same press briefing, dr. fauci says this. >> we will have coronavirus in the fall. i am convinced of that. >> jimmy: now i don't know who to trust. here's the thing folks. our president is a contradict head. trump also trotted out the director of the cdc, dr. robert redfield who told "the washington post" we may have an even more devastating round of the virus coming this
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did not go over well with the president. who immediately tweeted that dr. redfield was misquoted. and then marched him up to the podium to try to get him to say, "i was misquoted." >> you were accurately quoted, right? >> i was accurately quoted but the head line. >> headline says cdc director warns second wave of coronavirus is likely to be even more devastating. >> that's not what he said. >> doctor, why did you retweet it? >> you weren't called. >> jimmy: so that went well. these poor doctors working for trump. if they don't give us the truth, they're not doing their jobs. but if they do tell the truth, there's a good chance he'll fire them. so their only option is to play dumb and hope trump gets distracted by a filet-o-fish. and this guy dr. redfield. had he not tried to accommodate trump -- he would have been forced to go back to his job as an amish
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stock photo model. this is what happens if you don't play loose with the facts we learned yesterday that team trump demoted the doctor in charge of finding a vaccine for the virus. dr. rick bright was "involuntarily transferred" from his post, because he raised orange flags about the presidents' claim that an untested drug hydroxychloroquine could help treat the virus. early testing seems to indicate that it does not. dr. bright spoke up about this, and now he is gone. i'm not sure what's more depressing, that our president demoted a doctor who was trying to prevent americans from trying an ineffective drug that could kill us, or that we're not even remotely surprised this happened. but the president only wants the best people. this headline does a good job of summing it all up. "former labradoodle breeder was tapped to lead u.s. pandemic task force." that's for real. they hired a guy who bred labradoodles to lead the team. how does this happen? did they go through his resume, see the word "lab" and go,
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"well, he's obviously qualified." harrison has no formal education in public health, management, or medicine. so trump was like, "perfect, how soon can you start?" oh well. maybe we can get him to train mike pence to stop humping the president's leg. am i still wearing the makeup? yes? okay. tomorrow the state of georgia will reopen for business. gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, hair salons, beauty salons, massage therapists, cosmetology schools, tattoo parlors and body piercing studios - will be allowed to open their doors. and i think that's great. that's exactly what we need right now. i don't know about you, but i haven't had my penis pierced in weeks! georgia's governor, brian kemp, is going ahead with this. why? no one seems to know. even their crazy next-door neighbor florida hasn't opened for business yet! it's nuts. we are cracking under pressure. according to the associated press, a lot of parents have reached the breaking point when it comes to homeschooling their kids. and some are just bailing on it they've given up.
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and that's a shame. so maybe we should change course. maybe we should revert to a little house on the prairie style of education. none of our kids need fractions right now. i say it's time to teach them to churn butter! if you search the word "homeschool" on twitter you can get a sense of how much parents are suffering. "homeschooling is just standing behind your kid checking their math on your phone calculator." "if i died tomorrow, my 4th grader's last memory would be of me yelling at her about the st louis arch." and this one gets right to the point. "there is a hell. it is called homeschooling." i get it. it's hard to go to school again, but don't give up hope moms and dads. because our pal guillermo has a new service, providing homework assistance to those who need it. so run and get your workbooks, because it's time for homework corner with guillermo. ♪ >> guillermo: hello, and welcome to homework corner with guillermo. today's problem is solve for a. three times a equals 20.
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so that would be -- that would be three times three times a -- wait. three times, three times six, 18. and then we forget about the other two. so it can be 18 if we can't have two. >> jimmy: well done, guillermo. i give you a b plus. we need to take a break. but i'll be back with arnold schwarzenegger. ♪
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is so irresistible, you'll wanna eat them anywhere, so don't resist! pop 'em outside, or on the go, or on the way home! pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, makeup artist. >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. my guest tonight is the only man ever to hold the titles of mr. universe and governor of california, beaming in now from casa la vista. please welcome arnold schwarzenegger. hello, governor. >> hey, jimmy, how are you? you're looking really good. >> jimmy: you've got an infestation there, it seems. >> i am telling you, i have everything here. >> jimmy: you sure do. >> i have my lulu here. they love to eat, i just
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finished lunch, and now they're here and they'd like to participate a little bit with the lunch. i hope you don't mind. >> jimmy: you have a donkey and a horse, right? >> yeah, on my left is and this is lulu. >> jimmy: how does it work? are they free to roam the house? >> yeah, they go upstairs, they go down stairs, they are all over the place. they watch me when i work out. ang and everything like that. it's fantastic many they fight for the same food. this is whiskey. she likes oatmeal cookies. my favorite thing is oatmeal cookies. of course they take all my oatmeal cookies away, right, whiskey? >> jimmy: are these animals house trained?
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>> well, you know, yes, i mean, they're not trained, but they really, they very rarely take a dump-in the house. it happened one time in the kitchen while we were cooking, but that was okay. it just smelled a little bit, from wiener schnitzel and tame. >> jimmy: wow, your house has turned into the island of dr. moreau. when you were governor you prepared the state for a situation like this, by stockpiling how many masks and ventilators and whatnot did you stockpile? >> well, we stockpiled millions of masks and thousands of ventilators. and beds and stuff like that. and i think the whole idea was to be prepared for an earthquake or to be prepared for massive, a lot of fires, because one day i woke up, and i was governor, and
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we had 2012 fires in california in one day. and they were raging on from south to north. so i said to myself, you have to be prepared for this. and don't bite my fingers. >> jimmy: and years later, the state was able to access those masks and ventilators. >> well, yes, what would happen was, you know, it takes a certain amount of time and a certain amount of money to put this whole thing together. and you have to be very thoughtful and know exactly where you wanted to go and put together. so, but we did it. and then it took around $5 million to keep it up and to keep the storage and everything. excuse yourself. excuse me. you need a handkerchief. but anyway, you need, you need
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the money to keep it in storage, and so there were budget crises. there were governors who decided they didn't want to go and continue on, because they decided the money should if where else. when you have a budget crisis and two $20 billion deficit you have to make tough decisions. they made that decision. but some of the stuff was still in storage, and they found it and used it in the hospital. and it was really good. i am always a guy who likes to be prepared. it doesn't matter if it was with the budget or the levees, i was the first to go out and tell the state and lawmakers that we need to update our levees, because we have 2300 miles of levees in california. they of course didn't want to have anything to do with it. then when katrina happened in new orleans and the levees broke now they said now we understand why we need levees. >> jimmy: have you been in touch with governor newsom, do you collaborate so he can draw on
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your experience? >> governor newsom and i have been friends for a long time. he is doing a terrific job as governor here and the way he deals with the crisis. he was very smart in reaching out to the past governors, like governor brown and governor davis, governor wilson and myself, democrats and republicans. and the reason why i'm mentioning that is because i think it's very important that we don't make this a political kind of a situation. >> i think a great illustration of your bipartisan work is that you are a republican who owns a donkey. i think that's something else. when we come back, we are with arnold schwarzenegger and ed norton. they'll tell us what they're up to. ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by bose headphones700. the most advanced noise-canceling headphones.
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♪ it didn't take us long to realize ... ...we weren't in the car business. at lexus, we were in the people business. we needed to be helpful . . . . . . respectful . . . and compassionate. to treat people like guests. it's what we all signed up for. and now when people need this most, we will do what we've always done. take care of people first. the rest will follow. (up-beat techno music throughout)
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and i wanted to put on some size. so maybe you could give me some advice. he asked me to break down my workout. i was slinging a lot of steel back then and told him my hold workout. he said that's pretty good. you're doing two a day? and i said no, i'm doing one a day, and he said well, that's pretty [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: and a bond was forged. you guys have teamed up to launch the front line responders fund. tell us about that and how we can get involved. >> well, i've been very, very anxious sitting at home and knowing that friends of mine are on a daily b these intense front line situations. we were all hearing about their health and shortage of gear. and the people who are buying the masks and equipment that was one thing, but in some cases
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there were enormous delays in getting the equipment from where they were finding it, like china especially. so i started working with this great organization. it's basically procuring planes, big cargo planes at a huge discount, and we built a fund to underwrite the cost of flying these big cargo flights for all of the hospitals and nonprofits and donors who are finding masks to try to uncork the delay. so we've been working on trying to get the delays down from a month or six weeks to a couple of days and the turn around on these orders. and arnold, you know, launched this for us. he gave a million dollars right out of the gate, which underwrote eight fleets right off the bat. and he helped launch this fund. and over 20,000 people have kicked in almost $7.5 million. our goal is to get to $10 million, because frankly, we've got requests from the people
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buying the masks and the hospitals to help them with more than double what we've done. and this is actually working. we're moving a lot of the gear very fast, and we really need more. so we want to say to people, it has made a difference, and don't stop. we can double down on this and keep making a difference. >> the key thing is be part of the solution rather than part of the problem. and this is -- >> jimmy: that's right. >> that's why we connected right away, because he's always conscious about those things, no matter what the disaster is and jumps in and tries to find ways of helping. we want to work together on all of those issues, because there are too many people out there g television complaining about the situation or things are too slow or there aren't enough tests. and we always ask ourselves, you know, what do you do?
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>> jimmy: ed, thank you for put being that together. the website is on the screen. governor, thank you for being so generous and having such forethought to get these masks where they're needed to these hospitals. so we really do appreciate it. >> until arnold and i can do expendables, this is what we're doing together. >> jimmy: all right, we'll be back with one of the stars of the nfl draft. ♪ [pots and pans clinking] (little girl) thank you, love you! (neighbors) thank you! thank you! [clinking and applause continues]
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most respected athletes to get ready, russell wilson and guillermo. >> what's up, guillermo? >> are you excited about the draft? you will be getting a seat at the computer wearing your bose head phones 700. and i will help you with your draft reaction. >> my reaction? >> guillermo: yeah, when they announce your name. i have a guy who's going to help me, mr. russell wilson. i announce and you react. >> turn on the advanced noise canceling features on your headphones, so nothing distracts you. >> guillermo: you read my mind! my team selects joe burrow! >> let's go, yes! >> brutal. >> no, joe. >> guillermo: more passion. >> joe burrow! >> yes, i did it, i did it. >> guillermo: joe, leave the acting to the security guards. >> how about a lasso. >> yee-haw! >> jump in the box. ooh, ooh.
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>> that's not it, joe, need more energy, bud. >> yes! how was that one? >> guillermo: listen, joe, good luck in the nfl. >> that was actually funny. >> dicky: bose, official headphones of the nfl, visit to learn more. >> jimmy: that's our time, i want to thank arnold schwarzenegger, edward norton. apologies to matt damon, we only had room on the show for one donkey tonight. if you're really lonely, maybe just let the bedbugs bite a little.
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right now work is just getting under way in san francisco on a major construction project along highway 101. these are live pictures. the shelter in place and lighter traffic is speeding up the rebuilding of the overpass. >> this 18 day project will replace part of 101 where it crosses with 280. more on the shut down hour sparks fly thursday night. >> this is the biggest project we had planned for 2020. >> originally set for july and referred to
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