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tv   ABC7 News 1100PM Repeat  ABC  April 30, 2020 1:07am-1:43am PDT

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the school year could start as
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early as late july. tonight the state superintendent responds. a bay area engineer reimagined snorkeling gear. now his protective equipment is being sent to the front line. >> most construction has been put on hold but as of monday it is all set to resume. >> the winds of change have arrived. a double digit drop in temperatures today. i'll let you know how much cooler coming up. >> announcer: now from abc 7 live breaking news. and that breaking news, governor newsom is putting his foot down to avoid a repeat of this, packed beaches up and down california's coast this past weekend. tomorrow he's expected to announce all beaches and state parks will be closed starting friday. this memo was sent by the california police chief's association forewarning police departments about the order. monday governor newsom said he didn't want to be people abusing beach rules putting peoples'
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lives at risk. >> those examples are what not to see, what not to do if we're going to make the meaningful progress we've made the past few weeks extend into the next number of weeks. >> governor newsom has been giving daily briefings at noon. you can watch tomorrow on abc 7 and our digital platforms. it's official. the shelter-in-place order in six bay area counties will be extended until may 31st. but some restrictions can ease up. starting next week construction projects can begin again. some outdoor businesses can get up and running. but social distancing still applies. child care facilities can reopen for the children of essential workers. >> this kind of movement today is going to give the general public some hope and a shot in the arm in terms of morale. >> but these are still off limits. real estate open houses, restaurants even with outdoor
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seating, and playgrounds. governor newsom says time will tell for other businesses. >> we will provide guidance by sector and in some cases by geography. >> now, this new order provides major relief to bay area construction crews. most job sites have been sitting idle for weeks. but with the easing of restrictions, construction is allowed to resume as of monday. kate larson spoke with a contractor that says the new order came just in the nick of time. >> this is one of the few functioning construction sites in all of san francisco. during the shelter-in-place, the contractor malcolm debruce had to shut down about 70% of his job sites which are mostly seismic retrofits. >> there was a few sleepless nights. >> he shifted all of his employees the his three remaining projects, creating new apartments. but there just wasn't enough to do. >> we would have had to let nine guys go friday.
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>> the new order in six bay area counties which allows construction to resume on may 4th keeps debruce -- >> i'm very relieved. >> -- and his employees in business. >> i have two kids and my wife is pregnant. there's another one. >> oscar is grateful he now still has a job thanks to the easing of restrictions. >> we were scared because without your job, we would lose everything. >> since this job site is adding housing units it's been allowed to stay open as essential. the new order allows construction sites like this one which have been shut down for weeks to reopen on monday. unfinished projects currently sitting quiet all over the bay area will reopen with new rules besides mask, debruce has to make sure his employees can sanitize frequently. >> this is a designated wash station. >> if someone gets sick with covid-19, work must stop until a
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certifi certified hazmat cleaner decontaminates the job site. los angeles has become the first major u.s. city to offer free coronavirus testing. mayor eric garcetti says all residents will have access regardless of whether they're experiencing symptoms but those with symptoms and front line workers take priority. new developments achlt positive step for aa company today in the effort to treat coronavirus. gilead sciences is behind the drug remdesivir. a federal trial run saw patients recovered four days faster than those that didn't. another study indicated the drug is beneficial when given early on. a lead investigator from that study is from stanford school of medicine. >> treated earlier, less than ten days into their symptoms, do seem to be having better outcomes. 62% of those people were able to be discharged on day 14. >> there was another study cut
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short that did not show a show a benefit from remdesivir. a new study just published using remdesivir showed no significant effect. the fda says more testing needs to be done but is promising to fast track remdesivir into use. tonight there is growing debate about when california sunts will go back to class. yesterday governor newsom said he was hopeful to open schools by late july. tonight the state school superintendent isn't sure. j.r. stone is in the newsroom to explain. >> parents want to know when the school year is going to start. and right now it's clear that the answers are just not there. california state superintendent tony thurman speaking out on wednesday a little more than 24 hours after governor gavin newsom said the state is considering a late july or early august start to the school year. >> right now we don't know
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exactly when school can start and we will not ask the schools to start until it is safe for everyone to be able to come back to our campuses. >> thurman addressed the the issue first and foremost during a facebook broadcast geared toward helping parents with distance learning. >> we'll work with public health officers to ensure the time line is one that allows more safety. we will not budge from that question. >> thurman's office released a statement wednesday saying he is working with state and national figures to study what measures must be in place before a start to the school year. wednesday he did not go into detail beyond that and now many teachers and parents are left wondering especially after the governor's july comments. >> people are losing their minds over this yesterday. i'm on a bunch of teacher groups on facebook. there's so much that would have to go into putting us back in. >> karen chapman is a sixth
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grade teacher at lincoln elementary, says she is busier than ever with distance learning and hope the higher ups understand that. >> those that think we got extended vacation, they're wrong because this is harder than anything i've ever done. >> they're getting messages round the clock from parents. as to specifics how schools are going to socially distance, we haven't heard that from politicians or from thurman either as one of the biggest concerns for teachers and parents still working all of that out. dan, >> j.r., thank you so much. tech companies like google and apples are rolling out apps to trace those that come into contact with covid-19. it's raising some privacy concerns. >> your phone could be tracking you and all your movements as a way to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. the app would alert people if they have come in close contact
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with someone who tested positive for covid-19. health officials say it's a way to find potential new infections and to start reopening parts of society. >> if we had the capability of identifying, isolating, and contact tracing in a highly effective and efficient way then the numbers will stay low. >> health experts say it's also about making people feel comfortable when they go out. bob iger has said they look to reopen parks, this is something that could be considered. >> it's likely we'll need mass testing at scale and some form of contact tracing as well so that we can identify people who have been exposed or people who have had the virus and may be harm to others. >> apple and google which are working on the interface to be used by developers around the world say participation would be voluntary. but some are skeptical. >> that is the fear that when you opt into a program like this
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or an app like this, what is the full extent? is it going to track your every movement? >> experts say the apps work if they're used by as many people as possible and if it's connected to a database. some worry the information could be used forever. >> that may have an impact on whether people decide to use it or not and what is the possibility of the information being hacked. major lay offs are hitting the bay area companies hard. lyft plans to cut nearly 1,000 jobs as demand for rides has plummet. that's 17% of its work force. uber is facing its same struggle, cutting 20% of its work force. the vaping company juul reportedly plans to lay off 950 people, roughly a third of its employees. one place that is hiring is the u.s. postal service. in the bay area there are 100 positions of all sorts open right now. the post office needs help
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because it is just swamped. one of the managers for an east bay postal service district says it's been so busy it's almost like christmas. >> we're delivering everything. we're delivering household goods. we're delivering safety like masks. we're delivering sanitizers. we're delivering medication. and the most important thing the stimulus checks are on the way so we should be delivering about 60 million pieces of stimulus checks. >> postal workers are wearing protective gear and all equipment is being sanitized. the new look on personal protective equipment taking scuba and snorkeling gear from under water otothe front line. i have that story next. have someone want to help me instead, this is really nice. >> a nurse in the middle of a 12-hour shift had her bike stolen, but our viewers have stepped up.
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i'm meteorologist sandy patel, a gray drizly start to tomorrow morning but changes are ahead. >> sandhya, thanks. all of that's ahead, but first a look at what's coming up tonight on "jimmy kimmel line." >> watch tonight. i have nothing to do ether. i have a surprise to both of you. say hello to the star of the we're here for you and we're open. wow. i'm an original. one of a kind. you feel me? love ya'. oop! you look cute! better than you? pop my 100% all-white-meat classic or spicy popcorn chicken combo for just $5.99. across america, business owners are figuring things out. finding new ways to serve customers... connect employees... and work with partners. comcast business is right there with you. with a network that helps give you speed, reliability and security. and enough bandwidth to handle all your connected devices. voice solutions like remote call forwarding
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starting monday costco is making it mandatory for everyone to wear a mask or face covering. the requirement does not apply to children under two years old or those who can't wear one due to a medical condition. a local business and a sanford bioengineer have found ways to repurpose scuba and snorkeling masks for the safety of front line health care workers all at no cost. abc 7 news reporter amanda dell castillo has the story. >> from providing safety underwater to protecting those on the front line, scuba and snorkeling gear are being repurposed to give medical professionals another option. >> there's a health crew sis around the world no matter what. covid has exposed the underbelly of the problems that exist. >> in march, he returned from a work trip in france self-quarantining in the same room as his snorkeling gear.
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he thought of a way to turn his full face mask into a reusable option for front liners without sacrificing visibility. >> you move the snorkel up top and put the coupler and the biofilter that's already a preapproved medical device that blocks viruses. >> he has collaborated with his students. the fda has approved the product as a face shield or face mask but not as a respirator. it's macing waves in the bay area. the company recently donated 200 scuba masks to alta bates medical center. >> we know a lot of products that combine with safety so we're trying to get those out into the community where they can be used. >> both expect to reach health care workers in need of personal protective equipment across the u.s. the masks are meant to be
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reused. >> some of the filters for example could be used for a couple of days. others could be used for 15, 20 days. they're already used for patients all the time. >> an essential break through for the most essential workers. i'm amanda dell castillo, nbc 7 news. the novel coronavirus is likely going to be with us until a vaccine is developed. so, what does it take to a create vaccine? that's the question we posed to our team of coronavirus experts. here's abc 7 morning's anchor. >> the novel coronavirus attaches to your cells through your mouth and nose and works its way into your lungs where it can spread to other parts of your body. how do we stop it from doing that? with a vaccine. >> so, a vaccine ai way for your immune system to identify a foreign invader and prepare for an attack even before you have an infection. >> a vaccine can stop a virus in its tracks and keep you from
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getting sick. >> scientists are trying to create a vaccine that's going to teach your immune system what this coronavirus looks like so you're protected against a future infection. >> vaccines are made of the bacteria or virus that lost the ability to infect a person. >> it could be genetic material, it could be part of it, it could be a weakened version of it. >> that weakened version of the coronavirus can be injected into the body and recognized as a foreign invader called an antigen. that antigen would then let your body know to protect it from the virus. >> what this is going to do is give your immune system an idea of what the virus and the bacteria looks like. >> before the first person is ever injected with the vaccine, it has to be proven in the lab. >> once they have that part down and there's an idea that this type of vaccine could work, they then move on to phase one clinical trials. now, phase one is basically going to use a very small amount
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of healthy adults and make sure that the vaccine has no adverse side effects. you've got to make sure the vaccine is safe. >> phase two would be to test it on hundreds of people. scientists are looking at what is the right dose and how to scale up the vaccine to treat millions. in phase three thousands of people would be involved in testing to make sure the vaccine is safe and works. >> this entire process could take a couple of years, but this is why. because after phase three, all of this data and all this work the scientists have been doing gets reviewed by both the fda and the cdc. >> the whole process typically takes 10 to 15 years before a rack is seen can be licensed for use. >> a lot of people now are saying whoa, 10 to 15 years? that's a really long time. but everything changes. we're accelerating development because we're using previous research and a lot more collaboration and a lot more funding which is why we're
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hopeful we could see a covid-19 vaccine within 12 or 18 months. >> with dozens of companies already testing out vaccines globally, researchers are hopeful the coronavirus may soon go the way of smallpox, malaria, and polio and be a part of our past. reggie aqui, abc 7 news. we have a lot more resources. and for information about the coronavirus on our website . a plea led to an outpouring of support for a nurse in san francisco who discovered her bike was stolen while she was at work. j.r. stone helped put her story out there and the bay area took it from there. >> yeah, i just got off of work and my bike was gone. >> vanessa works at usf children's hospital. on tuesday she discovered her only mode of transportation, her
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bike, was stolen from the hospital's garage. >> i was shocked. felt violated. i was angry. i was sad. but the shock was a solid hour. i couldn't even talk. >> vanessa cares for sick children and had just finished a 12 hour shift. >> i was exhausted. i just wanted to go home. >> i posted the story on social media, reaching more than 25,000 people. dozens offered to give vanessa a bike or donate to help pay for a new one. >> i generally don't ever ask for help. i'm usually the one helping others, so to -- sorry. so, to have someone want to help me instead, this is really nice. >> she even met two penal wednesd pople on wednesday to check out their bikes and now has a new set of wheels thanks to strangers to care. >> to have an outpouring of love for people is really touching.
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>> isn't that a great story how people responded? well, we invite you to join better bay area project thanks and share your gratitude for people helping out during the covid-19 battle. use the #betterbayarea to show us how you're saying thank you and we will certainly share the love. great ending. ama, she was understandably so touched by the kindness, again of strangers. >> absolutely. and it's so great to see that time and time again. let's talk about our weather. the winds kicked up today sandhya. >> yeah. it was pretty blustery out there. and those winds definitely brought those temperatures down dan and ama. i want to show you a time lapse from our east bay hills camera. you can see the marine layer. as it was coming in, it was just rushing in this morning and this afternoon and evening. the wind pushed it along. temperatures drops 5 to 15 degrees this afternoon from yesterday's highs. as you take a look at live doppler 7 we have the fog along
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the coastline. visibility is just over two miles in half moon bay. so, if you're an essential worker, you'll need to be careful tomorrow morning. first system in the pacific northwest. second system may bring some showers but not a game changer for the weekend. nice cooling as we look from the roof camera. visibility is good from this vantage point but it's not going to be like that everywhere. morning clouds, fog, patchy drizzle, windy and cooler over the weekend and isolated shower chance in the north bay. push of the marine player tomorrow morning with the on shore winds at 8:00 a.m. we've got a goodell at that breeze. then for the afternoon and evening we're going to see more clearing so it's going to be brighter tomorrow afternoon and those temperatures are going to come up a couple of degrees but this is going to be brief because over the weekend those numbers are going back down again. first thing in the morning, 40s,
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50s out the door, fog around with reduced visibility along with low clouds. for the afternoon, 82 in fairfield, 80 in concord, 77 in san jose, 72 in oakland, 66 san francisco, 73 in san rafael, and 70 in santa rosa. there will be high clouds, but the trend will be for a little bit of easing with the winds for the next few days and picking back up again over the weekend. the hour by hour forecast for the weekend, that cold front up to the north will bring steady rain around the northwest portion of the state. but an isolated shower or two not out of the question saturday night and sunday morning. here's a look at the accuweather seven day forecast. friday is breezy, bright. and then the weekend cooler, windier. mid 70s for the warmest spots. i don't think we have too much to complain about in terms of the weather, do we? >> no, we better not.
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other parts of the country have it bad. thanks sandhya. we invite you to join us tomorrow for "race and coronavirus: a bay area conversation." we'll focus on questions the african-american community faces during the pandemic. you can watch online and on the abc 7 news app. >> and ama will be among the anchors of that program. please tune in. tomorrow on "good morning amer with coronavirus still spreading, people at higher risk, must take extra precautions. you are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have any serious underlying medical conditions, like heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or if your immune system is compromised for any reason. if you're at higher risk, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds. avoid touching your face. disinfect frequently touched objects. and wash up after being in public spaces.
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and when it comes to social situations...less is better. stay six feet or two arm lengths away from other people. better still, stay home if you can. if you're sick, please stay home and away from others. and if you think you've been exposed to the virus, call your health care provider before going to their office. in challenging times, the choices you make are critical. please visit for more information. dr. about the ms: whyspread of coronavirus?are well we know that people with underlying medical conditions over the age of 60 are at highest risk, but they've got to get it from somebody. dr. deborah birx: so we're asking everyone to be selfless for others so that we can protect those who are most susceptible. dr. anthony fauci: not going to bars, not going to restaurants, it all just means physical separation, so that you have a space between you and others. dr. jerome adams: for more information on how you can social distance please go to
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♪ >> proms may be cancel ld but that doesn't mean students can't celebrate. tonight to mark international dance day, the new ballet school in san jose and the san jose museum of art invited people to join them online for a virtual dance party and flash mob. emmy award winning choreographer even led that flash mob. >> that's fun. supporter signs from abc 7 news viewers, here's a day in the life. ♪ ♪
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good evening. the giants are making contingency plans but they're waiting for when baseball might begin. they don't know. so many proposal out there, the biosphere in arizona, 310 team locations. but nobody knows when these games are going to start. >> there's some sense in the game that we may not have a lot of choice. you know, if we can play baseball i think all parties involved have incentives in line here. we just want to play as many games as possible. >> former wide receiver brandon eye ewe drafted by the 49ers. s i'm not saying he's this guy but he reminds me of jerry rice. jerry rice ran 4-6 by the way, good ball speed. he is waiting for this moment.
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when he came here, that was the mindset, i want to go play in the nfl. >> somebody paid big bucks to hang out with new buc tom brady betting $800,000 as part of the all in challenge. the winner will get to go to tom's first game in tampa bay, get his game worn jersey. time for call my play. you send the video, i call the action. and tonight we're wrestling. aaron wrestles for lowell high school in san francisco. you see him in the red. 127 pounds of muscle. this is going to be over in a flash, people, like his favorite john cena would do it. you can't see me. the quick take down. and then moments later aaron who runs track and is fuelled by his favorite food cheese burgers hands his opponent in just 30
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seconds. aaron, we just called your play on abc 7. you got a people at higher risk, must take extra precautions. you are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have any serious underlying medical conditions, like heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or if your immune system is compromised for any reason. if you're at higher risk, wash your hands frequently with soap and water for twenty seconds.
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avoid touching your face. disinfect frequently touched objects. and wash up after being in public spaces. and when it comes to social situations...less is better. stay six feet or two arm lengths away from other people. better still, stay home if you can. if you're sick, please stay home and away from others. and if you think you've been exposed to the virus, call your health care provider before going to their office. in challenging times, the choices you make are critical. please visit for more information. thank you so much for joining us tonight. i'm ama daetz. >> and i'm dan ashley. >> announcer: today, on an all new "tamron hall," actress and
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"better things" start, pamela adlon. plus, canceled proms and graduations. dreams of olympic gold now on hold. the emotional toll of quarantines with quaran-teens. next, on "tamron hall." ♪ ♪ >> tamron: welcome to "tamron hall" from my home. well, we are at the beginning of what would have been prom season for millions of teenagers in this country, and then after prom season it's graduation. in fact, i just recorded a commencement message wil which l be included in a virtual graduation ceremony for more than 185 universities who can't carry out their traditional ceremony. i also sent some virtual love to the 2020 graduates of my
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alma mater, temple university in philadelphia. can you believe, at this time of year, high school seniors would have been making their final campus visit? some of them, preparing to head off to college in the fall. now they are quarantined quaran-teens. a very popular show that gives the modern globe though my glimpse of teenage life these days is "better things" on fx. it's based on actress pamela adlon's actual life. it features a single mom raising her three daughters while trying to balance her own life. take a look. because where's my black dress to mexico what? check your closet. >> it's not there and i have to go to work. >> well, i'm sorry, i'm kind of busy. i have two sift through [bleep] right now so maybe you can look yourself. >> that's disgusting. it's because she's probably going to have to put him down, too. >> frankie! >> mom come you can't kill to e. >> nobody's killing to be. >> i'm going to be late. >> so wear something else! >> tamron: pamela adlon as a writer,


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