tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 2, 2020 12:36am-1:08am PDT
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greetings to those of you who joined me earlier tonight on who wants to be a millionaire. we are beaming from my house where i spend every minute of my life now. if nothing else, this experience of being cooped up has taught me i would november survive in space, three days into the mission i'd be in the escape pod trying to find a costco on the moon. today is earth day. today is the 50th and final earth day. here in l.a., not long after midnight last night, we got hit with an earthquake. i was in bed. the earth got up early and woke everyone up like a 5-year-old on their birthday today. i will say, it was scary, because the epicenter was close by. it was in town, but it was kind of refreshing to worry about being killed by something else for a change. >> donald trump celebrated with a shovel, the president, the first lady and mike and karen pence gathered on the south lawn to dig a hole to bury his hair
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in. look at how natural they are doing physical labor in their suits and heels. melania's praying right now, don't dig too close to her escape tunnel. so, at the planting, karen pence was asked to say a few words. it was refreshing, because finally, someone in this administration is speaking truth. >> while this troee makes the earth better and stronger, we talked a lot about mental health, and that's an issue that i know the first lady has been dealing with her whole time that she's been first lady. >> jimmy: boy, has she. she's been dealing with it the whole time since she said "i do." this is some not great news. the director for the center for disease control, dr. redfield, says there could be a second wave of the virus this year that could be worse than this one, because it would coincide with flu season and the next virus
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could be like the matrix reloaded. just as popular but worse. but the good news is, well, there is no good news, and we're getting mixed messages from the government. most experts say stay in your home, but the president says go get a tattoo in a bus station, and that has given rise to stay-at-home protests around the country, even though the cdc has been very clear saying people should avoid gatherings of any kind. the guy in charge of them seems to think they're fine. >> people want to get back to work, and i've watched some of the protests, not in great detail, but i've seen that, and they're separated. a lot of space in between. they're watching, believe it or not, social, they're doing social distancing, if you can believe it, and they were, they're protesting, but the groups i've seen have been very much spread out. >> jimmy: sure, look at how much very spread out these protesters in raleigh were yesterday.
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>> had six weeks! you've had six weeks! you've had six weeks! >> jimmy: mom, stop yelling, you're embarrassing us. do not tell me not to yell, you ungrateful little [ bleep ]. you think these fireworks are going to sell out of the trunk of the car themselves? but as ridiculous as this president is, he got a run for his money from the mayor of las vegas who, let's put it this way. r. kelly was watching this interview and said this woman is nuts. mayor karen goodman revealed her lunacy to anderson cooper and the whole country today. she believes las vegas is ready to open the casinos now. >> you're encouraging hundreds of thousands of people coming there in casinos, returning home to countries around the world, doesn't that
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sound like a virus petrie dish? >> no, it sounds like you're being an alarmist. i'm not. i grew up in the heart of manhattan. i know what it's like to be on subways and buses. >> you don't believe there should be any social distancing? >> of course i believe there should be. of course! i'm a rational. >> how do you do that in a casino? >> that's up to them to figure out. i don't own a casino. >> jimmy: i don't even own any books. if you watch that back, you can see the moment where anderson's soul leaves his body. it was a long interview. she went on and on. she was like the, you know that dizzy neighbor you try to pretend you don't see when you're pulling into the garage? the gist of what she was saying was why should we treat this virus any differently from anything else? >> we've had polio. we've had these horrific. >> none of these were as infectious in las vegas. you didn't have people with ebola on a casino floor. >> we don't know that.
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>> you do, because if you had it -- >> a neighbor of mine died from west nile because the swimming pool on the next property was filled with mosquitos and the people who had abandoned the house left the pool full. >> jimmy: oh, well, then you're right. we should reopen vegas. reopen the casinos and drain the pools. somehow she was elected last year with more than 80% of the vote in las vegas. and i can see why. mayor goodman has a lot of thoughts, and the one thing those thoughts have in common is that none of them make any sense. >> how do you know until we have a control group? we offered to be a control group. anybody who knows anything about statistics knows that for instance you have a vaccine -- >> you're offering the citizens of las vegas to be a control group to see if your theory -- >> i did offer, it was turned down. >> works or doesn't work. >> wrong, absolutely wrong. don't put words in my mouth. >> you just said you wanted to be a control group. >> excuse me, what i said was, i
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offered to be a control group, and i was told by our statistician you can't do that. >> jimmy: come on, anderson, she's not offering las vegas as a control group, she offered them as a control group and they told her she can't. it's totally different. somehow las vegas elected every lady you've ever seen at a "baywatch" slot machine to be their mayor. many, if not most businesses around the country, are shut down right now. but there's one establishment in bend, oregon that refuses to surrender to anything. >> not even the coronavirus can stop the last broolockbuster on earth. it's still open. customers can call the store ahead of time, order a movie and pull right up to the front and grab it. they'll survive this challenge for the same reasons they've stayed in business all these years. >> jimmy: because the men in bend, oregon are still horny for shannon tweed movies on vhs.
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good for blockbuster. if they can make it, so can we. american companies have had to make major agistments over the past month. every commercial now seems to be tailored to suit the coronavirus era. car companies, restaurant chains. every business has one of these earnest, straightforward, cautiously uplifting ads to remind customers ne are here for us now and always have been. this one was particularly effective. >> right now we're facing uncertain times, none of us know what challenges lay ahead, but one thing's for sure. americans stand strong. when it's time for us to band together we do. when it's time to lend a hand, we lend two. americans get the job done. with a little boost from beast blast power energy drink. together, we'll meet this crisis and beat it with a blast of the
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beast. >> new flavor, man glow in the dark! kill it with the beast! >> jimmy: all right, we are going to take a break, but when we come back, it will be hammer time with the god of thunder, chris hemsworth! ♪ >> dicky: abc's jimmy kimmel live brought to you by the samsung galaxy. ♪ life is too far to walk alone. ♪ ♪ you can't do it on your own ♪ ♪ but time will show ♪ and don't you know how bad we need each other? ♪ ♪ you know what i'm saying? ♪ hmmm...mmm...mmmm...mmmm
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. tomorrow night, arnold schwarzenegger and ed norton will be our guests and maybe a pony and donkey. my guest tonight is more than 7,000 miles away, but i feel like he couldn't be closer. he has a new movie on netflix called "extraction". please welcome chris hemsworth. how are things in australia? what's the situation there right now? now? >> things are pretty good here. we've flattened the curve, and there's discussions every day about lifting restrictions and
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so on. we thankfully, we're very fortunate, we didn't have as a, treatme extreme lockdown like many countries in the world. we're not in a busy, populated city. i feel for anyone who is, but yeah, the restrictions that were put in place pretty early and staying home. things seem to sort of stabiliz stabilize. >> jimmy: are people over there hoarding toilet paper like they are here? >> my wife was ordering a box of toilet paper like three months ago. and thought it was 15 rolls and ordered 15 so- so unintentionally, we're stocked. we could bootleg it. >> jimmy: are your kids home
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schooled over the computer? are you doing it yourself? how's that working? >> over the computer meaning they're watching youtube and stuff. i'm trying. i'm failing miserably. it's, you know, instead of four or five hours of negotiation and bribery, and then maybe 20 minutes of actual work. it's that. everything's changed since i was in school, you know, i was talking to the teacher about it, adding, subtracting, so on, it's not quite as straightforward now. there's these new little tricks and so on, which i don't understand. so good luck me teaching my kids. >> so you are not helpful in that regard. >> no, i'm just sort of, i'm just relaxed into the idea that they're going to come out of this quarantine, you know, iq a little under par. and a little behind. >> have you been, have you discovered any new hobbies or things you'd like to do now to pass the time? >> i mean, i really like mowing
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the lawn. i've got this ride-on mower a few months back, and there's something quite therapeutic about it, and it may be just, you know, a few hours of escape from having to entertain three kids 24/7 or teach kids. it's usually around school time that the lawns need to be mowed conveniently. >> jimmy: suddenly, the lawn needs to be mowed. >> honey, that lawn's a jungle out there. >> jimmy: speaking of a jungle out there, we always hear about how every species of dangerous animal lives in australia and everything there is deadly. do you come across any animals of that type especially when you're out mowing the lawn or around your house in general? >> where we are, we're among rainforest, thick bush land. it is the jungle, you know, where we actually live, and often, i mean, i got a call, a few months ago we had a
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babysitter looking after the kids, we were at a restaurant, she set aid there was a snake i the house. the other day i was cleaning out the garage and saw the motorbike helmet, i thought that's a nice green scarf that's been shoved into my motorbike helmet. it was only a second or two as i was reaching for it, and as i put my hand on it, it's not a scarf, it's a python, which has found a little comfort zone. >> jimmy: oh, my god, was it a dangerous snake snb ? do you know which ones? >> no, it was actually a python. i'm more wary of snakes and so on and cautious than my wife is, and whether you can put that down to -- >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, i don't know if she's braver or not intimidated as easily or an uneducated tourist kind of approach. because she's from spain.
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>> jimmy: she's from spain. >> she doesn't quite know that maybe that snake might kill you, not the python, obviously. >> jimmy: i always think all living things are trying to kill me. >> that's my excuse to run for the hills and tell her to remove the deadly animal. >> jimmy: i have to say, i think given the choice of snakes in the house and the coronavirus, i think i would rather have the virus outside. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i don't go for that sort of thing. when we come back, i want to ask about your new movie on netflix, which everyone in the whole world has now. there were like nine people who didn't have netflix before this, and now those nine have it, too, chris hemsworth is with us, we'll be right back. ♪ it's interesting what happens when you treat every little piece of a thing. like it's not just one thing. but everything.
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because when each part does everything better than ever. imagine what you can do with the sum of those parts. the new dell xps (10th gen intel bong) let's be honest. quitting smoking is hard. like, quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so try making it smaller, and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette.
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♪ >> jimmy: we are back with chris hemsworth who has a new movie on netflix called "extraction", which is an action movie. this is what we need to see right now, chris. >> it's adrenaline driven, high-action. to be honest, when the script came my way, i had done plenty of action films and wasn't interested in doing another one. but this resonated in a different way.
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it does have a heartbeat at the center of it. but we had sam hargraves who shot all the action in the avengers films. he's the director in this film and the action in this is unlike anything i've ever seen, anything i've been a part of. we did this 12-minute we had a scene of continuous series shots. and it just meant there was no hiding behind stunt doubles and switching out extra performers and so on. it was kind of you having to remember 4,000 moves of choreography and, you know, take a hit. >> jimmy: did you know going into it, because the director is a former stuntman that you would have no choice but to do a lot of those stunts your self. >> i did, and he talked about that and i sort of rubbed my eyes and thought, yeah, i've heard that before. and we were in india. shoot being this thing and it
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was relentless. anytime it'd be time out, time out, i'd look at him and he'd strap himself to a car and have the camera on or diving in front of a building, he's kind of leading the charge, it's a little hard not to follow. >> jimmy: he ruined it for everyone is what he did. i was thinking about one of the last times you were on the show and in the studio instead of in your house. you said you have thor's hammers at your house. is this the house where the hammers are? >> this is the house. >> jimmy: how many hammers are in the house. >> i've got two hammers. >> jimmy: can you show us the hammer. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> this is the original hammer from thor one. >> jimmy: is it heavy? or is it hollow. >> it's got some weight to it. my kids, slowly, bit by bit pick it up.
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it was the walk and talk one. the stunt one is foam and soft and hollow. >> jimmy: you know what would be fun, if you stood that up and put some of your toilet paper on it, it would be a nifty toilet paper holder. >> it dances around in different places. my wife puts it in the cupboard, i put it on display. the toilet paper, that's a practical idea. >> jimmy: and worst comes to worst you put out your hand and it comes back to you. well, it's good to see you. oh, my god, you have the ax too. if the toilet paper situation gets tight, you could cut the rolls in half with that thing. chris hemsworth, thank you very much. chris's charity, appreciate you choosing this charity is
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children's hospital los angeles where my son was saved. where many children are saved. and thank you, chris, for making that your charity of the night tonight. we'll be making a donation in your name, please go to their website. thank you, chris. love to the family. >> you, too, mate. thank you very much. >> jimmy: stay safe. chris hemsworth, we'll be right back. ♪ (vo) at sprint, we understand saving money for your family is now more important than ever. that's why we're offering our best unlimited deal. switch and get four lines of unlimited for just $100 a month. that's right - four lines, for $100 bucks! if that's not enough, we're throwing in four samsung galaxy phones... on us. and now, sprint customers enjoy expanded roaming access on the t-mobile network. shop from the comfort of your home at or come see us in our stores. for people with hearing loss, visit
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people at higher risk must take extra precautions. you are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have an underlying medical condition, like heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes, or if your immune system is compromised for any reason. if you're at higher risk, stay six feet or two arm lengths away from others. better yet, stay home if you can. the choices you make are critical. please visit for more information.
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♪ >> jimmy: i'd like to thank chris hemsworth and apology to matt damon. "nightline" is next, if you need me, i'll be right here watching you sleep. ♪ made in the bay area the first approved covid-19 drug. the scientists who studied remdesivir. what they say is needed next. >> homeless women took over the empty house. protesting for to do more.
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>> how one restaurant claims to keep patrons safe. >> more than a drop in temperatures coming this weekend. i'll explain coming up >> shame! >> san francisco housing crisis colliding with the coronavirus pandemic. homeless advocates attempting to move into a vacant home claiming it's their be bet to stay healthy. ? sacramento thousands of people converge near the capitol calling for the state to be reopened. governor newsom saying parts may come soon than we thought. as long as we follow the rules. >> we're coming close. we are we said weeks, not months. about four days ago. i want to say many days not
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