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tv   America This Morning  ABC  May 11, 2020 4:00am-4:30am PDT

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breaking news on "america this morning." the white house now considering new safety measures in the west wing as at least three top health officials are forced to self-isolate. and now a top senator and top navy official also in isolation. the new changes in washington. growing concern for children. dozens of additional cases of that mystery syndrome linked to covid-19 now being reported. more states now affected. new details on the symptoms to look out for. customer chaos. >> people have to treat other human beings -- >> from yelling at workers to ignoring restrictions, how the rush to reopen is causing more trouble than expected. plus the new video in that deadly georgia shooting as the attorney general calls for a new
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investigation. river rescue, a hiker slipped into a whirlpool. the frantic effort to save him. and later, why one of the most annoying things about your work email my finally be a thing of the past. thing of the past. good monday morning, everyone. abc news has learned the white house is considering new safety measures inside the west wing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. >> it comes after two white house aides tested positive. despite growing concern, vice president mike pence is expected back at the white house today. but three top health officials, including dr. anthony fauci and the head of the cdc and fda, are in self-isolation. we've also learned a top u.s. senator and the navy's top admiral are now in self-quarantine. another breaking headline this morning, at least 72 deaths at one veterans home in new jersey have now been linked to the coronavirus. and the economic struggle may get far worse before it gets better.
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treasury secretary steve mnuchin says the unemployment rate could approach 25%. but we begin our coverage with the latest from the white house and abc's andrea fujii. >> reporter: this morning new safety measures in washington. >> it is scary to go to work. you know, it's a little bit risky, but you have to do it because you have to serve your country. >> reporter: the west wing now considering new rules for workers, including social distancing during meetings and testing anyone who sees the president. just three days ago chief of staff mark meadows insisted enough was being done to protect people in the white house. >> this is probably the safest place that you can come to. >> reporter: the potential new safety measures come after two members of the white house staff tested positive for the virus. first the president's personal valet. then the vice president's press secretary. vice president pence has taken extra precautions after the possible exposure, but his spokesperson says pence will be at the white house today, adding that pence has tested negative every day. meanwhile, the navy's top admiral and at least three key
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members of the coronavirus task force are now in self-quarantine after they came into possible contact with covid-19. dr. anthony fauci says he's in, quote, modified quarantine after testing negative for the virus. while cdc director dr. robert redfield and fda commissioner dr. stephen hahn are in a two-week quarantine. all three officials are expected to testify remotely during tuesday's senate health committee hearing. but now the chair of that committee, senator lamar alexander, is in isolation after one of his staff members tested positive. alexander says he will run the hearing remotely despite testing negative. outside the white house nearly the entire country taking steps to reopen.ea sngs including kentucky, where churches held in-person services with spaced out seating. >> i'm glad you are here. >> reporter: but in 15 of those 45 states, the number of new
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cases is still on the rise. in castle rock, colorado, a crowded restaurant on mother's day with few customers wearing masks. in los angeles, a busy flower market as florists reopen for mother's day. today many states across the country are reopening certain portions of their economy. in michigan all manufacturing workers can return back to work. in indiana all restaurants and bars can reopen at half capacity. and in new york governor andrew cuomo says some regions of the state may be able to reopen by may 15th. he'll give more details on that later today. kenneth and mona, back to you. >> thank you, andrea. and doctors have issued a new warning for parents as more children come down with the mysterious illness linked to coronavirus. lhree kids have died in new yorkhe 85 cases arunder inva have been reported in five other states. the syndrome similar to toxic shock could lead to heart problems. for 14-year-old jack mcmorrow, it started with a fever and a rash. >> i actually started feeling sick.
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it was more like a swelling lymph node on my right side. and i got a headache and it just started going downhill from there. >> i believe it was dire. i reached out to my family and let them know that he may not make it through. >> we seem to be seeing this in the later stages, like several weeks or even a month after the children have been exposed to a known infection. >> we'll discuss more of the symptoms coming up in less than 15 minutes. british prime minister boris johnson says his country is taking careful steps to ease coronavirus restrictions. beginning wednesday people can spend more time outdoors and those who can't work from home can return to thei travellers arriving by air. in france today, outdoor gatherings of ten people or less are now being allowed and schools and hair salons are reopening. in the southern hemisphere, troubling news from brazil. it just reported a record increase in coronavirus cases. airports here in the u.s. are seeing the highest number of
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passengers since march and now overcrowding is a concern. abc's ines de la cuetara reports. >> reporter: this morning, new fallout for the airlines. >> please maintain a distance of at least six feet. >> reporter: not one but two carriers under fire after passengers posted these pictures sparking outrage over the lack of social distancing. >> i'm probably more likely to get infected there than i would in the icu. >> reporter: this photo was taken by a doctor flying home after spending weeks working on the hospital front lines in new york. united airlines flew him along with two dozen other volunteers for free, promising to keep the majority of middle seats empty. >> i'm more scared about getting on the airplane than i am walking into the hospital. >> reporter: but when the team boarded their flight, only 22 of the nearly 200 seats were vacant. the doctor tweeting, "i guess united is relaxing their social distancing policy these days." his post going viral with other airline passengers sending out their own full flight photos.
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>> are we talking about revenue for the airlines or safety for the people because they're on two completely separate wave lengths. >> reporter: among those complaints, this picture of a busy american airlines flight. the passengers saying it felt like a sardine can, showing at least six rows filled. but american says it held to its promise, even going above and beyond by keeping nearly 3/4 of the middle seats empty. >> we were sitting three in a row, like, six in a row and it was full packed. >> reporter: despite the airline's best efforts, many flight attendants say they're worried. >> this really has to be something that is coordinated by the federal government. passengers have to wear masks now, but social distancing policies are inconsistent and you just can't count on the fact that you're not going to have someone sitting right next to you on a flight. >> reporter: united airlines responded to the doctor's post, saying while his flight was nearly full, most flights are less than 50% full and that united is limiting advanced seat
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selection. the airline acknowledged it cannot guarantee everyone will be seated next to an empty seat. kenneth and mona? >> ines, thank you. time now for a look at your monday morning weather. it was mother's day weekend, but still parts of new england got 9 inches of snow. this was the scene in vermont. and in upstate new york, they were golfing in the white stuff on satury. fortunately the snow is gone. some warmer temperatures have moved in this morning. it will be in the 60s from d.c. to boston today. but still chilly for the great lakes and midwest. temperatures only in the 40s and 50s, thunderstorms today in the southern plains and the heatwave finally eases up in the southwest. coming up, a hiker slips and gets trapped in a whirlpool. the dramatic rescue next. also ahead, what we're learning about the california surfer killed by a shark this weekend.
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and a major development in the case of ahmaud arbery. the unarmed black jogger fatally shot in georgia. the new request from the state's
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check out this rescue near fresno, california. a hiker slipped and became trapped in a whirlpool. an off-duty police officer was nearby and used some rope he had to reach the man. bystanders then joined in helping to pull the hiker out. everyone is okay. and family and friends are mourning the loss of a surfer killed by a shark in northern california. ben kelly was in the water 100 yards offshore. a makeshift memorial exists where paramedics tried to save his life. just one day earlier, a drone captured this video of great white sharks. officials are now banning
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swimmers within a mile of the attack location. >> there was this -- a very, very large, dark fin, and it came out and it came out of the water and then there was, like, a feeding frenzy. and all this activity. and then soon as it started, it disappeared. it was over. >> not too far away, a shark was spotted swimming near a kayaker. we have several developments in the case of ahmaud arbery, the unarmed jogger shot and killed in georgia. the state's attorney general is now asking federal investigators to look into the case. this morning the investigation into the shooting death of ahmaud arbery is facing new scrutiny. georgia's attorney general is now asking the department of justice to investigate how the case has been handled. authorities in brunswick, georgia charged a father and son with murder last week more than two months after the shooting when newly-released video showing arbery's killing sparked outrage. and now videos being reviewed by investigators have surfaced and
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footage obtained by abc affiliate first coast news, a man enters this house under construction. arbery's lawyers say they believe it was him minutes before he was shot. video from inside the home shows the man looking around. according to his lawyers, arbery left in under three minutes, adding he did not take anything or cause any damage, adding, ahmaud's actions were in no way a felony under georgia law. the homeowner tells "the washington post" nothing was stolen from the property. the video appears to be spread up and slowed down in places. two men presumed to be murder suspects, gregory and travis mcmichael, are seen getting into a truck. >> it's a black male running down the street. >> reporter: video then shows the mcmichaels waiting for arbery with guns as arbery, who was unarmed, approached their truck. there is a struggle between arbery and travis mcmichael before the 25-year-old is shot and killed. the mcmichaels told police they thought arbery was this man caught on surveillance from this construction site. the images given to abc news by
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a local lawyer. since october three other trespassing incidents were reported there. the arberys say that man is not ahmaud. gregory mcmichael had a career in county law enforcement. two prosecutors recused themselves from the case because of their apparent connections to the father and son. glynn county officials say on the day of the shooting the district attorney's office told police no arrests were necessary. a second d.a. then reviewed the evidence and the video of the killing. >> within 24 hours of this homicide, he thought her was no probable cause for arrest. >> reporter: and now more celebrities are demanding justice. in a letter to "the atlanta-journal constitution," entertainers including music mogul jay-z and singer alicia keys want a special prosecutor appointed. and this morning atlanta's mayor is speaking out, saying without video of the shooting being made public she believes no arrest would have been made. >> it's 2020 and this was a lynching of an african-american man. >> reporter: the owner of that house under construction told
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abc news overnight he has no relationship with the suspects and condemned what he called a vigilante response. the mcmichaels still haven't hired a lawyer. and coming up, the hunger strike on board a cruise ship. also ahead, just how effective is a mask at stopping the coronavirus? the new research. and later, a new way to enforce social distancing.
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and 24 hour relief from symptoms caused byn. over 200 indoor and outdoor allergens. like those from buddy. because nothing should come between two best friends. feel the clarity, and live claritin clear. strike on a cruise ship. staffers on royal caribbean's "navigator" say no one is telling them why they can't return to romania. they've been waiting to go home since march. an ice cream shop in massachusetts has shut down one day after it reopened. tempers flared when customers who didn't place their orders in advance as required didn't get their ice cream fast enough. the owner says some customers were so angry they started verbally abusing his workers, causing one of them to quit. >> now i open the doors to a whole new world with gloves and masks and we're running around like chickens.
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but people don't -- they're like, where's my ice cream? i'm not a trauma center. it's ice cream! >> but it must be good. for now, the owner's offering limited deliveries until he can figure out a way to reopen safely. and we turn now to the benefits of wearing a mask. a new study found coronavirus cases would plummet if 80% of the population wore a mask. earlier i spoke with dr. imran ali about several issues beginning with that research. >> it showed that if the population at day 50 of the pandemic were to be wearing masks, at least 80%, not 50%, we would be able to save at least 1000lives rseoe t wearing any masks at all, and even 50% of the people who wore masks, you would still save some lives, but not as much if 80% of the population wore masks. so this is something that we already knew. we didn't need the fancy math to model this.
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masks do prevent viral spread because it prevents the respiratory droplets from spreading to others. >> and early on we had a focus on the elderly, but now new york state is investigating 85 cases of children being afflicted with this mysterious syndrome possibly linked to covid. what do parents need to know about that? and with at least six other states reporting cases, should we be concerned? >> this is probably caused by an overactive immune system. we see this in streptococcus infections where a week or even two weeks later, the immune system after fighting the disease remains in the on position and it constantly is attacking normal healthy cells. so it's very important that parents keep a close eye for symptoms such as a rash, any kind of rash, but especially on the palms of the hands, the soles of the feet, you know, red eyes, sensitivity to light. and we're see a lot of
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gastrointestinal symptoms, abdominal pain and diarrhea, at least the cases from the united kingdom. >> dr. ali, the trump administration is reportedly pushing for temperature checks in airports. a major u.s. airline group supports the idea, but do you think temperaturks are effective ororth it given a lot of people are asymptomatic? >> temperature, mona, is not a good indicator, not as good as we want it to be, because a lot of people don't have the immune system that can help mount a fever. a lot of the patients i've been treating don't have that robust of an immune system so are infected and infectious but they don't have a high temperature, or if they have a temperature, it's usually a low-grade temperature. so the temperature is really an indicator of somebody who is really very infectious and very il but it doesn't really tell you if somebody is sick or not sick or if they're infected or not infected. >> and our thanks to dr. imran ali there. coming up, the new disney sing-along.
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also ahead, one of the most annoying things about work email may be a thing of the past. 6 thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant.
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common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. be in your moment. ask your doctor about ibrance. be in your moment. ♪ here's a razor that works differently. the gillette skinguard it has a guard between the blades that helps protect skin. the gillette skinguard. but when allergies and congestion strike, take allegra-d... a non-drowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. so you can always say "yes" to putting your true colors on display. say "yes" to allegra-d. to putting your true colors on display. steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco.burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day all-night protection.
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can you imagine 24-hours without heartburn? ♪ i'm like a shooting star, i've come so far ♪ ♪ i can't go back to where i used to be ♪ ♪ a whole new world ♪ every turn a surprise that's idina menzel and ben platt performing "a whole new world" in disney's family singalong volume 2. another night of disney's biggest hits. >> keke palmer and the professionals from "dancing with the stars" delivered this amazing rendition of "hercules: from zero to hero." ♪ hercules to hero ♪ now he's a hero ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah
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♪ oh, yes, indeed >> hey, girl. it all led up to the final number paying tribute to heros on the front lines. and there's a new way to enforce social distancing on the streets. >> a mechanical mutt is doing the job in singapore. spot the robot is on patrol reminding visitors not to get too close. it barks out a recorded message asking visitors to stay apart. another device is also helping to stop the spread of covid-19. this drone can spray disinfectant across large areas like sports stadiums. it draws the liquid from a tank on the ground. friends on vacation in the woods in tennessee had a surprise visitor. a bear broke into their cabin while they were inside. one bear did all the damage. the women were hidg t with so many people working from home, microsoft is helping workers avoid email overload. >> the company's new office 365 program allows you to stop
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now your health, your safety. this is abc7 news. making news right now at 4:27. the pandemic definitely taking a devastating toll on california restaurants. governor newsom is about to lay out his plan to let more diners in again. advising against the health leaders. the white house now dealing with it own coronavirus outbreak. putting food on the table is a major challenge for a lot of families but help is on the way starting for a lot of families. happy you're with us and we'll get to those stories in just a few minutes. first, checking in with my friend mike nicco. i guess the rain is coming today, so i'm glad i enjoyed. >> nice time to be outside. especially refreshingly cool.
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how about that. what a change from friday, as we expected. i'm glad you enjoyed it, kumasi. hope the mothers had a great, relaxing sunday. mother's day. things change today. where is my umbrella? you'll need it today and tomorrow. make sure you do have that with you. it's pretty quiet out there right now. let's take a bigger picture and show you the picture of low pressure swirling on the side of your screen and push a cold front through our neighborhood and little milder than yesterday and also brings us this, a one on the storm impact scale with a chance of drizzle this morning and then light rain and showers for the remainder of the afternoon, evening and tomorrow. we'll show you how long this cool weather lasts coming up in the accuweather seven-day forecast. let's get back to kumasi. >> at the live desk, i'm following breaking news this morning, comedian and actor
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jerry stiller has died. ben stiller tweeted that his father died of natural causes and we're also learning this morning that ben stiller wrote in a tweet, quote, great dad and grandfather. the most dedicated husband. he will be greatly missed. the veteran comedian began his career in the '50s. he had featured roles on "seinfeld" and "king of queens" and several hit films. stiller and his wife shared a star on the hollywood walk of fame in 2007. stiller was 92 years old. kumasi, i'll send it back over to you. >> thank you, jobina. tomorrow governor newsom will announce specifics when it comes to easing restrictions in the state and that could include dine-in restaurants. julian glover is live with what we know. julian? >> good morning, kumasi. we hope to learn more about the part two, phase two of
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california's reopening plan and lift it of restrictions. so many restaurants struggling to stay afloat even though shift to delivery. including waiters looking gloves and more disposable menus and locations reopening just to allow a percentage of seating. >> we have a new checklist that goes through issues around hand washing sanitation, how to address the needs of customers through pickups and how we can make the pickup and drop differedropoff process fsafer. >> we will get back to julian in a second. a restaurant in burlingame is working hard to m


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