tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 11, 2020 11:35pm-12:06am PDT
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>> we appreciate your time. right now jimmy kimmel. ♪ pa-da-pa, pa-da-pa, pa-da-pa ♪ pa-da-pa, pa-da-pa, pa-da-pa ♪ jimmy kimmel live >> from his house! >> jimmy: hi there. i'm jimmy. here we are again. you in your house, me in mine. i hope you had a successful mother's day. this was probably the strangest mother's day ever, especially for me. i spent some of my mother's day in a twitter feud with, you know that weird baby that lives in the white house? the one with the orange face? well, he is in a mood! and apparently part of the reason for that mood is something i did. on thursday night, i showed a video. it was one of these embarrassing photo ops of mike pence, the vice president, carrying boxes, delivering ppe to a
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facility for senior citizens. it was a publicity stunt to show how much they're "doing." but that happens in politics, ok. fine. the trouble started because at one point of the video, after awkwardly lugging a heavy box to the door, pence finds some empty boxes in the van. why there were empty boxes in the back of the van i don't know. but he finds them and says, "can i just carry the empty ones just for the camera?" which turns out he was joking. how anyone can tell when mike pence is joking i don't know. i didn't know. but he was joking. i didn't know because i had only seen part of the video. turns out, there were 29 minutes of this on c-span, that apparently indicate he was joking about the empty boxes for the cameras. which, again, i did not know because i don't have the mental endurance it requires to watch mike pence deliver boxes for 29 minutes on c-span. but i should have watched the whole thing. i guess. bottom line is, i was wrong. he was joking. i didn't know. i made a mistake.
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and when i found out i was wrong i acknowledged it by taking the video down and tweeting an apology of sorts. to the best of my ability. apologizing to the trump administration for spreading untruth is like apologizing to barry bonds for using steroids. it's hard. but the outrage from the maga hats, the outpouring of venom was disgusting. stupid too, but mostly digusting. some of these lunatics have the audacity to use the word "christian" in their bios, but that didn't stop them from wishing death on me, on my family, on my son. some of them said they hope my son dies. they threatened my wife. there were hundreds of horrible, hateful, sometimes violent twitter and facebook posts. because i showed what they kept calling a doctored video. which was not a doctored video, by the way. we didn't do anything to it. we didn't "doctor" it. doctors are the people donald trump doesn't listen to. and doctored videos are something donald trump posts all the time. some of his paid campaign ads
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are doctored videos that had to be removed for violating the rules about that sort of thing. but these people who blindly pledge their allegiance to donald trump instead of this country are so -- their hypocrisy runs so deep they don't even seem to be aware of it anymore. it's like when an uber driver wears too much cologne. the communications director for mike pence's campaign tweeted all day about this friday. all day it's the only thing he tweeted about. and i got an email from the vice president's office requesting that i apologize on air. on twitter wasn't enough i guess. they want td on air. because this is what they're thinking about while thousands of americans are dying every day. jokes from late-night talk show hosts. but ok, you know what? it was my mistake, i do apologize to the vice president, again, for spreading misinformation about him. spreading misinformation is their thing and i stepped on their toes. but now that i've done that, i would like the vice president, since he asked me to apologize,
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to ask his boss, who lies every time there isn't a mcnugget in his mouth, to apologize for the following perversions of decency and democracy. mike pence has stood by and warmly enabled with a smug little twinkle in his eye these things for four miserable years. we would like an apology for separating thousands of migrant children from their parents, inviting the taliban to camp david, siding with putin over u.s. intelligence. calling neo-nazis "very fine people." using campaign money to pay off a porn star. mocking a 16-year-old climate activist. mocking christine blasey ford. obstruction of justice. ignoring warnings on coronavirus. downplaying the dangers of coronavirus. mishandling the coronavirus. we still don't have tests for the coronavirus. why are we opening the country when we have no tests for coronavirus? there are about 15,000 more. but let's start with apologizing for those. and we'll get to the rest. so then yesterday it's mother's day. we're having a nice morning with the family and i get a text that says the president is tweeting
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about you. so he tweets -- it took me a while to find it because he tweeted 125 times yesterday. he tweets "more fake news. this time from jimmy kimmel's last place show." he tweeted once every 7 1/2 minutes yesterday. that's impressive. he ignored a pandemic and his wife on mother's day. he really can do it all. so i replied to the tweet. i thought about it and i just wrote "go make melania brunch." still no word on if he did. you think he ever made anything? you think ever made don jr. a grilled cheese sandwich? so anyway, this is what the white house is working on and thinking about right now. this really is the dumbest time to be alive. i always assumed that if i got involved in a twitter feud with the president it would be with president kanye in 2028. but no, it came early. so now the latest twist is that there's a corona outbreak among the white house staff. as if this administration needed anything else to make this more
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like a horror movie. "it's coming from inside the house!" the president's valet, ivanka trump's assistant, a spokesperson for mike pence all tested positive. dr. fauci has now placed himself in quarantine. and the white house today announced a new policy that requires all staffers who enter the west wing to wear a mask. except for the president, because you know, rules don't apply to him. donald strup is now with all these tests living like the world's most closely monitored porn star. kevin hassett, who is a top economic adviser to trump, said it is scary to go to work now. right. but by all means, let's send everyone else back to work. and in the midst of all this, with his spokesperson testing positive, mike pence went to iowa to meet with executives from several big food companies. and you can see here everyone is wearing a mask. until a woman comes in -- i don't know who the woman is. but 11 minutes before mike pence arrives she says something to the executives and they remove their masks after hearing it.
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and then who shows up but the vice president. he's maskless too. everyone claps. they've got a hashtag that says helpful, smile strong, which reads like a poorly translated sign on a chinese dentist's office. anyway, it doesn't matter who in his office has it. no mask for mike pence. he is a very bad, bad boy. he's wild. that video, by the way, i want to say was not doctored. and nor is this. have you seen the video of the little girl who got caught touching her dog's food? if not here it is. >> lily. i just watched you touch jude's food. >> i don't -- >> yes, you did. you touched jude's food. >> i'm going to hire her to be my lawyer. your honor, may i let the cutest lawyer ever speak? but watching that kid deny doing something she clearly did reminded me of someone. so this time i want to say, i want to announce in advance, we
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did doctor this video. and here now is our boss baby deep faked. >> mr. president, you said the virus was just like the flu. >> no, i didn't -- >> you did. you also said the virus could go away by april. >> no, i -- >> no, no, sir. you said it would disappear like a miracle. >> i -- no. >> you said 15 people would have it and it would go down to close to zero. >> no. i -- >> you did. you said chloroquine would treat it. >> no, i da darda i da -- >> you said we should try injecting disinfectant. >> da, da, da, the food. >> you said anyone who needs a test could get one. >> you praised china for being transparent. >> i da, da, da, food. >> you got rid of the pandemic response team. you ignored every warning throughout january and february. >> no, i da, da, da, food.
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>> jimmy: now go to your room and no fox news for you. we'll be right back with adam sandler. >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by target. a little stronger ♪ l ♪ you gave me a little hope and i say thank you ♪ ♪ if you lose sight of the horizon ♪ ♪ i'll lift you up your world is brightened ♪ ♪ you gave me a little hope and i say thank you ♪ ♪ woahh-ahhhh ooooo-ooooo ♪ only wendy's 2 for 5 has all the chicken you crave. you can choose from the spicy or homestyle chicken sandwich. crispy or spicy 10-piece nuggets. but let's be real, you're gonna get those 20 spicy nuggs for 5 bucks. only at wendy's.
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to jimmy kimmel live from my house. tomorrow night, the great lionel richie will be with us and later this week, stephen curry and bill murray. my guest tonight is an american treasure. he's been wearing sweatpants on tv long before anybody was doing it. his excellent movie "uncut gem"" arrives at netflix on may 25th. please welcome adam sandler. adam. you've brought a guest with you. >> jimmy, you remember sunny? she was in brooklyn with us that time. >> hi, sunny.
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how are you? >> i awanted to tell you a quic thing about my sunny. i had a hair coming out of my ear apparently. and sunny told me about it. and she said i looked goofy. so i went and shaved -- i took the razor. i usually shave with. and i went like this. and then i came out. i said how's, that sunny? she said you're bleeding. so apparently -- tell jimmy what it looks like back there. >> so it's like -- it's bloody and then there's a big -- >> there's a gut. she says apparently there's a gut coming off my ear. there's a little blood. but we're coming down, sweetie. much better. tell jimmy louf. we've got to go. i've got to get out of here. >> jimmy: bye, sunny. how's sunny holding up? aw, that's cute. and the funny thing is you're not going anywhere. you're going to see her again in two seconds. that's how much your children love you, adam. >> yeah, they're always kind of around. you go upstairs and do some homework and get away from daddy so he can talk dirty. >> jimmy: how are you handling
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this? i feel like you are designed for quarantine because you don't really like to go places. right? >> you know that, jimmy. i think i'd rather have the -- i like it better to say no. i like when my wife says let's go somewhere and i go i don't want to do that. but i don't like being told by this pandemic you can't go anywhere. it's cooler to say no. >> i looked it up and i think the last time you were sighted in public was at the lakers game sitting next to denzel washington. in february. >> yes. i think i had a couple more nights out. i saw jim carrey's movie, the "sonic." and i noticed that people were spread out. there was only a few of us in the theater, and i was laughing very loud. the people behind were laughing too. but i think our last big night out, "sonic."
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>> jimmy: so maybe your last movie theater experience will have been "sonic the hedgehog." >> the hedgehog. i called him from the theater, telling him how funny it was while it was going on. i didn't know 'twas going tonight last movie i saw at a theater. >> jimmy: somebody posted a video of you doing push-ups outside your house while the family looked on. >> who is this guy? i hate -- first of all, that son of a bitch who hides in front of my house. i don't know where he's hiding. every day i'm out there i'm like, where is this [ bleep ]? yeah. i did -- my brother-in-law has been working out, and he's looking good. so i said i've got this app that tells you how many push-ups to do. so i said it's pretty good, let me do it now. so i dropped down while we were having the discussion. only because i knew if i didn't do my push-ups then i'll never get it done. so i'm on the street doing push-ups. this jerk is filming me. and i don't go all the way down
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because i ripped my chest muscle so it looks like i don't know how to do a pushup! stuck my ass up a little bit because i'm afraid to rip my chest, jimmy. >> jimmy: are you ordering a lot of food? what do you do? do you have it delivered to the house? do you cook? what do you do? >> both. we go to restaurants and they throw it in the back of my van. that's a big move. i've got a van. it's not down by the river. and i go there with the family and we know a lot of the restaurant owners. and i call them up, we order and they chuck it in the back of the van. and everybody's wearing their stuff. and then i have -- we get some delivery stuff. >> jimmy: do you wear a mask when you go out? are you wearing a mask? >> you know what? last night i went to get -- i said we've got to go somewhere else because we do the same moves every night, the same food. so -- and we haven't had chinese in two months. so i called my friend up. i said what's good chinese around you. he told us. we drove.
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ordered on the phone. our order was taken so long that the lady said call back when you know what you want and hung up on us. and everybody was heartbroken. like they hung up. i was like that's because we were babbling like idiots, this lady had a right to hang up on us. i said it's not mean, we were mean. but anyways, she hated us to begin with. then we get to the chinese restaurant and i show up, jimmy, i said to my wife, you said you've got the masks. she said oh, i don't have the mask. so i don't have the mass snk i've got to go get the chinese. here. and she gave me a listerine wipe to hold up to my face. i said no, that's going to knock me out like ether. i said let me handle this. i put the gloves on i knock on the door and i open it. and the lady's like 30 feet away. and i said hey, we were the people you hung up on. i understand why you did it. is the food ready? she goes yes. i said i don't want to come, in
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do you mind bringing it here and i'll pick it up? she goes come in. i said no, i don't want to come in. i said i've got my credit card. i'm going to give you a tip on that. but you've got to bring it out. she goes, come in! and i go, i'm not coming in! i screamed. i'm not coming in! i'll take it out here! i started losing my mind. she's like wanting to kill me. anyway, she came out and she was yelling at me through my wife's -- he promised a tip but you've got to sign for the tip and blah, blah, blah. i said i'm going to sign it! whatever. then a nice guy that knew my friend came into the restaurant and he goes i know your friend. i said oh, cool. and then he came out with my food and goes here. i go, she didn't take it out, she gave it to you. he goes, i don't know. and the guy goes i don't know. whatever. anyways, i got the [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: we're going to figure this out in detail with adam sandler when we come back. we'll be right back. ♪
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>> jimmy: welcome back to jimmy kimmel live from my house. i'm here with adam sandler. i don't know. things in your house just seem more fun than they are in mine. >> not at all. >> jimmy: adam's ear is bleeding. >> a little blood. but no. jimmy, it's not at all. you seem like life is good, man. you're in the right spirit all the time. my family -- by the way, it used to be, the worst thing about this quarantine, it used to be when i snapped in the house i'd get thrown out. my wife would be like you'd better go, get the hell out, you're acting nuts. i would leave. now she's like get the hell out and hang on, let me get you a mask and gloves.
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and by the time i get the right stuff to leave she's like, it's all right, just stay. >> jimmy: it's calmed you down. seems like you've been keeping busy. you had a very funny video with pete davidson on "saturday night live." and last night you were part of a big charity event that supported feeding america. i want to play -- >> where were you, jimmy? where were you on that? >> jimmy: i don't think i was invited. >> were you doing the disney sing-along? >> jimmy: i was doing the disney sing-along. yeah. >> all right. >> jimmy: let's take a look. ♪ wake up in the morning ♪ get up on my feet ♪ dress my arms and legs ♪ then fall right back asleep ♪ wake up a few hours later, start to toast some bread ♪ ♪ pull it out, but thor it up ♪ then go back to bed >> yeah. >> jimmy: can i tell you something? that is so hypnotic. i watched that like seven times in a row on your instagram page. >> you did? what's it do to you? does it bore you? does it make you -- >> jimmy: no. it captivates me. i don't know.
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it puts me kind of in a good mood. >> that's pretty good. my two buddies actually wrote the tune and gave me all that stuff. i enjoyed singing it. and my wife shot it. >> jimmy: your wife shot the whole thing. so your family is your film crew now officially. >> my wife was the one who said bring that trampoline in and jump off it. i said i don't know. and then i saw her get mad. i go all right, and then i was like hey, the trampoline was a good idea. i'm sorry i doubted her. >> jimmy: are you keeping in touch with your buddies like spade and chris rock and all these guys you used to see all the time? kevin james? >> we do the zoom stuff. we do it like we're doing it right now. we have fun listening -- >> jimmy: who do you miss the most of those guys? if you had to pick one, who do you miss seeing in person the most? >> the truth is i had a mask on recently on the street and i walked past rob schneider and he didn't recognize me. and that felt good. right past him.
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i miss them all the same, jimmy. they're all my buddies and i love them. i love anybody who will talk to me. >> jimmy: i want to mention this movie "uncut gems." because it came out around a year ago, right? not quite a year ago -- >> six months ago or something, yeah. >> jimmy: six months ago. it is such a good movie. and it is finally at long last coming to netflix. >> yeah, man. >> jimmy: i know you get embarrassed about it. but it really is i think your greatest performance of many great performances. >> thank you. >> jimmy: and it is well worth watching. and kevin garnett is great in this movie too. >> he's incredible. i spoke to kevin garnett two nights ago, and he is -- he's such a cool dude. i showed him that video and the thing you just watched and with shaq and he liked it and the ending about jordan and stuff. he thought it was funny. >> jimmy: i highly recommend it. "uncut gems." and also each night i'm making a donation to a charity, we're highlighting a charity.
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adam has selected the southern california chapter of the national ms society, multiple sclerosis. why did you pick that particular charity, adam? >> my cousin jan has it. she's had m.s. a long time and she's been -- she's doing great right now. she's doing excellent. and it keeps getting better and better, the medicine. but yeah, we love our jana. >> jimmy: well, the information is right there on your screen if you want to be a part of that. thanks, adam. i really appreciate it. be careful grooming yourself. please leave that to a professional. >> yes, jimmy. i love you. say hi to your whole family, buddy. >> jimmy: you too. take care. adam sandler. we'll be right back. ♪ ambient sound fades in and plays throughout. ♪ ♪ ambient sound begins to rise. ♪ ♪ ambient crescendos and then goes silent for the tagline. ♪
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go in peace to love and serve fish sticks again for dinner. good night. >> announcer: this is "nightline." tonight, ahmaud arbery, black, unarmed, and gunned down while jogging. now a grieving mother searching for answers. >> his last words to me was "i love you." >> her son's death reopening racial wounds. the new surveillance video showing the final minutes before everything changed. forever. plus, transforming pain into a path to healing. how two mothers, their sons shot and killed in america, are fighting for change. >> announcer: "nightline," 74 days gone, starts right now with byron pitts. good evening. thank you for joining us. tonight, 74 days gone by before
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