tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 13, 2020 12:36am-1:07am PDT
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what are you lookin' at? something weird about my face? that's because it isn't my face! it's a mask! a friend made me a mask of my own face. i have to say, i love it. i think it's great. this will make a great gift for the dumbest bank robber in your life. anyway, today, doctor anthony fauci testified before the senate today to warn senators - many of whom are ready to get going about the dangers of opening the country too quickly. fauci testified remotely because he's under quarantine which was fun because we finally got a chance to see inside his house. and answered a question from senator bernie sanders. >> are we fearful that if we don't get our act together, as bad as the situation is now, it could become worse in the fall or winter? >> i think that a possibility does exist. however, and the reason i say that ♪ who let the dogs out
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is that when you talk about wths virus just disappearing, and i've said this many times, it's just not going to happen. >> jimmy: wait until his parents get home. they're going to be furious. fauci told "the new york times" yesterday that re-reopening the country too soon could lead to "needless suffering and death." which, i believe, is trump's new campaign slogan. fauci and trump seem to have opposite views of how to handle this. trump says we have "prevailed" on the same day everyone at the white house was required to wear masks. so i guess it just comes down to who you believe: the doctor who is one of the world's leading experts on infectious disease or our personal pan president. >> do you really think this is the right thing for us to be doing, ivana? >> what will people think? >> let'em talk. ivana. it's wrong, isn't it? >> but it feels so right. >> then it's a deal? >> yes, we'll eat the pizza the wrong way. >> crust first. >> jimmy: now he's eating our country backwards. thanks to our president, there is a divide among party lines about whether or not we should be staying at home.
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which is silly because viruses don't care who you vote for so i'm going to try to summarize what dr. fauci said today with a metaphor. think of this lockdown as a scab. a big, ugly scab on our nation's face. it's not pretty. in fact, it's ugly, it's awful, but it's doing an important job. it's healing and containing the wound. the best thing you can do with a scab is be patient and let it fall off. unfortunately there are some impatient people who want to dig their tiny, orange fingernails into the scab and rip it off. and eat it. and while that would feel good for a minute if you rip off the scab and the wound is still bleeding, you have to start all over again with a new scab. so what dr fauci is saying is the same thing your mother said. "don't pick the scab." and while our picktator in chief continues to pat himself on the back and insist the numbers are going down almost everywhere they are not. nbc news got hold of an unreleased report from trump's
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own pandemic task force that shows the numbers are going way up in many spots across the country. the virus is surging across the midwest. and the south. this is from a restaurant in castle rock, colorado that decided to open on mother's day despite an order that bans in-house dining throughout the state. you can see, no one was protecting themselves. well, if it's mom's last meal you might as well make it delicious. in clearwater, florida demonstrators gathered outside a courthouse to protest the fact that gyms are closed. >> there are people out there, their preference is to go to a gym and work out with others and to do classes. and here we see the pushups. >> jimmy: looks to me like they don't need a gym. they've got a perfectly good sidewalk to do pushups on. and this is interesting at fox news, which is the little engine behind the "back to work" movement, they just decided to keep their own offices closed through june 15th. isn't that something? fox news, the ones who are making fun of people cowering at
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home is advising its employees to stay at home. because apparently they don't get their news from fox news. so looks like we have at least another month of judge jeanine smearing her lipstick on like the joker. at least two white house staffers have tested positive for the virus. and as part of increased safety measures the president and vice president will keep social distance from each other. they decided to separate pence from trump because research has shown that in some rare cases the coronavirus can be spread by pets. and they don't want the president to get it. trump and pence are being tested for the virus every day. and i know it's a small consolation but it does bring me some joy to know that every morning those two get a q-tip rammed in their brain. today white house press secretary kayleigh macallayly continued to downplay the importance of testing even though she gets one every day and suggested that there's a simple and better solution. >> testing is not preventive. what is preventive is wearing
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this mask. >> jimmy: that i am not wearing right now. even though the president says everything is great he is also desperate to blame the fact that it isn't on anyone but him. his new thing is "obamagate." he doesn't know what obamagate is but he's going with it. he's very mad because obama said the government's response to the virus has been "a chaotic disaster." and in an interview with trump's daughter-in-law mitch mcconnell the senate majority leader pretended to be mad too. >> i think president obama should have kept his mouth shut, you know. we know he doesn't like much this administration. that's understandable. but i think it's a little bit classless, frankly, to critique an administration that comes after you. >> jimmy: wait, obama is classless? he's joking now, right? of all the wildly hypocritical things anyone has said about
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anything during this ordeal the idea that obama is classless and shouldn't say bad things about another president that might take the cake! the tonnage of terrible things trump has said about obama, i would put them all on screen, but no one in the world has a big-enough screen to see them all! the screen over the field where the dallas cowboys play isn't big enough. so he had to be kidding. mitch, you dirty little snapping turtle, you got us again! meanwhile this is what obama's buddy joe is up to. we are now less than six months away from the election. and the onslaught of emails will not let up. team biden sent this one to supporters with what i hope is not their new catch phrase. >> show everyone you're ridin' with biden. >> jimmy: great idea. who else wants to hop in a car with a 77-year-old driver that can't keep his eyes on the road behind the wheel? he'll be the one with his blinker on the whole way. and one more item on the subject
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of working from home. i've noticed that for some reason meteorologists, maybe because no one cares about the weather when you can't go out, are very involved with their pets. and sometimes those pets make it difficult for them to do their work from home. >> saturday, sun and clouds, 53. sunday, partly sunny with sprinkles possible late. hey, look at that. my cat charlie just showed up on the table. >> cold air, three, two, one. cold air continues, potential for frost and freeze for some of us. warmup, it's going to take [ dog barking ] >> he's not going to move, he just whacked the computer with his head. >> betty here, the household cat seems to be enamored with all the lights here. >> three, two, one, maple, shush. [ dog barking ] >> three, two, one. after a glorious day, clouds on the way in [ dog barking ]
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>> probably into thursday as well. [ meow ] >> as a slow-moving system moves across, and that could bring us about an inch of rain. [ dog barking ] >> jimmy: that's a man who has had enough. we need to take a break but we will be right back with lionel richie. so stick around. ♪ ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live, brought to you by knew tra gina. not just any retinol. accelerated retinol sa. for not only smoother skin in one day, but younger-looking skin in just one week. and that's clinically proven. results that fast or your money back. unless you're attached to your wrinkles.
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my guest tonight is one of the greatest and most beloved american singer/songwriters. he says you, he says me, he says watch him on the season finale of "american idol" sunday night on abc. please welcome lionel richie. hi, lionel, how are you? >> jimmy, jimmy, how are you? i'm doing very well. i'm kind of honored to be like the only guest. i love this. i get to talk the whole segment. >> jimmy: i don't want to talk to anyone but you, lionel. you've had a big resurgence in my house. because i've started playing your songs for my 5-year-old daughter, and she loves them. and i've had to explain like jambu-say-de-leon. what does it mean? i know i've asked you before. it doesn't really mean anything, does it? >> the truth of the matter is it means nothing.
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i just realized in creating that song, there are 101 african dialects. by the time i figured out which one was to be the one to use i said, i'll make up one. >> jimmy: you know what? it means what it sounds like it means. it means fun, is what it means. >> that's exactly right. >> jimmy: during this quarantine, have you considered growing your giant afro back? has that crossed your mind at any moment? >> you know, whether i considered it or not. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> it is coming back with great vigor, understand. and i am happy at this age and time in my life that there is an afro coming back, thank you very much. that's the good thing. i'm a little afraid to cut it right now. it may jinx the whole thing. but it is working very well. i can always tell when afro is here. i go from combing to picking. >> jimmy: you always push the sleeves of your jacket up. it's something you have always done. >> only you could figure that out.
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it's an old '80s thing, if you notice anything correctly. it's one of those things where i can't talk like this. it always feels better if i'm having a conversation, it's like crossing your legs, you know? >> jimmy: every single artist should have a thing, and that's your thing. >> that's my thing? >> jimmy: on the "american idol" finale, you will be singing "we are the world." it's very exciting. i'm wondering how this will work. will the contestants be part of this? katy perry? luke be part of this? how is this going to work? >> all of the above. i was excited about presenting it to them. i've been asked 1001 times, are you going to write a new song for what's happening in the world? and my answer is, "we are the world."
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when michael and i wrote "we are the world" was to let everybody know, if we don't solve the problem over there, it's going to be over here, and sure enough, 35 years later, it's now over here. and so the lyrics work perfectly. of course when i announced we're going to do it with the kids on the show with katy and luke and everybody, it just feels right that we would present it at this time. >> jimmy: one of the lines is "we're saving our own lives." >> saving our own lives. >> jimmy: is it true you basically wrote the whole song and michael barely did anything? i made that up. >> of course you did. >> jimmy: i watched it last night, because i was thinking about you. it might be the greatest eight minutes in the history of the '80s. it is incredible to watch. i feel like, as you know, i love kenny rogers. i loved kenny rogers, and i know
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he was a very great friend of yours, and i feel like because of what was going on in the news his passing was overshadowed. can you tell us one story about kenny, something personal that might make us remember him fondly? >> let me tell you something. kenny rogers was, he liked me to say his older brother. i liked to say he was my dad, because he was really one of the greatest guys in the world. his sense of humor was just crazy, and i did not know when i walked into his camp for the first time while i was recording "lady", i didn't know that there's certain things you don't say to mr. rogers. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> so i'm walking in as a commodore, right? and of course, kenny announced right as he walked in the studio, i'm only going to sing it three times, and then i'm going to leave and go back to play tennis. and i said to him, well, it's going to be your career and my reputation. so why don't you come back when you have enough time to get a
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hit record. jimmy, there was dead silence in that recording studio. and you know how you know you said something wrong but you're not quite sure how bad it's going to be. so he said, well how long do you think it's going to take, lionel? and i said until we get a hit record. and he said, okay, i'll be back in two hours. and he left to play tennis and to come back. when he came back, he came back with a vengeance. it took us a day and a half to get it right. >> jimmy: lionel, was he wearing the tennis outfit when he said "i'm your knight in shining armor, and i love you"? that is great. i mean, you really, you're going deep, you're going deep on this. >> jimmy: i like to imagine he's got wristbands on. maybe he's holding the racket while he's singing. >> a pair of white shorts, and by the way, he could dress the part and could play very well, but that's not what you think
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about when you think about a rock 'n roll singer in the studio struggling to get a hit record, but he was in his tennis gear. >> jimmy: he was great. i had him on the show once, and i loved talking to him so much. and i love that the two of you were friends. now let's talk about our charity here tonight. each night i've been making a donation to a charity of our guest's choosing, you chose the naacp. >> naacp and b.e.t. got together. what's happening, and i must tell you, the black community has been devastated by this pandemic. and so it's just, i, i'm so concerned that there's so much to be done in the community that i thought this would be the perfect charity to kind of put that donation into. it's very necessary right now to be aware. >> jimmy: it is. >> to be aware of what's going on out there. >> jimmy: go to to help. lionel, the big "american idol" finale is on sunday night.
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i would love to see the afro real big next time. i think you could start something big all over again. lionel richie, everybody. thank you, lionel, take care. >> thank you, bye-bye. >> jimmy: when we come back, i'm going to answer some e-mails from viewers who might be you. ♪ (vo) we might be apart out there. (girl) but, in here we're still figuring things out. (chef) still cooking up. (little girl) still caring. (father) we're camping. (son) i'm fishing! (ladies) i'm still designing, drafting, inventing, adapting. (animated vo) doodling and scribbling around... (skateboard mum) mama's still shredding! ♪
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no. it is not going good. my mom is getting stressed out. (speaks hebrew) momma's tired. i, i'm, like... woooo... (screams) (sighs heavily) so, starting just quickly by breathing in... i never thought i'd say this, but i kind of miss school! the teachers, i mean, y'all are gifted people! i thank you so much for what you're doing. their investment into our children is beyond what we can even imagine. appreciate all that you do. ♪
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in maryland. she writes, jimmy, podium is a raised floor or stage or pulpit, look it up. when a person is speaking, they're standing on the podium with their papers resting on a lectern, please, please stop abusing the word podium. pass this to all your friends, peers and relatives. we must correct this now. pass the word. why do i feel this is not the first time you've spoken passionately about this? yes, i will try to remember that. i can't promise that i will, but i get it. and when people say nauseous instead of nauseated it makes me crazy, the word nuclear makes me crazy, and i'm going to work on podium. and i'm going to thank you for making me a better person. let's see, what else here. dan says i think you are the sexiest man on television. you have a beautiful smile that would light up any room you walked into. as a gay man, i want to let you know, if you ever feel the need
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to try something new, i'm here for you. my friends dared me to send this to you. they should know better. dan, i'm good right now, but if this quarantine goes much longer, check back in. that's all i'm saying. in case you haven't noticed, things are not great on the planet earth right now, but our friends at diageo are making it better, lending a helping hand to workers in the hospitality industry with their "tips from home" initiative. as part of it we have been asking bartenders to dream up drinks using ingredients you probably already have in the pantry. and it is time now for tonight's cocktail de la casa, featuring baileys original irish cream. ♪ >> hi, this is charles from chicago, i'm here with my one and only regular jackson. like most of you, he has not worn pants for several weeks. we're going to make you the spice rack today. it starts off with flavored ice. you can use whatever juice you have in your fridge. next, five ounces of spiced coffee, when i brewed this coffee, i steeped in nutmeg,
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cardamom and cinnamon. you can add your favorite spices as well. finally, an ounce and a half of bailey's original irish cream, because that is the fun part. give it a stir and enjoy. so there you have it, the spice rack. cheers, jimmy. >> jimmy: cheers to you charles. to learn more about how you can help bartenders go from home. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ it's best we stay apart for a bit, but that doesn't mean you're in this alone. we're automatically refunding our customers a portion of their personal auto premiums. we're also offering flexible payment options for those who've been financially affected by the crisis. we look forward to returning to something that feels a little closer to life as we knew it, but until then y csee how'. [ piano playing ]
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♪ >> jimmy: that is all the time we have. i'd like to thank lionel richie and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. i also want to apologize to my kids, we ran out of cereal. it's mommy's fault for not buying daddy his own box. bill murray will be with us tomorrow. "nightline" is next. and as i say every night for the love of god, send help. ♪
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>> in a lull rite now but not for long. when showers arrive. >> the great goat get away. in one community. >> that breaking news is tesla reached a deal with alameda county to resume operations. the car maker is defying public health orders with employees back at work for a second day. so far neither fremont nor alameda county issued citations or made arrests. they released a statement saying it reviewed the safety plan and if the car maker adds some recommendations it could get permission to reopen next week. >> a $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill could be fout a vote in congress on friday. house speaker introducing the bill saying the pandemic requires unprecedented and immediate
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