tv America This Morning ABC June 1, 2020 4:00am-4:30am PDT
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no racist police. new protests and violence overnight in the wake of george floyd's death. >> it's a problem and it needs to stop. we have had enough. we are out here dying. curfews from coast to coast. more than 4,000 people arrested. the outside groups trying to take advantage of the chaos. and word that president trump was forced to take shelter in a bunker as protestors took to the streets. and this morning, new video. >> stop! stop! >> police using a taser on an unarmed college student in the passenger seat of a car in atlanta. what's happened now to those
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officers. plus, amid the chaos, a show of unity. the powerful message in cities across the country. the police and protesters who are coming together. ogether. together. from abc news in new york, this is america this morning. thank i for joining us thank you for joining us on this monday morning. one week ago today, george floyd died in police custody in minneapolis. >> seven days later protesters have taken over the streets in major cities across the country, hoping to force america to look itself in the mirror and confront its original sin, racism. >> but amid those protesters are looters and arsonists. overnight this fire burning in long beach, california.tirds nod to that city amid reports of widespread looting. >> in minneapolis, a terrifying scene, a tanker trunk heading straight into a group of protesters. the driver is accused of trying to insight the crowd. police have also issued a warning that incendiary
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materials have been hidden in bushes throughout minneapolis. we learned new details about former police officer derek chauvin, the man seen with his knee on george floyd's neck. chauvin has now been moved to another detendfirst court date delayed. >> as the protests grow, 21 states and washington, d.c. have now activated the national guard and dozens of cities have imposed curfews. >> take a look at this morning's "new york times," it says "twin crises and surging anger "the washington post" claiming demonstrations intensify. we begin our coverage with abc's andrea fujii. >> reporter: overnight, nationwide unrest. >> we don't want to loot. that's not what we out here for. but we do want justice and we want equality. and if we don't get that, we're goingo repte large crowds of
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demonstrators in multiple cities getting more violent following the death of george floyd. in washington, d.c. protesters setting a large fire just blocks from the white house, shouting "you are the threat" to police in riot gear. in boston, businesses damaged and fires set as protesters clash with police. in new york city, many of the demonstrations peaceful. but tensions flaring in brooklyn overnight. this crowd dispersing near the barclays center. and over the weekend this woman seen in a video obtained by "the daily mail" now facing federal charges after allegedly throwing t message is we're t a police . peaceful, and i think there are instigators that are erupting in this violence, and it reflects on black people. >> reporter: curfews in effect in more than 20 cities, including philadelphia, where stores were ransacked and police officers hit with bricks. in new jersey, looting seen in trenton and atlantic city. protesters in atlanta constructing a fence to use as a barricade. >> and it looks like they're trying to light a fire in the middle of the street right there where they just put up the barricade. they're trying to light that fire with fireworks.
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>> reporter: and more chaos in minneapolis where officer derek chauvin is now charged with murder after he was seen with his knee on floyd's neck moments before his death on memorial day. this dramatic scene playing out at a peaceful gathering sunday. people marching on a highway bridge, a tanker truck barrels toward the crowd. >> a semi. there was nobody because they had stopped traffic, and a semi truck must have been going at least 50, 60 miles per hour just ran through all those people. >> reporter: the crowd moving in after the truck stops, pulling the driver from the car. >> oh, this is bad. >> reporter: deputies dispersed the crowd with pepper spray. that driver now under arrest after getting treated at the hospital, accused of trying to insight the crowd.nneapo >>ves yoa how volatile thi -- and
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how unpredictable things have been here. and as soon as the curfew went into effect at 8:00 local time, soon after that, police began to fire off flash bangs to disperse the crowd that had gathered here. and it's important to note, guys, that the people who gathered here for this massive demonstration, they were peaceful and they wanted it to stay that way. >> reporter: four police officers including chauvin have been fired for the incident that led to floyd's death. overnight floyd's brother asking the police chief on live tv whether the other officers will be charged. the chief taking off his hat before answering saying the other officers are complicit. >> being silent or not intervening, to me, you're complicit. mr. floyd died in our hands, and so i see that as being complicit. >> reporter: and also speaking out this morning, the owner of the store where floyd was accused of passing counterfeit bills. he says he wishes his employer never called 911. >> calling the authorities on a nonviolent crime should never equate to a death or a murder. >> since the protests began on
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friday, nearly 800 people have been arrested in new york city alone, including mayor bill de blasio's own daughter taken into custody for unlawful assembly. kenneth and mona? >> andrea, thank you. two atlanta police officers controversial and violent arrests over the weekend. body cam video shows the officers using tasers on two college students as they tried to remove the students from their vehie. police say they repeatedly tried to stop the car before the incident. atlanta's mayor says the officers have been fired for using excessive force. the actions of three other officers at the scene are under investigation. the students have been released. and we are just getting news from boston where at least seven police officers have been hospitalized after protests turned violent. more than 20 patrol cars are damaged. at least 40 people were arrested. and from boston to california, we're getting more reports of looting and crowds taking advante a peaceful protest earlier in the evening. >> they're diminishing the most
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impactful political utility. >> this looting will not help to advance what we are trying to do. >> i'm not here to loot. i'm not here to steal a damn thing. >> reporter: this morning a in the name of justice. >> they burn cop cars, shattered windows and stole and looted. that's not okay, especially when we're going to be associated with what's going on. >> reporter: the call for peace coming amid chaos overshadowing peaceful protests. >> i hereby declare this to be an unlawful assembly. >> in northern california, looters brawling in the streets near san francisco overnight. a similar scene in the southern part of the state as fights broke out amid protest. but in the city of los angeles, police were firing off tear gas by midday sunday. o ebody out of here. >> reporter: abc's matt gutman was caught in the crossfire. not long after a tense moment between protesters and the lapd. an officer ramming demonstrators with his car before speeding away. the use of force coming as
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police scattered looters in nearby santa monica. authorities surrounding the entrance of this store, standing firm but making no arrests, even as people still inside the store broke windows and ripped away a. pplths leading to tear gas and arrests. >> hands up. >> don kneeling on a man's neck, the same way the officer in minneapolis did when arresting george floyd. >> you don't have to worry about that. then to step in, in your anger, using a less effective approach is not going to be the way to go. >> reporter: but in florida demonstrators taking justice in their own hands. equal rights protesters forming a line physically blocking would-be looters from breaking into this cvs pharmacy. and police in southern california arrested dozens of looters overnight, but it's important to note the sheriff in l.a. confirms the looters were not part of the larger protests. >> and we are learning more
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about the outside groups creating chaos. the nypd says one out of every seven protesters who has been arrested has been from outside new york city including groups paying people to block streets, even setting up resupply routes for gasoline to set fires. they're also using scouts to track the location of police officers. intelligence officials say neo nazi and white supremacist groups are also trying to exploit the situation, along with foreign groups like isis. and the fired minneapolis police officer charged with murder for kneeling on george floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes has now been transferred to a state prison. officials say derek chauvin has been moved from a county jail because of concerns about covid-19 and a possible influx of arrested protesters. chauvin was supposed to appear in court today but his hearing has now been pushed back to next monday. investigators are looking at new video what appears to be minutes before floyd was pinned to the ground and died. floyd can't be seen in video, but you can see one officer leaning into the police car
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scuffling with him. george floyd's brother terrance floyd is speaking out against this case, saying he wants charged filed against the other officers as well. >> get punished to the full extent for what they did to my brother. you can be angry. but channel it in another way where justice will be served. >> today terrence floyd plans to visit the scene where his brother took his last breaths. he said he's still outraged but condemns the violence on the streets. coming up, what president trump is now saying. plus new details of security precautions at the white house, plus the first family taken to an underground bunker. our coverage c
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back now with the scene from washington d.c. last night. fires near the white house. the entire d.c. national guard has now been activated. that's about 1,200 additional soldiers. some were sent to lafayette park near the white house. meanwhile, we've learned president trump took shelter in a bunker underground on friday. abc's ines de la cuetara has the details. >> reporter: this morning president trump staying largely silent except on twitter as protests raged nationwide. abc news has learned with protesters gathering at 1600 pennsylvania avenue friday, the president briefly took shelter in an underground bunker. it's unclear what specifically prompted the immediate move to the bunker which serves as a secure shelter that presidents have used in the past during terrorist attacks. according to an email sent to staff sunday night, the white house is maintaining an elevated security posture due to the ongoing protests.
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in the meantime critics claim the president is adding fuel to the fire with his recent tweets calling for law and order and saying the secret service was ready, if needed, to take on protesters with vicious dogs and ominous weapons. the president also retweeting this message, saying this isn't going to stop until the good guys are willing to use overwhelming force against the bad guys. >> he should just stop talking. this is like charlottesville all over again. he speaks and he makes it worse. >> reporter: the president tried to strike a balance during scripted remarks. >> i understand the pain that people are feeling. but what we are now seeing on the streets of our cities has nothing to do with justice or with peace. >> reporter: back outside the md the demo ware tired. we are a people who deserve to live normal lives. if you can live peacefully in your white skin, i should be able to live peacefully in my
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black skin. i am not here to harm you. i want you to go home to your family just like i want to go home to mine, but we cannot do that if we're all being violent against each other. >> d.c. fire crews also responded to a fire at historic st. john's church which dates back to the 1800s. the fire was reportedly contained to the basement. kenneth and mona? >> ines, thank you. coming up, the symbols of unity across this country. >> the police coming together with protesters and their powerful message, next. these are real people, not actors, who've got their eczema under control. with less eczema, you can show more skin. so roll up those sleeves. and help heal your skin from within with dupixent. dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderate-to-severe eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin,
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leasaturpain happens.ehind. aleve it. aleve is proven stronger and longer on pain than tylenol. when pain happens, aleve it. all day strong. these fudge brownie m&m's are really fyes they are. to put a fudge brownie center in an m&m's is... genius! i know. i was going to say hard! why won't you... ughhhh... ahhh! why won't you go in... new fudge brownie m&m's. you tell us what you need to do. >> walk with us! walk with us! walk with us! >> let's walk. let's walk. >> that is sheriff chris swanson in flint, michigan, and he is a popular man this morning. he joined protesters rallying against police brutality after they invited him to walk with them. swanson said all people deserve the same dignity.
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>> and he's not alone. these officers in orlando took a knee and held hands with young black men calling for justice. they say they share in the grief of george floyd's death. >> and this show of solidarity in oklahoma city. deputies take a knee, but they also gave out hugs to protesters. >> and a state trooper in florida broke the line as protesters approached, walking up to a woman to give her a hug. he's one of many across the country acknowledging the pain and sending the message that we are with you. >> during this crisis many americans are turning to their leaders of faith for answers. >> earlier i spoke with reverend dr. howard john wesley, the senior pastor of one of america's oldest baptist congregations. >> good evening, pastor. i really appreciate you joining us. i want to start by saying this is a difficult time for our country. in the nation's capital in an area where many of your congregates reside, we saw a peaceful protest turn into civil
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unrest over the weekend. i want to know what was going through your mind when you saw those images? >> a mixed emotion of heartbreak and also understanding that there is a community pushed to the brink and this typically happens when people have had enough. so an understanding, but also a heartbreak because i know that this is not the most productive way to see change in our nation. >> and pastor, you have two sons yourself. as a parent of black teenagers in a country where they can be seen as a threat simply because of the color of their skin, how do you prepare them for that as they grow older and what is your message to other parents who may be thinking the same thing? >> it's definitely a difficult question. i took my son down just to see the protests and a lot of difficult conversation on the way back, trying to explain to him his civic responsibility and proper engagement with police. i think all parents need to teach their children about proper engagement when they are accosted by or arrested by police officials to make certain that we message that not all
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police officers are the enemies but rather allies to the common good and that we have these unique experiences where death and devastation has hit and we have an obligation to raise our voices peacefully in protest. >> lastly, pastor, we are seeing protesters express frustration, disappointment, anger, you touched on some of that, over a system they say failed them. is there a message of hope you can offer, particularly to the youth who right now are hurting? >> yes, it's the belief that the same way our forefathers and foremothers helped push this nation and change it, that they have the same capacity with their voice and their vote, that although there is frustration, there is also opportunity in these upcoming primary and general elections. so my prayer is not only would you protest, but you raise your voices at the ballot box as well. >> our thanks to pastor wesley for that much-needed message. coming up, a trip to the international space station. >> we'll hear from the astronauts who just made history, next. for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease, stelara® works differently.
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the first american astronauts to launch from u.s. soil in nearly a decade are now on the international space station. for the first time nasa astronauts entered the space station from a commercially made spacecraft. >> here is abc's gio benitez. >> reporter: nasa astronauts doug hurley and bob behnken are now aboard the international space station after docking with the orbiting laboratory sunday morning. >> we have bob behnken from spacex demo 2 mission entering the international space station followed by doug hurley. >> reporter: greeted by fellow american and navy and s.e.a.l. chris cassidy who has been on the space station since april and two russian cosmonauts. >> obviously been our honor to be just a small part of this. we have to give credit to spacex, the commercial crew program and, of course, nasa. it's great to get the united states back in the crewed launch business.
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>> reporter: mission control asking the men if they got any sleep during the 19-hour journey. >> we did get probably a good seven hours or so. the first night is always a little bit of a challenge, but the "dragon" was a slick vehicle. >> reporter: the mission making history on saturday. >> three, two, one, zero, ignition. lift-off. >> reporter: as behnken and hurley became the first american astronauts to blast off into space from u.s. soil for the first time in nearly a decade. >> today we accomplished the first flight off the florida coast in quite some time. >> reporter: they are also the first crew to orbit the earth in a spacecraft built by a private company, spacex, created by elon musk. the crew "dragon" capsule now with a new name. >> we would like to welcome you aboard capsule "endeavor." we both had our first flights on shuttle "endeavor" and it just meant so much to us to carry on that name. >> reporter: behnken and hurley will remain on the space station between one and four months.
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gio benitez, abc news, cape canaveral. >> cool moments over the weekend. we'll check the top headlines next. next. see ya! heartworm disease? no way! simparica trio is the first chewable that delivers all this protection. and simparica trio is demonstrated safe for puppies. it's simple: go with simparica trio. this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions, including seizures; use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. protect him with all your heart. simparica trio. ♪ ♪ ♪ unlike ordinary wmemory supplementsr? neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning,
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find your nunormal with nucala. making news right now at 4:27 a walmart in the east bay erupting in flames as looting and vandalism goes to a third straight night. several cities impose curfews to stop the violence. their message, do not be on the streets. the protest against the death of george floyd gets support from bay area police. napa's chief taking a knee in a powerful show of solidarity. good morning, everybody. it is monday, june 1st. first, checking in with mike nicco for a look at the day ahead. >> good morning, kumasi. hi, everybody. live doppler 7 trying to show a few sprinkles along the coast. definitely cloudy this morning as you can see with live doppler 7 and what you'll see there also
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is that the cloud cover will go away and cudhis afternoon and temperatures similar to yesterday and temper whiches in the 50s will warm up mid to upper 60s thes around the bay and upper 70s in the south bay and few 80s showing up in the north bay and more so in the east bay. this is just the beginning. really hot tuesday and wednesday. i'll show you that coming up in the accuweather seven-day forecast. today marks one day since george floyd died and outrage and protests continue across the united states. some of those protests have turned into vandalism and this morning the city of san leandro is assessing the damage done by looters at several stores. amy hollyfield is live at the police department with more on this. >> hi, kumasi. looting and fires here in san leandro. let's get roith to t
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bay fair mall a bunch of people running into the dsw store and ulta cosmetic and running in and out with armfuls of items. we did see some arrests from sky 7. we don't have numbers yet, though, from the police department. we also saw the walmart on davis street on fire. firefighters say one of their biggest issues there were propane tanks that were exploding in this fire. no one was hurt. all citizens and firefighters were okay. we did ask the fire chief on scene if he thought this was caused by looters. here's what he had to say. >> yes. there were actual reports coming from the walmart, but i can't specify the actual time of the looting. i arrived in san leandro:00 tnd provided assistance. >> and then also the home depot.
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also on davis street. same street at that walmart and also lots of looting happening there. they do have a curfew here in san leandro. they implemented a curfew and you saw that last night there was still a lot of unrest and a lot of crime committed here. reporting live in san leandro, amy hollyfield, abc7 news. this morning police in hayward investigating and someone broke into richardson tactical overnight. you can see a busted window at the shop and the gate was also busted and people trying to repair it. police haven't said what was taken from the store. new this morning, three people have been detained after shots were fired at the oakland police administration building. it happened just after midnight on the building on seventh street and officers made the arrest ten blocks away and no one was hurt. six bay area cities are under curfew. in walnut creek the curfew is in effect until 5:00 this
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