tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 9, 2020 12:36am-1:08am PDT
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this year is so crazy. kim jong un died and came back to life this year, and nobody even remembers it. two weeks ago, we were on instagram teaching each other how to make no-knead focaccia and now we're dismantling systemic racism. i think that's progress. as i'm sure you know, thousands of americans were out this weekend gathering together, risking their lives so that their voices will be heard. oh, wait, no, that's las vegas. those people are risking their lives to play "baywatch" slot machines. this was the scene here in hollywood yesterday, 20,000 los angelenos marching together. this is where we shoot our show, usually. we've been on that street almost 18 years. i've never seen a crowd anywhere near that big. l.a. is showing up to march, which is encouraging. do you know how hard it is to get people to walk in l.a.? in l.a., activism usually means wearing a lapel pin to the nickelodeon kids choice awards.
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these protests are like the president's suits, they just keep getting bigger and bigger. they had a moment of silence at a nascar event this weekend. which was remarkable. and there are demonstrations all over the world. in bristol, england, they tore down this statue of a slave trader named edward colston. posed like he's worried someone may notice there's a statue of a slave trader in town. this is what happened to edward this weekend, he got thrown in the river. there were protests in london, paris, australia. and this was very interesting, a message of, i'm not sure if you'd call it, "support" but this was the message during a meeting of parliament in iran. [ speaking foreign language ] [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> jimmy: um, thank you? i guess, it's the thought that counts. hey, you know who was out there yesterday, marching with the protesters in washington? america's whitest man, utah senator mitt romney. marched to support black lives matter and to break in his new pair of penny loafers, it was a win-win. and you'll never believe this, republicans are mad at him. many of mitt's fellow republicans are angry, furious even, that he marched with a group of evangelical christians who have the audacity to be in favor of equal rights. they let him have it online. there were hundreds, thousands of posts like this one. "mitt romney, your day is coming sooner than you think. you need to hit your knees and beg for mercy and forgiveness from god." prayer hands emoji. "repent now!" another. "racist. you should resign your lds
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church membership!" another. "mitt romney needs to go back to utah and stay there! he can practice his immoral ways there! he couldn't even run a porta-potty!" really? you're mad that he marched? this was a peaceful protest. mitt romney wasn't out smashing windows and stealing boxes of khaki pants. he was marching in support of civil rights. and by the way, who "runs" a porta-potty? no one runs those. there's no operator. they just sit there for months until a guy with a truck comes to pick them up. but i do think this is an interesting reaction because so many of these people claim they're fine with peaceful protest, they just don't like looting or violence or disrespect to the flag. but what we've learned, now, without a doubt, when a republican who marches is considered to be a traitor to his party is that a lot of these people just don't agree that black lives matter. you kinda need to ask yourself, if you belong to a party that castigates one of its most prominent members for standing
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up for civil rights, maybe your party sucks? hopefully romney will continue to stand up in the senate, where it really counts. and it's important to note that mitt romney has always been supportive of the african-american community. going way back. ♪ who let the dogs out >> jimmy: he sings that every weekend at karaoke-dokey. romney also got it from our troller-in-chief who wrote, "tremendous sincerity, what a guy. hard to believe, with this kind of political talent, his numbers would 'tank' so badly in utah!" that's right, romney should have done what real men do during protests, run down to the bunker to eat a blizzard from dairy queen. and by the way, speaking of numbers tanking, here are trump's from today's poll. oh, but that's from the biased, lame-stream -- what? that's from fox news? oh, no. the white house is reportedly concerned about the president's low numbers and some
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advisers are pushing him to give a unifying speech to the country. they might as well ask him to dunk on shaq. trump doesn't care about unity. he doesn't even care about tiffany and he is literally boxed in right now. there are now 1.7 miles of protective fencing around the white house. just when melania thought she was done with her tunnel. protestors are taking the opportunity to hang signs on the fence, calling for action. remember when trump claimed he would run into a school if there was an active shooter? now he's built a little prison for himself to protect him from posterboard. not only is joe biden way ahead in the polls right now, over the weekend, he picked up an endorsement from a prominent republican, former secretary of state, general colin powell says he'll vote for biden. and his old boss, george w. bush has also indicated that he does not back trump's re-election bid. no living presidents support re-electing donald trump with the possible exception of donald trump. but his campaign has a lot of
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money and is looking for more. they sent this email to potential supporters. "friend, this email is for patriots only. you've been identified as one of president trump's fiercest and most loyal defenders. and according to your donor file, you'd make an excellent addition to the trump army. when you become a member of the trump army today, we'll give you access to our never-before-seen limited edition camo keep america great hat. the president wants you and every other member of the trump army --" blah, blah, blah, blah -- "when it comes to fighting off the liberal mob... do not pass this information on to anyone." who's the target for this? it's a pretty small group, you're looking for people who are dumb enough to fall for it, but smart enough to know how to read. and they have a new website too, where they encourage you to fight with president trump. i feel like we've been fighting with president trump for 3 ½ years. and while the idea of a trump army might sound ridiculous, their recruitment ad is hard to
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resist. >> in the trump army, we do more tweeting before 5:00 a.m. than most people do all day. you'll get in top shape while serving under seasoned military leaders, colonels, captains and majors. you've fight insantacide and the war on christmas and battle greatest enemies like windmills, strong gusts of wind and bette midler. so if you're white, poorly educated and deeply insecure about your masculinity, the trump army wants you. trump army, like the space force but on the ground. trump army may not be a real army, may violate the u.s. constitution. void where prohibited. bone spurs approved. >> jimmy: we are going to take a break. and we'll be right back with kerry washington. this moment.
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this moment right now... this is our commencement. no, we'll not get a diploma or a degree of any kind. but we are entering a new chapter in our lives. our confidence is shaken; our hearts cracked. the kind of a crack that comes from the loss of a job; from life plans falling apart. we didn't ask for it... but we are rising to meet it. and how far we've come isn't even close to how far we can go. we just have to remember how patient we were... how strong we can be. (how strong you can be.) and remember this; there's a crack in everything for a reason. how else can the light get in? ♪ tomorrow starts today.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. tomorrow night, we will check in with josh gad and on wednesday, pete davidson. my first guest is an actor, producer, yoga instructor and former pope with a series on hulu called "little fires everywhere" and a movie on netflix "american son." she is at home just like the rest of us. say hello to kerry washington. hi kerry. >> hi jimmy, that was quite the intro. >> jimmy: i didn't realize you were such a talented artist, looking at wall, seeing the starfish. >> are you so proud of me? >> jimmy: i give you "a" and a star. >> this is my joy, kids' artwork makes everybody smile.
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i just try to share a little bit of my kids' talent with you. >> jimmy: we were part of the virtual online graduation ceremony, a big video, a bunch of people spoke. >> big party, yeah. >> jimmy: i don't know about you, but i taped mine like a month ago. before -- >> weird, wasn't it crazy? >> jimmy: -- the protests, and my advice was don't show up late with coffee in your hands, doesn't seem as important anymore. what was the germ of your advice to the graduates? >> i was freaked out, i had written it before all the protests. >> jimmy: right. >> and incredible moment we're in in defense of black lives. i had written a speech still apropos, don't try to go back to normal, create your new normal. then a week ago president obama
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put a post up about all the protests, saying those words. oh, now everyone's going to think i stole the president's twitter and turned it into a commencement address. that sucks. but i guess on a lot of levels whether we're dealing with pandemic of racism or pandemic of covid, we're in moment of a new normal, we can't go backwards, we have to figure out how to take better care of each other going forward. >> jimmy: are you surprised by how many people have participated in the protests? march in hollywood yesterday had 20,000 people. does that surprise you? >> it doesn't surprise me, it fills me with so much hope and encouragement. i feel like we as a nation and as a world we're done with having our government work in a
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ways that don't reflect our values. for a long time, i think people thought you could be a passenger in train of democracy but that's not how it works. democracy works if we all show up, express our values voting or in the streets protesting. that's what democracy looks like. it's like we're living up to who we were supposed to be all along. >> jimmy: your kids are about the same age as my younger kids. what are you telling them? are they aware of what's going on? do you explain any of this to them? >> yeah, there's a lot of posts about privilege looks like discovering that racism exists as opposed to knowing that it exists. i think for a lot of black families, we don't have the privilege of ignoring what's going on and pretending it's not happening. but the thing i've been thinking about a lot honestly with my
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kids and with my friends' kids, i've been thinking a lot about education, and a lot about talking about race and introducing ideas of race and really thinking about the idea that for a lot of kids, kids are introduced to race at black history month or in the context of change makers like martin luther king jr. and rosa parks. i think it's really important we start to introduce the idea of race with a black history that begins before teaching kids about what black people were told they couldn't do, right? masai warriors and kingdoms of ghana and queen nefertiti and the pyramids of egypt. alicia keyes talks about this a little bit in her new memoir that's so beautiful "more myself." teaching kids that black history and black people were a lot of things before segregation and jim crow and the civil rights movement, so we understand the beautiful complexity and
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elegance and richness of black history before refusing to be put in the back of the bus. >> jimmy: when you were on our show i think in november, in studio, you were promoting your netflix play that you turned into a movie, "american son" which now has a second wave of interest because of the subject matter. >> yeah. i play a mom named kendra -- the whole play and now movie takes place 1 1/2 hours in real time in lobby of police precinct, a black mom and white dad looking desperately for their 18-year-old son, it's 3:00 in the morning, he hasn't come home. every parent's worst nightmare of wondering where your teenage kid is with the added complexity of being a black parent, not just up against knuckleheaded adolescent behavior but systems
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of racist institutions that put your kid's life at risk. so the film is really so close to my heart. and because there's been a huge resurgence of people watching it and saying now i get it, or i have a lot more questions, we're going to do a live tweet, you know i love a live tweet, jimmy. >> jimmy: yes. >> we're doing a live tweet this week on thursday, and then afterward actually, i'm going to do an instagram live with kimberle crenshaw, she started the african-american policy forum, they're the people who invented the say her name campaign. campaign to focus on the families and loved ones of women killed by police officers. so kimberle and i are going to do a discussion about "american son," talk about how people can be part of the solution, raise money for aapf and say her name
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and educate people not just on the characters like my son in the film who is up against so much, but also a lot of the women that haven't been mentioned. you know, the sandra blands, breonna taylors, getting people to focus on the ways this injustice impacts families across the board, male, female. >> jimmy: you're saying that twitter can be used for positive reasons? interesting. we're going to take a break. kerry washington is with us, we'll be right back. [music begins to play: "together" by sia] ♪ come now set the past on fire ♪ ♪ stand up raise your face to the sky my love ♪ ♪ together we can take it higher ♪ ♪ together we can take it higher ♪ ♪ come now set the past on fire ♪ ♪ stand up raise your ♪ face to the sky my love ♪ together we can take it higher ♪ [cheering from video audio plays]
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i'm in my house. you're probably in yours right now. kerry has a show called "little fires everywhere" on hulu, with reese witherspoon, not "big little lies" with reese despite the "little" being in both titles there. >> lots of little, many little. this is "little fires everywhere". yes. >> jimmy: a group of friends in the '90s correct? >> it's a show about two very different women played by myself and reese. they're really different mothers, really different professionals, and they kind of would normally not ever cross paths, but they get thrust into each other's lives because of their kids. and it's kind of how that explodes their families and their understandings of each other. it's interesting, the '90s were a time when we all talked about how important -- not we all but a lot of people thought the
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focus or goal was to be color blind, as opposed to what my dear friend melanie hopson calls being color brave. it's one of the things we explore in the show is having the courage to be in the reality and talk about privilege and race. but the show's also just about being a mother and being a daughter, and being an artist. it's about family secrets. it's a big mystery, it's a lot. >> jimmy: speaking of family, you did a show, wonder if you're planning to do more of these, with your dad on instagram. a dad jokes show. >> yes. >> jimmy: whose idea was that? his or yours? >> my dad's a star. i directed last night's episode of "insecure," and he was featured background actor in that as well. >> jimmy: i saw pictures on your twitter or instagram, one of those two of your dad.
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>> he can always find humor in a situation and find the laugh. often through corny dad jokes. so we like to showcase my dad's humor. >> jimmy: what makes a great dad joke? can you quantify that? >> yeah, i would say a great dad joke is one that you don't want to like because it's so corny, but you have to laugh at. one that just despite your better judgment you just have to laugh. >> jimmy: irresistible. >> much like my father. >> jimmy: each night i've been making a donation to a charity of our guest's choosing. you choose the african-american policy forum, tell us a little bit about that real quickly, kerry. >> for some reason a lot of women who have been victims of police killings, those names have not been celebrated and
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honored, and aapf works to make sure that's not the case. #sayhername campaign is really about fighting black women's invisibility so women like breonna taylor get justice. those officers -- breonna taylor was an emt in louisville, working on the front lines of covid, one of our heroes. who could imagine what took her life was not this devastating virus but a debacle of a police raid. it's just -- it is unfathomable that these officers are not in custody. so really saying her name, saying sandra bland, korryn gaines, just remembering that black women are victims of police brutality and police violence as well is so important to me. we'll be talking about it when we're talking about "american
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s son," i'm so happy you're supporting that important organization. >> jimmy: thank you kerry, always like talking to you, thanks for everything you're doing. >> thank you. >> jimmy: kerry washington, we'll be right back. . as always, we're doing everything we can to help keep cosentyx accessible and affordable. if you have any questions at all, call us, email us, visit us online. we're here to help support you when you need us. take care, and be well. to learn more, call one eight four four cosentyx or visit who has the highest percentage of its vehiclesto longevity, still on the road today? subaru. when it comes to best overall value, who does intellichoice rank number one? subaru. and when it comes to safety, who has more 2020 iihs top safety pick+ winning vehicles? more than toyota, honda, and hyundai-combined? subaru.
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>> jimmy: that is all the time we have for the show. thanks to kerry washington, apologies to matt damon. josh gad will join me tomorrow. "nightline" is next. and hey, you know what? throw an extra banana in your oatmeal tomorrow. go crazy, live a little. good night. tonight, outrage in oakland over police tactics used at recent protests. >> new details in the deadly ambush in santa cruz kd.
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how residents played a pivotal role in stopping the rampage. abc news starts right now. building a better bay area. for a safe and secure future. this is abc 7 news. >> i saw police gas a crowd full of teams and senior citizens without any prior warning. >> right now, a community outcry in the east bay over police tactics, hundreds have had a townhall to demand the end of tear gas and flash bangs. >> that marathon meeting t inin still going on. >> it is, for more than five hours. community members have been sounding off in a zoom meeting with the oakland police commission, so many upset. saying last week's protests were peaceful ones until tear gas was fired. let's go. let's go. >> this is faceboo l
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