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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  July 3, 2020 11:35pm-12:06am PDT

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♪ ba, da, ba, ba, da, ba, ♪ ba, da, ba, ba, da, ba, ♪ ♪ jimmy kimmel live this is ridiculous. >> jimmy: hi, i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. and guess what? it's almost summer. this weekend, summer begins, just as i predicted it would. months ago. saturday is what's known as the summer solstice, which is the start of summer and the longest day of the year. hard to believe we still haven't experienced the longest day of this year yet. but we haven't. and the day after the solstice is father's day. so don't forget to not get your dad a gift! this father's day is tricky, because usually all dads want is to secretly get high in the garage, but they've already been doing that every day since march.
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so good luck. the strangest school year in modern history has finally come to a close. my daughter jane graduated from preschool this week, which she is very proud about, even though, let's be honest -- she got a degree in coloring. but it is a milestone, and it's never too soon to start planning for the future. so i sat down with jane to reflect on where she has been and to help her figure out where she's going. ♪ well, jane, first of all, congratulations on graduating preschool. are you proud of yourself? >> thank you. yeah. >> jimmy: you did a good job in preschool. have you thought about going on to kindergarten? continuing your education? >> hmm, i'm kind of like scared and excited of. >> jimmy: you're scared and excited but you are going to go to school. you're going to continue? >> yeah. >> jimmy: are you going to get a job this summer? >> possibly. >> jimmy: possibly? what kind of job do you think you could be good at?
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>> art. >> jimmy: could you maybe be an artist? >> yeah. >> jimmy: where would you get a job like that? >> save money and get an art studio. >> jimmy: oh, you'd get an art studio. how much does an art studio cost? >> i don't really know. >> jimmy: what would you guess? >> i'd guess probably about $9. >> jimmy: that's exactly right. $9. what do you want to do for work when you grow up? what are your strengths? >> strengths? spelling. >> jimmy: spelling, okay, that's good. >> oh, running! >> jimmy: running, yeah. maybe you could be a running, spelling artist. >> i could possibly do that. >> jimmy: what are your weaknesses? what are some things you're not good at? >> like i'm not really good at picking flowers, because i can't take the thorns. >> jimmy: so you're not good at picking flowers. >> no.
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>> jimmy: so you're not going to be a florist? >> florist? oh, florist. >> jimmy: i'm from new york, you're from california. i say flaw-rist. but i'm right. >> no you're not. >> jimmy: what else do i say funny? >> orange. >> jimmy: are you familiar with microsoft excel? do you know how to use it? >> what is that? >> jimmy: i guess that's a no then. are you ticklish? >> yes. >> jimmy: let's say you're not able to find a job as a spelling, running artist. here's some other jobs, let me see if these interest you. zookeeper. >> no, i don't think so. >> jimmy: ice cream taster. >> nodding. >> jimmy: pigeon hunter? >> i would not do that. >> jimmy: late night talk show host.
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>> wait, what does that even mean? >> jimmy: late night talk show host. >> so you talk late at night? >> jimmy: to people. what about president, would you like to be president of the united states? >> yes. >> jimmy: you would. are you qualified? >> what does that even mean? >> jimmy: do you like chicken nuggets? >> chicken nuggets? of course i do. >> jimmy: you're qualified. when i get older and your mother gets older will you change our diapers? >> no. >> jimmy: you'd make billy do it? >> yes. >> jimmy: what about mom's diapers? >> no. no. >> jimmy: so jane, it seems like you're not sure what you want to do when you grow up yet. >> yeah. >> jimmy: let's make a vision board. >> a vision board? >> jimmy: yeah, we're going to make a dry erase vision board. what i'd like to you do is draw your future. >> draw your future, what does
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that even mean?dr yrsel adult. >> i'll try my best. >> jimmy: okay. is that a smile or a nose you got there? >> that's a smile. >> jimmy: very good. oh. there's more, huh? >> mm-hm. all right, let me have a look. wow. very good. what's her job? is she wiping her mommy and daddy? >> no! >> jimmy: she's not. all right, come over here and give me a hug. congratulations. young graduate. i hope you make it through the first grade. did you say you were ticklish? >> yeah! ♪ my: i han'led an interviewee since javier bardem. oh and one more thing regarding my future. i want to say.
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tonight is my last new show for the summer. i'm taking the summer off to spend even more time with my family. i've been doing this job for almost 18 years. i've done 3,130 shows, and there's nothing wrong. my family is healthy. i just need a couple of months off, so while i am gone, a cavalcade of very kind and capable people will be filling in for me. i think you will be very happy with them. they will be guest hosting the show. guillermo, you'll make sure they don't steal any of my stuff, right? >> guillermo: okay, jimmy. >> jimmy: as of monday, we will be on vacation for two weeks and then we will have new shows with a variety of guest hosts. >> hold on. what did you just say? >> jimmy: excuse me? >> what did you just say? >> jimmy: i was telling the audience i'm going to be off this summer. >> what does that mean, "off"? >> jimmy: it means off. it means not on. it means i won't be here. >> well, what am i going to do? >> jimmy: what do you mean, what are you gonna do?
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>> i haven't been on. i've been back here for three months, waiting to be on. >> jimmy: you have? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you've been in that bedroom for three months? >> yeah. >> jimmy: why? >> because we had to leave the studio. >> jimmy: i know we had to leave the studio. why did you have to leave the studio? >> duh. maybe you've heard of something called the coronavirus? >> jimmy: i mean why did you come to -- never mind. you're not smart enough to understand. >> i'm not smart enough to understand? why is the only book on your bookshelf -- "stori telling" by tori spelling? >> jimmy: that's a very good book. >> i read it three times. i got less every time i read it. >> jimmy: that's a classic. it is great. one year for her birthday, tori got a visit from smidget, the world's smallest living horse! because her dad is so rich, she
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could have anything she wanted. >> you are so stupid. >> jimmy: you are so -- hey! was that my wife? why is my wife in there? >> why do you think your wife's in there? >> jimmy: you son of a bitch. you did it again. >> that's right, bobby baby balls. molly, let's go! have a great summer, and like who-gives-a-f[ bleep ]! >> jimmy: you have a great summer wherever you're going. >> i will, i'm going into your wife. >> jimmy: i'm sorry you saw that. i am going to get a divorce. and we'll be back with pharrell williams. ♪ >> dicky: abc's jimmy k"jimmy k live," brought to you by programive. mmercial? did any of you hear the "bundle your home and auto" part? mive. ive. ive. sive. sive. want my kids to see that. dn't -good mom. -to see -- wait. i'm sorry. what?
11:44 pm
-don't kids see enough violence as it is? -i've seen violence. -maybe we turn the word "bundle" into a character, like mr. bundles. -top o' the bundle to you. [ laughter ] bundle, bundle, bundle. -my kids would love that. -yeah. bundle, bundle, bundle. you can't give them everything they want... but you can find lots of things they'll love at petsmart. this week, get 15% off and a free care package with curbside pick-up orders. step up. prep up. up. prep up. to help keep you free from the risk of hiv. from the makers of truvada, there's another prep option: descovy for prep. a once-daily prescription medicine that helps lower the chances of getting hiv through sex. it's not for everyone. descovy for prep has not been studied in people assigned female at birth. talk to your doctor to find out if it's right for you. step up. for health and body. prep up for your one and only love or many loves. for kings, this queen, and you royals in between. for my now. our now.
11:45 pm
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11:46 pm
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♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy
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kimmel live" from my house. my guest tonight is a 13-time grammy winner and also a very stylish man. he helps me pick out all my colored shirts with the sleeves rolled up. please welcome pharrell williams. hi, pharrell. >> hey, how are you? >> jimmy: i'm okay, how are you doing? >> i was just, i mean, it's different, because you're addressing people, but at the same time, the studio audience isn't there, so it's like a different sensation. >> jimmy: you know what? we did have one unwanted visitor show up a few minutes ago, but you are correct, we do not have a studio audience, but another human being somehow got through security. pharrell, i was talking to my daughter earlier and asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. what did you want to be when you were like 5 years old, do you remember? >> no, i remember. i didn't know what i wanted to
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be but i knew what i was obsessed with. i was obsessed with space, and i was obsessed with robots, hence the dances. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> of that time. and i, i don't know. i loved the color yellow, you, but i can't tell you i knew what i wanted to do. >> jimmy: you returned to your home state, virginia, and you petitioned the governor to make juneteenth an official state holiday, and they actually are making it an official state holiday. well, hopefully they're doing it this year, right? >> yes, sir. and i mean, to be, to be clear, i called them over the weekend. >> jimmy: mm-hm. >> because obviously, people are rightfully protesting. americans are protesting in the streets. fresh in the middle of a plague. some people are calling it a
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pandemic. but let's just be clear. i, you know, people are dying in ten days. when they catch it. but there's just so much going on, and with what happened with george floyd and so many others, and such a short amount of time, in this short window while this is going on. i think people are in the streets, and it's just, man, we've just, we've all just had enough as americans, not just as us black americans, but our allies and advocates, they've had enough. and i think it's high time that if we're going to think about what independence and what freedom really looks like, we never really, ours was never really acknowledged. yeah, there's 47 states that observe it, but man, that's not a paid holiday. we deserve a paid holiday. so i called them, and i just said man, i feel like this is important for not only your own legacy but the legacy of virginia.
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and if you would be willing to officiate this and, you know, make this a paid holiday, i, you know, i will travel for the first time out of my house. my wife is not playin' no games. >> jimmy: right. >> with this covid-19. she's not playin' no games. i mean, as you know, we have 600 children. so, we can't afford to play any games, but this is serious, because this is for not only me, but this is for like my ancestors that absolutely came through on the hull of a ship, in virginia, you know, 400 years ago, over 401 years ago, and so for me, this was incredibly symbolic. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and it's necessary. >> jimmy: and your family is, has been in virginia since they came over? >> well, i actually did my episode with "finding your roots", with dr. henry louis?
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> i found out, that, yes, we came through on the ships where my ancestors were enslaved, through virginia, and then we ended up in nash county, in north carolina. with a very horrific, horrific set of details. >> jimmy: sure. maybe north carolina would be the next state that you can get on board with this. are other states considering this now and acting to make it a state holiday? >> beautifully, andrew cuomo, who's never, like, late, he's right on it. he said he would be signing an executive order. so we have new york. i'm, i'm, we're reachin' out to governor newsom. >> jimmy: in california. >> right now. yeah. i'd like to get to the governor of connecticut. we got to do this, man, it's the right thing to do. >> jimmy: can i ask a dumb question? >> yes, sir. >> jimmy: for a holiday, you
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want to have traditions. is there a specific food? is there a specific drink? what, how do we celebrate juneteenth? what are the traditions? are there any yet? >> there are, it just depends on where you are. i mean, they definitely sing "let there be voice and sing." that's going to happen obviously, we cook out and barbecue. when i was a kid i was in the youth chapter of naacp. nard and neptunes. and shay, his aunt used to lead the chapter for us. she used to celebrate juneteenth, and i never knew what it want and i never made the connection in high school, because there were different histories and not just one. for me, we used to cook out, and i never put the pieces together.
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you get to school and july 4, 1776, really, only our white brother was free from the british monarchy, but his wife was not, and african-americans certainly were not. if you love us, this holiday is for you, too, it's american history. it's american history. >> jimmy: i mean, i think this is a great idea. i really do. each night i've asked my guest to choose a charity, and you chose a charity i'm very familiar with, world central kitchen. >> yeah. >> jimmy: they do great things, these guys. they started in puerto rico, feeding people on the ground and have expanded that all around the world. >> yep. jose andreas is amazing. we had him in virginia as well. and it, it not only fed a lot of
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people, but it kept places that were suffering from the effects of the covid-19 to actually be able to operate and make some money for their families as well. what they've done in virginia is unbelievable. and especially in our msa, the cities of 757. it's been pretty amazing. and we're not done. we fed over like a million and a half people and still counting. >> jimmy: wow. wow. think are the real deal, world central kitchen, and happy juneteenth. you're getting a holiday on the callan dash. >> can i say this really quick? >> jimmy: yeah. >> if you riley care about your fellow americans, this is a holiday you should support. you should be reaching out to your local governors and telling them how important it is for you. i hate challenges. i hate call to actions. i've never had a successful hash
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tag in my life. i'm not saying that. i'm just saying, it's american. if you really believe in it, let's go. the corporations are all doing it. they all understand. it's not a red or a blue thing. it's an american thing. and it's for us. it is for your black brothers and sisters. >> jimmy: the man is right. pharrell williams. thank you, pharrell, we'll be right back.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy
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kimmel live" from my house. you know, guillermo mentioned that he's been getting a little stir crazy locked up at home. so i thought i'd help him find a new hobby. and the result is, i think we may have finally found an heir to bob ross. >> we'll go up here in the sky and just do something like that. that's all there is to it. once again, without painting the brush. be careful with the bright rid. >> guillermo: hi, everybody, it's me, guillermo. today you'll be doing the sunset aglow by bob ross. >> be very careful with it. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> there. don't just try to copy what we're doing here. >> guillermo: oh, okay, so i'm not trying to copy him. i'm trying to do my own thing. remember, when you paint, you make happy mistakes. >> a happy cloud that lives right here. >> guillermo: happy cloud, did he say happy cloud?
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>> i want the cloud to look like it's in front of that. >> guillermo: what are we doing? where's the mountain come from? mine doesn't have a mountain. >> maybe there's a little tree, happy little tree. >> guillermo: perfect. that's a tree. >> put in a little land. what the heck. softly, softly. don't have to do it much. yellow, yellow ochre. >> guillermo: i'm not done with the yellow! is no this is a lot of work. ♪ we're done? finally, we're done. well, guys, there you have it. sunset aglow, by bob ross and guillermo rodriguez. ♪ >> jimmy: i want that painting, guillermo.
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i love it. >> guillermo: i will send it to you wherever you go, lake tahoe or wherever the [ bleep ] you're going in the next week. we'll be right back. t than ever. that's why we're offering our best unlimited deal. switch and get four lines of unlimited for just $100 a month. that's right - four lines, for $100 bucks! if that's not enough, to really amp this up, we're including four amazing iphone 11s, on us, when you trade in iphone 6ss or newer, in any condition. and now, sprint customers enjoy access to expanded coverage on the t-mobile network. shop from the comfort of your home at or come see us in our stores. for people with hearing loss, visit day trips are better than daydreams. experience the thrill of a bigger world, in a lexus high-performance vehicle. visit your local lexus dealer, in person or online,
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♪ jimmy kimmel live this is ridiculous. from his house. >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. this may be the last edition of jimmy kimmel live from my house. hopefully, by the time we come back from summer vacation we'll be back in our theater and everything will be okay. i'd like to thank pharrell williams. i look forward to seeing you -- when i return. "nightline" is next, enjoy.
12:06 am
tonight, combat medics. boots on the ground. deployed to the front lines to fight an invisible killer, covid-19. you know you're putting your life on the line. >> that's what we do, ma'am. >> some leaving a family waiting behind. those heroes in uniform, healing a grateful city. >> i think there's been really a heroic fight here. >> ever ready to answer the call of duty once more. if there were a secondave, would you answer the call again? >> it's just hard for me to say no when your country needs you. >> this is a special edition of "nightline," combat medics. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. tonight you're about to meet military medics.


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