tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 4, 2020 12:36am-1:07am PDT
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today for me is day 70 of stay-at-home. i have now been in this house, this is true, longer than it took columbus to get to the new world. we are in nina, pinta and santa maria territory now. that's the kind of fact you learn - after you've seen every single thing on netflix. the long weekend is -- is it here yet? how will we know? tomorrow, we head into memorial day weekend. it's time to get those bodies banana bread-ready! travel will be down this year, obviously. but not for us. this year for memorial day, we got a plan. we're packing up the kids and taking them to the laundry room. donald trump is on the road. our hydroxy poppin' president. on the way to michigan. gave us an important update on his stint as human guinea pig-in-chief. >> i think it's another day. i had a two-week regimen of hydroxychloroquine.ani' taken io weeks, it's another day, and i'm still here. i'm still here.
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and i tested very positively in another sense. so, this morning, yeah, i tested positively for negative, right? so, no, i tested perfectly this morning. meaning, meaning i tested negative. >> jimmy: even his negatives are positive! isn't that something? it's clear what's going on, here, right? trump blurted out that he was taking it just to trigger the new media, successfully, by the way, even though there's no way in hell he's taking this stuff. you think any white house doctor, even a trump doctor, is gonna give the president a pill that could stop his heart just because he asked for it? of course not. what if he asks for mushrooms, will he give him that? none of it adds up. trump said he's going off hydroxychloroquine in two days when his regimen runs out. which -- that's not how that drug is taken. it's not an antiobiotic. there's no "course" it's taken prophylactically, which means you have to keep taking it. condoms are prophylactics. you don't use them for two weeks and then go, "i think we're good, honey." he never took hydroxychloroquine. you know how you know its a lie?
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it came out of his mouth. the president was in michigan today touring a ford motor plant that's making ventilators. you're supposed to wear a mask in michigan. by order of the governor. the attorney general there said trump had a legal, social, and moral responsibility to wear one when he visited the plant. so of course -- he didn't. everyone who worked there did. he did not. although he again made the ridiculous claim that he technically kind of, maybe did wear a mask. >> i had one on before. i wore one in this back area. i had goggles, goggles and a mask. but no, i had it in the back area, i had a mask on, and it was very nice, but i didn't want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it. honestly, i think i look better in the mask, as they say, i did have it on. here's my mask, right here. and i like it very much. >> why aren't you wearing it?
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>> because in this area. you take it. >> jimmy: why is he handing it to the audio guy? this has my germs all over it, take it! he did wear a mask for a minute. tmz got a wear shot of trump in a mask. but what is the point of this? either you wear a mask or you don't wear a mask. back to the condom analogy. you wear one or you don't e michigan is a crucial state for trump where the latest polls say he is trailing joe biden. yesterday, trump was asked about his threat to halt federal funding to michigan because of their plan to encourage michiganders to vote by mail. trump doesn't want that he wants fewer people to vote and he also wants to be able to claim fraud if he loses. but that's not the weird thing the weird thing is while doing it for the umpteenth time he made the unsubstantiated claim that michigan once named him man of the year. >> are you concerned about the message that you're sending by
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saying you may withhold funding from michigan when it's also going through these issues with the water? >> no, i'm not concerned at all. we're going to help michigan. michigan's a great state. i've gotten tremendous business to go to michigan. michigan is one of the reasons i ran. i was honored as the man of the year in michigan at a big event, and i got up, and i remember so well, i spoke, probably five, six years before i even thought about running for president. >> jimmy: he remembers it so well, but there is no evidence that he was ever honored with an award like that of any kind. this has been investigated extensively and it would appear, and this you're not gonna believe. he made it up. he was never man of the year. but that doesn't mean he won't say he was every chance he gets! >> five or six years before i even thought about running for whatever reason, they named me man of the year in michigan. i said how come? i didn't even understand it myself.
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>> about ten years ago, i came to michigan. i was honored by a wonderful group. i was the man of the year. >> i don't know if you know this, but probably ten years ago i was honored. i was the man of the year by i think somebody, whoever. i love michigan. and i was the man of the year or something like four or five years ago. in michigan, they gave me an award, six years, seven years ago, i had no idea. it was the man of the year in michigan. i was honored five years ago, man of the year in michigan. i was actual lit man of the year in michigan about ten years before the election. >> about five or six years ago i was given man of the year. i was man of the year in michigan a number of years ago. i was the man of the year in michigan. can you believe it? >> jimmy: well, he was probably confused, and now that he knows that he wasn't the man of the year, i'm sure he won't do it again. >> i was honored in michigan, and i said how come you're losing so much of your car business to mexico and other places.
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and i asked that question very innocently, probably ten years ago. man of the year, they named me man of the year in michigan. >> jimmy: he won't do it again tomorrow is what i meant to say. while the folks at ford are busy making ventilators the president is giving them away. he is sending 200 ventilators to russia which now has the second-most coronavirus cases in the world. and he is shipping out more than 15,000 ventilators to more than 50 countries around the world. he calls himself "the king of ventilators." and if you're in the market for a new one there has never been a better time to buy! >> the following message from the king of ventilators. >> ventilators are a big deal, and we are now the king of ventilators. >> looking for a new or lightly-virused ventilators? come visit the king. >> we're the king of ventilators. we have hundreds of thousands under construction. >> we've got name brand ventilators, easy breathe. commodore, dinty moore.
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>> we're the king of ventilators. countries are calling. and they're calling all the time now. >> all the countries are calling. don't miss out. go to the king of ventilators where the motto is -- >> ventilators, ventilators, ventilators. >> all hail the king. located right next to the giant sinkhole! >> jimmy: you're killing us, donald! we've got a good show for you tonight. we will meet our healthcare hero of the week and we'll be right back with kevin hart. ♪ >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by dick's sporting goods.
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for the smooth shave bbut what if you couldg do better than that? like adapt. discover. deliver, in new ways, to new customers. what if you could come back stronger? faster. better. at comcast business, we want to help you not just bounce back, but bounce forward. and now, with one of our best offers ever, we're committed to helping you do just that. get a powerful and reliable internet and voice solution for only $29.95 a month for three months. call or go online today. ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy
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kimmel live from my house." we will be right back here next week with lisa kudrow, howie mandel, dakota johnson, and sean penn. our guest tonight is a very funny man who's given us laughter and joy. and now, a guide to success, his new motivational audiobook "the decision" it's available now on audible. please welcome kevin hart. hi, kevin. >> what's going on with you, man? >> jimmy: you know, kevin, you got a serious microphone, serious headphones going on, paintings of comedians behind you. who's behind you there? what do we have? richard pryor. >> richard pryor. bernie mac, chris rock. red fox. eddie murphy,chapelle. martin, seinfeld, carlin, wanda sikes is on one of them. i got a lot of them. >> jimmy: do you ever have comics come over and they're not on the wall? and they are insulted?
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>> i was talking to ellen, and i lied. i said she's on the other wall that you can't see. that's the only time. >> jimmy: she's on our underpants, that seems like enough, doesn't it? over the weekend, you did something fun with your family. you guys camped in the back yard did this take place? >> yeah, yeah, man. right now you got to be creative, you got to come up with other things to do. so we ordered some tents, put the tents up. we got sleeping bags, the whole nine, and we didn't make it. >> jimmy: who put the tents up? >> you know what? >> jimmy: who assembled the tents. >> i'm not going to lie to you. i would love to sit up here, jimmy and say that i did it, but i can't live with myself after if i lie. but my security, my security helped with the tents, which
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means they basically, they basically did most of it, but i did a lot of it. me and the kids, we held down the, you know, the strings and rope so they could put the stakes and stuff in. it was a team effort, but the security did the heavy lifting. >> jimmy: how long did you last? >> we were in the house by 1:00, 1:15 in the morning. it got a little, it got cold out there. here's the thing. i fell asleep. i was asleep in the tent. i could have gone the whole night. they woke me up, and they were like, hey, dad, you know, since we're not doing nothing but sleeping, could we just go in the house? i was like, no! that defeats the whole purpose of the tent in the yard. we're supposed to make it through the night. and they were like, yeah, but we're not up talkin'. might as well go in. >> jimmy: how's your wife, she's pregnant. how pregnant is she? >> almost six months. baby number four. family of six. that's huge. that's a lot. >> jimmy: that is. >> that's a very loud house,
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jimmy, a very loud house. >> jimmy: you might have to sleep-out in the tent by yourself. >> you know what? >> jimmy: how's she doing? >> she's excited, man. it almost got the best of her for a minute. she got a little cabin fever, that's when i got to tap in and do my job and make sure her spirits are high, make sure that she feels beautiful, make sure that we're as active as we can be in and the house and being creative. so, from quality time with us and the kids, movie night, taco, making some tacos, game night, doing various different tik toks, talking more, having some deep discussions. getting to know each other. you just gotta, you got to really use your time wisely. that's how you get through this, and you come out of it with a better understanding and feel for each other and love, love one another, at another level. >> jimmy: see, kevin, this is why it makes perfect sense that
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you've written this book about success, because you do put things in very plain terms, and you make, you, i actually feel inspired now to maybe set up a tent and stay in it for two hours with my children now. >> you have to. >> jimmy: you got to get some security guys to help me. tell us about your new book. this book is an audio book. >> yes, yes. it's an audible original, called "the decision" and it's something i wanted to do. i just wanted to give information. i think in today's time we lack information, because, you know, if it's not asked for, sometimes it's not given. and i don't think that's fair. success is something that a lot of people want, but they don't know how to obtain, and with successful people that have reached certain levels that are able to go and just give the story and tell the tales of how and what and why, it adds an added level of ammunition and go-get to others. so i said i'm just going to give it. i'm going to be transparent, and
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this isn't a do what i do moment or live how i live, this is a lens that i'm putting up for you to look through and assess things and see if it works for you or not. i'm just showing you that it's proven. >> jimmy: kevin has chosen a charity, feeding america. and i want to ask you about something in the book. you've coined some terms, terminology, some phrases, what is what-isness? >> i take a word that has existed for a long time and put my spin on that word, right? so what-isness are things that have existed for so long. rather than saying what if or what could, you make it into what-is. i can make it what i want it to be. i turn them into what they can be if i'm true to what i am. learning me is the ultimate goal. when i know me, i'm able to move
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accordingly and determine things as i feel i should, but if i'm not comfortable with me then i can't be comfortable with situations. that means i'm not comfortable with change. i got to be willing to change me and fix me first. what-isness comes from me fixing myself and developing what i like to call what-isness. >> jimmy: i feel like oprah's going to find that you're stepping into her territory and eliminate you. kevin of course is from philadelphia, and when we come back we're going to surprise one of your big fans. she is a health care hero if ever there was one and we'll do that when we come back. for worse or for better ♪ (yeah) ♪ through any kind of weather, ♪ (yo) ♪ you're my friend in need. ♪ (come on, come on)
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♪ we stick together, ♪ ♪ we make the sunshine brighter, ♪ ♪ we make it all feel better, ♪ ♪ you're my, you're my, ♪ (woo, yeah) ♪ you're my family. ♪ (yo) ♪ you're my family. ♪ now you can make feel like the weekend.k with jim dea mple ses. made fresh with two real eggs, sausage 'n cheese. and ready in seconds. why don't you put a sunday morning shine on tomorrow morning's breakfast. ♪ ♪ ♪ [10th gen intel bong]
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♪ every year, you can see spectacular celebrities at aids walk san francisco. this year they are coming to you! join bette midler gloria estefan matt bomer stars of queer eye rupaul's drag race superstars. for aids walk san francisco live at home, streaming on july 19 to benefit prc and their covid relief efforts all over the city. register now at
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but it couldn't take the wynn and encore out of us. and now, we are proud to welcome you back. >> jimmy: welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live" from my house. our health care hero this week is a very special nurse in philadelphia named latasha lewis. how are you? >> hi, jimmy, how you doing? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you. you serve people who don't necessarily have a place to go to get health care. >> yes, i work for the city of philadelphia, and we serve people that's underserved and people that don't have insurance and some people that do have insurance. >> jimmy: do you enjoy your work? >> i love my work. i've been a registered nurse for over ten years. i've been an outpatient for the last ten years. i enjoy it. i love it. i love educating my patients, i love taking care of them when they're well and when they're sick. >> jimmy: how is your team holding up right now? how are people feelin'?
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>> um, they're getting better. it was tough in the beginning. but we're staying strong. we're really staying strong. we're a team. without them, i don't know how i would be able to do it. >> jimmy: and vice versa, i'm sure. i know you also have four kids in addition to having all this work on your plate. >> i have four children, a 17-year-old daughter, 6-year-old son, 4-year-old daughter son, 4-year-old daughter and 2-year-old daughter, so my life is crazy busy, and a husband! my life is crazy busy. >> jimmy: and we all know they're no help at all. >> not at all, not even the 17-year-old. >> jimmy: you make tee shirts in your spare time, is that one? >> this one says nurse natasha on it. >> jimmy: i like it. >> another one, thank you! another one i designed myself. this is my favorite shirt. can you see it good? >> jimmy: yeah, the world's real super hero. >> yeah.
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>> jimmy: i like that. >> i have one more to show you. and then this one. i'm a nurse, what's your super >> jimmy: very nice. natasha, i know a little bit about you. >> ah-oh. >> jimmy: i know you do a lot of great stuff. i know that not just during the virus, but all throughout the year, and i also know that, well, i have a friend that i think is from your neighborhood, actually. say hello to kevin, natasha. kevin, say hello to natasha. >> how you doin'? how are you? >> i'm good, how you doin'? i'm sorry. >> that's okay. i'm doing fantastic, much better now that i'm talking to you. >> oh, so good to meet you. oh, my gosh. >> this is more exciting for me than it probably is for you. i mean, i've been made aware of all the amazing things that you're doing. >> oh, my goodness. >> and i think for the city of philadelphia, the city of brotherly love to have individuals like yourself and
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the team, that's as dope as dope can be to me. this is a big moment for me, too. >> thank you so much! >> jimmy: and natasha, to thank you for all the work you're doing, we've arranged with the nice people at beyond meat, they're giving you $10,000 to spend however you like.h,y d! >> jimnd sandwiches to all the nurses in your unit. they've donated an additional million burgers to feeding america, the charity kevin selected in both of your honor. >> thank you! >> jimmy: i know, natasha, you also do a coat drive, a winter coat drive every year, right? >> yes, actually, kevin, i work in german town. i'm sure you know about the health clinics. in the winter we do thanksgiving drive. we collect toys and give them out. so we're doing a lot for the community. >> if you collect coats, i can send you a bunch of coats, but
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they're all going to be a size small, is that a problem? >> ain't no problem, we can take them all! >> i don't want to hear no complaints, who sent all these little jackets? >> no, it's all good! >> jimmy: maybe that would be a fun thing. kevin will get some of your coats, i'll send you a coat e and you can auction those off and raise awareness of your coat drive there for when it gets cold as well. >> absolutely. sounds like a great idea. >> jimmy: well, we got all kinds of good ideas here. thank you both. thank you, natasha, you are a hero for real. and we appreciate everything that you're doing so much. and kevin, we appreciate you, too, for different reasons. thank you both. >> jimmy, i appreciate you too. >> jimmy: if you have a health care hero you'd like to see on the show, post about her or him using #healthcarehero. we'll be right back. >> thank you, bye-bye! ♪ ♪
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every year, you can see spectacular celebrities at aids walk san francisco. this year they are coming to you! join bette midler gloria estefan matt bomer stars of queer eye rupaul's drag race superstars. for aids walk san francisco live at home, d eir covid relief efforts all over the city. register now at
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♪ >> jimmy: that is all the time we have. i'd like to thank kevin hart, nurse natasha, and apologize to matt damon. "nightline" is next. thanks for watching. enjoy your ambien nightmares. sonoma county bracing for big crowds this weekend. amid a spike of coronavirus cases. >> how families are celebrating small here in the east bay. >> getting a group together for july 4th, while you may be tempted health experts suggest
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you resist. >> building a better bay area, this is abc7 news. >> we are facing a very different fourth coronarus cases ohe ri. o normal will instead find beaches closed, restaurants, limited to outdoor service and of course, no fireworks, the officials are hoping all of us will just stay safe and stay at home. tonight, marin county was added to california's watch list after an increase in transmission rates and hospitalizations. many of them are from the outbreak at san quinton prison. and also added to the states linte a saniego counties. >> firefighters in san francisco have already been busy. a house was damaged in a fireworks explosion, this
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