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tv   ABC7 News 500PM  ABC  August 4, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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see you at ♪ next at 5:00, the economic crisis and owning a restaurant. businesses on the brink if not completely shut down. a campaign is on the way to help, but too late for one owner. his frustration taking a sad turn. his wife talking about his suicide in the hope it helps others. and what parents have to say about options for school. and pho pic the food this is abc 7 news. restaurant after restaurant after restaurant. every week our favorite places shutting down because they simply can't make it during the
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pandemic. they can't hang in there any longer. just days ago one report by yelp said the bay area has permanently lost 370 restaurants since march. >> in san francisco's china town, owners say they may not survive the pandemic. chamber says stores were va vandalized and boarded up. >> most of them don't know how long they can survive. most are going month-to-month and hoping they can survive. >> the loss of chinatown restaurants is around 70%. they are getting help that will hopefully help them. >> running a restaurant turned out to be too much for one man.
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he took his life last month and his wife talks to us. >> reporter: he was known for his smile, welcoming spirit and love for food. today his wife of four years remembers him. >> he was a loving, caring person, somebody who wanted to bring something unique to the wharf. >> reporter: she confirmed he died by suicide on july 24th. his depression deepened. >> i'm still struggling, too. you don't know what will happen in the end of this, but my motto has been to continue on and do the best i can. >> reporter: carmel has seen a 90% decrease in revenue, a relatable struggle that many other restaurant owners are trying to cope with.
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>> many of us are used to running our own business and taking care of our employees and families, financially and emotionally. we are put in a place through no fault of our own where we are struggling. >> reporter: restaurant owners have been pushed to hold mental health web nars. >> reach out to your friends and family, reach out to me if you need to talk. you are not going through this for any fault of your own. >> reporter: in san francisco this doctor has seen an increasing amount of death through this pandemic. >> there have been 5 to 10 who have expressed depression or
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suicide intent. now it is 15 to 20. look for changes in friends and loved ones. no one knows regular behavior than your close friends. >> reporter: she is hoping that a.j. is proud of how she is continuing his legacy, building an outdoor area to open up this weekend. >> if he's looking down i think he's proud of it. it's the start, not finished. but it's for him. >> you can take action and find your ally at ab krrchlc 7 news action. we have information on how you can take action and help people affected by the pandemic. and emergency ordinance was
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passed for fines for not wearing facemasks in san mateo county. the pilot program is focusing on three school districts. and san francisco's director says reopening schools is on indefinite pause. a technical problem is causing an under account in many counties. elementary schools who want to open doors for in-person learning can apply for a waiver to do so but it won't be easy. an explanation of how that could work. >> it could create small centers of schools for students on campus. students do better overall when they have in-person instruction.
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>> and finding out if any bay area districts will ask for that waiver. >> a process is in place for elementary schools to apply for a waiver, allowing them to hold in-person classes even if it is on a county on a covid-19 monitoring list. david is the parent of childrn in mill value. he is planning to protest tonight. >> you get a bunch of kids in a classroom with stagnant air and that's a petri dish. >> reporter: no morin county schools have applied for waiver yet because application won't be distributed until friday.
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schools on 14-date watch list should not be considered to be on a waiver. dr. erica pann -- >> we want to make sure this is a close partnership in the community and that people are supportive of this application. >> reporter: in an e-mail statement, abc 7 news is told, quote -- san francisco unified school district said it is planning to begin the fall school semester in distance learning for all students and it will take the waiver option as it plans for a hybrid plan this fall. >> we have created an
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interactive map to help answer all of the questions about what school districts plan to do this fall. it details each school district's start date, and the plan to safely return to campus. check it out on abc 7 and now to the $54 agricultural community. a look at what farmers say need to be done. >> reporter: it's harvest times for for berries across the fertile fields of california. >> everybody talks about essential workers. we know agriculture is essential workers. health care workers get the publicity about this, but
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agricultural workers most important in the world. >> reporter: they have struggled with short supplies of masks and some resistance to using them. and washing hands has doubled in water use. but there is close to 16,000 infections at fresno county. >> it tells us i can't get a test for three or four days and then i can't get results for three or four days more. i have lost another week and i want to go back to work. >> reporter: farmers and ranchers say they can't afford to lose workers due to covid-19 and from testing delays since fewer workers have come north from mexico. >> faster testing and particularly for people who exposed. the other thing we need is an
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appropriate place to self isolate. >> reporter: farm workers live in close quarters, kocarpool to the fields and don't have separate housing. could someone from here be on the ballot for vice president? we break it down next. and
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(woman chattering)
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- [narrator] ordering dinner for the family? (family gasps) rewarded with a side of quiet. (baby murmuring) grubhub rewards you, (scooter horn honking) get a free delivery perk when you order. (doorbell rings) - [group] grubhub. the presidential election, believe it or not, is 91 days from today. sometime this month, maybe even this week, democratic candidate joe biden will be picking a candidate. the odds are good that she will
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be from california. and the entire short list -- it consists of entirely women, many of them women of color. liz is here with more on biden's california choices. very interesting. >> very interesting. we are counting down the days. senator harris appears to be a front-runner, checks all of the boxes the biden campaign is looking for. still democrats are split whether she is the best choice. >> reporter: the conversation will joe biden choose cam louisia -- kamala harris. >> she holds special advantage. she has won in california
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statewide three times. she has fund-raising strength and i think she will excite new voters. >> reporter: supporters of harris say her name recognition and experience on a national stage make her a good pick for the job. but there was this -- >> do you agree today that you were wrong to oppose busing in america? >> there has been criticism around her ambition. without ambitious women we probably wouldn't have the right to vote. bro >> reporter: brandon says he hopes biden picks the other woman on the short list from california, karen bass. if joe biden wants to reach out to progress i was, he needs to excite us and someone like bass
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would be someone for us to get behind. >> reporter: it is a fine line, someone to attract voters. >> joe biden is not going to pick somebody who will push him to the far left, the aoc wing of the party. and kamala harris doesn't do that. if he picks her, he is still very much in play to win over these voters. >> reporter: of course biden is considering many other women outside of california. he has a close relationship with susan rice. the one thing everyone spoke to was that joe biden should choose a woman of color. >> liz, thank you so much. now back to school and the fall semester. the year will be different than
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years past. teachers and students are adapting to distance learning. but some things can be difficult, like learning to read over the internet. >> i want you to know i feel lucky to read with you today. >> it looks a lot different. >> sometimes you will see this face and sometimes i will show you things to read. >> are you ready? >> she's leading a reading lesson for three first graders over zoom. >> there is a quickbook introduction where i go over some tricky words. i am going to highlight that word because it's a tricky one. i will make it red. tell me this word again. most importantly on a teaching point, the purpose for teaching that book and what i want my
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students to learn that they can used to and every day as readers. >> is that what you would be doing in the classroom? >> pretty much. imagine how we used to teach reading pre-covid, a who arepree sh -- horseshoe with the teacher leaning in. that's what we are doing by muting some of the children and listening to just one. we can also listen to all of them at the same time. >> he spits it back up and feeds it to his pup >> children need a device that works and is connected to the internet and has a working camera and sound. and they need to be sure the students are at the device at
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the designated time. and teachers need to teach reading digitally. susan not only teaches, but provides help district wide. >> the hardest thing for all teachers is to be away from their students. the ability to connect through a screen is something wonderful and powerful that our teachers are working hard to utilize. to teach a child to read through a screen can be done. it's hard though. >> is it going better, worse or just as you expected it might go? >> surprisingly, better than i thought it would. i assumed that this would be really hard for kids. i assumed that they would lose interest. but actually that's not the case. they are right there with us. it's just a beautiful moment because the children are very
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involved. the parents are super grateful, and the teachers feel are actual lit teaching haven't felt in a long time. >> i will see you. bye! >> susan is so passionate about what she does. it's wonderful. she said summer mapractice is a good thing for the coming school year. so at home, read together. and each day don't miss a bay area conversation about a bay area topic. tomorrow we will discuss middle and high schools, thursday college and friday teachers. still ahead, when will we
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now your forecast. >> hi, everyone. have you felt the change? winds are gusting at 26 in san francisco and 28 miles per hour around the delta. that's what is helping drive the temperatures down. the wind is stirring up the atmosphere, so we don't have a lot in the way of fog along the coast, but it is still there. a look at temperatures, from the 50s to 90s from the warmer spots. you will notice the sun is shining. here is a look what will happen during the overnight hours. fog and low clouds expanding. drizzle or light showers. we had a few spotty drizzle spots this morning, but i think it will be more tomorrow. up to an eighth inch in half
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moon bay. don't be surprised if you don't have to pull out the umbrellas briefly. 50s, 60s, cloudy, drizzly. this pattern helps lessen our fire danger. tomorrow afternoon it will be breezy again. 58 in half moon bay and cooler inland. napa, 78. 76 in oakland. cooler than today. here is a look at what is left of tropical storm isaias. it is pushing across the new england states. look at the damage left behind. numerous tornados, wind damage and flooding damage. it made landfall with north carolina yesterday. packing wind of 50 miles per
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hour, moving north rapidly. it will move into canada weakening to a post subtropical system. tomorrow, it won't feel like summer unless you are near the coast. upper 50s to upper 70s. temperatures below average for this time of year. thursday morning starts out drizzly and warms back up. the warming continues going into the weekend. numbers in the mid 90s. that will bring summer back, but until then summer is taking a break at least for inland areas tomorrow. >> a little bit of break is fine. >>
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coming up at 6:00. back to school monday in oakland. why teachers expect virtual learning to be better this time and one thing to make it easier this time. >> i have this weird strong feeling it will not work at all. >> from the mouths of babes. some local kids telling us how
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they think the school year will go. while countless can't reach the edd, a report from a man in florida. a visit to yosemite that was really worth the wait. #. >> that is spectacular. christopher said he kept making reservations hoping the park would open, but his trip was canceled five times. it reopened june 11 using a reservation system for the first time in the park's history and a few weeks later he and his family were there. >> he captured captivating video of a water fall and things on the hike.
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>> for all of us here, thank you for joining us. we will see you again at 6:00. # - [narrator] did you just reward yourself for spending a perfectly reasonable amount of time on the couch with tacos from grubhub? rewarded! get a free delivery perk when you order. - [group] grubhub.
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or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the storm that slammed into the east as a hurricane, then tracked north. tonight, it has been deadly. millions without power in the middle of this pandemic. the deadly storm slamming ashore overnight in the carolinas, roaring up the east coast all day today. washington, d.c., philadelphia, new york city. homes catching fire. a tornado outbreak across several states. homes destroyed. a mother protecting her daughter, covering her in the bathtub. they survived. the high water rescues tonight. drivers on their, eaolm. and the danger tonight. the downed power lines. the explosions. one right near our reporter in the middle of her interview. and where the storm is right now. we're also following a major headline from overseas tonight. the massive and deadly explosion


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