tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC August 21, 2020 12:36am-1:06am PDT
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again. for the third time this summer. you know, when i told jimmy that i'm always happy to fill in for him, i didn't literally mean always. but i do wanna say thanks to jimmy, having to put on pants and haul my ass back to this abandoned house was by far the best birthday present i got. for those of you who don't know, i turned 50 on saturday, which was a lot of fun. we did one of those drive by parties. where i grew up in compton, you didn't want to be associated with a drive by. but this was fun. my friends and family shouted muffled "happy birthdays" from their ca wle weari pso ioof "thed singer." who is that, my mama or chaka khan? and this was an extra special birthday for me, because on friday, i got a star on the hollywood walk of fame. of course, they say you don't
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really have a star on the walk of fame until someone dressed as elmo throws up on it. and that happened on tuesday! i can't wait to take my grandkids to hollywood boulevard someday and say "see where that meth head is break dancing? that's right on top of your grand daddy's name" i need all the victories i can get right now, because next month there's a pretty good chance they're gonna give my emmy away to someone else again. i'm nominated for lead actor in a comedy series, and these are i'm the least favored to win. and look, it's great to be nominated and all, but the truth is i don't do this for the awards. i do it for the money. i've been nominated for my role on "blackish" six years in a row. haven't won. i'm 0 for 6. that means i've had my same acceptance speech.
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seember imyck, for x ng s and now it's time for america to finally hear it. guillermo? announce me. >> guillermo: just a second! and the emmy goes to mr. anthony anderson! >> what? we did it! we did it! we did it, mama, we won, oh, my god. i have so many people to thank. god, the academy, all my followers on vine. shout to mfeow "' one daweay bleo dogs we love wi.
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one day we may not be able to gather in large crowds like this or get within six feet of each other without a mask.cathk of a that would happen, i'm just saying. i am so proud to be an american. we have elected a black president twice. now i'm getting this award. so yeah, racism is pretty much solved. we're good now. winning this means the world to me. i would hate to be one of those guys who just kept getting nominated year after year, over and over, until he becomes a joke and it's just sad. but here i am! and if i can win an emmy, anything is possible. like the words of a great song,
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by an even greater artist. "i believe i can fly!" "i believe i can" yeah you know what i should probably update this before the emmys. okay, now for something fun and helpful. since you can't really go to a restaurant right now, a lot of people are signing up for those meal delivery services. and i'm getting in on the action, with a delicious and nutritious new business venture. >> these days we're all doing a lot less eating out and a lot more cooking at home. but it can be hard to find a dentil now. introducing anthony anderson's back of the pantry collection. the only meal delivery service that gives you the ingredient anthony anderson was able to find in the back of his pantry. >> i checked the expiration dates myself. >> every week, you will find a box of ingredients that he
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purchased sometime in the bush administration delivered to your pickled jalapeno peppers, turkey jerky, artichoke hearts and rice-a-roni, from 2007. legally speaking, it's still good. >> and each box comes with a recipe card, giving you detailed instructions on how to use those ingredients to cook the perfect meal. >> people always ask me, is this really a meal service or just a way to sell weird crap in my cupboard. to them i say, shut up and eat your [ bleep ] lentils. mama! we got another box ready! >> anthony anderson's back of the pantry meal service. what are you going to do? go to a store? eat at your own risk. >> what will i think of next? we've got a great show for you tonight, missouri congressional candidate cori bush is here. we'll be right back with yara shahidi.
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>> and sitting in with the cletones tonight is an amazing street performer from detroit, deon forrest. take it away deon! >> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by the samsung galaxy note 20 ultra 5g. ♪ ♪ send it off, with a bang ♪ ♪ ♪ whistling [ indistinguishable muffled words ] pre-order now and get up to $150 samsung credit. and your friend says
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they don't want fries... get them the fries. or else, your fries... will be their fries. ♪ ba da ba ba ba ♪ scratch that, baby, ♪i'm grateful.ankf♪l..♪ ♪ gotta say, it's really been a while. ♪ but now i got back that smile. ♪ ♪ smil♪! check everything off the list with jeans from $8 and tees from $4. get ready for school at target. cheddar, jalapeno and sour cream & onion the spicy nacho stack. i wish i could stack pringles but i don't have hands or a mouth to... cool, play my dance playlist. ♪ ♪ there's a flavor stack for everyone... sort of. (mom vo) we got a subaru to give him some a r and be together. and once we did that, we realized his greatest adventure is just beginning. (avo male) welcome to the most adventurous outback ever.
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played my tv daughter on black-ish since 2014. now she plays that character on her own show, attends harvard and is here to promote a movie i have nothing to do with. it's just like that song "cat's in the cradle", only more heartbreaking. she co-stars in the animated comedy adventure "fearless." >> please help me, just until i can send them back where they came from. >> wrangling space babies is not part of my schedule today, okay? >> hmm, you are pathetic. i've got to call my parents. >> thank you. >> mom, yeah. i know. this big procta bigger than i thought. >> "fearless" is currently available on netflix. please welcome yara shahidi. oh, my baby, my baby! >> hi! >> yara, so let's get straight to it. how have you been spending your quarantine time?
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what's been going on with you and the family? >> it's been pretty chill. we usually don't leave our house very often. i think it was five months in the first time my brother stepped his foot in a store with a mask on. taking it extremely seriously but keeping it a little fun. mama's birthday was yesterday, so trying to be a little creative. >> speaking of birthdays, you are surrounded by leos, your mother being one, myself, be another, kenya barris being another, and marseille being another and lawrence being another. that's five leos in your life that you're around on a daily basis. what did you do for your mother's birthday this past week? >> well, we kept it a little chill, you know, work has been non-stop, as i know it's been for you. and so we went to the beach and did a very socially-distant workout class on the beach, which was beautiful.
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and, like had her favorite dessert. we had her favorite ice cream flown in from hawaii that she hasn't had in years and her favorite cupcakes. one of our dear friends makes the best cupcakes and made them especially for her birthday. so a lot of food. >> okay. that's all fine and good. >> ah-oh. >> i have a slight issue. you did all of that, but yet you couldn't come to hollywood boulevard for your tv daddy's star on the walk of fame? and if that was going to be too hectic, you couldn't do a drive by to my 50th drive by birthday celebration at my house? you live in the foothills of the foothills, and you went all the way to the beach to play in the sand with your mama and her friends and melted ice cream from hawaii. >> okay. first and foremost, we celebrated from a distance your star. i've not been in the hollywood vicinity, i'm a little offended. i don't remember receiving a
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drive by invite. you know we would have pulled up. >> i have the receipts. i will go to my phone and pull up the receipts where you asked me for your address so you can come by, and i sent an address to you. >> i asked you for your address to send you a gift. it wasn't related to a drive by. >> okay. and i still haven't received said gift in the mail. why is that? >> thank you, usps. >> oh. okay.t,'m pud oyou. so at 20 years old, you are a student at harvard university. you are the star of your own television show. and you've launched your own company, and you have a deal at disney, an overall deal at disney now. how do you manage it all? >> with an incredible team of folks. i have the best support network. i mean, you know my whole family, and i think we operate very similarly, just always
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having our families involved in every step of the process. but i think fortunately i've been surrounded by people who encourage me to do it all. i remember thinking back to even first season of "blackish". i was telling this story the other day. i rememb h ielt in ""blackis" itas t oudn you. sessns i wkednd i don't care if i don't get this because i had the best time. i was so happy with the experience itself. what it spoke to was my first days on set, everyone supporting how to figure out the balance of my education and this show and every other passion i've had has always been encouraged by everyone. so thank you for that. >> oh, my pleasure. and thank you for blessing me with your talent. now i want to bring up something from the past. my real-life son took my real-life tv daughter to his prom. how was that experience hanging
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out with my son nate, and how did that come about? >> ieali it es risis as tbrnd sisters, cousin in season one of "blackish", and i think we all became pretty much instant friends throughout the years. when it came time for his prom, i got to join him. and we had the best time. those were the fur coats my brother brought out for us to celebrate. but we had such a good time. he asked me actually at one of the ""blackish"" events. so everything has happened, all these milestones on the "black-ish" lot. and his entire friend group i've known for the past couple years too. he hangs out with other blursion people. so we had a great time. >> i was looking forward to paying for my real-life tv
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daughter's son to my real life son who played my tv nephew. one other question, you're 20 years old, yara, and you don't have a driver's license, what's going on with that? and let's clear something else up. everybody thinks i promised every kid on ""blackish"" a car. that is not true. i only -- no, no, did i promise you a car, too? >> yes. i've really, honestly been waiting on the car. >> really? huh? what's that, huh, nasa? we'll be right back with cori bush. we're coming up to you right now. i got you. nasa. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> welcome back to jimmy kimmel live, i'm anthony anderson. our next guest's life story is truly remarkable. it includes chapters on homelessness, nursing, pastoring, activism, and now - candidacy for the u.s. house of representatives. a few weeks back, she defeated a 10-term incumbent in the primary, after defeating covid-19. please welcome the democratic nominee from missouri's first congressional district, cori bush. >> all right, cori, bzers
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now tell me about this. what was election night like for you, since you are, or you were the underdog. you unseated or you beat a ten-term incumbent, and this seat has been held from 1968 up until now by two people. a father and a son. tell me, how were you able to do this, and how did you feel with this accomplishment? >> let me just say, it was no small thing, but we believed, like in my heart i believed i could do it. the team believed we could do it, but, you know, with all the adversity we kept going, you're the underdog, you don't have any money, you don't have any name. your name is bush. oh, you're a black woman, oh, you have dark skin, oh, you have braids.
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but, you know, we kept going. the day of the election i felt in my heart i was going to win this. i'm a nurse, i've gone through my covid experience. people know who i am. let me say, when we made it back to the office, i was out, you know, just talking to people at the polls. the excitement was there, so when i made it back, people were already gathering. the press and everybody. so i hopped out the van and the deejay was like playing music, so i'm ready, you know, i'm like, okay, let's dance. we're just having a ball outside the campaign office, and all of a sudden my team was like pssst, what? they ushered me into the office, and they said they called the race for the incumbent, and i'm like, it's 1% reporting, like i was crushed. so i said okay, i'm just going to turn on, i'm not going to a turn on my ipad and go and watch a movie. so i'm trying to watch a movie,
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and all of a sudden there's this notification i was in the lead. evybody stop. then i peeked up again, and all i saw was "cori defeats." and i was like somebody verify this. i'm like, okay, i got to pee! what happened? >> you are so st. louis. >> i'm so st. louis, yes. >> tell me this. in the middle of your campaign, you were fighting and battling covid-19. how were you able to campaign from a hospital bed while battling this disease? and running for office? >> you know, it was, it was really a mind thing, because i couldn't breathe, like breathing was, you know, every second of the day, like every breath i had to, you know, force an inhale and an exhale. and as a nurse, it was like oh,
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my gosh, i just felt like i knew what this could mean. and i couldn't sleep, you know, but my team kept fighting. so they would call me, and they would try to only come at me with a bunch of things at once so i wouldn't have to talk a lot throughout the day. that's how we managed on the really, really bad days. i'm on a bed, on a live stream, only audio, you're not going to see what my hair looks like, you know, it was just really, you know, and i'm talking like this. and they're like, you know what? you sound terrible, get off the live stream. we need to call an ambulance. but the team is amazing, and we kept going. i was not going to let, look, i was not going to let covid-19 oo bumy people in this district, haven't been able to breathe for a long time, and we won't be able to breathe with all of our struggles unless somebody steps up that really cares.
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>> all right, i'm not going to say "if elected", when elected, what is the number one issue for you? what are you going to do in office? >> so, number one issue is equity. that's going to affect everything. it's going to be racial equity, economic equity, making sure our people are connected with the health care they need, come coming in the door i need some covid-19 relief. this community is hurting so bad. you know, we got high homicide and, you know, it's time out for that. i'm tired of surviving st. louis. it's time for us to live. like i said, murphy lee said at that best. i'm so st. louis. so i'm representing the people. i don't have health insurance myself right now. i'm a representative of the people, and i'm about to change that. >> yes, you are. yes, you are. and to all the beautiful brown sisters out there with tattoos, with braids, you represent them well, congratulations, i can't wait for you to get into office, and we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ ba da ba ba ba these fudge brownie m&m's are really fyes they are. to put a fudge brownie center in an m&m's is... genius! i know. i was going to say hard! why won't you... ughhhh... ahhh! why won't you go in... new fudge brownie m&m's. ♪ scratch that, ♪baby, i'm grateful ♪ ♪ got to say it's really been a while ♪ ♪ but now i've got to crack that smile ♪ ♪ smile, hey
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♪ >> that's all the time we've got tonight. i'd like to thank yara shahidi, cori bush, deon forrest, my dude jimmy kimmel, and sorry to matt damon. nobody likes you. nightline is next. goodnight. hi, mama! forced from their homes, mandatory evacuations spreading from santa cruz county, a mother escapes with her young children in the middle of the night, only to come back t >>stra dealing with the los
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dining because of fire smoke. >> we will let you how long the air quality will continue to suffer, coming up. abc news 7 at 11:00 starts now. >> now, breaking news. >> that breaking news, four new deaths reported tonight in the l and u lightning complex fires burning in the north bay. that includes three victims in napa county, and three in s is -- >> these areas are under mand if y a there, the sheriff said, leave now. >> the evacuation orders have expanded in santa cruz county. take a look at the powerful new video. it shows firefighters on the front lines, battling flames trying to save homes near the boulder creek golf course. >> the fires have torched close to 60,000 acres. tonight, scotts valley
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