tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC September 22, 2020 11:35pm-12:37am PDT
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all right. ♪ >> this is an abc station. stat. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, the emmy-award-winning cast of hit's creek, creek, cre, here's gem here's jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: hello. i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. we are coming to you from our studio in hollywood, on the first official day of fall. you can tell it's fall because the fires are changing color. it's very beautiful. and with a new season, comes a fresh new crop of emojis. the unicode consortium, these are the people who oversee which emojis do and do not make it
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into your phone, revealed the more than 200 new ones they'll be rolling out. that is "face with spiral eyes," "heart on fire," and "face exhaling." well, if those three emojis together don't sum up 2020, i don't know what does. they also have some new facial hair stuff. this is "person with a beard" and this is "woman with a beard." i don't know. looks like emo jesus to me, or jared leto. even our emojis are letting themselves go during quarantine. and once again, despite my intense lobbying efforts, i had meetings with these people, i filled out the forms, i presented my case, still no meatball emoji! they've got sausage, they've got dumplings, they've got oysters, chicken, tacos and soup. no meatballs. they've got falafel and bundt cake. i can't get a meatball. we need a new president. we have a fun show tonight from beginning to end. jack black and kyle gass,
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otherwise known as tenacious d, is with us, and we will be joined by the cast of the show that dominated the emmys. dan levy, eugene levy, catherine o'hara and annie murphy, aka the rose family, are with us from their homes up north. they won all the emmys sunday night. canadians haven't swept us like this since the world curling championships back in 2017. their show is called "schitt's creek," which is a title that is a problem for american broadcast television. >> the show up a creek whose name we can't say on morning tv. >> can't say the name on tv, but it involveshe ne "cre can s e namef e show. >> she tonight want to get in >> that is spelled s-c-h-i-t-t. >> the show that sounds like
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"splits creek." >> we're talking about s-creek, s-creek is so good. >> never seen blank creek? >> can i say the name of the show? >> yeah. >> hits creek. >> jimmy: that's the kind of courage we need right now. today, i hope you know, is national voter registration day. this is the day to make sure you are registered, and if not, to get registered. guillermo, are you registered to vote? >> guillermo: yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: will you be voting by mail or in person? >> guillermo: no, in person. >> jimmy: some people don't bother to register. what are you going do do, we have to work that day? >> guillermo: maybe go early. >> jimmy: some people don't bother to register. those are usually the same people who find time to vote on what the new pringles flavor should be. but it's very important to register, because if you don't register, you can't vote and if you don't vote, you won't get a sticker. and also, there's a psychotic individual in the white house who could use some removing. it's hard to believe that we are
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only 42 days away from donald trump refusing to accept the results of the election. the other vote that could happen very soon is in the senate. the big question in washington is, who will fill the vacancy left by justice ruth bader ginsburg? this morning, the president wrote, "i will be announcing my supreme court nominee on saturday, at the white house! exact time tba." there's nothing trump loves more than announcing he's going to make an announcement. he's a real tba-hole. but it looks like trump is gonna get his way on this because today we learned that he's got the support of his least favorite senator, mitt romney of utah. romney says he will vote on whomever trump nominates. so now we're up "mitt's creek" too. as everyone knows, republicans blocked obama from appointing a new justice almost a full year before the 2016 election because they said it was for the next president to decide. now they say, we can't wait for the next president, we need to get this done now!
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i wonder if the reason why they are doing this, why they are revealing themselves to be utter hypocrites, has occurred to donald trump? if republicans thought trump was gonna win, they would just wait. but they're not waiting, they want to do it now, because they think he's gonna lose. i wonder if this has dawned on him yet? >> mr. president we need to make this happen before you're back at mar-a-lago screaming at the housekeepers." trump is moving very quickly on this, but when it came to doing something about a virus that he knew was deadly, a virus that has now killed more than 200 thousand of the americans he swore an oath to protect, then, he moved slower than eric doing the people magazine crossword puzzle. but donald trump isn't the type to worry about a silly virus. he's got his show on the road, he had a gig in swanton, ohio last night, where told the crowd covid "affects virtually nobody. it's an amazing thing." which is insane. and on top of that, something fishy is going on at the centers for disease control. on friday, the cdc posted new
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guidelines for how covid is spread. >> jimmy: they wrote, "it is possible that covid-19 may spread through the droplets and airborne particles that are formed when a person who has covid-19 coughs, sneezes, sings, talks or breathes." they forgot yodels. the site also warned that droplets can remain suspended in air, and travel more than six feet. which was a big deal because, even though we knew this, it was the first time a government website admitted it, but that was on friday. yesterday, that paragraph about droplets was removed and replaced with this -- "a draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error to the agency's official website." in other words, "oops! we accidentally posted the truth." sorry. this is suspicious because it's not the first time something like this has happened. last month, the cdc also changed their guidance from, "if you think you've been in contact with someone infected, you should get tested" to "you should not get tested." and then when there was a big outcry, they changed it back. which is odd, very odd. so today, a scientist from the cdc released new official
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guidance to, hopefully, clear things up. >> hi. i'm donald rape. chief of viral epidemiology at the cdc is. and i want to assure you, we are working around the clock to keep your family safe and to get you the information you need. first, know that this virus is highly contagious. and it is deadly. correction. it is somewhat contagious and very dangerous. kind of dangerous and actually not really a big deal at all. next, the virus' primary means of twrans missiransmission is t coughing or sneezing and can also be transmitted through
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aerosols which are fine particles which hang in the air and are not anything you need to worry about, because the virus is not actually airborne after all. so good news there. in terms of prevention, social distancing is still critical. because studies show that most -- most scientists are nerds who don't want anyone to have any fun. also, masks -- i, i don't even know what this is. hambi hambirder, extra pickle. i guess that's it. together we can beat this thing. stay safish, play it by ear and never mind, because it's cured. and i just quit. [ bleep ] this.
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>> jimmy: well, at least they're stopping the spread of information. the cdc is also, for now, strongly discouraging families from trick or treating this year. which is a bummer for kids, but i will say, i'm fine with skipping halloween. it's hard to get excited about putting on a costume when, for the past six months i've been going to the supermarket dressed like a beekeeper. this is our second day back to work here at our studio. and we have an array of new safety measures in place. some of them are annoying, like you can't have water at your desk, that's a real one. we have the building divided into zones. zone a, b, and c. we have plastic shields everywhere. it's crazy. so we decided to have some fun with our staff on the first day back. yesterday, we set up hidden cameras at the entrance to our building, we hired an actor to pose as our new "health and safety officer," and we tested the patience of our unsuspecting co-workers.
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♪ >> what's your name and your call sign. >> alec. >> alec, what do you do here? >> i'm the stage manager. >> oh, wow, what does that entail? >> managing the stage. >> oh, okay. have you had diarrhea in the last six months? >> that's random question. it's possible, but i don't recollect it. >> these questions seem random, but they're not. >> bliemy. >> did you get their? >> i did, and i filled it all out, and i'm good. >> so have you? >> i mean, there's more solid ones than less-solid ones. if you want toweth qutie specif. >> can you lift up your shirt real quick? the tummy temperature. and what is your name and call time? >> guillermo rodriguez. >> can you list your duties on
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the show, please? >> i'm with jimmy. i talk to everybody. i talk to everybody. >> can you be more specific? what do you do here? >> ima'm the teleprompter guy. >> sounds like a fun job. >> dit's stressful but fun. >> any tips to help me break in? >> don't. if there's anything you can do that makes you happy, do it. >> thanks, welcome back, get a haircut, you hippy. can you describe your sneeze? >> normal sneeze. >> how about large projectile? >> no. >> do me a favor. can you take three steps back? >> sure. >> okay. show me your sneeze. >> mask on or off. >> just pretend sneeze. >> chooo. no problem.?
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come on back. how many times have you had diarrhea in the past six months? >> i haven't had it in over a year. >> okay. will you take three steps back? >> okay. >> and just show me what it was like the last time you had diarrhea. >> what it was like? >> yeah. >> only group a can use the bathroom until 2:00 p.m. >> so i have to wait until 2:00 p.m. to go to the bathroom? >> mm-hm. you're in zone a, right? >> yes. >> 2:00 p.m. >> that's six hours, right? >> do you need an empty gatorade bottle or something like that? >> no. >> i'm surelet's ather questio >>nghese t is sim toh actrin
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take it off, your head of department will have a key and so forth. will you be wearing shorts every day? >> yes. >> what's reason for that? >> i like to wear shorts. >> are your legs especially hot? >> no. that's all i wear is shorts. >> just trying to understand why a grown man is wearing shorts to work. ♪ row, row, row your boat gently down the stream ♪ ♪ >> all the digits. still singing. ♪ merrily, merrily, merrily, ae slower. a ♪ row, row >> take some hand sanitizer. i want to make sure you're sanitizing it robustly. a little bit more. see, this is why i need to watch. okay. actually, that's a little too fast. that's a lot of hand sanitizer.
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so obviously, jimmy kimmel is the host. >> right. >> if you can say a number of statements and say i will. if jimmy kimmel walks within ten feet of me, i will walk in the other direction. >> if i -- >> can you put your hand up? it's under oath. ly not touch anything that jimmy may have touched, including sinks, nozzles and handles. >> hey! >> you need to turn around and walk away. how many doorknobs have you touched today? we need an exact number. >> just the doorknob to my bedroom and my front door. >> can you demonstrate how you open the door? just go ahead and walk me through. >> i don't know, just like that. >> okay. open the door. and walk through.
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got it. okay. okay. just one more. >> i got to go -- >> just one more, just an eye test real quick. can you read line four? >> lpde. >> the next and then the last line. >> jimmy's totally [ bleep ] i knew it. >> thanks, welcome back. >> jimmy: there you go. that's, if you knew it, why were you so mad if you knew? >> guillermo: no, i didn't know it. >> jimmy: but you said you knew it? >> guillermo: i just -- >> jimmy: we're going to have to start giving you a lie detector test e >> jimmy: tonight on the show, tenacious d is here, and we'll be right back with the emmy-dominating cast of "schitt's creek," eugene levy, catherine o'hara, dan levy, and annie murphy. so stick around! ♪
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>> dicky: abc's "jimmy kimmel live," brought to you by lexus. ♪ ♪ ♪ only lexus asks questions like these, because we believe the most amazing machines are inspired by you. experience the rewards of our curiosity. mcdonald's chicken mcnuggets better...? if they were breaded in spicy tempura, made with a blend of aged cayenne. and they made me cry a little." new spicy chicken mcnuggets ♪ba da ba ba ba
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which is another name for sugar. clif bar is brown rice syrup, new spicy chicken mcnuggets in this kind bar, it's heart-healthy almonds... with the taste of dark chocolate and 75% less sugar than the leading clif bar. be kind to yourself. (fisherman vo)ce) how do i register to vote?ential election... hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes! (four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do!
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hey guys want to stack different pringles flavors to create new flavor combos? here i'll... go first. pizza, barbeque and ja-lapeño. the spicy barbecue pizza stack. get him! grandpa what's going on? we're trapped in a pringles commercial, they must have taken us in our sleep. stack pringles flavors make new ones. i can't wiat to share at&t's big 5g news... (shouting through the glass) at&t has nationwide 5g? yup! and that's faster? faster, yea! but is it reliable? ah huh and secure! you should consider making a big deal about it! bigger? i said bigger! oh, big-bigger deal bigger than what i'm doing? it's not complicated. a 5g network needs a 5g device. now everyone including existing customers can get a free samsung galaxy note20 after trade-in.
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your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. i'm sorry baby... i don't want you to play with that... (singing) twinkle, twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are... how are you doing? schedule a video visit with your doctor. kaiser permanente. thrive. with your doctor. your bank can be virtually any place you are. kaiser permanente. thrive. you can deposit checks from here. and you can see your transactions bae.and y lls fr
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because yo justownld and use the chase mobile app. visit ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back. it's not officially fall until you get your first squirt of pumpkin spice purell. mm, delicious. tonight on the show, their new graphic novel is called "post-apocalypto," tenacious d is here. tomorrow night, riz ahmed and tim mcgraw will be with us, and on thursday norman reedus and music from amine. so please join us for that. not since the great maple syrup wars of the 1800s has our nation been so thoroughly dominated by our neighbors to the north the way we were on sunday night. when our first guests achieved
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an historic schitt's sweep, winning all 7 primetime emmy awards for comedy. from "schitt's creek", please welcome eugene levy, dan levy, annie murphy and catherine o'hara. hello! >> woo! >> we won, aye? >> jimmy: congratulations. not only am i personally happy for you guys, every comedy nerd was delighted that you guys won all these awards on sunday night. i really felt that backstage at the emmies, for sure. >> wow, i'll take that as a compliment. >> jimmy: it is a compliment. >> it was bizarre. it was surreal. i swear. it was like i said, on the night, i said it's like a dream you never want to webecame up from. >> jimmy: speaking of dreams, the next morning, how late did
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you stay and who set up that big party you guys had that night? >> it was a two parter, to be honest, because we had plans to have a much larger party, because in canada, up until, oh, what's that? >> i was just cleaning the house. >> i see see s >> jimmy: eugene's working with props now. >> we're trying to keep people on our side at this point, dad. we're trying not to turn people. >> you don't have to tell me about it. >> okay. just trying to -- >> i'm always two steps ahead. >> absolutely. yeah, the party, we had a big party planned. in canada, can you have a larger gathering because, you know, canada's been doing good when it came to the covid. and then obviously, in true 2020 fashion, the night before our emmy party, the government had to minimize the party size in half, which meant that we had a last-minute uninvitation
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ceremony, which had to happen for our lovely crew, which we were so excited to share the night with. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> so it was a strange kind of vibe going into the evening. >> and all because the numbers had spiked to 380 across the entire province. >> jimmy: who made those phone calls to the people who were invited and then uninvited? >> not us. i would say, i was the first one to say "not me." >> jimmy: there was a lot of celebration, not just in that tent you guys had set up, but all across canada. the tower and the toronto sign were lit in gold in your honor. the prime minister tweeted about you. and i think maybe best of all your cast mate/daughter/sister, sarah, this is the video that's been making the rounds today,
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let's take a look at that. [ screaming ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that went on for like a full minute. is sarah okay? >> she's not okay, no. we have not heard from her since. so very unclear on her status at this point. but she was excited when the video was filmed. >> jimmy: kathryn, you gave a speech that i think mara would have approved of. >> i convinced myself i wouldn't win. and i thought, anybody who said i was going to win was just setting me up for a cruel, cruel evening and so i convinced myself. and i'm saying, no, no, no, and then it happened. and we went crazy. >> jimmy: you all won win after went aft win after win. and we were backstage having a
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conversation, oh, himy god, i he annie wins, that would be terrible. it's tough enough not to win an emmy, but when everyone else on the show wins, was that making you feel extra pressure? >> yes, yes. it was awful. at no point was i like, well, we won this many, now i'm going to win. it was more like internal monologue of just who am i going to apologize to first when i lose? >> annie, annie, tell them what i asked, if you'd written anything just in case. tell them what you had. >> it was really embarrassing, actually. so, yeah, we were talking and she was like, what are you going to say when you, you know, what's your acceptance speech? have you written an acceptance speech? i was like, no, no, i haven't. i'm not going to win. she's like, what are you going
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to say if you win? and i said i don't know, probably something like this. i'll just go up to the podium and do that for 45 seconds. and then kathryn was >> i said i hope you win. >> and each table can do a different sound effect. it will be great. thank goodness that didn't happen. that's all i had. >> jimmy: we can work that into the show if you want to. i think one of the things that i don't know maybe was as cool as winning the emmy, maybe even cooler was we'd asked a bunch of celebrities, what's your favorite show, and elton john said "schitt's creek" was his favorite and he spoke about your show. now that had to be great, right? that's pretty good. >> yeah. it was, it was, i mean, my eyes were popping when that came on. i'd met him a couple of years
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the, at fair" party and discovered that he and his partner, david, were huge fans of the show, and then i ran around the party looking for daniel. >> i got a text from my dad saying "we're with elton john, come find us". and at that party, there's so many people that you couldn't possibly find anyone, and i was thinking, this is such a full circle moment, because i was named after an elton john song. >> jimmy: which one? >> it's such a big deal. >> which one? >> when i ran into my parents at the end of the night, he was like, what did he say when you named your child after one of your songs? and he said we didn't tell him that, we forgot. >> forgot. >> jimmy: but i'd t meet my "tiny dancer." we're going to take a break. when we come back, we will see more of the celebration that went on in canada and more with the cast of "schitt's creek"
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after this. ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by new crest whitening emulsions. buy it now at walgreen's. california. we were one of the first stations to pilot a fleet of electric vehicles. we're striving to deliver a package with zero emissions into the air. i feel really proud of the impact that has on the environment. we have two daughters and i want to do everything i can to protect the environment so hopefully they can have a great future. you know how these things start. i can to protect the environment you try wendy's buy one get one for a dollar breakfast offer, love it and tell a friend. then they tell a friend. and so on and so on and so on. so get to wendy's and get some breakfast!
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it's not a cure but with one small . . . . . . pill, biktarvy fights hiv . . . . . . to help you get to and stay undetectable. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a build-up of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding . . . . . . or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv . . . . . . keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. . . . keep loving who you are. ♪ if i could, baby i'd ♪ how can i, when you won't take it from me ♪
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a drink with friends can turn into two, and a prescription can be stronger than you thought. stop! there are a lot of ways to get a dui. and a lot of ways to go-- text a friend, call a cab, share a ride. whatever you choose to do, go safely, california. and the emmy goes to "schitt's creek." >> "schitt's creek." >> "schitt's creek." >> "schitt's creek." >> "schitt's creek." >> "schitt's
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, move over degrassi, there's a new favorite show. that was the victory parade from canada. they won all of them. i have the figures, seven emmy wins, nine for the season, most ever by a comedy in a year, first to sweep all four acting categories, dan and a eugene become the first father-son team. and you set the record for the most times your glasses fogged up on oiinternational televisio. did people make note of that? >> the mask, it was an
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impossibility. it was either go blind or wear the mask. and i chose to be safe in the name of health and safety. >> jimmy: eugene and kathryn, you've won an emmy together in 1982 for one of the greatest shows of all time, sctv. and there you guys are with andrea martin. what, what do you remember about that night? it was almost 40 years ago. >> well, i mean, for me, i do remember that the clip that they picked was a piece that i, that i wrote called "perry como's still alive." and it was a promo for a perry como special, and, you know, i was, as perry's in bed with the blanket pulled up, singing a song. i was lying on the floor. with my face down, with the mic in front of my mouth. and it was a very funny piece,
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and i remember that the audience went crazy. they were really laughing hard when that piece went on, and it felt like, i felt like a million bucks. and then they announced the winner of the category, and it turned out to be a special from lincoln center. and i remember like an groan in the room. kathryn, what do you think? what's yours? >> i can see that picture that the wire in my leather dress was coming up. so it looks like i've drawn in the cleave anage, but that's no what happened. milton burl, i dthink he announced it, scdv, whoever the hell they are. >> jimmy: uncle milty wasn't a fan? hey, you guys, it's hard not to do an impression of eugene when
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you're around him a lot. i've had this experience myself. do you guys do impersonations of eugene? annie, let's start with you. >> uh, yeah. uh, annie, how are ya? huh, same, same, same. yeah, that's what i got. >> kathryn? >> who's next? >> mine is, mine is the scariest thing is to give giene an idea. what about this? he'll that i about think about it and you say what about this, this, this. uh, uh, that would be a good ten minutes. >> jimmy: all right, dan, go do it. he's your dad, you have to have
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something, right? >> it's well, now i feel like, just mimicking the eyebrows just alone at this point. but it is. >> you're cheating. >> uh, uh-huh, uh, there's a lot of throat clearing. >> very a medical condition. >> it's a throat clear, and then a pace that is slower than anything or anyone you've ever experienced. and it is a kind of lovely, slow-moving, just real slow kind of cadence that only the sweetest humans on the planet would ever quite understand. and for that, you know, that is why people gave you an emmy last night. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes. >> it'shym tha sw hosts. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: so, hey, will we ever see these characters again? i know you wrapped it up. but is there any possibility of anything beyond this? >> i take johnny on the road starting tomorrow. uh, you know, i guess it just depends on how much money people want to spend, but no, i think, you know, obviously, this has been, as i said i think multiple times last night, the single greatest experience of my life. and obviously, these people i love like family, and so for us, obviously, there's a kind of elegance about bowing out when people still care about you. >> jimmy: yes. >> if we come back, which i hope we do in some capacity, it has to be deserving of everyone's time. so that is that on that. >> jimmy: i hope so too. let's not forget the great chris elliot who is on the show as well. [ applause ] hopefully watching. >> jimmy: watch all six seasons of "schitt's creek" on demand, on the pop now app, or on comedy
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central, starting friday, october 2nd at 8 o'clock. thank you all for being with us, and congratulations on the emmies. we'll be back with tenacious ♪ [ applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ been through the storm and the gritty ♪ ♪ do it for the mom and pop on every block ♪ ♪ new day, sunshine on every block ♪ ♪ windows open, i'm yelling unity ♪ ♪ side-by-side with my community ♪ ♪ celebrate, let's have a jubilee ♪ ♪ it's bigger than you and me ♪ ♪ they've been there for us ♪ ♪ let's be there for them ♪ ♪ they've been there for us ♪ cheddar, jalapeno and sour cream & onion the spicy nacho stack. i wish i could stack pringles but i don't have hands or a mouth to... cool, play my dance playlist. ♪ ♪ there's a flavor stack for everyone... sort of.
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(fisherman vo)ce) how do i register to vote?ential election... hmm!.. hmm!.. hmm!.. (woman on porch vo) can we vote by mail here? (grandma vo) you'll be safe, right? (daughter vo) yes! (four girls vo) the polls! voted! (grandma vo) go out and vote! it's so important! (man at poll vo) woo! (grandma vo) it's the most important thing you can do! are just the right amount of spicy. a medium sprite kind of spicy. but if you get the mighty hot sauce... well, (laughter) good luck. ♪ba da ba ba ba (young woman) don't worry about it, grandma! this'll be fun. (young woman) two chocolate milkshakes, please. (grandmother) make it the. (young woman) three? (grandmother) did you get his number? (young woman) no, grandma! grandma!!
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(grandmother) excuse me! (young woman vo) some relationships get better with time. that's why i got a crosstrek. (avo) ninety-seven percent of subaru vehicles sold in the last ten years are still on the road. (grandmother) i'm so glad you got a subaru. (young woman) i wonder who gave me the idea? (avo) love. it's what makes subaru, subaru. is now even more powerful. the stronger, lasts-longer energizer max. i had enough! it's not getting in my way. joint pain, swelling, tenderness much better. my psoriasis, clearer... cosentyx works on all of this. four years and counting. so watch out. i got this! watch me. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are feeling real relief with cosentyx. cosentyx is a different kind of targeted biologic. it treats the multiple symptoms of psoriatic
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tenacious d is on the way, >> jimmy: hi guillermo. >> hi jimmy. >> jimmy: why do you have that in your mouth? >> to show off my shiny white teeth. >> jimmy: to show off your tiny tai chi? >> no. my shiny white teeth. i am using crest whitening emulsions. >> jimmy: crest lightning emojis? >> crest whitening emulsions! >> jimmy: oh! crest whitening emulsions, i use those too! >> they make my teeth 100% whiter with virtually no sensitivity. >> jimmy: i have no idea what you said, but i've noticed they make my teeth 100% whiter, with virtually no sensitivity. look at that. you just apply it right to your teeth and go. it's very simple. thank you guillermo. you make me smile on the inside too. i love your teeth and i love your whole face. >> ok. >> jimmy: anything nice you want to say to me? >> yes. i love your teeth too. >> dicky: for 100% whiter teeth, try new crest whitening emulsions. buy now at walgreens and you've never seen teeth whitening
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like this until now new crest whitening emulsions better faster 100% whiter teeth shop excuse me, ma'am? yes? (sleepily) yeah, this already does that. oh, i didn't know that. well now you do. let's try this again. imagine, one day you'll be able to take an ecg. it already does that. really? what about detect hard falls? does it do that? does that. does that. does that. thank you. encourages you to stay fit? does that. oh! i don't know. imagine a tiny device that will check your blood oxygen level. (muffled) it already does that. well. that was fun. hey. [ snoring, indistinct talking on tv ] you fell asleep with your sign again. "you fell asleep with your sign again."
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no, i didn't. okay. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. you know, like the sign says. are just the right amount of spicy. a small-to-medium sprite kind of spicy. a... "let's get a mcflurry after this" kind of spicy. but if you get the mighty hot sauce... it's a... "napkins are for foreheads now" kind of spicy. a... "this came from mcdonald's?" kind of spicy. because our spicy chicken mcnuggets breaded in tempura, made with cayenne are just the right amount of spicy. unless... you remember what i said about the sauce. ♪ba da ba ba ba there are memberships for all kinds of things today. but what about being a member of the family? what about being a member of the community? what about being a member of humanity? ♪
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atf there waa membership what about being that gave us the time to celebrate the things that connect all of us? ♪ here? nah. ♪ here? nope. ♪ here. ♪ is somewhere. the all-new chevy trailblazer. ♪ the all-new chevy trailblazer. it's so hon, out here!u guys. are we on yet? oh... i thought we were doing a zoom thing. no.
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this was the theater i came to quite often. ♪ the support we've had over the last few months has been amazing. i have a soft spot for local places. it's not just a work environment. everyone here is family. gonna go ahead and support him, get my hair cut, leave a big tip. if we focus on our local communities, we can find a way to get through this together. thank you. ♪ if you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. get out and about and support our local community. we thought for sure that we were done. and this town said: not today. ♪
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our next guests make up the hardest hard rock band in the history of the world, and now they are the hardest graphic novelists too. "post-apocalypto" is their latest masterpiece, please welcome jack black and kyle gass, aka tenacious d. [ applause ] men, hello? where? ♪ >> jimmy: wow! oh, my goodness. incredible. >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm good. i'm even better now that you guys have appeared. what was that? >> we teleport. we don't live on earth anymore. we think it's safer up on the tenacious d space station. we teleport down for special occasions like this one. >> jimmy: i like that. i like that a lot. what else is going on with you guys? >> well, you know, it's sort of like mellow. that's how we enter these days with telepourtation, with
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technology, with age we've become a little more mature. i know we used to be crazy rockers and come out and destroy your set. that's just not us anymore. >> jimmy: i appreciate that. weep have kind of a new set. >>p have kind of a new set. >> shake! ♪ >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ >> oh, yeah, oh, yeah! oh, yeah! ah, yeah! ah! yeah! >> jimmy: well, you know what? >> and we're back! ah. >> jimmy: you're gentler when it's your own furniture, jack. >> is that okay? what's your beef? >> i kind of went a little hard
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core on the cardio on that entrance. >> i should have given it more. >> i love you, jimmy. we don't want to hold anything back. just because it's quarantine times. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so yeah, during quarantine times, me and cage have been socially distancing. all the responsible rockers have. and if you think about it, all the rockers have been pretty responsible. they rock responsibly. >> jimmy: have they? >> well, it's like even anthrax and, and mega death are quarantining. so if those guys are quarantining, the only, there's only like three bands that don't quarantine now. kanye, smash mouth. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and kid rock. other than that, everyone is on the same page. >> jimmy: kyle, let's give jack a rest for a second. >> yeah. thank you, jimmy. >> jimmy: where are you right now? are you at your home?
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>> i'm at home. this is great. i feel like we're cheating. >> jimmy: have you missed jack? you have missed -- >> i do. but in all honesty, jack, we don't see each other that much. >> jimmy: is that true? >> no. you mean in real life? >> jimmy: yeah. >> well, i guess, yeah. ever since i had my babies, my, my family life has really cut into my quality time with cage, but the love is still there. >> jimmy: you guys were supposed to go on tour together, right? weren't you planning a tour? >> oh, my god. look. >> look. >> here's thing, about post apo apock limito. we were like this is the end of the world when trump became president. we like, we have to save the world with our rock. so we wrote "masterpiece". and the whole four years are like, when it becomes election time we're going to tour all the purple stating to rock the boat and literally save the world.
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and this pandemic totally screwed that up. so our plan has been scuttled, but i'm still out of breath! this sucks. i'm never going to destroy a couch again. >> i always wanted to do an interview. come on, jimmy. >> so instead of rocking all the purple states we're just going to be here with you. >> jimmy: all right, that's okay. just people should get out and vote, obviously. i wish we didn't have to tell them that, but i do want to mention your book here, because, and by the way, i get the book. and i pick it up. and i, i, i think it's great. it's very creative. and then i asked our producers to do flme a favor and count th number of penises, jack, that you drew in the book, would you care to guess how many penises are in the book? >> whoa, definitely over, i think it's definitely, i think it's under 100, like 92.
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>> i'm going to go overs, jimmy. >> jimmy: it depends on if you count all the hundreds of penises on the inside and back covers. but, if you don't, the answer is 96. >> ah! >> in fairness, there are an awful lot of vaginas. >> jimmy: that's true. there are. you guys are nothing if not fair. you've done something interesting. so if you go to your website, what will people get to, they can do while they read this book? tell us. >> i'm glad you asked that. >> jimmy: thank you. >> i'm glad you asked that, jimmy, because on the first page, when you open it up. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it says right here, i can't read without my glasses, but basically what it says is listen along, follow along with the audio. if you go to tenacious you can read it and listen to it like a picture book, like an
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old-fashioned school, and you hear our audio vocal performances and all the music that goes along with it. >> jimmy: beautiful. now i guys are -- >> but i do want to do one warning, jimmy. you did mention the penises, obviously, this is not for kids. it's illustrated. je . >> jimmy: don't worry, it doesn't look like it's for kids at all. >> there are a lot of parts in this book that are really arousing. and if you don't want to be aroused, do not buy this book. >> jimmy: okay. so you guys are going to do a couple of songs when we come back, and what songs are you going to do? can you tell us? >> we got a couple songs from post pock limito. i want to add in ♪ i need a ♪ ♪ and you gotta be strong ♪ and you gotta bere ♪ i need a hero
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your shoulder seems to be healing nicely. well, dr. farrell, it feels really good... that's good. and... i'm sorry. baby, don't touch that... i don't want you to play with that... (singing) twinkle, twinkle little star. how i wonder what you are... (still singing) up above the world so high... like a diamond in the sky. i'm so glad that your shoulder is feeling better. but, how are you doing? i'm hanging in there... schedule a video visit with your doctor. and get quality care with no copay. kaiser permanente..
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the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to the gang from "schitt's creek." apologies to matt damon, "nightline" is next, but first, with not one but two songs from their album, "post apocalypto," tenacious d. ♪ ♪ save the world gy jimmy kimmel. it's up to you. check did out! ♪ save the world save the world you've got to save the world ♪ ♪ save the world all the boys and girls from around the world
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you've got to ♪ ♪ save the world save the world ♪ ♪ ♪ apocalypto fight to prevail apocalypto if we fight we cannot fail ♪ ♪ got to find that holy grail ♪ ♪ ♪ apocalypto fight to survive apocalypto got to find some way to thrive ♪ ♪ don't you give us any jive ♪ ♪ thank you, jimmy kimmel! and thank you, guillermo.
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we love you. right now, at this defining moment in america. ♪ we gonna be all right >> with so much on the line, from abc news, my america, your america, our america. this is "turning point." tonight, the first americans calling for reparations. >> things were stolen. things were lied about. reparations is truly giving it back. it's giving it all back. >> fighting for tribal land. >> we're homeless in our own land. >> freedom, justice. >> america owes its people the truth. >> tonight, what america owes. here now, juju chang. >> good evening. thanks for joining us. tonight the
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