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tv   America This Morning  ABC  October 2, 2020 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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morning" continues. right now on "america this morning," the breaking news overnight, president trump and the first lady testing positive for coronavirus. the news coming after we learned one of the president's top advisers, hope hicks, tested positive. the first lady and president now in quarantine. major questions this morning, when did the white house know and did the president expose other people? he tested positive only hours after traveling to new jersey and what does it mean for the presidential race and upcoming debate. >> all sides covered with our team of abc news correspondents right now on "america this morning." we begin with breaking news.
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president trump in self-quarantine after he and the first lady tested positive for the coronavirus. >> it comes after hope hicks tested positive. "the washington post" says despite knowing about her testing positive the president and his aides went to his golf club for a fund-raiser instead of quarantining. >> we did hear from the president's doctor overnight, alex presha begins our coverage from washington. alex, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. yes, that adviser, hope hicks, serves as counselor to the president and travels with him frequently including multiple times this week. this morning, the coronavirus pandemic reaching the oval office. president trump tweeting overnight the first lady and i tested positive for covid-19. we will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. we will get through this together. the first lady adding as too many americans have done this year, the president and i are quarantining at home. please be sure you are staying safe and we will get through it
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together, the white house physician saying both are well and plan to remain at home within the white house. late thursday president trump announced plans to quarantine after one of his closest advisers, hope hicks, tested positive for the coronavirus. sources telling abc news hicks is experiencing symptoms. the president saying this on fox news. >> you know hope very well. it's very, very hard when you are with people from the military or from law enforcement and come over to you and they want to hug you and kiss you because we have done a good job and you get close and things happen. >> she traveled with the president multiple times this week including that trip to cleveland for the first presidential debate. sources also telling abc news hicks tested positive the following day. president trump mocked joe biden for wearing a mask at that debate. he's also admitted to downplaying the virus and held rallies that defy his own white house coronavirus guidelines and just said this thursday. >> we are on track to develop
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and distribute a vaccine before the end of the year and maybe substantially before and i want to say the end of the pandemic is in sight. >> reporter: throughout the pandemic more than 7 million people have been diagnosed with the coronavirus in the u.s. and more than 207,000 have died. now, another question going forward is what does this do to the trump campaign? the white house released a revised schedule. that controversial rally in wisconsin cancelled. >> definitely in uncharted territory. let's get to another major question. president trump is 74 years old, his age and weight put him in the high risk category. yet his doctor says he's doing well. do we know if the president has any symptoms. >> reporter: right now we do not. that white house physician saying they're doing well and know hope hicks has been symptomatic. now, look, that can be a range of symptoms. we know it can present itself
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like a flu and other symptoms like a loss of sense of smell or taste but right now we don't know if hope hicks has any of those and don't know if the president is exhibiting symptoms as well. >> again, the president's doctors, his team of doctors say they're keeping a vigilant watch. alex presha there live in washington, thank you. just last night he was quoted as saying the end of the pandemic is in sight. >> moments ago we spoke with jonathan karl to get his thoughts on the president testing positive and what it means going forward. >> reporter: the president has gone forward with, you know, as if the pandemic was a thing of the past, in fact, he just spoke to the al smith dinner talking about the pandemic as something that was very soon going to be over. this has been his theme. those have been his words but it's also been his actions. the president announced amy
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coney barrett as his nominee for the supreme court vacancy created by the death of ruth bader ginsburg at the white house over the weekend. it was an event that was held in the rose garden. it was a rose garden that was packed. people seated shoulder to shoulder virtually nobody there wearing masks. this has been routine. this is the way -- i mean, i was out at the debate in cleveland and you, you know, you saw the president's staff. he had 20 seats set aside for family and advisers. and almost none of them were wearing masks. at one point somebody from the cleveland clinic had to come in and hand out masks to the president's family and supporters. it's almost as a badge of honor that the president and his senior staff have almost never been seen wearing masks.
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i mean only a handful of times have we seen the president himself wearing a mask let alone his top advisers. this is -- i go to the white house quite frequently. there are signs as you enter the white house complex that say, maintain social distancing, six feet apart. you go inside that white house complex and as a matter of course, you know, the press, you know maintains social distance and wears mavenlgs but do not see the same thing happening by and large for the senior staff in the west wing. this is a white house that has done -- tried to send out a message to the american public that this thing is over. meaning the pandemic is over and now we see dramatically in this statement from the white house that that is obviously not true. >> jonathan karl, thank you. vice president mike pence tweeted overnight saying he and his wife karen send their love
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and prayers to the president. many wondering who may have been exposed to the president. >> jordyn phelps was on air force one with the president and talked about his travel. >> i think it's important to point out that the white house has sort of praised itself for having this bubble from the coronavirus. every day anyone who is going to go into contact gets a test at the beginning of the day, a rapid test. that was the case for me wednesday morning when i was set to travel with the president and his team on air force one as the travel pooler for abc. it's very common for most of the people on that plane not to wear a mask except for the press corps. i went to one of these maga rally, stunning events to go to. it's like stepping into an alternate reality where right now so many of us are limiting our contacts in our day-to-day
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lives skipping basic trips to the grocery store and show up at one of these rallies with thousands of people there. the president's supporters, the president not wearing a mask. most people in those audiences frankly also not wearing masks as we've been talking about. the president famously downplays the importance of wearing masks and clearly his supporters have taken those cues from the president even though he insists that he is in favor of masks. you know, we talk about an october surprise. it is hard to fathom a bigger october surprise than the president actually catching the virus that he has been so defiant about and downplaying in the lead-up to this election. you know, it's just hard to understate how remarkable these rallies have been where the president, you know, we've asked the president repeatedly aren't you worried for yourself, for your supporters who are there to get sick? the white house has always
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emphasized the president is kept at some distance and have intense testing regimens in place to protect the president, of course, unsaid among all of that is the people who are there taking that risk upon themselves to be in the crowd not socially distanced. the white house has always said, look, this is an issue of freedom of speech and they are not afraid of this virus. clearly this now is evidence that the white housemaybe had reason to be more afraid than they have been and the confidence that they had in that testing bubble has clearly been shattered. >> jordyn phelps there and this is affecting the stock market. dow futures dropping sharply overnight. >> earlier kenneth and i spoke with martha raddatz about the impact of the president testing positive. sflt world is already looking at
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the united states in terms of covid-19, the record the united states has with covid-19 and they heard and hear constantly what the president is saying about it. and that it is not something he worries about greatly in terms of himself and others in the white house because they're protected in some ways because they're tested all the time and if it can hit the white house it really can truly hit anywhere. other foreign leaders looking towards the u.s. as well and reaction here. we'll certainly have to look at all of his national security team as well and keep an eye on them meaning the president does get briefed very frequently. i believe he was supposed to have one friday morning as well. that will be off. they obviously can brief him, but this could very easily spread to the white house, the president meets with all kinds of people. it's not just hope hicks
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anymore. i mean you're talking about hours later the president also tested positive, the first lady as well. so they're going to have to look at all of the ramifications of this. people checking classified information. if they have to come into the white house, this will really reverberate through the entire white house. >> and this news spreading across the world this morning. reaction coming in from other world leaders. uk prime minister boris johnson tweeting out my best wishes to president trump and the first lady. hope they both have a speedy recovery from the coronavirus, of course, boris johnson himself contracted the coronavirus. spent weeks in the hospital. three days in the icu recovering from the coronavirus and his symptom. >> we're hearing from another close ally, bepg me men men me netanyahu. we are thinking of donald trump and first lady melania trump and wish our friends a full and speedy recovery. that coming in as the world
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reacts to the president and first lady testing positive for covid-19. coming up, some of the other news of the morning including new questions about security for the november election. plus, we'll talk to our dr. i'm to help california's 19 most vulnerable. over 24,000 homes were destroyed by wildfires in less than two years. too many of those victims are also hit with a sudden tax hike after their forced to move. it's wrong. prop 19 limits taxes on wildfire victims
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and limits taxes on seniors and severely disabled homeowners. join firefighters and emergency responders in voting 'yes' on 19.
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we turn to new questions about security surround november's election and the legal battles brewing over mail-in ballots. the governor of texas is taking new action. in pennsylvania the trump campaign is suing philadelphia. we turn back to abc's alex presha for more on this report. >> reporter: this morning, a potential legal battle brewing in texas. democrats are accusing republican governor greg abbott of voter suppression after he announced the state will limit the number of drop-off locations to one per county. this includes harris county with
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a population of 4.7 million people and nearly 200,000 square miles. an area larger than rhode island. the governor says the change will improve ballot security. critics claim it's voter suppression. >> it's going to discourage those who are going to vote by mail. it's going to make -- to make it inconvenient for our seniors, for our voters with disabilities. >> reporter: democrats there have not said whether they'll take their fight to the court but president trump's campaign is following through on his threat to philadelphia. now suing the city where election officials have opened satellite offices to help voters complete mail-in ballots. campaign representatives are banned from those offices because the offices are not considered polling places. a lawsuit filed by the trump campaign accuses the city of undermining election integrity. meanwhile the white house is being pressed to provide evidence about this claim made repeated byly the president. >> they found a lot of ballots in a river.
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they throw them out if they have the name trump >> who is they that found those ballots and where is this river anywhere in this country? >> the local authorities. a ditch in wisconsin and i can get the article to your in box and beyond that -- that's what the president was referring to. and you're missing the forest for the trees. >> i cover the news. i like to report accurately in the news and when the president say they found a lot of ballots in a river i simply want to know where the river is. >> no, you simply want to ignore the fact of the matter. >> reporter: the white house has not provided any evidence that ballots were thrown in a river. mail was found in a ditch in wisconsin. but state election officials say that no wisconsin ballots were included. kenneth and mona. >> all right, alex, thank you. coming up we'll return to our top story, president trump testing positive for
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coronavirus. >> we'll talk to dr. jen ashton next. ious. i felt gross. it was kind of a shock after i started cosentyx. hd 8. before starting, get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections . serious allergic reactions may occur. learn more at do i use a toothpaste that or one that's good for my teeth? . and strengthens enamel. from the number one toothpaste brand in america. crest. hey allergy muddlers... achoo! your sneezes turn heads? try zyrtec... starts working hard at hour one... and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. zyrtec muddle no more.
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shh! i took mucinex dm for mye phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. i don't wear masks like him. he could be speaking 200 feet away and shows up with the biggest mask i've ever seen. >> that's president trump during tuesday's presidential debate mocking former vice president joe biden for wearing a mask. the president tested positive for the coronavirus about 48 hours after that comment. >> earlier we spoke with our chief medical correspondent dr. jen ashton about the president's
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diagnosis and the importance of wearing a mask. >> right now it is arguably one of the most important if not the most important tool in our toolbox in our arsenal fight against sars-cov-2 and have data and evidence to support it. distancing, mask wearing, being in well ventilated spaces, minimizing exposure in crowded places, right now that's all we have so those measures, so-called nonpharmaceutical interventions incredibly powerful. i think it says the obvious. this virus does not discriminate and just because you have great doctors and you live in the white house doesn't mean that the virus stops at the front door and then turns around. this will be the diagnosis heard around the world in terms of, you know, when someone this well known is affected with a medical or health crisis, there is an
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intrinsic opportunity here, and so whether or not we'll see the president completely switch gears and become kind of the walking psa for mask wearing is unknown but at this point his physical condition, his medical condition and the well-being of the president and those around him has to take first priority. >> a big thanks there to dr. ashton. coming up more of the other headlines including a new study on drinking coffee and your health. re on it. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal.
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coach to substitute the player who used the language. when it didn't happen donovan's team left for fitting the match. some teams are going high tech. the atlanta falcons say they will use a disintexting drone to sanitize their stadium before letting fans in. two drones will spray chemicals throughout the venue. a coronavirus-killing robot used at the carolina line that panthers stadium. it can disinfect surfaces in minutes. they're using it in weight rooms and other areas. the broncos had their first win of the season. denver's victory leaves the jets winless. grabbing a cup of strong black coffee after a restless night sleep may not be the healthest idea and could lead to a big spike in sugar levels. that is a key factor in avoiding heart disease and diabetes. researchers recommend having something to eat before drinking
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it is the covid-19 diagnosis
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the world is talking about. president trump and the first lady have tested positive, that new coming in a tweet from the president just before 1:00 in the morning on east coast. >> and so it is unclear if the president and the first lady are experiencing any symptoms. what we do know is that hope hicks a top aide is experiencing symptoms, she is one advisers. and about the president's schedule, he had a rally in florida tonight, that has been canceled. and at this point, the only thing on the president's agenda today is a phone call talking about covid-19 support for vulnerable seniors. we're also keeping a close eye on reaction from democratic rival joe biden, a cnn source says that he plans to get tested today, but there is no official word from the cam paikacampaign. the two met


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