tv ABC7 News 500PM ABC November 6, 2020 5:00pm-5:30pm PST
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"shark tank" will now be seen tonight at 10:00/9:00 central. this is a special edition of 20/20, and here we are, a friday night fight to the finish from coast to coast. the count continues. live from new york city this is "election 2020." now reporting chief anchor george stephanopoulos. good evening. it has been 73 hours since the first polls closed in the race for the white house. we are still not ready to project a winner, but joe biden's path to victory is becoming more clear by the minute. let's take a look at the map right now. he has 253 electoral votes, 23 states won, 214 electoral votes for president trump, but we have significant states still waiting for a projection. starting with the state of
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pennsylvania, joe biden now in the lead in that state of pennsylvania. it changed overnight. he has about a 20,000 vote lead right now in georgia. he also has pulled ahead by about 4,000 votes over the last abc, split 49/49, headed to recount in georgia. in the state of arizona joe biden is holding on to the lead by very close. the number of states split right down the middle so immense this year. nevada, close race as well. joe biden up by two points. now, his lead has expanded during the day, about 22,000 votes. finally, income n, donald trump is holding on to his lead there. tom, go to the board and explain what happened. >> george, good evening. we want to talk to you about how things have shaken up in the race. first big headline was pennsylvania. the bottom line, focus on this, joe biden up 20,000 votes so far. there's 95,000 votes still need to be counted. we know the majority of those, more than 50% come from
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democratic areas, democratic districts. that could be good news for joe biden. we're going to monitor pa. north carolina, not much has changed. president trump is still on top. it is going to be a couple of days until we know who wins that state. in georgia, this has been another flip, joe biden on top with about 4,000 votes. we've just learned tonight there could be, could be up to 25,000 ballots from military members and overseas diplomats, things like that who sent in their battle. we don't have the exact number yet. we hope to get it in the coming hours and/or days. in nevada, as george mentioned, joe biden is on top, expanding his lead, 22,000. 130,000 votes remaining so votes still out there. arizona, it has gotten a little tighter, but joe biden still has a significant lead, still 137,000 votes remaining. the trend lines in arizona though still favor joe biden. >> tom, right now if joe biden wins all of the states he is leading, gets 306 electoral votes, exactly what donald trump got four years ago. walk through the map and show why he's the odds on favorite
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right now. >> it is simple. if he wins pennsylvania which he is leading right now, he goes to 273. he's up in georgia right now. he's up in arizona. he is up in nevada. he's up everywhere except north carolina. we had been telling you about the big six. he's essentially won all of the big six except florida and now only north carolina is out but he would get to 306. it is a lot tougher for president trump. president trump would have to win pennsylvania. he has to win that. he has to win north carolina. he has to win georgia. then he comes out west and he has to either win arizona or nevada, either/or. you can see his number of 279. we've been saying this over and over again, the path is just longer and harder for the president. there are still a lot of votes out there, we want to make that point as well, but his path is tougher, george. >> and he is only ahead in north carolina. thanks very much. mary bruce with the biden campaign. mary, the biden campaign waiting for projections like everyone else, but we will hear from the former vice president either way? >> george, i am told we are still expected to hear joe biden come out and speak tonight, but
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that he is not likely to declare victory until this race has been called. so that means it is possible we could be getting another status update from the former vice president. i suspect in that case you would hear him continuing to project that growing confidence that we've been hearing over the past several days and continued calls for calm and patience. there's a sense within the biden campaign tonight that this is really just a matter of when and not if. they are completely confident that joe biden will be the next president, but the win of all of this is clearly taking much longer than they had hoped. george, they really don't want to get ahead of this. you have heard the vice president over the past several days urging his supporters to keep the faith as all of the votes are counted. >> and, of course, if enough projections come out tonight he will embrace the victory? >> reporter: that is the sense that we have, george, that if he comes out, if the race has been called, that he is prepared to declare victory. >> okay. mary bruce, thanks very much. we don't expect to see president trump tonight? >> reporter: no, and i don't
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think we officially will given what is called a lid at the white house has been called. the journalists that cover the white house have been allowed to go home. the trump team scaled back appearances yesterday compared to yesterday when we saw a flurry of press conferences. they did announce they tapped long-time conservative activist david bossy to lead the fight going ahead. the day has been spent trying to figure out the strategy going forward. they're showing no signs giving up the campaign and the president still continuing to fuel the conspiracy theeshory at the election being stolen from them. the president seeming to get ahead of any announcement by joe biden. he tweeted he should not wrongfully claim the office of the president. president trump said, quote, i could make that claim, also legal proceedings are beginning. you remember the first night late into election night the president did essentially concede, saying that we did win this election. he is continuing to call for an end to counting votes that were cast legally, those votes that just because they did come in
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after election day does not mean, of course, they were cast illegally. he's right now in the political fight for his life, george. he is hanging on. it seems at times the campaign is grasping at straws to keep the fight going. the president says he wants to take it all the way to the supreme court. you will remember he said not too long ago he's not one that likes to lose. he's not one who wants to admit defeat. >> thank you very much. david muir, four days into this. i guess a lot of america is thinking the waiting is the hardest part. >> it really is. we tried to prepare americans for this really for weeks if not more than a month out, that this could be a very long election, particularly if it is close. it is literally what we were watching play out in night four. right, we're at night four? >> heading into. >> a month into this. i think it is important to remember both the biden campaign and the trump white house are watching this just as we are. it is not as though they have their hands on numbers, the ballots before it is released from allegheny county and the county where philadelphia is and these key areas, particularly in pennsylvania since that is the money state. president trump is looking at
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the map that tom just showed. i don't know if he is looking at our map, a map on another network or what have you, but he knows it is an uphill climb to try to catch up to joe biden at this point. he knows the former vice president is on the cusp of the presidency. i think the big task now is for joe biden. obviously he's not going to declare victory unless the networks call it tonight, but if and when he comes out, will he deliver a similar appearance to what we saw last time he came out? he talked about the pandemic first. he clearly is trying to signal that he's ready to assume the mantle of the presidency. he will lead this nation and, you know, mindful that just an hour or so ago we were doing world news and did a piece also tonight because we can't ignore this, the coronavirus pandemic. more than 140,000 new cases here in the u.s. we've seen this now for several days in a row in this country. it is not getting as much attention as it should simply because we find ourselves in this four-day presidential election, but whoever becomes the president will have to address this immediately in addition to president trump in the meantime if it is not him. >> that's right. linsey davis, the president will
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be president until january 20th no matter what. this crisis is escalating by the day. >> and you're right. i think that so many people are focused on the election they're forgetful, not mindful the fact we're in the middle of this major crisis. when we hear in the president, he certainly is not talking about coronavirus. he is talking about fraud and lawsuits. in the meantime, another 1,300 americans died today from coronavirus, 23 states had a record number of cases. there are projections there will be 250,000 americans dead from this, or more, by thanksgiving. we talked to one public health official today and he said we are probably at the worst moment of the pandemic so far. every state is getting worse. we need a national plan. nothing will change its trajectory if we don't change it. as you said, george, win or lose, he's responsible until inauguration day, january 20th at noon, for this. interestingly, it is actually almost one year to the day, january 21st, when the cdc first announced the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the
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united states. >> linsey davis, thanks. chris christie, the silence from president trump, at least today, we haven't seen him before cameras, i think speaks volumes. >> i think it does, george. there are a lot of people who are talking to the president, trying to talk to the president if not getting to him, talking to the people around him about the way this process needs to work from here. i don't think he's quite ready to hear all of that yesterday, but i think his silence today is in bitter reaction to, you know, some of the reaction he got to the things he said yesterday. in the end, as i said before, you can't execute a legal attack without a legal strategy. the problem here is that he doesn't have a strategy to get where he needs to get to through the legal path. if you don't, that means the fight may be intense but short. >> and rahm emanuel, what we are seeing playing in the biden camp is what you have been talking about. he wants to embrace the victory without appearing presumptuous. >> they have a decision to make
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which you get one shot at being prime time. you can't go out, i need you to stay really, really calm. you can't do that. so he's got this -- he doesn't want to get in front and be presumptuous and you got one shot at kind of making this announcement. so my guess, they're going to just wait until the networks, all of us collectively and the states themselves more importantly who do the counting and do the lead, once that decision has been made and a period has been put at that sentence, the next chapter begins. he can't kind of do that at this point. i think they're making a judgment call and they don't want to get in front of it, but i think it is certain -- make certain steps as relates to more economic briefings, come out and brief that without being presumptuous that tweaks it in the wrong way. right now they have not missed the tone yet and i don't think they want to make a mistake in that sense. >> george, i really do think that they should really think this through because if you go out there tonight and do that before this thing is called, you give everybody who thinks this is trying to be shoved through an opportunity to say, see,
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they're trying to rush it through. if you take -- >> i agree. >> we have to count all of the votes. >> no, we vigorously agree. >> count all of the votes. >> let me bring it to sarah fagan. sarah, it did seem like there seemed to be a consensus developing in the republican party pushing back slightly against the president, giving him room to have legal challenges on the ballot, but without embracing his inflammatory claims about illegal voting. >> yeah. i mean, look, all of us care about our integrity and right now there's just not evidence. i have talked to several people on the ground in these states and their biggest complaint is that they're not being allowed to watch the vote counting, which is concerning. it raises a question as to why, but that's very different than wide scale fraud. there's yet to be evidence. when you push people, they tend to kind of fall apart pretty quickly. you know, they back down pretty quickly. you know, i have even said to one friend of mine, give me something, give me some fact
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that is useful, and i didn't get one. >> meantime, yvette, all through the day today joe biden's leads did increase. his vote came home. if you would have told him at midnight on thursday and tuesday this is the result, i think his entire camp would have been elated. >> absolutely. i mean i think there was some trepidation when the votes were coming in really, really slow. i think there were some folks concerned about georgia, and we were hearing on the ground that georgia was going to come through and folks were like, we're not going to get georgia. so i think they're elated in part because georgia is a signal, right. we knew pennsylvania had some pathway, particularly after michigan and wisconsin came through, but georgia felt like a stretch, particularly because north carolina didn't come through. so i think they are elated, one, because there are so many different paths and also we can reflect on the future. now we look at a future where we've got the southwest as a potential for the future. we have the southeast as a potential. we already have virginia, several cycles ago. now we have many, many paths i think as a party to be able to win elections going forward. >> yvette, thanks very much.
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i want to bring in rick klein, our political director. rick, vote counts take a long time. one of the problems here is that the states are so close, but try to bring people inside on why we're not getting final projections in these close states. >> yeah, the vote margin is one thing, but you look to see where the outstanding vote is. in this case it is fair to look at the outstanding vote and say, there's a lot of places that still have vote in pennsylvania, in arizona, in nevada, that actually are pretty good for joe biden, but the wild card here is becoming provisional ballots. this is what happens when someone goes to the polls and there's some kind of confusion or issue with the ability to cast that ballot. maybe their name isn't on the list, maybe they forgot to bring idea. so they set those ballots aside. usually they don't matter. in this case there's a huge mass of them we are talking about, maybe 100,000 in pennsylvania, maybe another 68,000 or so we're estimating in nevada. normally you can assume those would go for the democrats, but in this cycle when president trump was telling his own supporters vote in person, there are a lot of republicans we believe that may have received a mail ballot and then go to the polls anyway. they would be casting that
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provisional ballot. we want to see more of those votes in addition to the outstanding vote in person and in states like that before we make any kind of judgment. >> terry more an, we have seen the supreme court step in for the first time since the election. >> that's right. samu samuel alito, assigned to the third circuit including pennsylvania, he issued an order instructing pennsylvania to segregate the ballots that arrived after election day. as he says, in a secure, safe and sealed container, separate from other voted ballots. if they will be counted, count them separately. now, what is odd about this, the trump campaign asked the supreme court to do this and he also referred this to the largest supreme court. what is odd about this is the secretary of state in pennsylvania had already told the counties to do this. the complaint of the trump campaign is that was non-binding guidance and they weren't sure the counties were doing this, but they want to get this case into the supreme court. as the co-chair of the lawyers for trump committee said, we're
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counting on amy coney barrett to come through, which probably the last thing amy coney barrett wants to hear. >> i'm sure that's right. >> they got a move by the supreme court without a lot of substantial effect because basically the counties were doing it anyway. >> thanks. john kar, how aggressive do you expect trump and his legal team to be in the coming days facing these kind of numbers? >> i think that the one case that's got some movement is the one that terry just described, but keep in mind this is about ballots that were made by election day and arrived in one of the three days afterwards and the question is that the supreme court could potentially hear is whether or not those ballots should be counted. the bottom line is our guidance from local election officials in pennsylvania is there aren't many of those ballots. they are goes segregated, and even when they are counted it is unclear even if they all went in trump's direction, whether or not it would make much of a difference at all. so other than that, george,
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there's a lot of bluster but there is nothing substantive that has been put forward by the president's legal team that would change the trajectory of this election. >> john carl, thanks very much. finally nate silver at "538" you are digging into the numbers. does donald trump have a plausible path to the white house? >> i don't think so because he would have to win several states he is behind including pennsylvania which is the hardest one of all. there's a nerd fight online about the provisional ballots whether they would help trump or biden. i think they would help biden because there's more from philadelphia. but the point is trump would need a lot of help in pennsylvania. he is currently down by 20,000 votes. you have 100,000 more mail ballots going about three-to-one for biden making him 70,000 votes behind. he is not going to win the provisional battle by 85 points which is what you would need to do to claw back that deficit. i'm sorry. i not see the math for trump in
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pennsylvania. >> and for all of you who want details in the nerd fight go to we'll be right back. >> it is riveting. ( ♪ ) ready to juvéderm it? correct age-related volume loss in cheeks with juvéderm voluma xc, add fullness to lips with juvéderm ultra xc and smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvéderm xc. tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the body's immune response or that can prolong bleeding. common side effects include injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, discoloration or itching. as with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. ( ♪ )
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whit johnson is in phoenix. whit, we are expecting more votes within the next hour. >> reporter: that's right, george. about 30 minutes from now we expect the latest dump of results from maricopa county. we've been getting these two times per day, in the morning and the evening. the big question is though, is will it be enough to tip the scales from one candidate to the other. it has been sort of this drip, drip, and joe biden's lead has been shrinking. right now he is still up about 36,000 points, but results are also trickling in from counties outside the area. we know maricopa county says they will continue to tabulate results into tomorrow, and then they will reassess. but you also have some other big counties out there in pima and pinell. they still have thousands of ballots left to go through there. a lot of questions. democrats feeling confident, but republicans say that they believe at the end of the day they're going to have the votes. i do want to talk about the senate race real quick because we projected mark kelly to take the senate seat of the late
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senator john mccain. he's the former astronaut, married to gabbie giffords, the former congresswoman who, of course, was shot and nearly killed back in 2011. he was going up against the republican, martha mcsally, who struggled towards the end of the campaign, explaining things in her ties to president donald trump, trying to distant herself on some key issues especially when it comes to health care. during a debate, three times she would not say whether she was proud of her support for donald trump, but, again, mark kelly will take that seat that was once occupied by the late john mccain. a huge win for democrats trying to flip the senate, john. >> whit johnson, thanks very much. we are joined by the widow of john mccain, cindy mccain. mrs. mccain, thank you for joining us. tonight i see the big smile on your face. are you confident joe biden is going to win your state? >> yes, i actually am. i just want to say i'm so proud of all of the poll watchers, the election watchers, the people that are doing the counting, everybody across the state of arizona for the job that they're
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doing. they are doing a remarkable job. they're taking their time, and so i'm sure it will not only be accurate but it will be for biden. >> you told me on "gma" in september you hoped to convince suburban women to step out of their comfort zone. is that what happened? >> i think so. i think we've seen a lot of people take a chance on this one. more importantly, i think people realized that it was not only time for a change, but that it was also necessary if we are going to get through this pandemic, make sure that we had our families safe and healthy, and make sure that we had our communities, were also safe and well. so i think there's a lot -- it was more than just stepping out of a comfort zone, but i also think biden's message was very clear, that he would be a president for all people. >> 12 years ago this week your husband gave one of the most gracious concession speeches in american history. talk -- he later talked about the privilege to concede.
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what do you hope to hear from president trump now? >> well, first of all, i think -- one thing that occurred in my family and i can relate to it this way is we had many winning elections and we had a few losing elections to. but the opportunity to make sure that this country remains strong, remains free, works together, is really what is at stake here and what is most important. so a concession speech, be it however you choose to do it or say it, is always necessary and also being magnanimous about things and making sure people understand, i'm willing to work for the country, too, not just for you but for our country. >> have you had the chance to talk with vice president biden since tuesday and what kind of peaceage do ya message do you expect from him? >> i saw him when he was out in arizona, he was out here with kamala harris. i got to talk to him a little bit then and it was very nice
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because he is not just a person that i know and love, but he is one that's really going to put this country back together. he's going to make sure that we find common ground. he's going to bring ethics and empathy back to the office, something that we are sorely in need of right now. like i said before, he's going to be a president for all people, not just democrats. >> your husband and joe biden were great friends. they also fought on issues a lot. i remember being on one trip with them in the middle east many years ago. what do you think he would make of this moment? >> i do believe, i think my husband would be very proud of me. i hope he would. i also think he would think the world of joe. i mean he knew joe very well, as you just stated, but i know john would want what is best for our country. what is best for our country right now is not our party but what is best for our country is joe biden and the change that he will bring to this white house. >> cindy mccain, thank you for
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joining us this evening. >> thank you. thanks. let's go to nevada right now. matt gutman is there. some new votes have come in in the last hour as well. joe biden extending his lead. >> reporter: yes, to about 22,000 votes. only 2,000 more, and the reason for that is clark county, which hoped to release 50,000 votes today only did about, i don't know, less than 30,000 or so. there has been -- this has been a torturous process here in clark county. earlier today the registrar right here in the elections office told a room packed with journalists that they had overestimated the number of outstanding ballots left in clark county by about 20,000, and then later today -- and it just ended about an hour ago -- the nevada gop filed suit against clark county, demanding that it halt the use of its electronic signature machine. it wanted every single vote in clark county -- and there are about 64,000 left, to be counted by hand so we wouldn't know
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exactly how much more time that would take because at this point we are being told by officials here that they don't expect even unofficial results until sunday. so this is a torturously slow process. still, biden's camp believes they're in a very good position. they think they've got nevada locked up here. they're just waiting for somebody to call the race here, and they're feeling really good about it. now, you might be able to see in the reflection behind me. there's a police cruiser backed up right to the front door of this election department, and that is because security here, george, remains a concern. officers told us they will be walking people to their cars. we saw election workers coming out, some of them with batons to protect themselves. nothing has happened. there have been protests here for the past three nights but they have been peaceful. still, lots of concern here, george. >> matt, thanks very much. let's bring in nevada attorney general ford. welcome back, general ford. thanks for joining us. pick up on what matt was telling
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us about. what is the security like in nevada? >> i'm working with local law enforcement to make sure people are safe. we don't like threats of violence going on and we're working together to ensure again that those working right now to protect our vote can do it safely. >> and with the vote itself, any problems you've detected or do you think this is going to end up smoothly in these final hours and days? >> well, i know it is going to end up smoothly. we have trained, elected officials and public servants who have been doing this for years. you know, we know how to run fair, free and safe elections that are secure, and i'm confident at the end of the day the results we receive will be the right results. >> everyone wants to be patient. what do you say to the people who say, why can't you guys finish this? >> well, we want to be certain that we do it right. it is better to be right than to be fast. you heard people say that. it sounds cliche, but the truth is we have mail-in ballots to every eligible voter that was sent out this round and we want to be certain, for example, we don't have duplicate voters, we don't have voter fraud, we have some secure redundancies to
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ensure, for example, we don't have anyone voting twice. so at the end of the day, again, what we want to do is to ensure that we have accurate, an accurate tally of this vote. that's what is going to happen here. >> you pretty sure joe biden is going to hold on to his lead? >> i think it is looking good for joe biden out here. >> okay. general ford, thanks for joining us tonight. let's go to pennsylvania right now. eva pilgrim is there. as we heard rick klein explain the issue with the provisional battle but the counting has continued. >> reporter: that's right. they are counting about 95,000 mail-in ballots that are still outstanding. the largest chunk of the mail-in ballots is in allegheny county. there's about 31,000 of them, and we are expecting an update from them later tonight, but we've been told it won't be a significant update, not a significant number. so that's still going to be an outstanding large chunk of this ballot count that we're doing. then we heard rick talking about the 100,000 provisional ballots and why that has made this
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projection so much harder. it is because we don't know which way those provisional ballots will go. they could reasonably lean towards donald trump because much of the in-person voting that happened on election day leaned in his direction, or could they potentially be those people who got mail-in ballots and then got nervous about what was going to happen with those mail-in ballots and decided to vote in person and they were going to vote for joe biden? we just have to wait and see for these votes to be counted. just another update that i just got on my phone, we have also heard we will not have another update from philadelphia county tonight. so those are all outstanding battle that we are still waiting on, george. >> that means we are likely to be going into tomorrow. thanks very much. let's go to georgia. steve osemsami is there. >> reporter: george, the issue now is the question of how many votes are left. we have about a 4,000 lead for joe biden here, and now the question is just what are the total number of votes
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