tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC November 6, 2020 11:35pm-12:38am PST
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thanks for being here with us. >> it's finally friday and we appreciate your me. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, charlie hunnam, george stephanopoulos, and music from why don't we. and now, jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ young men there's no need to feel down ♪ ♪ i say young men get yourself off the ground ♪ >> jimmy: yes, yes, that's right. ♪ i say young men >> jimmy: welcome to the reality show! ♪ there's no need to be unhappy ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, thank you very much. enough with that. not only are we taking the white house back, we're taking that song back too!
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[ cheers and applause ] thank you. thank you very much. oh, that was uncomfortable. [ laughter ] everybody, thank you for joining in tonight. i'm jimmy, i'm the host. i'm the captain of the dance team here at the show. for the first time in about four years, it's looking like there's no need to feel down. ding dong the witch hunt is almost dead. [ laughter ] the winged monkeys are about to fly out of the white house. the cowardly liar's hitting the yellow brick road. i would not want to be donald trump's "my pillow" tonight. he is liable to chew right through that thing. what a day for the president. pennsylvania, georgia turned out to be bluer than mitch mcconnell's hands. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] the presumptive president-elect, joe biden, addressed the nation tonight. this is unprecedented. a spokesperson for joe biden said the united states government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the white house.
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[ laughter ] in other words, hit the road, mar-a-lago, you're gone! [ cheers and applause ] that's right. imagine if he got charged with trespassing on top of everything else. in the event that trump does have to be removed from the white house, this is how they'll do it. >> the biggest crane you've ever seen. >> jimmy: they go after the roof. >> we're doing incredible -- oh, i can see my own hotel! >> jimmy: through i do go, the end is near. they're still tallying votes in a few states. the results are not looking good for kanye west, that's for sure. [ laughter ] or for his friend donald. what i want to know is why is this taking so long? this is longer than we had to wait between seasons of "game of thrones." [ laughter ] what went on with nevada? even florida was able to get their votes counted on time. their state bird is a lizard. [ laughter ] nevada is the only place in the world where it takes six days to count 60,000 votes, 2 seconds to
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lose $50,000, it's ridiculous. [ laughter ] how about alaska? they still haven't finished counting. how many votes could there be? couldn't they just ask for a show of mittens? [ laughter ] we have robots mopping our floors, but we're still counting votes like we're picking a prom queen in high school. the silver lining, though, of having to wait this long is it's been very, very good for wolf blitzer's fitbit. >> john, you fixed that map for us. we're watching it closely. this is still a nail biter. got a lot going on. you got to look at all these battleground states and give us a sense of the latest. we're looking at the suburbs in kentucky, john. it's pretty significant, what's going on. you know, florida and georgia, two very critically important states. we're looking at at all these races. 89 right now. very, very early but totally expected. big picture where we are right now. wisconsin a little while ago. lots of excitement going on. let's take a look at the big picture. let's go back to john king over
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at the magic wall. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: the wolf is on the hunt. john king has been fondling that wall for 72 hours straight. like hands on a hard body without the truck. [ laughter ] the writing is on that wall and mexico still refuses to pay for it. but abrascam lincoln is not going to go quietly. he's moving on a second term like a bitch. they're saying trump is carrying on business as usual as if he won the election. he's continuing to fire people, watching tv, ignore people, and watch tv. fox news has put out a memo instructing their anchors not to call joe biden "president-elect" even after the network calls the race for biden. which, i don't know, i'm planning to do the opposite. i'm not even going to call him former president trump. i don't want to be reminds of any of this. i will be calling him former pizza hut spokesman donald trump, or future reverse mortgage spokesman donald trump. [ laughter ]
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trump and his minions continue to claim he was robbed. you know, when he plays golf on the scorecard he just writes down any number he wants and he can't understand why they won't let him do that for this. it's nuts. apparently these people were totally unprepare fd for losing why i don't know, everybody else was very prepared for them losing. i get that he's upset and wants to take us all down with him, i just don't understand why anyone else would go along with that. it's like we're all on the bus from "speed" and half the passengers voted against keanu reeves, it makes no sense. part of the reason why this is so hard for donald trump to swallow is because he went around telling everyone how easy it will be to beat joe biden. >> i'm running against the single worst candidate in the history of presidential politics, and you know what that does that puts more pressure on me. can you imagine if you lose to a guy like this? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: imagine it? i've been touching myself to it for a month now. [ laughter ] fortunately we don't have to
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imagine it. matter of fact, i say we impeach him again just for old times' sake before he leaves. [ cheers and applause ] a handful of prominent republicans have begun to distance themselves from trump's plan to squat the government, including mitch mcconnell, who tweeted, here's how this must work in our great country. every legal vote should be counted. any illegally submitted ballots must not. all sides must get to observe the the process and the courts are here to apply the laws and decide disputes. that's how americans vote. decide the vote. trump got a shout-out from his pal, mitt romney, who wrote, the president is within his rights to request recounts, blah, blah, blah, he is wrong to say the election is rigged, corrupt, and stolen. doing so damages the cause of freedom here and around the world, weakens the institutions that lie at the foundation of the republic, and recklessly inflames destructive and dangerous passions. that's the closest mitt romney gets to writing porn. [ laughter ] but it's right. and what's going on is wrong.
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trump's stupid sons keep tweeting stupid things. totally irresponsible things. they know this election wasn't rigged. for those who keep saying the democrats cheated, i want to remind you that in order to prevent people other than him from voting by mail, donald trump had the post office uproot mailboxes, okay? heat he's embarrassed and desperate and here's the thing. losing is never fun, especially for a guy like donald trump. but he did say we'd get tired of all the winning, and look, he was right, we did. [ laughter ] i think donald trump needs to look at the bright side. millions of people voted for him, tens of millions of people, he finished second, he got the silver medal. [ laughter ] it's not so bad being number two, it's pretty good. ivanka's your number two kid, we know she's your favorite. clay aiken was number two. justin guarini was number two. when was is last time you took a test and they required a number 1 pencil? never. alexander hamilton came in second in a duel.
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he went on to star in a major broadway musical. [ laughter ] there are a million great number twos. barney rubble. mashed potatoes. chong. tonto. oats. ever here of r2d1? of course not. embrace it, you're number two. you're a teaming pile of number two, and you should be happy about that. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> guillermo: that's right, jimmy. uno, dos. >> jimmy: is that what it is? spanish? i didn't know. [ laughter ] there's a lot of nonsense going on. protests outside ballot counting centers, bomb threats, altered videos. i guess the idea is that this is part of a widespread conspiracy by the democrats to steal the presidency. but if this was a democrat conspiracy, it wouldn't have included six more years of mitch mcconnell. there's one string going around right now that republican votes were not being counted for people who filled their ballots in with a sharpie.
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and that's true. they're saying dead people voted. they're saying the ballots had some kind of secret watermark on them. i'm sure there are many of these crackpot theorys to come. it makes me wonder, who comes up with them? someone's thinking of that stuff. it just doesn't appear out of thin air. we looked into it. turns out there's a guy who works for the white house whose job, he's in charge of conspiracies. his name is eric stennorwalt and he's with us right now. hello, eric. [ applause ] >> hi hey, jimmy. should i say "jimmy." >> jimmy: no, you should just say jimmy. i'm jimmy. regular jimmy. >> oh, yeah? are you really jimmy? or are you a hyperrealistic, three-dimensional hologram created by the gay illuminati? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, i'm just jimmy. even if there was a gay illuminati, why would they make a hologram of me?
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what good would that do? >> yeah, i don't know. i'm just ripping. just coming up with stuff. but there's something there. hang on, let me write that down. gay hologram jimmy. i don't hate it. >> jimmy: listen, eric, you are the one who comes up with these, shall we say, colorful conspiracy theories? >> well, not as much as i used to, actually. because i'm the head guy now. i don't get to write as much. which really sucks because my staff is giving me a bunch of crap. >> jimmy: well, why are they giving you crap? >> you know these millennials. they're so lazy. >> jimmy: oh, that kind of crap. >> yeah, look at this one here. this one just got sent to me today. mailiens -- what am i supposed to do with this? >> jimmy: outlandish. >> first of all, nectarines are a stone fruit, they are out of season. number two, how do you put your testicles into a nectarine? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: two very good points. but you're working on these
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things all day long, constantly. >> i am. every once in a while i'll have an idea, i try and keep my hand in. check this out. did you know that -- see this name right here? you recognize that name? >> jimmy: yes. >> if you mix up and rearrange the letters of joe biden's name, you get something that is going to amaze you. >> jimmy: okay. >> it spells -- "i boned ej." >> jimmy: okay. so who's ej? >> who's ej? ej, elton john! >> jimmy: oh. >> rocket man? kim jong-un? >> jimmy: oh, it's right there in front of our eyes, i boned ej! >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> couldn't be more obvious. >> jimmy: eric, are you ever ashamed of yourself, to be spreading this stuff? >> listen, i started q-anon out of my garage with none but an old dell laptop, a wayfair cabinet full of kids, and two cranked-up paranoid
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schizophrenics. and now, jimmy, it's a thriving online family with millions of men and women trading anti-semitic memes, going through tom hanks' garbage. it's really quite beautiful, a community. >> jimmy: yeah, but it's a community of lies. you're spreading lies about people. >> oh, come on, stop it. what is a lie? a lie is just a truth that you don't believe. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what? uh -- yeah, that doesn't make any sense. but that's okay. >> well -- does -- maybe something that doesn't make sense is something that does make sense that you haven't made sense of yet. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, i guess. >> besides, the libs are doing exactly the same thing all the time. like what about this story about putin engaging in a massive disinformation campaign to elect trump? come on. >> jimmy: well, that happened, you know. trump's own intelligence agencies uncovered that. that did happen. >> pffft! sure, okay. >> jimmy: oh. >> well, all right, then.
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what about this thing about how the right-wing militants are plotting to kidnap the governor of wisconsin? >> jimmy: well, it was -- not wisconsin, it was michigan. i think the fbi arrested six people for that. >> oh? did you see the fbi arrest them? >> jimmy: no, but i read that they -- >> no, you didn't, right? >> jimmy: no. >> how did you know they did? as a matter of fact, how do you know there is an fbi? you know what happens when you rearrange the letters in fbi? >> jimmy: no, i don't. >> spent the weekend trying to work this one out, check this out. >> jimmy: okay. >> it becomes -- fib! >> jimmy: oh. >> it spells fib! >> jimmy: yes, i know it does, yeah. there's really only one option there, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. well, you know it now. i explained it to you. >> jimmy: yeah, well -- >> what about the secret republican plot to take away people's health care coverage? who came up with that one? >> jimmy: that's not a secret plot, they're arguing that before the supreme court next week. >> oh, jimmy. poor, gullible, can't get an
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erection without 5g jimmy. [ laughter ] don't you understand? >> jimmy: i guess not. and i don't -- no -- i don't understand. >> it doesn't matter if the conspiracy is true. like isn't the world just a little more interesting place if there are two melanias? i think it is. >> jimmy: there aren't melanias, it's ridiculous. >> of course there aren't two melanias. there are 200 of her are [ laughter ] clump is building a army of melanias in his secret bunkers under his country club. that's why he's always golfing. >> jimmy: there are 200 melanias? >> that's right, and none of them will [ bleep ] him. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: wow, that i find a little easier to believe -- >> not one of them. not one. >> jimmy: but why -- >> that's okay, because the president's plan is to unleash them to conquer the world. >> jimmy: oh. >> the only person who could have stopped him was the real james bond. >> jimmy: oh, what, sean
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connery? >> he had to be taken care of. >> jimmy: oh my god. >> yeah, true. >> jimmy: i hope that's not true. >> it's -- oh, it's absolutely true. and it was easy. but i said too much. [ laughter ] i've said way too much. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i should go. i got to get this voter fraud conspiracy thing done in time for "fox & friends" tomorrow. >> jimmy: oh, you're working with "fox & friends," that's exciting. >> oh, yeah, check this out. do you know what you get when you rearrange the name steve doocy? >> jimmy: i do not. >> decoys vote! >> jimmy: oh my god. >> sometimes i even scare myself! >> jimmy: okay, thank you, eric stettorwalt, thank you very much. we have a good show. from abc news, george stephanopoulos is with us. we have music from why don't we. and be right back with charlie hunnam!
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never settle for 25%. always go for 100. bring out the bold™ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ welcome back. tonight from the abc news, "gma," had covid, lived to tell the tale, george stephanopoulos is with us to tell us what's happening. [ cheers and applause ] later on, this is their latest single, it's called "fallen." music from why don't we. [ cheers and applause ] next week starting monday night. luke combs, gillian anderson, taraji p. henson, emmanuel ah-cho, ellen pompeo, and we'll have music from ty dolla sign, maren morris, nathaniel rate-liff, and chris stapleton. join us next week. our first guest tonight is an englishman who spent seven
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seasons riding motorcycles and swallowing bugs on "sons of anarchy." his new movie is called "jungleland" and it premieres tuesday on vod. say hello to charlie hunnam. [ cheers and applause ] who is that? >> this is my kitten that i rescued. she was fast asleep but we woke her up, so i'll put her on the floor so we can concentrate on you. >> jimmy: sorry, kitten. what's her name? >> cleopatra. >> jimmy: yes, like that lady from history. >> yes, right. >> jimmy: see, i know. a lot of cats are named cleo, why is that, i wonder? is it the eyes? >> guess so, yeah. she sort of had a little -- i don't know, we got her and it was just the first name that came to mind. so it stuck. >> jimmy: i heard you're a little under the weather right now. >> i am. i think, thanks to cleo, actually -- it's funny. i'm not sure what i have. i have a little bit of a persistent fever, a dry cough, a little bit of fatigue.
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>> jimmy: oh! >> so it could be covid. i went and had a test earlier this week. and a rapid test. it came back negative. >> jimmy: well, that's good. >> so it might just be unfairly jumping to conclusions. but it feels consistent. i had -- >> jimmy: take off your shirt, let me take a look at you and we'll see what's going on. [ laughter ] never mind. oh did you say you had covid? what that is you're drinking? that's probably why you're sick. that's dirty water you're drinking there! you can't drink water that color. >> i'm just trying to flush it out of my system, yeah. i had it earlier this year. and it wasn't -- it didn't feel like this. it wasn't particularly acute. i just lost my sense of taste and smell for about ten days. and had a little bit of fatigue. this feels very, very different. it feels much more like flu. >> jimmy: can i ask you about that? i think we hear about people losing their sense of taste and smell. so when you eat food, when you
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lost your sense of taste and smell, does everything taste the same? >> yeah. i mean, i literally just couldn't taste anything. it occurred to me, you know, as these things -- it's sort of -- i was aware as these things happen, when you're starting to gettic sick, i wasn't quite right. then i came down to make some coffee one morning, was grinding up the coffee, and realized i couldn't smell at all. and my partner wasn't feeling that great. and so i asked -- i made his coffee, can you taste that? then it was this sort of moment where she said, oh, no, i can't. it was very early on. >> jimmy: right. >> so that piece of this hadn't really come to light as a symptom of mild covid. so i say, you know, do you think we're simultaneously having a stroke? because that was the only thing that i had ever heard would render you incapable of tasting and smelling. >> jimmy: is everyone all right? >> everyone's good. >> jimmy: okay, good. >> everyone's good. but the irony is, i don't know
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how i would have gotten sick again, because i haven't left the house in six months. other than to take my cat, my new cat, to the vet. we rescued this kitten. my partner's sister rescued a kitten out of an alley. and she's been having a series of pretty serious health issues. it's the only place that i've left is gone to the vet. and so that's the only way. whether i just have a cold or a flu or something, the only time i've been in any sort of contact with the outside world was taking her to the vet. and it turns out what she has is feline coronavirus. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> there you go. >> jimmy: i'd like you to stop by my office in the morning, we're going to run some tests. >> yeah, sure. well, lucky. we were talking about me coming in, you know. lucky we decided to do this lidge tally rather than in person. >> jimmy: this is why we have a strict no-cats policy here at the show. [ laughter ] >> yeah, right. >> jimmy: are you a germophobe or anything like that in
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general? you are? >> acutely. >> jimmy: wow. >> which is the delicious irony of this whole thing. >> jimmy: so you wash your hands and everything. >> something's floating around, i'm going to get it. i think that's maybe because i'm such a germophobe, i have a weak immune system. >> jimmy: you cursed yourself. you made yourself weak immunity-wise. that's an interesting theory. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you might have a little bit of hype chondria going too, on top of it. >> yeah, safe to say. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] charlie did you vote? are you registered, are you an american citizen and all that? >> legal resident alien, so unfortunately i do not have that privilege. >> jimmy: you do not. do you feel weird talking about politics, being from another country, talking about american stuff? >> i feel, you know -- you know, i'll just say, with a president like trump, you know, it's probably not a great idea to talk -- speak openly about immigration. you know. it's hard to become a citizen these days.
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i do hope to at some point, become a citizen. but yeah, i do. i feel -- you know, i feel twofold. i feel a little bit uncomfortable just because i'm a guest in this country. and i'm very grateful to be here. i've always wanted to live in america and i wouldn't want to live anywhere else in the world. so i feel very grateful. and secondly, i just feel, you know -- you know, i don't have any social media, and i feel a bit tired of celebrities screaming their political opinions. >> jimmy: right. >> at me and at us. i would feel reticent to do that. >> jimmy: i gotcha, that makes sense. how old were you when you came here to the u.s.? >> 18. >> jimmy: 18 years old. so what do you remember about that, your first time coming here, your first time -- at such a young age. you came here to be an actor, i assume? >> yeah i'd started working in the uk and had opportunity to come here. it had always been my dream. got on a plane and came.
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i just remember it being fairly sort of -- lonely. i didn't really have very much money, and i was staying in a manager's assistant closet. i stayed in a closet. i had a bmx bike. >> jimmy: wow. >> and i did -- you know, a visa, i could come for 93 days. i did 103 meetings in 90 days and didn't get a job. >> jimmy: wow. >> so most of the time i remember just feeling a bit depressed. >> jimmy: and you were persistent, and eventually you came out of the closet. [ laughter ] >> yeah, that's right. that's right. >> jimmy: all right, charlie. we're going to take a break, be right back. charlie hunnam is with us. the movie is called "jungleland." >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by lg wing, the world's first 5g swivel smartphone. we've made a lot of breakfasts. and along the way, we noticed something was missing.
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a warm cinnamon roll for breakfast, or with breakfast. a fluffy blueberry muffin, from the drive thru you're already driving through. a glazed apple fritter, which might find its way into your coffee. these are options every breakfast-haver should have, and now... they do. meet the new bakery sweets at mcdonald's ♪ ba da ba ba ba long lines and deals black frgone in a flash.n that was black friday then. this... is black friday now. this year, target has black friday deals all november. with new deals each week, in-store and on so you can get all the black friday savings, without all the black friday stress. no matter how you shop, it's black friday now, at target.
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it's going to open a lot of doors for us. we could change our lives tonight. come on, give me a little roar. let me hear you roar. i'm working the roar line. rrrr! what, are you [ bleep ] embarrassed in front of the dishwashers? rrrr! rrrr! >> rrrr! rrrr! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's charlie hunnam in "jungleland" which is on vod starting tuesday, directed by max winkler, son of henry
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winkl winkler. did you ever see "happy days" or did you miss that? >> no, we had that in england. >> jimmy: you had that, so you know you're working with the fonz's son. >> the fonz's son, yeah. one of them. >> jimmy: the story of brothers, one of them is a fighter, a bare-knuckle fighter. do you have brothers, by the way? >> yeah, i got three brothers. >> jimmy: did you fight them a lot? >> not the younger two. because they were significantly younger. me and my brother, my big brother, had a couple of moments. >> jimmy: you had a couple of moments. have you ever been in like a real -- like a fight, fight? like as an adult? >> not so much as an adult. growing up as a teenager, unfortunately, had a few. i wouldn't know -- i wouldn't necessarily term them fights. i got my ass kicked a few times. [ laughter ] >> see. >> one of them pretty severely. >> jimmy: is it true that when you first came -- we were talking a minute ago about you coming to the united states as a teenager. and you met madonna? or you were contacted by madonna? >> i was.
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i came here, and you know, the first day -- i was so excited to be here. i got in a taxi. wanted to go to the ocean. i said to the taxi driver, take me to the beach. he said, which beach? i don't know, where the ocean is, you know? so i went to the beach. it was so much money. you know. because i was miles away. so anyway, i walked back and forth, i got a horrible sunburn, ended up having to be sort of bedridden for a week. i had this terrible blister that occurred all the way across my face. exploded. and i had sort of like bloody hamburger meat as a face. and i was in bed feeling sorry for myself. and this lady called me. how she got my number, i still don't know. and it was madonna's manager. who invited me to go to her house for dinner. which was very, very surreal. >> jimmy: to madonna's house? >> yeah, to madonna's house. and i was -- sorry. >> jimmy: and you went to dinner, i assume? >> i did. i mean, you know -- i think i -- the trauma of it has made the
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memory of it fairly hazy. but the one thing, you know -- i had grown up a good, polite, english boy. i wanted to turn up with something, i didn't want to show up empty-handed, but i was 18 so i couldn't take her a bottle of wine because i couldn't buy her one. i bought her a wonder woman pez dispenser. [ laughter ] i don't know what i thought. i thought it might be -- just mild confusion. she just went, "oh, thanks." but i showed up 45 minutes late because i didn't really understand the geography of los angeles. and i -- like, you can't tell anyone madonna's address. obviously. no, even if you get through a car, don't go through the gates, have them drop you off outside. i didn't understand some streets in los angeles are like 27 miles long, you know? and so i got to the street that i recognized the address and said, i'll just get out here. and it was a 45-minute uphill
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walk. [ laughter ] so i arrived an hour late for dinner, sweating profusely, with bloody hamburger meat as a face, holding a wonder woman pez. [ laughter ] [ applause ] it was a humbling experience. >> jimmy: well, that is -- welcome to los angeles is all i can say. >> yeah, welcome to showbiz. >> jimmy: the movie is called "jungleland." it's on vod starting tuesday. charlie hunnam, everybody! thanks, charlie, feel better. we'll be right back. still driving the old model huh? yeah. i've been looking but i just need someone to tell me what a good price is. just use autotrader, it's the only one with kelley blue book. tells you if the price is good. hey, how is she doing that with the door? what is she some sort of goddess? athena? persephone? hera? dionysus? no, i'm claire!
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. we have music from why don't we on the way. our next guest is a licensed news professional who can explain with absolute certainty what's going to happen so we can all go to bed. and then you can wake up with him again on "good morning america" and host of "this week" from abc news, please welcome george stephanopoulos. thanks for joining us. you're there on the set. >> yeah, we're ready, we're waiting for something to happen here. we've been waiting all day,
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waiting all week, we're getting close. >> jimmy: by the time our show airs, you will have aired already. how many hours have you slept since tuesday, may i ask? >> i kind of had an idea you were going to ask that. i figured it out, since tuesday, 14. >> jimmy: 14 total hours. should you be on television with only 14 hours' sleep in four days? >> yeah, it's kind of broadcasting under the influence, isn't it? >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's not great. >> jimmy: are you showering at work or at home? how are you doing that? >> i go home. i run hope. i try once a day. it's been a longtime since this morning. i left the house at 5:00 this morning, and it's now what, 7:30 our time. haven't been home since then. >> jimmy: do you love this? is this your thing, the thing that you live for? >> well, it's pretty fascinating, yes. i've been doing this my whole life, both in politics and covering it. this is such a unique election. it's a real privilege to get to do this. >> jimmy: why do you think this has taking longer than the olympics this time around? is it? >> i think a lot of good -- i
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mean, the simple answer? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i mean, the answer is the pandemic. because of the pandemic you had a lot of vote by mail. then when you combine the pandemic with politics, you've had places, states like pennsylvania, where republicans control the legislature and prohibited the mail-in votes from being counted until election day. it kind of adds up. the third reason is, these races are all pretty close. in these key states. and the people who are counting the ballots are taking extra care because it's so close. >> jimmy: during a week like this, do you know things that other people don't? >> i hope so. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you get inside information on things, and then things maybe that they're not confirmed enough to report, but things that you know? >> well, we try to keep in touch with the campaigns, there's no question about that. one thing we don't know, since i'm on the air, one thing i don't know when is our quote-unquote decision desks are going to call every state.
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there's a real wall between those number crunchers who are looking at the votes, communities in each state, and those of us who are on the air, so that there's no pressure on them. but yeah, we're keeping in touch with the campaigns, trying to figure out what's going on. but just when you think you know something, you can find out, like everybody else, that it's absolutely wrong. and even the people inside both campaigns, it's like around 11:00 on tuesday night, the people inside the trump campaign thought they were going to win this thing. were pretty clear on it. and there was some shakiness inside the biden camp. but then it all kind of stabilized a little after midnight. >> jimmy: it's interesting, because i am getting texts from a lot of people i know who seem to think that i know something. and i don't know -- i don't even know who's going to win "dancing with the stars." i know nothing. and i wonder if you get -- do you get a lot of theories and little insider tips from your friends that turn out to be completely false? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, okay,
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good. i'm glad to hear that. >> every -- especially any one of my friends who's spending a little bit too much time on twitter. >> jimmy: that's where you get it, yeah, right. >> the simple answer to them is, just breathe, take a breath. >> jimmy: you know donald trump. do you expect he will give a concession speech if he does not win? >> he might acknowledge at some point in his words that the election was stolen from him. [ laughter ] i think it's a little hard to see him, you know, to give the traditional -- in fact, i was looking back today at the concession speeches that other candidates had given. george h.w. bush in 1992, incredibly gracious. john mccain in 2008, very gracious. al gore in 2000. i think one thing we can expect from donald trump, just like everything else in his presidency, is that his concession speech will be very untraditional. >> jimmy: yeah. do you share the fear that many have that he will refuse to leave the white house?
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>> it's not his choice, right? i mean, if he loses, he loses. i do wonder about what -- assuming this turns out the way it looks like it's going to turn out, what he is going to do in the future, what he's going to do in these days between now and january 20th. another big question, is he going to show up if joe biden wins at the inaugural? be part of that? >> jimmy: right. he will not be there, not a chance, right? there's no way. you've stayed at the white house, i assume. is there a door, like they could carry him out if they have to actually "cops" style remove him from the building? >> there's a whole bunch of doors, there's a tunnel. >> jimmy: oh, there's a tunnel. >> they can bring a helicopter down to the lawn. yeah. >> jimmy: who have you spent more time with, joe biden or donald trump? personally. >> i've known joe biden longer. i actually interviewed for a job with joe biden back in 1987. >> jimmy: did you get it? >> i did not. it worked out fine for both of us.
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but i spent more time with donald trump over the last four years. >> jimmy: i see. i asked this the other night of cory booker, would you visit him in prison? [ laughter ] >> we're getting a little bit -- >> jimmy: oh, we're getting ahead of ourselves? >> i meant to visit, actually, michael cohen in prison. he was in prison, then the pandemic hit, and it got canceled. so that didn't happen. >> jimmy: so close enough then, huh? [ laughter ] what's the most unusual personal experience you've had with donald trump? >> two. >> jimmy: okay, oh, great. i love that you have these right in your head. go ahead. >> 1997, the first time i met him, i'd just left the white house. just met him in new york at some event. and he invited me down to mar-a-lago to be at the miss universe pageant with him. i did not go at that time.
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and the second time was i guess about a year ago, i spent a couple of days with him at the white house for this special he did, "30 hours of president trump." and the most unusual portion of that was, we were flying back from nebraska on air force one, around 9:00 or 10:00 at 9, 9:00, i guess. he invited me up to his cabin in the front of air force one just to be with him on the flight back, keep him company. and he watched fox news the whole ride back, giving me running commentary on fox news as it was going on. and he was actually very angry that night at fox news. >> jimmy: really? >> because they were running polls that were not favorable to him. he thought that was an act of tremendous disloyalty. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's where you look for the parachute and jump off the plane, right? well, george, how are you feeling? how is your wife allie? you've had covid, i assume you've recovered fully from that? >> fully recovered, thank
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goodness. i think we still have antibodi s antibodies, for whatever that's worth. she's doing fine. it was a little touch and go in march, but everybody's doing great, thank you for asking. >> jimmy: very good. it's very good to see you. thank you for taking time. i know you're very busy. we'll see you again. you'll be back to work. "good morning america" on weekdays, "this week with george stephanopoulos" on sundays. abc's george stephanopoulos, everybody. be right back with why don't we? >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. bubbles at this price? is this for real? oh, it's real... believe me. i mean this is upeected. you would say... remarkable? absolutly.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank andy daly, charlie hunnam and george stephanopoulos, apologies to matt damon. "nightline" is next, but first, playing the song, "fallin'," why don't we! ♪ ♪ ♪ caught in the moment not even thinkin' twice everything's frozen nothing but you and i ♪ ♪ can't stop my heart from beating
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why do i love this feeling make me a promise ♪ ♪ tell me you'll stay with me if i'm bein' honest i don't know ♪ ♪ where this leads but that's the only question baby don't keep me guessin' ♪ ♪ ooh you are my muse i feel so reckless oh, you're makin' me makin' me makin' ♪ ♪ me give in oh baby i can feel the rush of adrenaline ♪ ♪ i'm not scared to jump if you want to let's just fall in love for the hell of it ♪ ♪ maybe we'll just keep fallin' i can feel the rush of adrenaline ♪ ♪ i'm not scared to jump 'cause i want you let's just fall in love for the hell of it ♪ ♪ maybe we'll just keep fallin'
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when i'm around ya i feel it in my veins ♪ ♪ something about ya that's makin' me go insane we have a storm to weather my little sweet surrender ♪ ♪ ooh you are my muse i feel so reckless oh you're makin' me makin' me makin' me ♪ ♪ give in oh baby i can feel the rush of adrenaline i'm not scared to jump ♪ ♪ if you want to let's just fall in love for the hell of it maybe we'll just ♪ ♪ keep fallin' i can feel the rush of adrenaline i'm not scared to jump ♪ ♪ 'cause i want you let's just fall in love for the hell of it maybe we'll just ♪
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♪ keep fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin' fallin' ♪ ♪ ooh you are my muse i feel so reckless oh you're makin' me makin' me makin' me ♪ ♪ makin' me makin' me makin' me makin' me give in oh baby i can feel ♪ ♪ the rush of adrenaline i'm not scared to jump if you want to let's just fall in love ♪ ♪ for the hell of it maybe just keep fallin' i can feel the rush of adrenaline ♪ ♪ i'm not scared to jump 'cause i want you let's just fall in love for the hell of it ♪ ♪ maybe we'll just keep fallin'
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tonight, taking the lead. joe biden edging closer to a historic electoral victory. >> you don't have a final declaration of victory yet, but the numbers tell us it's clear. we're going to win this race. >> the former vice president urging calm and patience. >> let the process work out. >> where the votes stand as a tense nation zeros in on pennsylvania. we're in the key states with voters watching it all. but the latest from president trump and the republicans vowing to continue fighting and standing firm on unfounded claims of fraud. >> we have seen some discrepancies in michigan and some irregularities that deserve
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